; Search Additional Partition for KolibriOS applications ; ; Copyright (c) 2013, Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of the nor the ; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Marat Zakiyanov ''AS IS'' AND ANY ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ; ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;***************************************************************************** use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd START dd IM_END dd I_END dd stacktop dd 0x0 dd 0x0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- fileinfo: .subfunction dd 5 .Offset dd 0 .Offset_1 dd 0 .size dd 0 .return dd folder_data db 0 .name: dd basic_file_path ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- read_folder: .subfunction dd 1 .start dd 0 .flags dd 0 .size dd 32 .return dd folder_data db 0 .name: dd read_folder_name ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- read_folder_1: .subfunction dd 1 .start dd 0 .flags dd 0 .size dd 32 .return dd folder_data_1 db 0 .name: dd read_folder_1_name ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- start_dir: db '/',0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- basic_file_path: db '/rd/1/' basic_file_name: db 'kolibri.lbl',0 additional_dir_name: db 'addappl',0 real_additional_dir: db '/kolibrios',0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- debug equ no ;yes include '../../macros.inc' if debug eq yes include '../../debug.inc' end if ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START: mcall 5,500 mov ebx,start_dir mov ax,[ebx] mov ebx,read_folder_name mov [ebx],ax mov ebx,read_folder_1_name mov [ebx],ax call device_detect_f70 ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes call print_retrieved_devices_table dps 'get basic file' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- call load_file ; download the master file xor eax,eax cmp [fs_error],eax jne exit mov eax,[fileinfo.size] mov [basic_file_size],eax call search_and_load_pointer_file_label ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- exit: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'just exit' ;newline ; mov edx,read_folder_name ; call debug_outstr ;newline ; mov edx,read_folder_1_name ; call debug_outstr ;newline end if ;-------------------------------------- mcall -1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- device_detect_f70: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read_folder_name: ' mov edx,read_folder_name call debug_outstr newline end if ;-------------------------------------- mcall 70,read_folder test eax,eax jz @f cmp eax,6 je @f ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read_folder_error' newline ; mov edx,read_folder_name ; call debug_outstr ;newline end if ;-------------------------------------- jmp exit @@: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes call print_root_dir end if ;-------------------------------------- mov [left_folder_block],ebx xor eax,eax mov [temp_counter_1],eax mov [retrieved_devices_table_counter],eax .start_temp_counter_1: imul esi,[temp_counter_1],304 add esi,[read_folder.return] add esi,32+40 call copy_folder_name_1 ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes ;dps 'read_folder_1_name: ' ; mov edx,read_folder_1_name ; call debug_outstr ;newline end if ;-------------------------------------- mcall 70,read_folder_1 test eax,eax jz @f cmp eax,6 je @f ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read_folder_error_1' newline ; mov edx,read_folder_1_name ; call debug_outstr ;newline end if ;-------------------------------------- jmp exit @@: mov eax,[read_folder_1.return] cmp [eax+4],dword 0 je .continue mov [right_folder_block],ebx xor ebp,ebp .start_copy_device_patch: imul edi,[retrieved_devices_table_counter],10 add edi,retrieved_devices_table mov [edi],byte '/' inc edi imul esi,[temp_counter_1],304 add esi,[read_folder.return] add esi,32+40 call proc_copy_patch imul esi,ebp,304 add esi,[read_folder_1.return] add esi,32+40 mov [edi-1],byte '/' call proc_copy_patch inc [retrieved_devices_table_counter] inc ebp cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .start_copy_device_patch .continue: inc [temp_counter_1] mov eax,[temp_counter_1] cmp eax,[left_folder_block] jb .start_temp_counter_1 mov esi,retrieved_devices_table+1 call copy_folder_name mov esi,retrieved_devices_table+3 xor ecx,ecx @@: add esi,8 cld lodsw inc ecx cmp ecx,[retrieved_devices_table_counter] ja @f cmp ax,'hd' jne @r sub esi,2 call copy_folder_name_1 ret @@: mov esi,retrieved_devices_table+1 call copy_folder_name_1 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- load_file: mov [fileinfo.subfunction],dword 5 xor eax,eax mov [fileinfo.size],eax mov [fs_error],eax ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'get file info' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- mcall 68,1 mcall 70,fileinfo mov [fs_error],eax test eax,eax jnz .file_error ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'file info ok' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- xor eax,eax mov [fileinfo.subfunction],eax ;dword 0 mov eax,[fileinfo.return] mov ecx,[eax+32] ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'real file size: ' dpd ecx newline end if ;-------------------------------------- test ecx,ecx jz .file_error mov eax,304*32+32 ; 9 Kb cmp ecx,eax jbe @f mov ecx,eax ;----------------------------------- @@: mov [fileinfo.size],ecx ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'get file' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- mcall 68,1 mcall 70,fileinfo mov [fs_error],eax test eax,eax jz @f ; cmp eax,6 ; jne .file_error ; xor eax,eax ; mov [fs_error],eax ; jmp @f ;----------------------------------- .file_error: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read file - error!' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ret ;----------------------------------- @@: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read file corrected size: ' dpd dword[fileinfo.size] newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- search_and_load_pointer_file_label: mov [fileinfo.return],dword folder_data_1 mov ecx,[retrieved_devices_table_counter] dec ecx ; /rd/1/ no need to check mov [fileinfo.name],dword read_folder_name mov esi,retrieved_devices_table ; sub esi,10 ; deleted because /rd/1/ no need to check .next_entry: ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes newline dps 'copy next entry' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- add esi,10 push esi add esi,1 call copy_folder_name mov esi,basic_file_name-1 dec edi call copy_folder_name.1 pop esi ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes mov edx,[fileinfo.name] push ecx call debug_outstr pop ecx newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ; mcall 5,10 push ecx call load_file pop ecx xor eax,eax cmp [fs_error],eax jne @f mov eax,[fileinfo.size] cmp eax,[basic_file_size] jae .sucess @@: dec ecx jnz .next_entry ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'additional parttition is not found!' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ret .sucess: call compare_files_and_mount cmp [compare_flag],byte 0 jne @b ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- compare_files_and_mount: push ecx esi mov ecx,[basic_file_size] mov esi,folder_data mov edi,folder_data_1 .next_char: cld lodsb mov ah,[edi] inc edi cmp al,ah jne .not_match dec ecx jnz .next_char mov [compare_flag],byte 0 pop esi ecx ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'compare files sucess!' newline dps 'mount directory:' newline mov edx,esi push esi call debug_outstr pop esi newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ; prepare real directory path for mounting inc esi mov edi,f30_3_work_area+64 call proc_copy_patch dec edi mov esi,real_additional_dir call proc_copy_patch ; prepare fake directory name mov esi,additional_dir_name mov edi,f30_3_work_area call proc_copy_patch ; here is call kernel function to mount the found partition ; as "/addappl" directory to root directory "/" mcall 30,3,f30_3_work_area ret ;-------------------------------------- .not_match: mov [compare_flag],byte 1 pop esi ecx ;-------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'compare files is not match!' newline end if ;-------------------------------------- ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_folder_name: mov edi,read_folder_name+1 .1: proc_copy_patch: cld @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @r ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_folder_name_1: mov edi,read_folder_1_name+1 jmp proc_copy_patch ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- if debug eq yes print_retrieved_devices_table: mov ecx,[retrieved_devices_table_counter] mov edx,retrieved_devices_table dps 'retrieved_devices_table:' newline dps '----------' newline @@: push ecx edx call debug_outstr newline pop edx ecx add edx,10 dec ecx jnz @b newline dps '----------' newline ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- print_root_dir: dps '----------' dps 'root dir:' dps '----------' newline pusha mov ecx,ebx mov edx,folder_data+32+40 @@: push ecx edx call debug_outstr newline pop edx ecx add edx,304 dec ecx jnz @b popa newline dps '----------' newline ret end if ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM_END: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 left_folder_block rd 1 right_folder_block rd 1 temp_counter_1 rd 1 retrieved_devices_table_counter rd 1 basic_file_size rd 1 fs_error rd 1 compare_flag rb 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 f30_3_work_area: rb 128 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 retrieved_devices_table: rb 10*100 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 read_folder_name: rb 256 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 read_folder_1_name: rb 256 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 folder_data: rb 304*32+32 ; 9 Kb ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 folder_data_1: rb 304*32+32 ; 9 Kb ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 rb 512 stacktop: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_END: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------