; BGIFONT.INC v1.0 beta ; ; Written in pure assembler by Ivushkin Andrey aka Willow ; ; Created: December 16, 2004 ; ; Last changed: August 27, 2006 ; ; Compile with FASM ; BGI constants BGI_NODRAW equ 0x10000 BGI_ITALIC equ 0x20000 BGI_BOLD equ 0x40000 BGI_HALEFT equ 0x0 BGI_HARIGHT equ 0x1000 BGI_HACENTER equ 0x2000 BGI_VABOTTOM equ 0x0 BGI_VATOP equ 0x4000 BGI_VACENTER equ 0x8000 BGI_FREE equ 0x80000000 BGI_HAMASK equ 0x3000 BGI_VAMASK equ 0xc000 ; Freetext structure struc BGIfree FontName,XY,Angle,ScaleX,ScaleY,StrPtr,StrLen,Color,Align { dd FontName ;0 dd XY ;4 dd Angle ;8 dd ScaleX ;12 dd ScaleY ;16 dd StrPtr ;20 dd StrLen ;24 dd Color ;28 dd Align ;32 } ; font options structure struc BGIrec FontName,CharsCount,FirstChar,UpperMargin,LowerMargin,\ Widths,FirstData,EOF,font_data { .FontName dd ? ; 0 .CharsCount db ? ; 4 .FirstChar db ? ; 5 .UpperMargin db ? ; 6 .LowerMargin db ? ; 7 .Widths dd ? ; 8 .FirstData dd ? ; 12 .EOF dd ? ; 16 .font_data dd ? ; 20 follows (Offsets) } macro BGIfont_GetID { call _BGIfont_GetID } macro BGIfont_Prepare { call _BGIfont_Prepare } macro BGIfont_Freetext { call _BGIfont_Freetext } macro BGIfont_Outtext { call _BGIfont_Outtext } macro _FI name,_size { db name if BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL dw _size end if } BGIfont_names: _FI 'LCOM',11485 ;7 _FI 'EURO',8117 ;5 _FI 'GOTH',13816 ;6 _FI 'LITT',3596 ;8 _FI 'TRIP',11932 ;14 _FI 'SCRI',8490 ;11 _FI 'SMAL',4162 ;13 _FI 'TSCR',12134 ;15 _FI 'SANS',8453 ;10 _FI 'SIMP',9522 ;12 BGIfont_names_end: macro BGIfont_Init { ; in: ecx - number of fonts to load; ; esi-> _FI structure ; edi-> where to load push edi if BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL mov edi,0x40000 end if .nfont: mov edx,[esi] if BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL movzx ebx,word[esi+4] mov [BGIfont_Prepare.okflag],'N' end if call _BGIfont_Prepare if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL add esi,4 else push esi test eax,eax jz .fail mov [BGIfont_Prepare.okflag],'*' .fail: mov esi,BGIfont_Prepare.font call boot_log pop esi add esi,6 end if loop .nfont dph2 _BGI_BOLD,300,550 ; movzx edi,byte[0x40000] pop edi } BGIfont_get2head: shr ecx,28 ; font # sub ecx,4 jb .exit2 ; invalid # mov edi,[BGIfont_Ptr] inc edi cmp cl,[edi-1] jae .exit2 ; # too large jecxz .ex .fnext: mov edi,[edi+16] loop .fnext jmp .ex .exit2: xor edi,edi .ex: ret BGIfont_GetName: ; in: ecx-fontID; ; out: edx-font name. call BGIfont_get2head xor edx,edx test edi,edi jz .ex mov edx,[edi] .ex: ret macro dps2 _str { if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL if LOAD_MSG eq 1 dps _str end if else pusha mov esi,BGIfont_Prepare.okflag mov byte[esi], _str call boot_log popa end if } macro dph2 num,x,y { if BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL pusha mov eax,0x00080100 mov ebx,num mov ecx,x shl 16+y mov edx,0xFF0000 call display_number popa end if } _BGIfont_GetID: ; in: edx-font name; ; out: eax-fontID, edi->BGIrec push ecx edi mov edi,[BGIfont_Ptr] movzx ecx,byte[edi] ; ecx-font count mov eax,ecx inc edi ; edi->FontName jecxz .ex .fnext: cmp edx,[edi] jne .floop sub eax,ecx add eax,4 shl eax,28 jmp .ex .floop: mov edi,[edi+16] loop .fnext .num0: xor eax,eax .ex: pop edi ecx ret _BGIfont_Prepare: ; in: edx-font name, edi->pointer to load fonts (fonts_count) ; out: eax-ID of new font loaded; eax=0 error cmp [BGIfont_Ptr],0 jne .already mov [BGIfont_Ptr],edi .already: pusha mov edi,[BGIfont_Ptr] movzx ecx,byte[edi] ; ecx-font count mov eax,ecx inc edi ; edi->FontName jecxz .fload .fnext: cmp edx,[edi] jne .loop sub eax,ecx inc eax jmp .cr_id .loop: mov edi,[edi+16] loop .fnext .fload: mov dword[.font],edx ; filename mov esi,edi ; esi->FontName mov [.dest],edi ; ptr to load font if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL mov eax, 70 mov ebx, .fontattr mcall test eax, eax jnz .fail dps2 '1' mov eax, [.fileattr+32] mov [.fsize], eax mov ebx,.fontinfo mov eax,70 mcall ; ebx - file size else push edi esi edx mov eax,.font xor ebx,ebx mov esi,12 mov ecx,ebx mov edx,edi call fileread pop edx esi edi mov ebp,edi add ebp,ebx cmp ebp,0x50000 ja .fail end if cmp dword[edi],0x08084b50 ; 'PK',8,8 jne .fail dps2 '2' inc edi mov eax,26 ; #EOF mov ecx,253 cld repne scasb ; skip Copyright test ecx,ecx jz .fail dps2 '3' cmp edx,[edi+2] ; FontName jne .fail dps2 '4' movzx ecx,word[edi] ; HeaderSize sub ebx,ecx ; Filesize-Headersize movzx eax,word[edi+6] ; FontSize cmp eax,ebx jb .fail ; file truncated add ecx,[.dest] dps2 '5' cmp byte[ecx],'+' ; ParPrefix jne .fail ; font is valid, let's fill parameter table dps2 '>' mov [esi],edx ; FontName mov edx,eax add eax,ecx mov [esi+16],eax ; Font EOF movzx eax,word[ecx+5] add eax,ecx mov [esi+12],eax lea edi,[esi+4] ; edi->CharsCount lea esi,[ecx+1] ; esi->ParPrefix+1 xor eax,eax lodsw stosb ; CharsCount inc esi movsb ; FirstChar add esi,3 lodsw stosb ; UpperMargin movsb ; LowerMargin add esi,5 ; esi->offsets mov eax,[esi] push edi ; edi->Widths ; prepare moving data add edi,12 ; edi->offsets lea ecx,[edx-16] rep movsb pop edi ; edi->Widths mov [edi+8],esi ; EOF ; mov eax,[edi] movzx ecx,byte[edi-4] ; CharsCount lea eax,[edi+12+ecx*2] ; eax->widths stosd ; edi->FirstData add eax,ecx stosd ; edi->EOF mov eax,[esp] ; eax->fonts_count inc byte[eax] ; increase font counter movzx eax,byte[eax] .cr_id: add eax,0x3 ; create unique ID shl eax,28 ; to easy use in color(ecx) jmp .exit .fail: xor eax,eax .exit: mov [esp+28],eax popa ret if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL .fontinfo: dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 .fsize dd 0 .dest dd 0 .fontfullname: db BGIFONT_PATH .font db 'FONT.CHR',0 .fontattr: dd 5 dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 dd .fileattr db 0 dd .fontfullname .fileattr rd 40/4 else .dest dd 0 .font db 'FONT CHR' .okflag db ' ',0 end if BGIfont_Coo: ; y->word[txt.y1], x->word[txt.x1] fild [txt.y1] ;y fmul st0,st0; y*y fild [txt.x1] ;x fmul st0,st0; x*x faddp ; x*x+y*y fsqrt ; sqrt, angle fild [txt.y1];y fabs fild [txt.x1] ; x fabs fpatan ; arctg(y/x) .skip: cmp [txt.x1],0 jge .xplus fchs fadd st0,st3 .xplus: cmp [txt.y1],0 jge .yplus fchs .yplus: fadd st0,st2 fsincos fmul st0,st2 fiadd [txt.x0] fistp [txt.x1] ; x=r*cos a fmulp ; y=r*sin a,angle fiadd [txt.y0] fistp [txt.y1] ret _BGIfont_Freetext: ; in: ebx-BGIfree structure ; out: eax-new drawing coords mov edx,[ebx] call _BGIfont_GetID test eax,eax jnz .fexists ret .fexists: pusha fninit fldpi fld [pi180] fimul dword[ebx+8] fst [BGIangle] mov esi,[ebx+28] and esi,0xffffff add esi,eax mov eax,[ebx+32] and [deform],0 test eax,BGI_ITALIC jz .norm mov [deform], dword 0.4 .norm: mov ebp,eax or ebp,BGI_FREE mov eax,[ebx+12] mov [Xscale],eax mov eax,[ebx+16] mov [Yscale],eax mov ecx,[ebx+20] mov edx,ebp and edx,BGI_FREE+BGI_VAMASK+BGI_HAMASK add edx,[ebx+24] mov eax,[ebx+4] mov ebx,esi add ebx,0x6000000 mov [esp+4],edx mov [esp+20],ecx jmp txt pi180 dd 0.017453 _BGIfont_Outtext: ; in: ebx-[x][y], ecx-color, edx-string, esi-length pusha mov ebp,esi if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL mov eax,ebx mov ebx,ecx mov ecx,edx mov edx,esi end if ; in: eax-[x][y], ebx-color, ecx-string, edx-length txt: if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL if BGI_WINDOW_CLIP eq 1 pusha mov eax,9 mov ebx,BGI_PRC_INFO mov ecx,-1 mcall popa end if end if mov [.y0],ax shr eax,16 mov [.x0],ax mov ecx,ebx ; color and ebx,0xfffffff mov [.color],ebx call BGIfont_get2head test edi,edi jz .exit mov ecx,[esp+4]; str length mov esi,[esp+20]; str ptr movzx eax,byte[edi+5] push ecx and ecx,0xff jnz .lenok add esp,4 jmp .ex2 .lenok: pusha push dword[txt.y0] and dword[txt.y0],0 xor edx,edx mov ebx,[edi+8] .next: call txt.BGIfont_GetChar movzx eax,byte[ebx+eax] add edx,eax loop .next mov ecx,edx ; ecx - x size movzx dx,byte[edi+6] mov [BGIheight],dx mov ebx,[esp+36] and ebx,BGI_HAMASK cmp ebx,BGI_HARIGHT je .nova ja .subv xor ecx,ecx jmp .nova .subv: shr cx,1 .nova: mov ebx,[esp+36] and ebx,BGI_VAMASK cmp ebx,BGI_VATOP je .def ja .subh xor edx,edx jmp .def .subh: shr dx,1 .def: call txt.BGIfont_Deform pop dword[txt.y0] popa pop ebx mov ax,[txt.y1] sub [txt.y0],ax mov ax,[txt.x1] sub [txt.x0],ax xor eax,eax cld .mloop: push [.y0] pop [.y] push [.x0] pop [.x] call .BGIfont_GetChar push esi lea esi,[edi+20] ; offset movzx edx,word[esi+eax*2] ; ofs1 add edx,[edi+12] inc eax cmp al,[edi+4] je .eof movzx eax,word[esi+eax*2]; ofs2 add eax,[edi+12] jmp .prc_vec .eof: mov eax,[edi+16] ; ofs2=eof .prc_vec: ; edx-vec cmd ifs, eax-cmd limit mov [.vec_end],eax push ecx .vec_loop: mov ax,word[edx] push edx mov ecx,eax and eax,0x8080 ; op and ecx,0x7f ; xx mov edx,[edx+1] and edx,0x7f ; yy cmp edx,63 jbe .positive sub edx,128 ; yy-=128 .positive: cmp ecx,63 jbe .positive2 sub ecx,128 ; xx-=128 .positive2: call .BGIfont_Deform cmp eax,0x8080 jne .noline test ebp,BGI_NODRAW jnz .noline ; draw vector if ~ BGI_LEVEL eq KERNEL push eax mov ebx,dword[.x1] mov ecx,dword[.y1] if BGI_WINDOW_CLIP eq 1 movzx eax,[.x] cmp eax,dword[BGI_PRC_INFO+42] ja .nobold movzx eax,[.y] cmp eax,dword[BGI_PRC_INFO+46] ja .nobold xor eax,eax cmp ax,bx jg .nobold cmp ax,cx jg .nobold end if mov edx,[.color] ; \begin{diamond}[18.08.2006] ; starting from K0530 kernel interprets flag 0x1000000 as ; negate existing pixels colors, disregarding passed color ; we do not want this and edx, 0xFFFFFF ; \end{diamond}[18.08.2006] mov eax,38 mcall test ebp,BGI_BOLD jz .nobold test ebp,BGI_FREE jnz .free5 .free5: add ebx,1 shl 16+1 mcall .nobold: pop eax else pusha mov eax,dword[.x1] mov ebx,dword[.y1] mov ecx,[.color] ; call syscall_drawline test dword[esp+8],BGI_BOLD jz .nobold add eax,1 shl 16+1 ; call syscall_drawline .nobold: popa end if .noline: pop edx test eax,eax je .eovecs ; op=0 push [.y1] pop [.y] push [.x1] pop [.x] add edx,2 cmp edx,[.vec_end] jb .vec_loop .eovecs: pop ecx esi push [.y] pop [.y0] push [.x] pop [.x0] loop .mloop1 jmp .exit .mloop1: jmp .mloop .exit: mov eax,dword[.y0] mov [esp+28],eax .ex2: popa ret .BGIfont_Deform: test ebp,BGI_FREE jnz .free0 movzx ebx,byte[.color+3] ;ebx=scale imul ecx,ebx add ecx,2 shr ecx,2 imul edx,ebx add edx,2 shr edx,2 neg edx mov [.x1],cx mov [.y1],dx jmp .add .free0: mov [.x1],cx mov [.y1],dx fild [.y1] fld st0 fmul [Yscale] fchs fistp [.y1] fmul [deform] fiadd [.x1] fmul [Xscale] fistp [.x1] cmp [BGIangle],0 je .add call BGIfont_Coo jmp .eax .add: mov cx,[.x0] add [.x1],cx mov cx,[.y0] add [.y1],cx .eax: ret .BGIfont_GetChar: ; in: esi -> string; edi -> BGIrec ; out: esi -> next char; al - char obtained lodsb ; al - char from str sub al,[edi+5] jb .out cmp al,[edi+4] jb .in .out: xor al,al ; al - 1st symbol available .in: ret .y0 dw ? .x0 dw ? .x1 dw ? .x dw ? .y1 dw ? .y dw ? .color dd ? .vec_end dd ? BGIfont_Ptr dd 0 BGIheight dw ? deform dd ? BGIangle dd ? Xscale dd ? Yscale dd ?