#ifndef js_value_h #define js_value_h typedef struct js_Property js_Property; typedef struct js_Iterator js_Iterator; /* Hint to ToPrimitive() */ enum { JS_HNONE, JS_HNUMBER, JS_HSTRING }; enum js_Type { JS_TSHRSTR, /* type tag doubles as string zero-terminator */ JS_TUNDEFINED, JS_TNULL, JS_TBOOLEAN, JS_TNUMBER, JS_TLITSTR, JS_TMEMSTR, JS_TOBJECT, }; enum js_Class { JS_COBJECT, JS_CARRAY, JS_CFUNCTION, JS_CSCRIPT, /* function created from global code */ JS_CEVAL, /* function created from eval code */ JS_CCFUNCTION, /* built-in function */ JS_CERROR, JS_CBOOLEAN, JS_CNUMBER, JS_CSTRING, JS_CREGEXP, JS_CDATE, JS_CMATH, JS_CJSON, JS_CARGUMENTS, JS_CITERATOR, JS_CUSERDATA, }; /* Short strings abuse the js_Value struct. By putting the type tag in the last byte, and using 0 as the tag for short strings, we can use the entire js_Value as string storage by letting the type tag serve double purpose as the string zero terminator. */ struct js_Value { union { int boolean; double number; char shrstr[8]; const char *litstr; js_String *memstr; js_Object *object; } u; char pad[7]; /* extra storage for shrstr */ char type; /* type tag and zero terminator for shrstr */ }; struct js_String { js_String *gcnext; char gcmark; char p[1]; }; struct js_Regexp { void *prog; char *source; unsigned short flags; unsigned short last; }; struct js_Object { enum js_Class type; int extensible; js_Property *properties; int count; /* number of properties, for array sparseness check */ js_Object *prototype; union { int boolean; double number; struct { const char *string; int length; } s; struct { int length; } a; struct { js_Function *function; js_Environment *scope; } f; struct { const char *name; js_CFunction function; js_CFunction constructor; int length; } c; js_Regexp r; struct { js_Object *target; js_Iterator *head; } iter; struct { const char *tag; void *data; js_HasProperty has; js_Put put; js_Delete delete; js_Finalize finalize; } user; } u; js_Object *gcnext; /* allocation list */ js_Object *gcroot; /* scan list */ int gcmark; }; struct js_Property { const char *name; js_Property *left, *right; int level; int atts; js_Value value; js_Object *getter; js_Object *setter; }; struct js_Iterator { const char *name; js_Iterator *next; }; /* jsrun.c */ js_String *jsV_newmemstring(js_State *J, const char *s, int n); js_Value *js_tovalue(js_State *J, int idx); void js_toprimitive(js_State *J, int idx, int hint); js_Object *js_toobject(js_State *J, int idx); void js_pushvalue(js_State *J, js_Value v); void js_pushobject(js_State *J, js_Object *v); /* jsvalue.c */ int jsV_toboolean(js_State *J, js_Value *v); double jsV_tonumber(js_State *J, js_Value *v); double jsV_tointeger(js_State *J, js_Value *v); const char *jsV_tostring(js_State *J, js_Value *v); js_Object *jsV_toobject(js_State *J, js_Value *v); void jsV_toprimitive(js_State *J, js_Value *v, int preferred); const char *js_itoa(char buf[32], int a); double js_stringtofloat(const char *s, char **ep); int jsV_numbertointeger(double n); int jsV_numbertoint32(double n); unsigned int jsV_numbertouint32(double n); short jsV_numbertoint16(double n); unsigned short jsV_numbertouint16(double n); const char *jsV_numbertostring(js_State *J, char buf[32], double number); double jsV_stringtonumber(js_State *J, const char *string); /* jsproperty.c */ js_Object *jsV_newobject(js_State *J, enum js_Class type, js_Object *prototype); js_Property *jsV_getownproperty(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name); js_Property *jsV_getpropertyx(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name, int *own); js_Property *jsV_getproperty(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name); js_Property *jsV_setproperty(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name); js_Property *jsV_nextproperty(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name); void jsV_delproperty(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, const char *name); js_Object *jsV_newiterator(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, int own); const char *jsV_nextiterator(js_State *J, js_Object *iter); void jsV_resizearray(js_State *J, js_Object *obj, int newlen); /* jsdump.c */ void js_dumpobject(js_State *J, js_Object *obj); void js_dumpvalue(js_State *J, js_Value v); #endif