;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2008. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; PLAYNOTE.INC version 1.1 22 November 2003 ;; ;; ;; ;; Player Notes for Speaker PC ;; ;; subfunction #55 from function #55 Menuet OS ;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright 2003 VaStaNi ;; ;; vastani@ukr.net ;; ;; >>>- SIMPLY - QUICKLY - SHORTLY -<<< ;; ;; ;; ;; Note: playnote.txt ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 983 $ align 4 sound_interface: cmp eax, edi ; this is subfunction #55 ? jne retFunc55 ; if no then return. cmp byte [sound_flag],0 jne retFunc55 movzx eax, byte [countDelayNote] or al, al ; player is busy ? jnz retFunc55 ; return counter delay Note mov [memAdrNote],edx call get_pid mov [pidProcessNote],eax xor eax, eax ; Ok! EAX = 0 retFunc55: mov [esp+36], eax ; return value EAX for application ret iglobal align 4 kontrOctave dw 0x4742, 0x4342, 0x3F7C, 0x3BEC, 0x388F, 0x3562 dw 0x3264, 0x2F8F, 0x2CE4, 0x2A5F, 0x2802, 0x25BF memAdrNote dd 0 pidProcessNote dd 0 slotProcessNote dd 0 count_timer_Note dd 1 mem8253r42 dw 0 countDelayNote db 0 endg playNote: ; jmp NotPlayNotes mov esi, [memAdrNote] or esi, esi ; ESI = 0 ? - OFF Notes Play ? jz NotPlayNotes ; if ESI = 0 -> ignore play pocedure cmp eax, [count_timer_Note] jb NotPlayNotes push eax inc eax mov [count_timer_Note], eax mov al, [countDelayNote] dec al ; decrement counter Delay for Playing Note jz NewLoadNote@Delay cmp al, 0xFF ; this is first Note Play ? jne NextDelayNote ;This is FIRST Note, save counter channel 2 chip 8253 mov al, 0xB6 ; control byte to timer chip 8253 out 0x43, al ; Send it to the control port chip 8253 in al, 0x42 ; Read Lower byte counter channel 2 chip 8253 mov ah, al ; AH = Lower byte counter channel 2 in al, 0x42 ; Read Upper byte counter channel 2 chip 8253 mov [mem8253r42], ax ; Save counter channel 2 timer chip 8253 NewLoadNote@Delay: cld ; lodsb ; load AL - counter Delay call ReadNoteByte or al, al ; THE END ? jz EndPlayNote cmp al, 0x81 jnc NoteforOctave mov [countDelayNote], al ; lodsw ; load AX - counter for Note! call ReadNoteByte mov ah,al call ReadNoteByte xchg al,ah jmp pokeNote EndPlayNote: ; THE END Play Notes! in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255 and al, 0xFC ; Turn OFF timer and speaker out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255 mov ax, [mem8253r42] ; memorize counter channel 2 timer chip 8253 xchg al, ah ; reverse byte in word out 0x42, al ; restore Lower byte counter channel 2 mov al, ah ; AL = Upper byte counter channel 2 out 0x42, al ; restore Upper byte channel 2 xor eax, eax ; EAX = 0 mov [memAdrNote], eax ; clear header control Delay-Note string NextDelayNote: mov [countDelayNote], al ; save new counter delay Note pop eax NotPlayNotes: RET NoteforOctave: sub al, 0x81 ; correction value for delay Note mov [countDelayNote], al ; save counter delay this new Note ; lodsb ; load pack control code call ReadNoteByte cmp al, 0xFF ; this is PAUSE ? jne packCode ; no, this is PACK CODE in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255 and al, 0xFC ; Turn OFF timer and speaker out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255 jmp saveESI packCode: mov cl, al ; save code and al, 0xF ; clear upper bits dec al ; correction add al, al ; transform number to offset constant movsx eax, al ; EAX - offset add eax, dword kontrOctave ; EAX - address from constant mov ax, [eax] ; read constant shr cl, 4 ; transform for number Octave shr ax, cl ; calculate from Note this Octave! pokeNote: out 0x42, al ; Lower byte Out to channel 2 timer chip 8253 mov al, ah out 0x42, al ; Upper byte Out to channel 2 timer chip 8253 in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255 or al, 3 ; Turn ON timer and speaker out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255 saveESI: ; mov [memAdrNote], esi ; save new header control Delay-Note string pop eax RET ReadNoteByte: ;result: ; al - note push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,[pidProcessNote] call pid_to_slot test eax,eax jz .failed lea ebx,[esp+12] mov ecx,1 mov edx,[memAdrNote] inc [memAdrNote] call read_process_memory .failed: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax ret ;------------------- END CODE -------------------