;-----------------------; ; CPU - process manager ; ;-----------------------; format binary as "" use32 org 0x0 db "MENUET01" ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd IM_END ; size of image dd U_END ; memory for app dd stack_area ; esp dd 0x0 ; boot parameters dd cur_dir_path ; path ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- include "lang.inc" include "../../../macros.inc" include "../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac" include "../../../KOSfuncs.inc" include "../../../load_lib.mac" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY_PROCESSES = 20 ;number of processes to show ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINDOW.WIDTH = PROCESS_TABLE.WIDTH + 10*2 WINDOW.HEIGHT = WORK_AREA.HEIGHT + 30 WORK_AREA.HEIGHT = CHECKBOX.Y + BUTTON.HEIGHT + 10 PROCESS_TABLE: .X = 10 .Y = 10 .WIDTH = 640 .HEIGHT = DISPLAY_PROCESSES * BUTTON.HEIGHT UNDERTABLE: .X = PROCESS_TABLE.X .Y = PROCESS_TABLE.Y + PROCESS_TABLE.HEIGHT + 20 BUTTON: .HEIGHT = 16 + 4 EDITBOX: .X = CHECKBOX.X + 100 .Y = UNDERTABLE.Y + BUTTON.HEIGHT + 25 .WIDTH = 465 .HEIGHT = 15 CHECKBOX: .X = PROCESS_TABLE.X .Y = UNDERTABLE.Y + BUTTON.HEIGHT + 25 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @use_library ;use load lib macros ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struc utf8z string { . db string, 0 .size = $ - . - 1 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START: ; start of execution mcall SF_SYS_MISC,SSF_HEAP_INIT sys_load_library library_name, library_path, system_path, myimport inc eax jz close ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mcall SF_SET_EVENTS_MASK,0x80000027 ;set event ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set window size and position for 0 function ;to [winxpos] and [winypos] variables ;get screen size mcall SF_GET_SCREEN_SIZE mov ebx,eax ;calculate (x_screen-WINDOW.WIDTH)/2 shr ebx,16+1 sub ebx,WINDOW.WIDTH/2 shl ebx,16 mov bx,WINDOW.WIDTH ;winxpos=xcoord*65536+xsize mov [winxpos],ebx ;calculate (y_screen-WINDOW.HEIGHT)/2 and eax,0xffff shr eax,1 sub eax,WINDOW.HEIGHT/2 shl eax,16 mov ax,WINDOW.HEIGHT ;winypos=ycoord*65536+ysize mov [winypos],eax ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- init_checkboxes2 check1,check1_end mcall SF_STYLE_SETTINGS,SSF_GET_COLORS,sc,40 edit_boxes_set_sys_color edit1,edit1_end,sc ;set color ;check_boxes_set_sys_color2 check1,check1_end,sc ;set color ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ;main loop when process name isn"t edited. red: call draw_window ; redraw all window ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 still: mcall SF_WAIT_EVENT_TIMEOUT,100 ; wait here for event 1 sec. test eax,eax jz still_end dec eax ; redraw request ? jz red dec eax ; key in buffer ? jz key dec eax ; button in buffer ? jz button push dword edit1 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword[check1.flags] push dword check1 call [check_box_mouse] pop eax cmp eax, dword[check1.flags] jz still_end push dword check1 call [check_box_draw] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 show_process_info_1: mcall SF_SYSTEM_GET, SSF_TIME_COUNT add eax, 100 mov [time_counter],eax call show_process_info ; draw new state of processes jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 still_end: mcall SF_SYSTEM_GET,SSF_TIME_COUNT cmp [time_counter],eax ja still add eax,100 mov [time_counter],eax call show_process_info ; draw new state of processes jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 key: ; key mcall SF_GET_KEY cmp ah,184 ; PageUp jz pgdn cmp ah,183 jz pgup ; PageDown cmp ah,27 jz close ; Esc push dword edit1 call [edit_box_key] ; Check ENTER with ed_focus edit_box lea edi,[edit1] test word ed_flags,ed_focus jz still_end sub ah,13 ; ENTER? jz program_start ; RUN a program jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 button: ; get button id mcall SF_GET_BUTTON mov bl, al ; save mouse button to bl shr eax,8 ;id in [10,50] corresponds to terminate buttons. cmp eax,10 jb noterm cmp eax,50 jg noterm ;calculate button index sub eax,11 ;calculate process slot mov ecx,[tasklist+4*eax] ;ignore empty buttons test ecx,ecx jle still_end test bl, bl ; check mouse button jz .terminate mov eax, ecx mov edi, tinfo.params_buf ;; number in eax ;; buffer in edi ; int2str: push 0 mov ecx, 10 .push: xor edx, edx div ecx add edx, 48 push edx test eax, eax jnz .push .pop: pop eax stosb test eax, eax jnz .pop ; launch tinfo app mov ebx, tinfo mov eax, SF_FILE int 64 jmp show_process_info_1 .terminate: ;terminate application mcall SF_SYSTEM,SSF_TERMINATE_THREAD jmp show_process_info_1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 noterm: ;special buttons dec eax jz close sub eax,50 jz pgdn ;51 dec eax jz pgup ;52 dec eax jz reboot ;53 dec eax jz program_start ;54 jmp still_end ;buttons handlers ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 pgdn: sub [list_start],DISPLAY_PROCESSES jge show_process_info_1 mov [list_start],0 jmp show_process_info_1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 pgup: mov eax,[list_add] ;maximal displayed process slot mov [list_start],eax jmp show_process_info_1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 program_start: mcall SF_FILE,file_start jmp show_process_info_1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 reboot: mcall SF_FILE,sys_reboot ;close program if we going to reboot ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 close: or eax,SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS ; close this program mcall ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 draw_empty_slot: cmp [draw_window_flag],1 je @f mov ecx,[curposy] shl ecx,16 mov cx, BUTTON.HEIGHT mcall SF_DRAW_RECT, <132, PROCESS_TABLE.WIDTH-131>, , [bar_bacground_color] @@: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 draw_next_process: ;input: ; edi - current slot ; [curposy] - y position ;output: ; edi - next slot (or -1 if no next slot) ;registers corrupted! ;create terminate process button mov ecx,[curposy] shl ecx,16 mov cx, BUTTON.HEIGHT mov edx,[index] add edx,11 mov esi,0xccddee test dword [index],1 jz @f mov esi,0xaabbcc @@: add edx,0x80000000 ; delete a button mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON ; before create sub edx,0x80000000 ; a new one below mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,<10,120> mov [btn_bacground_color],esi ;draw background for proccess information mov edx,0xEFEFF5 test dword [index],1 jz @f mov edx,0xffffff @@: inc cx mcall SF_DRAW_RECT, <131, PROCESS_TABLE.WIDTH-131> mov [bar_bacground_color],edx ;nothing else should be done if there is no process for this button cmp edi,-1 jne .return_1 call draw_empty_slot or edi,-1 jmp .ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .return_1: ;find process inc edi ;more comfortable register for next loop mov ecx,edi ;precacluate pointer to process buffer mov ebx,process_info_buffer ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .find_loop: cmp ecx,256 jge .no_processes ;load process information in buffer mcall SF_THREAD_INFO ;if current slot greater than maximal slot, ;there is no more proccesses. cmp ecx,eax jg .no_processes ;if slot state is equal to 9, it is empty. cmp [process_info_buffer+process_information.slot_state],9 jnz .process_found inc ecx jmp .find_loop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .no_processes: call draw_empty_slot or edi,-1 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .process_found: ;check on/off check box test dword [check1.flags], ch_flag_en jnz .no_filter cmp dword [process_info_buffer+10],"ICON" jnz @f cmp dword [process_info_buffer+10+4],0 jz .return_1 @@: cmp dword [process_info_buffer+10],"IDLE" jnz @f cmp dword [process_info_buffer+10+4],0 jz .return_1 @@: cmp word [process_info_buffer+10],"OS" jnz @f cmp dword [process_info_buffer+10+2],0 jz .return_1 @@: cmp byte [process_info_buffer+10],"@" jz .return_1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .no_filter: mov edi,ecx mov [list_add],ecx ;get processor cpeed ;for percent calculating mcall SF_SYSTEM,SSF_GET_CPU_FREQUENCY xor edx,edx mov ebx,100 div ebx ;eax = number of operation for 1% now ;calculate process cpu usage percent mov ebx,eax mov eax,[process_info_buffer+process_information.cpu_usage] ; cdq xor edx,edx ; for CPU more 2 GHz - mike.dld div ebx mov [cpu_percent],eax ;set text color to display process information ;0% : black ;1-80% : green ;81-100% : red test eax,eax jnz .no_black mov esi, 0x10000000 jmp .color_set ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .no_black: cmp eax,80 ja .no_green mov esi, 0x10107A30 jmp .color_set ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .no_green: mov esi,0x10AC0000 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .color_set: ;show slot number ;ecx haven"t changed since .process_found push edi mov eax, ecx mov ebx, [curposy] add ebx, 40 shl 16 + 3 mov ecx, esi xor edx, edx call draw_ra_dec_number push ecx ;show process name mov ebx,[curposy] add ebx,50*65536+3 mov ecx, esi or ecx, 0x80000000 mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,,,process_info_buffer.process_name,11 pop ecx ;show PTID mov eax, [process_info_buffer.PID] add ebx, 160 shl 16 xor edx, edx call draw_ra_dec_number ;show cpu usage mov eax, [process_info_buffer.cpu_usage] add ebx, 100 shl 16 call draw_ra_dec_number ;show cpu percent mov eax, [cpu_percent] add ebx, 55 shl 16 call draw_ra_dec_number ;show memory usage mov eax, [process_info_buffer.used_memory] add ebx, 60 shl 16 call draw_ra_data_size ;show window stack position movzx eax, word [process_info_buffer.window_stack_position] add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_dec_number ;show window x size movzx eax, word [process_info_buffer.box.left] add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_dec_number ;show window y size movzx eax, word [process_info_buffer.box.top] add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_dec_number pop edi ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .ret: ;build index->slot map for terminating processes. mov eax,[index] mov [tasklist+4*eax],edi ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 f11: ;full update push edi call draw_window pop edi ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* align 4 draw_window: mcall SF_REDRAW, SSF_BEGIN_DRAW ; DRAW WINDOW xor eax,eax ; function 0 : define and draw window xor esi,esi mcall ,[winxpos],[winypos], 0x34FFFFFF,, strings.tmp_window_caption ;0x34ddffdd mcall SF_THREAD_INFO,process_info_buffer,-1 mov eax,[ebx+70] mov [window_status],eax test [window_status],100b ; window is rolled up jnz .exit test [window_status],10b ; window is minimized to panel jnz .exit mov eax, strings.process_name mov ebx, 130 shl 16 + 5 xor ecx, ecx call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.ptid add ebx, 80 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.cpu_usage_cycles add ebx, 100 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.cpu_usage_percent add ebx, 55 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.memory_usage add ebx, 60 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.window_stack_pos add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.window_position.x add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mov eax, strings.window_position.y add ebx, 70 shl 16 call draw_ra_text mcall SF_SYSTEM_GET,SSF_TIME_COUNT add eax,100 mov [time_counter],eax mov [draw_window_flag],1 call show_process_info mov [draw_window_flag],0 push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] push dword check1 call [check_box_draw] ;previous page button, ID = 51: mov eax, strings.previous_page mov ebx, UNDERTABLE.X shl 16 + UNDERTABLE.Y mov ecx, 51 mov edx, 0xCCDDEE xor esi, esi call draw_button_with_caption ;next page button, ID = 52: mov eax, strings.next_page add ebx, 10 shl 16 inc ecx call draw_button_with_caption ;reboot button, ID = 53: mov eax, strings.reboot add ebx, 345 shl 16 inc ecx call draw_button_with_caption ;run button, ID = 54 mov eax, strings.run mov ebx, (EDITBOX.X + EDITBOX.WIDTH + 10) shl 16 + (EDITBOX.Y + EDITBOX.HEIGHT/2 - BUTTON.HEIGHT/2) inc ecx call draw_button_with_caption ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .exit: mcall SF_REDRAW, SSF_END_DRAW ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 show_process_info: test [window_status], 100b ; window is rolled up jnz .exit test [window_status], 10b ; window is minimized to panel jnz .exit mov ecx,DISPLAY_PROCESSES mov edi,tasklist xor eax,eax cld rep stosd mov edi,[list_start] mov [list_add],edi mov dword [index],0 mov dword [curposy],20 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .loop_draw: call draw_next_process inc dword [index] add dword [curposy],16+4 cmp [index],DISPLAY_PROCESSES jl .loop_draw ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 .exit: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_ra_dec_number: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;draws (posfixed) number with flush right alignment in decimal form ;8x16 number + 8x16 UTF8Z text ;in: ;eax = number ;ebx = right margin coordinates (x shl 16 + y) ;ecx = 0x00RRGGBB ;edx = pointer to postfix string or 0 - no postfix ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pusha ror ebx, 16 mov ebp, eax test edx, edx jz .no_postfix mov eax, edx call count_utf8z_chars test eax, eax jz .no_postfix push ecx lea eax, [eax*8] sub bx, ax rol ebx, 16 or ecx, 0xB0000000 mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT ror ebx, 16 pop ecx .no_postfix: mov eax, ebp push edx xor edi, edi mov esi, 10 @@: xor edx, edx div esi inc edi test eax, eax jz @f jmp @b @@: pop edx mov esi, ecx or esi, 0x10000000 mov ecx, ebp mov edx, ebx lea eax, [edi*8] sub dx, ax rol edx, 16 mcall SF_DRAW_NUMBER, (11 shl 16) or 0x80000000 popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_ra_data_size: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;draws data size with flush right alignment in following form: ;n (for <1024 bytes) or n xB (KB/MB/GB) ;8x16 font ;in: ;eax = number ;ebx = right margin coordinates (x shl 16 + y) ;ecx = 0x00RRGGBB ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pusha xor edx, edx cmp eax, 1024 ja @f jmp .draw_text @@: cmp eax, 1024*1024 jae @f mov esi, 1024 div esi mov edx, strings.KB jmp .draw_text @@: cmp eax, 1024*1024*1024 jae @f mov esi, 1024*1024 div esi mov edx, strings.MB jmp .draw_text @@: mov esi, 1024*1024*1024 div esi mov edx, strings.GB .draw_text: call draw_ra_dec_number popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_ra_text: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;draws 8x16 UTF8Z text with flush right alignment in decimal form ;in: ;eax = pointer to text string ;ebx = right margin coordinates (x shl 16 + y) ;ecx = 0x00RRGGBB ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pusha ror ebx, 16 mov edx, eax call count_utf8z_chars test eax, eax jz .ret lea eax, [eax*8] sub bx, ax rol ebx, 16 or ecx, 0xB0000000 mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT .ret: popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_button_with_caption: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;draws button with 8x16 UTF8Z caption in center ;in: ;eax = pointer to button caption or 0 - no caption ;ebx = x shl 16 + y ;ecx = 0x00XXXXXX, where XXXXXX - button ID ;edx = 0x00RRGGBB - button color ;esi = 0x00RRGGBB - text color ;out: ;eax = width of button ;ebx = x+width shl 16 + y ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pusha xor ebp, ebp mov edi, eax test eax, eax jz .no_caption_0 call count_utf8z_chars mov ebp, eax .no_caption_0: push ebx esi lea eax, [ebp*8] mov esi, edx mov edx, ecx mov ecx, ebx shl ecx, 16 mov bx, ax add bx, 3*2 movzx eax, bx mov dword [esp+4*2+4*7], eax ;out eax = width add word [esp+4*2+4*4+2], ax ;out ebx = x+width shl 16 + y mov cx, BUTTON.HEIGHT mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON pop esi ebx test edi, edi jz .no_caption_1 mov edx, edi add ebx, 3 shl 16 + 3 mov ecx, esi or ecx, 0xB0000000 mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT .no_caption_1: popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- count_utf8z_chars: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;in: ;eax = pointer to UTF8Z string ;out: ;eax = count of chars (excluding finishing zero) (0 if string is empty or invalid) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- push esi ebx mov esi, eax xor ebx, ebx .0: lodsb test al, al jz .ok inc ebx cmp al, 0x7F ja @f jmp .0 @@: cmp al, 0xC0 jb .err cmp al, 0xDF ja @f inc esi jmp .0 @@: cmp al, 0xEF ja @f inc esi inc esi jmp .0 @@: cmp al, 0xF7 ja .err add esi, 3 jmp .0 .ok: mov eax, ebx pop ebx esi ret .err: xor eax, eax pop ebx esi ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA AREA ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system_path db "/sys/lib/" library_name db "box_lib.obj", 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 myimport: edit_box_draw dd aEdit_box_draw edit_box_key dd aEdit_box_key edit_box_mouse dd aEdit_box_mouse ;version_ed dd aVersion_ed init_checkbox dd aInit_checkbox check_box_draw dd aCheck_box_draw check_box_mouse dd aCheck_box_mouse ;version_ch dd aVersion_ch ;option_box_draw dd aOption_box_draw ;option_box_mouse dd aOption_box_mouse ;version_op dd aVersion_op dd 0 dd 0 aEdit_box_draw db "edit_box",0 aEdit_box_key db "edit_box_key",0 aEdit_box_mouse db "edit_box_mouse",0 ;aVersion_ed db "version_ed",0 aInit_checkbox db "init_checkbox2",0 aCheck_box_draw db "check_box_draw2",0 aCheck_box_mouse db "check_box_mouse2",0 ;aVersion_ch db "version_ch",0 ;aOption_box_draw db "option_box_draw",0 ;aOption_box_mouse db "option_box_mouse",0 ;aVersion_op db "version_op",0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 check1 check_box2 CHECKBOX.X shl 16 + 12, CHECKBOX.Y shl 16 + 12, 6, 0x80D6DEE7, 0x4C5258, 0xB0000000, strings.checkbox_caption, ch_flag_top check1_end: edit1 edit_box EDITBOX.WIDTH, EDITBOX.X, EDITBOX.Y, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0, start_application_c,\ start_application,mouse_dd,ed_focus,start_application_e,start_application_e edit1_end: list_start dd 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sys_reboot: dd SSF_START_APP dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 db "/sys/end",0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- strings: if lang eq de .window_caption utf8z "Prozesse - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]" .tmp_window_caption db "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]", 0 .process_name utf8z "NAME/BEENDEN" .ptid utf8z "PID/TID" .cpu_usage_cycles utf8z "CPU(ZYKLEN)" .cpu_usage_percent utf8z "CPU(%)" .memory_usage utf8z "SPEICHER" .window_stack_pos utf8z "W-STACK" .window_position.x utf8z "W-POS-X" .window_position.y utf8z "W-POS-Y" .previous_page utf8z "SEITE ZURUECK" .next_page utf8z "SEITE VOR" .reboot utf8z "REBOOT SYSTEM" .run utf8z "START" .checkbox_caption utf8z "System" .KB utf8z " KB" .MB utf8z " MB" .GB utf8z " GB" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if lang eq et .window_caption utf8z "Protsessid v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]" .tmp_window_caption db "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]", 0 .process_name utf8z "NIMI/LÕPETA" .ptid utf8z "PID/TID" .cpu_usage_cycles utf8z "CPU(TSÜKLID)" .cpu_usage_percent utf8z "CPU(%)" .memory_usage utf8z "MÄLU" .window_stack_pos utf8z "W-PUHVER" .window_position.x utf8z "W-POS-X" .window_position.y utf8z "W-POS-Y" .previous_page utf8z "EELMINE LEHT" .next_page utf8z "JÄRGMINE LEHT" .reboot utf8z "REBOODI SÜSTEEM" .run utf8z "START" .checkbox_caption utf8z "System" .KB utf8z " KB" .MB utf8z " MB" .GB utf8z " GB" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if lang eq ru .window_caption utf8z "Диспетчер процессов v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]" .tmp_window_caption db "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]", 0 .process_name utf8z "ИМЯ/ЗАВЕРШИТЬ" .ptid utf8z "PID/TID" .cpu_usage_cycles utf8z "CPU(ТАКТЫ)" .cpu_usage_percent utf8z "CPU(%)" .memory_usage utf8z "ПАМЯТЬ" .window_stack_pos utf8z "W-STACK" .window_position.x utf8z "W-POS-X" .window_position.y utf8z "W-POS-Y" .previous_page utf8z "ПРЕД. СТР." .next_page utf8z "СЛЕД. СТР." .reboot utf8z "ПЕРЕЗАГРУЗКА" .run utf8z "ЗАПУСК" .checkbox_caption utf8z "Системные" .KB utf8z " КБ" .MB utf8z " МБ" .GB utf8z " ГБ" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if lang eq it .window_caption utf8z "Gestore processi v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]" .tmp_window_caption db "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]", 0 .process_name utf8z "NOME-PROGRAMMA" .ptid utf8z "PID/TID" .cpu_usage_cycles utf8z "CPU(CICLI)" .cpu_usage_percent utf8z "CPU(%)" .memory_usage utf8z "MEMORY" .window_stack_pos utf8z "W-STACK" .window_position.x utf8z "W-POS-X" .window_position.y utf8z "W-POS-Y" .previous_page utf8z "INDIETRO" .next_page utf8z "AVANTI" .reboot utf8z "RIAVVIA SISTEMA" .run utf8z "START" .checkbox_caption utf8z "System" .KB utf8z " KB" .MB utf8z " MB" .GB utf8z " GB" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else .window_caption utf8z "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]" .tmp_window_caption db "Process manager v0.2 - [Ctrl+Alt+Del]", 0 .process_name utf8z "NAME/TERMINATE" .ptid utf8z "PID/TID" .cpu_usage_cycles utf8z "CPU(CYCLES)" .cpu_usage_percent utf8z "CPU(%)" .memory_usage utf8z "MEMORY" .window_stack_pos utf8z "W-STACK" .window_position.x utf8z "W-POS-X" .window_position.y utf8z "W-POS-Y" .previous_page utf8z "PREV PAGE" .next_page utf8z "NEXT PAGE" .reboot utf8z "REBOOT SYSTEM" .run utf8z "RUN" .checkbox_caption utf8z "System" .KB utf8z " KB" .MB utf8z " MB" .GB utf8z " GB" end if ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 tinfo: dd SSF_START_APP dd 0 .params dd .params_buf dd 0 dd 0 db 0 .file_path dd sz_tinfo_file_path align 4 .params_buf: times 11 db 0 ; at now 4 bytes will be enough, but may be in the future not align 4 sz_tinfo_file_path db "/sys/tinfo",0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 file_start: dd SSF_START_APP dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 start_application: db "/sys/LAUNCHER",0 start_application_e=$-start_application-1 ; times 60 db 0 rb 60 start_application_c=$-start_application-1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM_END: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sc system_colors winxpos rd 1 winypos rd 1 mouse_dd rd 1 cpu_percent rd 1 list_add rd 1 curposy rd 1 index rd 1 tasklist rd DISPLAY_PROCESSES time_counter rd 1 window_status rd 1 client_area_x_size rd 1 client_area_y_size rd 1 bar_bacground_color rd 1 btn_bacground_color rd 1 draw_window_flag rd 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 library_path: process_info_buffer process_information ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 cur_dir_path: rb 1024 rb 1024 stack_area: U_END: