#define MEMSIZE 1024*400 #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/kfont.h" #include "../lib/io.h" #include "../lib/cursor.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" #include "../lib/obj/iconv.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/proc_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/http.h" #include "../lib/patterns/simple_open_dialog.h" #include "../lib/patterns/history.h" #include "../lib/patterns/http_downloader.h" #include "../browser/download_manager.h" llist list; #include "link.h" #include "canvas.h" #include "favicon.h" _history history; char default_dir[] = "/rd/1"; od_filter filter2 = { 16, "TXT\0HTM\0HTML\0\0" }; char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: ru\n"; #define TOOLBAR_H 36 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_WIDTH 26 #define TOOLBAR_ICON_HEIGHT 24 #define STATUSBAR_H 15 #define DEFAULT_EDITOR "/sys/tinypad" #define DEFAULT_PREVIEW_PATH "/tmp0/1/aelia_preview.txt" //ATTENTION: each page must have '\0' character at the end of the file char buidin_page_home[] = FROM "buidin_pages\\home.htm"; char buidin_page_about[] = FROM "buidin_pages\\about.htm"; char buidin_page_not_found[] = FROM "buidin_pages\\not_found.htm"; #define UML 4096*2 scroll_bar scroll = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; proc_info Form; char title[4196]; enum { OPEN_FILE, MAGNIFY_MINUS, MAGNIFY_PLUS, CHANGE_ENCODING, RUN_EDIT, GO_BACK, GO_FORWARD, SANDWICH }; char address[UML]; edit_box address_box = {250,56,34,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff,0,UML,#address,NULL,2,19,19}; bool debug_mode=false; #include "ini.h" #include "gui.h" #include "prepare_page.h" //#include "special.h" int menu_id=0; #define SANDWICH_MENU "Refresh page\nEdit page\nHistory\nDownloader\nAbout" void InitDlls() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init, 0); load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init, 1); load_dll(libio, #libio_init, 1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init, 1); //load_dll(libini, #lib_init, 1); load_dll(iconv_lib, #iconv_open, 0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); } void main() { InitDlls(); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); LoadIniSettings(); kfont.init(DEFAULT_FONT); Libimg_LoadImage(#skin, abspath("atoolbar.png")); list.no_selection = true; SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER + EVM_STACK); loop() { switch(WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: HandleMouseEvent(); break; case evKey: HandleKeyEvent(); break; case evButton: HandleButtonEvent(); break; case evNetwork: HandleNetworkEvent(); break; case evReDraw: draw_window(); if (CheckActiveProcess(Form.ID)) EventMenuClick(); } } } void HandleButtonEvent() { byte btn = GetButtonID(); if (btn==1) { SaveIniSettings(); ExitProcess(); } switch(btn-10) { case GO_BACK: EventGoBack(); break; case GO_FORWARD: EventGoForward(); break; case OPEN_FILE: EventOpenDialog(); break; case MAGNIFY_PLUS: EventMagnifyPlus(); break; case MAGNIFY_MINUS: EventMagnifyMinus(); break; case CHANGE_ENCODING: EventChangeEncoding(); break; case RUN_EDIT: EventRunEdit(); break; case SANDWICH: EventShowSandwichMenu(); break; } } void HandleKeyEvent() { GetKeys(); if (key_modifier & KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier & KEY_RCTRL) { switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_UP: EventMagnifyPlus(); return; case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: EventMagnifyMinus(); return; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_O: EventOpenDialog(); return; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_E: EventRunEdit(); return; case SCAN_CODE_KEY_H: EventShowHistory(); return; case SCAN_CODE_TAB: EventChangeEncoding(); return; } } switch (key_scancode) { case SCAN_CODE_F1: EventShowInfo(); return; case SCAN_CODE_F12: EventChangeDebugMode(); return; case SCAN_CODE_ENTER: EventOpenAddress(#address); return; case SCAN_CODE_BS: if (! address_box.flags & ed_focus) { EventGoBack(); return; } } if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) && (! address_box.flags & ed_focus) { DrawPage(); return; } if (key_ascii != ASCII_KEY_ENTER) && (key_ascii != ASCII_KEY_PGDN) && (key_ascii != ASCII_KEY_PGUP) { EAX = key_editbox; edit_box_key stdcall(#address_box); } } void HandleMouseEvent() { edit_box_mouse stdcall (#address_box); mouse.get(); list.wheel_size = 7; if (link.hover(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { if (-1 == link.active) { DrawStatusBar( " " ); //just clean status bar } else { DrawStatusBar( link.get_active_url() ); } } if (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (mouse.up) { if (-1 != link.active) EventOpenAddress( link.get_active_url() ); } if (list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) { DrawPage(); return; } scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll); if (list.first != scroll.position) { list.first = scroll.position; DrawPage(); } } void HandleNetworkEvent() { char favicon_address[UML]; if (downloader.state == STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { downloader.MonitorProgress(); if (downloader.httpd.content_length>0) DrawProgress(STEP_2_COUNT_PAGE_HEIGHT-STEP_1_DOWNLOAD_PAGE* downloader.httpd.content_received/downloader.httpd.content_length); else DrawProgress(STEP_2_COUNT_PAGE_HEIGHT-STEP_1_DOWNLOAD_PAGE/2); } if (downloader.state == STATE_COMPLETED) { if (!strncmp(downloader.url,"http://gate.aspero.pro/",22)) { strcpy(#address,downloader.url + 29); } else { strcpy(#address,downloader.url); } downloader.Stop(); DrawAddressBox(); io.buffer_data = downloader.bufpointer; /* get_absolute_url(#favicon_address, #address, "/favicon.ico"); favicon.get(#favicon_address); */ PostOpenPageActions(); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ void EventOpenDialog() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) EventOpenAddress(#openfile_path); } void EventOpenAddress(dword _new_address) { char temp[UML]; char getUrl[UML]; if (!ESBYTE[_new_address]) return; debugln("===================================="); debug("address: "); debugln(_new_address); strlcpy(#address, _new_address, UML); strlwr(#address); DrawAddressBox(); /* There could be several possible types of addresses: - build in page - local file - url So we need to detect what incoming address is and then halndle it in the propper way. */ io.buffer_data = 0; favicon.get(NULL); // - build in page if (!strncmp(#address,"aelia:",6)) { debugln("this is buildin page"); if (!strcmp(#address,"aelia:home")) io.buffer_data = #buidin_page_home; if (!strcmp(#address,"aelia:about")) io.buffer_data = #buidin_page_about; if (!strcmp(#address,"aelia:history")) io.buffer_data = MakePageWithHistory(); PostOpenPageActions(); } // - local file else if (check_is_the_adress_local(#address)==true) { debugln("this is local address"); io.read(#address); PostOpenPageActions(); } // - url else { debugln("this is url"); if (!strncmp(#address,"https://",8)) { sprintf(#getUrl, "http://gate.aspero.pro/?site=%s", #address); } else if (!strncmp(#address,"http://",7)) { strlcpy(#getUrl, #address, UML); } else { strcpy(#temp, "http://"); strlcpy(#temp, #address, UML); strlcpy(#address, #temp, UML); DrawAddressBox(); strlcpy(#getUrl, #address, UML); } downloader.Start(#getUrl); } } void PostOpenPageActions() { if (!io.buffer_data) { debugln("page not found"); io.buffer_data = #buidin_page_not_found; } history.add(#address); favicon.draw(address_box.left-18, address_box.top-1); /* Great! So we have the page in our buffer. We don't know is it a plain text or html. So we need to parse it and draw. */ list.KeyHome(); PreparePage(); } void EventMagnifyPlus() { kfont.size.pt++; if(!kfont.changeSIZE()) kfont.size.pt--; else PreparePage(); } void EventMagnifyMinus() { kfont.size.pt--; if(!kfont.changeSIZE()) kfont.size.pt++; else PreparePage(); } void EventRunEdit() { if (check_is_the_adress_local(history.current())==true) { io.run(DEFAULT_EDITOR, history.current()); } else { //io.write(strlen(io.buffer_data), io.buffer_data, DEFAULT_PREVIEW_PATH); // <--- doesn't work, smth odd, need to check CreateFile(strlen(io.buffer_data), io.buffer_data, DEFAULT_PREVIEW_PATH); io.run(DEFAULT_EDITOR, DEFAULT_PREVIEW_PATH); } } void EventChangeEncoding() { menu_id = 10; open_lmenu(Form.left+Form.cwidth-36,Form.top+TOOLBAR_H+skin_height-6, MENU_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT, encoding+1, "UTF-8\nKOI8-RU\nCP1251\nCP1252\nISO8859-5\nCP866"); } void EventShowSandwichMenu() { menu_id = 20; open_lmenu(Form.left+Form.cwidth+3,Form.top+TOOLBAR_H+skin_height-6, MENU_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT, 0, SANDWICH_MENU); } void EventMenuClick() { dword click_id = get_menu_click(); if (menu_id == 10) && (click_id) { encoding = click_id-1; EventPageRefresh(); menu_id = 0; } if (menu_id == 20) {switch(click_id) { case 1: EventPageRefresh(); break; case 2: EventRunEdit(); break; case 3: EventShowHistory(); break; case 4: EventShowDownloader(); break; case 5: EventShowInfo(); break; } menu_id = 0;} } void EventShowInfo() { EventOpenAddress("aelia:about"); } void EventShowHistory() { EventOpenAddress("aelia:history"); } void EventGoBack() { if (history.back()) EventOpenAddress(history.current()); } void EventGoForward() { if (history.forward()) EventOpenAddress(history.current()); } void EventPageRefresh() { EventOpenAddress(history.current()); } void EventShowDownloader() { if (!downloader_opened) { downloader_edit = NULL; CreateThread(#Downloader,#downloader_stak+4092); } } void EventChangeDebugMode() { debug_mode ^= 1; if (debug_mode) notify("'Debug mode ON'-I"); else notify("'Debug mode OFF'-I"); return; } /* ------------------------------------------- */ void draw_window() { DefineAndDrawWindow(Form.left,Form.top,Form.width,Form.height,0x73,0,#title,0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window>2) return; if (Form.width < 200) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,200,OLD); return; } if (Form.height < 200) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,200); return; } sc.get(); list.SetSizes(0, TOOLBAR_H, Form.cwidth-scroll.size_x-1, Form.cheight-TOOLBAR_H-STATUSBAR_H, kfont.size.pt+4); DrawBar(0, 0, Form.cwidth, TOOLBAR_H - 2, 0xe1e1e1); DrawBar(0, TOOLBAR_H - 2, Form.cwidth, 1, 0xcecece); DrawBar(0, TOOLBAR_H - 1, Form.cwidth, 1, 0x7F7F7F); DrawToolbarButton(GO_BACK, 8); DrawToolbarButton(GO_FORWARD, 33); DrawToolbarButton(OPEN_FILE, 68); DrawToolbarButton(MAGNIFY_PLUS, Form.cwidth - 125); DrawToolbarButton(MAGNIFY_MINUS, Form.cwidth - 100); DrawToolbarButton(CHANGE_ENCODING, Form.cwidth - 64); DrawToolbarButton(SANDWICH, Form.cwidth - 31); DrawAddressBox(); if ((Form.cwidth-scroll.size_x-1 == list.w) && (Form.cheight-TOOLBAR_H == list.h) && (list.count) ) { DrawPage(); } else { if (!kfont.raw) { //this code need to be run if (param) EventOpenAddress(#param); //only once at browser sturtup else EventOpenAddress("aelia:home"); } else PreparePage(); } DrawRectangle(scroll.start_x, scroll.start_y, scroll.size_x, scroll.size_y-1, scroll.bckg_col); DrawStatusBar(NULL); } void DrawPage() { list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); if (list.count) { kfont.ShowBufferPart(list.x, list.y, list.w, list.h, list.first*list.item_h*list.w); } DrawScroller(); } void DrawAddressBox() { address_box.left = 97+19; address_box.top = 11; address_box.width = Form.cwidth - address_box.left - 138; DrawRectangle(address_box.left-4-19, address_box.top-5, address_box.width+6+19, 23, 0x8C8C8C); DrawWideRectangle(address_box.left-3-19, address_box.top-3, address_box.width+5+19, 21, 4, address_box.color); address_box.size = address_box.pos = address_box.shift = address_box.shift_old = strlen(#address); address_box.offset = 0; edit_box_draw stdcall(#address_box); favicon.draw(address_box.left-18, address_box.top-1); DrawBar(address_box.left-2, address_box.top+1, 2, 13, 0xFFFfff); } PathShow_data status_text = {0, 17,250, 6, 250, 0, 0, 0x0, 0xFFFfff, 0, NULL, 0}; void DrawStatusBar(dword _status_text) { DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,STATUSBAR_H, sc.work); DrawBar(0,Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H, Form.cwidth,1, 0x8C8C8C); if (_status_text) { status_text.start_x = 7; status_text.start_y = Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 3; status_text.area_size_x = Form.cwidth - status_text.start_x -3; status_text.font_color = sc.work_text; status_text.text_pointer = _status_text; PathShow_prepare stdcall(#status_text); PathShow_draw stdcall(#status_text); } }