@^ fix macro comment { ^@ fix } ; ------------------------- macro library [lname,fname] { forward dd __#lname#_library_table__,__#lname#_library_name__ common dd 0 forward align 4 __#lname#_library_name__ db fname,0 } macro import lname,[name,sname] { common align 4 __#lname#_library_table__: forward if used name name dd __#name#_import_name__ end if common dd 0 forward if used name align 4 __#name#_import_name__ db sname,0 end if } macro export [name,sname] { forward dd __#name#_export_name__,name common dd 0 forward align 4 __#name#_export_name__ db sname,0 } ; ------------------------- macro m2m dest,src { push src pop dest } macro iglobal { IGlobals equ IGlobals, macro __IGlobalBlock { } macro uglobal { UGlobals equ UGlobals, macro __UGlobalBlock { } endg fix } ; Use endg for ending iglobal and uglobal blocks. macro IncludeIGlobals{ macro IGlobals dummy,[n] \{ __IGlobalBlock purge __IGlobalBlock \} match I, IGlobals \{ I \} } macro IncludeUGlobals{ macro UGlobals dummy,[n] \{ \common \local begin, size begin = $ virtual at $ \forward __UGlobalBlock purge __UGlobalBlock \common size = $ - begin end virtual rb size \} match U, UGlobals \{ U \} } uglobal endg iglobal endg ; new application structure macro meos_app_start { use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd __start dd __end dd __memory dd __stack if used __params & ~defined __params dd __params else dd 0x0 end if dd 0x0 } MEOS_APP_START fix meos_app_start macro code { __start: } CODE fix code macro data { __data: IncludeIGlobals } DATA fix data macro udata { if used __params & ~defined __params __params: db 0 __end: rb 255 else __end: end if __udata: IncludeUGlobals } UDATA fix udata macro meos_app_end { align 32 rb 2048 __stack: __memory: } MEOS_APP_END fix meos_app_end ; macro for defining multiline text data struc mstr [sstring] { forward local ssize virtual at 0 db sstring ssize = $ end virtual dd ssize db sstring common dd -1 } ; macro for defining multiline text data struc mls [sstring] { forward local ssize virtual at 0 db sstring ; mod ssize = $ end virtual db ssize db sstring common db -1 ; mod } ; strings macro sz name,[data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld] common if used name name db data .size = $-name end if } macro lsz name,[lng,data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld] common if used name label name forward if lang eq lng db data end if common .size = $-name end if } macro szc name,elsz,[data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld] common local s,m m = 0 if used name label name forward virtual at 0 db data s = $ end virtual d#elsz s if m < s m = s end if db data common .size = $-name .maxl = m end if } macro lszc name,elsz,[lng,data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld] common local s,m,c m = 0 c = 0 if used name label name forward if lang eq lng virtual at 0 db data s = $ end virtual d#elsz s if m < s m = s end if db data c = c+1 end if common .size = $-name .maxl = m .count = c end if } ; easy system call macro macro mpack dest, hsrc, lsrc { if (hsrc eqtype 0) & (lsrc eqtype 0) mov dest, (hsrc) shl 16 + lsrc else if (hsrc eqtype 0) & (~lsrc eqtype 0) mov dest, (hsrc) shl 16 add dest, lsrc else mov dest, hsrc shl dest, 16 add dest, lsrc end if end if } macro __mov reg,a,b { ; mike.dld if (~a eq)&(~b eq) mpack reg,a,b else if (~a eq)&(b eq) mov reg,a end if } include 'config.inc' ;__CPU_type equ p5 SYSENTER_VAR equ 0 macro mcall a,b,c,d,e,f { ; mike.dld, updated by Ghost for Fast System Calls local ..ret_point __mov eax,a __mov ebx,b __mov ecx,c __mov edx,d __mov esi,e __mov edi,f if __CPU_type eq p5 int 0x40 else if __CPU_type eq p6 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ..ret_point ; it may be 2 or 5 byte sysenter ..ret_point: pop edx pop ecx else if __CPU_type eq k6 push ecx syscall pop ecx else display 'ERROR : unknown CPU type (set to p5)', 10, 13 __CPU_type equ p5 int 0x40 end if end if end if } ; ------------------------- macro header a,[b] { common use32 org 0 db 'MENUET',a forward if b eq dd 0 else dd b end if } macro section name { align 16 label name } macro func name { if ~used name display 'FUNC NOT USED: ',`name,13,10 else align 4 name: ;diff16 `name,0,name ;pushad ;pushfd ;dps `name ;newline ;mcall 5,1 ;popfd ;popad } macro endf { end if } macro diff16 title,l1,l2 { local s,d s = l2-l1 display title,': 0x' repeat 8 d = '0' + s shr ((8-%) shl 2) and $0F if d > '9' d = d + 'A'-'9'-1 end if display d end repeat display 13,10 } macro diff10 title,l1,l2 { local s,d,z,m s = l2-l1 z = 0 m = 1000000000 display title,': ' repeat 10 d = '0' + s / m s = s - (s/m)*m m = m / 10 if d <> '0' z = 1 end if if z <> 0 display d end if end repeat display 13,10 } ; optimize the code for size __regs fix macro add arg1,arg2 { if (arg2 eqtype 0) if (arg2) = 1 inc arg1 else add arg1,arg2 end if else add arg1,arg2 end if } macro sub arg1,arg2 { if (arg2 eqtype 0) if (arg2) = 1 dec arg1 else sub arg1,arg2 end if else sub arg1,arg2 end if } macro mov arg1,arg2 { if (arg1 in __regs) & ((arg2 eqtype 0) | (arg2 eqtype '0')) if (arg2) = 0 xor arg1,arg1 else if (arg2) = 1 xor arg1,arg1 inc arg1 else if (arg2) = -1 or arg1,-1 else if (arg2) > -128 & (arg2) < 128 push arg2 pop arg1 else mov arg1,arg2 end if else mov arg1,arg2 end if } macro RGB [a] { common match (r=,g=,b),a \{ \dd ((r) shl 16) or ((g) shl 8) or (b) \} } struc POINT _t,_dx,_dy { .x _t _dx .y _t _dy } ; structure definition helper include 'struct.inc' struct RECT left dd ? top dd ? right dd ? bottom dd ? ends struct BOX left dd ? top dd ? width dd ? height dd ? ends ; structures used in MeOS struct process_information cpu_usage dd ? ; +0 window_stack_position dw ? ; +4 window_stack_value dw ? ; +6 dw ? ; +8 process_name rb 12 ; +10 memory_start dd ? ; +22 used_memory dd ? ; +26 PID dd ? ; +30 box BOX ; +34 slot_state dw ? ; +50 dw ? ; +52 client_box BOX ; +54 wnd_state db ? ; +70 rb (1024-71) ends struct system_colors frame dd ? grab dd ? grab_button dd ? grab_button_text dd ? grab_text dd ? work dd ? work_button dd ? work_button_text dd ? work_text dd ? work_graph dd ? ends struct FILEDATE Second db ? Minute db ? Hour db ? db ? Day db ? Month db ? Year dw ? ends struct FILEINFO Attributes dd ? IsUnicode db ? db 3 dup(?) DateCreate FILEDATE DateAccess FILEDATE DateModify FILEDATE Size dq ? ends if __CPU_type eq p5 ; CMOVcc isnt supported on the P5 cmove fix cmovz macro cmovz reg1, reg2 { local .jumpaddr jnz .jumpaddr mov reg1, reg2 .jumpaddr: } cmovne fix cmovnz macro cmovnz reg1, reg2 { local .jumpaddr jz .jumpaddr mov reg1, reg2 .jumpaddr: } macro cmovg reg1, reg2 { local .jumpaddr jle .jumpaddr mov reg1, reg2 .jumpaddr: } macro cmovl reg1, reg2 { local .jumpaddr jge .jumpaddr mov reg1, reg2 .jumpaddr: } end if ; constants ; events EV_IDLE = 0 EV_TIMER = 0 EV_REDRAW = 1 EV_KEY = 2 EV_BUTTON = 3 EV_EXIT = 4 EV_BACKGROUND = 5 EV_MOUSE = 6 EV_IPC = 7 EV_STACK = 8 ; event mask bits for function 40 EVM_REDRAW = 1b EVM_KEY = 10b EVM_BUTTON = 100b EVM_EXIT = 1000b EVM_BACKGROUND = 10000b EVM_MOUSE = 100000b EVM_IPC = 1000000b EVM_STACK = 10000000b EVM_DEBUG = 100000000b EVM_STACK2 = 1000000000b