#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "winlib/winlib.h" #include "sound.h" #include "fplay.h" volatile enum player_state player_state = STOP; volatile enum player_state decoder_state = PREPARE; volatile enum player_state sound_state = STOP; uint32_t win_width, win_height; uint8_t *decoder_buffer; extern int resampler_size; extern int sample_rate; int64_t rewind_pos; int64_t stream_duration; int threads_running = DECODER_THREAD; int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { static vst_t vst; int i, ret; char *file_name, *dot; if(argc < 2) { vst.input_file = get_moviefile(); if(vst.input_file == NULL) { printf("Please provide a movie file\n"); return -1; } } else vst.input_file = argv[1]; /* register all codecs, demux and protocols */ av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_FATAL); avcodec_register_all(); avdevice_register_all(); av_register_all(); if( avformat_open_input(&vst.fCtx, vst.input_file, NULL, NULL) < 0) { printf("Cannot open file %s\n\r", vst.input_file); return -1; // Couldn't open file }; vst.fCtx->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS; if(avformat_find_stream_info(vst.fCtx, NULL) < 0) { printf("Cannot find streams\n\r"); return -1; }; file_name = strrchr(vst.input_file,'/')+1; dot = strrchr(file_name,'.'); if(dot) { vst.input_name = malloc(dot-file_name+1); memcpy(vst.input_name, file_name, dot-file_name); vst.input_name[dot-file_name] = 0; } else vst.input_name = file_name; stream_duration = vst.fCtx->duration; vst.vStream = -1; vst.aStream = -1; for(i=0; i < vst.fCtx->nb_streams; i++) { if(vst.fCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && vst.vStream < 0) { vst.vStream = i; vst.video_time_base = vst.fCtx->streams[i]->time_base; if(stream_duration == 0) stream_duration = vst.fCtx->streams[i]->duration; } if(vst.fCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && vst.aStream < 0) { vst.aStream = i; if(stream_duration == 0) stream_duration = vst.fCtx->streams[i]->duration; } } if(vst.vStream==-1) { printf("Video stream not detected\n\r"); return -1; // Didn't find a video stream }; // __asm__ __volatile__("int3"); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vst.input_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vst.output_list); mutex_init(&vst.q_video.lock); mutex_init(&vst.q_audio.lock); mutex_init(&vst.gpu_lock); mutex_init(&vst.decoder_lock); mutex_init(&vst.input_lock); mutex_init(&vst.output_lock); vst.vCtx = vst.fCtx->streams[vst.vStream]->codec; vst.aCtx = vst.fCtx->streams[vst.aStream]->codec; if(init_video_decoder(&vst) != 0 ) return -1; vst.aCtx->request_channel_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO; vst.aCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(vst.aCtx->codec_id); if(vst.aCodec) { if(avcodec_open2(vst.aCtx, vst.aCodec, NULL) >= 0 ) { WAVEHEADER whdr; int fmt; int channels; printf("audio stream rate %d channels %d format %d\n", vst.aCtx->sample_rate, vst.aCtx->channels, vst.aCtx->sample_fmt ); whdr.riff_id = 0x46464952; whdr.riff_format = 0x45564157; whdr.wFormatTag = 0x01; whdr.nSamplesPerSec = vst.aCtx->sample_rate; whdr.nChannels = 2; whdr.wBitsPerSample = 16; sample_rate = vst.aCtx->sample_rate; fmt = test_wav(&whdr); if( init_audio(fmt) ) { decoder_buffer = (uint8_t*)av_mallocz(192000*2+64); if( decoder_buffer != NULL ) { mutex_init(&astream.lock); astream.count = 0; astream.buffer = (char *)av_mallocz(192000*3); if( astream.buffer != NULL ) vst.has_sound = 1; else av_free(decoder_buffer); } if( vst.has_sound == 0) { printf("Not enough memory for audio buffers\n"); } } } else printf("Cannot open audio codec\n\r"); } else printf("Unsupported audio codec!\n"); mutex_lock(&vst.decoder_lock); create_thread(video_thread, &vst, 1024*1024); if(mutex_lock_timeout(&vst.decoder_lock, 3000) == 0) return -1; decoder(&vst); //__asm__ __volatile__("int3"); while( threads_running & (AUDIO_THREAD | VIDEO_THREAD)) delay(1); if(astream.lock.handle) mutex_destroy(&astream.lock); fini_video_decoder(&vst); mutex_destroy(&vst.q_video.lock); mutex_destroy(&vst.q_audio.lock); mutex_destroy(&vst.decoder_lock); return 0; } static int load_frame(vst_t *vst) { AVPacket packet; int err; err = av_read_frame(vst->fCtx, &packet); if( err == 0) { if(packet.stream_index == vst->vStream) put_packet(&vst->q_video, &packet); else if( (packet.stream_index == vst->aStream) && (vst->has_sound != 0) ) { put_packet(&vst->q_audio, &packet); if(vst->audio_timer_valid == 0 && packet.pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ) { vst->audio_timer_base = get_audio_base(vst) * packet.pts; vst->audio_timer_valid = 1; }; } else av_free_packet(&packet); } else if (err != AVERROR_EOF) printf("av_read_frame: error %x\n", err); return err; } static int fill_queue(vst_t* vst) { int err = 0; AVPacket packet; while( (vst->q_video.size < 4*1024*1024) && !err ) err = load_frame(vst); return err; }; static void flush_all(vst_t* vst) { AVPacket packet; avcodec_flush_buffers(vst->vCtx); avcodec_flush_buffers(vst->aCtx); while( get_packet(&vst->q_video, &packet) != 0) av_free_packet(&packet); while( get_packet(&vst->q_audio, &packet)!= 0) av_free_packet(&packet); flush_video(vst); astream.count = 0; }; void decoder(vst_t* vst) { int eof; AVPacket packet; int ret, vret, aret; int64_t min_pos, max_pos; // av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG); while( player_state != CLOSED ) { int err; switch(decoder_state) { case PREPARE: eof = fill_queue(vst); do { if( (vst->q_video.size < 4*1024*1024) && (eof == 0) ) { eof = load_frame(vst); } decode_video(vst); ret = decode_audio(vst->aCtx, &vst->q_audio); }while(astream.count < resampler_size*2 && ret == 1); sound_state = PREPARE; decoder_state = PLAY; player_state = PLAY; case PLAY: if( (vst->q_video.size < 4*1024*1024) && (eof == 0) ) { eof = load_frame(vst); } vret = decode_video(vst); aret = decode_audio(vst->aCtx, &vst->q_audio); ret = vret | aret; if( eof && !ret) { decoder_state = STOP; continue; }; if( (vret & aret) == -1) { if( (vst->q_video.size < 4*1024*1024) && (eof == 0) ) { eof = load_frame(vst); yield(); continue; }; delay(1); continue; } yield(); continue; case STOP: delay(1); continue; case PLAY_2_STOP: while(sound_state != STOP) delay(1); flush_all(vst); if (vst->fCtx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) rewind_pos = vst->fCtx->start_time; else rewind_pos = 0; ret = avformat_seek_file(vst->fCtx, -1, INT64_MIN, rewind_pos, INT64_MAX, 0); decoder_state = STOP; break; case REWIND: while(sound_state != STOP) yield(); flush_all(vst); int opts = 0; if(rewind_pos < 0) { rewind_pos = -rewind_pos; opts = AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD; }; if (vst->fCtx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) rewind_pos += vst->fCtx->start_time; // printf("rewind %8"PRId64"\n", rewind_pos); min_pos = rewind_pos - 1000000; max_pos = rewind_pos + 1000000; ret = avformat_seek_file(vst->fCtx, -1, INT64_MIN, rewind_pos, INT64_MAX, 0); if (ret < 0) { printf("could not seek to position %f\n", (double)rewind_pos / AV_TIME_BASE); } decoder_state = PREPARE; break; } }; };