;***************************************************************************** ; Box_Lib - library of graphical components ; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2008-2013. All rights reserved. ; ; Authors: ; Alexey Teplov aka ; Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; Evtikhov Maxim aka Maxxxx32 ; Eugene Grechnikov aka Diamond ; hidnplayr ; Igor Afanasiev aka IgorA ;***************************************************************************** format MS COFF public EXPORTS section '.flat' code readable align 16 include '../../../../macros.inc' include '../../../../proc32.inc' include 'bl_sys.mac' include 'box_lib.mac' ;macro which should make life easier :) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem.alloc dd ? ;функция для выделения памяти mem.free dd ? ;функция для освобождения памяти mem.realloc dd ? ;функция для перераспределения памяти dll.load dd ? ;---------------------------------------------------- ;EditBox ;---------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_editbox_draw ;macro reveals the function of the display. align 16 use_editbox_key ;macro reveals processing function of the keypad. align 16 use_editbox_mouse ;macro reveals processing function of the mouse. ;---------------------------------------------------- ;CheckBox2 ;---------------------------------------------------- align 16 _init_checkbox2 ;macro for init checkbox align 16 use_checkbox_draw2 ;macro reveals the function of the display. align 16 use_checkbox_mouse2 ;macro reveals processing function of the mouse. ;-------------------------------------------------- ;radiobutton Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_optionbox_driver ;macro that control the operating modes align 16 use_optionbox_draw ;macro reveals the function of the display. align 16 use_optionbox_mouse ;macro reveals processing function of the mouse. ;-------------------------------------------------- ;scrollbar Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_scroll_bar align 16 use_scroll_bar_vertical align 16 use_scroll_bar_horizontal ;-------------------------------------------------- ;dinamic button Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_dinamic_button ;-------------------------------------------------- ;menubar Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_menu_bar ;-------------------------------------------------- ;filebrowser Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_file_browser ;-------------------------------------------------- ;tree list ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_tree_list ;-------------------------------------------------- ;PathShow Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_path_show ;-------------------------------------------------- ;text editor ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_text_edit ;-------------------------------------------------- ;Frame Group ;-------------------------------------------------- align 16 use_frame ;input: ; eax = указатель на функцию выделения памяти ; ebx = ... освобождения памяти ; ecx = ... перераспределения памяти ; edx = ... загрузки библиотеки (пока не используется) align 16 lib_init: mov [mem.alloc], eax mov [mem.free], ebx mov [mem.realloc], ecx mov [dll.load], edx ret align 4 proc draw_edge uses eax ebx ecx edx edi esi, box_l:dword, box_t:dword, box_w:dword, box_h:dword,\ col_0:dword, col_1:dword, col_2:dword mov esi,dword[col_1] and esi,111111101111111011111110b mov eax,13 ;bottom line mov edx,dword[col_2] mov ebx,dword[box_l] shl ebx,16 add ebx,dword[box_w] inc ebx ;для заливки диагональных пикселей mov ecx,dword[box_t] add ecx,dword[box_h] shl ecx,16 inc ecx mov edi,3 ;for cycle @@: ;calculate colors and edx,111111101111111011111110b add edx,esi shr edx,1 ;line move up and ->...<- sub ecx,1 shl 16 ;move up add ebx,1 shl 16 ;->... sub ebx,2 ;...<- ;draw line int 0x40 dec edi jnz @b ;right line mov edx,dword[col_2] mov ebx,dword[box_l] add ebx,dword[box_w] shl ebx,16 inc ebx mov ecx,dword[box_t] shl ecx,16 add ecx,dword[box_h] mov edi,3 ;for cycle @@: ;calculate colors and edx,111111101111111011111110b add edx,esi shr edx,1 ;line move left and ... sub ebx,1 shl 16 ;move left add ecx,1 shl 16 sub ecx,2 ;draw line int 0x40 dec edi jnz @b ;top line mov edx,dword[col_0] mov ebx,dword[box_l] shl ebx,16 add ebx,dword[box_w] mov ecx,dword[box_t] shl ecx,16 inc ecx mov edi,3 ;for cycle @@: ;calculate colors and edx,111111101111111011111110b add edx,esi shr edx,1 ;line move down and ->...<- add ecx,1 shl 16 ;move down add ebx,1 shl 16 ;->... sub ebx,2 ;...<- ;draw line int 0x40 dec edi jnz @b ;left line mov edx,dword[col_0] mov ebx,dword[box_l] shl ebx,16 inc ebx mov ecx,dword[box_t] shl ecx,16 add ecx,dword[box_h] mov edi,3 ;for cycle @@: ;calculate colors and edx,111111101111111011111110b add edx,esi shr edx,1 ;line move left and ... add ebx,1 shl 16 ;move left add ecx,1 shl 16 sub ecx,2 ;draw line int 0x40 dec edi jnz @b ret endp align 16 EXPORTS: dd sz_init, lib_init dd sz_version, 0x00000001 dd sz_edit_box, edit_box dd sz_edit_box_key, edit_box_key dd sz_edit_box_mouse, edit_box_mouse dd sz_edit_box_set_text, edit_box_set_text dd szVersion_ed, 0x00000001 dd sz_init_checkbox2, init_checkbox2 dd sz_check_box_draw2, check_box_draw2 dd sz_check_box_mouse2, check_box_mouse2 dd szVersion_ch2, 0x00000002 dd sz_option_box_draw, option_box_draw dd sz_option_box_mouse, option_box_mouse dd szVersion_op, 0x00000001 dd sz_Scrollbar_ver_draw, scroll_bar_vertical.draw dd sz_Scrollbar_ver_mouse, scroll_bar_vertical.mouse dd sz_Scrollbar_hor_draw, scroll_bar_horizontal.draw dd sz_Scrollbar_hor_mouse, scroll_bar_horizontal.mouse dd szVersion_scrollbar, 0x00010001 dd sz_Dbutton_draw, dinamic_button.draw dd sz_Dbutton_mouse, dinamic_button.mouse dd szVersion_dbutton, 0x00010001 dd sz_Menu_bar_draw, menu_bar.draw dd sz_Menu_bar_mouse, menu_bar.mouse dd sz_Menu_bar_activate, menu_bar.activate dd szVersion_menu_bar, 0x00010002 dd sz_FileBrowser_draw, fb_draw_panel dd sz_FileBrowser_mouse, fb_mouse dd sz_FileBrowser_key, fb_key dd szVersion_FileBrowser, 0x00010001 dd sz_tl_data_init, tl_data_init dd sz_tl_data_clear, tl_data_clear dd sz_tl_info_clear, tl_info_clear dd sz_tl_key, tl_key dd sz_tl_mouse, tl_mouse dd sz_tl_draw, tl_draw dd sz_tl_info_undo, tl_info_undo dd sz_tl_info_redo, tl_info_redo dd sz_tl_node_add, tl_node_add dd sz_tl_node_set_data, tl_node_set_data dd sz_tl_node_get_data, tl_node_get_data dd sz_tl_node_delete, tl_node_delete dd sz_tl_cur_beg, tl_cur_beg dd sz_tl_cur_next, tl_cur_next dd sz_tl_cur_perv, tl_cur_perv dd sz_tl_node_close_open, tl_node_close_open dd sz_tl_node_lev_inc, tl_node_lev_inc dd sz_tl_node_lev_dec, tl_node_lev_dec dd sz_tl_node_move_up, tl_node_move_up dd sz_tl_node_move_down, tl_node_move_down dd sz_tl_node_poi_get_info, tl_node_poi_get_info dd sz_tl_node_poi_get_next_info, tl_node_poi_get_next_info dd sz_tl_node_poi_get_data, tl_node_poi_get_data dd sz_tl_save_mem, tl_save_mem dd sz_tl_load_mem, tl_load_mem dd sz_tl_get_mem_size, tl_get_mem_size dd sz_tl_version_tree_list, 0x00000001 dd sz_PathShow_prepare, path_show.prepare dd sz_PathShow_draw, path_show.draw dd szVersion_path_show, 0x00010001 dd sz_ted_but_save_file, ted_but_save_file dd sz_ted_but_sumb_upper, ted_but_sumb_upper dd sz_ted_but_sumb_lover, ted_but_sumb_lover dd sz_ted_can_save, ted_can_save dd sz_ted_clear, ted_clear dd sz_ted_delete, ted_delete dd sz_ted_draw, ted_draw dd sz_ted_init, ted_init dd sz_ted_init_scroll_bars, ted_init_scroll_bars dd sz_ted_init_syntax_file, ted_init_syntax_file dd sz_ted_is_select, ted_is_select dd sz_ted_key, ted_key dd sz_ted_mouse, ted_mouse dd sz_ted_open_file, ted_open_file dd sz_ted_text_add, ted_text_add dd sz_ted_but_select_word, ted_but_select_word dd sz_ted_but_cut, ted_but_cut dd sz_ted_but_copy, ted_but_copy dd sz_ted_but_paste, ted_but_paste dd sz_ted_but_undo, ted_but_undo dd sz_ted_but_redo, ted_but_redo dd sz_ted_but_reverse, ted_but_reverse dd sz_ted_but_find_next, ted_but_find_next dd sz_ted_text_colored, ted_text_colored dd sz_ted_version, 0x00000003 dd sz_Frame_draw, frame.draw dd szVersion_frame, 0x00010001 dd 0,0 sz_init db 'lib_init',0 sz_version db 'version',0 sz_edit_box db 'edit_box',0 sz_edit_box_key db 'edit_box_key',0 sz_edit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0 sz_edit_box_set_text db 'edit_box_set_text',0 szVersion_ed db 'version_ed',0 sz_init_checkbox2 db 'init_checkbox2',0 sz_check_box_draw2 db 'check_box_draw2',0 sz_check_box_mouse2 db 'check_box_mouse2',0 szVersion_ch2 db 'version_ch2',0 sz_option_box_draw db 'option_box_draw',0 sz_option_box_mouse db 'option_box_mouse',0 szVersion_op db 'version_op',0 sz_Scrollbar_ver_draw db 'scrollbar_v_draw',0 sz_Scrollbar_ver_mouse db 'scrollbar_v_mouse',0 sz_Scrollbar_hor_draw db 'scrollbar_h_draw',0 sz_Scrollbar_hor_mouse db 'scrollbar_h_mouse',0 szVersion_scrollbar db 'version_scrollbar',0 sz_Dbutton_draw db 'dbutton_draw',0 sz_Dbutton_mouse db 'dbutton_mouse',0 szVersion_dbutton db 'version_dbutton',0 sz_Menu_bar_draw db 'menu_bar_draw',0 sz_Menu_bar_mouse db 'menu_bar_mouse',0 sz_Menu_bar_activate db 'menu_bar_activate',0 szVersion_menu_bar db 'version_menu_bar',0 sz_FileBrowser_draw db 'FileBrowser_draw',0 sz_FileBrowser_mouse db 'FileBrowser_mouse',0 sz_FileBrowser_key db 'FileBrowser_key',0 szVersion_FileBrowser db 'version_FileBrowser',0 sz_tl_data_init db 'tl_data_init',0 sz_tl_data_clear db 'tl_data_clear',0 sz_tl_info_clear db 'tl_info_clear',0 sz_tl_key db 'tl_key',0 sz_tl_mouse db 'tl_mouse',0 sz_tl_draw db 'tl_draw',0 sz_tl_info_undo db 'tl_info_undo',0 sz_tl_info_redo db 'tl_info_redo',0 sz_tl_node_add db 'tl_node_add',0 sz_tl_node_set_data db 'tl_node_set_data',0 sz_tl_node_get_data db 'tl_node_get_data',0 sz_tl_node_delete db 'tl_node_delete',0 sz_tl_cur_beg db 'tl_cur_beg',0 sz_tl_cur_next db 'tl_cur_next',0 sz_tl_cur_perv db 'tl_cur_perv',0 sz_tl_node_close_open db 'tl_node_close_open',0 sz_tl_node_lev_inc db 'tl_node_lev_inc',0 sz_tl_node_lev_dec db 'tl_node_lev_dec',0 sz_tl_node_move_up db 'tl_node_move_up',0 sz_tl_node_move_down db 'tl_node_move_down',0 sz_tl_node_poi_get_info db 'tl_node_poi_get_info',0 sz_tl_node_poi_get_next_info db 'tl_node_poi_get_next_info',0 sz_tl_node_poi_get_data db 'tl_node_poi_get_data',0 sz_tl_save_mem db 'tl_save_mem',0 sz_tl_load_mem db 'tl_load_mem',0 sz_tl_get_mem_size db 'tl_get_mem_size',0 sz_tl_version_tree_list db 'version_tree_list',0 sz_PathShow_prepare db 'PathShow_prepare',0 sz_PathShow_draw db 'PathShow_draw',0 szVersion_path_show db 'version_PathShow',0 sz_ted_but_save_file db 'ted_but_save_file',0 sz_ted_but_sumb_upper db 'ted_but_sumb_upper',0 sz_ted_but_sumb_lover db 'ted_but_sumb_lover',0 sz_ted_can_save db 'ted_can_save',0 sz_ted_clear db 'ted_clear',0 sz_ted_delete db 'ted_delete',0 sz_ted_draw db 'ted_draw',0 sz_ted_init db 'ted_init',0 sz_ted_init_scroll_bars db 'ted_init_scroll_bars',0 sz_ted_init_syntax_file db 'ted_init_syntax_file',0 sz_ted_is_select db 'ted_is_select',0 sz_ted_key db 'ted_key',0 sz_ted_mouse db 'ted_mouse',0 sz_ted_open_file db 'ted_open_file',0 sz_ted_text_add db 'ted_text_add',0 sz_ted_but_select_word db 'ted_but_select_word',0 sz_ted_but_cut db 'ted_but_cut',0 sz_ted_but_copy db 'ted_but_copy',0 sz_ted_but_paste db 'ted_but_paste',0 sz_ted_but_undo db 'ted_but_undo',0 sz_ted_but_redo db 'ted_but_redo',0 sz_ted_but_reverse db 'ted_but_reverse',0 sz_ted_but_find_next db 'ted_but_find_next',0 sz_ted_text_colored db 'ted_text_colored',0 sz_ted_version db 'version_text_edit',0 sz_Frame_draw db 'frame_draw',0 szVersion_frame db 'version_frame',0