; ; UNIFORM WINDOW COLOURS & SKIN ; ; Compile with FASM for Menuet ; ; < russian edition by Ivan Poddubny > ; < skin selection by Mike Semenyako > ;****************************************************************************** ; last update: 01/04/2013 ; written by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: select colors with ColorDialog ; some redesign of the look of the program ;****************************************************************************** ; last update: 10/09/2010 ; written by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: select path with OpenDialog ;****************************************************************************** use32 org 0 db 'MENUET01' ; identifier dd 1 ; header version dd START ; start address dd IM_END ; file size dd I_END ; memory dd stacktop ; stack pointer dd skin_info ; parameters dd cur_dir_path ; path to file include 'lang.inc' include '../../../proc32.inc' include '../../../config.inc' ;for nightbuild include '../../../macros.inc' include '../../../dll.inc' include 'kglobals.inc' include 'unpacker.inc' include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac' @use_library ;****************************************************************************** ;-------------------------------------- struct SKIN_HEADER ident dd ? version dd ? params dd ? buttons dd ? bitmaps dd ? ends ;-------------------------------------- struct SKIN_PARAMS skin_height dd ? margin.right dw ? margin.left dw ? margin.bottom dw ? margin.top dw ? colors.inner dd ? colors.outer dd ? colors.frame dd ? colors_1.inner dd ? colors_1.outer dd ? colors_1.frame dd ? dtp.size dd ? dtp.data db 40 dup (?) ends ;-------------------------------------- struct SKIN_BUTTONS type dd ? pos: left dw ? top dw ? size: width dw ? height dw ? ends ;-------------------------------------- struct SKIN_BITMAPS kind dw ? type dw ? _data dd ? ends ;-------------------------------------- frame_1: .x = 5 .y = 220 .width = 420 .height = 50 ;-------------------------------------- frame_2: .x = 5 .y = 280 .width = 420 .height = 50 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- START: ; start of execution ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mcall 68,11 test eax,eax jz close stdcall dll.Load,LibIniImportTable load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs ;if return code =-1 then exit, else nornary work inc eax test eax,eax jz close ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mov edi,filename_area mov esi,start_temp_file_name xor eax,eax cld @@: lodsb stosb test eax,eax jnz @b mov edi,fname mov esi,default_dtp xor eax,eax cld @@: lodsb stosb test eax,eax jnz @b ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mov edi,skin_info cmp byte [edi], 0 jne skin_path_ready mov esi,default_skin xor eax,eax cld @@: lodsb stosb test eax,eax jnz @b skin_path_ready: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] push dword OpenDialog_data2 call [OpenDialog_Init] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;init_ColorDialog ColorDialog_data push dword ColorDialog_data call [ColorDialog_Init] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] push dword PathShow_data_2 call [PathShow_prepare] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mcall 48,3,color_table,4*10 ; get current colors call load_skin_file.2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- red: call draw_window ; at first, draw the window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- still: mcall 10 ; wait here for event dec eax ; redraw request ? jz red dec eax ; key in buffer ? jz key dec eax ; button in buffer ? jz button jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- key: ; key mcall 2 ; just read it and ignore jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- button: ; button mcall 17 ; get id cmp ah,12 ; load file jne no_load call load_file call draw_window jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_load: cmp ah,13 ; save file jne no_save call save_file jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_save: cmp ah,14 ; set 3d buttons jne no_3d mcall 48,1,1 invoke ini_set_int, aIni, aSectionSkn, aButtonStyle, 1 jmp doapply ;-------------------------------------- no_3d: cmp ah,15 ; set flat buttons jne no_flat invoke ini_set_int, aIni, aSectionSkn, aButtonStyle, 0 mcall 48, 1, 0 ;-------------------------------------- doapply: mcall 48, 0, 0 jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_flat: cmp ah,16 ; apply jne no_apply ;-------------------------------------- apply_direct: mcall 48,2,color_table,10*4 jmp doapply ;-------------------------------------- no_apply: cmp ah,17 ; load skin file jne no_load_skin call load_skin_file call draw_window jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_load_skin: cmp ah,18 ; apply skin jne no_apply_skin cmp [skin_info],0 je no_apply_skin mcall 48,8,skin_info call draw_window jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_apply_skin: cmp ah,31 jb no_new_colour cmp ah,41 jg no_new_colour ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .start_ColorDialog: push dword ColorDialog_data call [ColorDialog_Start] ; 2 - use another method/not found program cmp [ColorDialog_data.status],2 je still ; 1 - OK, color selected cmp [ColorDialog_data.status],1 jne still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- shr eax,8 sub eax,31 shl eax,2 mov ebx,[ColorDialog_data.color] and ebx,0xffffff ; temporary for ColorDialog!!!!!!!!!! mov [eax+color_table],ebx cmp dword[not_packed_area+SKIN_HEADER.ident],'SKIN' jne @f mov edi,[not_packed_area+SKIN_HEADER.params] mov dword[edi+not_packed_area+SKIN_PARAMS.dtp.data+eax],ebx call draw_skin ;-------------------------------------- @@: call draw_colours jmp still ;-------------------------------------- no_new_colour: cmp ah,1 ; terminate jnz noid1 ;-------------------------------------- close: or eax,-1 mcall ;-------------------------------------- noid1: jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- load_file: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; invoke OpenDialog mov [OpenDialog_data.type],dword 0 push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 je .1 ret .1: ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] call draw_PathShow ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- xor eax, eax mov ebx, read_info mov dword [ebx], eax ; subfunction: read mov dword [ebx+4], eax ; offset (low dword) mov dword [ebx+8], eax ; offset (high dword) mov dword [ebx+12], 40 ; read colors file: 4*10 bytes mov dword [ebx+16], color_table ; address mcall 70 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- load_skin_file: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; invoke OpenDialog push dword OpenDialog_data2 call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data2.status],1 je .1 ret .1: ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_2 call [PathShow_prepare] call draw_PathShow ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .2: xor eax,eax mov ebx,read_info2 mov dword [ebx], eax ; subfunction: read mov dword [ebx+4], eax ; offset (low dword) mov dword [ebx+8], eax ; offset (high dword) mov dword [ebx+12], 32*1024 ; read: max 32 KBytes mov dword [ebx+16], file_load_area ; address mcall 70 mov esi, file_load_area cmp dword [esi], 'KPCK' jnz notpacked cmp dword [esi+4], 32*1024 ; max 32 KBytes ja doret push unpack_area push esi call unpack mov esi,unpack_area ;-------------------------------------- notpacked: cmp [esi+SKIN_HEADER.ident],dword 'SKIN' jne doret mov edi,not_packed_area mov ecx,0x8000/4 rep movsd mov ebp,not_packed_area mov esi,[ebp+SKIN_HEADER.params] add esi,ebp lea esi,[esi+SKIN_PARAMS.dtp.data] mov edi,color_table mov ecx,10 rep movsd ;-------------------------------------- doret: ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- save_file: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; invoke OpenDialog mov [OpenDialog_data.type],dword 1 push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 je .1 ret .1: ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] call draw_PathShow ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- xor eax,eax mov ebx,write_info mov [ebx],dword 2 ; subfunction: write and [ebx+4],eax ; (reserved) and [ebx+8],eax ; (reserved) mov [ebx+12],dword 10*4 ; bytes to write mov [ebx+16],dword color_table ; address mcall 70 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_button_row: mov edx,0x60000000 + 31 ; BUTTON ROW mov ebx,220*65536+14 mov ecx,10*65536+14 mov eax,8 ;----------------------------------- .newb: mcall add ecx,20*65536 inc edx cmp edx,0x60000000 + 40 jbe .newb ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_button_row_of_texts: mov ebx,240*65536+13 ; ROW OF TEXTS mov ecx,[w_work_text] mov edx,text mov esi,32 mov eax,4 ;----------------------------------- .newline: mcall add ebx,20 add edx,32 cmp [edx],byte 'x' jne .newline ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_colours: pusha mov esi,color_table mov ebx,220*65536+14 mov ecx,10*65536+14 mov eax,13 mov [frame_data.draw_text_flag],dword 0 ;-------------------------------------- newcol: mov edx,[esi] mcall push ebx ecx sub ebx,2 shl 16 add bx,4 sub ecx,2 shl 16 add cx,4 mov [frame_data.x],ebx mov [frame_data.y],ecx push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] pop ecx ebx add ecx,20*65536 add esi,4 cmp esi,color_table+4*9 jbe newcol popa ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_PathShow: pusha mcall 13,,,0xffffff mcall 13,,,0xffffff ; draw for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_draw] push dword PathShow_data_2 call [PathShow_draw] popa ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mcall 12,1 mcall 48,3,app_colours,10*4 mcall 14 mcall 48,4 mov [current_skin_high],eax ; DRAW WINDOW xor eax,eax ; function 0 : define and draw window xor esi,esi mov edx,[w_work] ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color or edx,0x34000000 mov ecx,50 shl 16 + 346 add ecx,[current_skin_high] mcall ,<110,440>,,,,title mcall 9,procinfo,-1 mov eax,[procinfo+70] ;status of window test eax,100b jne .end ;if lang eq ru load_w = (5*2+6*9) save_w = (5*2+6*9) flat_w = (5*2+6*7) apply_w = (5*2+6*9) ;else ; load_w = (5*2+6*6) ; save_w = (5*2+6*8) ; flat_w = (5*2+6*4) ; apply_w = (5*2+6*7) ;end if ;----------------------------------- ; select color DTP frame ; LOAD BUTTON ; button 12 mcall 8,,,12,[w_work_button] ; SAVE BUTTON add ebx,(load_w+2)*65536-load_w+save_w inc edx mcall ; button 13 ; APPLY BUTTON mov ebx,(frame_1.x + frame_1.width - apply_w - 15)*65536+apply_w mcall 8,,,16 ; button 17 ; select color DTP button text mcall 4,,[w_work_button_text],t1,t1.size ;----------------------------------- ; select skin frame ; LOAD SKIN BUTTON ; button 17 mcall 8,,,17,[w_work_button] ; 3D mov ebx,(frame_2.x+155)*65536+34 mcall ,,,14 ; button 14 ; FLAT add ebx,36*65536-34+flat_w inc edx mcall ; button 15 ; APPLY SKIN BUTTON mov ebx,(frame_2.x + frame_2.width - apply_w -15)*65536+apply_w mcall ,,,18 ; button 18 ; select skin button text mcall 4,,[w_work_button_text],t2,t2.size ;----------------------------------- call draw_button_row call draw_button_row_of_texts call draw_colours ;----------------------------------- mov [frame_data.x],dword frame_1.x shl 16+frame_1.width mov [frame_data.y],dword frame_1.y shl 16+frame_1.height mov [frame_data.text_pointer],dword select_dtp_text mov eax,[w_work] mov [frame_data.font_backgr_color],eax mov eax,[w_work_text] mov [frame_data.font_color],eax mov [frame_data.draw_text_flag],dword 1 push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] ;----------------------------------- mov [frame_data.x],dword frame_2.x shl 16+frame_2.width mov [frame_data.y],dword frame_2.y shl 16+frame_2.height mov [frame_data.text_pointer],dword select_skin_text push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] ;----------------------------------- call draw_PathShow ;----------------------------------- cmp dword[not_packed_area+SKIN_HEADER.ident],'SKIN' jne @f call draw_skin @@: .end: mcall 12,2 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'drawskin.inc' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA AREA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'idata.inc' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM_END: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'udata.inc' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_END: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------