if DEBUG align 4 txt_gl_scal db 'glopScale',0 txt_gl_tran db 'glopTranslate',0 align 4 proc gl_print_matrix uses eax ebx ecx edi, m:dword, rows:dword mov ecx,[rows] cmp ecx,1 jl .end_f mov ebx,[m] mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],3 finit @@: lea edi,[buf_param] mov byte[edi],0 fld dword[ebx] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String stdcall str_cat, edi,Data_String stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2 stdcall str_len,edi add edi,eax fld dword[ebx+4] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String stdcall str_cat, edi,Data_String stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2 stdcall str_len,edi add edi,eax fld dword[ebx+8] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String stdcall str_cat, edi,Data_String stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2 stdcall str_len,edi add edi,eax fld dword[ebx+12] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String stdcall str_cat, edi,Data_String stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2 stdcall dbg_print,txt_sp,buf_param add ebx,16 dec ecx cmp ecx,0 jg @b .end_f: ret endp end if macro gl_matrix_update context, reg { local .end_0 xor reg,reg cmp dword[context+offs_cont_matrix_mode],1 jg .end_0 inc reg .end_0: mov dword[context+offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_updated],reg } align 4 proc glopMatrixMode uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_MODELVIEW ;cmp p[1],... jne @f mov dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode],0 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_PROJECTION jne @f mov dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode],1 jmp .end_f @@: cmp dword[ebx+4],GL_TEXTURE jne .def mov dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode],2 jmp .end_f .def: ;assert(0); .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopLoadMatrix uses eax edi esi, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov edi,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl edi,2 add edi,eax mov edi,dword[edi+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] mov esi,[p] add esi,4 stdcall gl_M4_Transpose,edi,esi ;транспонируем входную матрицу в матрицу context.matrix_stack_ptr[context.matrix_mode] gl_matrix_update eax,edi ret endp align 4 proc glopLoadIdentity uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax stdcall gl_M4_Id,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] if DEBUG ;glopLoadIdentity stdcall gl_print_matrix,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],4 end if gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopMultMatrix uses eax edi esi, context:dword, p:dword locals m M4 endl mov esi,[p] add esi,4 mov edi,ebp sub edi,sizeof.M4 stdcall gl_M4_Transpose,edi,esi ;транспонируем входную матрицу в локальную матрицу m mov eax,[context] mov esi,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl esi,2 add esi,eax stdcall gl_M4_MulLeft,dword[esi+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],edi gl_matrix_update eax,edi ret endp align 4 proc glopPushMatrix uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] ; assert( (c->matrix_stack_ptr[ebx] - c->matrix_stack[ebx] + 1 ) ; < c->matrix_stack_depth_max[ebx] ); shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax add ebx,offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr add dword[ebx],sizeof.M4 mov ebx,[ebx] ;ebx = ++context.matrix_stack_ptr[context.matrix_mode] sub ebx,sizeof.M4 push ebx add ebx,sizeof.M4 stdcall gl_M4_Move, ebx gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopPopMatrix uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] ; assert( c->matrix_stack_ptr[n] > c->matrix_stack[n] ); shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax sub dword[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],sizeof.M4 gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopRotate uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword locals u0 dd ? u1 dd ? u2 dd ? angle dd ? cost dd ? sint dd ? m M4 endl mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,ebp sub ecx,sizeof.M4 ;ecx=&m finit fldpi fmul dword[ebx+4] fdiv dword[an180f] fst dword[angle] ;angle = p[1].f * M_PI / 180.0 ;st0 = angle fldz fild dword[ebx+8] fstp dword[u0] fild dword[ebx+12] fstp dword[u1] fild dword[ebx+16] fst dword[u2] ; simple case detection xor ebx,ebx fcomp st1 ;u2 ... 0 fstsw ax sahf je @f inc ebx @@: fcom dword[u1] ;0 ... u1 fstsw ax sahf je @f or ebx,2 @@: fcom dword[u0] ;0 ... u0 fstsw ax sahf je @f or ebx,4 @@: ;st0 = 0, st1 = angle ;ebx = ((u0 != 0)<<2) | ((u1 != 0)<<1) | (u2 != 0) cmp ebx,0 je .end_f ;если нет поворотов выход из функции cmp ebx,4 jne @f fcomp dword[u0] ;0 ... u0 fstsw ax sahf jae .u0ch fchs fstp dword[angle] ;if (u0 < 0) angle *= -1 .u0ch: stdcall gl_M4_Rotate, ecx,[angle],0 jmp .end_sw @@: cmp ebx,2 jne @f fcomp dword[u1] ;0 ... u1 fstsw ax sahf jae .u1ch fchs fstp dword[angle] ;if (u1 < 0) angle *= -1 .u1ch: stdcall gl_M4_Rotate, ecx,[angle],1 jmp .end_sw @@: cmp ebx,1 jne @f fcomp dword[u2] ;0 ... u2 fstsw ax sahf jae .u2ch fchs fstp dword[angle] ;if (u2 < 0) angle *= -1 .u2ch: stdcall gl_M4_Rotate, ecx,[angle],2 jmp .end_sw @@: ;default: if DEBUG ;glopRotete stdcall dbg_print,txt_sp,m_1 end if ; normalize vector fld dword[u0] fmul st0,st0 fld dword[u1] fmul st0,st0 fld dword[u2] fmul st0,st0 fadd st0,st1 fadd st0,st2 ; fst dword[len] ;len = u0*u0+u1*u1+u2*u2 fcom st1 fstsw ax sahf je .end_f ;if (len == 0.0f) return fsqrt fld1 fdiv st0,st1 ; fst dword[len] ;len = 1.0f / sqrt(len) fld dword[u0] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[u0] ;u0 *= len fld dword[u1] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[u1] ;u1 *= len fld dword[u2] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[u2] ;u2 *= len ;st0 = len, st1=..., st2=..., st3 = 0, st4 = angle ; store cos and sin values finit fld dword[angle] fcos fst dword[cost] ;cost=cos(angle) fld dword[angle] fsin fst dword[sint] ;sint=sin(angle) ; fill in the values mov ebx,0.0 mov [ecx+3*16 ],ebx ;m[3][0] mov [ecx+3*16 +4],ebx ;m[3][1] mov [ecx+3*16 +8],ebx ;m[3][2] mov [ecx+ 12],ebx ;m[0][3] mov [ecx+ 16+12],ebx ;m[1][3] mov [ecx+2*16+12],ebx ;m[2][3] mov ebx,1.0 mov [ecx+3*16+12],ebx ;m[3][3] ; do the math ; m.m[0][0]=u[0]*u[0]+cost*(1-u[0]*u[0]); ; m.m[1][0]=u[0]*u[1]*(1-cost)-u[2]*sint; ; m.m[2][0]=u[2]*u[0]*(1-cost)+u[1]*sint; ; m.m[0][1]=u[0]*u[1]*(1-cost)+u[2]*sint; ; m.m[1][1]=u[1]*u[1]+cost*(1-u[1]*u[1]); ; m.m[2][1]=u[1]*u[2]*(1-cost)-u[0]*sint; ; m.m[0][2]=u[2]*u[0]*(1-cost)-u[1]*sint; ; m.m[1][2]=u[1]*u[2]*(1-cost)+u[0]*sint; ; m.m[2][2]=u[2]*u[2]+cost*(1-u[2]*u[2]); .end_sw: mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax stdcall gl_M4_MulLeft,dword[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],ecx if DEBUG ;glopRotete stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,4 end if gl_matrix_update eax,ebx .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopScale uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword mov ecx,[p] mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax mov ebx,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] ;ebx = &m[0] fld dword[ecx+ 4] ;x fld dword[ecx+ 8] ;y fld dword[ecx+12] ;z mov ecx,4 @@: fld dword[ebx] ;m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;m[0] * x fstp dword[ebx] ;m[0] *= x fld dword[ebx+4] ;m[1] fmul st0,st2 ;m[1] * y fstp dword[ebx+4];m[1] *= y fld dword[ebx+8] ;m[2] fmul st0,st1 ;m[2] * z fstp dword[ebx+8];m[2] *= z add ebx,16 loop @b if DEBUG ;glopScale stdcall dbg_print,txt_gl_scal,txt_nl mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax stdcall gl_print_matrix,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],4 end if gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopTranslate uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword mov ecx,[p] mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax mov ebx,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr] ;ebx = &m[0] fld dword[ecx+ 4] ;x fld dword[ecx+ 8] ;y fld dword[ecx+12] ;z mov ecx,4 @@: fld dword[ebx] ;m[0] fmul st0,st3 ;m[0] * x fld dword[ebx+4] ;m[1] fmul st0,st3 ;m[1] * y faddp fld dword[ebx+8] ;m[2] fmul st0,st2 ;m[2] * z faddp fadd dword[ebx+12] ;m[3] fstp dword[ebx+12] ;m[3] = m[0] * x + m[1] * y + m[2] * z + m[3] add ebx,16 loop @b ffree st0 fincstp ffree st0 fincstp ffree st0 fincstp if DEBUG ;glopTranslate stdcall dbg_print,txt_gl_tran,txt_nl mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax stdcall gl_print_matrix,[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],4 end if gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp align 4 proc glopFrustum uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword locals x dd ? y dd ? A dd ? B dd ? C dd ? D dd ? m M4 endl mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] fld dword[ebx+8] fsub dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = (right-left) fld dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = near fadd st0,st0 fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[x] ;x = (2.0*near) / (right-left) fld dword[ebx+16] fsub dword[ebx+12] ;st0 = (top-bottom) fld dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = near fadd st0,st0 fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[y] ;y = (2.0*near) / (top-bottom) fld dword[ebx+8] fadd dword[ebx+4] ;st0 = (right+left) fdiv st0,st2 ;st2 = (right-left) fstp dword[A] ;A = (right+left) / (right-left) fld dword[ebx+16] fadd dword[ebx+12] ;st0 = (top+bottom) fdiv st0,st1 ;st1 = (top-bottom) fstp dword[B] ;B = (top+bottom) / (top-bottom) fld dword[ebx+24] fsub dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = (farp-near) fldz fsub dword[ebx+24] fsub dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = -(farp+near) fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[C] ;C = -(farp+near) / (farp-near) fld dword[ebx+24] fmul dword[ebx+20] ;st0 = farp*near fadd st0,st0 fchs ;st0 = -(2.0*farp*near) fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[D] ;D = -(2.0*farp*near) / (farp-near) mov ecx,ebp sub ecx,sizeof.M4 mov ebx,[x] mov dword[ecx],ebx mov dword[ecx+4],0.0 mov ebx,[A] mov dword[ecx+8],ebx mov dword[ecx+12],0.0 mov dword[ecx+16],0.0 mov ebx,[y] mov dword[ecx+20],ebx mov ebx,[B] mov dword[ecx+24],ebx mov dword[ecx+28],0.0 mov dword[ecx+32],0.0 mov dword[ecx+36],0.0 mov ebx,[C] mov dword[ecx+40],ebx mov ebx,[D] mov dword[ecx+44],ebx mov dword[ecx+48],0.0 mov dword[ecx+52],0.0 mov dword[ecx+56],-1.0 mov dword[ecx+60],0.0 mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_matrix_mode] shl ebx,2 add ebx,eax stdcall gl_M4_MulLeft,dword[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],ecx if DEBUG ;glopFrustum stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,4 stdcall gl_print_matrix,dword[ebx+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],4 end if gl_matrix_update eax,ebx ret endp