;***************************************************************************** ; RAW to RAW convert plugin - for zSea image viewer ; Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of the nor the ; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Marat Zakiyanov ''AS IS'' AND ANY ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ; ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;***************************************************************************** ; Convert: ; 16b in 8b ; 1b,2b,3b in 8b format MS COFF public EXPORTS section '.flat' code readable align 16 ;include 'macros.inc' include '../../../../macros.inc' ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- START: pushad mov eax,dword [esp+36] mov [pointer],eax mov eax,[eax+4] mov [image_file],eax mov esi,[eax+28] add esi,eax mov edi,esi mov ecx,[eax+32] ; xor ebx,ebx ; mov [raw_area],ebx ; mov ebx,[pointer] ; movzx eax,word [eax+18] ; mov [ebx+24],eax ; jmp .ret_ok cmp [eax+16],word 16 je .16b cmp [eax+12],dword 1 je .1b cmp [eax+12],dword 2 je .2b cmp [eax+12],dword 4 je .4b ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .ret_ok: ; mov ebx,[pointer] ; mov eax,[raw_area] ; mov [ebx+20],eax ; store RAW pointer ; mov [ebx+24],ecx mov ebx,[image_file] cmp [ebx+18],word 2 jne @f mov eax,[ebx+12] shr eax,1 mov [ebx+12],eax @@: popad ret 4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .less_8b: mov edx,[image_file] mov ecx,[area_size] add ecx,[edx+28] mcall 68,20 mov [image_file],eax mov ecx,[area_size] mov eax,ecx shr ecx,2 test eax,3 jz @f inc ecx @@: mov esi,[raw_area] mov edi,[image_file] add edi,[edi+28] cld rep movsd mov ecx,[raw_area] mcall 68,13 mov eax,[image_file] mov ebx,[pointer] mov [ebx+4],eax popad ret 4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .16b: cmp [eax+18],word 3 je @f ;.convert_16_in_8 cmp [eax+18],word 4 jne .16b_1 @@: xor ebx,ebx mov bx,[eax+18] xchg eax,ecx xor edx,edx div ebx xchg ecx,eax shr ecx,1 mov [eax+16],word 8 mov ebx,[eax+12] shr ebx,1 mov [eax+12],ebx mov ebx,eax ; jmp .ret_ok .convert_16_in_8: ; converting 16 bit sample to 8 bit cld lodsw mov al,ah stosb lodsw mov al,ah stosb lodsw mov al,ah stosb cmp [ebx+18],word 4 jne @f lodsw mov al,ah stosb @@: dec ecx jnz .convert_16_in_8 jmp .16b_end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .16b_1: cmp [eax+18],word 1 je @f ;.convert_16_in_8_1 cmp [eax+18],word 2 jne .16b_end @@: shr ecx,1 mov [eax+16],word 8 mov ebx,[eax+12] shr ebx,1 mov [eax+12],ebx .convert_16_in_8_1: cld lodsw ; shr ax,8 ; mov al,ah stosb dec ecx jnz .convert_16_in_8_1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .16b_end: xor eax,eax mov [raw_area],eax jmp .ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .4b: call .get_memory mov edx,ebx inc ebx shr ebx,1 .4b_1: push ebx edi @@: cld lodsb shl eax,8 mov al,ah and ah,0xf shr al,4 stosw dec ebx jnz @b pop edi ebx add edi,edx dec ecx jnz .4b_1 jmp .less_8b ;.ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .2b: call .get_memory ; jmp .ret_ok ; shr ecx,1 mov edx,ebx mov eax,ebx shr ebx,2 test eax,3 jz @f inc ebx @@: mov ebp,ebx .2b_1: push ebp edi @@: cld lodsb mov bl,al and al,11b shl ax,8 mov al,bl shr al,2 and al,11b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,4 and al,11b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,6 and al,11b stosd dec ebp jnz @b pop edi ebp add edi,edx dec ecx jnz .2b_1 jmp .less_8b ;.ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .1b: call .get_memory mov edx,ebx mov eax,ebx shr ebx,3 test eax,7 jz @f inc ebx @@: mov ebp,ebx .1b_1: push ebp edi @@: cld lodsb mov bl,al shr al,4 and al,1b shl ax,8 mov al,bl shr al,5 and al,1b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,6 and al,1b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,7 ; and al,1b ; shl eax,8 stosd mov al,bl and al,1b shl ax,8 mov al,bl shr al,1 and al,1b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,2 and al,1b shl eax,8 mov al,bl shr al,3 and al,1b stosd dec ebp jnz @b pop edi ebp add edi,edx dec ecx jnz .1b_1 jmp .less_8b ;.ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .get_memory: mov ebx,dword 8 mov [eax+16],bx mov [eax+12],ebx ; mov esi,[eax+28] ; add esi,eax ; push ecx mov ecx,[eax+4] imul ecx,[eax+8] push eax mov [area_size],ecx mcall 68,12 ; pop ecx mov [raw_area],eax mov edi,eax pop eax mov ebx,[eax+4] mov ecx,[eax+8] ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert24b: pushad mov eax,dword [esp+36] mov [pointer],eax mov eax,[eax+4] mov [image_file],eax mov esi,[eax+28] add esi,eax mov ebp,[eax+20] add ebp,eax mov ecx,[eax+4] imul ecx,[eax+8] push eax ecx lea ecx,[ecx*3] mcall 68,12 mov [raw_area],eax mov edi,eax pop ecx eax cmp [eax+12],dword 32 je .32b cmp [eax+12],dword 16 je .16b cmp [eax+12],dword 15 je .15b cmp [eax+12],dword 8 je .8b .ret_ok: mov ebx,[pointer] mov eax,[raw_area] mov [ebx+20],eax ; store RAW pointer popad ret 4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .32b: cld lodsd stosw shr eax,16 stosb dec ecx jnz .32b jmp .ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .16b: cld lodsw xor ebx,ebx ror ax,11 mov bl,al and bl,11111b shl bl,3 shl ebx,8 rol ax,6 mov bl,al and bl,111111b shl bl,2 shl ebx,8 rol ax,5 mov bl,al and bl,11111b shl bl,3 mov eax,ebx cld stosw shr eax,16 stosb dec ecx jnz .16b jmp .ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .15b: cld lodsw xor ebx,ebx ror ax,10 mov bl,al and bl,11111b shl bl,3 shl ebx,8 rol ax,5 mov bl,al and bl,11111b shl bl,3 shl ebx,8 rol ax,5 mov bl,al and bl,11111b shl bl,3 mov eax,ebx cld stosw shr eax,16 stosb dec ecx jnz .15b jmp .ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .8b: xor eax,eax cld lodsb shl eax,2 mov eax,[eax+ebp] cld stosw shr eax,16 stosb dec ecx jnz .8b jmp .ret_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 16 EXPORTS: dd szStart, START dd szVersion, 0x00010002 dd szConv_24b, Convert24b dd 0 szStart db 'START',0 szVersion db 'version',0 szConv_24b db 'Convert24b',0 pointer dd 0 image_file dd 0 ;delta dd 0 ;resolution dd 0 ;compression dd 0 raw_area dd 0 area_size dd 0