; deflate.asm -- compress data using the deflation algorithm ; Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler ; For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.inc ; ALGORITHM ; The "deflation" process depends on being able to identify portions ; of the input text which are identical to earlier input (within a ; sliding window trailing behind the input currently being processed). ; The most straightforward technique turns out to be the fastest for ; most input files: try all possible matches and select the longest. ; The key feature of this algorithm is that insertions into the string ; dictionary are very simple and thus fast, and deletions are avoided ; completely. Insertions are performed at each input character, whereas ; string matches are performed only when the previous match ends. So it ; is preferable to spend more time in matches to allow very fast string ; insertions and avoid deletions. The matching algorithm for small ; strings is inspired from that of Rabin & Karp. A brute force approach ; is used to find longer strings when a small match has been found. ; A similar algorithm is used in comic (by Jan-Mark Wams) and freeze ; (by Leonid Broukhis). ; A previous version of this file used a more sophisticated algorithm ; (by Fiala and Greene) which is guaranteed to run in linear amortized ; time, but has a larger average cost, uses more memory and is patented. ; However the F&G algorithm may be faster for some highly redundant ; files if the parameter max_chain_length (described below) is too large. ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ; The idea of lazy evaluation of matches is due to Jan-Mark Wams, and ; I found it in 'freeze' written by Leonid Broukhis. ; Thanks to many people for bug reports and testing. ; REFERENCES ; Deutsch, L.P.,"DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification". ; Available in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951 ; A description of the Rabin and Karp algorithm is given in the book ; "Algorithms" by R. Sedgewick, Addison-Wesley, p252. ; Fiala,E.R., and Greene,D.H. ; Data Compression with Finite Windows, Comm.ACM, 32,4 (1989) 490-595 deflate_copyright db ' deflate 1.2.8 Copyright 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler ',0 ; If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome ; in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot ; include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this ; copyright string in the executable of your product. ; =========================================================================== ; Function prototypes. ;enum block_state need_more equ 0 ;block not completed, need more input or more output block_done equ 1 ;block flush performed finish_started equ 2 ;finish started, need only more output at next deflate finish_done equ 3 ;finish done, accept no more input or output ; =========================================================================== ; Local data NIL equ 0 ; Tail of hash chains TOO_FAR equ 4096 ; Matches of length 3 are discarded if their distance exceeds TOO_FAR ; Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on ; the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to ; exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be ; found for specific files. struct config_s ;config good_length dw ? ;uint_16 ;reduce lazy search above this match length max_lazy dw ? ;uint_16 ;do not perform lazy search above this match length nice_length dw ? ;uint_16 ;quit search above this match length max_chain dw ? ;uint_16 co_func dd ? ;compress_func ends align 16 configuration_table: config_s 0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored ;store only config_s 4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast ;max speed, no lazy matches if FASTEST eq 0 config_s 4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast config_s 4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast config_s 4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow ;lazy matches config_s 8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow config_s 8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow config_s 8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow config_s 32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow config_s 32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow ;max compression end if ; Note: the deflate() code requires max_lazy >= MIN_MATCH and max_chain >= 4 ; For deflate_fast() (levels <= 3) good is ignored and lazy has a different ; meaning. EQUAL equ 0 ; result of memcmp for equal strings ; rank Z_BLOCK between Z_NO_FLUSH and Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH macro RANK f, reg { local .end0 xor reg,reg cmp f,4 jle .end0 sub reg,9 .end0: add reg,f add reg,f } ; =========================================================================== ; Update a hash value with the given input byte ; IN assertion: all calls to to UPDATE_HASH are made with consecutive ; input characters, so that a running hash key can be computed from the ; previous key instead of complete recalculation each time. macro UPDATE_HASH s,h,c { push ebx ecx mov ebx,h mov ecx,[s+deflate_state.hash_shift] shl ebx,cl xor ebx,c and ebx,[s+deflate_state.hash_mask] mov h,ebx pop ecx ebx } ; =========================================================================== ; Insert string str in the dictionary and set match_head to the previous head ; of the hash chain (the most recent string with same hash key). Return ; the previous length of the hash chain. ; If this file is compiled with -DFASTEST, the compression level is forced ; to 1, and no hash chains are maintained. ; IN assertion: all calls to to INSERT_STRING are made with consecutive ; input characters and the first MIN_MATCH bytes of str are valid ; (except for the last MIN_MATCH-1 bytes of the input file). macro INSERT_STRING s, str, match_head { mov eax,[s+deflate_state.window] add eax,str add eax,MIN_MATCH-1 movzx eax,byte[eax] UPDATE_HASH s, [s+deflate_state.ins_h], eax mov eax,[s+deflate_state.ins_h] shl eax,1 add eax,[s+deflate_state.head] movzx eax,word[eax] mov match_head,eax push ebx if FASTEST eq 0 mov ebx,[s+deflate_state.w_mask] and ebx,str shl ebx,1 add ebx,[s+deflate_state.prev] mov [ebx],ax end if mov eax,[s+deflate_state.ins_h] shl eax,1 add eax,[s+deflate_state.head] mov ebx,str mov [eax],bx pop ebx } ; =========================================================================== ; Initialize the hash table (avoiding 64K overflow for 16 bit systems). ; prev[] will be initialized on the fly. macro CLEAR_HASH s { ;mov eax,[s+deflate_state.hash_size] ;dec eax ;shl eax,1 ;add eax,[s+deflate_state.head] ;mov word[eax],NIL mov eax,[s+deflate_state.hash_size] ;dec eax shl eax,1 ;sizeof(*s.head) stdcall zmemzero, [s+deflate_state.head], eax } align 4 proc deflateInit, strm:dword, level:dword stdcall deflateInit_, [strm], [level], ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof.z_stream ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, level, version, stream_size) ; z_streamp strm ; int level ; const char *version ; int stream_size align 4 proc deflateInit_, strm:dword, level:dword, version:dword, stream_size:dword stdcall deflateInit2_, [strm], [level], Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL,\ Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, [version], [stream_size] ; To do: ignore strm->next_in if we use it as window ret endp align 4 proc deflateInit2, strm:dword, level:dword, method:dword, windowBits:dword, memLevel:dword, strategy:dword stdcall deflateInit2_, [strm],[level],[method],[windowBits],[memLevel],\ [strategy], ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof.z_stream ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy, ; version, stream_size) ; z_streamp strm ; int level ; int method ; int windowBits ; int memLevel ; int strategy ; const char *version ; int stream_size align 4 proc deflateInit2_ uses ebx ecx edx edi, strm:dword, level:dword, method:dword,\ windowBits:dword, memLevel:dword, strategy:dword, version:dword, stream_size:dword locals wrap dd 1 ;int overlay dd ? ;uint_16p endl ; We overlay pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf. This works since the average ; output size for (length,distance) codes is <= 24 bits. mov eax,[version] cmp eax,Z_NULL je @f mov ebx,dword[ZLIB_VERSION] cmp dword[eax],ebx jne @f cmp dword[stream_size],sizeof.z_stream je .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..[0]!=..[0] || ..!=..) mov eax,Z_VERSION_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL jne @f ;if (..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov dword[ebx+z_stream.msg],Z_NULL cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.zalloc],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) if Z_SOLO eq 1 mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f else mov dword[ebx+z_stream.zalloc],zcalloc mov dword[ebx+z_stream.opaque],0 end if @@: cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.zfree],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) if Z_SOLO eq 1 mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f else mov dword[ebx+z_stream.zfree],zcfree end if @@: if FASTEST eq 1 cmp dword[level],0 je @f ;if (..!=0) mov dword[level],1 @@: else cmp dword[level],Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION jne @f ;if (..==..) mov dword[level],6 @@: end if cmp dword[windowBits],0 jge @f ;if (..<0) ;suppress zlib wrapper mov dword[wrap],0 neg dword[windowBits] jmp .end1 @@: if GZIP eq 1 cmp dword[windowBits],15 jle .end1 ;else if (..>15) mov dword[wrap],2 ;write gzip wrapper instead sub dword[windowBits],16 end if .end1: cmp dword[memLevel],1 jl .end2 cmp dword[memLevel],MAX_MEM_LEVEL jg .end2 cmp dword[method],Z_DEFLATED jne .end2 cmp dword[windowBits],8 jl .end2 cmp dword[windowBits],15 jg .end2 cmp dword[level],0 jl .end2 cmp dword[level],9 jg .end2 cmp dword[strategy],0 jl .end2 cmp dword[strategy],Z_FIXED jle @f .end2: ;if (..<.. || ..>.. || ..!=.. || ..<.. || ..>.. || ..<0 || ..>.. || ..<0 || ..>..) mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[windowBits],8 jne @f ;if (..==..) inc dword[windowBits] ;until 256-byte window bug fixed @@: ZALLOC ebx, 1, sizeof.deflate_state ;eax = s cmp eax,Z_NULL jne @f ;if (..==0) mov eax,Z_MEM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov edi,eax ;edi = s mov [ebx+z_stream.state],edi mov [edi+deflate_state.strm],ebx mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],INIT_STATE ;to pass state test in deflateReset() mov eax,[wrap] mov [edi+deflate_state.wrap],eax mov [edi+deflate_state.gzhead],Z_NULL mov ecx,[windowBits] mov [edi+deflate_state.w_bits],ecx xor eax,eax inc eax shl eax,cl mov [edi+deflate_state.w_size],eax dec eax mov [edi+deflate_state.w_mask],eax mov ecx,[memLevel] add ecx,7 mov [edi+deflate_state.hash_bits],ecx xor eax,eax inc eax shl eax,cl mov [edi+deflate_state.hash_size],eax dec eax mov [edi+deflate_state.hash_mask],eax add ecx,MIN_MATCH-1 xor edx,edx mov eax,ecx mov ecx,MIN_MATCH div ecx mov [edi+deflate_state.hash_shift],eax ZALLOC ebx, [edi+deflate_state.w_size], 2 ;2*sizeof(Byte) mov [edi+deflate_state.window],eax ZALLOC ebx, [edi+deflate_state.w_size], 2 ;sizeof(Pos) mov [edi+deflate_state.prev],eax ZALLOC ebx, [edi+deflate_state.hash_size], 2 ;sizeof(Pos) mov [edi+deflate_state.head],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.high_water],0 ;nothing written to s->window yet mov ecx,[memLevel] add ecx,6 xor eax,eax inc eax shl eax,cl mov [edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize],eax ;16K elements by default ZALLOC ebx, eax, 4 ;sizeof(uint_16)+2 mov [overlay],eax mov [edi+deflate_state.pending_buf],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize] imul eax,4 ;sizeof(uint_16)+2 mov [edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size],eax cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.window],Z_NULL je .end3 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.prev],Z_NULL je .end3 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.head],Z_NULL je .end3 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf],Z_NULL jne @f .end3: ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],FINISH_STATE ERR_MSG Z_MEM_ERROR mov [ebx+z_stream.msg],eax stdcall deflateEnd, ebx mov eax,Z_MEM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize] add eax,[overlay] mov [edi+deflate_state.d_buf],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize] imul eax,3 ;1+sizeof(uint_16) add eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] mov [edi+deflate_state.l_buf],eax mov eax,[level] mov [edi+deflate_state.level],ax mov eax,[strategy] mov [edi+deflate_state.strategy],ax mov eax,[method] mov [edi+deflate_state.method],al stdcall deflateReset, ebx .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, dictionary, dictLength) ; z_streamp strm ; const Bytef *dictionary ; uInt dictLength align 4 proc deflateSetDictionary uses ebx ecx edx edi esi, strm:dword, dictionary:dword, dictLength:dword locals wrap dd ? ;int avail dd ? ;unsigned next dd ? ;unsigned char* endl mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp edi,Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[dictionary],Z_NULL jne .end0 ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0) @@: mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.wrap] mov [wrap],eax cmp dword[wrap],2 je .end1 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne .end1 cmp dword[wrap],1 jne @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],INIT_STATE je @f .end1: ;if (..==.. || .. || (..==.. && ..!=..)) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: ; when using zlib wrappers, compute Adler-32 for provided dictionary cmp dword[wrap],1 jne @f ;if (..==..) stdcall adler32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], [dictionary], [dictLength] mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],0 ;avoid computing Adler-32 in read_buf ; if dictionary would fill window, just replace the history mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] cmp [dictLength],eax jl .end2 ;if (..>=..) cmp dword[wrap],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) ;already empty otherwise CLEAR_HASH edi mov dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.block_start],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 @@: mov eax,[dictLength] sub eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] add [dictionary],eax ;use the tail mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] mov [dictLength],eax .end2: ; insert dictionary into window and hash mov eax,[ebx+z_stream.avail_in] mov [avail],eax mov eax,[ebx+z_stream.next_in] mov [next],eax mov eax,[dictLength] mov [ebx+z_stream.avail_in],eax mov eax,[dictionary] mov [ebx+z_stream.next_in],eax stdcall fill_window, edi .cycle0: ;while (..>=..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] cmp ecx,MIN_MATCH jl .cycle0end mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] ;esi = str sub ecx,MIN_MATCH-1 .cycle1: ;do mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,esi add eax,MIN_MATCH-1 movzx eax,byte[eax] UPDATE_HASH edi, [edi+deflate_state.ins_h], eax if FASTEST eq 0 mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.ins_h] shl edx,1 add edx,[edi+deflate_state.head] movzx edx,word[edx] ;edx = s.head[s.ins_h] mov eax,esi and eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_mask] shl eax,1 add eax,[edi+deflate_state.prev] mov [eax],dx end if mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.ins_h] shl edx,1 add edx,[edi+deflate_state.head] mov [edx],si ;s.head[s.ins_h] = str inc esi dec ecx jnz .cycle1 ;while (--..) mov [edi+deflate_state.strstart],esi mov [edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_MATCH-1 stdcall fill_window, edi jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] mov [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax mov [edi+deflate_state.block_start],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] mov [edi+deflate_state.insert],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 mov eax,MIN_MATCH-1 mov [edi+deflate_state.prev_length],eax mov [edi+deflate_state.match_length],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 mov eax,[next] mov [ebx+z_stream.next_in],eax mov eax,[avail] mov [ebx+z_stream.avail_in],eax mov eax,[wrap] mov [edi+deflate_state.wrap],eax mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm) ; z_streamp strm align 4 proc deflateResetKeep uses ebx edi, strm:dword mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp edi,Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.zalloc],0 je @f cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.zfree],0 jne .end0 ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0) @@: mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: mov dword[ebx+z_stream.total_out],0 mov dword[ebx+z_stream.total_in],0 mov dword[ebx+z_stream.msg],Z_NULL ;use zfree if we ever allocate msg dynamically mov dword[ebx+z_stream.data_type],Z_UNKNOWN mov dword[edi+deflate_state.pending],0 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] mov [edi+deflate_state.pending_out],eax cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],0 jge @f ;if (..<0) neg dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap] ;was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH) @@: mov eax,BUSY_STATE cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],0 je @f mov eax,INIT_STATE @@: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],eax stdcall adler32, 0, Z_NULL, 0 if GZIP eq 1 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],2 jne @f xor eax,eax ;stdcall calc_crc32, 0, Z_NULL, 0 @@: end if mov dword[ebx+z_stream.adler],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.last_flush],Z_NO_FLUSH stdcall _tr_init, edi mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm) ; z_streamp strm align 4 proc deflateReset uses ebx, strm:dword mov ebx,[strm] stdcall deflateResetKeep, ebx cmp eax,Z_OK jne @f ;if (..==Z_OK) stdcall lm_init, [ebx+z_stream.state] @@: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, head) ; z_streamp strm ; gz_headerp head align 4 proc deflateSetHeader uses ebx, strm:dword, head:dword mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov ebx,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp ebx,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: cmp dword[ebx+deflate_state.wrap],2 je @f ;if (..!=..) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov eax,[head] mov [ebx+deflate_state.gzhead],eax mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, pending, bits) ; unsigned *pending ; int *bits ; z_streamp strm align 4 proc deflatePending uses ebx edi, strm:dword, pending:dword, bits:dword mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp edi,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: cmp dword[pending],Z_NULL je @f ;if (..!=..) mov eax,[pending] mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] mov [eax],ebx @@: cmp dword[bits],Z_NULL je @f ;if (..!=..) mov eax,[bits] mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.bi_valid] mov [eax],ebx @@: mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, bits, value) ; z_streamp strm ; int bits ; int value align 4 proc deflatePrime uses ebx edi, strm:dword, bits:dword, value:dword ; int put; mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] ;s = strm.state cmp edi,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: ; if ((Bytef *)(s->d_buf) < s->pending_out + ((Buf_size + 7) >> 3)) ; return Z_BUF_ERROR; ; do { ; put = Buf_size - s->bi_valid; ; if (put > bits) ; put = bits; ; s->bi_buf |= (uint_16)((value & ((1 << put) - 1)) << s->bi_valid); ; s->bi_valid += put; ; _tr_flush_bits(s); ; value >>= put; ; bits -= put; ; } while (bits); mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, level, strategy) ; z_streamp strm ; int level ; int strategy align 4 proc deflateParams uses ebx edi, strm:dword, level:dword, strategy:dword locals co_func dd ? err dd Z_OK endl mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] ;s = strm.state cmp edi,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: if FASTEST eq 1 cmp dword[level],0 je @f ;if (..!=0) mov dword[level],1 @@: else cmp dword[level],Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION jne @f ;if (..==..) mov dword[level],6 @@: end if cmp dword[level],0 jl @f cmp dword[level],9 jg @f cmp dword[strategy],0 jl @f cmp dword[strategy],Z_FIXED jle .end1 @@: ;if (..<0 || ..>9 || ..<0 || ..>..) mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end1: movzx eax,word[edi+deflate_state.level] imul eax,sizeof.config_s add eax,configuration_table+config_s.co_func mov [co_func],eax ; if ((strategy != s->strategy || co_func != configuration_table[level].func) && ; strm->total_in != 0) { ; Flush the last buffer: ; err = deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK); ; if (err == Z_BUF_ERROR && s->pending == 0) ; err = Z_OK; ; } ; if (s->level != level) { ; s->level = level; ; s->max_lazy_match = configuration_table[level].max_lazy; ; s->good_match = configuration_table[level].good_length; ; s->nice_match = configuration_table[level].nice_length; ; s->max_chain_length = configuration_table[level].max_chain; ; } mov eax,[strategy] mov [edi+deflate_state.strategy],ax mov eax,[err] .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain) ; z_streamp strm ; int good_length ; int max_lazy ; int nice_length ; int max_chain align 4 proc deflateTune uses ebx, strm:dword, good_length:dword, max_lazy:dword,\ nice_length:dword, max_chain:dword mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.state],Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: mov ebx,[ebx+z_stream.state] ;s = strm.state mov eax,[good_length] mov [ebx+deflate_state.good_match],eax mov eax,[max_lazy] mov [ebx+deflate_state.max_lazy_match],eax mov eax,[nice_length] mov [ebx+deflate_state.nice_match],eax mov eax,[max_chain] mov [ebx+deflate_state.max_chain_length],eax mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ; For the default windowBits of 15 and memLevel of 8, this function returns ; a close to exact, as well as small, upper bound on the compressed size. ; They are coded as constants here for a reason--if the #define's are ; changed, then this function needs to be changed as well. The return ; value for 15 and 8 only works for those exact settings. ; For any setting other than those defaults for windowBits and memLevel, ; the value returned is a conservative worst case for the maximum expansion ; resulting from using fixed blocks instead of stored blocks, which deflate ; can emit on compressed data for some combinations of the parameters. ; This function could be more sophisticated to provide closer upper bounds for ; every combination of windowBits and memLevel. But even the conservative ; upper bound of about 14% expansion does not seem onerous for output buffer ; allocation. ;uLong (z_streamp strm, uLong sourceLen) align 4 proc deflateBound uses ebx edi, strm:dword, sourceLen:dword locals complen dd ? wraplen dd ? endl ;edi = s ; conservative upper bound for compressed data mov ebx,[sourceLen] mov eax,ebx add eax,7 shr eax,3 add eax,ebx add ebx,63 shr ebx,6 lea eax,[eax+ebx+5] mov [complen],eax ; if can't get parameters, return conservative bound plus zlib wrapper mov eax,[strm] cmp eax,Z_NULL je .end0 mov edi,[eax+z_stream.state] ;s = strm.state cmp edi,Z_NULL jne @f .end0: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) mov eax,[complen] add eax,6 jmp .end_f @@: ; compute wrapper length mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.wrap] cmp ebx,0 je .end1 cmp ebx,1 je .end2 cmp ebx,2 je .end3 jmp .end4 .end1: ;raw deflate mov dword[wraplen],0 jmp .end5 .end2: ;zlib wrapper mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] neg eax sbb eax,eax and eax,4 add eax,6 mov [wraplen],eax jmp .end5 .end3: ;gzip wrapper mov dword[wraplen],18 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.gzhead],Z_NULL ;user-supplied gzip header je .end5 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] cmp dword[eax+gz_header.extra],0 je @f mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] mov eax,[eax+gz_header.extra_len] add dword[wraplen],eax add dword[wraplen],2 @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] mov eax,[eax+gz_header.name] cmp eax,0 je @f .cycle0: ;do inc dword[wraplen] movzx ebx,byte[eax] inc eax test ebx,ebx jne .cycle0 @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] mov eax,[eax+gz_header.comment] cmp eax,0 je @f .cycle1: ;do inc dword[wraplen] movzx ebx,byte[eax] inc eax test ebx,ebx jne .cycle1 @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] cmp dword[eax+gz_header.hcrc],0 je .end5 add dword[wraplen],2 jmp .end5 .end4: ;for compiler happiness mov dword[wraplen],6 .end5: ; if not default parameters, return conservative bound cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.w_bits],15 jne .end6 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.hash_bits],8+7 je @f .end6: ;if (s->w_bits !=.. || s->hash_bits !=..) mov eax,[complen] add eax,[wraplen] jmp .end_f @@: ; default settings: return tight bound for that case mov eax,[sourceLen] mov ebx,eax shr ebx,12 add ebx,eax mov edi,eax shr edi,14 add ebx,edi shr eax,25 add ebx,[wraplen] lea eax,[eax+ebx+7] .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ; Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order. ; IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in ; pending_buf. ;void (deflate_state *s, uInt b) align 4 proc putShortMSB uses eax ebx ecx, s:dword, b:dword mov ebx,[s] mov ecx,[b] put_byte ebx, ch put_byte ebx, cl ret endp ; ========================================================================= ; Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output goes ; through this function so some applications may wish to modify it ; to avoid allocating a large strm->next_out buffer and copying into it. ; (See also read_buf()). ;void (z_streamp strm) align 16 proc flush_pending uses eax ebx ecx edx, strm:dword ;ecx - len ;edx - deflate_state *s ;ebx - strm mov ebx,[strm] mov edx,[ebx+z_stream.state] stdcall _tr_flush_bits, edx mov ecx,[edx+deflate_state.pending] mov eax,[ebx+z_stream.avail_out] cmp ecx,eax jbe @f ;if (..>..) mov ecx,eax @@: test ecx,ecx jz @f stdcall zmemcpy, [ebx+z_stream.next_out], [edx+deflate_state.pending_out], ecx add [ebx+z_stream.next_out],ecx add [edx+deflate_state.pending_out],ecx add [ebx+z_stream.total_out],ecx sub [ebx+z_stream.avail_out],ecx sub [edx+deflate_state.pending],ecx cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.pending],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.pending_buf] mov [edx+deflate_state.pending_out],eax @@: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm, flush) ; z_streamp strm ; int flush align 16 proc deflate uses ebx ecx edx edi esi, strm:dword, flush:dword locals old_flush dd ? ;int ;value of flush param for previous deflate call val dd ? endl mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edi,[ebx+z_stream.state] ;s = strm.state cmp edi,Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[flush],Z_BLOCK jg @f cmp dword[flush],0 jge .end10 ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..>.. || ..<0) @@: mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end10: cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.next_out],Z_NULL je .beg0 cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.next_in],Z_NULL jne @f cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_in],0 jne .beg0 @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],FINISH_STATE jne .end0 cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH je .end0 .beg0: ;if (..==0 || (..==0 && ..!=0) || (..==.. && ..!=..)) ERR_RETURN ebx, Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) ERR_RETURN ebx, Z_BUF_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.strm],ebx ;just in case mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.last_flush] mov [old_flush],eax mov eax,[flush] mov [edi+deflate_state.last_flush],eax ; Write the header cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],INIT_STATE jne .end2 ;if (..==..) if GZIP eq 1 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],2 jne .end1 ;if (..==..) xor eax,eax ;stdcall calc_crc32, 0, Z_NULL, 0 mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax put_byte edi, 31 put_byte edi, 139 put_byte edi, 8 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.gzhead],Z_NULL jne .end3 ;if (..==0) put_byte edi, 0 put_dword edi, 0 xor cl,cl cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],2 jge @f mov cl,4 @@: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY jl @f mov cl,4 @@: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],9 jne @f mov cl,2 @@: ;..==.. ? 2 : (..>=.. || ..<.. ? 4 : 0) put_byte edi, cl put_byte edi, OS_CODE mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],BUSY_STATE jmp .end2 .end3: ;else mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] xor cl,cl cmp [edx+gz_header.text],0 je @f inc cl @@: cmp [edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f add cl,2 @@: cmp [edx+gz_header.extra],Z_NULL je @f add cl,4 @@: cmp [edx+gz_header.name],Z_NULL je @f add cl,8 @@: cmp [edx+gz_header.comment],Z_NULL je @f add cl,16 @@: put_byte edi, cl mov ecx,[edx+gz_header.time] put_dword edi, ecx xor cl,cl cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],2 jge @f mov cl,4 @@: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY jl @f mov cl,4 @@: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],9 jne @f mov cl,2 @@: ;..==.. ? 2 : (..>=.. || ..<.. ? 4 : 0) put_byte edi, cl mov ecx,[edx+gz_header.os] put_byte edi, cl cmp dword[edx+gz_header.extra],Z_NULL je @f ;if (..!=0) mov ecx,[edx+gz_header.extra_len] put_byte edi, cl put_byte edi, ch @@: cmp dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f ;if (..) stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler],\ [edi+deflate_state.pending_buf], [edi+deflate_state.pending] mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],EXTRA_STATE jmp .end2 .end1: ;else end if mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.w_bits] sub edx,8 shl edx,4 add edx,Z_DEFLATED shl edx,8 ;edx = header ;esi = level_flags mov esi,3 cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY jge @f cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],2 jge .end30 ;if (..>=.. || ..<..) @@: xor esi,esi jmp .end4 .end30: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],6 jge @f ;else if (..<..) mov esi,1 jmp .end4 @@: ;;cmp word[edi+deflate_state.level],6 jne .end4 ;else if (..==..) mov esi,2 .end4: shl esi,6 or edx,esi cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 je @f ;if (..!=0) or edx,PRESET_DICT @@: mov esi,edx mov eax,edx xor edx,edx mov ecx,31 div ecx add esi,31 sub esi,edx ;esi = header mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],BUSY_STATE stdcall putShortMSB, edi, esi ; Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 je @f ;if (..!=0) mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.adler] bswap ecx put_dword edi, ecx @@: stdcall adler32, 0,0,0 mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax .end2: if GZIP eq 1 mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.gzhead] cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],EXTRA_STATE jne .end5 ;if (..==..) cmp dword[edx+gz_header.extra],Z_NULL je .end21 ;if (..!=..) mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] ;esi = beg ;start of bytes to update crc movzx ecx,word[edx+gz_header.extra_len] align 4 .cycle0: ;while (..<..) cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex],ecx jge .cycle0end mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jne .end24 ;if (..==..) mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: stdcall flush_pending, ebx mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] je .cycle0end ;if (..==..) break .end24: push ebx mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] add ebx,[edx+gz_header.extra] mov bl,[ebx] put_byte edi, bl pop ebx inc dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] jmp .cycle0 .cycle0end: mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: mov eax,[edx+gz_header.extra_len] cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex],eax jne .end5 ;if (..==..) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],NAME_STATE jmp .end5 .end21: ;else mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],NAME_STATE .end5: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],NAME_STATE jne .end6 ;if (..==..) cmp dword[edx+gz_header.name],Z_NULL je .end22 ;if (..!=..) mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] ;esi = beg ;start of bytes to update crc .cycle1: ;do mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jne .end25 ;if (..==..) mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: stdcall flush_pending, ebx mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jne .end25 ;if (..==..) mov dword[val],1 jmp .cycle1end .end25: push ebx mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] add ebx,[edx+gz_header.name] movzx ebx,byte[ebx] mov [val],ebx inc dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] put_byte edi, bl pop ebx cmp dword[val],0 jne .cycle1 ;while (val != 0) .cycle1end: mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: cmp dword[val],0 jne .end6 ;if (val == 0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],COMMENT_STATE jmp .end6 .end22: ;else mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],COMMENT_STATE .end6: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],COMMENT_STATE jne .end7 ;if (..==..) cmp dword[edx+gz_header.comment],Z_NULL je .end23 ;if (..!=..) mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] ;esi = beg ;start of bytes to update crc .cycle2: ;do mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jne .end26 ;if (..==..) mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: stdcall flush_pending, ebx mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending] cmp esi,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jne .end26 ;if (..==..) mov dword[val],1 jmp .cycle2end .end26: push ebx mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] add ebx,[edx+gz_header.comment] movzx ebx,byte[ebx] mov [val],ebx inc dword[edi+deflate_state.gzindex] put_byte edi, bl pop ebx cmp dword[val],0 jne .cycle2 ;while (val != 0) .cycle2end: mov dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.pending],esi jle @f ;if (.. && ..>..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] sub ecx,esi mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,esi stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], eax, ecx mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax @@: cmp dword[val],0 jne .end7 ;if (val == 0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],HCRC_STATE jmp .end7 .end23: ;else mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],HCRC_STATE .end7: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],HCRC_STATE jne .end8 ;if (..==..) cmp dword[edx+gz_header.hcrc],0 je .end9 ;if (..) mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] add ecx,2 cmp ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] jbe @f ;if (..>..) stdcall flush_pending, ebx @@: mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending] add ecx,2 cmp ecx,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] ja .end8 ;if (..<=..) mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.adler] put_byte edi, cl put_byte edi, ch xor eax,eax ;stdcall calc_crc32, 0, Z_NULL, 0 mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],BUSY_STATE jmp .end8 .end9: ;else mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],BUSY_STATE .end8: end if ; Flush as much pending output as possible cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.pending],0 je .end13 ;if (..!=0) stdcall flush_pending, ebx cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) ; Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with ; more output space, but possibly with both pending and ; avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do, ; but this is not an error situation so make sure we ; return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.last_flush],-1 mov eax,Z_OK jmp .end_f ; Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive ; flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep ; returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR. align 4 .end13: cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_in],0 jne @f RANK dword[old_flush],esi RANK dword[flush],eax cmp eax,esi jg @f cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH je @f ;else if (..==0 && ..<=.. && ..!=..) ERR_RETURN ebx, Z_BUF_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: ; User must not provide more input after the first FINISH: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],FINISH_STATE jne @f cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_in],0 je @f ;if (..==.. && ..!=0) ERR_RETURN ebx, Z_BUF_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: ; Start a new block or continue the current one. cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_in],0 jne @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne @f cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH je .end11 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.status],FINISH_STATE je .end11 @@: ;if (..!=0 || ..!=0 || (..!=.. && ..!=..)) ;edx = bstate cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY jne @f stdcall deflate_huff, edi, [flush] jmp .end20 @@: cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_RLE jne @f stdcall deflate_rle, edi, [flush] jmp .end20 @@: movzx eax,word[edi+deflate_state.level] imul eax,sizeof.config_s add eax,configuration_table+config_s.co_func stdcall dword[eax], edi, [flush] .end20: mov edx,eax cmp edx,finish_started je @f cmp edx,finish_done jne .end18 @@: ;if (..==.. || ..==..) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.status],FINISH_STATE .end18: cmp edx,need_more je @f cmp edx,finish_started jne .end19 @@: ;if (..==.. || ..==..) cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne @f ;if (..==0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.last_flush],-1 ;avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above @@: mov eax,Z_OK jmp .end_f ; If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call ; of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure ; that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an ; empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also ; ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most ; one empty block. .end19: cmp edx,block_done jne .end11 ;if (..==..) cmp dword[flush],Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH jne @f ;if (..==..) stdcall _tr_align, edi jmp .end16 @@: cmp dword[flush],Z_BLOCK je .end16 ;else if (..!=..) ;FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH stdcall _tr_stored_block, edi, 0, 0, 0 ; For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized ; as a special marker by inflate_sync(). cmp dword[flush],Z_FULL_FLUSH jne .end16 ;if (..==..) CLEAR_HASH edi ;forget history cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne .end16 ;if (..==0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.block_start],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 .end16: stdcall flush_pending, ebx cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne .end11 ;if (..==0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.last_flush],-1 ;avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above mov eax,Z_OK jmp .end_f .end11: cmp dword[ebx+z_stream.avail_out],0 jg @f zlib_assert 'bug2' ;Assert(..>0) @@: cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH je @f ;if (..!=0) mov eax,Z_OK jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],0 jg @f ;if (..<=0) mov eax,Z_STREAM_END jmp .end_f @@: ; Write the trailer if GZIP eq 1 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],2 jne @f ;if (..==..) mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.adler] put_dword edi, ecx mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.total_in] put_dword edi, ecx jmp .end17 @@: ;else end if mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.adler] bswap ecx put_dword edi, ecx .end17: stdcall flush_pending, ebx ; If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again ; to flush the rest. cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap],0 jle @f ;if (..>0) ;write the trailer only once! neg dword[edi+deflate_state.wrap] @@: mov eax,Z_OK cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.pending],0 jne .end_f mov eax,Z_STREAM_END .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ;int (strm) ; z_streamp strm align 4 proc deflateEnd uses ebx ecx edx, strm:dword mov ebx,[strm] cmp ebx,Z_NULL je @f mov edx,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp edx,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: mov ecx,[edx+deflate_state.status] cmp ecx,INIT_STATE je @f cmp ecx,EXTRA_STATE je @f cmp ecx,NAME_STATE je @f cmp ecx,COMMENT_STATE je @f cmp ecx,HCRC_STATE je @f cmp ecx,BUSY_STATE je @f cmp ecx,FINISH_STATE je @f ;if (..!=.. && ..!=.. && ..!=.. && ..!=.. && ..!=.. && ..!=.. && ..!=..) mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: ; Deallocate in reverse order of allocations: TRY_FREE ebx, dword[edx+deflate_state.pending_buf] TRY_FREE ebx, dword[edx+deflate_state.head] TRY_FREE ebx, dword[edx+deflate_state.prev] TRY_FREE ebx, dword[edx+deflate_state.window] ZFREE ebx, dword[ebx+z_stream.state] mov dword[ebx+z_stream.state],Z_NULL mov eax,Z_DATA_ERROR cmp ecx,BUSY_STATE je .end_f mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; ========================================================================= ; Copy the source state to the destination state. ; To simplify the source, this is not supported for 16-bit MSDOS (which ; doesn't have enough memory anyway to duplicate compression states). ;int (dest, source) ; z_streamp dest ; z_streamp source align 4 proc deflateCopy uses ebx edx edi esi, dest:dword, source:dword ;ebx = overlay ;uint_16p ;edi = ds ;deflate_state* ;esi = ss ;deflate_state* mov esi,[source] cmp esi,Z_NULL je @f mov edx,[dest] cmp edx,Z_NULL je @f mov esi,[esi+z_stream.state] cmp esi,Z_NULL jne .end0 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0) mov eax,Z_STREAM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end0: stdcall zmemcpy, edx, [source], sizeof.z_stream ZALLOC edx, 1, sizeof.deflate_state cmp eax,0 jne @f ;if (..==0) return .. mov eax,Z_MEM_ERROR jmp .end_f @@: mov edi,eax mov [edx+z_stream.state],eax stdcall zmemcpy, edi, esi, sizeof.deflate_state mov dword[edi+deflate_state.strm],edx ZALLOC edx, [edi+deflate_state.w_size], 2 ;2*sizeof.db mov dword[edi+deflate_state.window],eax ZALLOC edx, [edi+deflate_state.w_size], 2 ;sizeof.dw mov dword[edi+deflate_state.prev],eax ZALLOC edx, [edi+deflate_state.hash_size], 2 ;sizeof.dw mov dword[edi+deflate_state.head],eax ZALLOC edx, [edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize], 4 ;sizeof.dw+2 mov ebx,eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf],eax cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.window],Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.prev],Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.head],Z_NULL je @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf],Z_NULL jne .end1 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0 || ..==0) stdcall deflateEnd, edx mov eax,Z_MEM_ERROR jmp .end_f .end1: ; following zmemcpy do not work for 16-bit MSDOS mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] shl eax,1 ;*= 2*sizeof.db stdcall zmemcpy, [edi+deflate_state.window], [esi+deflate_state.window], eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] shl eax,1 ;*= sizeof.dw stdcall zmemcpy, [edi+deflate_state.prev], [esi+deflate_state.prev], eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.hash_size] shl eax,1 ;*= sizeof.dw stdcall zmemcpy, [edi+deflate_state.head], [esi+deflate_state.head], eax stdcall zmemcpy, [edi+deflate_state.pending_buf], [esi+deflate_state.pending_buf], [edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] add eax,[esi+deflate_state.pending_out] sub eax,[esi+deflate_state.pending_buf] mov [edi+deflate_state.pending_out],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize] shr eax,1 ;/=sizeof.uint_16 add eax,ebx mov [edi+deflate_state.d_buf],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lit_bufsize] imul eax,3 ;*=1+sizeof.uint_16 add eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf] mov [edi+deflate_state.l_buf],eax mov eax,edi add eax,deflate_state.dyn_ltree mov [edi+deflate_state.l_desc.dyn_tree],eax add eax,deflate_state.dyn_dtree-deflate_state.dyn_ltree mov [edi+deflate_state.d_desc.dyn_tree],eax add eax,deflate_state.bl_tree-deflate_state.dyn_dtree mov [edi+deflate_state.bl_desc.dyn_tree],eax mov eax,Z_OK .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32 ; and total number of bytes read. All deflate() input goes through ; this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid ; allocating a large strm->next_in buffer and copying from it. ; (See also flush_pending()). ;int (strm, buf, size) ; z_streamp strm ; Bytef *buf ; unsigned size align 16 proc read_buf uses ebx ecx, strm:dword, buf:dword, size:dword mov ebx,[strm] mov eax,[ebx+z_stream.avail_in] cmp eax,[size] jbe @f ;if (..>..) mov eax,[size] @@: cmp eax,0 jg @f xor eax,eax jmp .end_f ;if (..==0) return 0 @@: sub [ebx+z_stream.avail_in],eax stdcall zmemcpy, [buf],[ebx+z_stream.next_in],eax mov ecx,[ebx+z_stream.state] cmp dword[ecx+deflate_state.wrap],1 jne @f ;if (..==..) push eax stdcall adler32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], [buf], eax mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax pop eax if GZIP eq 1 jmp .end0 end if @@: if GZIP eq 1 cmp dword[ecx+deflate_state.wrap],2 jne .end0 ;else if (..==..) push eax stdcall calc_crc32, [ebx+z_stream.adler], [buf], eax mov [ebx+z_stream.adler],eax pop eax .end0: end if add [ebx+z_stream.next_in],eax add [ebx+z_stream.total_in],eax .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new zlib stream ;void (deflate_state *s) align 16 proc lm_init uses eax ebx edi, s:dword mov edi,[s] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] shl eax,1 mov [edi+deflate_state.window_size],eax CLEAR_HASH edi ; Set the default configuration parameters: movzx eax,word[edi+deflate_state.level] imul eax,sizeof.config_s add eax,configuration_table movzx ebx,word[eax+config_s.max_lazy] mov [edi+deflate_state.max_lazy_match],ebx movzx ebx,word[eax+config_s.good_length] mov [edi+deflate_state.good_match],ebx movzx ebx,word[eax+config_s.nice_length] mov [edi+deflate_state.nice_match],ebx movzx ebx,word[eax+config_s.max_chain] mov [edi+deflate_state.max_chain_length],ebx mov dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.block_start],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.prev_length],MIN_MATCH-1 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH-1 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.ins_h],0 if FASTEST eq 0 ;if ASMV ; call match_init ;initialize the asm code ;end if end if ret endp ;uInt (s, cur_match) ; deflate_state *s ; IPos cur_match ;current match align 16 proc longest_match uses ebx ecx edx edi esi, s:dword, cur_match:dword if FASTEST eq 0 ; =========================================================================== ; Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and ; return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded, ; in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is ; garbage. ; IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current ; string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1 ; OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead. ;#ifndef ASMV ; For 80x86 and 680x0, an optimized version will be provided in match.asm or ; match.S. The code will be functionally equivalent. locals chain_length dd ? ;unsigned ;max hash chain length len dd ? ;int ;length of current match strend dd ? ;Bytef * best_len dd ? ;int ;best match length so far nice_match dd ? ;int ;stop if match long enough limit dd NIL ;IPos prev dd ? ;Posf * wmask dd ? ;uInt endl mov edx,[s] mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.max_chain_length] mov [chain_length],eax mov edi,[edx+deflate_state.window] add edi,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] ;edi - Bytef *scan ;current string ;esi - Bytef *match ;matched string mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.prev_length] mov [best_len],eax mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.nice_match] mov [nice_match],eax MAX_DIST edx cmp [edx+deflate_state.strstart],eax jle @f mov ecx,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] sub ecx,eax mov [limit],ecx @@: ; Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code, ; we prevent matches with the string of window index 0. mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.prev] mov [prev],eax mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.w_mask] mov [wmask],eax mov eax,edi add eax,MAX_MATCH ;-1 ??? mov [strend],eax mov eax,[best_len] dec eax mov bx,[edi+eax] ;bl - Byte scan_end1 ;bh - Byte scan_end ; The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16. ; It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary. if MAX_MATCH <> 258 cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.hash_bits],8 jge @f zlib_assert 'Code too clever' ;Assert(..>=.. && ..==..) @@: end if ; Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match: mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.good_match] cmp [edx+deflate_state.prev_length],eax jl @f ;if (..>=..) shr dword[chain_length],2 @@: ; Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary ; to make deflate deterministic. mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.lookahead] cmp dword[nice_match],eax jle @f ;if (..>..) mov [nice_match],eax @@: mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.window_size] sub eax,MIN_LOOKAHEAD cmp [edx+deflate_state.strstart],eax jle .cycle0 zlib_assert 'need lookahead' ;Assert(..<=..) align 4 .cycle0: ;do mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] cmp [cur_match],eax jl @f zlib_assert 'no future' ;Assert(..<..) @@: mov esi,[edx+deflate_state.window] add esi,[cur_match] ; Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase ; or if the match length is less than 2. Note that the checks below ; for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance ; reasons. Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and ; conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values. ; However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so ; the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values. mov eax,[best_len] dec eax cmp word[esi+eax],bx jne .cycle0cont mov al,byte[esi] cmp al,byte[edi] jne .cycle0cont inc esi mov al,byte[esi] cmp al,[edi+1] jne .cycle0cont ;if (..!=.. || ..!=.. || ..!=.. || ..!=..) continue ; The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made ; again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.) ; It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they ; are always equal when the other bytes match, given that ; the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8. add edi,2 inc esi mov al,byte[edi] cmp al,byte[esi] je @f zlib_assert 'match[2]?' ;Assert(..==..) @@: ; We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison; ; the 256th check will be made at strstart+258. inc edi inc esi mov ecx,[strend] sub ecx,edi jz @f repe cmpsb dec edi dec esi @@: mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.window_size] dec eax add eax,[edx+deflate_state.window] cmp edi,eax jle @f zlib_assert 'wild scan' ;Assert(..<=..) @@: mov eax,MAX_MATCH add eax,edi sub eax,[strend] mov [len],eax mov edi,[strend] sub edi,MAX_MATCH mov eax,[best_len] cmp [len],eax jle .cycle0cont ;if (..>..) mov eax,[cur_match] mov [edx+deflate_state.match_start],eax mov eax,[len] mov [best_len],eax mov eax,[nice_match] cmp [len],eax jge .cycle0end ;if (..>=..) break mov eax,[best_len] dec eax mov bx,[edi+eax] .cycle0cont: mov eax,[cur_match] and eax,[wmask] shl eax,1 add eax,[prev] movzx eax,word[eax] ;eax = prev[cur_match & wmask] mov [cur_match],eax cmp eax,[limit] jle .cycle0end dec dword[chain_length] jnz .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: ;while (..>.. && ..!=0) mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.lookahead] cmp [best_len],eax jg @f ;if (..<=..) mov eax,[best_len] @@: ;end if ;ASMV else ;FASTEST ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Optimized version for FASTEST only mov edx,[s] ; The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16. ; It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary. if MAX_MATCH <> 258 cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.hash_bits],8 jge @f zlib_assert 'Code too clever' ;Assert(..>=.. && ..==..) @@: end if mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.window_size] sub eax,MIN_LOOKAHEAD cmp [edx+deflate_state.strstart],eax jle @f zlib_assert 'need lookahead' ;Assert(..<=..) @@: mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] cmp [cur_match],eax jl @f zlib_assert 'no future' ;Assert(..<..) @@: mov esi,[edx+deflate_state.window] mov edi,esi add esi,[cur_match] add edi,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] ;edi = scan ;esi = match ; Return failure if the match length is less than 2: lodsw cmp ax,word[edi] je @f ;if (word[edi] != word[esi]) return mov eax,MIN_MATCH-1 jmp .end_f @@: ; The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made ; again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.) ; It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they ; are always equal when the other bytes match, given that ; the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8. add edi,2 mov al,byte[edi] cmp al,byte[esi] je @f zlib_assert 'match[2]?' ;Assert(..==..) @@: ; We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison; ; the 256th check will be made at strstart+258. mov ebx,edi mov ecx,MAX_MATCH align 4 @@: lodsb scasb loope @b mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.window_size] dec eax add eax,[edx+deflate_state.window] cmp edi,eax jle @f zlib_assert 'wild scan' ;Assert(..<=..) @@: sub edi,ebx ;edi = len cmp edi,MIN_MATCH jge @f ;if (..<..) mov eax,MIN_MATCH-1 jmp .end_f @@: mov eax,[cur_match] mov [edx+deflate_state.match_start],eax mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.lookahead] cmp edi,eax jg @f ;if (len <= s.lookahead) ? len : s.lookahead mov eax,edi @@: end if ;FASTEST .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Check that the match at match_start is indeed a match. ;void (s, start, match, length) ; deflate_state *s ; IPos start, match ; int length align 4 proc check_match, s:dword, start:dword, p3match:dword, length:dword if DEBUG eq 1 ; check that the match is indeed a match ; if (zmemcmp(s->window + match, ; s->window + start, length) != EQUAL) { ; fprintf(stderr, " start %u, match %u, length %d\n", ; start, match, length); ; do { ; fprintf(stderr, "%c%c", s->window[match++], s->window[start++]); ; } while (--length != 0); ; z_error("invalid match"); ; } ; if (z_verbose > 1) { ; fprintf(stderr,"\\[%d,%d]", start-match, length); ; do { putc(s->window[start++], stderr); } while (--length != 0); ; } end if ;DEBUG ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient. ; Updates strstart and lookahead. ; IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD ; OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD ; At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are ; performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol ; option -- not supported here). ;void (deflate_state *s) align 16 proc fill_window, s:dword pushad ;esi = p, str, curr ;ebx = more ;Amount of free space at the end of the window. ;Объем свободного пространства в конце окна. ;ecx = wsize ;uInt ;edx = s.strm mov edi,[s] cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jl @f zlib_assert 'already enough lookahead' ;Assert(..<..) @@: mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.strm] .cycle0: ;do mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.window_size] sub ebx,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] sub ebx,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] ; If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead, ; move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half. ;;MAX_DIST edi ;;add eax,ecx mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.w_size] lea eax,[ecx+eax-MIN_LOOKAHEAD] cmp [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax jb .end0 ;if (..>=..) push ecx mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,ecx stdcall zmemcpy, [edi+deflate_state.window], eax sub [edi+deflate_state.match_start],ecx sub [edi+deflate_state.strstart],ecx ;we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST sub [edi+deflate_state.block_start],ecx ; Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values ; at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0 ; to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0 ; later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of ; zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.) push ebx ecx ;ebx = wsize ;ecx = n mov ebx,ecx mov ecx,[edi+deflate_state.hash_size] mov esi,ecx shl esi,1 add esi,[edi+deflate_state.head] .cycle1: ;do sub esi,2 movzx eax,word[esi] mov word[esi],NIL cmp eax,ebx jl @f sub eax,ebx mov [esi],ax @@: loop .cycle1 ;while (..) if FASTEST eq 0 mov ecx,ebx mov esi,ecx shl esi,1 add esi,[edi+deflate_state.prev] .cycle2: ;do sub esi,2 movzx eax,word[esi] mov word[esi],NIL cmp eax,ebx jl @f sub eax,ebx mov [esi],ax @@: ; If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but ; its value will never be used. loop .cycle2 ;while (..) end if pop ecx ebx add ebx,ecx .end0: cmp dword[edx+z_stream.avail_in],0 je .cycle0end ;if (..==0) break ; If there was no sliding: ; strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 && ; more == window_size - lookahead - strstart ; => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1) ; => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2 ; In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported), ; window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD && ; strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD. ; Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2. ; If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2. cmp ebx,2 jge @f zlib_assert 'more < 2' ;Assert(..>=..) @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] stdcall read_buf, edx, eax, ebx add [edi+deflate_state.lookahead],eax ; Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.insert] cmp eax,MIN_MATCH jb .end1 ;if (..>=..) mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub esi,[edi+deflate_state.insert] ;esi = str mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,esi mov [edi+deflate_state.ins_h],eax inc eax movzx eax,byte[eax] UPDATE_HASH edi, [edi+deflate_state.ins_h], eax if MIN_MATCH <> 3 ; Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times end if .cycle3: ;while (..) cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 je .end1 mov eax,esi add eax,MIN_MATCH-1 add eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] movzx eax,byte[eax] UPDATE_HASH edi, [edi+deflate_state.ins_h], eax if FASTEST eq 0 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.ins_h] shl eax,1 add eax,[edi+deflate_state.head] push ebx mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.w_mask] and ebx,esi shl ebx,1 add ebx,[edi+deflate_state.prev] mov ax,[eax] mov [ebx],ax pop ebx end if mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.ins_h] shl eax,1 add eax,[edi+deflate_state.head] mov [eax],si inc esi dec dword[edi+deflate_state.insert] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.insert] cmp eax,MIN_MATCH jb .end1 ;if (..<..) break jmp .cycle3 .end1: ; If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage, ; but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted. cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jae .cycle0end cmp dword[edx+z_stream.avail_in],0 jne .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: ;while (..<.. && ..!=..) ; If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been ; written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of ; the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by ; the longest match routines. Update the high water mark for the next ; time through here. WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match ; routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window_size] cmp [edi+deflate_state.high_water],eax jae .end2 ;if (..<..) mov esi,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] add esi,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] ;esi = curr cmp [edi+deflate_state.high_water],esi jae .end3 ;if (..<..) ; Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT ; bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window_size] sub eax,esi cmp eax,WIN_INIT jbe @f ;if (..>..) mov eax,WIN_INIT @@: mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.window] add edx,esi stdcall zmemzero, edx, eax add eax,esi mov [edi+deflate_state.high_water],eax jmp .end2 .end3: ;else if (..<..) mov eax,esi add eax,WIN_INIT cmp [edi+deflate_state.high_water],eax jae .end2 ; High water mark at or above current data, but below current data ; plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up ; to end of window, whichever is less. ;eax = esi+WIN_INIT sub eax,[edi+deflate_state.high_water] mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.window_size] sub edx,[edi+deflate_state.high_water] cmp eax,edx ;if (..>..) jbe @f mov eax,edx @@: mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.window] add edx,[edi+deflate_state.high_water] stdcall zmemzero, edx, eax add [edi+deflate_state.high_water],eax .end2: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window_size] sub eax,MIN_LOOKAHEAD cmp [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax jle @f zlib_assert 'not enough room for search' ;Assert(..<=..) @@: popad ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Flush the current block, with given end-of-file flag. ; IN assertion: strstart is set to the end of the current match. macro FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY s, last { local .end0 push dword last mov eax,[s+deflate_state.strstart] sub eax,[s+deflate_state.block_start] push eax xor eax,eax cmp [s+deflate_state.block_start],eax jl .end0 mov eax,[s+deflate_state.block_start] add eax,[s+deflate_state.window] .end0: stdcall _tr_flush_block, s, eax mov eax,[s+deflate_state.strstart] mov [s+deflate_state.block_start],eax stdcall flush_pending, [s+deflate_state.strm] ; Tracev((stderr,"[FLUSH]")); } ; Same but force premature exit if necessary. macro FLUSH_BLOCK s, last { local .end0 FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY s, last mov eax,[s+deflate_state.strm] cmp dword[eax+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne .end0 ;if (..==0) if last eq 1 mov eax,finish_started else mov eax,need_more end if jmp .end_f .end0: } ; =========================================================================== ; Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return ; the current block state. ; This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since ; uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used ; only for the level=0 compression option. ; NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from ; window to pending_buf. ;block_state (deflate_state *s, int flush) align 4 proc deflate_stored uses ebx ecx edi, s:dword, flush:dword ; Stored blocks are limited to 0xffff bytes, pending_buf is limited ; to pending_buf_size, and each stored block has a 5 byte header: mov edi,[s] mov ecx,0xffff mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.pending_buf_size] sub eax,5 cmp ecx,eax jle .cycle0 ;if (..>..) mov ecx,eax ;ecx = max_block_size ; Copy as much as possible from input to output: align 4 .cycle0: ;for (;;) ; Fill the window as much as possible: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],1 jg .end0 ;if (..<=..) ; Assert(s->strstart < s->w_size+MAX_DIST(s) || ; s->block_start >= (long)s->w_size, "slide too late"); stdcall fill_window, edi cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne @f cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne @f ;if (..==0 && ..==..) mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 je .cycle0end ;if (..==0) break ;flush the current block .end0: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.block_start],0 jge @f zlib_assert 'block gone' ;Assert(..>=0) @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] add [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 ; Emit a stored block if pending_buf will be full: mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.block_start] add ebx,ecx cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart],0 je @f cmp [edi+deflate_state.strstart],ebx jl .end1 @@: ;if (..==0 || ..>=..) ; strstart == 0 is possible when wraparound on 16-bit machine mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub eax,ebx mov [edi+deflate_state.lookahead],eax mov [edi+deflate_state.strstart],ebx FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 .end1: ; Flush if we may have to slide, otherwise block_start may become ; negative and the data will be gone: MAX_DIST edi mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub ebx,[edi+deflate_state.block_start] cmp ebx,eax jl .cycle0 ;if (..>=..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH jne @f ;if (..==..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 1 mov eax,finish_done jmp .end_f @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.block_start] cmp [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax jle @f ;if (..>..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 @@: mov eax,block_done .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current ; block state. ; This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts ; new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short ; matches. It is used only for the fast compression options. ;block_state (s, flush) ; deflate_state *s ; int flush align 4 proc deflate_fast uses ebx ecx edi, s:dword, flush:dword locals bflush dd ? ;int ;set if current block must be flushed endl ;ecx = hash_head ;IPos ;head of the hash chain mov edi,[s] .cycle0: ;for (..) ; Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except ; at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes ; for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the ; string following the next match. cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jge .end0 ;if (..<..) stdcall fill_window, edi cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jge @f ;if (..<.. && ..==..) cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne @f mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f align 4 @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 je .cycle0end ;if (..==0) break ;flush the current block align 4 .end0: ; Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the ; dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: mov ecx,NIL cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_MATCH jl @f ;if (..>=..) INSERT_STRING edi, [edi+deflate_state.strstart], ecx @@: ; Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length. ; At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH cmp ecx,NIL je @f MAX_DIST edi mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub ebx,ecx cmp ebx,eax jg @f ;if (..!=0 && ..<=..) ; To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string ; of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match ; of the string with itself at the start of the input file). stdcall longest_match, edi, ecx mov [edi+deflate_state.match_length],eax ; longest_match() sets match_start @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH jl .end1 ;if (..>=..) stdcall check_match, edi, [edi+deflate_state.strstart], [edi+deflate_state.match_start], [edi+deflate_state.match_length] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_start] mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.match_length] sub ebx,MIN_MATCH _tr_tally_dist edi, eax, ebx, [bflush] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_length] sub [edi+deflate_state.lookahead],eax ; Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length ; is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression. if FASTEST eq 0 ;;mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_length] cmp eax,[edi+deflate_state.max_insert_length] jg .end3 cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_MATCH jl .end3 ;if (..<=.. && ..>=..) dec dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length] ;string at strstart already in table .cycle1: ;do { inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] INSERT_STRING edi, [edi+deflate_state.strstart], ecx ; strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are ; always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead. dec dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length] cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],0 jne .cycle1 ;while (..!=0) inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] jmp .end2 .end3: ;else end if mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_length] add [edi+deflate_state.strstart],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],0 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] mov [edi+deflate_state.ins_h],eax inc eax movzx eax,byte[eax] UPDATE_HASH edi, [edi+deflate_state.ins_h], eax if MIN_MATCH <> 3 ; Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times end if ; If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not ; matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call. jmp .end2 .end1: ;else ; No match, output a literal byte mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] movzx eax,byte[eax] Tracevv eax, _tr_tally_lit edi, eax, [bflush] dec dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] .end2: cmp dword[bflush],0 je .cycle0 ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] cmp eax,MIN_MATCH-1 jl @f mov eax,MIN_MATCH-1 @@: mov [edi+deflate_state.insert],eax cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH jne @f ;if (..==..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 1 mov eax,finish_done jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.last_lit],0 je @f ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 @@: mov eax,block_done .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy ; evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is ; no better match at the next window position. ;block_state (s, flush) ; deflate_state *s ; int flush align 4 proc deflate_slow uses ebx ecx edx edi, s:dword, flush:dword locals bflush dd ? ;int ;set if current block must be flushed endl ;ecx = hash_head ;IPos ;head of the hash chain mov edi,[s] ; Process the input block. .cycle0: ;for (;;) ; Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except ; at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes ; for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the ; string following the next match. cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jae .end0 ;if (..<..) stdcall fill_window, edi cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_LOOKAHEAD jae @f ;if (..<.. && ..==..) cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne @f mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f align 4 @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 je .cycle0end ;if (..==0) break ;flush the current block align 4 .end0: ; Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the ; dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: mov ecx,NIL cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_MATCH jb @f ;if (..>=..) INSERT_STRING edi, [edi+deflate_state.strstart], ecx @@: ; Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_length] mov [edi+deflate_state.prev_length],eax mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_start] mov [edi+deflate_state.prev_match],eax mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH-1 cmp ecx,NIL je .end1 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.prev_length] cmp eax,[edi+deflate_state.max_lazy_match] jae .end1 MAX_DIST edi mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub ebx,ecx cmp ebx,eax ja .end1 ;if (..!=0 && ..<.. && ..<=..) ; To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string ; of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match ; of the string with itself at the start of the input file). stdcall longest_match, edi, ecx mov [edi+deflate_state.match_length],eax ; longest_match() sets match_start cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],5 ja .end1 cmp word[edi+deflate_state.strategy],Z_FILTERED if TOO_FAR <= 32767 je @f cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH jne .end1 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] sub eax,[edi+deflate_state.match_start] cmp eax,TOO_FAR jbe .end1 ;if (..<=.. && (..==.. || (..==.. && ..>..))) @@: else jne .end1 ;if (..<=.. && ..==..) end if ; If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage ; but we will ignore the current match anyway. mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH-1 .end1: ; If there was a match at the previous step and the current ; match is not better, output the previous match: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.prev_length] cmp eax,MIN_MATCH jb .end2 cmp [edi+deflate_state.match_length],eax ja .end2 ;if (..>=.. && ..<=..) mov edx,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] add edx,[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] sub edx,MIN_MATCH ;edx = max_insert ; Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec eax stdcall check_match, edi, eax, [edi+deflate_state.prev_match], [edi+deflate_state.prev_length] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec eax sub eax,[edi+deflate_state.prev_match] mov ebx,[edi+deflate_state.prev_length] sub ebx,MIN_MATCH _tr_tally_dist edi, eax, ebx, [bflush] ; Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match. ; strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not ; enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in ; the hash table. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.prev_length] dec eax sub [edi+deflate_state.lookahead],eax sub dword[edi+deflate_state.prev_length],2 .cycle1: ;do inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] cmp [edi+deflate_state.strstart],edx ja @f ;if (..<=..) INSERT_STRING edi, [edi+deflate_state.strstart], ecx @@: dec dword[edi+deflate_state.prev_length] cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.prev_length],0 jne .cycle1 ;while (..!=0) mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH-1 inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] cmp dword[bflush],0 je .cycle0 ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 jmp .cycle0 align 4 .end2: ;else if (..) cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 je .end3 ; If there was no match at the previous position, output a ; single literal. If there was a match but the current match ; is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal. mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec eax add eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] movzx eax,byte[eax] Tracevv eax, _tr_tally_lit edi, eax, [bflush] cmp dword[bflush],0 je @f ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY edi, 0 @@: inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strm] cmp dword[eax+z_stream.avail_out],0 jne .cycle0 ;if (..==0) return .. mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f align 4 .end3: ;else ; There is no previous match to compare with, wait for ; the next step to decide. mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],1 inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne @f zlib_assert 'no flush?' ;Assert (..!=..) @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 je @f ;if (..) mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] dec eax add eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] movzx eax,byte[eax] Tracevv eax, _tr_tally_lit edi, eax, [bflush] mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_available],0 @@: mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] cmp eax,MIN_MATCH-1 jb @f mov eax,MIN_MATCH-1 @@: mov [edi+deflate_state.insert],eax cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH jne @f ;if (..==..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 1 mov eax,finish_done jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.last_lit],0 je @f ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 @@: mov eax,block_done .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance ; one. Do not maintain a hash table. (It will be regenerated if this run of ; deflate switches away from Z_RLE.) ;block_state (s, flush) ; deflate_state *s ; int flush align 4 proc deflate_rle uses ecx edx edi esi, s:dword, flush:dword locals bflush dd ? ;int ;set if current block must be flushed endl mov edx,[s] align 4 .cycle0: ;for (;;) ; Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except ; at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes ; for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop. cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.lookahead],MAX_MATCH jg .end0 ;if (..<=..) stdcall fill_window, edx cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.lookahead],MAX_MATCH jg @f cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne @f ;if (..<=.. && ..==..) mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f align 4 @@: cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.lookahead],0 je .cycle0end ;flush the current block align 4 .end0: ; See how many times the previous byte repeats mov dword[edx+deflate_state.match_length],0 cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.lookahead],MIN_MATCH jl .end1 cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.strstart],0 jle .end1 ;if (..>=.. && ..>..) mov esi,[edx+deflate_state.window] add esi,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] dec esi lodsb ;prev = *scan; ++scan mov edi,esi scasb jnz .end2 scasb jnz .end2 scasb jnz .end2 ;if (..==.. && ..==.. && ..==..) ;edi = scan ;scan goes up to strend for length of run ; al = prev ;byte at distance one to match ;ecx = strend-scan mov ecx,MAX_MATCH-2 repz scasb dec edi sub edi,[edx+deflate_state.window] sub edi,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] mov [edx+deflate_state.match_length],edi mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.lookahead] cmp [edx+deflate_state.match_length],eax jle .end2 ;if (..>..) mov [edx+deflate_state.match_length],eax .end2: mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.window_size] dec eax add eax,[edx+deflate_state.window] cmp edi,eax jle .end1 zlib_assert 'wild scan' ;Assert(..<=..) .end1: ; Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.match_length],MIN_MATCH jl @f ;if (..>=..) push dword[edx+deflate_state.match_length] mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] dec eax stdcall check_match, edx, [edx+deflate_state.strstart], eax mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.match_length] sub eax,MIN_MATCH _tr_tally_dist edx, 1, eax, [bflush] mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.match_length] sub [edx+deflate_state.lookahead],eax add [edx+deflate_state.strstart],eax mov dword[edx+deflate_state.match_length],0 jmp .end3 @@: ;else ; No match, output a literal byte mov eax,[edx+deflate_state.strstart] add eax,[edx+deflate_state.window] movzx eax,byte[eax] Tracevv eax, _tr_tally_lit edx, eax, [bflush] dec dword[edx+deflate_state.lookahead] inc dword[edx+deflate_state.strstart] .end3: cmp dword[bflush],0 je .cycle0 ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edx, 0 jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: mov dword[edx+deflate_state.insert],0 cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH jne @f ;if (..==..) FLUSH_BLOCK edx, 1 mov eax,finish_done jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edx+deflate_state.last_lit],0 je @f ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edx, 0 @@: mov eax,block_done .end_f: ret endp ; =========================================================================== ; For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches. Do not maintain a hash table. ; (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.) ;block_state (s, flush) ; deflate_state *s ; int flush align 4 proc deflate_huff uses ebx edi, s:dword, flush:dword locals bflush dd ? ;int ;set if current block must be flushed endl mov edi,[s] align 4 .cycle0: ;for (;;) ; Make sure that we have a literal to write. cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne .end0 ;if (..==0) stdcall fill_window, edi cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead],0 jne .end0 ;if (..==0) cmp dword[flush],Z_NO_FLUSH jne .cycle0end ;if (..==..) mov eax,need_more jmp .end_f ;flush the current block align 4 .end0: ; Output a literal byte mov dword[edi+deflate_state.match_length],0 mov eax,[edi+deflate_state.strstart] add eax,[edi+deflate_state.window] movzx eax,byte[eax] Tracevv eax, _tr_tally_lit edi, eax, [bflush] dec dword[edi+deflate_state.lookahead] inc dword[edi+deflate_state.strstart] cmp dword[bflush],0 je .cycle0 ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 jmp .cycle0 align 4 .cycle0end: mov dword[edi+deflate_state.insert],0 cmp dword[flush],Z_FINISH jne @f ;if (..==..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 1 mov eax,finish_done jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[edi+deflate_state.last_lit],0 je @f ;if (..) FLUSH_BLOCK edi, 0 @@: mov eax,block_done .end_f: ret endp