;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; simple AGP driver for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format MS COFF DEBUG equ 1 FAST_WRITE equ 0 SIDE_BAND_ADDRESSING equ 0 include 'proc32.inc' include 'imports.inc' struc IOCTL { .handle dd ? .io_code dd ? .input dd ? .inp_size dd ? .output dd ? .out_size dd ? } virtual at 0 IOCTL IOCTL end virtual public START public service_proc public version DRV_ENTRY equ 1 DRV_EXIT equ -1 SRV_GETVERSION equ 0 SRV_DETECT equ 1 API_VERSION equ 1 section '.flat' code readable align 16 proc START stdcall, state:dword cmp [state], 1 jne .exit .entry: if DEBUG mov esi, msgInit call SysMsgBoardStr end if stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc ret .fail: .exit: xor eax, eax ret endp handle equ IOCTL.handle io_code equ IOCTL.io_code input equ IOCTL.input inp_size equ IOCTL.inp_size output equ IOCTL.output out_size equ IOCTL.out_size align 4 proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword mov ebx, [ioctl] mov eax, [ebx+io_code] cmp eax, SRV_GETVERSION jne @F mov eax, [ebx+output] cmp [ebx+out_size], 4 jne .fail mov [eax], dword API_VERSION xor eax, eax ret @@: mov ebx, [ioctl] mov eax, [ebx+io_code] cmp eax, SRV_DETECT jne @F call detect @@: .fail: or eax, -1 ret endp restore handle restore io_code restore input restore inp_size restore output restore out_size align 4 proc detect locals last_bus dd ? endl mov esi, msgSearch call SysMsgBoardStr xor eax, eax mov [bus], eax inc eax call PciApi ; get last bus cmp eax, -1 je .error mov [last_bus], eax .next_bus: and [devfn], 0 .next_dev: stdcall PciRead16, [bus], [devfn], dword 0x0a ; read class/subclass cmp ax, 0x0300 ; display controller - vga compatable controller je .found cmp ax, 0x0302 ; display controller - 3d controller je .found cmp ax, 0x0380 ; display controller - other display controller je .found .next: inc [devfn] cmp [devfn], 256 jb .next_dev mov eax, [bus] inc eax mov [bus], eax cmp eax, [last_bus] jna .next_bus .error: if DEBUG mov esi, msgFail call SysMsgBoardStr end if xor eax, eax inc eax ret .found: stdcall PciRead8, [bus], [devfn], dword 0x06 ; read prog IF test al, 1 shl 4 ; got capabilities list? jnz .got_capabilities_list ; TODO: Do it the old way: detect device and check with a list of known capabilities ; stupid pre PCI 2.2 board.... jmp .next .got_capabilities_list: stdcall PciRead8, [bus], [devfn], dword 0x34 ; read capabilities offset and eax, 11111100b ; always dword aligned mov edi, eax .read_capability: stdcall PciRead32, [bus], [devfn], edi ; read capability cmp al, 0x02 ; AGP je .got_agp movzx edi, ah ; pointer to next capability test edi, edi jnz .read_capability jmp .next .got_agp: shr eax, 16 mov [revision], al ; high nibble = major revision ; low nibble = minor revision add edi, 4 and al, 0xf0 cmp al, 0x30 je .agp_3 .agp_2: mov esi, msgAGP2 call SysMsgBoardStr stdcall PciRead32, [bus], [devfn], edi ; read AGP status .agp_2_: test al, 100b jnz .100b test al, 10b jnz .010b test al, 1b jz .error .001b: mov [cmd], 001b mov esi, msg1 call SysMsgBoardStr jmp .agp_go .010b: mov [cmd], 010b mov esi, msg2 call SysMsgBoardStr jmp .agp_go .100b: mov [cmd], 100b mov esi, msg4 call SysMsgBoardStr jmp .agp_go .agp_2m: mov esi, msgAGP2m call SysMsgBoardStr jmp .agp_2_ .agp_3: mov esi, msgAGP3 call SysMsgBoardStr stdcall PciRead32, [bus], [devfn], edi ; read AGP status test al, 1 shl 3 jz .agp_2m test eax, 10b jnz .8x mov [cmd], 01b mov esi, msg4 call SysMsgBoardStr jmp .agp_go .8x: mov [cmd], 10b mov esi, msg8 call SysMsgBoardStr .agp_go: if FAST_WRITE test ax, 1 shl 4 jz @f or [cmd], 1 shl 4 mov esi, msgfast call SysMsgBoardStr @@: end if if SIDE_BAND_ADDRESSING test ax, 1 shl 9 jz @f or [cmd], 1 shl 9 mov esi, msgside call SysMsgBoardStr @@: end if add edi, 4 mov eax, [cmd] stdcall PciWrite32, [bus], [devfn], edi, eax ; write AGP cmd mov eax, [cmd] or eax, 1 shl 8 ; enable AGP stdcall PciWrite32, [bus], [devfn], edi, eax ; write AGP cmd if DEBUG mov esi, msgOK call SysMsgBoardStr end if ret endp ; initialized data align 4 version dd (5 shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF) my_service db 'AGP', 0 ; max 16 chars include zero msgInit db 'AGP driver loaded.', 13, 10, 0 msgSearch db 'Searching for AGP card...', 13, 10, 0 msgFail db 'device not found', 13, 10, 0 msgOK db 'AGP device enabled', 13, 10, 0 msgAGP2 db 'AGP2 device found', 13, 10, 0 msgAGP3 db 'AGP3 device found', 13, 10, 0 msgAGP2m db 'Running in AGP2 mode', 13, 10, 0 msg8 db '8x speed', 13, 10, 0 msg4 db '4x speed', 13, 10, 0 msg2 db '2x speed', 13, 10, 0 msg1 db '1x speed', 13, 10, 0 msgfast db 'Fast Write', 13, 10, 0 msgside db 'Side band addressing', 13, 10, 0 section '.data' data readable writable align 16 ; uninitialized data revision db ? cmd dd ? bus dd ? devfn dd ?