/* Memory Blocks for KolibriOS v1.2 Leency&Veliant Edition 2008-2020 */ #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 20 #define ENTRY_POINT #main #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\random.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libimg.h" #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif #define BTN_CLOSED 0 #define BTN_PRESSED 1 #define BTN_OPEN 2 #define CELL_SIZE 43 #define PANEL_Y CELL_SIZE+4*6 + 4 #define PANEL_H 36 #define WIN_W CELL_SIZE+4*10 + 4 #define WIN_H PANEL_Y+PANEL_H #define ROWS 6 #define COLS 10 #define COUNT ROWS*COLS #ifdef LANG_RUS #define LABEL_NEW_GAME "Новая игра"; #else #define LABEL_NEW_GAME " New game"; #endif int bitstat[COUNT], bitpict[COUNT]; dword butonsx[COUNT], butonsy[COUNT]; dword firstbit, secondbit; int count; void main() { dword id; load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); skin.load("/sys/icons32.png"); skin.replace_color(0x00000000, 0xFFFfff); NewGame(); loop() switch(@WaitEvent()) { case evKey: if (@GetKeyScancode()==SCAN_CODE_F2) NewGame(); break; case evButton: id = @GetButtonID(); if (id==1) @ExitProcess(); else if (id==5) NewGame(); else { id -= 100; if (bitstat[id] == BTN_CLOSED) { if (firstbit != 0x0BAD) { if (secondbit != 0x0BAD) { if (bitpict[firstbit] == bitpict[secondbit]) bitstat[firstbit] = bitstat[secondbit] = BTN_OPEN; else bitstat[firstbit] = bitstat[secondbit] = BTN_CLOSED; ReDraw_Game_Button(firstbit); ReDraw_Game_Button(secondbit); secondbit = 0x0BAD; firstbit = id; bitstat[id] = BTN_PRESSED; ReDraw_Game_Button(id); count++; } else if (firstbit != id) { secondbit = id; bitstat[id] = BTN_PRESSED; ReDraw_Game_Button(id); count++; } } else { firstbit = id; bitstat[id] = BTN_PRESSED; ReDraw_Game_Button(id); count++; } } Draw_Count(); } break; case evReDraw: sc.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(215,100,WIN_W + 9,WIN_H+4+GetSkinHeight(), 0x34,0xC0C0C0,"Memory Blocks",0); Draw_Panel(); Draw_Game_Pole(); } } void NewGame() { int off; int i; FOR (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { bitstat[i] = 0; bitpict[i] = 0; } count = 0; firstbit = secondbit = 0x0BAD; FOR (i = 0; i < COUNT/2; i++) { do off = random(COUNT); while (bitpict[off] != 0); bitpict[off] = i; do off = random(COUNT); while (bitpict[off] != 0); bitpict[off] = i; } Draw_Game_Pole(); Draw_Panel(); } void Draw_Game_Pole() { int i; byte j; for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { butonsx[j*ROWS+i] = CELL_SIZE+4 * j + 4; //save coordinates to avoid butonsy[j*ROWS+i] = CELL_SIZE+4 * i + 4; //their recalculation after ReDraw_Game_Button(j*ROWS + i); } } void ReDraw_Game_Button(int id) { dword xx, yy; xx = butonsx[id]; yy = butonsy[id]; DefineButton(xx, yy, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, 100 + BT_HIDE + id, 0); DrawRectangle3D(xx, yy, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, 0x94AECE, 0x94AECE);//border switch (bitstat[id]) { case BTN_CLOSED: DrawRectangle3D(xx + 1, yy + 1, CELL_SIZE-2, CELL_SIZE-2, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDEDEDE);//bump DrawBar(xx + 2, yy + 2, CELL_SIZE-3, CELL_SIZE-3, 0xBDC7D6);//background break; case BTN_PRESSED: DrawWideRectangle(xx + 1, yy + 1, CELL_SIZE-1, CELL_SIZE-1, 2, 0x94DB00);//border green DrawBar(xx + 3, yy + 3, CELL_SIZE-5, CELL_SIZE-5, 0xFFFfff);//background img_draw stdcall(skin.image, xx+6, yy+6, 32, 32, 0, bitpict[id]*32); BREAK; case BTN_OPEN: DrawBar(xx+1, yy+1, CELL_SIZE-1, CELL_SIZE-1, 0xFFFfff);//background img_draw stdcall(skin.image, xx+6, yy+6, 32, 32, 0, bitpict[id]*32); } } void Draw_Panel() { DrawBar(0, PANEL_Y, WIN_W, 1, sc.work_dark); DrawBar(0, PANEL_Y+1, WIN_W, 1, sc.work_light); DrawBar(0, PANEL_Y+2, WIN_W, PANEL_H-2, sc.work); DefineButton(9, PANEL_Y+5, 102, 26, 5, sc.button); WriteText(20, PANEL_Y+11, 0x90, sc.button_text, LABEL_NEW_GAME); Draw_Count(); } void Draw_Count() { EDI = sc.work; //writing a number with bg WriteNumber(WIN_W-32, PANEL_Y + 12, 0xD0, sc.work_text, 3, count); } stop: