left_sort_files: ; mcall 26,9 ; mov [timer_tick],eax cmp [left_folder_block], 0 jz .nothing mov eax,[left_folder_data] add eax,32+40 cmp [eax],word '..' jne @f cmp [eax+2],byte 0 jne @f add [left_folder_data],304 dec [left_folder_block] mov [exit_to_dir],1 jz .return_exit_to_dir @@: ; add memory for sorting mov ecx,[right_folder_data] sub ecx,[left_folder_data] mov ebx,[appl_memory] add ecx,ebx add ecx,4 ; для страховки push ebx mov [appl_memory],ecx mcall 64,1 mov edi,[esp] mov ecx,[appl_memory] sub ecx,edi shr ecx,2 mov eax,0xffffffff cld rep stosd cmp [left_sort_flag],0 je left_name_sort cmp [left_sort_flag],1 je left_type_sort jmp left_size_date_sort .move_sorted_file: ; move sorted file area in folder area mov esi,[esp] mov edi,[left_folder_data] add edi,32 mov ecx,[right_folder_data] sub ecx,edi shr ecx,2 cld rep movsd ; sub memory for sorting pop ecx add ecx,4 ; для страховки mov [appl_memory],ecx mcall 64,1 cmp [exit_to_dir],0 je @f .return_exit_to_dir: sub [left_folder_data],304 inc [left_folder_block] mov [exit_to_dir],0 @@: .nothing: ; mcall 26,9 ; sub eax,[timer_tick] ; mov [timer_tick],eax ; call draw_window ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- left_name_sort: ; sorting of files call prepare_data_1 call left_name_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call left_name_sort_1 .1: call prepare_data_4 jmp left_sort_files.move_sorted_file left_name_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_1 je .file test [esi],byte 0x10 jz .continue jmp @f .file: test [esi],byte 0x10 jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi call sort_by_name.start jae .add_counter .no_add_counter: call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- left_type_sort: ; sorting of files call left_prepare_extension_start_1 call prepare_data_1 call left_type_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call left_type_sort_1 jmp left_name_sort.1 left_type_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_1 je .file ; test [esi],byte 0x10 test al,ah jz .continue jmp @f .file: ; test [esi],byte 0x10 test al,ah jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi cmp [dir_or_file],1 je @f call prepare_data_5 @@: call sort_by_name.start je .1 ja .add_counter .no_add_counter: ; pushad ; pushfd ; dps 'left_type_sort' ; newline ; popfd ; popad call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end .1: cmp [dir_or_file],1 je .add_counter call sort_by_name jbe .no_add_counter .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- left_size_date_sort: ; sorting of files call prepare_data_1 call left_size_date_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call left_size_date_sort_1 jmp left_name_sort.1 left_size_date_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_1 je .file test [esi],byte 0x10 jz .continue jmp @f .file: test [esi],byte 0x10 jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi mov eax,[left_sort_flag] cmp eax,2 je .size_sort call sort_by_date ; je .1 jae .add_counter jmp .no_add_counter .size_sort: cmp [dir_or_file],0 je .file_1 call sort_by_name.start jmp @f .file_1: call sort_by_size @@: jae .add_counter .no_add_counter: call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end ;.1: ; call sort_by_name.start ; jbe .no_add_counter .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- left_prepare_extension_start: xor ebp,ebp mov esi,[left_folder_data] add esi,32+40 .start: call prepare_extension_start_all cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] jb .start ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_extension_start_all: push esi call search_extension_start mov eax,esi pop esi sub eax,esi sub ebx,esi shl eax,16 mov ax,bx mov [esi+300-40],eax mov [esi+299-40],byte 0 add esi,304 inc ebp ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- left_prepare_extension_start_1: xor ebp,ebp mov edi,[esp+4] .start: xor eax,eax mov [edi+300],eax add edi,304 inc ebp cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] jb .start ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;left_files_name_normalize: ; xor ebp,ebp ; mov esi,[left_folder_data] ; add esi,32+40 ;.start: ; push esi ; mov al,[esi] ; call char_toupper ; mov [esi],al ;@@: ; inc esi ; mov al,[esi] ; test al,al ; jz @f ; call char_todown ; mov [esi],al ; jmp @b ;@@: ; pop esi ; add esi,304 ; inc ebp ; cmp ebp,[left_folder_block] ; jb .start ; ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;right_files_name_normalize: ; xor ebp,ebp ; mov esi,[right_folder_data] ; add esi,32+40 ;.start: ; push esi ; mov al,[esi] ; call char_toupper ; mov [esi],al ;@@: ; inc esi ; mov al,[esi] ; test al,al ; jz @f ; call char_todown ; mov [esi],al ; jmp @b ;@@: ; pop esi ; add esi,304 ; inc ebp ; cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] ; jb .start ; ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_prepare_extension_start: xor ebp,ebp mov esi,[right_folder_data] add esi,32+40 .start: call prepare_extension_start_all cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .start ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_prepare_extension_start_1: xor ebp,ebp mov edi,[esp+4] .start: xor eax,eax mov [edi+300],eax add edi,304 inc ebp cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .start ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_data_1: mov [dir_or_file],1 mov [dir_temp_counter],0 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_data_2: mov eax,[dir_temp_counter] mov [dir_temp_counter_1],eax imul eax,304 add [esp+4],eax mov [dir_or_file],0 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_data_3: mov edi,[esp+4+4] add esi,40 add edi,40 mov [sort_counter],0 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_data_4: mov eax,[dir_temp_counter_1] imul eax,304 sub [esp+4],eax ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_data_5: xor eax,eax mov ax,[esi+302-40] add esi,eax mov ax,[edi+302-40] add edi,eax ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- sort_by_name: mov esi,[esp+8] mov edi,[esp+4] .start: cld lodsd mov ebx,[edi] ; bufer add edi,4 cmp al,bl jnz @f test bl, bl jz @f cmp ah,bh jnz @f test bh, bh jz @f ror eax,16 ror ebx,16 cmp al,bl jnz @f test bl, bl jz @f cmp ah, bh jnz @f test bh, bh jnz .start @@: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- sort_by_name_3: mov esi,[esp+8] mov edi,[esp+4] .start: cld lodsd mov ecx,4 rep scasb jz .start ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- sort_by_name_1: mov esi,[esp+8] mov edi,[esp+4] cmp [edi],byte 255 je @f .start: cld lodsb mov ah,[edi] ; bufer inc edi cmp al,ah jnz @f test ah, ah jnz .start @@: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sort_by_date: mov eax,[esi-12] ;+28-40] cmp eax,[edi-12] ;+28-40] jnz .end mov eax,[esi-16] ;+24-40] cmp eax,[edi-16] ;+24-40] .end: ret ;mov eax,[esi-12] ;cmp eax,[edi-12] ;jz @f ;ret ;@@: ;mov eax,[esi-16] ;cmp eax,[edi-16] ;ret ;push ecx ; можно опустить, если ecx не жалко ;mov eax,[esi-12] ;cmp eax,[edi-12] ;setnz ch ;adc ch,-2 ;mov eax,[esi-16] ;cmp eax,[edi-16] ;setnz cl ;adc cl,-2 ;cmp cx,0xFEFE ;pop ecx ;ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sort_by_size: mov eax,[esi-4] ;+36-40] cmp eax,[edi-4] ;+36-40] jnz .end mov eax,[esi-8] ;+32-40] cmp eax,[edi-8] ;+32-40] .end: ret ;mov eax,[esi-4] ;cmp eax,[edi-4] ;jz @f ;ret ;@@: ;mov eax,[esi-8] ;cmp eax,[edi-8] ;ret ;push ecx ; можно опустить, если ecx не жалко ;mov eax,[esi-4] ;cmp eax,[edi-4] ;setnz ch ;adc ch,-2 ;mov eax,[esi-8] ;cmp eax,[edi-8] ;setnz cl ;adc cl,-2 ;cmp cx,0xFEFE ;pop ecx ;ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- add_counter: add edi,304 mov eax,[appl_memory] sub eax,304-40 cmp eax,edi ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_folders_1: mov edi,ebp call multiple_304 ; imul edi,304 mov esi,edi add esi,[left_folder_data] add esi,32 mov ah,0x10 mov al,[esi] cmp [dir_or_file],0 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- copy_folders_2: mov edi,ebp call multiple_304 ; imul edi,304 mov esi,edi add esi,[right_folder_data] add esi,32 cmp [dir_or_file],0 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- move_bdvk: sub esi,40 mov edi,[sort_counter] call multiple_304 add edi,[esp+4+4] call move_bdvk_1 inc [dir_temp_counter] ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- move_bdvk_1: mov eax,[esi+300] mov [edi+300],eax mov ecx,0 mov [edi+299],cl mov cx,[esi+300] add ecx,41 ror ecx,2 mov ax,cx xor cx,cx rol ecx,2 mov bx,cx mov cx,ax cld rep movsd mov cx,bx rep movsb ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- multiple_304: shl edi,4 mov eax,edi mov ebx,eax shl edi,5 shl eax,3 sub edi,eax mov eax,ebx shl ebx,2 sub edi,ebx sub edi,eax ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- move_area_for_bdvk: mov eax,[dir_temp_counter] mov edi,[sort_counter] test eax,eax je .end cmp eax,edi jbe .end call multiple_304 ; imul edi,304 mov ecx,edi mov edi,[dir_temp_counter] add edi,2 call multiple_304 ; imul edi,304 mov eax,ecx mov ebx,[esp+12+4] add edi,ebx mov edx,[appl_memory] cmp edi,edx jbe @f mov edi,edx @@: mov esi,edi sub esi,304 mov ecx,edi sub ecx,ebx sub ecx,eax shr ecx,2 ; pushad ; pushfd ; dph [appl_memory] ; newline ; dps 'ECX:' ; dpd ecx ; newline ; dps 'ESI:' ; dpd esi ; newline ; dps 'EDI:' ; dpd edi ; newline ; popfd ; popad std rep movsd ; pushad ; pushfd ; dps 'move_area_for_bdvk END' ; newline ; popfd ; popad ; mov eax,ecx ; mov ebx,304 ; mov edx,0 ; div ebx ; mov ecx,eax ; sub ecx,2 ; mov eax,[appl_memory] ; mov [temp_ecx],edi ; mov [temp_ebx],esi ; mov [temp_eax],eax ; pusha ; call draw_window ; mcall 5,300 ; popa ; sub edi,303 ; sub esi,303 ;@@: ; push ecx esi edi ; call move_bdvk_1 ; pop edi esi ecx ; sub edi,304 ; sub esi,304 ; dec ecx ; jnz @b .end: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- search_extension_start: mov edx,esi xor eax,eax @@: cld lodsb test eax,eax jnz @b dec esi dec edx push esi @@: std lodsb cmp esi,edx je .end cmp al,'.' jnz @b add esi,2 pop ebx ret .end: pop esi mov ebx,esi ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_sort_files: cmp [right_folder_block], 0 jz .nothing mov eax,[right_folder_data] add eax,32+40 cmp [eax],word '..' jne @f cmp [eax+2],byte 0 jne @f add [right_folder_data],304 dec [right_folder_block] mov [exit_to_dir],1 jz .return_exit_to_dir @@: ; add memory for sorting mov ecx,[appl_memory] push ecx sub ecx,[right_folder_data] add ecx,[esp] add ecx,4 ; для страховки mov [appl_memory],ecx mcall 64,1 mov edi,[esp] mov ecx,[appl_memory] sub ecx,edi shr ecx,2 mov eax,0xffffffff cld rep stosd cmp [right_sort_flag],0 je right_name_sort cmp [right_sort_flag],1 je right_type_sort jmp right_size_date_sort .move_sorted_file: ; move sorted file area in folder area mov esi,[esp] mov ecx,esi mov edi,[right_folder_data] add edi,32 sub ecx,edi shr ecx,2 cld rep movsd ; sub memory for sorting pop ecx add ecx,4 ; для страховки mov [appl_memory],ecx mcall 64,1 cmp [exit_to_dir],0 je @f .return_exit_to_dir: sub [right_folder_data],304 inc [right_folder_block] mov [exit_to_dir],0 @@: .nothing: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_name_sort: ; sorting of files call prepare_data_1 call right_name_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call right_name_sort_1 .1: call prepare_data_4 jmp right_sort_files.move_sorted_file right_name_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_2 je .file test [esi],byte 0x10 jz .continue jmp @f .file: test [esi],byte 0x10 jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi call sort_by_name.start jae .add_counter .no_add_counter: call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_type_sort: ; sorting of files call right_prepare_extension_start_1 call prepare_data_1 call right_type_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call right_type_sort_1 jmp right_name_sort.1 right_type_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_2 je .file test [esi],byte 0x10 jz .continue jmp @f .file: test [esi],byte 0x10 jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi cmp [dir_or_file],1 je @f call prepare_data_5 @@: call sort_by_name.start je .1 ja .add_counter .no_add_counter: ; pushad ; pushfd ; dps 'left_type_sort' ; newline ; popfd ; popad call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end .1: cmp [dir_or_file],1 je .add_counter call sort_by_name jbe .no_add_counter .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- right_size_date_sort: ; sorting of files call prepare_data_1 call right_size_date_sort_1 call prepare_data_2 call right_size_date_sort_1 jmp right_name_sort.1 right_size_date_sort_1: xor ebp,ebp .copy_folders: call copy_folders_2 je .file test [esi],byte 0x10 jz .continue jmp @f .file: test [esi],byte 0x10 jnz .continue @@: call prepare_data_3 .start: push esi edi cmp [right_sort_flag],2 je .size_sort call sort_by_date je .1 ja .add_counter jmp .no_add_counter .size_sort: cmp [dir_or_file],0 je .file_1 call sort_by_name.start jmp @f .file_1: call sort_by_size @@: jae .add_counter .no_add_counter: call move_area_for_bdvk pop edi esi jmp .end .1: call sort_by_name.start jbe .no_add_counter .add_counter: inc [sort_counter] pop edi esi call add_counter jae .start .end: call move_bdvk .continue: inc ebp cmp ebp,[right_folder_block] jb .copy_folders ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------