(* Copyright 2016, 2018 Anton Krotov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *) MODULE kfonts; IMPORT sys := SYSTEM, File, KOSAPI; CONST MIN_FONT_SIZE = 8; MAX_FONT_SIZE = 46; bold *= 1; italic *= 2; underline *= 4; strike_through *= 8; smoothing *= 16; bpp32 *= 32; TYPE Glyph = RECORD base: INTEGER; xsize, ysize: INTEGER; width: INTEGER END; TFont_desc = RECORD data, size, font, char_size, width, height, font_size, mem, mempos: INTEGER; glyphs: ARRAY 4, 256 OF Glyph END; TFont* = POINTER TO TFont_desc; PROCEDURE [stdcall] zeromem(size, adr: INTEGER); BEGIN sys.CODE(057H, 08BH, 07DH, 00CH, 08BH, 04DH, 008H, 033H, 0C0H, 09CH, 0FCH, 0F3H, 0ABH, 09DH, 05FH) END zeromem; PROCEDURE pset(buf, x, y, color: INTEGER; bpp32: BOOLEAN); VAR xsize, ysize: INTEGER; BEGIN sys.GET(buf, xsize); sys.GET(buf + 4, ysize); INC(buf, 8); IF (0 <= x) & (x < xsize) & (0 <= y) & (y < ysize) THEN IF bpp32 THEN sys.PUT(buf + 4 * (xsize * y + x), color) ELSE sys.MOVE(sys.ADR(color), buf + 3 * (xsize * y + x), 3) END END END pset; PROCEDURE pget(buf, x, y: INTEGER; bpp32: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; VAR xsize, ysize, color: INTEGER; BEGIN sys.GET(buf, xsize); sys.GET(buf + 4, ysize); INC(buf, 8); IF (0 <= x) & (x < xsize) & (0 <= y) & (y < ysize) THEN IF bpp32 THEN sys.GET(buf + 4 * (xsize * y + x), color) ELSE sys.MOVE(buf + 3 * (xsize * y + x), sys.ADR(color), 3) END END RETURN color END pget; PROCEDURE getrgb(color: INTEGER; VAR r, g, b: INTEGER); BEGIN b := LSR(LSL(color, 24), 24); g := LSR(LSL(color, 16), 24); r := LSR(LSL(color, 8), 24); END getrgb; PROCEDURE rgb(r, g, b: INTEGER): INTEGER; RETURN b + LSL(g, 8) + LSL(r, 16) END rgb; PROCEDURE create_glyph(VAR Font: TFont_desc; VAR glyph: Glyph; xsize, ysize: INTEGER); BEGIN glyph.base := Font.mempos; glyph.xsize := xsize; glyph.ysize := ysize; Font.mempos := Font.mempos + xsize * ysize END create_glyph; PROCEDURE getpix(Font: TFont_desc; n, x, y, xsize: INTEGER): CHAR; VAR res: CHAR; BEGIN sys.GET(Font.mem + n + x + y * xsize, res) RETURN res END getpix; PROCEDURE setpix(VAR Font: TFont_desc; n, x, y, xsize: INTEGER; c: CHAR); BEGIN sys.PUT(Font.mem + n + x + y * xsize, c) END setpix; PROCEDURE smooth(VAR Font: TFont_desc; n, xsize, ysize: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR y := 1 TO ysize - 1 DO FOR x := 1 TO xsize - 1 DO IF (getpix(Font, n, x, y, xsize) = 1X) & (getpix(Font, n, x - 1, y - 1, xsize) = 1X) & (getpix(Font, n, x - 1, y, xsize) = 0X) & (getpix(Font, n, x, y - 1, xsize) = 0X) THEN setpix(Font, n, x - 1, y, xsize, 2X); setpix(Font, n, x, y - 1, xsize, 2X) END; IF (getpix(Font, n, x, y, xsize) = 0X) & (getpix(Font, n, x - 1, y - 1, xsize) = 0X) & (getpix(Font, n, x - 1, y, xsize) = 1X) & (getpix(Font, n, x, y - 1, xsize) = 1X) THEN setpix(Font, n, x, y, xsize, 2X); setpix(Font, n, x - 1, y - 1, xsize, 2X) END END END END smooth; PROCEDURE _bold(VAR Font: TFont_desc; src, dst, src_xsize, dst_xsize, n: INTEGER); VAR i, j, k: INTEGER; pix: CHAR; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO src_xsize - 1 DO FOR j := 0 TO Font.height - 1 DO pix := getpix(Font, src, i, j, src_xsize); IF pix = 1X THEN FOR k := 0 TO n DO setpix(Font, dst, i + k, j, dst_xsize, pix) END END END END END _bold; PROCEDURE make_glyph(VAR Font: TFont_desc; c: INTEGER); VAR ptr, i, j, max, x, y: INTEGER; s: SET; eoc: BOOLEAN; glyph: Glyph; pix: CHAR; bold_width: INTEGER; BEGIN create_glyph(Font, glyph, Font.width, Font.height); x := 0; y := 0; max := 0; ptr := Font.font + Font.char_size * c; eoc := FALSE; REPEAT sys.GET(ptr, s); INC(ptr, 4); FOR i := 0 TO 31 DO IF ~eoc THEN IF i IN s THEN setpix(Font, glyph.base, x, y, Font.width, 1X); IF x > max THEN max := x END ELSE setpix(Font, glyph.base, x, y, Font.width, 0X) END END; INC(x); IF x = Font.width THEN x := 0; INC(y); eoc := eoc OR (y = Font.height) END END UNTIL eoc; IF max = 0 THEN max := Font.width DIV 3 END; glyph.width := max; smooth(Font, glyph.base, glyph.xsize, glyph.ysize); Font.glyphs[0, c] := glyph; bold_width := 1; create_glyph(Font, glyph, Font.width + bold_width, Font.height); _bold(Font, Font.glyphs[0, c].base, glyph.base, Font.glyphs[0, c].xsize, glyph.xsize, bold_width); smooth(Font, glyph.base, glyph.xsize, glyph.ysize); glyph.width := max + bold_width; Font.glyphs[1, c] := glyph; create_glyph(Font, glyph, Font.width + (Font.height - 1) DIV 3, Font.height); FOR i := 0 TO Font.glyphs[0, c].xsize - 1 DO FOR j := 0 TO Font.height - 1 DO pix := getpix(Font, Font.glyphs[0, c].base, i, j, Font.glyphs[0, c].xsize); IF pix = 1X THEN setpix(Font, glyph.base, i + (Font.height - 1 - j) DIV 3, j, glyph.xsize, pix) END END END; smooth(Font, glyph.base, glyph.xsize, glyph.ysize); glyph.width := max; Font.glyphs[2, c] := glyph; create_glyph(Font, glyph, Font.width + (Font.height - 1) DIV 3 + bold_width, Font.height); _bold(Font, Font.glyphs[2, c].base, glyph.base, Font.glyphs[2, c].xsize, glyph.xsize, bold_width); smooth(Font, glyph.base, glyph.xsize, glyph.ysize); glyph.width := max + bold_width; Font.glyphs[3, c] := glyph; END make_glyph; PROCEDURE OutChar(Font: TFont_desc; c: INTEGER; x, y: INTEGER; buf: INTEGER; bpp32, smoothing: BOOLEAN; color, style: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i, x0, y0, xsize, mem, xmax: INTEGER; r, g, b, r0, g0, b0: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; glyph: Glyph; BEGIN x0 := x; y0 := y; style := style MOD 4; glyph := Font.glyphs[style, c]; xsize := glyph.xsize; xmax := x0 + xsize; mem := Font.mem + glyph.base; getrgb(color, r0, g0, b0); FOR i := mem TO mem + xsize * Font.height - 1 DO sys.GET(i, ch); IF ch = 1X THEN pset(buf, x, y, color, bpp32); ELSIF (ch = 2X) & smoothing THEN getrgb(pget(buf, x, y, bpp32), r, g, b); r := (r * 3 + r0) DIV 4; g := (g * 3 + g0) DIV 4; b := (b * 3 + b0) DIV 4; pset(buf, x, y, rgb(r, g, b), bpp32) END; INC(x); IF x = xmax THEN x := x0; INC(y) END END RETURN glyph.width END OutChar; PROCEDURE hline(buf, x, y, width, color: INTEGER; bpp32: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := x TO x + width - 1 DO pset(buf, i, y, color, bpp32) END END hline; PROCEDURE TextWidth*(Font: TFont; str, length, params: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; c: CHAR; BEGIN res := 0; params := params MOD 4; IF Font # NIL THEN sys.GET(str, c); WHILE (length > 0) OR (length = -1) & (c # 0X) DO INC(str); res := res + Font.glyphs[params, ORD(c)].width; IF length > 0 THEN DEC(length) END; IF length # 0 THEN sys.GET(str, c) END END END RETURN res END TextWidth; PROCEDURE TextHeight*(Font: TFont): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Font # NIL THEN res := Font.height ELSE res := 0 END RETURN res END TextHeight; PROCEDURE TextClipLeft(Font: TFont; str, length, params: INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR x1: INTEGER; c: CHAR; BEGIN params := params MOD 4; sys.GET(str, c); WHILE (length > 0) OR (length = -1) & (c # 0X) DO INC(str); x1 := x; x := x + Font.glyphs[params, ORD(c)].width; IF x > 0 THEN length := 0; END; IF length > 0 THEN DEC(length) END; IF length # 0 THEN sys.GET(str, c) END END; x := x1 RETURN str - 1 END TextClipLeft; PROCEDURE TextOut*(Font: TFont; canvas, x, y, str, length, color, params: INTEGER); VAR width, xsize, ysize, str1, n: INTEGER; c: CHAR; bpp32, smoothing, underline, strike: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF Font # NIL THEN sys.GET(canvas, xsize); sys.GET(canvas + 4, ysize); IF (y <= -TextHeight(Font)) OR (y >= ysize) THEN length := 0 END; IF length # 0 THEN smoothing := 4 IN BITS(params); bpp32 := 5 IN BITS(params); underline := 2 IN BITS(params); strike := 3 IN BITS(params); str1 := TextClipLeft(Font, str, length, params, x); n := str1 - str; str := str1; IF length >= n THEN length := length - n END; sys.GET(str, c) END; WHILE (length > 0) OR (length = -1) & (c # 0X) DO INC(str); width := OutChar(Font^, ORD(c), x, y, canvas, bpp32, smoothing, color, params); IF strike THEN hline(canvas, x + ORD(1 IN BITS(params)) * ((Font.height DIV 2) DIV 3), y + Font.height DIV 2, width + 2, color, bpp32) END; IF underline THEN hline(canvas, x, y + Font.height - 1, width + 2, color, bpp32) END; x := x + width; IF x > xsize THEN length := 0 END; IF length > 0 THEN DEC(length) END; IF length # 0 THEN sys.GET(str, c) END END END END TextOut; PROCEDURE SetSize*(_Font: TFont; font_size: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR temp, offset, fsize, i, memsize, mem: INTEGER; c: CHAR; Font, Font2: TFont_desc; BEGIN offset := -1; IF (MIN_FONT_SIZE <= font_size) & (font_size <= MAX_FONT_SIZE) & (_Font # NIL) THEN Font := _Font^; Font2 := Font; temp := Font.data + (font_size - 8) * 4; IF (Font.data <= temp) & (temp <= Font.size + Font.data - 4) THEN sys.GET(temp, offset); IF offset # -1 THEN Font.font_size := font_size; INC(offset, 156); offset := offset + Font.data; IF (Font.data <= offset) & (offset <= Font.size + Font.data - 4) THEN sys.GET(offset, fsize); IF fsize > 256 + 6 THEN temp := offset + fsize - 1; IF (Font.data <= temp) & (temp <= Font.size + Font.data - 1) THEN sys.GET(temp, c); IF c # 0X THEN Font.height := ORD(c); DEC(temp); sys.GET(temp, c); IF c # 0X THEN Font.width := ORD(c); DEC(fsize, 6); Font.char_size := fsize DIV 256; IF fsize MOD 256 # 0 THEN INC(Font.char_size) END; IF Font.char_size > 0 THEN Font.font := offset + 4; Font.mempos := 0; memsize := (Font.width + 10) * Font.height * 1024; mem := Font.mem; Font.mem := KOSAPI.sysfunc3(68, 12, memsize); IF Font.mem # 0 THEN IF mem # 0 THEN mem := KOSAPI.sysfunc3(68, 13, mem) END; zeromem(memsize DIV 4, Font.mem); FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO make_glyph(Font, i) END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END ELSE offset := -1 END END; ELSE offset := -1 END; IF offset # -1 THEN _Font^ := Font ELSE _Font^ := Font2 END END RETURN offset # -1 END SetSize; PROCEDURE Enabled*(Font: TFont; font_size: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR offset, temp: INTEGER; BEGIN offset := -1; IF (MIN_FONT_SIZE <= font_size) & (font_size <= MAX_FONT_SIZE) & (Font # NIL) THEN temp := Font.data + (font_size - 8) * 4; IF (Font.data <= temp) & (temp <= Font.size + Font.data - 4) THEN sys.GET(temp, offset) END END RETURN offset # -1 END Enabled; PROCEDURE Destroy*(VAR Font: TFont); BEGIN IF Font # NIL THEN IF Font.mem # 0 THEN Font.mem := KOSAPI.sysfunc3(68, 13, Font.mem) END; IF Font.data # 0 THEN Font.data := KOSAPI.sysfunc3(68, 13, Font.data) END; DISPOSE(Font) END END Destroy; PROCEDURE LoadFont*(file_name: ARRAY OF CHAR): TFont; VAR Font: TFont; data, size, n: INTEGER; BEGIN data := File.Load(file_name, size); IF (data # 0) & (size > 156) THEN NEW(Font); Font.data := data; Font.size := size; Font.font_size := 0; n := MIN_FONT_SIZE; WHILE ~SetSize(Font, n) & (n <= MAX_FONT_SIZE) DO INC(n) END; IF Font.font_size = 0 THEN Destroy(Font) END ELSE IF data # 0 THEN data := KOSAPI.sysfunc3(68, 13, data) END; Font := NIL END RETURN Font END LoadFont; END kfonts.