; MIDI PLAYER FOR MENUET v1.0 ; Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow ; ; ; Created: December 7, 2004 ; Last changed: July 29, 2005 ; ; COMPILE WITH FASM PLAYLIST_PATH equ '/HD0/1/PLAYLIST.TXT' ;APP_MEM equ 150*1024 IPC_PLAY equ 0xa1 IPC_PAUS equ 0xa2 IPC_TRIG equ 0xa3 IPC_UPDT equ 0xb1 IPC_NEXT equ 0xb2 LISTITEMS equ 40 WND_BACK equ 0x24263c PLY equ 63 WND_HEIGHT equ (PLY+9*LISTITEMS+10)+25 BTNS_XY equ 14 shl 16+42 BTNS_SIZE equ 222 shl 16+17 BROWSE_X equ 10 shl 16+8 BROWSE_Y equ 26 shl 16+8 FN_XY equ 12 shl 16+15 BAR_WIDTH equ 251 BAR_X equ 10 shl 16 BAR_Y equ 29 shl 16+5 TOTALTIME_XY equ 124 shl 16+28 CURTIME_X equ 225 shl 16+40 CURTIME_Y equ 15 shl 16+11 CURTIME_XY equ 236 shl 16+15 NONCRITICAL_MSG equ 0 SOUND equ ON;OFF OUTDUMP equ 0 OUTLINE equ 8 FL_SHUFFLE equ 0x01 FL_REPEAT equ 0x02 FL_HIDDEN equ 0x04 FL_MUTE equ 0x08 FL_REVERSE equ 0x10 FL_ADD equ 0x20 FL_PLAY equ 0x40 FL_LOCK equ 0x80 FL_BOTTRED equ 0x100 FL_MULSEL equ 0x8000 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd START dd IM_END dd I_END ;APP_MEM dd stacktop ;APP_MEM - 1024 dd I_PARAM dd cur_dir_path listsel dd 0 channel dd 0 COLOR_ORDER equ MENUETOS include '../../../macros.inc' ; decrease code size (optional) include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac' @use_library lang fix en ;purge mov include 'debug.inc' ;include 'dlg.inc' include 'playlist.inc' include 'gif_lite.inc' bottom: file 'bottom.gif' hdrimg: file 'hdr.gif' btns: file 'buttons.gif' START: mcall 68, 11 load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs mov esi,I_PARAM cmp dword[esi],0 jz @f mov edi,filename mov ecx,256/4 rep movsd mov byte [edi-1], 0 @@: ;OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] or [flag],FL_BOTTRED;+FL_MUTE mov ecx,ipcarea call init_ipc mcall 40,1000111b mov esi,btns mov edi,btn_raw call ReadGIF mov esi,hdrimg mov edi,hdr_raw call ReadGIF mov esi,bottom mov edi,bottom_raw call ReadGIF call respawn mcall 9,prcinfo,-1 mov edx,[ebx+30] mov [parentPID],edx mov esi,I_PARAM cmp dword[esi],0 jnz .yesparam call PL_load cmp [list_count],0 je noparam mov eax,[pl_ptr] or word[eax],FL_MULSEL jmp auto_load .yesparam: mov al,byte[esi] cmp al,'/' je .defact mov [param],al inc esi .defact: mov edi,filename;fnbuf mov ecx,64 rep movsd jmp open_file clearpath: newline mov [fname_len],0 noparam: mov [param],'W' or [flag],FL_ADD ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;OpenDialog_start: ; copy_path open_dialog_name,path,library_path,0 mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0 ; Open or [flag],FL_LOCK push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] and [flag],not FL_LOCK ; cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],2 ; OpenDialog does not start ; je .fopen ; some kind of alternative, instead OpenDialog cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 ; je open_file ; jmp still jne still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;.fopen: ; call fopen ; get_path: ; cmp byte[filename],0 ; jz still open_file: cmp [param],'W' je .noplay cmp [param],'H' jne .nohidd ; or [flag],FL_PLAY or [flag],FL_HIDDEN call draw_window and [flag],not FL_HIDDEN call Shade ; jmp .noplay .nohidd: or [flag],FL_PLAY .noplay: xor eax,eax mov [play_area],ax mov [tick_count],eax mov [delta],eax mov [curnote],0x80 mov ecx,64 mov esi,filename mov edi,I_PARAM rep movsd mov eax,70 mov ebx,file_info mcall add ebx,workarea mov [midi_limit],ebx mov edi,I_PARAM call find_slash mov [fn_ptr],edi mov edi,filename call str_len mov [fname_len],eax midi_kill: call kill include 'midilite.inc' decode_end: ; dpd edi ; dps <13,10,'Notes='> ; sub edi,[midi_limit] ; shr edi,1 ; dpd edi dps ' Notes: max=' movzx eax,[max_note] dpd eax dps 'min=' movzx eax,[min_note] dpd eax newline ; sub esi,workarea ; jmp _close .play: call kill call respawn xor edx,edx mov esi,[midi_limit] mov [cur_ptr],esi mov [cur_tick],edx mov [delta],edx .count_ticks: lodsw test eax,eax jz .eof and eax,0x7f add edx,eax jmp .count_ticks .eof: mov [tick_count],edx if OUTDUMP eq 1 mov esi,[midi_limit] call out_dump end if and [flag],not FL_LOCK test [flag],FL_PLAY jz .noplay call draw_window mcall 5,100 mov eax,IPC_PLAY call ipc_send .noplay: test [flag],FL_ADD jz red mov esi,filename mov ecx,[fname_len] movzx eax,[list_count] mov [play_num],eax add_song: call PL_add and [flag],not FL_ADD red: call draw_window still: mov ecx,ipcarea call init_ipc mov eax,10 mcall prc_event: test eax,eax jz still .evt: cmp eax,1 je red cmp eax,2 je key cmp eax,3 je button cmp eax,7 jne still movzx eax,byte[ipcarea+16] cmp eax,IPC_UPDT jne .noupdt call draw_bar jmp still .noupdt: cmp eax,IPC_NEXT jne still cmp [param],'H' je _close xor edx,edx test [flag],FL_SHUFFLE jz .noshuf mcall 26,9 movzx ebx,byte[list_count] div ebx mov eax,edx jmp play_ .noshuf: test [flag],FL_REPEAT jnz decode_end.play mov eax,[play_num] inc eax cmp al,[list_count] jb bList.next mov eax,IPC_PAUS call ipc_send jmp red if OUTDUMP eq 1 out_dump: mov ecx,OUTLINE .next_byte: lodsd bswap eax dph eax dps ' ' lodsd bswap eax dph eax dps <13,10> loop .next_byte ret end if str_len: ; in: edi-str ptr ; out: eax-str length push ecx edi xor eax,eax mov ecx,256 repne scasb jecxz .nofn sub edi,[esp] mov eax,edi .nofn: pop edi ecx ret ;fopen: ; or [flag],FL_LOCK ;; opendialog draw_window, ret_path, ret_path, filename ;ret_path: ; and [flag],not FL_LOCK ; ret include 'event.inc' include "thread.inc" include "draw.inc" ; Здесь находятся данные программы: dd -2 shl 16+4,251,12 shl 16,29 shl 16+5 dd 21,16 main_coo: dd 14 shl 16, 42 shl 16,23 shl 16 dd 228 shl 16+38 dd 14 shl 16+10 dd 236 shl 16+15 btncoords: dd 120 shl 16+20, 1 shl 16+15 dd 149 shl 16+44, 2 shl 16+12 dd 195 shl 16+26, 2 shl 16+12 dd -2 shl 16+4,54,63 shl 16,6 shl 16+4 dd 6,6 main_coo2: dd 169 shl 16, 4 shl 16,9 shl 16 dd 121 shl 16+40 dd 3 shl 16+9 dd 130 shl 16+4 btncoords2: dd 48 shl 16+6, 6 dd 2000 shl 16+44, 2 shl 16+12 dd 2000 shl 16+26, 2 shl 16+12 ipcarea rb 20 ipcarea2 rb 20 dots db ':-' text db 'tone> chnl>