;;================================================================================================;; ;;//// tiff.asm //// (c) dunkaist, 2011-2013 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;; ;; ;; This file is part of Common development libraries (Libs-Dev). ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 ;; ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;; ;; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libs-Dev. ;; ;; If not, see . ;; ;; ;; ;;================================================================================================;; include 'tiff.inc' ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.is.tiff _data, _length ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Determine if raw data could be decoded (is in tiff format) ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = false / true ;; ;;================================================================================================;; push esi mov esi, [_data] lodsw cmp ax, word 'II' je .little_endian cmp ax, word 'MM' je .big_endian jmp .is_not_tiff .little_endian: lodsw cmp ax, 0x002A je .is_tiff jmp .is_not_tiff .big_endian: lodsw cmp ax, 0x2A00 je .is_tiff .is_not_tiff: pop esi xor eax, eax ret .is_tiff: pop esi xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.decode.tiff _data, _length, _options ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Decode data into image if it contains correctly formed raw data in tiff format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to image ;; ;;================================================================================================;; locals _endianness rd 1 ; 0 stands for LE, otherwise BE retvalue rd 1 ; 0 (error) or pointer to image endl push ebx edx esi edi mov esi, [_data] lodsw mov [_endianness], 0 cmp ax, word 'II' seta byte[_endianness] lodsw_ lodsd_ @@: stdcall tiff._.parse_IFD, [_data], eax, [_endianness] mov ebx, eax mov [retvalue], eax lodsd_ test eax, eax ; jnz @b .quit: mov eax, [retvalue] pop edi esi edx ebx ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.encode.tiff _img, _p_length, _options ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Encode image into raw data in tiff format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _img = pointer to image ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to encoded data ;; ;< _p_length = encoded data length ;; ;;================================================================================================;; xor eax, eax ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below are private procs you should never call directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; proc tiff._.parse_IFD _data, _IFD, _endianness locals extended rd 1 retvalue rd 1 decompress rd 1 endl push ebx edx edi mov [retvalue], 0 invoke mem.alloc, sizeof.tiff_extra test eax, eax jz .quit mov [extended], eax mov ebx, eax mov edi, eax mov ecx, sizeof.tiff_extra/4 xor eax, eax rep stosd mov esi, [_IFD] add esi, [_data] lodsw_ movzx ecx, ax @@: push ecx stdcall tiff._.parse_IFDE, [_data], [_endianness] pop ecx dec ecx jnz @b call tiff._.define_image_type stdcall img.create, [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax test eax, eax jz .quit mov [retvalue], eax mov edx, eax mov [edx + Image.Extended], ebx cmp [ebx+tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.UNCOMPRESSED jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.uncompressed jmp .decompressor_defined @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.PACKBITS jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.packbits jmp .decompressor_defined @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.LZW jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.lzw jmp .decompressor_defined @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.CCITT1D jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.ccitt1d jmp .decompressor_defined @@: mov [decompress], 0 jmp .quit .decompressor_defined: push esi ; fixme!! mov ecx, [edx + Image.Type] cmp ecx, Image.bpp8i je .bpp8i cmp ecx, Image.bpp24 je .bpp24 cmp ecx, Image.bpp32 je .bpp32 cmp ecx, Image.bpp16 je .bpp16 cmp ecx, Image.bpp1 je .bpp1 cmp ecx, Image.bpp8g je .bpp8g cmp ecx, Image.bpp8a je .bpp8a cmp ecx, Image.bpp2i je .bpp2i cmp ecx, Image.bpp4i je .bpp4i jmp .quit ;error report!! .bpp1: .bpp1.palette: mov edi, [edx+Image.Palette] cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC.BLACK_IS_ZERO jne .bpp1.white_is_zero .bpp1.black_is_zero: mov [edi], dword 0xff000000 mov [edi + 4], dword 0xffffffff jmp .common .bpp1.white_is_zero: mov [edi], dword 0xffffffff mov [edi + 4], dword 0xff000000 jmp .common .bpp2i: stdcall tiff._.get_palette, 1 SHL 2, [_endianness] jmp .common .bpp4i: stdcall tiff._.get_palette, 1 SHL 4, [_endianness] jmp .common .bpp8i: stdcall tiff._.get_palette, 1 SHL 8, [_endianness] jmp .common .bpp8g: jmp .common .bpp8a: jmp .common .bpp16: jmp .common .bpp24: jmp .common .bpp32: jmp .common .common: mov edi, [edx+Image.Data] mov esi, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_offsets] mov edx, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts] cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .l_x cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .s_l jmp .s_s .l_x: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .l_l jmp .l_s .s_s: xor eax, eax lodsw_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] xor ecx, ecx mov cx, word[edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f xchg cl, ch @@: add edx, 2 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .s_s jmp .decoded .s_l: xor eax, eax lodsw_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] mov ecx, [edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f bswap ecx @@: add edx, 4 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .s_l jmp .decoded .l_s: lodsd_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] xor ecx, ecx mov cx, word[edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f xchg cl, ch @@: add edx, 2 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .l_s jmp .decoded .l_l: lodsd_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] mov ecx, [edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f bswap ecx @@: add edx, 4 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .l_l jmp .decoded .decoded: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.planar_configuration], TIFF.PLANAR.PLANAR jne .post.rgb_bgr stdcall tiff._.planar_to_separate, [retvalue] .post.rgb_bgr: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], 3 jne .post.rgba_bgra mov eax, [retvalue] mov esi, [eax + Image.Data] mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov ecx, [eax + Image.Width] imul ecx, [eax + Image.Height] @@: lodsw movsb mov byte[esi - 1], al add edi, 2 dec ecx jnz @b .post.rgba_bgra: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], 4 jne .post.bpp8a_to_bpp8g mov eax, [retvalue] mov esi, [eax + Image.Data] mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov ecx, [eax + Image.Width] imul ecx, [eax + Image.Height] @@: lodsw movsb mov byte[esi - 1], al add edi, 3 add esi, 1 dec ecx jnz @b .post.bpp8a_to_bpp8g: mov eax, [retvalue] cmp [eax + Image.Type], Image.bpp8a jne .post.predictor mov ebx, [retvalue] stdcall tiff._.pack_8a, ebx mov [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp8g .post.predictor: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.predictor], 2 ; Horizontal differencing jne .post.end cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], 1 je .post.end push ebx mov edi, [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel] mov edx, edi mov ebx, [retvalue] .post.predictor.plane: mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data] sub esi, 1 add esi, edx mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Height] .post.predictor.line: push ecx mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width] sub ecx, 1 mov ah, byte[esi] add esi, edi @@: mov al, byte[esi] add al, ah mov byte[esi], al add esi, edi shl eax, 8 dec ecx jnz @b pop ecx dec ecx jnz .post.predictor.line dec edx jnz .post.predictor.plane pop ebx .post.end: .pop_quit: pop esi .quit: pop edi edx ebx mov eax, [retvalue] ret endp proc tiff._.parse_IFDE _data, _endianness push ebx edx edi lodsw_ mov edx, tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin mov ecx, (tiff.IFDE_tag_table.end-tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin)/8 .tag: cmp ax, word[edx] jne @f lodsw_ jmp dword[edx + 4] @@: add edx, 8 dec ecx jnz .tag .tag_default: ; unknown/unsupported/unimportant lodsw lodsd lodsd jmp .quit ; just skip it .tag_100: ; ImageWidth cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.LONG jne @f lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], eax jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_101: ; ImageHeight cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.LONG jne @f lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_102: ; BitsPerSample lodsd_ imul eax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT cmp eax, 4 ja @f xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] push esi mov esi, eax xor eax, eax lodsw_ pop esi mov [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], eax jmp .quit .tag_103: ; Compression cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_106: ; PhotometricInterpretation cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_111: ; StripOffsets cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jmp .tag_111.common @@: mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.LONG .tag_111.common: lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number], eax imul eax, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length] cmp eax, 4 ja @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets], esi lodsd jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets], eax jmp .quit .tag_115: ; SamplesPerPixel lodsd_ imul eax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT cmp eax, 4 ja @f xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] movzx eax, word[eax] jmp .quit .tag_116: ; RowsPerStrip cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.rows_per_strip], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.rows_per_strip], eax jmp .quit .tag_117: ; StripByteCounts cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jmp .tag_117.common @@: mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.LONG .tag_117.common: lodsd_ imul eax, [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length] cmp eax, 4 ja @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts], esi lodsd jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts], eax jmp .quit .tag_11c: ; Planar configuration cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.planar_configuration], eax lodsw @@: jmp .quit .tag_13d: ; Predictor cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.predictor], eax lodsw @@: jmp .quit .tag_140: ; ColorMap lodsd lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.palette], eax jmp .quit .tag_152: ; ExtraSamples mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples], esi mov ecx, [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number] rep lodsw ; ignored jmp .quit .quit: pop edi edx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.define_image_type xor eax, eax cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC.RGB jne .palette_bilevel_grayscale mov eax, -3 add eax, [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number], eax dec eax jns @f mov eax, Image.bpp24 jmp .quit @@: dec eax jns @f mov eax, Image.bpp32 ; mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number], 0 jmp .quit @@: .palette_bilevel_grayscale: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.palette], 0 je .bilevel_grayscale cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 2 jg @f mov eax, Image.bpp2i jmp .quit @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 4 jg @f mov eax, Image.bpp4i jmp .quit @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 8 jne @f mov eax, Image.bpp8i jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .bilevel_grayscale: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 1 jg .grayscale mov eax, Image.bpp1 jmp .quit .grayscale: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 8 jne .quit cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], 1 jne @f mov eax, Image.bpp8g jmp .quit @@: mov eax, Image.bpp8a jmp .quit .quit: ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.uncompressed _image rep movsb ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.packbits _image push edx mov edx, ecx .decode: lodsb dec edx cmp al, 0x80 jb .different jg .identical test edx, edx jz .quit jmp .decode .identical: neg al inc al movzx ecx, al dec edx lodsb rep stosb test edx, edx jnz .decode jmp .quit .different: movzx ecx, al inc ecx sub edx, ecx rep movsb test edx, edx jnz .decode .quit: pop edx ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.ccitt1d _image locals current_tree rd 1 old_tree rd 1 width rd 1 height rd 1 width_left rd 1 is_makeup rd 1 endl push ebx ecx edx esi mov [is_makeup], 0 mov ebx, [_image] push [ebx + Image.Height] pop [height] push [ebx + Image.Width] pop [width] mov edx, esi .next_scanline: push [width] pop [width_left] dec [height] js .error mov [current_tree], tiff._.huffman_tree_white.begin mov [old_tree], tiff._.huffman_tree_black.begin mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, 8 .next_run: mov esi, [current_tree] .branch: lodsd btr eax, 31 jnc .not_a_leaf cmp eax, 63 seta byte[is_makeup] ja @f push [current_tree] push [old_tree] pop [current_tree] pop [old_tree] @@: stdcall tiff._.write_run, [width_left], [current_tree] mov [width_left], eax test byte[is_makeup], 0x01 jnz .next_run test eax, eax jnz .next_run jmp .next_scanline .not_a_leaf: test bh, bh jnz @f mov bl, byte[edx] inc edx mov bh, 8 @@: test al, 0x02 jz .not_a_corner dec bh sal bl, 1 lahf and ah, 0x03 cmp al, ah jne .error mov esi, [esi] jmp .branch .not_a_corner: lodsd dec bh sal bl, 1 jc .branch mov esi, eax jmp .branch .error: .quit: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.lzw _image locals cur_shift rd 1 ; 9 -- 12 shift_counter rd 1 ; how many shifts of current length remained bits_left rd 1 ; in current byte ( pointed to by [esi] ) table rd 1 table_size rd 1 ; the number of entries old_code rd 1 next_table_entry rd 1 ; where to place new entry endl push ebx ecx edx esi mov [table], 0 mov [bits_left], 8 mov [cur_shift], 9 .begin: ; .getnextcode: xor eax, eax mov edx, [cur_shift] lodsb mov ecx, [bits_left] mov ch, cl neg cl add cl, 8 shl al, cl mov cl, ch shl eax, cl sub edx, [bits_left] ; second_byte cmp edx, 8 je .enough_zero jb .enough_nonzero sub edx, 8 lodsb shl eax, 8 jmp .third_byte .enough_zero: mov [bits_left], 8 lodsb jmp .code_done .enough_nonzero: mov al, byte[esi] neg edx add edx, 8 mov ecx, edx mov [bits_left], edx shr eax, cl jmp .code_done .third_byte: mov al, byte[esi] neg edx add edx, 8 mov ecx, edx mov [bits_left], edx shr eax, cl .code_done: mov ebx, eax cmp ebx, 0x101 ; end of information je .quit cmp ebx, 0x100 ; clear code jne .no_clear_code cmp [table], 0 jne @f invoke mem.alloc, 256 + 63488 ; 256 + (2^8 + 2^9 + 2^10 + 2^11 + 2^12)*(4+4) test eax, eax jz .quit mov [table], eax @@: mov eax, [table] mov [next_table_entry], eax add [next_table_entry], 256 + (256*8) + 2*8 mov [cur_shift], 9 mov [shift_counter], 256-3 ; clear code, end of information, why -3? mov [table_size], 257 push edi mov ecx, 256 mov edi, [table] mov ebx, edi add edi, 256 mov eax, 0 @@: mov byte[ebx], al mov [edi], ebx add edi, 4 add ebx, 1 add eax, 1 mov [edi], dword 1 add edi, 4 dec ecx jnz @b pop edi ; .getnextcode: xor eax, eax mov edx, [cur_shift] lodsb mov ecx, [bits_left] mov ch, cl neg cl add cl, 8 shl al, cl mov cl, ch shl eax, cl sub edx, [bits_left] ; second_byte cmp edx, 8 je .enough_zero2 jb .enough_nonzero2 sub edx, 8 lodsb shl eax, 8 jmp .third_byte2 .enough_zero2: mov [bits_left], 8 lodsb jmp .code_done2 .enough_nonzero2: mov al, byte[esi] neg edx add edx, 8 mov ecx, edx mov [bits_left], edx shr eax, cl jmp .code_done2 .third_byte2: mov al, byte[esi] neg edx add edx, 8 mov ecx, edx mov [bits_left], edx shr eax, cl .code_done2: mov [old_code], eax cmp eax, 0x101 ; end of information je .quit push esi mov esi, [table] lea esi, [esi + eax*8 + 256] mov ecx, dword[esi+4] mov edx, [next_table_entry] mov [edx], edi lea eax, [ecx + 1] mov [edx + 4], eax add [next_table_entry], 8 mov esi, [esi] rep movsb pop esi jmp .begin .no_clear_code: cmp eax, [table_size] ja .not_in_table mov [old_code], eax push esi mov esi, [table] lea esi, [esi + eax*8 + 256] mov ecx, dword[esi + 4] mov edx, [next_table_entry] mov [edx], edi lea eax, [ecx + 1] mov [edx + 4], eax add [next_table_entry], 8 add [table_size], 1 mov esi, [esi] rep movsb pop esi dec [shift_counter] jnz @f mov ecx, [cur_shift] add [cur_shift], 1 mov edx, 1 shl edx, cl mov [shift_counter], edx @@: jmp .begin .not_in_table: xchg eax, [old_code] push esi mov esi, [table] lea esi, [esi + eax*8 + 256] mov ecx, dword[esi+4] mov edx, [next_table_entry] mov [edx], edi lea eax, [ecx + 2] mov [edx + 4], eax add [next_table_entry], 8 add [table_size], 1 mov esi, [esi] mov al, [esi] rep movsb mov byte[edi], al add edi, 1 pop esi dec [shift_counter] jnz @f mov ecx, [cur_shift] add [cur_shift], 1 mov edx, 1 shl edx, cl mov [shift_counter], edx @@: jmp .begin .quit: cmp [table], 0 je @f invoke mem.free, [table] @@: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.write_run _width_left, _current_tree push ebx test eax, eax jz .done sub [_width_left], eax js .error cmp esi, tiff._.huffman_tree_black.begin seta bh cmp ecx, eax ja .one_byte .many_bytes: mov bl, [edi] @@: shl bl, 1 or bl, bh dec eax dec ecx jnz @b mov [edi], bl inc edi mov ecx, eax and eax, 0x07 shr ecx, 3 push eax xor eax, eax test bh, bh jz @f dec al @@: rep stosb pop eax mov ecx, 8 test eax, eax jz .done .one_byte: mov bl, [edi] @@: shl bl, 1 or bl, bh dec ecx dec eax jnz @b mov byte[edi], bl cmp [_width_left], 0 jne .done mov bl, [edi] shl bl, cl mov byte[edi], bl inc edi .done: mov eax, [_width_left] jmp .quit .error: .quit: pop ebx ret endp proc tiff._.get_word _endianness lodsw test [_endianness], 1 jnz @f ret @@: xchg al, ah ret endp proc tiff._.get_dword _endianness lodsd test [_endianness], 1 jnz @f ret @@: bswap eax ret ret endp proc tiff._.pack_8a _img mov ebx, [_img] mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data] mov edi, esi mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width] imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height] @@: lodsw stosb dec ecx jnz @b ret endp proc tiff._.planar_to_separate _img locals pixels rd 1 tmp_image rd 1 channels rd 1 channel_padding rd 1 endl pushad mov ebx, [_img] mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width] imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height] mov [pixels], ecx cmp [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp24 je .bpp24 cmp [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp32 je .bpp32 ; cmp [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp4 ; je .bpp4 jmp .quit .bpp24: mov [channels], 3 mov [channel_padding], 2 lea eax, [ecx*3] jmp .proceed .bpp32: mov [channels], 4 mov [channel_padding], 3 shl eax, 2 jmp .proceed .bpp4: mov [channels], 3 mov [channel_padding], 2 shr eax, 1 jmp .proceed .proceed: invoke mem.alloc, eax test eax, eax jz .quit mov [tmp_image], eax .channel: mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data] mov edi, [tmp_image] mov ecx, [pixels] mov eax, [channel_padding] inc eax sub eax, [channels] add edi, eax mov eax, [channels] dec eax imul eax, [pixels] add esi, eax @@: lodsb stosb add edi, [channel_padding] dec ecx jnz @b dec [channels] jnz .channel .quit: mov eax, [tmp_image] xchg [ebx + Image.Data], eax invoke mem.free, eax popad ret endp proc tiff._.get_palette _num_colors, _endianness mov esi, [ebx + tiff_extra.palette] push ebx mov ebx, 2 .bpp2.channel: mov edi, ebx add edi, [edx + Image.Palette] mov ecx, [_num_colors] @@: lodsw_ shr eax, 8 stosb add edi, 3 dec ecx jnz @b dec ebx jns .bpp2.channel pop ebx ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below is private data you should never use directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin: .tag_100: dd 0x0100, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_100 ; image width .tag_101: dd 0x0101, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_101 ; image height (this is called 'length' in spec) .tag_102: dd 0x0102, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_102 ; bits per sample .tag_103: dd 0x0103, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_103 ; compression .tag_106: dd 0x0106, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_106 ; photometric interpretation .tag_111: dd 0x0111, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_111 ; strip offsets .tag_115: dd 0x0115, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_115 ; samples per pixel .tag_116: dd 0x0116, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_116 ; rows per strip .tag_117: dd 0x0117, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_117 ; strip byte counts .tag_11c: dd 0x011c, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_11c ; planar configuration .tag_13d: dd 0x013d, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_13d ; predictor .tag_140: dd 0x0140, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_140 ; color map .tag_152: dd 0x0152, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_152 ; extra samples tiff.IFDE_tag_table.end: include 'huffman.asm' ; huffman trees for ccitt1d compression method