;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2016. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ ; CD external functions ; in: ; esi -> path string in UTF-8 ; ebx -> offset in file (qword) ; ecx = bytes to read ; edx -> buffer ; out: ; eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70 iglobal align 4 fs_CdServices: dd fs_CdRead dd fs_CdReadFolder dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_CdGetFileInfo dd fs_NotImplemented dd 0 dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented fs_NumCdServices = ($ - fs_CdServices)/4 endg uglobal align 4 cd_current_pointer_of_input dd 0 cd_current_pointer_of_input_2 dd 0 cd_mem_location dd 0 cd_counter_block dd 0 cd_status dd 0 endg ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs_NotImplemented: movi eax, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FS ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reserve_cd: cli cmp [cd_status], 0 je reserve_ok2 sti call change_task jmp reserve_cd ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reserve_ok2: push eax mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK] shl eax, 5 mov eax, [eax+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.pid] mov [cd_status], eax pop eax sti ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reserve_cd_channel: pushad mov eax, [cdpos] dec eax shr eax, 2 test eax, eax jnz .1 cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex jmp .mutex_lock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex jmp .mutex_lock ;-------------------------------------- .1: dec eax jnz .2 cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel3_mutex jmp .mutex_lock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel4_mutex jmp .mutex_lock ;-------------------------------------- .2: cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel5_mutex jmp .mutex_lock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel6_mutex .mutex_lock: call mutex_lock popad ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- free_cd_channel: pushad mov eax, [cdpos] dec eax shr eax, 2 test eax, eax jnz .1 cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex jmp .mutex_unlock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex jmp .mutex_unlock ;-------------------------------------- .1: dec eax jnz .2 cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel3_mutex jmp .mutex_unlock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel4_mutex jmp .mutex_unlock ;-------------------------------------- .2: cmp [ChannelNumber], 1 jne @f mov ecx, ide_channel5_mutex jmp .mutex_unlock ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ecx, ide_channel6_mutex .mutex_unlock: call mutex_unlock popad ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs_CdRead: push edi cmp byte [esi], 0 jnz @f ;-------------------------------------- .noaccess: pop edi ;-------------------------------------- .noaccess_2: or ebx, -1 mov eax, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ret ;-------------------------------------- .noaccess_3: pop eax edx ecx edi jmp .noaccess_2 ;-------------------------------------- @@: call cd_find_lfn jnc .found pop edi cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .noaccess_2 or ebx, -1 mov eax, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret ;-------------------------------------- .found: mov edi, [cd_current_pointer_of_input] test byte [edi+25], 10b; do not allow read directories jnz .noaccess test ebx, ebx jz .l1 cmp dword [ebx+4], 0 jz @f xor ebx, ebx ;-------------------------------------- .reteof: mov eax, 6; end of file pop edi ret ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov ebx, [ebx] ;-------------------------------------- .l1: push ecx edx push 0 mov eax, [edi+10] ; real size of the file section sub eax, ebx jb .eof cmp eax, ecx jae @f mov ecx, eax mov byte [esp], 6 ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov eax, [edi+2] mov [CDSectorAddress], eax ;-------------------------------------- ; now eax=cluster, ebx=position, ecx=count, edx=buffer for data .new_sector: test ecx, ecx jz .done sub ebx, 2048 jae .next add ebx, 2048 jnz .incomplete_sector cmp ecx, 2048 jb .incomplete_sector ; we may read and memmove complete sector mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], edx call ReadCDWRetr ; read sector of file cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .noaccess_3 add edx, 2048 sub ecx, 2048 ;-------------------------------------- .next: inc dword [CDSectorAddress] jmp .new_sector ;-------------------------------------- .incomplete_sector: ; we must read and memmove incomplete sector mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf call ReadCDWRetr ; read sector of file cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .noaccess_3 push ecx add ecx, ebx cmp ecx, 2048 jbe @f mov ecx, 2048 ;-------------------------------------- @@: sub ecx, ebx push edi esi ecx mov edi, edx lea esi, [CDDataBuf + ebx] cld rep movsb pop ecx esi edi add edx, ecx sub [esp], ecx pop ecx xor ebx, ebx jmp .next ;-------------------------------------- .done: mov ebx, edx pop eax edx ecx edi sub ebx, edx ret ;-------------------------------------- .eof: mov ebx, edx pop eax edx ecx sub ebx, edx jmp .reteof ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs_CdReadFolder: push edi call cd_find_lfn jnc .found pop edi cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .noaccess_1 or ebx, -1 mov eax, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret .found: mov edi, [cd_current_pointer_of_input] test byte [edi+25], 10b ; do not allow read directories jnz .found_dir pop edi .noaccess_1: or ebx, -1 mov eax, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ret .end_buffer: pop edx eax sub eax, 2048 ; directory is over? ja .read_to_buffer mov eax, [cd_counter_block] mov [edx+8], eax mov eax, [ebx] sub [edx+4], eax xor eax, eax dec ecx js @f mov al, ERROR_END_OF_FILE @@: pop ecx edi mov ebx, [edx+4] ret .found_dir: mov eax, [edi+2] ; eax=cluster mov [CDSectorAddress], eax mov eax, [edi+10] ; directory size push eax ecx mov edi, edx mov ecx, 32/4 xor eax, eax rep stosd pop ecx eax mov byte [edx], 1 ; version mov [cd_mem_location], edx add [cd_mem_location], 32 mov [cd_counter_block], dword 0 dec dword [CDSectorAddress] push ecx .read_to_buffer: inc dword [CDSectorAddress] mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf call ReadCDWRetr ; read sector of directory cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .noaccess_1 mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], CDDataBuf push eax edx .get_names_from_buffer: call cd_get_name jc .end_buffer inc dword [cd_counter_block] mov eax, [cd_counter_block] cmp [ebx], eax jae .get_names_from_buffer test ecx, ecx jz .get_names_from_buffer mov edi, [cd_counter_block] mov [edx+4], edi dec ecx mov esi, ebp call cd_get_parameters_of_file add edi, 40 mov ax, '.' cmp dword[ebx+4], 2 jz .utf16 cmp dword[ebx+4], 3 jz .utf8 cmp [cd_counter_block], 2 jbe .parentDirectory @@: lodsw xchg ah, al call uni2ansi_char stosb call .checkForEnd jc @b @@: mov [edi], byte 0 add [cd_mem_location], 304 jmp .get_names_from_buffer .parentDirectory: stosb cmp [cd_counter_block], 2 jnz @b stosb jmp @b .utf8: add [cd_mem_location], 256 cmp [cd_counter_block], 2 jbe .parentDirectory push ecx mov ecx, 519 @@: lodsw xchg ah, al call UTF16to8 js @f call .checkForEnd jc @b @@: pop ecx mov [edi], byte 0 add [cd_mem_location], 304 jmp .get_names_from_buffer .checkForEnd: mov ax, [esi] cmp ax, 3B00h ; ';' jz @f ; check for files not ending with separator movzx eax, byte [ebp-33] add eax, ebp sub eax, 34 cmp esi, eax jz @f ; check the end of the directory movzx eax, byte [ebp-1] add eax, ebp cmp esi, eax @@: ret .utf16: cmp [cd_counter_block], 2 jbe .utf16ParentDirectory @@: lodsw xchg ah, al stosw call .checkForEnd jc @b @@: mov [edi], word 0 add [cd_mem_location], 560 jmp .get_names_from_buffer .utf16ParentDirectory: stosw cmp [cd_counter_block], 2 jnz @b stosw jmp @b cd_get_parameters_of_file: mov edi, [cd_mem_location] cd_get_parameters_of_file_1: ; get file attributes xor eax, eax ; file is not archived inc eax shl eax, 1 ; is a directory? test [ebp-8], byte 2 jz .file inc eax .file: ; not as a volume label in the FAT, in this form not available ; file is not a system shl eax, 3 ; file is hidden? (attribute of existence) test [ebp-8], byte 1 jz .hidden inc eax .hidden: shl eax, 1 ; file is always read-only, as this CD inc eax mov [edi], eax mov eax, [ebx+4] mov [edi+4], eax ; get the time to file ; hour movzx eax, byte [ebp-12] shl eax, 8 ; minute mov al, [ebp-11] shl eax, 8 ; second mov al, [ebp-10] ; file creation time mov [edi+8], eax ; last access time mov [edi+16], eax ; last write time mov [edi+24], eax ; get date for file ; year movzx eax, byte [ebp-15] add eax, 1900 shl eax, 8 ; month mov al, [ebp-14] shl eax, 8 ; day mov al, [ebp-13] ; file creation date mov [edi+12], eax ; last access date mov [edi+20], eax ; last write date mov [edi+28], eax ; get the file size in bytes xor eax, eax mov [edi+32+4], eax mov eax, [ebp-23] mov [edi+32], eax ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs_CdGetFileInfo: cmp byte [esi], 0 jnz @f mov eax, 2 ret ;-------------------------------------- @@: push edi call cd_find_lfn pushfd cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jz @f popfd pop edi mov eax, 11 ret ;-------------------------------------- @@: popfd jnc @f pop edi mov eax, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret ;-------------------------------------- @@: mov edi, edx push ebp mov ebp, [cd_current_pointer_of_input] add ebp, 33 call cd_get_parameters_of_file_1 pop ebp and dword [edi+4], 0 pop edi xor eax, eax ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd_find_lfn: mov [cd_appl_data], 0 ; in: esi -> path string in UTF-8 ; out: [cd_current_pointer_of_input] -> direntry, CF=1 -> file not found push eax esi ; Sector 16 - start set of volume descriptors call WaitUnitReady cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .access_denied call prevent_medium_removal ; testing of reading mov [CDSectorAddress], dword 16 mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf call ReadCDWRetr;_1 cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .access_denied ; calculation of the last session call WaitUnitReady cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .access_denied call Read_TOC mov ah, [CDDataBuf+4+4] mov al, [CDDataBuf+4+5] shl eax, 16 mov ah, [CDDataBuf+4+6] mov al, [CDDataBuf+4+7] add eax, 15 mov [CDSectorAddress], eax ; mov [CDSectorAddress],dword 15 mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf ;-------------------------------------- .start: inc dword [CDSectorAddress] call ReadCDWRetr;_1 cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .access_denied .start_check: ; checking for "lice" cmp [CDDataBuf+1], dword 'CD00' jne .access_denied cmp [CDDataBuf+5], byte '1' jne .access_denied ; sector is the terminator of set of descriptors volumes? cmp [CDDataBuf], byte 0xff je .access_denied ; sector is an additional and improved descriptor of volume? cmp [CDDataBuf], byte 0x2 jne .start ; sector is an additional descriptor of volume? cmp [CDDataBuf+6], byte 0x1 jne .start ; parameters of root directory mov eax, [CDDataBuf+0x9c+2]; start of root directory mov [CDSectorAddress], eax mov eax, [CDDataBuf+0x9c+10]; size of root directory cmp byte [esi], 0 jnz @f mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input], CDDataBuf+0x9c jmp .done ;-------------------------------------- @@: ; start the search .mainloop: dec dword [CDSectorAddress] ;-------------------------------------- .read_to_buffer: inc dword [CDSectorAddress] mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf call ReadCDWRetr ; read sector of directory cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 jne .access_denied call cd_find_name_in_buffer jnc .found sub eax, 2048 ; directory is over? cmp eax, 0 ja .read_to_buffer ; desired element of chain is not found .access_denied: pop esi eax mov [cd_appl_data], 1 stc ret ;-------------------------------------- ; desired element of chain found .found: ; the end of the file path cmp byte [esi-1], 0 jz .done mov eax, [cd_current_pointer_of_input] push dword [eax+2] pop dword [CDSectorAddress] ; beginning of the directory mov eax, [eax+2+8] ; size of directory jmp .mainloop ;-------------------------------------- ; file pointer found .done: pop esi eax mov [cd_appl_data], 1 clc ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd_find_name_in_buffer: mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], CDDataBuf ;-------------------------------------- .start: call cd_get_name jc .not_found call cd_compare_name jc .start ;-------------------------------------- .found: clc ret ;-------------------------------------- .not_found: stc ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd_get_name: push eax mov ebp, [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2] mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input], ebp mov eax, [ebp] test eax, eax ; entry's is over? jz .next_sector cmp ebp, CDDataBuf+2048 ; buffer is over? jae .next_sector movzx eax, byte [ebp] add [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], eax ; next entry of directory add ebp, 33; pointer is set to the beginning of the name pop eax clc ret ;-------------------------------------- .next_sector: pop eax stc ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd_compare_name: ; in: esi -> UTF-8 name, ebp -> UTF-16BE name ; out: CF=0 -> names match, esi -> next component of name ; CF=1 -> esi is not changed push edx edi eax esi mov edi, ebp .loop: call utf8to16 call utf16toUpper mov edx, eax mov ax, [edi] xchg al, ah call utf16toUpper cmp ax, dx jne .name_not_coincide add edi, 2 cmp [esi], byte '/' ; path separator is end of current element je .done cmp [esi], byte 0 ; path separator end of name jne .loop .done: ; check end of file cmp [edi], word 3B00h; separator end of file ';' je .done_1 ; check for files not ending with separator movzx eax, byte [ebp-33] add eax, ebp sub eax, 34 cmp edi, eax je .done_1 ; check the end of directory movzx eax, byte [ebp-1] add eax, ebp cmp edi, eax jne .name_not_coincide .done_1: pop eax eax edi edx inc esi ret .name_not_coincide: pop esi eax edi edx stc ret