;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2009-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; downloader.asm - HTTP client for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; URLMAXLEN = 1024 BUFFERSIZE = 4096 __DEBUG__ = 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1 format binary as "" ;-------------------------------------- frame_1: .x = 5 .y = 10 .width = 350 .height = 55 ;-------------------------------------- frame_2: .x = 5 .y = 75 .width = 350 .height = 55 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; header dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; entry point dd IM_END ; image size dd I_END ; required memory dd stacktop ; esp dd params ; I_PARAM dd 0x0 ; I_Path ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- include '../../../../macros.inc' include '../../../../proc32.inc' include '../../../../dll.inc' include '../../../../debug-fdo.inc' include '../../box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' include '../../http/http.inc' virtual at 0 http_msg http_msg end virtual ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- START: mcall 68, 11 ; init heap so we can allocate memory dynamically ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz exit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mov edi,filename_area mov esi,start_temp_file_name call copy_file_name_path mov edi,fname_buf mov esi,start_file_path call copy_file_name_path ;OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; check parameters cmp byte[params], 0 ; no parameters ? je reset_events ; load the GUI inc [silently] download: call download_1 test [silently], 0xff jnz save reset_events: DEBUGF 1, "resetting events\n" ; Report events ; defaults + mouse mcall 40,EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- redraw: call draw_window still: ;; DEBUGF 1, "waiting for events\n" mcall 10 ; wait here for event cmp eax, EV_REDRAW je redraw cmp eax, EV_KEY je key cmp eax, EV_BUTTON je button cmp eax, EV_MOUSE je mouse jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- key: mcall 2 ; read key stdcall [edit_box_key], dword edit1 cmp ax, 13 shl 8 je download jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- button: mcall 17 ; get id cmp ah, 26 jne @f ; invoke OpenDialog push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 jne still ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] call draw_window jmp still @@: cmp ah, 1 ; button id=1 ? je exit call download_1 jmp save ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mouse: stdcall [edit_box_mouse], edit1 jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- exit: DEBUGF 1, "Exiting\n" invoke HTTP_free, [identifier] ; free buffer fail: or eax, -1 ; close this program mcall ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- download_1: DEBUGF 1, "Starting download\n" invoke HTTP_get, 0, 0, params, 0 test eax, eax jz fail mov [identifier], eax .loop: invoke HTTP_receive, [identifier] test eax, eax jnz .loop ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- save: mov ebp, [identifier] mov eax, [ebp + http_msg.content_received] mov [final_size], eax mov ebx, [ebp + http_msg.content_ptr] mov [final_buffer], ebx mcall 70, fileinfo DEBUGF 1, "File saved\n" test [silently], 0xff jnz exit mov ecx, [sc.work_text] or ecx, 0x80000000 mcall 4, <10, frame_2.y+frame_2.height+7>, , download_complete jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_file_name_path: xor eax,eax cld @@: lodsb stosb test eax,eax jnz @r ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mcall 12, 1 ; start window draw ;----------------------------------- ; get system colors mcall 48, 3, sc, 40 ;----------------------------------- ; draw window mov edx, [sc.work] or edx, 0x34000000 mcall 0, <50, 370>, <350, 170>, , 0, title ;----------------------------------- ; draw frames mov [frame_data.x],dword frame_1.x shl 16+frame_1.width mov [frame_data.y],dword frame_1.y shl 16+frame_1.height mov [frame_data.text_pointer],dword select_addr_text mov eax,[sc.work] mov [frame_data.font_backgr_color],eax mov eax,[sc.work_text] mov [frame_data.font_color],eax push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] ;----------------------------------- mov [frame_data.x],dword frame_2.x shl 16+frame_2.width mov [frame_data.y],dword frame_2.y shl 16+frame_2.height mov [frame_data.text_pointer],dword select_path_text push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] ;----------------------------------- ; draw "url:" text mov ecx, [sc.work_text] or ecx, 80000000h mcall 4, , , type_pls ;----------------------------------- ; draw editbox edit_boxes_set_sys_color edit1, editboxes_end, sc stdcall [edit_box_draw], edit1 ;----------------------------------- ; draw buttons mcall 8,,,22,[sc.work_button] ; reload mcall ,,, 24 ; stop mcall , ,,26 ; save ;----------------------------------- ; draw buttons text mov ecx, [sc.work_button_text] or ecx, 80000000h mcall 4, , , button_text.1 mcall , , , button_text.2 mcall , , , button_text.3 mcall 13,,,0xffffff push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_draw] mcall 12, 2 ; end window redraw ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Data area ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 @IMPORT: library lib_http, 'http.obj', \ box_lib, 'box_lib.obj', \ proc_lib, 'proc_lib.obj' import lib_http, \ HTTP_get , 'get', \ HTTP_receive , 'receive', \ HTTP_free , 'free' import box_lib, \ edit_box_draw, 'edit_box_draw', \ edit_box_key, 'edit_box_key', \ edit_box_mouse, 'edit_box_mouse', \ PathShow_prepare, 'PathShow_prepare', \ PathShow_draw, 'PathShow_draw', \ Frame_draw, 'frame_draw' import proc_lib, \ OpenDialog_Init, 'OpenDialog_init', \ OpenDialog_Start, 'OpenDialog_start' ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- fileinfo dd 2, 0, 0 final_size dd 0 final_buffer dd 0 db 0 dd fname_buf ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mouse_dd dd 0 edit1 edit_box 295, 48, (frame_1.y+10), 0xffffff, 0xff, 0x80ff, 0, 0x8000, URLMAXLEN, document_user, mouse_dd, ed_focus+ed_always_focus, 7, 7 editboxes_end: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- include_debug_strings ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- type_pls db 'URL:', 0 button_text: .1: db 'DOWNLOAD',0 .2: db 'STOP',0 .3: db 'SELECT', 0 download_complete db 'FILE SAVED!', 0 title db 'HTTP Downloader', 0 silently db 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- select_addr_text db ' NETWORK ADDRESS: ',0 select_path_text db ' PATH TO SAVE FILE: ',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- frame_data: .type dd 0 ;+0 .x: .x_size dw 0 ;+4 .x_start dw 0 ;+6 .y: .y_size dw 0 ;+8 .y_start dw 0 ;+10 .ext_fr_col dd 0x0 ;+12 .int_fr_col dd 0xffffff ;+16 .draw_text_flag dd 1 ;+20 .text_pointer dd 0 ;+24 .text_position dd 0 ;+28 .font_number dd 0 ;+32 .font_size_y dd 9 ;+36 .font_color dd 0x0 ;+40 .font_backgr_color dd 0xffffff ;+44 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- PathShow_data_1: .type dd 0 ;+0 .start_y dw frame_2.y+14 ;+4 .start_x dw frame_2.x+20 ;+6 .font_size_x dw 6 ;+8 ; 6 - for font 0, 8 - for font 1 .area_size_x dw frame_2.width-35 ;+10 .font_number dd 0 ;+12 ; 0 - monospace, 1 - variable .background_flag dd 0 ;+16 .font_color dd 0 ;+20 .background_color dd 0 ;+24 .text_pointer dd fname_buf ;+28 .work_area_pointer dd text_work_area ;+32 .temp_text_length dd 0 ;+36 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDialog_data: .type dd 1 ; Save .procinfo dd procinfo ;+4 .com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8 .com_area dd 0 ;+12 .opendir_path dd temp_dir_path ;+16 .dir_default_path dd communication_area_default_path ;+20 .start_path dd open_dialog_path ;+24 .draw_window dd draw_window ;+28 .status dd 0 ;+32 .openfile_pach dd fname_buf ;+36 .filename_area dd filename_area ;+40 .filter_area dd Filter .x: .x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size .x_start dw 200 ;+50 ; Window X position .y: .y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size .y_start dw 120 ;+54 ; Window Y position communication_area_name: db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0 open_dialog_path: db '/sys/File Managers/opendial',0 communication_area_default_path: db '/sys',0 Filter: dd Filter.end - Filter .1: db 'IMG',0 db 'IMA',0 .end: db 0 start_temp_file_name: db 'some.garbage',0 start_file_path: db '/sys/.download', 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- document_user db 'http://' ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- IM_END: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- params rb URLMAXLEN ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- sc system_colors ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- identifier dd ? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- filename_area: rb 256 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- temp_dir_path: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- procinfo: rb 1024 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- fname_buf: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- text_work_area: rb 1024 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- rb 4096 stacktop: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- I_END: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------