#=========================================================================== # Makefile for UnZip, ZipInfo, fUnZip, MakeSFX AMIGA SAS/C Version 6.58 # Version: 5.53 last revised: 25 Dec 06 #=========================================================================== # from John Bush # or: # updated for SAS/C Version 6.56+ and AmigaDOS 3.1 (V40) # by Haidinger Walter # additional supplements and maintenance by Paul Kienitz # This makefile should work with at least AmigaDOS 2.04 (V37) (not tested) # and will probably not work with AmigaDOS 1.3 (V34) # If you have any improvements, critics or else please feel free to mail. # Any response is appreciated. Haidinger Walter # Available targets: # all builds all executables below # unzip builds unzip executable # unzipsfx builds unzipsfx executable # funzip builds funzip executable # makesfx builds makesfx executable # clean remove all files created by the compilation # spotless like clean target but removes binaries too ########################## # USER MACRO DEFINITIONS # ########################## # Set the processor to generate code for UnZip and fUnZip. Specify one of: # ANY 68000 68010 68020 68030 68040 68060 (Default: ANY or 68000) # Use of the assembly versions is not supported yet since some of the asm # source file do not assemble with 68000 instructions. # Any help is appreciated of course. CUSECPU = ANY # Uncomment both CUTIL and LUTIL to make use of utility.library of OS 2.04+ # The utility.library is *not* used for UnZipSFX to ensure maximum portability # between the different Amiga systems (minimal config: 68000 and OS 1.2). # You can change this by adding the $(LUTIL) macro in the UnZipSFX linking # rules (See below: Final output targets, UnZipSFX:). # WARNINGS when using the utility library: # 1. All Executables will *only* work with AmigaDOS 2.04 (v37) or higher. # 2. You *need not* compile/link with short-integers using the # utility.library. It will crash your machine. See Libraries below. # # Default: commented (not used) # #CUTIL = UTILLIB DEFINE=_UTILLIB #LUTIL = WITH SC:LIB/utillib.with # include necessary linker defines # Choose one stack-handling method (default=faster) # StackExtend: Dynamic runtime stack extension. You won't notice stack overflows. # StackCheck: On a stack overflow a requester appears which allows you to exit. # Note that either stack watching will slow down your executable because of the # extra code run on each function entry. On the other hand, you won't crash # anymore due to stack overflows. However, you should not have *any* stack # problems with info-zip if you raise your stack to 20000 (which I'd # recommend as a minimum default stack for all applications) or more using the # shell stack command. Type 'Stack 20000' or add it to your S:Shell-Startup. # BTW: Typing 'Stack' prints your current stack size. # CSTACK = NOSTACKCHECK STACKEXTEND # slow, but always works #CSTACK = STACKCHECK NOSTACKEXTEND # slow, requester & graceful exit #CSTACK = NOSTACKCHECK NOSTACKEXTEND # faster but relies on larger stack (>=10K) # # LIBRARIES # --------- # Choose one DATAOPTS , SASLIB and LSTARTUP # Always comment/uncomment all macros of a set. # Library to use with near data and 2-byte integers # Notes: o slower than 4-byte integers with 68000 cpu # o *not* recommended due to poor overall performance # o see comment in amiga/osdep.h #DATAOPTS = DATA=NEAR SHORTINTEGERS DEF=_NEAR_DATA #SASLIB = scs #LSTARTUP = cres.o # Library to use with near data and 4-byte integers (DEFAULT) # *** use this with the utility.library *** DATAOPTS = DATA=NEAR DEF=_NEAR_DATA SASLIB = sc LSTARTUP = cres.o # Library to use with far data and 2-byte integers # use if DYN_ALLOC is not defined # old default - far data always works but is slower #DATAOPTS = DATA=FAR SHORTINTEGERS DEF=_FAR_DATA #SASLIB = scsnb #LSTARTUP = c.o # Library to use with far data and 4-byte integers # if everything else fails: try this #DATAOPTS = DATA=FAR DEF=_FAR_DATA #SASLIB = scnb #LSTARTUP = c.o # # DEBUGGING # --------- # Default: No debugging information added. # The two macros below will be overwritten if you choose to add # debug info, therefore need to comment. CDBG = NODEBUG NOPROFILE NOCOVERAGE # default: no debug info LDBG = STRIPDEBUG # default: no debug info # Compiler and loader debug flags. Uncomment as needed. Recomment when done. # Optimization disabled for faster compilation (by using NOOPT) #CDBG1 = DEF=DEBUG DEF=DEBUG_TIME # enables Info-ZIP's debug output # Enable profiling and coverage when desired. Option COVERAGE commented # seperately because running coverage may corrupt your drive in case of a # system crash since a file 'cover.dat' is created in your working directory. # Note that the use of COVERAGE forces the use of the c.o startup module. #CDBG2 = PROFILE #CDBG3 = COVERAGE # must use c.o startup code: #LSTARTUP = c.o # Uncomment *only* when you use COVERAGE # *Uncomment* _HERE_ macros CDBG and LDBG to include debugging information #CDBG = $(CDBG1) $(CDBG2) $(CDBG3) ADDSYM DEBUG=FULLFLUSH STACKCHECK NOOPT #LDBG = ADDSYM # Optional use of memwatch.library which can be found in your # sc:extras/memlib directory. Please read the short docs (memlib.doc). # Note that memlib has a small bug: MWTerm() displays always the first entry. # Get the latest version from aminet (dev/debug/memlib.lha) or # contact me to get the patch. Uncomment all macros to use. #CMEMLIB = DEFINE=MWDEBUG=1 # define to enable library #LMEMLIB = SC:LIB/memwatch.lib # path to library #LSTARTUP = c.o # must use c.o with memlib! # # MAPPING # ------- # Map filenames used when mapping (no need to comment) # MAPFS = unzip.map # UnZip map filename MAPFX = unzipsfx.map # UnZipSFX map filename MAPFF = funzip.map # fUnZip map filename MAPFM = makesfx.map # MakeSFX map filename # Map file output: Uncomment to highlight and bold headings. # #MAPFSTYLE = FANCY # Map flags for each EXECUTABLE. Uncomment to enable mapping. # For map options please refer to: # SAS/C v6 manual, volume 1: user's guide, chapter 8, page 136: map # Default: all options enabled: f,h,l,o,s,x # |-> options start here #LMAPS = $(MAPFSTYLE) MAP $(MAPFS) f,h,l,o,s,x # UnZip maps #LMAPX = $(MAPFSTYLE) MAP $(MAPFX) f,h,l,o,s,x # UnZipSFX maps #LMAPF = $(MAPFSTYLE) MAP $(MAPFF) f,h,l,o,s,x # fUnZip maps #LMAPM = $(MAPFSTYLE) MAP $(MAPFM) f,h,l,o,s,x # MakeSFX maps # # LISTINGS # -------- # Listfile-extensions for each executable (enter *with* dot) # LISTEXTS = .lst # extension for UnZip and MakeSFX listfiles LISTEXTX = .xlst # extension for UnZipSFX listfiles LISTEXTF = .flst # extension for fUnZip listfiles # List files and cross references for each OBJECT. # Add/remove flags as needed. All listed by default. # Use LISTINCLUDES only to determine the dependencies for smake # CLISTOPT = LISTHEADERS LISTMACROS # LISTSYSTEM LISTINCLUDES CXREFOPT = XHEAD XSYS # # Uncomment to enable listing (default: commented) # *** WARNING: List files require *lots* of disk space! # #CLIST = LIST $(CLISTOPT) #CXREF = XREF $(CXREFOPT) # # SUPPRESSED COMPILER WARNINGS # ---------------------------- # Compiler warnings to ignore # # Warning 105 : module does not define any externally-known symbols # Warning 304 : Dead assignment eliminated... # Note 306 : ...function inlined... # Warning 317 : possibly uninitialized variable... # Comment to enable. # CIGNORE = IGNORE=105,304,306,317 # # OBJECT EXTENSIONS # # Extensions used for objects of each executeable. # Transformation rules require unique extensions. # Enter *with* dot. # O = .o # general extension for objects OX = .xo # extension for special UnZipSFX objects OF = .fo # extension for special fUnZip objects # Filename used to store converted options from environment variable # LOCAL_UNZIP. Default: scoptions_local_unzip # CWITHOPT = scoptions_local_unzip # Filenames to store compiler options to prevent command line overflow # # Options file for UnZip and fUnZip CFILEC = scoptions-unzip # Options file for UnZipSFX CFILEX = scoptions-unzipsfx # Special options for MakeSFX CFILEM = scoptions-makesfx # Temp filenames for object lists to load using linker "WITH" command. # OBJLISTS = unzip_objlist.with # UnZip object list OBJLISTX = unzipsfx_objlist.with # UnZipSFX object list OBJLISTF = funzip_objlist.with # fUnZip object list OBJLISTM = makesfx_objlist.with # MakeSFX object list # Filenames to store linker options # LWITHS = unzip.lnk # UnZip linker options LWITHX = unzipsfx.lnk # UnZipSFX linker options LWITHF = funzip.lnk # fUnZip linker options LWITHM = makesfx.lnk # MakeSFX linker options ###################################### # NOTHING TO CHANGE BEYOND HERE ... # ###################################### # Compiler definitions # CC = sc # # Optimizer flags # OPTPASSES = 6 # set number of global optimizer passes # OPT1 = OPT OPTINL OPTINLOCAL OPTTIME OPTLOOP OPTSCHED OPT2 = OPTCOMP=$(OPTPASSES) OPTDEP=$(OPTPASSES) OPTRDEP=$(OPTPASSES) OPT = $(OPT1) $(OPT2) # Compiler flags # # cpu flags for UnZip and fUnZip CCPUOPTSF = CPU=$(CUSECPU) $(CUTIL) # cpu flags for UnzipSFX and MakeSFX (ensures portability to all Amigas) CCPUOPTXM = CPU=ANY CDEFINES = $(CMEMLIB) $(CDEFINES) DEF=AMIGA DEF=PROTO COPTIONS = CODE=NEAR NMINC VERBOSE STRINGMERGE PARAMETERS=BOTH COPTIONS = $(COPTIONS) ERRORREXX NOERRORCONSOLE MEMSIZE=HUGE $(CLIST) $(CXREF) COPTIONS = $(COPTIONS) $(CSTACK) STRICT UNSCHAR NOICONS COPTIONS = $(COPTIONS) $(CIGNORE) $(OPT) $(CDBG) # common compiler flags CFLAGSC = $(CDEFINES) $(DATAOPTS) $(COPTIONS) # special compiler flags with $(DATAOPTS) excluded CFLAGSS = $(CDEFINES) $(COPTIONS) # Linker definitions # See SASLIB definition above # LD = slink # special linker flags for UnZip to create pure (i.e. resident) binary. LDFLAGSS = FROM SC:LIB/$(LSTARTUP) # common linker flags for all other executeables LDFLAGSC = FROM SC:LIB/c.o LDFLAGS2 = NOICONS $(LDBG) # special linker flags to select library set above LIBFLAGSS = LIB $(LMEMLIB) SC:LIB/$(SASLIB).lib SC:LIB/amiga.lib # common linker flags LIBFLAGSC = LIB $(LMEMLIB) SC:LIB/sc.lib SC:LIB/amiga.lib ################## # TARGET OBJECTS # ################## # UnZip Objects OBJS1 = unzip$(O) crc32$(O) crypt$(O) envargs$(O) explode$(O) OBJS2 = extract$(O) fileio$(O) globals$(O) list$(O) inflate$(O) match$(O) OBJS3 = process$(O) ttyio$(O) ubz2err$(O) unreduce$(O) unshrink$(O) zipinfo$(O) OBJSA = amiga$(O) timezone$(O) OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJSA) # UnZipSFX Objects OBJX1 = unzip$(OX) extract$(OX) inflate$(OX) match$(OX) process$(OX) OBJXI = crypt$(OX) crc32$(OX) fileio$(OX) globals$(OX) ttyio$(OX) ubz2err$(OX) OBJXA = amiga$(OX) timezone$(OX) OBJX = $(OBJX1) $(OBJXI) $(OBJXA) # fUnZip Objects OBJF1 = funzip$(O) OBJF2 = crc32$(OF) crypt$(OF) globals$(OF) inflate$(OF) ttyio$(OF) OBJFA = filedate$(OF) stat$(O) OBJF = $(OBJF1) $(OBJF2) $(OBJFA) # MakeSFX Objects OBJM = makesfx$(O) # Common header files UNZIP_H1 = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h UNZIP_HA = amiga/amiga.h amiga/z-stat.h UNZIP_H = $(UNZIP_H1) $(UNZIP_HA) # Output targets UNZIPS = UnZip UnZipSFX fUnZip MakeSFX ####################################### # DEFAULT TARGET AND PROCESSING RULES # ####################################### all: request flush $(UNZIPS) # UnZip transformation rules # .c$(O) : $(CC) WITH=$(CFILEC) LISTFILE=$>$(LISTEXTS) OBJNAME=$@ $*.c # UnZipSFX transformation rules # .c$(OX): $(CC) DEF=SFX WITH=$(CFILEC) LISTFILE=$>$(LISTEXTX) OBJNAME=$@ $*.c # fUnZip transformation rules # .c$(OF): $(CC) DEF=FUNZIP WITH=$(CFILEC) LISTFILE=$>$(LISTEXTF) OBJNAME=$@ $*.c ######################### # Final output targets. # ######################### unzip: local_unzip CommonFlags $(OBJS) @Echo "$(OBJS)" >$(OBJLISTS) Type $(OBJLISTS) # ----- # Note: Change $(LDFLAGSS) to $(LDFLAGSC) if DYN_ALLOC is *not* defined. # ----- @Echo "$(LDFLAGSS) $(LUTIL) WITH $(OBJLISTS) $(LIBFLAGSS) " \ "$(LDFLAGS2) $(LMAPS)" >$(LWITHS) Type $(LWITHS) $(LD) TO UnZip WITH $(LWITHS) funzip: local_unzip CommonFlags $(OBJF) @Echo "$(OBJF)" >$(OBJLISTF) Type $(OBJLISTF) @Echo "$(LDFLAGSC) $(LUTIL) WITH $(OBJLISTF) $(LIBFLAGSS) " \ "$(LDFLAGS2) $(LMAPF)" >$(LWITHF) Type $(LWITHF) $(LD) TO fUnZip WITH $(LWITHF) unzipsfx: local_unzip SFXFlags $(OBJX) @Echo "$(OBJX)" >$(OBJLISTX) Type $(OBJLISTX) # ---- # Note: Insert $(LUTIL) here, to use utility library with UnZipSFX. # ----- vvvvvvv @Echo "$(LDFLAGSC) WITH $(OBJLISTX) $(LIBFLAGSS) " \ "$(LDFLAGS2) $(LMAPX)" >$(LWITHX) Type $(LWITHX) $(LD) TO UnZipSFX WITH $(LWITHX) makesfx: MakeSFXFlags $(OBJM) @Echo "$(OBJM)" >$(OBJLISTM) Type $(OBJLISTM) @Echo "$(LDFLAGSC) $(LUTIL) WITH $(OBJLISTM) $(LIBFLAGSC) " \ "$(LDFLAGS2) $(LMAPM)" >$(LWITHM) Type $(LWITHM) # never use short-integers with MakeSFX ! $(LD) TO MakeSFX WITH $(LWITHM) clean: -Delete >nil: $(OBJS) quiet -Delete >nil: $(OBJX) quiet -Delete >nil: $(OBJF) quiet -Delete >nil: $(OBJM) quiet -Delete >nil: $(OBJLISTS) $(OBJLISTX) $(OBJLISTF) $(OBJLISTM) quiet -Delete >nil: $(MAPFS) $(MAPFX) $(MAPFF) $(MAPFM) quiet -Delete >nil: \#?$(LISTEXTS) \#?$(LISTEXTX) \#?$(LISTEXTF) quiet -Delete >nil: $(CWITHOPT) $(CFILEC) $(CFILEX) $(CFILEM) quiet -Delete >nil: SCOPTIONS SASCOPTS quiet -Delete >nil: $(LWITHS) $(LWITHX) $(LWITHF) $(LWITHM) quiet -Delete >nil: \#?.q.?? \#?.tmp \#?.cov quiet spotless: clean -Delete >nil: $(UNZIPS) quiet # UnZip dependencies: # (objects not needed by Amiga port are commented) # special rule for adding Amiga internal version number to UnZip amiga$(O): amiga/amiga.c amiga/filedate.c amiga/stat.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h timezone.h env:Workbench stat$(O): amiga/stat.c amiga/z-stat.h filedate$(O): amiga/filedate.c crypt.h timezone.h api$(O): api.c $(UNZIP_H) unzvers.h #zlib.h apihelp$(O): apihelp.c $(UNZIP_H) unzvers.h crc32$(O): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h crypt$(O): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h envargs$(O): envargs.c $(UNZIP_H) explode$(O): explode.c $(UNZIP_H) extract$(O): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h fileio$(O): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h globals$(O): globals.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate$(O): inflate.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate.h #zlib.h list$(O): list.c $(UNZIP_H) match$(O): match.c $(UNZIP_H) process$(O): process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h timezone$(O): timezone.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h timezone.h ttyio$(O): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h ubz2err$(O): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H) unreduce$(O): unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H) unshrink$(O): unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H) unzip$(O): unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h #zlib.h #unzipstb$(O): unzipstb.c $(UNZIP_H) unzvers.h zipinfo$(O): zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H) # UnZipSFX dependencies: # # special rule for adding Amiga internal version number to UnZipSFX amiga$(OX): amiga/amiga.c amiga/filedate.c amiga/stat.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h timezone.h unzip$(OX): unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h crc32$(OX): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h crypt$(OX): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h extract$(OX): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h fileio$(OX): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h globals$(OX): globals.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate$(OX): inflate.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate.h #zlib.h match$(OX): match.c $(UNZIP_H) process$(OX): process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h timezone$(OX): timezone.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h timezone.h ttyio$(OX): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h ubz2err$(OX): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H) # fUnZip dependencies: # funzip$(O): funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h crc32$(OF): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h crypt$(OF): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h globals$(OF): globals.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate$(OF): inflate.c $(UNZIP_H) inflate.h crypt.h #zlib.h ttyio$(OF): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h filedate$(OF): amiga/filedate.c crypt.h # MakeSFX dependencies # # special transformation rules to never use shortintegers: makesfx$(O): amiga/makesfx.c $(CC) WITH=$(CFILEM) LISTFILE=$>$(LISTEXTS) OBJNAME=$@ $*.c ######################## # DEPENDECIES END HERE # ######################## # flush all libraries to provide more mem for compilation flush: @Avail flush >nil: # write common compiler flags to file and echo to user CommonFlags: @Echo "$(CFLAGSC)" "$(CCPUOPTSF)" >$(CFILEC) @Type "$(CWITHOPT)" >>$(CFILEC) -Type $(CFILEC) SFXFlags: @Echo "$(CFLAGSC)" "$(CCPUOPTXM)" >$(CFILEX) @Type "$(CWITHOPT)" >>$(CFILEX) -Type $(CFILEX) # write special MakeSFX flags MakeSFXFlags: @Echo "$(CFLAGSS) $(CCPUOPTXM) DATA=NEAR NOSHORTINTEGERS" >$(CFILEM) # not really needed but if someday used: @Type "$(CWITHOPT)" >>$(CFILEM) -Type $(CFILEM) # special rule for adding Amiga internal version number to amiga.c amiga$(O): rx > env:VersionDate "say '""'translate(date('E'),'.','/')'""'" $(CC) WITH=$(CFILEC) LISTFILE=$>$(LISTEXTS) OBJNAME=$@ $*.c -Delete env:VersionDate # needed in amiga/amiga.c # should be set in startup-sequence, but just in case: # (only works with OS 2.04 and above) env\:WorkBench: @Execute < < (Workbench_smk.tmp) FailAt 21 If not exists ENV:Workbench Version >nil: SetEnv Workbench $$Workbench Endif < # ################# # ### LOCAL_UNZIP ### # ################# # # Read environment variable LOCAL_UNZIP and convert options from old Lattice # v5 to new SAS/C v6 format. You may also use the new DEFINE= syntax but # be sure not to mix v5 and v6 options, otherwise lctosc will be confused. # # e.g.: to define FOO_ONE and FOO_TWO enter: # # SetEnv LOCAL_UNZIP "-DFOO_ONE -DFOO_TWO" # # To make this permanent, i.e. survive an reboot, put the statement into # your startup-sequence or (for AmigaDOS 2.0 or higher only) make sure # LOCAL_UNZIP is stored in the ENVARC: directory too. To do this, simply # copy the file from ENV: to ENVARC: # Copy ENV:LOCAL_UNZIP ENVARC: # # For a list of all valid non-standard compilation options see the INSTALL # file in the root zip tree. Please read the notes there before using the # non-standard options. # # e.g.: To use the non-standard timezone environment variable "INFOZIP_TZ" # (or another arbitary name) instead of "TZ", type in your shell: # # Setenv LOCAL_UNZIP "-DTZ_ENVVAR=*"INFOZIP_TZ*"" # # Note that you need to escape the quotes of INFOZIP_TZ with leading stars. # To verify that LOCAL_UNZIP has been saved correctly, use the Getenv command: # # Getenv LOCAL_UNZIP # # ...should display: # # -DTZ_ENVVAR="INFOZIP_TZ" # local_unzip: @Execute < < (Local_UnZip_smk.tmp) Failat 21 Echo "" If exists ENV:LOCAL_UNZIP Echo "Using environment variable LOCAL_UNZIP !" Echo "LOCAL_UNZIP: " NOLINE GetEnv LOCAL_UNZIP Copy >NIL: ENV:LOCAL_UNZIP SASCOPTS Else Echo "You could use envvar LOCAL_UNZIP to set your special compilation options." Echo "See the makefile for more information (LOCAL_UNZIP section)." Delete >nil: SASCOPTS quiet Endif Echo "" ; Do not remove the lctosc command! If LOCAL_UNZIP is unset, an ; empty file is created which needed by CommonFlags ! ; Moreover, lctosc also accepts new v6 options, i.e. only changes ; known v5 options. Try `lctosc -Dfoo' and `lctosc DEFINE=foo'. ; However, you *must not* mix v5 and v6 options! lctosc > $(CWITHOPT) ; Now make sure that env:sc/scoptions are NOT used ; we just create an empty file. The options are stored elsewhere. Echo > SCOPTIONS "" NOLINE < # Echo request to the user # request: @Echo "" @Echo " This makefile is for use with SAS/C version 6.58." @Echo " If you still have an older version, please upgrade!" @Echo " Patches are available on the Aminet under biz/patch/sc\#?." @Echo "" @Echo " Just a simple request..." @Echo " Please give me a mail that you compiled whether you encounter any errors" @Echo " or not. I'd just like to know how many Amiga users actually make use of" @Echo " this makefile." @Echo " If you mail me, I'll put you on my mailing-list and notify you whenever" @Echo " new versions of Info-Zip are released." @Echo " Have a look at the makefile for changes like CPU type, UtilLib, Stack, etc." @Echo " Feel free to mail comments, suggestions, critics..." @Echo " Enjoy Info-Zip !" @Echo " Haidinger Walter, " @Echo "" # Echo help in case of an error # .ONERROR: @Echo "" @Echo "[sigh] An error running this makefile was detected." @Echo "This message may also appear if you interrupted smake by pressing CTRL-C." @Echo "Contact Info-ZIP authors at Zip-Bugs@lists.wku.edu or me for help." @Echo "Haidinger Walter, "