{cp866} { User interface } procedure kos_definewindow(x, y, w, h: Word; style, header, clframe: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx pushl %esi pushl %edi movl %eax, %ebx xchgl %edx, %ecx movl header, %esi shll $16, %ebx shll $16, %ecx movl clframe, %edi movw %dx, %bx movw h, %cx xorl %eax, %eax movl style, %edx decl %ebx {уменьшить ширину на 1} decl %ecx {уменьшить высоту на 1} andl $0xEFFFFFFF, %edx int $0x40 popl %edi popl %esi popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx end; procedure kos_movewindow(x, y, w, h: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx pushl %esi movl %eax, %ebx xchgl %ecx, %edx movl $67, %eax movl h, %esi decl %edx {уменьшить ширину на 1} decl %esi {уменьшить высоту на 1} int $0x40 popl %esi popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_getkey(): DWord; assembler; register; asm movl $2, %eax int $0x40 end; function kos_getevent(wait: Boolean = True): DWord; assembler; register; asm andl $1, %eax xorb $1, %al addl $10, %eax int $0x40 end; function kos_waitevent(timeout: DWord): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $23, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; function kos_getbutton(): DWord; assembler; register; asm movl $17, %eax int $0x40 shrl $8, %eax andl $0xFF, %eax end; function kos_getmousepos(): TKosPoint; assembler; register; {@return: x*65536 + y} asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %eax movl $37, %eax xorl %ebx, %ebx int $0x40 movswl %ax, %ecx popl %ebx shrl $16, %eax movl %ecx, TKosPoint.Y(%ebx) movl %eax, TKosPoint.X(%ebx) popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_getmousewinpos(): TKosPoint; assembler; register; {@return: x*65536 + y} asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %eax movl $37, %eax movl $1, %ebx int $0x40 movswl %ax, %ecx popl %ebx shrl $16, %eax movl %ecx, TKosPoint.Y(%ebx) movl %eax, TKosPoint.X(%ebx) popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_getmousebuttons(): DWord; assembler; register; {@return: бит 0 установлен = левая кнопка нажата бит 1 установлен = правая кнопка нажата бит 2 установлен = средняя кнопка нажата бит 3 установлен = 4-я кнопка нажата бит 4 установлен = 5-я кнопка нажата} asm pushl %ebx movl $37, %eax movl $2, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; procedure kos_maskevents(mask: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx movl $40, %eax int $0x40 xchgl %eax, %ebx popl %ebx end; procedure kos_setkeyboardmode(mode: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx movl $66, %ecx movl $1, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 xchgl %eax, %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_getkeyboardmode(): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $66, %eax movl $2, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; procedure kos_setcaption(caption: PChar); assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx movl $1, %ebx movl $71, %eax int $0x40 xchgl %eax, %ecx popl %ebx popl %ecx end; { Graphics } function kos_screensize(): TKosPoint; assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ecx pushl %eax movl $14, %eax int $0x40 movswl %ax, %ecx popl %ebx shrl $16, %eax movl %ecx, TKosPoint.Y(%ebx) movl %eax, TKosPoint.X(%ebx) popl %ecx popl %eax end; procedure kos_begindraw(); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $12, %eax movl $1, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; procedure kos_enddraw(); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $12, %eax movl $2, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; procedure kos_putpixel(x, y: Word; color: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl %eax, %ebx xchgl %edx, %ecx movl $1, %eax int $0x40 xchgl %edx, %ecx popl %ebx end; procedure kos_drawtext(x, y: Word; text: String; flags, bgcolor: DWord); assembler; register; label nobg; asm pusha shll $16, %eax pushl %ecx movl flags, %ecx {флаги, цвет} movl bgcolor, %edi movw %dx, %ax andl $0x7FFFFFFF, %ecx btl $31, %edi jnc nobg orl $0x40000000, %ecx nobg: popl %edx movl %eax, %ebx {координаты} movzbl (%edx), %esi {длина строки} movl $4, %eax {номер функции} incl %edx {указатель на строку} andl $0xFFFFFF, %edi int $0x40 popa end; procedure kos_drawrect(x, y, w, h: Word; color: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx movl %eax, %ebx xchgl %edx, %ecx shll $16, %ebx shll $16, %ecx movl $13, %eax movw %dx, %bx movw h, %cx movl color, %edx int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; procedure kos_drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2: Word; color: DWord = $000000); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx xchgl %eax, %ecx xchgl %ecx, %edx movl color, %ebx {eax - x2, ebx - color, ecx - y1, edx - x1} shll $16, %ecx shll $16, %edx movw %ax, %dx movw y2, %cx movl $38, %eax xchgl %ebx, %edx int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; procedure kos_drawimage(x, y, w, h, depth: DWord; image: Pointer; palette: Pointer; xoffset: DWord); assembler; register; asm pusha shll $16, %eax shll $16, %ecx orl %eax, %edx orl h, %ecx movl depth, %esi movl image, %ebx movl palette, %edi movl xoffset, %ebp movl $65, %eax int $0x40 popa end; procedure kos_drawimage24(x, y, w, h: DWord; image: Pointer); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx shll $16, %eax shll $16, %ecx orl %eax, %edx orl h, %ecx movl image, %ebx movl $7, %eax int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; { Work with system } { Work with system - System services } function kos_killthread(tid: TThreadID): Boolean; assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx movl $18, %ecx movl $18, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 andl $1, %eax popl %ebx popl %ecx xorb $1, %al end; procedure kos_setactivewindow(slot: TThreadSlot); assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx movl $18, %ecx movl $3, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 xchgl %eax, %ecx popl %ebx popl %ecx end; {$ifdef EMULATOR} function kos_getthreadslot(tid: TThreadID): TThreadSlot; var ThreadInfo: TKosThreadInfo; HighThreadSlot: TThreadSlot; begin Result := 0; repeat Inc(Result); HighThreadSlot := kos_threadinfo(@ThreadInfo, Result); until (Result > HighThreadSlot) or (ThreadInfo.ThreadID = tid); end; {$else} function kos_getthreadslot(tid: TThreadID): TThreadSlot; assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx movl $18, %ecx movl $21, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 popl %ebx popl %ecx end; {$endif} { Work with system - Set system parameters } procedure kos_enablepci(); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl $21, %eax movl $12, %ebx movl $1, %ecx int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; { Work with system - Get system parameters } function kos_timecounter(): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $26, %eax movl $9, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; { Work with system - Internal system services } procedure kos_switchthread(); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx movl $68, %eax movl $1, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_initheap(): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $68, %eax movl $11, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; function kos_alloc(size: DWord): Pointer; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl %eax, %ecx movl $68, %eax movl $12, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_free(ptr: Pointer): Boolean; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl %eax, %ecx movl $68, %eax movl $13, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_loaddriver(name: PChar): THandle; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl %eax, %ecx movl $68, %eax movl $16, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx end; { Processes and threads } function kos_threadinfo(info: PKosThreadInfo; slot: TThreadSlot): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl %eax, %ebx xchgl %edx, %ecx movl $9, %eax int $0x40 xchgl %edx, %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_newthread(entry, stack: Pointer): TThreadID; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl $1, %ebx movl %eax, %ecx movl $51, %eax int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx end; procedure kos_initipc(ipc: PKosIPC; size: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl $60, %ecx movl $1, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 popl %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_sendmsg(tid: TThreadID; msg: Pointer; size: DWord): DWord; assembler; register; {@return: 0 - успешно 1 - приёмник не определил буфер для IPC-сообщений (может быть, ещё не успел, а может быть, это не тот поток, который нужен) 2 - приёмник заблокировал IPC-буфер; попробуйте немного подождать 3 - переполнение IPC-буфера приёмника 4 - процесса/потока с таким PID не существует} asm pushl %esi pushl %ebx movl $60, %esi movl $2, %ebx xchgl %ecx, %esi xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 xchgl %ecx, %esi popl %ebx popl %esi end; function kos_resizemem(size: DWord): Boolean; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl %eax, %ecx movl $64, %eax movl $1, %ebx int $0x40 xorb $1, %al popl %ecx popl %ebx end; { File system } { File system - Work with the current folder } procedure kos_setdir(path: PChar); assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx movl $30, %ecx movl $1, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 popl %ebx popl %ecx end; function kos_getdir(path: PChar; size: DWord): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx movl $30, %ecx movl $2, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx int $0x40 popl %ebx popl %ecx end; { File system - Work with file system with long names support } function kos_readfile(kosfile: PKosFile; var readed: Longint): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $70, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx movl $0, (%ebx) int $0x40 movl %ebx, (%edx) popl %ebx end; function kos_rewritefile(kosfile: PKosFile; var writed: Longint): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $70, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx movl $2, (%ebx) int $0x40 movl %ebx, (%edx) popl %ebx end; function kos_writefile(kosfile: PKosFile; var writed: Longint): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $70, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx movl $3, (%ebx) int $0x40 movl %ebx, (%edx) popl %ebx end; function kos_fileinfo(kosfile: PKosFile): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $70, %ebx xchgl %eax, %ebx movl $5, (%ebx) int $0x40 popl %ebx end; { Sound } function kos_speaker(notes: Pointer): Boolean; assembler; register; asm pushl %esi pushl %ebx movl $55, %esi movl %esi, %ebx xchgl %eax, %esi int $0x40 {eax = 55 - ошибка} andl $1, %eax popl %ebx popl %esi xorb $1, %al end; { Work with hardware } function kos_readport(index: DWord): DWord; assembler; register; label ok, exit; asm pushl %ecx pushl %ebx xchgl %eax, %ecx {index} movl $43, %eax orl $0x80000000, %ecx {index} int $0x40 orl %eax, %eax jzl ok movl $-1, %eax jmp exit ok: movl %ebx, %eax exit: popl %ebx popl %ecx end; procedure kos_writeport(index, value: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %eax pushl %ebx pushl %ecx xchgl %edx, %ebx {value} xchgl %eax, %ecx {index} movl $43, %eax int $0x40 xchgl %edx, %ebx popl %ecx popl %ebx popl %eax end; function kos_reserveport(port: DWord): Boolean; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx movl %eax, %ecx {port} movl $46, %eax movl %ecx, %edx {port} xorl %ebx, %ebx int $0x40 xorb $1, %al popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx end; { Work with hardware - Low-level access to PCI} function kos_lastpcibus(): Byte; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl $62, %eax movl $1, %ebx int $0x40 popl %ebx end; function kos_readpcib(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): Byte; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx shlb $3, %dl {dev} movb %al, %bh {bus} shlw $8, %cx {func} movb $4, %bl movb reg, %cl {func} andb $7, %ch {func} movl $62, %eax orb %dl, %ch {dev/func} int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_readpciw(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): Word; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx shlb $3, %dl {dev} movb %al, %bh {bus} shlw $8, %cx {func} movb $5, %bl movb reg, %cl {reg} andb $7, %ch {func} movl $62, %eax orb %dl, %ch {dev/func} int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx end; function kos_readpcid(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): DWord; assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx pushl %ecx pushl %edx shlb $3, %dl {dev} movb %al, %bh {bus} shlw $8, %cx {func} movb $6, %bl movb reg, %cl {reg} andb $7, %ch {func} movl $62, %eax orb %dl, %ch {dev/func} int $0x40 popl %edx popl %ecx popl %ebx end; { Other } procedure kos_delay(ms: DWord); assembler; register; asm pushl %ebx movl %eax, %ebx movl $5, %eax int $0x40 popl %ebx end;