; RDsave для Kolibri ( и старше) ; Save RAM-disk to hard or floppy drive ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mario79 2005 ; Heavyiron 12.02.2007 ; 11.05.2009 - для работы нужна системная библиотека box_lib.obj ; Mario79 08.09.2010 - select path with OpenDialog,keys 1,2,3,4 for select options ; Heavyiron 01.12.2013 - new logic ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- appname equ 'RDsave ' version equ '1.44' debug equ no use32 ; включить 32-битный режим ассемблера org 0x0 ; адресация с нуля db 'MENUET01' ; 8-байтный идентификатор MenuetOS dd 0x01 ; версия заголовка (всегда 1) dd START ; адрес первой команды dd IM_END ; размер программы dd I_END ; количество памяти dd stacktop ; адрес вершины стека dd PARAMS ; адрес буфера для параметров dd cur_dir_path include 'lang.inc' include '../../../macros.inc' if debug eq yes include '../../../debug.inc' end if include '../../../proc32.inc' include '../../../dll.inc' include '../../../KOSfuncs.inc' include '../../../load_lib.mac' include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' include 'str.inc' @use_library ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- НАЧАЛО ПРОГРАММЫ ---------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 START: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mcall 68,11 load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs inc eax test eax,eax jz close stdcall dll.Init,[init_lib] invoke ini_get_int,ini_file,ini_section,aautoclose,0 mov [autoclose],eax invoke ini_get_str,ini_file,ini_section,apath,fname_buf,4096,path stdcall _lstrcpy,ini_path,fname_buf stdcall _lstrcpy,filename_area,start_temp_file_name mov eax,PARAMS cmp byte[eax], 0 je no_params cmp byte[eax], 'h' je @f cmp byte[eax], 'H' jne .no_h @@: mov [hidden],1 jmp no_params .no_h: mov [param],1 stdcall _lstrcpy,fname_buf,eax mov ah,2 jmp noclose ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- no_params: stdcall _lstrcpy,check_dir,ini_path call check_path test eax,eax jz path_ok cmp eax,6 je path_ok ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- if debug eq yes dps 'read_folder_error' newline end if ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- default_path: stdcall _lstrcpy,fname_buf,communication_area_default_path mov [hidden],0 ;OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] mcall 40,0x00000027 call draw_window mov ah,3 jmp noclose ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- path_ok: ;OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Init] ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] mcall 40,0x00000027 cmp [hidden],1 jne red mov ah,2 jmp noclose red: call draw_window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- still: mcall 10 dec eax ; перерисовать окно? jz red ; если да - на метку red dec eax jz key dec eax jz button jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- button: mcall 17 ; получить идентификатор нажатой кнопки cmp ah,1 ; кнопка с id=1("закрыть")? jne noclose close: mcall -1 ; функция -1: завершить программу ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- key: mcall 2 cmp ah,0x1b je close cmp ah,0x0D jne @f mov ah,2 jmp noclose @@: cmp ah,9h jne still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- noclose: mov ecx,fname_buf push 16 mov ebx,1 cmp byte[ecx+1],'f' je @f cmp byte[ecx+1],'F' jne not_fdd @@: cmp byte[ecx+4],'1' jne @f cmp ah,2 je doit @@: inc ebx cmp ah,2 je doit not_fdd: push 18 mov ebx,6 ; 18.6 = save to specified folder cmp ah,2 je doit ; invoke OpenDialog push dword OpenDialog_data call [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 jne still ; prepare for PathShow push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_prepare] call draw_window mov ah,2 jmp noclose doit: cmp [param],0 jne @f call save_ini @@: cmp byte[ecx+1],'r' je @f cmp byte[ecx+1],'R' je @f cmp byte[ecx],'/' je not_rd @@: mov edx,rdError call print_err jmp still not_rd: cmp [hidden],0 jne @f pusha stdcall _lstrcpy,msg,label2 mov eax,[sc.work_text] or eax,0xc0000088 mov [color],eax call print_msg popa @@: pop eax mcall call check_for_error jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- check_for_error: ;Обработчик ошибок test eax,eax jz print_ok cmp ebx,6 je @f mov edx,error11 jmp print_err @@: cmp eax, 11 ja .unknown mov edx, [errors+eax*4] stdcall _lstrcpy,msg,error stdcall _lstrcat,msg,edx mov edx,msg jmp print_err .unknown: mov edx, aUnknownError print_err: stdcall _lstrlen,ini_path pusha invoke ini_set_str,ini_file,ini_section,apath,ini_path,eax popa stdcall _lstrcpy,msg,edx cmp [hidden],1 je @f cmp [param],1 je @f mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,0xc0880000 mov [color],ecx call print_msg ret @@: stdcall _lstrcpy, ntf_msg, ntf_start stdcall _lstrcat, ntf_msg, edx stdcall _lstrcat, ntf_msg, ntf_end_e mov dword [is_notify + 8], ntf_msg mcall 70, is_notify mov [param],0 mov [hidden],0 stdcall _lstrcpy,fname_buf,ini_path jmp no_params print_ok: cmp [hidden],1 je @f cmp [param],1 je @f stdcall _lstrcpy,msg,ok mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,0xc0008800 mov [color],ecx call print_msg mcall 5,100 cmp [autoclose],1 je close ret @@: stdcall _lstrcpy,msg,ok stdcall _lstrcat,msg,fname_buf stdcall _lstrcpy, ntf_msg, ntf_start stdcall _lstrcat, ntf_msg, msg stdcall _lstrcat, ntf_msg, ntf_end_o mov edx,ntf_msg mov dword [is_notify + 8], edx mcall 70, is_notify mcall 5,100 jmp close ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- print_msg: mcall 13,<5,380>,<96,10>,[sc.work] stdcall _lstrlen,msg lea eax,[eax+eax*2] add eax,eax mov ebx,390 sub ebx,eax shl ebx,15 add ebx,96 mcall 4, ,[color],msg, ,[sc.work] ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_PathShow: pusha mcall 13,<15,280>,<32,16>,0xffffff push dword PathShow_data_1 call [PathShow_draw] popa ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- save_ini: pusha stdcall _lstrlen,fname_buf invoke ini_set_str,ini_file,ini_section,apath,fname_buf,eax invoke ini_set_int,ini_file,ini_section,aautoclose,[autoclose] popa ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- check_path: stdcall _lstrlen,check_dir add eax,check_dir @@: dec eax cmp byte [eax],'/' jne @b mov byte [eax+1],0 mcall 70,read_folder ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- Draw window --------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_window: mcall 48,3,sc,sizeof.system_colors mcall 12,1 mcall 48,4 mov ecx,200*65536+111 add ecx,eax mov edx,[sc.work] or edx,0x34000000 mcall 0,<200,400>,, , ,title ;buttons mcall 8,<198,70>,<68,20>,1,[sc.work_button] inc edx mcall ,<125,70>, inc edx mcall ,<300,75>,<30,20> ;labels mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text] or ecx,0x80000000 mcall 4,<134,75>, ,save mcall ,<215,75>, ,cancel mcall ,<315,36>, ,select m2m dword [frame_data.font_backgr_color],[sc.work] m2m dword [frame_data.font_color],[sc.work_text] m2m dword [frame_data.ext_fr_col],[sc.work_graph] m2m dword [frame_data.int_fr_col],[sc.work_light] push dword frame_data call [Frame_draw] call draw_PathShow call print_msg mcall 12,2 ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- Data ---------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- if lang eq ru save db 'Сохранить',0 cancel db 'Отмена',0 select db 'Изменить',0 label1 db ' Образ будет сохранен в: ',0 label2 db 'Сохранение образа...',0 ok db 'RAM-диск сохранен успешно ',0 error1 db 'не определена база и/или раздел жёсткого диска',0 error2 db 'функция не поддерживается для данной файловой системы',0 error3 db 'неизвестная файловая система',0 error4 db 'странно... Ошибка 4',0 error5 db 'несуществующий путь',0 error6 db 'файл закончился',0 error7 db 'указатель вне памяти приложения',0 error8 db 'диск заполнен',0 error9 db 'файловая структура разрушена',0 error10 db 'доступ запрещён',0 error11 db 'Ошибка устройства',0 aUnknownError db 'Неизвестная ошибка',0 rdError db 'Нельзя сохранять образ в самого себя',0 error db 'Ошибка: ',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- else if lang eq et save db 'Salvesta',0 cancel db 'Cancel',0 select db ' Valige',0 label1 db ' RAM-drive will be saved as: ',0 label2 db 'Saving in progress...',0 ok db 'RAM-ketas salvestatud edukalt ',0 error1 db 'hard disk base and/or partition not defined',0 error2 db 'the file system does not support this function',0 error3 db 'tundmatu failis№steem',0 error4 db 'strange... Error 4',0 error5 db 'vigane teekond',0 error6 db 'end of file',0 error7 db 'pointer is outside of application memory',0 error8 db 'ketas tфis',0 error9 db 'FAT tabel vigane',0 error10 db 'juurdepффs keelatud',0 error11 db 'Seadme viga',0 aUnknownError db 'Tundmatu viga',0 rdError db "You can't save image on itself",0 error db 'Viga: ',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- else if lang eq it save db ' Salva',0 cancel db 'Cancel',0 select db 'Seleziona',0 label1 db ' RAM-drive will be saved as: ',0 label2 db 'Saving in progress...',0 ok db 'Il RAM-drivet e stato salvato ',0 error1 db 'hard disk base and/or partition not defined',0 error2 db 'the file system does not support this function',0 error3 db 'filesystem sconosciuto',0 error4 db 'strange... Error 4',0 error5 db 'percorso non valido',0 error6 db 'end of file',0 error7 db 'pointer is outside of application memory',0 error8 db 'disco pieno',0 error9 db 'tabella FAT corrotta',0 error10 db 'accesso negato',0 error11 db 'Errore di device',0 aUnknownError db 'Errore sconosciuto',0 rdError db "You can't save image on itself",0 error db 'Errore: ',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- else save db ' Save',0 cancel db 'Cancel',0 select db ' Select',0 label1 db ' RAM-drive will be saved as: ',0 label2 db 'Saving in progress...',0 ok db 'RAM-drive was saved successfully ',0 error1 db 'hard disk base and/or partition not defined',0 error2 db 'the file system does not support this function',0 error3 db 'unknown file system',0 error4 db 'strange... Error 4',0 error5 db 'incorrect path',0 error6 db 'end of file',0 error7 db 'pointer is outside of application memory',0 error8 db 'disk is full',0 error9 db 'file structure is destroyed',0 error10 db 'access denied',0 error11 db 'Device error',0 aUnknownError db 'Unknown error',0 rdError db "You can't save image on itself",0 error db 'Error: ',0 end if ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ntf_start db '"RDSave\n', 0 ntf_end_o db '" -tO', 0 ntf_end_e db '" -tE', 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- errors: dd ok dd error1 dd error2 dd error3 dd error4 dd error5 dd error6 dd error7 dd error8 dd error9 dd error10 dd error11 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- title db appname,version,0 ;Lib_DATA ;Всегда соблюдать последовательность в имени. system_dir_Boxlib db '/sys/lib/box_lib.obj',0 system_dir_ProcLib db '/sys/lib/proc_lib.obj',0 system_dir_libini db '/sys/lib/libini.obj',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- l_libs_start: library01 l_libs system_dir_Boxlib+9, library_path, system_dir_Boxlib, \ Box_lib_import library02 l_libs system_dir_ProcLib+9, library_path, system_dir_ProcLib, \ ProcLib_import library03 l_libs system_dir_libini+9, library_path, system_dir_libini, \ libini_import end_l_libs: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenDialog_data: .type dd 1 ; Save .procinfo dd procinfo ;+4 .com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8 .com_area dd 0 ;+12 .opendir_path dd temp_dir_path ;+16 .dir_default_path dd communication_area_default_path ;+20 .start_path dd open_dialog_path ;+24 .draw_window dd draw_window ;+28 .status dd 0 ;+32 .openfile_pach dd fname_buf ;+36 .filename_area dd filename_area ;+40 .filter_area dd Filter .x: .x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size .x_start dw 200 ;+50 ; Window X position .y: .y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size .y_start dw 120 ;+54 ; Window Y position communication_area_name: db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0 open_dialog_path: if __nightbuild eq yes db '/sys/MANAGERS/opendial',0 else db '/sys/File Managers/opendial',0 end if communication_area_default_path: db '/',0 Filter: dd Filter.end - Filter .1: db 'IMG',0 db 'IMA',0 .end: db 0 start_temp_file_name: db 'kolibri.img',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ProcLib_import: OpenDialog_Init dd aOpenDialog_Init OpenDialog_Start dd aOpenDialog_Start dd 0,0 aOpenDialog_Init db 'OpenDialog_init',0 aOpenDialog_Start db 'OpenDialog_start',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- PathShow_data_1: .type dd 0 ;+0 .start_y dw 36 ;+4 .start_x dw 20 ;+6 .font_size_x dw 6 ;+8 ; 6 - for font 0, 8 - for font 1 .area_size_x dw 270 ;+10 .font_number dd 0 ;+12 ; 0 - monospace, 1 - variable .background_flag dd 0 ;+16 .font_color dd 0 ;+20 .background_color dd 0 ;+24 .text_pointer dd fname_buf ;+28 .work_area_pointer dd text_work_area ;+32 .temp_text_length dd 0 ;+36 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 Box_lib_import: ;edit_box_draw dd aEdit_box_draw ;edit_box_key dd aEdit_box_key ;edit_box_mouse dd aEdit_box_mouse ;version_ed dd aVersion_ed PathShow_prepare dd sz_PathShow_prepare PathShow_draw dd sz_PathShow_draw Frame_draw dd sz_Frame_draw dd 0,0 ;aEdit_box_draw db 'edit_box_draw',0 ;aEdit_box_key db 'edit_box_key',0 ;aEdit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0 ;aVersion_ed db 'version_ed',0 sz_PathShow_prepare db 'PathShow_prepare',0 sz_PathShow_draw db 'PathShow_draw',0 sz_Frame_draw db 'frame_draw',0 ;szVersion_frame db 'version_frame',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- frame_data: .type dd 0 ;+0 .x: .x_size dw 374 ;+4 .x_start dw 8 ;+6 .y: .y_size dw 45 ;+8 .y_start dw 17 ;+10 .ext_fr_col dd 0x888888 ;+12 .int_fr_col dd 0xffffff ;+16 .draw_text_flag dd 1 ;+20 .text_pointer dd label1 ;+24 .text_position dd 0 ;+28 .font_number dd 0 ;+32 .font_size_y dd 9 ;+36 .font_color dd 0x0 ;+40 .font_backgr_color dd 0xdddddd ;+44 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 libini_import: init_lib dd a_init ini_get_str dd aini_get_str ini_get_int dd aini_get_int ini_set_str dd aini_set_str ini_set_int dd aini_set_int dd 0,0 a_init db 'lib_init',0 aini_get_str db 'ini_get_str',0 aini_get_int db 'ini_get_int',0 aini_set_str db 'ini_set_str',0 aini_set_int db 'ini_set_int',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ini_file db '/sys/settings/app.ini',0 ini_section db 'RDSave',0 apath db 'path',0 aautoclose db 'autoclose',0 path db '/hd2/1/kolibri.img',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- is_notify: dd 7, 0, ok, 0, 0 db "/sys/@notify", 0 read_folder: .subfunction dd 1 .start dd 0 .flags dd 0 .size dd 1 .return dd folder_data db 0 .name: dd check_dir param dd 0 hidden dd 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- IM_END: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 PARAMS: rb 256 ini_path: rb 4096 check_dir: rb 4096 sc system_colors autoclose rd 1 color rd 1 msg: rb 1024 ntf_msg: rb 1024 folder_data: rb 304*32+32 ; 9 Kb ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- cur_dir_path: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- library_path: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- temp_dir_path: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- fname_buf: rb 4096 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- procinfo: rb 1024 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- filename_area: rb 256 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- text_work_area: rb 1024 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 32 rb 4096 stacktop: I_END: