// Mouse Configuration Utility ver 1.62 #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif #define MEMSIZE 4096*11 #include "..\lib\strings.h" #include "..\lib\mem.h" #include "..\lib\fs.h" #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libini.h" #include "..\lib\patterns\restart_process.h" // Translatiions #ifdef LANG_RUS ?define WINDOW_TITLE "Проверка и настройка параметров мыши" ?define CHECK_MOUSE_1 "Нажмите на этой области" ?define CHECK_MOUSE_2 "для проверки кнопок мыши" ?define POINTER_SPEED "Делитель скорости указателя мыши" ?define ACCELERATION_TEXT "Чувствительность указателя мыши" ?define DOUBLE_CLICK_TEXT "Задержка двойного клика мышью" ?define MOUSE_EMULATION "Управление указателем мыши через клавиатуру" ?define MADMOUSE "Сквозные для курсора стороны экрана" ?define COMMOUSE "Загрузить драйвер мыши для COM-порта (F10)" ?define COMMOUSE_LOADED "'Драйвер для COM мыши был загружен' -O" ?define COMMOUSE_CAN_NOT_UNLOAD "'Остановка драйвера невозможна' -W" #else ?define WINDOW_TITLE "Mouse testing and configuration" ?define CHECK_MOUSE_1 "Click on this area to" ?define CHECK_MOUSE_2 "check your mouse buttons" ?define POINTER_SPEED "Mouse pointer speed divider" ?define ACCELERATION_TEXT "Mouse pointer sensitivity" ?define DOUBLE_CLICK_TEXT "Mouse double click delay" ?define MOUSE_EMULATION "Enable mouse emulation using keyboard NumPad" ?define MADMOUSE "Through screen sides for pointer" ?define COMMOUSE "Load mouse driver for COM-port (F10)" ?define COMMOUSE_LOADED "'Driver for COM mouse loaded' -O" ?define COMMOUSE_CAN_NOT_UNLOAD "'Driver stop is impossible' -W" #endif #define FRAME_X 18 #define FRAME_Y 18 :block mouse_frame = { FRAME_X, FRAME_Y, NULL, 130 }; :more_less_box pointer_speed = { NULL, 0, 64, POINTER_SPEED }; :more_less_box acceleration = { NULL, 0, 64, ACCELERATION_TEXT }; :more_less_box double_click_delay = { NULL, 0, 999, DOUBLE_CLICK_TEXT, 8 }; :checkbox emulation = { MOUSE_EMULATION, NULL }; :checkbox madmouse = { MADMOUSE, NULL }; :checkbox com_mouse = { COMMOUSE, NULL }; char ini_path[] = "/sys/settings/system.ini"; _ini ini_drivers = { #ini_path, "loaded drivers" }; _ini ini_mouse = { #ini_path, "mouse" }; void main() { proc_info Form; int id; load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1); LoadCfg(); SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop() switch(@WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: mouse.get(); IF (mouse_frame.hovered()) DrawMouseImage(mouse.lkm,mouse.pkm,mouse.mkm,mouse.vert); IF (mouse.click) || (mouse.up) DrawMouseImage(0,0,0,0); break; CASE evButton: id = @GetButtonID(); IF (1 == id) ExitApp(); else IF (pointer_speed.click(id)) ApplyCfg(); else IF (acceleration.click(id)) ApplyCfg(); else IF (double_click_delay.click(id)) ApplyCfg(); else IF (emulation.click(id)) { IF (emulation.checked == true) RunProgram("/sys/mousemul", 0); ELSE KillProcessByName("mousemul", SINGLE); break; } else IF (madmouse.click(id)) { IF (madmouse.checked == true) RunProgram("/sys/madmouse", 0); ELSE KillProcessByName("madmouse", SINGLE); break; } else IF (id == com_mouse.id) { EventClickComMouse(); } break; case evKey: @GetKeyScancode(); IF (AL == SCAN_CODE_ESC) ExitApp(); IF (AL == SCAN_CODE_F10) EventClickComMouse(); break; case evReDraw: sc.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(430, 150, 424, 343+skin_height,0x34,sc.work,WINDOW_TITLE,0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window>2) break; mouse_frame.w = - FRAME_X * 2 + Form.cwidth; DefineButton(FRAME_X, FRAME_Y, mouse_frame.w, mouse_frame.h, 99+BT_NOFRAME, 0xF0F2F3); //needed to handle mouse_up and refresh mouse image WriteText(FRAME_X + 110, FRAME_Y + 25, 0x90, 0x2C343C, CHECK_MOUSE_1); WriteText(FRAME_X + 110, FRAME_Y + 45, 0x90, 0x2C343C, CHECK_MOUSE_2); DrawMouseImage(0,0,0,0); DrawControls(); } } :byte panels_img_data[] = FROM "mouse_image.raw"; #define red 0xff0000 #define yellow 0xfff600 #define white 0xffffff #define dgrey 0x2d353d :struct IMG_PAL{ dword back, shad1, contour, left, right, middle, mwhite; } pal = { 0xF0F2F3,0xABB0B2, dgrey, white, white, dgrey, white }; void DrawMouseImage(dword l,r,m,v) { #define IMG_W 59 #define IMG_H 100 IF (l) pal.left = red; IF (m) pal.middle = red; IF (r) pal.right = red; IF (v) pal.middle = yellow; PutPaletteImage(#panels_img_data,IMG_W,IMG_H,18+30,18+16,8,#pal); pal.left = pal.right = white; pal.middle = dgrey; IF (v) { pause(10); DrawMouseImage(l,r,m,0); } } void DrawControls() { incn y; y.n = FRAME_Y+115; pointer_speed.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(30)); acceleration.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(30)); double_click_delay.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(30)); emulation.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(33)); madmouse.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(27)); com_mouse.draw(FRAME_X, y.inc(27)); } void LoadCfg() { acceleration.value = @GetMouseAcceleration(); pointer_speed.value = @GetMouseSpeed(); double_click_delay.value = @GetMouseDoubleClickDelay(); com_mouse.checked = ini_drivers.GetInt("com_mouse", 0); madmouse.checked = CheckProcessExists("MADMOUSE"); emulation.checked = CheckProcessExists("MOUSEMUL"); } void ExitApp() { ini_drivers.SetInt("com_mouse", com_mouse.checked); ini_mouse.SetInt("speed", pointer_speed.value); ini_mouse.SetInt("acceleration", acceleration.value); ini_mouse.SetInt("double_click_delay", double_click_delay.value); @ExitProcess(); } void ApplyCfg() { @SetMouseSpeed(pointer_speed.value); @SetMouseAcceleration(acceleration.value); @SetMouseDoubleClickDelay(double_click_delay.value); } void EventClickComMouse() { if (!com_mouse.checked) { if (RunProgram("/sys/loaddrv", "COMMOUSE")>=0) { notify(COMMOUSE_LOADED); com_mouse.click(com_mouse.id); } else { notify("'Error running LOADDRV' -E"); } } else { notify(COMMOUSE_CAN_NOT_UNLOAD); } } stop: