; System function 58, subfunctions 1xx ; diamond, 2006 iglobal ; in this table names must be in lowercase rootdirs: db 2,'rd' dd fs_OnRamdisk db 7,'ramdisk' dd fs_OnRamdisk db 2,'fd' dd fs_OnFloppy db 10,'floppydisk' dd fs_OnFloppy db 3,'hd0' dd fs_OnHd0 db 3,'hd1' dd fs_OnHd1 db 3,'hd2' dd fs_OnHd2 db 3,'hd3' dd fs_OnHd3 db 0 endg file_system_lfn: ; in: eax->fileinfo block ; operation codes: ; 0x100 : read file ; 0x101 : rewrite file - not implemented yet ; 0x102 : delete file - not implemented yet ; 0x103 : write/append to file - not implemented yet ; 0x104 : create directory - not implemented yet ; 0x105 : rename file/directory - not implemented yet ; 0x106 : get file attributes structure - not implemented yet ; 0x107 : start application - not implemented yet ; 0x108 : find file with mask - not implemented yet ; parse file name xchg ebx, eax lea esi, [ebx+20] lodsb cmp al, '/' jz @f .notfound: mov dword [esp+36], 5 ; file not found ret @@: cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .rootdir mov edi, rootdirs-4 xor ecx, ecx push esi .scan1: pop esi add edi, ecx scasd mov cl, byte [edi] jecxz .notfound inc edi push esi @@: lodsb or al, 20h scasb loopz @b jnz .scan1 pop eax lodsb cmp al, '/' jz .found1 test al, al jnz .scan1 ; directory /xxx .maindir: ; directory / .rootdir: mov dword [esp+36], 10 ; access denied ret .found1: cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .maindir mov ebp, dword [edi] ; handler for this device ; read partition number xor ecx, ecx xor eax, eax @@: lodsb cmp al, '/' jz .done1 test al, al jz .done1 sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .notfound imul ecx, 10 add ecx, eax jmp @b .done1: test ecx, ecx jz .notfound test al, al jnz @f dec esi @@: ; now ebp contains handler address, ecx - partition number, esi points to ASCIIZ string - rest of name jmp ebp ; handlers for devices ; in: ecx = partition number ; esi -> relative (for device) name ; ebx -> fileinfo ; out: [esp+36]=image of eax, [esp+24]=image of ebx fs_OnRamdisk: cmp ecx, 1 jnz file_system_lfn.notfound movzx eax, byte [ebx] test eax, eax jnz .not_impl mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] add edx, std_application_base_address add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_RamdiskServices + eax*4] mov [esp+36], eax mov [esp+24], ebx ret .not_impl: mov dword [esp+36], 2 ; not implemented ret fs_RamdiskServices: dd fs_RamdiskRead fs_OnFloppy: cmp ecx, 2 ja file_system_lfn.notfound movzx eax, byte [ebx] test eax, eax jnz fs_OnRamdisk.not_impl call reserve_flp mov [flp_number], cl mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] add edx, std_application_base_address add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_FloppyServices + eax*4] and [flp_status], 0 mov [esp+36], eax mov [esp+24], ebx ret fs_FloppyServices: dd fs_FloppyRead fs_OnHd0: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x1F0 mov [hdid], 0 push 1 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd1: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x1F0 mov [hdid], 0x10 push 2 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd2: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x170 mov [hdid], 0 push 3 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd3: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x170 mov [hdid], 0x10 push 4 fs_OnHd: pop eax mov [hdpos], eax cmp ecx, [0x40001+eax] jbe @f and [hd1_status], 0 mov dword [esp+36], 5 ; not found ret @@: mov [fat32part], ecx push ebx esi call choice_necessity_partition_1 pop esi ebx mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] add edx, std_application_base_address movzx eax, byte [ebx] add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_HdServices + eax*4] and [hd1_status], 0 mov [esp+36], eax mov [esp+24], ebx ret fs_HdServices: dd fs_HdRead