; MENUET FAR [MFAR] PRE-ALPHA-8.1 ; 2003-2004 (C) Mike Semenyako aka mike.dld ; Compile with FASM for Menuet use32 org 0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd $01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd MEM_USED ; memory for app dd $007FF0 ; esp dd $00,$00 ; I_Param , I_Icon ; ; START:SIZE ; ; +00000000:00007FF0 - image ; +00007FF0:00007FF0 - stack ; +00008000:00000300 - path strings buffer ; +00008300:0003FD00 - files data ; +00048000:00000300 - temporary file read area ; +00048300:00004000 - memory for OS (read/write buffer) ; +0004C300:FFFB3CFF - dinamically allocated for copy, view, edit etc. ; include 'lang.inc' include 'macros.inc' include 'menuet.inc' include 'mfar.inc' START: mcall MF_RDREADFILE,fcfile,0,-1,fc ; read user colors mov esi,p_rd ; left panel = RD mov edi,f_path0 mov ecx,p_rd.size rep movsb mov esi,p_hd ; right panel = HD mov edi,f_path1 mov ecx,p_hd.size rep movsb redraw_all: call draw_window_full jmp still redraw_files: call draw_files still: mcall MF_WAITEVWTO,100 ; waiting 1 sec jmpe al,,\ EV_REDRAW,redraw_all,\ EV_KEY,key,\ EV_BUTTON,button ; after every 1 second [when no other events occur] updating files info ; eg. requesting ACTIVE panel files data and drawing it ;; timed redraw { mov dl,[active_panel] cmp dl,0 jne ._00 push [d_ltsz] jmp @f ._00: push [d_rtsz] @@: call get_files_data pop eax cmp dl,0 jne ._01 cmp eax,[d_ltsz] jmp @f ._01: cmp eax,[d_rtsz] @@: je still ; nothing happened, waiting again mov al,dl jmp redraw_files ;; } ; key pressed event key: mcall MF_GETKEY ; get key-code movzx ecx,[active_panel] jmpe ah,k_directional,\ VK_RETURN,k_return,\ ; execute something VK_TAB,k_tab,\ ; change active panel VK_F5,k_f5,\ ; copy VK_F10,mfar_exit,\ ; terminate VK_CTRLF3,k_ctrl_f3,\ ; sort by name VK_CTRLF4,k_ctrl_f4 ; sort by extension ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_return: call execute_current_file jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_tab: mov edi,[fc.background] call draw_sel ; hide current file selection xor [active_panel],1 ; changing active panel call draw_path ; drawing path of new panel mov dl,[active_panel] call get_files_data ; requesting panel files info mov edi,sel_color call draw_sel ; show current file mov al,[active_panel] call draw_file_info ; and its info (size,date) jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_f5: call copy_file jc still jmp redraw_all ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_ctrl_f3: jecxz ._00 cmp [r_sort],0 je still mov [r_sort],0 jmp @f ._00: cmp [l_sort],0 je still mov [l_sort],0 @@: mov al,cl call mfar_sort jmp redraw_files ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_ctrl_f4: jecxz ._00 cmp [r_sort],1 je still mov [r_sort],1 jmp @f ._00: cmp [l_sort],1 je still mov [l_sort],1 @@: mov al,al call mfar_sort jmp redraw_files ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_directional: cmp ah,VK_LEFT ; non-directional keys ? jb still ; ignore them cmp ah,VK_END ja still jecxz ._00 mov edx,[d_rpos] mov ebx,[d_rtop] mov esi,[d_rcnt] jmp @f ._00: mov edx,[d_lpos] mov ebx,[d_ltop] mov esi,[d_lcnt] @@: xor ebp,ebp ; redraw whole panel [0-no, 1-yes] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jmpe ah,show_cur,\ VK_LEFT,k_left,\ VK_DOWN,k_down,\ VK_UP,k_up,\ VK_RIGHT,k_right,\ VK_HOME,k_home,\ VK_END,k_end k_left: cmp edx,0 je still sub edx,FPC jge @f xor edx,edx @@: mov eax,edx sub eax,ebx jge show_cur inc ebp sub ebx,FPC jge show_cur xor ebx,ebx jmp show_cur ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_down: lea eax,[esi-1] cmp edx,eax je still inc edx mov eax,edx sub eax,ebx cmp eax,FPC*3-1 jle show_cur inc ebp inc ebx jmp show_cur ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_up: cmp edx,0 je still dec edx mov eax,ebx cmp edx,eax jge show_cur inc ebp dec ebx jmp show_cur ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_right: lea eax,[esi-1] cmp edx,eax je still add edx,FPC cmp edx,eax jle @f mov edx,eax @@: mov eax,edx sub eax,ebx cmp eax,FPC*3-1 jle show_cur inc ebp add ebx,FPC jmp show_cur ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_home: cmp edx,0 je still inc ebp xor edx,edx xor ebx,ebx jmp show_cur ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k_end: lea eax,[esi-1] cmp edx,eax je still mov edx,eax mov edi,eax sub edi,ebx cmp edi,FPC*3-1 jle show_cur inc ebp sub eax,FPC*3-1 mov ebx,eax ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ show_cur: mov edi,[fc.background] call draw_sel jecxz ._00 mov [d_rpos],edx mov [d_rtop],ebx jmp @f ._00: mov [d_lpos],edx mov [d_ltop],ebx @@: cmp ebp,0 mov al,cl jne redraw_files mov edi,[fc.selection] call draw_sel call draw_file_info jmp still button: mcall MF_GETPRSDBTNID cmp ah,1 jne noclose mfar_exit: mcall MF_RDDELFILE,fcfile ; delete existing mfar.dat mcall MF_RDWRITEFILE,fcfile,fc,12*4,0 ; create new mfar.dat mcall MF_TERMINATE ; close program noclose: jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// DRAW WINDOW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func draw_window mcall MF_WINPROPS,WP_GETSYSCLRS,sc,sizeof.system_colors mcall MF_WNDDRAW,WD_BEGINDRAW mov edx,[fc.background] or edx,WS_SKINNED mcall2 MF_DEFWINDOW,90,oX+tW*80+4,45,oY+tH*25+4 mcall1 MF_DRAWTEXT,8,8,[sc.grab_text],caption,caption.size mmov esi,oX+2,oX+tW*39+2 mmov edi,oY+3,oY+tH*22+3 mov edx,[fc.default] call draw_frame mmov esi,oX+tW*40+2,oX+tW*79+2 call draw_frame mcall2 MF_DRAWLINE,oX+tW*13+2,oX+tW*13+2,oY+tH,oY+tH*20+3 madd ebx,tW*13,tW*13 mcall mcall2 ,oX+3,oX+tW*39+1,oY+tH*20+3,oY+tH*20+3 mcall2 ,oX+tW*53+2,oX+tW*53+2,oY+tH,oY+tH*20+3 madd ebx,tW*13,tW*13 mcall mcall2 ,oX+tW*40+3,oX+tW*79+1,oY+tH*20+3,oY+tH*20+3 mcall1 MF_DRAWTEXT,oX+tW*5,oY+tH,$00ffff00,lname,lname.size mcall1 ,oX+tW*18,oY+tH mcall1 ,oX+tW*31,oY+tH mcall1 ,oX+tW*45,oY+tH mcall1 ,oX+tW*58,oY+tH mcall1 ,oX+tW*71,oY+tH movzx edi,[l_sort] lea edx,[edi+sort_kind] mcall1 ,oX+tW,oY+tH,$00ffff00,,1 movzx edi,[r_sort] lea edx,[edi+sort_kind] mcall1 ,oX+tW*41,oY+tH call draw_path call draw_bottom_keys mcall MF_WNDDRAW,WD_ENDDRAW ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func draw_window_full call draw_window mov edx,1 call get_files_data mov al,1 call draw_files mov edx,0 call get_files_data mov al,0 call draw_files ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 len dd ? __func get_normal_path pusha mov ecx,5 rep movsb dec esi dec edi mov ecx,5 push eax @@: dec dword[esp] jz @f lodsb cmp al,0 je @b cmp al,' ' je @b stosb inc ecx jmp @b @@: pop eax mov byte[edi],'>' mov [len],ecx popa ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EAX = length needed ; ECX = current length ; EDI = path string __func get_path_ellipses cmp ecx,eax jbe @f pushad lea esi,[edi+ecx+3+6] ; ... + /??/?/ sub esi,eax add ecx,edi sub ecx,esi mov dword[edi+6],'... ' add edi,9 cld rep movsb mov [len],eax popad @@: ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func draw_path pushad cmp [active_panel],0 jne ._00 mov esi,f_path0 mov eax,[f_plen0] jmp @f ._00: mov esi,f_path1 mov eax,[f_plen1] @@: mov edi,f_pathn call get_normal_path mov eax,39 mov ecx,[len] mov edi,f_pathn call get_path_ellipses mcall2 MF_FILLRECT,oX-1,tW*80+1,oY+tH*23-1,tH,[fc.pathbg] mcall1 MF_DRAWTEXT,oX,oY+tH*23,[fc.path],f_pathn,[len] popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; AL = panel __func draw_files push eax mmov ecx,oY+tH*2-1,tH*FPC mov edx,[fc.background] cmp al,0 mov eax,MF_FILLRECT jne ._00 mcall1 ,oX+tW-2,tW*12+3 mcall1 ,oX+tW*14-2,tW*12+3 mcall1 ,oX+tW*27-2,tW*12+3 mmov ebx,oX+tW,oY+tH*2 mov edx,[d_ltop] shl edx,4 add edx,lstart mov edi,[d_lcnt] mov esi,edi sub edi,[d_ltop] jmp @f ._00: mcall1 ,oX+tW*41-2,tW*12+3 mcall1 ,oX+tW*54-2,tW*12+3 mcall1 ,oX+tW*67-2,tW*12+3 mmov ebx,oX+tW*41,oY+tH*2 mov edx,[d_rtop] shl edx,4 add edx,rstart mov edi,[d_rcnt] mov esi,edi sub edi,[d_rtop] @@: cmp esi,0 je .exit_nok ; no files mov ecx,3 .next_col: push ecx mov ecx,FPC .next_row: dec edi jge @f pop eax jmp .exit_ok @@: push ecx call get_file_color mov esi,edx call get_file_name push edx mcall 4,,,f_name,12 ; draw file name pop edx ecx add ebx,tH add edx,16 dec ecx jnz .next_row pop ecx dec ecx jz .exit_ok madd ebx,tW*13,0 mov bx,oY+tH*2 jmp .next_col .exit_ok: mov edi,sel_color call draw_sel .exit_nok: pop eax call draw_file_info ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func draw_bottom_keys pushad mcall2 MF_FILLRECT,oX-1,tW*80+1,oY+tH*24-1,tH+1,[fc.pathbg] dec ecx mcall1 ,oX+tW-1,tW*6+1,,[fc.keysbg] mov esi,7 @@: madd ebx,tW*8,0 mcall dec esi jge @b mcall1 ,oX+tW*73-1,tW*7+1 mcall MF_DRAWNUMBER,$00010100,1,oX*65536+(oY+tH*24),[fc.path] sub edx,$00010000 @@: inc cl madd edx,tW*8,0 mcall cmp cl,10 jb @b mcall1 MF_DRAWTEXT,oX+tW,oY+tH*24,[fc.keys],btmkeys,btmkeys.size popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ESI = X1*65536+X2 ; EDI = Y1*65536+Y2 ; EDX = color __func draw_frame mov ecx,edi mov ebx,edi shr ebx,16 mov cx,bx mcall MF_DRAWLINE,esi mov ecx,edi shl ecx,16 mov cx,di mcall mov ebx,esi mov ecx,esi shr ecx,16 mov bx,cx mcall ,,edi mov ebx,esi shl ebx,16 mov bx,si mcall ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EDX = pointer to file data __func get_file_color push esi mov cl,[edx+11] test cl,(FA_HIDDEN or FA_SYSTEM) jz @f mov ecx,[fc.system] jmp .exit @@: test cl,FA_FOLDER jz @f mov ecx,[fc.folder] jmp .exit @@: mov ecx,[edx+7] and ecx,$ffffff00 or ecx,$00000020 mov esi,ext0-4 @@: lodsd or eax,eax jz @f cmp ecx,eax jne @b mov ecx,[fc.executable] jmp .exit @@: lodsd or eax,eax jz @f cmp ecx,eax jne @b mov ecx,[fc.bitmap] jmp .exit @@: lodsd or eax,eax je @f cmp ecx,eax jne @b mov ecx,[fc.source] jmp .exit @@: mov ecx,[fc.default] .exit: pop esi ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; EDI = color __func draw_sel pushad cmp [active_panel],0 jne ._00 mov eax,[d_lpos] sub eax,[d_ltop] mov esi,[d_lcnt] jmp @f ._00: mov eax,[d_rpos] sub eax,[d_rtop] mov esi,[d_rcnt] @@: cmp esi,0 je .exit mov cl,FPC div cl mov bp,ax and eax,$000000FF mov cl,tW*13 mul cl add ax,oX+tW-2 push eax shl eax,16 mov ax,tW*12+3 mov ebx,eax mov ax,bp shr eax,8 and eax,$000000FF mov cl,tH mul cl add ax,oY+tH*2-1 push eax shl eax,16 mov ax,tH mov ecx,eax mov edx,edi cmp [active_panel],0 je @f madd ebx,(40*6),0 @@: mcall MF_FILLRECT pop eax movzx ebx,ax inc bx pop eax add ax,2 shl eax,16 or ebx,eax cmp [active_panel],0 jne ._01 mov edx,[d_lpos] shl edx,4 add edx,lstart jmp @f ._01: mov edx,[d_rpos] shl edx,4 add edx,rstart @@: mov esi,edx call get_file_name call get_file_color cmp ecx,edi jne @f xor ecx,ecx @@: cmp [active_panel],0 je @f madd ebx,tW*40,0 @@: mcall MF_DRAWTEXT,,,f_name,12 .exit: popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; AL = panel __func draw_file_info push eax mmov ecx,oY+tH*21,tH mov edx,[fc.background] cmp al,0 mov eax,MF_FILLRECT jne ._00 mcall1 ,oX+tW,tW*38+1 mov esi,[d_lpos] shl esi,4 add esi,lstart mov edi,[d_lcnt] jmp @f ._00: mcall1 ,oX+tW*41,tW*38+1 mov esi,[d_rpos] shl esi,4 add esi,rstart mov edi,[d_rcnt] @@: cmp edi,0 jne @f pop eax ret @@: call get_file_info mov dword[file_info+17],' ' mov word[file_info+15],' ' test byte[esi+11],FA_FOLDER jz @f mov dword[file_info+21],' DIR' jmp .no_size @@: mov dword[file_info+21],' ' mov eax,[f_size] mov esi,file_info+24 mov ebx,10 mov ecx,ebx @@: xor edx,edx div ebx add dl,'0' mov [esi],dl or eax,eax jz .no_size dec esi loop @b .no_size: pop eax mmov edx,oX+tW*35,oY+tH*21 mmov ebx,oX+tW,oY+tH*21 cmp al,0 je @f madd edx,tW*40,0 madd ebx,tW*40,0 @@: push edx mcall MF_DRAWTEXT,,[fc.default],file_info,34 pop edx mov esi,ecx mov cx,[f_year] mcall MF_DRAWNUMBER,$00040000 sub edx,$00240000 ; 6*6 = $24 movzx ecx,[f_day] mcall ,$00020000 add edx,$00120000 mov cl,[f_mnth] mcall ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func get_file_name pushad mov eax,[esi+0] mov [f_name+0],eax mov eax,[esi+4] mov [f_name+4],eax mov eax,[esi+8] shl eax,8 and eax,$FFFFFF00 or al,$00000020 mov [f_name+8],eax popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ESI = pointer to file data __func get_file_info pushad mov eax,[esi+12] mov dword[f_info],FS_READ mov [f_info+4],eax mov dword[f_info+12],read_area mcall MF_FSACCESS,f_info cmp eax,ERR_SUCCESS je @f cmp eax,ERR_FS_LAST ja @f popad stc ret @@: mov eax,read_area mov ecx,16 .next_file: mov edx,[esi+0] cmp [eax+0],edx jne @f mov edx,[esi+4] cmp [eax+4],edx jne @f mov edx,[esi+8] cmp [eax+8],edx jne @f mov esi,eax jmp .found @@: add eax,32 loop .next_file .found: push esi mov eax,' ' mov ecx,3 mov edi,file_info rep stosd mov edi,file_info mov ecx,2 rep movsd mov edi,file_info @@: cmp byte[edi],' ' jbe @f inc edi jmp @b @@: mov eax,[esi] shl eax,8 mov al,'.' cmp eax,'. ' je @f mov [edi],eax @@: pop esi mov eax,[esi+28] mov [f_size],eax mov eax,[esi+24] mov [f_day],al and [f_day],00011111b shr eax,5 mov [f_mnth],al and [f_mnth],00001111b shr eax,4 mov [f_year],ax and [f_year],01111111b add [f_year],1980 popad clc ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; DL = panel __func get_files_data pushad mov [d_tcnt],0 mov [d_ttsz],0 cmp dl,0 jne ._00 mov esi,f_path0 mov ecx,[f_plen0] jmp @f ._00: mov esi,f_path1 mov ecx,[f_plen1] @@: push edi mov edi,f_info.path mov byte[edi+ecx],0 rep movsb pop edi cmp dl,0 jne ._01 mov edi,lstart jmp @f ._01: mov edi,rstart @@: push edx xor ebp,ebp mov dword[f_info],FS_READ ; read mov dword[f_info+8],1 ; 1 block mov dword[f_info+12],read_area ; to read_area .next_block: mov dword[f_info+4],ebp ; starting from block #ebp mcall MF_FSACCESS,f_info cmp eax,ERR_SUCCESS je @f cmp eax,ERR_FS_LAST ja @f jmp .exit @@: mov esi,read_area mov ecx,16 .next_file: cmp word[esi],0 ; end of entries je .exit cmp word[esi],'. ' ; self-pointer je .skip test byte[esi+11],FA_LABEL ; disk label jnz .skip cmp byte[esi+11],$0F ; fat32 je .skip cmp byte[esi],$E5 ; erased je .skip mov eax,[esi+28] ; add file size add [d_ttsz],eax ; to folder size push ecx mov ecx,3 rep movsd ; copy name, attriputes mov [edi],ebp ; and block number add edi,4 add esi,20 inc [d_tcnt] ; increase folder files counter ; cmp [d_tcnt],max_cnt ; je .exit pop ecx jmp @f .skip: add esi,32 @@: loop .next_file cmp [d_tcnt],max_cnt je .exit inc ebp jmp .next_block .exit: pop edx push [d_ttsz] mov eax,[d_tcnt] cmp dl,0 jne ._02 mov [d_lcnt],eax pop [d_ltsz] jmp @f ._02: mov [d_rcnt],eax pop [d_rtsz] @@: popad mov al,dl call mfar_sort ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func execute_current_file pushad cmp [active_panel],0 jne ._00 mov esi,[d_lpos] shl esi,4 add esi,lstart mov edi,f_path0 mov ecx,f_plen0 jmp @f ._00: mov esi,[d_rpos] shl esi,4 add esi,rstart mov edi,f_path1 mov ecx,f_plen1 @@: call get_file_info test byte[esi+11],FA_FOLDER jz .file cmp word[esi],'..' jne .enter_dir add edi,[ecx] dec edi @@: dec [f_plen1] cmp byte[edi],'/' je @f dec edi jmp @b @@: mov dword[edi],0 jmp @f .enter_dir: add edi,[ecx] push ecx edi mov byte[edi],'/' inc edi mov esi,file_info mov ecx,3 cld rep movsd mov dword[edi],0 pop esi ecx sub edi,esi add dword[ecx],edi mov [d_rpos],0 mov [d_rtop],0 @@: mov dl,[active_panel] call get_files_data call draw_path mov al,dl call draw_files jmp .exit .file: mov eax,[esi+8] shl eax,8 and eax,$FFFFFF00 or eax,$00000020 cmp eax,' ' jne .exit mov esi,edi mov eax,[ecx] mov edi,f_pathn call get_normal_path mov esi,f_pathn mov ecx,[len] dec ecx mov edi,f_info.path rep movsb mov byte[edi],'/' inc edi mov esi,file_info @@: movsb cmp byte[esi],0 je @f cmp byte[esi],' ' jne @b @@: mov byte[edi],0 mov dword[f_info],FS_EXECUTE mov dword[f_info+12],0 mcall MF_FSACCESS,f_info .exit: popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __func delete_current_file pushad popad ret endf ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// INCLUDES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'mf-copy.inc' include 'mf-sort.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///// DATA /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 f_size dd ? f_day db ? f_mnth db ? f_year dw ? d_lpos dd 0 d_ltop dd 0 d_lcnt dd 0 d_ltsz dd 0 d_rpos dd 0 d_rtop dd 0 d_rcnt dd 0 d_rtsz dd 0 d_tpos dd ? d_ttop dd ? d_tcnt dd ? d_ttsz dd ? f_info: dd 0 dd 0 dd ? dd read_area dd MEM_FOR_OS .path: rb 200 f_plen0 dd 5 f_plen1 dd 5 sz caption,'MFAR : PRE-ALPHA-8.1' sz fcfile,'MFAR DAT' sz p_hd,'/HD/1',0 sz p_rd,'/RD/1',0 ext0: db ' EXE COM BAT CMD' dd 0 ext1: db ' BMP GIF JPG PNG WMF' dd 0 ext2: db ' ASM INC' dd 0 ;----- LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC STRINGS ----- include 'mf-lang.inc' ;------------------------------------- f_name: rb 12 file_info: db ' . .' active_panel db 0 ;--------------------------------- sel_color = $00008080 FPC = 18 MEM_FOR_OS = $48300 MEM_USED = $4C300 read_area = $48000 fdata_size = $40000-$300 max_cnt = fdata_size/32 lstart = $8000+$300 rstart = lstart+max_cnt*16 f_path0 = $8000 f_path1 = $8000+$100 f_pathn = $8000+$200 align 4 sc system_colors fc mfar_colors I_END: ; 16 bytes per entry: ; -> 8 bytes - name ; -> 3 bytes - extension ; -> 1 byte - attributes ; -> 4 bytes - block number