;const int KOLIBRI_BORDER_SIZE = 4; ;const int KOLIBRI_HEADER_SIZE = 20; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_USER = 0; // Thread data begin from the user dword ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_ST_BEGIN = 1; // Stack beginning follows after the user dword ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT = 2; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID = 3; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG = 4; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X = 5; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y = 6; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW = 7; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER = 8; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_BORDER = 9; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_TITLE = 10; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE = 11; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PICTURE = 12; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT = 13; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SX = 14; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SY = 15; ;const int KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LEN = 16; ;const int KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT = 20; ;const int KOLIBRI_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 512; ;const int KOLIBRI_FILE_MEMORY_OS_NEED = 4096; ;/*** macro segment name { segment name if name eq _init_ | name eq _INIT_ Kolibri_SegmentInit: else if name eq _exit_ | name eq _EXIT_ Kolibri_SegmentExit: end if } macro endseg name { if name eq _init_ | name eq _INIT_ Kolibri_SegmentInitEnd: else if name eq _exit_ | name eq _EXIT_ Kolibri_SegmentExitEnd: end if endseg name } macro Kolibri_Put_MovEaxVal_Ret address,val { mov byte [address],0xB8 mov dword [address+4],0xC089C300 mov dword [address+1],val } proc @Kolibri@Main$qv and esp,not 3 sub esp,1024 mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,-1 int 0x40 mov ebx,[esp+26] mov edx,[esp+30] lea eax,[ebx-0x20] add esp,1024 cmp esp,eax cmova esp,eax and esp,not 3 if defined @Kolibri@CommandLine mov byte [@Kolibri@CommandLine+256], 0 end if xor eax,eax cld mov edi,@Kolibri@_ThreadTable mov ecx,256 rep stos dword [edi] mov esi,@Kolibri@GetPid$qv mov edi,@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] mov esi,@Kolibri@GetThreadData$qv movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] Kolibri_Put_MovEaxVal_Ret @Kolibri@GetPid$qv,edx if defined KolibriHeapInit mov ecx,esp push ebx push ecx push U_END call KolibriHeapInit ; Initialize a dynamic heap and create new memory in its begin. pop ecx ; Parameters: begin of a new heap, end of data to create in mov [esp+4],eax ; the begin of a heap. Return address of the created data. mov dword [esp],0 else xor eax,eax push eax push eax end if call @Kolibri@ThreadMain$qpvt1 .ThreadFinish: add esp,8 if defined KolibriHeapFreeAndThreadFinish test eax,eax jz .ThreadFinish_end push dword @Kolibri@_ExitProcessNow push eax call KolibriHeapFreeAndThreadFinish ; Free the given memory and finish the thread, end if ; should exit process if second argument points to not zero. .ThreadFinish_end: or eax,-1 int 0x40 endp proc @Kolibri@ThreadMain$qpvt1 xchg ebx,[esp+4] xchg ebp,[esp+8] push esi edi sub esp,KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LEN*4 mov [esp],ebx mov [esp+4],ebp mov eax,40 mov ebx,0x27 int 0x40 mov ebx,esp cmp byte [@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc],0x90 jz .main_else_first_check Kolibri_Put_MovEaxVal_Ret @Kolibri@GetThreadData$qv,esp if defined Kolibri_SegmentInit & defined Kolibri_SegmentInitEnd push Kolibri_SegmentInitEnd push Kolibri_SegmentInit jmp .main_after_first_check end if .main_else_first_check: xor eax,eax push eax eax .main_after_first_check: push ebx call @@Kolibri@_CallStart$qppvpvt2 add esp,12 test al,al jnz .main_test_close_first jmp .main_end .main_close_first: btr dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],31 push esp call @@KolibriOnClose$qppv pop ecx test al,al jnz .main_end .main_test_close_first: cmp dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],0 jl .main_close_first ; push esp ; push dword 1 ; call @Kolibri@Redraw$qippv ; add esp,8 .main_paint_msg: or dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],3 sub esp,1024 mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,-1 int 0x40 mov eax,[esp+34] mov ebx,[esp+38] mov ecx,[esp+42] mov edx,[esp+46] add esp,1024 cmp ecx,[esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SX*4] jnz .main_size cmp edx,[esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SY*4] jz .main_paint .main_size: mov [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SX*4],ecx mov [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LAST_SY*4],edx push edx push ecx push ebx push eax lea ecx,[esp+16] mov edx,esp push ecx push edx call @@KolibriOnSize$qpippv add esp,24 test dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],3 jz .main_cycle .main_paint: cmp dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],0 jl .main_close push esp push dword 0 call @Kolibri@Redraw$qippv add esp,8 .main_cycle: mov eax,11 .main_message: cmp dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],0 jl .main_close int 0x40 test eax,eax jnz .main_on_message cmp dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],0 jne .main_paint push esp call @@KolibriOnIdle$qppv pop ecx test eax,eax jz .main_cycle jl .main_wait_message mov ebx,eax mov eax,23 jmp .main_message .main_wait_message: mov eax,10 jmp .main_message .main_key_press: push esp call @@KolibriOnKeyPress$qppv pop ecx jmp .main_cycle .main_mouse: push esp call @@KolibriOnMouse$qppv pop ecx jmp .main_cycle .main_on_message: dec eax jz .main_paint_msg dec eax jz .main_key_press cmp eax,4 jz .main_mouse dec eax jnz .main_cycle .main_button: mov eax,17 int 0x40 test al,al jnz .main_cycle .main_close: btr dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],31 push esp call @@KolibriOnClose$qppv pop ecx test al,al jz .main_button .main_end: mov ebx,esp lock dec dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadNumber] if defined Kolibri_SegmentExit & defined Kolibri_SegmentExitEnd jnz .main_else_last_check push Kolibri_SegmentExitEnd push Kolibri_SegmentExit jmp .main_after_last_check end if .main_else_last_check: xor eax,eax push eax push eax .main_after_last_check: push ebx call @@Kolibri@_RemoveThreadData$qppvpvt2 add esp,12 lock inc dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount+4] mov ebx,1 jmp .main_end_wait .main_end_wait_loop: mov eax,5 int 0x40 shl ebx,1 cmp ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT jna .main_end_wait mov ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT .main_end_wait: cmp dword [@Kolibri@_ExitProcessNow],0 jnz @Kolibri@ExitProcess$qv cmp dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount],0 jnz .main_end_wait_loop lock dec dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount+4] mov ebp,[esp+4] mov ebx,[esp] add esp,KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_LEN*4 mov eax,ebp pop edi esi xchg ebp,[esp+8] xchg ebx,[esp+4] ret endp macro call func { if func eq __chkstk sub esp,eax else call func end if } proc @Kolibri@Redraw$qippv push ebp mov ebp,[esp+12] mov edx,[ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4] cmp dword [esp+8],0 jl .redraw_only_inv jz .redraw_no_frame or dl,2 .redraw_no_frame: bt edx,30 jnc .redraw_begin or dl,1 mov [ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],edx jmp .redraw_end .redraw_only_inv: test dl,3 jnz .redraw_no_frame .redraw_end: pop ebp ret .redraw_begin: push ebx esi edi and dword [ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],0xFFFFFFFC mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 test dl,2 jz .redraw_picture mov eax,48 mov ebx,4 int 0x40 mov ebx,[ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X*4] add ebx,2*5-1 mov ecx,[ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y*4] add cx,ax add ecx,5-1 mov edx,[ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW*4] mov edi,[ebp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE*4] xor eax,eax int 0x40 .redraw_picture: call @@KolibriOnPaint$qv .redraw_end_draw: mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 pop edi esi ebx ebp ret endp proc @Kolibri@MoveWindow$qxpxi uses ebx esi mov eax,[esp+12] mov ebx,[eax] mov ecx,[eax+4] mov edx,[eax+8] mov esi,[eax+12] mov eax,67 int 0x40 ret endp ;proc @Kolibri@Abort$qv ; push dword [@Kolibri@DebugPrefix] ; call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc ; mov dword [esp],Kolibri_abort_string ; call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc ; pop ecx proc @Kolibri@ExitProcess$qv lock bts dword [@Kolibri@_ExitProcessNow],0 jc .exit_process_wait sub esp,1024 mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,-1 int 0x40 mov esi,eax mov edi,[esp+30] .exit_process_loop: mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,esi int 0x40 mov eax,[esp+30] cmp eax,edi jz .exit_process_continue mov ebx,eax or bl,15 inc ebx jz .exit_process_continue mov ebx,eax call Kolibri_HashInt movzx eax,al mov eax,dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadTable+eax*4] jmp .exit_process_test .exit_process_next: mov eax,dword [eax+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT*4] .exit_process_test: test eax,eax jz .exit_process_continue cmp ebx,[eax+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID*4] jnz .exit_process_next mov eax,18 mov ebx,2 mov ecx,esi int 0x40 .exit_process_continue: dec esi jnl .exit_process_loop add esp,1024 mov dword [@Kolibri@_ExitProcessNow],-1 if defined EMULATOR int3 call 0x76543210 end if .exit_process_end: mov dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadMutex],0 or eax,-1 int 0x40 .exit_process_wait: mov eax,5 mov ebx,1 .exit_process_wait_loop: cmp dword [@Kolibri@_ExitProcessNow],0 jl .exit_process_end int 0x40 shl ebx,1 cmp ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT jna .exit_process_wait_loop mov ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT jmp .exit_process_wait_loop endp proc @Kolibri@ExitThread$qppv,@Kolibri@ThreadMain$qpvt1 mov esp,[esp+4] jmp Kolibri_main_end endp proc @Kolibri@ReturnMessageLoop$qppv,@Kolibri@ThreadMain$qpvt1 mov esp,[esp+4] bt dword [esp+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG*4],30 jc Kolibri_main_end jmp Kolibri_main_cycle endp proc @Kolibri@Delay$qui uses ebx mov eax,5 mov ebx,[esp+8] int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@Clock$qv uses ebx mov eax,26 mov ebx,9 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetPackedTime$qv mov eax,3 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@DrawButton$qllllll uses ebx esi mov eax,8 mov ebx,[esp+12+8] shl ebx,16 mov bx,[esp+20+8] mov ecx,[esp+16+8] shl ecx,16 mov cx,[esp+24+8] mov edx,[esp+4+8] mov esi,[esp+8+8] int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetTime$qpi mov eax,3 int 0x40 mov edx,[esp+4] movzx ecx,al shr ecx,4 and al,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,al mov dword [edx+8],ecx mov cl,ah shr ecx,4 and ah,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,ah mov dword [edx+4],ecx bswap eax mov cl,ah shr ecx,4 and ah,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,ah mov dword [edx],ecx ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetPackedDate$qv mov eax,29 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetDate$qpi mov eax,29 int 0x40 mov edx,[esp+4] movzx ecx,al shr ecx,4 and al,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,al mov dword [edx+4],ecx mov cl,ah shr ecx,4 and ah,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,ah mov dword [edx],ecx bswap eax mov cl,ah shr ecx,4 and ah,0x0F imul ecx,10 add cl,ah mov dword [edx+8],ecx ret endp proc @Kolibri@ReadCommonColors$qpui uses ebx mov eax,48 mov ebx,3 mov ecx,[esp+8] mov edx,40 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@DrawText$qssipxc uses ebx mov eax,4 mov ebx,[esp+8-2] mov bx,[esp+12] mov ecx,[esp+16] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edx,[esp+20] int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetProcessInfo$qpuipct1t1piui uses ebx esi edi sub esp,1024 mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,[1024+12+24+esp] int 0x40 xor edi,edi or edi,[1024+12+4+esp] jz .get_proc_info_no_usecpu mov ecx,[esp] mov [edi],ecx xor edi,edi .get_proc_info_no_usecpu: or edi,[1024+12+8+esp] jz .get_proc_info_no_name lea esi,[esp+10] cld movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] mov byte [edi],0 xor edi,edi .get_proc_info_no_name: or edi,[1024+12+12+esp] jz .get_proc_info_no_mem mov ecx,[esp+26] mov [edi],ecx xor edi,edi .get_proc_info_no_mem: or edi,[1024+12+16+esp] jz .get_proc_info_no_pid mov ecx,[esp+30] mov [edi],ecx xor edi,edi .get_proc_info_no_pid: or edi,[1024+12+20+esp] jz .get_proc_info_no_rect lea esi,[esp+34] cld movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] xor edi,edi .get_proc_info_no_rect: add esp,1024 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetPid$qv uses ebx sub esp,1024 mov eax,9 mov ebx,esp mov ecx,-1 int 0x40 mov eax,[esp+30] add esp,1024 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetPid$qppv mov ecx,[esp+4] mov eax,[ecx+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID*4] ret endp proc @Kolibri@_HashByte$qui @Kolibri@_HashWord$qui: @Kolibri@_HashDword$qui: mov eax,[esp+4] Kolibri_HashInt: mul dword [Kolibri_hash_int_val0] xor eax,edx bswap eax mul dword [Kolibri_hash_int_val1] shrd eax,edx,14 bswap eax lea eax,[eax+4*eax] ror eax,9 ret endp Kolibri_hash_int_val0: dd 0xA82F94C5 Kolibri_hash_int_val1: dd 0x9193780B proc @Kolibri@GetThreadData$qv call @Kolibri@GetPid$qv push eax call @Kolibri@GetThreadData$qui pop ecx ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetThreadData$qui mov eax,[esp+4] call Kolibri_HashInt movzx eax,al cmp dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount+4],0 jnz .get_thread_data_wait .get_thread_data_nowait: lock inc dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount] mov eax,dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadTable+eax*4] mov ecx,[esp+4] jmp .get_thread_data_test .get_thread_data_loop: mov eax,dword [eax+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT*4] .get_thread_data_test: test eax,eax jz .get_thread_data_end cmp ecx,[eax+KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID*4] jnz .get_thread_data_loop .get_thread_data_end: lock dec dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount] ret .get_thread_data_wait: push eax ebx mov eax,5 mov ebx,1 .get_thread_data_wait_loop: int 0x40 cmp dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadScanCount+4],0 jz .get_thread_data_wait_end shl ebx,1 cmp ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT jna .get_thread_data_wait_loop mov ebx,KOLIBRI_MUTEX_MAX_TIME_WAIT jmp .get_thread_data_wait_loop .get_thread_data_wait_end: pop ebx eax jmp .get_thread_data_nowait endp proc @Kolibri@_GetSkinHeader$qv uses ebx mov eax,48 mov ebx,4 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetScreenSize$qrust1 mov eax,14 int 0x40 mov ecx,[esp+8] mov word [ecx],ax mov ecx,[esp+4] shr eax,16 mov word [ecx],ax ret endp proc Kolibri_MutexLockNoWait pop eax xor al,al ret endp proc Kolibri_MutexLockWait uses ebx mov eax,5 xor ebx,ebx .lock_wait_cycle: int 0x40 shl byte [ecx],1 jz .lock_wait_cycle mov al,1 ret endp proc Kolibri_MutexLockWaitTime cmp dword [esp+12],0 jng .MutexLockWait push ebx edx mov edx,[esp+20] mov eax,26 mov ebx,9 int 0x40 add edx,eax .lock_wait_time_cycle: mov eax,5 xor ebx,ebx int 0x40 shl byte [ecx],1 jnz .lock_wait_time_ret_true mov eax,26 mov ebx,9 int 0x40 cmp eax,edx js .lock_wait_time_cycle pop edx ebx eax xor al,al ret .lock_wait_time_ret_true: pop edx ebx mov al,1 ret endp proc Kolibri_MutexLock shl byte [ecx],1 jnz .lock_first call eax .lock_first: mov al,1 ret endp proc @Kolibri@TryLock$qp14Kolibri@TMutex mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockNoWait mov ecx,[esp+4] jmp Kolibri_MutexLock endp proc @Kolibri@Lock$qp14Kolibri@TMutex mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockWait mov ecx,[esp+4] jmp Kolibri_MutexLock endp proc @Kolibri@LockTime$qp14Kolibri@TMutexi mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockWaitTime mov ecx,[esp+4] jmp Kolibri_MutexLock endp proc @Kolibri@UnLock$qp14Kolibri@TMutex mov ecx,[esp+4] shr byte [ecx],1 jz .unlock_pause ret .unlock_pause: mov byte [ecx],0x40 push ebx mov eax,5 xor ebx,ebx int 0x40 pop ebx ret endp proc Kolibri_MutexLockRec shl byte [ecx],1 jng .lock_first cmp dword [ecx+4],edx jz .lock_rec_self call eax .lock_rec_first: mov al,1 mov dword [ecx+4],edx ret .lock_rec_self: mov al,1 add dword [ecx],0x100 jc .lock_rec_overflow ret .lock_rec_overflow: push dword [@Kolibri@DebugPrefix] call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc mov dword [esp],Kolibri_try_lock_rec_overflow_string call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc pop ecx jmp @Kolibri@Abort$qv endp proc @Kolibri@TryLock$qp16Kolibri@TRecMutexui mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockNoWait mov ecx,[esp+4] mov edx,[esp+8] jmp Kolibri_MutexLockRec endp proc @Kolibri@Lock$qp16Kolibri@TRecMutexui mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockWait mov ecx,[esp+4] mov edx,[esp+8] jmp Kolibri_MutexLockRec endp proc @Kolibri@LockTime$qp16Kolibri@TRecMutexiui mov eax,Kolibri_MutexLockWaitTime mov ecx,[esp+4] mov edx,[esp+12] jmp Kolibri_MutexLockRec endp proc @Kolibri@UnLock$qp16Kolibri@TRecMutexui mov ecx,[esp+4] mov edx,[esp+8] cmp dword [ecx+4],edx jnz .unlock_rec_notlocked sub dword [ecx],0x100 jnc .unlock_rec_end add dword [ecx],0x100 shl byte [ecx],1 shr byte [ecx],2 jng .unlock_rec_pause .unlock_rec_end: ret .unlock_rec_pause: mov byte [ecx],0x20 push ebx mov eax,5 xor ebx,ebx int 0x40 pop ebx ret .unlock_rec_notlocked: push dword [@Kolibri@DebugPrefix] call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc mov dword [esp],Kolibri_unlock_rec_notlocked_string call @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc pop ecx jmp @Kolibri@Abort$qv endp proc @Kolibri@DebugPutChar$qc mov cl,byte [esp+4] cmp cl,13 jz .debug_put_char_ret push ebx cmp cl,10 jz .debug_put_char_enter .debug_put_char_after_cmp: mov eax,63 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 pop ebx .debug_put_char_ret: ret .debug_put_char_enter: mov cl,13 mov eax,63 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 mov cl,10 jmp .debug_put_char_after_cmp endp proc @Kolibri@DebugPutString$qpxc push esi push dword 0 mov esi,dword [esp+12] jmp .debug_put_string_test .debug_put_string_loop: mov dword [esp],eax call @Kolibri@DebugPutChar$qc inc esi .debug_put_string_test: xor eax,eax or al,[esi] test al,al jnz .debug_put_string_loop pop ecx esi ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetKey$qv mov eax,2 int 0x40 test al,al jnz .get_key_eof movzx eax,ah ret .get_key_eof: mov eax,-1 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetMouseButton$qv uses ebx mov eax,37 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 ret endp proc @Kolibri@GetMousePosition$qrst1o uses ebx mov eax,37 xor ebx,ebx cmp byte [esp+16],0 jnz .get_mouse_pos_absolute inc ebx .get_mouse_pos_absolute: int 0x40 mov ecx,[esp+12] mov word [ecx],ax mov ecx,[esp+8] shr eax,16 mov word [ecx],ax ret endp proc @Kolibri@WasThreadCreated$qv cmp byte [@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc],0x90 setz al ret endp proc @Kolibri@CreateThread$qpvuit1 push ebx mov edx,[esp+16] mov ebx,[esp+12] test edx,edx jnz .create_thread_after_new if defined KolibriHeapAlloc cmp ebx,4096 jnb .create_thread_alloc mov ebx,STACKSIZE .create_thread_alloc: push ebx call KolibriHeapAlloc ; Create new dynamic memory of the given size pop ecx test eax,eax jnz .create_thread_mem_created end if or eax,-1 jmp .create_thread_end .create_thread_mem_created: lea edx,[eax+ebx] .create_thread_after_new: neg ebx jz .create_thread_test_first add ebx,edx .create_thread_test_first: cmp byte [@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc],0x90 jnz .create_thread_init .create_thread_fill_stack: lock inc dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadNumber] and edx,not 3 sub edx,12 mov ecx,[esp+8] mov dword [edx+8],ebx mov dword [edx+4],ecx mov dword [edx],Kolibri_ThreadFinish mov eax,51 mov ebx,1 mov ecx,@Kolibri@ThreadMain$qpvt1 int 0x40 mov ebx,eax or bl,15 inc ebx jnz .create_thread_end lock dec dword [@Kolibri@_ThreadNumber] if defined KolibriHeapFree or ebx,[edx+8] jz .create_thread_end push ebx call KolibriHeapFree ; Delete the given dynamic memory pop ecx end if .create_thread_end: pop ebx ret .create_thread_init: push esi edi cld mov esi,@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc mov edi,@Kolibri@GetPid$qv movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] mov edi,@Kolibri@GetThreadData$qv movs dword [edi],[esi] movs dword [edi],[esi] mov eax,0x90909090 mov edi,@Kolibri@_ThreadSavedBegProc stos dword [edi] stos dword [edi] stos dword [edi] stos dword [edi] pop edi esi jmp .create_thread_fill_stack endp proc @Kolibri@_FileAccess$qpv uses ebx mov eax,70 mov ebx,[esp+8] int 0x40 mov ecx,[esp+8] mov [ecx],ebx ret endp Kolibri_abort_string: db 'Abnormal program termination.',10,0 Kolibri_try_lock_rec_overflow_string: db 'Recursive mutex lock count overflow.',10,0 Kolibri_unlock_rec_notlocked_string: db 'Recursive mutex unlock error.',10,0 include "kos_lib.inc" ;/**/