;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; BOOTCODE.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; KolibriOS 16-bit loader, ;; ;; based on bootcode for MenuetOS ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;========================================================================== ; ; 16 BIT FUNCTIONS ; ;========================================================================== ; 16-bit data org $+0x10000 old_ints_h: dw 0x400 dd 0 dw 0 kernel_restart_bootblock: db 1 ; version dw 1 ; floppy image is in memory dd 0 ; cannot save parameters align 32 ; GDT TABLE gdts: dw gdte-$-1 dd gdts dw 0 int_code_l: os_code_l: dw 0xffff dw 0x0000 db 0x00 dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b db 0x00 int_data_l: os_data_l: dw 0xffff dw 0x0000 db 0x00 dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b db 0x00 ; --------------- APM --------------------- apm_code_32: dw 0x10 ; limit 64kb db 0, 0, 0 dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b db 0x00 apm_code_16: dw 0x10 db 0, 0, 0 dw 10011111b *256 +10011010b db 0x00 apm_data_16: dw 0x10 db 0, 0, 0 dw 10011111b *256 +10010010b db 0x00 ; ----------------------------------------- app_code_l: dw 0xFFFF;((0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 12) and 0xffff dw 0 db 0x40 db cpl3 dw G32+D32+0x6000+0x7; app_data_l: dw 0xFFFF;(0x80000000-std_application_base_address) shr 12 and 0xffff dw 0 db 0x40 db drw3 dw G32+D32+0x6000+0x7; graph_data_l: dw 0x3ff dw 0x0000 db 0x00 dw 11010000b *256 +11110010b db 0x00 tss0_l: ; times (max_processes+10) dd 0,0 gdte = $ + (max_processes+10)*8 ; videomodes table gr_table: dw 0x112+0100000000000000b , 640 , 480 ; 1 dw 0x115+0100000000000000b , 800 , 600 ; 2 dw 0x118+0100000000000000b , 1024 , 768 ; 3 dw 0x11B+0100000000000000b , 1280 , 1024 ; 4 dw 0x112 , 640 , 480 ; 5 dw 0x115 , 800 , 600 ; 6 dw 0x118 , 1024 , 768 ; 7 dw 0x11B , 1280 ,1024 ; 8 dw 0x13, 640, 480 ; 9 dw 0x12, 640, 480 ; 0 ; table for move to extended memory (int 15h, ah=87h) movedesc: db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0xa0,0x00,0x93,0x0,0x0 db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0x00,0x10,0x93,0x0,0x0 db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0 org $-0x10000 putchar: ; in: al=character mov ah, 0Eh mov bh, 0 int 10h ret print: ; in: si->string mov al, 186 call putchar mov al, ' ' call putchar printplain: ; in: si->string pusha lodsb @@: call putchar lodsb cmp al, 0 jnz @b popa ret ; Now int 16 is used for keyboard support. ; This is shorter, simpler and more reliable. if 0 getkey: push ecx push edx add ebx,0x0101 xor eax,eax gk1: in al,0x60 mov cl,al gk0: in al,0x60 cmp al,cl je gk0 cmp ax,11 jg gk0 gk0_1: mov cl,al ; add al,47 ; mov [ds:keyinbs-0x10000],al ; mov si,keyinbs-0x10000 ; call printplain gk12: in al,0x60 cmp al,cl je gk12 cmp ax,240 jne gk13 mov al,cl jmp gk14 gk13: add cl,128 cmp al,cl jne gk1 sub al,128 gk14: movzx edx,bl cmp eax,edx jb gk1 movzx edx,bh cmp eax,edx jg gk1 test ebx,0x010000 jnz gk3 mov cx,0x1000 mov dx,cx add eax,47 mov cx,ax cmp cx,58 jb gk_nozero sub cx,10 gk_nozero: mov [ds:keyin-0x10000],cl mov si,keyin-0x10000 call printplain gk3: sub eax,48 pop edx pop ecx ret end if getkey: ; get number in range [bl,bh] (bl,bh in ['0'..'9']) ; in: bx=range ; out: ax=digit (1..9, 10 for 0) mov ah, 0 int 16h cmp al, bl jb getkey cmp al, bh ja getkey push ax call putchar pop ax and ax, 0Fh jnz @f mov al, 10 @@: ret setcursor: ; in: dl=column, dh=row mov ah, 2 mov bh, 0 int 10h ret macro _setcursor row,column { mov dx, row*256 + column call setcursor } ;pagetable_set: ;eax - physical address ;es:di - page table ;ecx - number of pages to map ; or al, 7 ;@@: ; stosd ; add eax, 1000h ; loop @b ; ret boot_read_floppy: push si xor si, si mov ah, 2 ; read @@: push ax int 0x13 pop ax jnc @f inc si cmp si, 10 jb @b mov si, badsect-0x10000 sayerr_plain: call printplain jmp $ @@: pop si ret ;========================================================================= ; ; 16 BIT CODE ; ;========================================================================= start_of_code: cld ; \begin{diamond}[02.12.2005] cmp ax, 'KL' jnz @f mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block-0x10000], si mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block+2-0x10000], ds @@: ; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005] ; set up stack mov ax, 3000h mov ss, ax mov sp, 0EC00h ; set up segment registers push cs pop ds push cs pop es ; set videomode mov ax, 3 int 0x10 if lang eq ru ; Load & set russian VGA font (RU.INC) mov bp,RU_FNT1-10000h ; RU_FNT1 - First part mov bx,1000h ; 768 bytes mov cx,30h ; 48 symbols mov dx,80h ; 128 - position of first symbol mov ax,1100h int 10h mov bp,RU_FNT2-10000h ; RU_FNT2 -Second part mov bx,1000h ; 512 bytes mov cx,20h ; 32 symbols mov dx,0E0h ; 224 - position of first symbol mov ax,1100h int 10h ; End set VGA russian font end if ; draw frames push 0xb800 pop es xor di, di ; mov si,d80x25-0x10000 ; mov cx,80*25 ; mov ah,1*16+15 ; dfl1: ; lodsb ; stosw ; loop dfl1 mov ah, 1*16+15 ; draw top mov si, d80x25_top - 0x10000 mov cx, d80x25_top_num * 80 @@: lodsb stosw loop @b ; draw spaces mov si, space_msg - 0x10000 mov cx, 25 - d80x25_top_num - d80x25_bottom_num dfl1: push cx push si mov cx, 80 @@: lodsb stosw loop @b pop si pop cx loop dfl1 ; draw bottom mov si, d80x25_bottom - 0x10000 mov cx, d80x25_bottom_num * 80 @@: lodsb stosw loop @b mov byte [space_msg-0x10000+80], 0 ; now space_msg is null terminated _setcursor d80x25_top_num,0 ; TEST FOR 386+ mov bx, 0x4000 pushf pop ax mov dx,ax xor ax,bx push ax popf pushf pop ax and ax,bx and dx,bx cmp ax,dx jnz cpugood mov si,not386-0x10000 sayerr: call print jmp $ cpugood: ; set up esp movzx esp, sp ; FLUSH 8042 KEYBOARD CONTROLLER ;// mike.dld [ ; mov al,0xED ; out 0x60,al ; or cx,-1 ; @@: ; in al,0x64 ; test al,2 ; jz @f ; loop @b ; @@: ; mov al,0 ; out 0x60,al ; or cx,-1 ; @@: ; in al,0x64 ; test al,2 ; jz @f ; loop @b ; @@: ;// mike.dld ] ; mov ecx,10000 ; fl1: ; in al,0x64 ; loop fl1 ; test al,1 ; jz fl2 ; in al,0x60 ; jmp fl1 ; fl2: ;**************************************************************** ; The function is modified Mario79 ;***************************************************************** ; wait_kbd: ; variant 1 ; mov cx,2500h ;задержка порядка 10 мсек ; test_kbd: ; in al,64h ;читаем состояние клавиатуры ; test al,2 ;проверка бита готовности ; loopnz test_kbd push 0 pop es and word [es:0x9031], 0 ; \begin{Mario79} ; find HDD IDE DMA PCI device ; check for PCI BIOS mov ax, 0xB101 int 0x1A jc .nopci cmp edx, 'PCI ' jnz .nopci ; find PCI class code ; class 1 = mass storage ; subclass 1 = IDE controller ; a) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x80 mov ax, 0xB103 mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x80 mov si, 0 ; device index = 0 int 0x1A jnc .found ; b) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x8A mov ax, 0xB103 mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x8A mov si, 0 ; device index = 0 int 0x1A jnc .found ; c) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x85 mov ax, 0xB103 mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x85 mov si, 0 int 0x1A jc .nopci .found: ; get memory base mov ax, 0xB10A mov di, 0x20 ; memory base is config register at 0x20 int 0x1A jc .nopci and cx, 0xFFF0 ; clear address decode type mov [es:0x9031], cx .nopci: ; \end{Mario79} mov al,0xf6 ; Сброс клавиатуры, разрешить сканирование out 0x60,al xor cx,cx wait_loop: ; variant 2 ; reading state of port of 8042 controller in al,64h and al,00000010b ; ready flag ; wait until 8042 controller is ready loopnz wait_loop ; --------------- APM --------------------- push 0 pop es mov word [es : 0x9044], 0 ; ver = 0.0 (APM not found) mov ax, 0x5300 xor bx, bx int 0x15 jc apm_end ; APM not found test cx, 2 jz apm_end ; APM 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported mov [es : 0x9044], ax ; Save APM Version mov [es : 0x9046], cx ; Save APM flags ; Write APM ver ---- and ax, 0xf0f add ax, '00' mov si, msg_apm - 0x10000 mov [si + 5], ah mov [si + 7], al _setcursor 0, 3 call printplain _setcursor d80x25_top_num,0 ; ------------------ mov ax, 0x5304 ; Disconnect interface xor bx, bx int 0x15 mov ax, 0x5303 ; Connect 32 bit mode interface xor bx, bx int 0x15 ; init selectors movzx eax, ax ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 32-bit code segment shl eax, 4 mov [apm_code_32 - 0x10000 + 2], ax shr eax, 16 mov [apm_code_32 - 0x10000 + 4], al movzx ecx, cx ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit code segment shl ecx, 4 mov [apm_code_16 - 0x10000 + 2], cx shr ecx, 16 mov [apm_code_16 - 0x10000 + 4], cl movzx edx, dx ; real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit data segment shl edx, 4 mov [apm_data_16 - 0x10000 + 2], dx shr edx, 16 mov [apm_data_16 - 0x10000 + 4], dl mov [es : 0x9040], ebx ; offset of APM entry point apm_end: ; ----------------------------------------- ; DISPLAY VESA INFORMATION push 0 pop es mov ax,0x4f00 mov di,0xa000 int 0x10 cmp ax,0x004f mov si, novesa-0x10000 jnz @f mov bx, word [es:di+0x12] shl ebx,16 mov [es:0x9050], ebx mov ax,[es:di+4] add ax,'0'*256+'0' mov si,vervesa-0x10000 mov [si+vervesa_off], ah mov [si+vervesa_off+2], al @@: call print ; \begin{diamond}[30.11.2005] cfgmanager: ; settings: ; a) preboot_graph = graphical mode ; preboot_gprobe = probe this mode? ; b) preboot_mtrr = use hardware acceleration? ; c) preboot_vrrm = use VRR? ; d) preboot_device = from what boot? mov di, preboot_graph-0x10000 ; check bootloader block cmp [.loader_block-0x10000], -1 jz .noloaderblock les bx, [.loader_block-0x10000] cmp byte [es:bx], 1 mov si, loader_block_error-0x10000 jnz sayerr test byte [es:bx+1], 1 jz @f ; image in memory present cmp [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0 jnz @f mov [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 3 @@: .noloaderblock: ; determine default settings mov [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], 0 cmp byte [di], 0 jnz .preboot_gr_end mov [di+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 0 mov al, [vervesa+vervesa_off-0x10000] cmp al, 'x' jz .novesa cmp al, '1' jz .vesa12 mov [di+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 2 mov al, 3 jmp @f .vesa12: mov al, 7 jmp @f .novesa: mov al, 10 @@: mov [di], al .preboot_gr_end: cmp [di+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 1 adc [di+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 0 cmp [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 1 adc [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 0 cmp [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 1 adc [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0 ; notify user mov si, linef-0x10000 call print mov si, start_msg-0x10000 call print mov si, time_msg-0x10000 call print ; get start time call .gettime mov [.starttime-0x10000], eax mov word [.timer-0x10000], .newtimer mov word [.timer-0x10000+2], cs .printcfg: _setcursor 9,0 mov si, current_cfg_msg-0x10000 call print mov si, curvideo_msg-0x10000 call print mov al, [preboot_graph-0x10000] cmp al, 8 ja .pnovesa mov dl, al and eax, 3 mov si, [modes_msg-0x10000+eax*2] call printplain mov si, modevesa20-0x10000 cmp dl, 4 jbe @f mov si, modevesa12-0x10000 @@: call printplain cmp dl, 4 ja .x mov si, probeno_msg-0x10000 cmp [preboot_gprobe-0x10000], 2 jnz @f mov si, probeok_msg-0x10000 @@: call printplain .x: jmp .c .pnovesa: cmp al, 9 mov si, mode9-0x10000 jz @b mov si, mode10-0x10000 jmp @b .c: mov si, linef-0x10000 call printplain mov si, mtrr_msg-0x10000 cmp [preboot_mtrr-0x10000], 1 call .say_on_off mov si, vrrm_msg-0x10000 cmp [preboot_vrrm-0x10000], 1 call .say_on_off mov si, preboot_device_msg-0x10000 call print mov al, [preboot_device-0x10000] and eax, 3 mov si, [preboot_device_msgs-0x10000+eax*2] call printplain .wait: _setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen ; set timer interrupt handler cli push 0 pop es mov eax, [es:8*4] mov [.oldtimer-0x10000], eax mov eax, [.timer-0x10000] mov [es:8*4], eax sti ; wait for keypressed mov ah, 0 int 16h push ax ; restore timer interrupt push 0 pop es mov eax, [.oldtimer-0x10000] mov [es:8*4], eax mov [.timer-0x10000], eax _setcursor 7,0 mov si, space_msg-0x10000 call printplain pop ax ; switch on key cmp al, 13 jz .continue or al, 20h cmp al, 'a' jz .change_a cmp al, 'b' jz .change_b cmp al, 'c' jz .change_c cmp al, 'd' jnz .wait _setcursor 15,0 mov si,bdev-0x10000 call print mov bx,'13' call getkey mov [preboot_device-0x10000], al _setcursor 13,0 .d: mov [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], 1 mov si, space_msg-0x10000 call printplain _setcursor 15,0 mov cx, 6 @@: call printplain loop @b jmp .printcfg .change_a: _setcursor 15,0 mov si, gr_mode-0x10000 call printplain mov bx, '09' call getkey mov [preboot_graph-0x10000], al cmp al, 4 ja @f mov si, probetext-0x10000 call printplain mov bx, '12' call getkey mov [preboot_gprobe-0x10000], al @@: _setcursor 10,0 jmp .d .change_b: _setcursor 15,0 mov si, gr_acc-0x10000 call print mov bx, '12' call getkey mov [preboot_mtrr-0x10000], al _setcursor 11,0 jmp .d .change_c: _setcursor 15,0 mov si, vrrmprint-0x10000 call print mov bx, '12' call getkey mov [preboot_vrrm-0x10000], al _setcursor 12,0 jmp .d .say_on_off: pushf call print mov si, on_msg-0x10000 popf jz @f mov si, off_msg-0x10000 @@: call printplain ret ; novesa and vervesa strings are not used at the moment of executing this code virtual at novesa .oldtimer dd ? .starttime dd ? .bSettingsChanged db ? .timer dd ? end virtual org $+0x10000 .loader_block dd -1 org $-0x10000 .gettime: mov ah, 0 int 1Ah xchg ax, cx shl eax, 10h xchg ax, dx ret .newtimer: push ds push cs pop ds pushf call [.oldtimer-0x10000] pushad call .gettime sub eax, [.starttime-0x10000] sub ax, 18*5 jae .timergo neg ax add ax, 18-1 mov bx, 18 xor dx, dx div bx if lang eq ru ; Ї®¤®¦¤ЁвҐ 5 ᥪ㭤, 4/3/2 ᥪ㭤л, 1 ᥪ㭤г cmp al, 5 mov cl, ' ' jae @f cmp al, 1 mov cl, 'г' jz @f mov cl, 'л' @@: mov [time_str+9-0x10000], cl else ; wait 5/4/3/2 seconds, 1 second cmp al, 1 mov cl, 's' ja @f mov cl, ' ' @@: mov [time_str+9-0x10000], cl end if add al, '0' mov [time_str+1-0x10000], al mov si, time_msg-0x10000 _setcursor 7,0 call print _setcursor 25,0 popad pop ds iret .timergo: push 0 pop es mov eax, [.oldtimer-0x10000] mov [es:8*4], eax mov sp, 0EC00h .continue: sti _setcursor 6,0 mov si, space_msg-0x10000 call printplain call printplain _setcursor 6,0 mov si, loading_msg-0x10000 call print _setcursor 15,0 cmp [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], 0 jz .load cmp [.loader_block-0x10000], -1 jz .load les bx, [.loader_block-0x10000] mov eax, [es:bx+3] push ds pop es test eax, eax jz .load push eax mov si, save_quest-0x10000 call print .waityn: mov ah, 0 int 16h or al, 20h cmp al, 'n' jz .loadc cmp al, 'y' jnz .waityn call putchar mov byte [space_msg-0x10000+80], 186 pop eax push cs push .cont push eax retf .loadc: pop eax .cont: push cs pop ds mov si, space_msg-0x10000 mov byte [si+80], 0 _setcursor 15,0 call printplain _setcursor 15,0 .load: ; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005] ; ASK GRAPHICS MODE movzx ax, [preboot_graph-0x10000] push 0 pop es ; address is gr_table+6*(ax-1)-0x10000 add ax, ax lea si, [gr_table-0x10000 + eax + eax*2 - 6] mov bx,[si+0] mov cx,[si+2] mov dx,[si+4] cmp al, 9*2 mov al, 32 ; BPP jb @f mov [es:0x9000], al mov dword [es:0x9018], 0xFFFFFFFF; 0x800000 @@: mov [es:0x9008],bx mov [es:0x900A],cx mov [es:0x900C],dx test bh, bh jz nov ; USE DEFAULTS OR PROBE ; bx - mode : cx - x size : dx - y size cmp [preboot_gprobe-0x10000], 1 jz noprobe mov bx,0x100 newprobe: inc bx cmp bx,0x17f mov si,prnotfnd-0x10000 jz sayerr probemore: push cx mov ax,0x4f01 mov cx,bx and cx,0xfff mov di,0xa000 int 0x10 pop cx test byte [es:di], 80h ; lfb? jz newprobe cmp [es:di+0x12], cx ; x size? jnz newprobe cmp [es:di+0x14], dx ; y size? jnz newprobe cmp byte [es:di+0x19], 32 ;24 jb newprobe ; add bx,0100000000000000b or bh, 40h mov [es:0x9008],bx noprobe: ; FIND VESA 2.0 LFB & BPP mov ax,0x4f01 mov cx,bx and cx,0xfff mov di,0xa000 int 0x10 ; LFB mov eax,[es:di+0x28] mov [es:0x9018],eax ; ---- vbe voodoo BytesPerScanLine equ 0x10 mov ax, [es:di+BytesPerScanLine] mov [es:0x9001],ax ; BPP mov al,byte [es:di+0x19] mov [es:0x9000],al nov: cmp al,24 mov si,bt24-0x10000 jz bppl cmp al,32 mov si,bt32-0x10000 jz bppl mov si,btns-0x10000 jmp sayerr bppl: call print ; FIND VESA 1.2 PM BANK SWITCH ADDRESS push es mov ax,0x4f0A xor bx, bx int 0x10 xor eax,eax mov ax,es shl eax,4 movzx ebx,di add eax,ebx mov bx,[es:di] add eax,ebx pop es mov [es:0x9014],eax ; GRAPHICS ACCELERATION mov al, [preboot_mtrr-0x10000] mov [es:0x901C],al ; VRR_M USE mov al,[preboot_vrrm-0x10000] mov [es:0x9030],al ; MEMORY MODEL ; movzx eax,byte [es:preboot_memory-0x10000] ; cmp eax,0 ; jne pre_mem ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; mario79 - memory size ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; mov ax,0E801h ;;; xor bx,bx ; thanks to Alexei for bugfix [18.07.2004] ; xor cx, cx ; xor dx, dx ; int 0x15 ; movzx ebx, dx ;bx ; movzx eax, cx ;ax ; shl ebx,6 ; перевод в килобайты (x64) ; add eax,ebx ; add eax, 1000h ;440h ; cmp eax,40000h ; 256? ; jge mem_256_z ; cmp eax,20000h ; 128? ; jge mem_128_z ; cmp eax,10000h ; 64? ; jge mem_64_z ; cmp eax,8000h ; 32? ; jge mem_32_z ; jmp mem_16_z ; ;mem_256_z: mov si,memokz256-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov eax,5 ; jmp pre_mem ;mem_128_z: mov si,memokz128-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov eax,4 ; jmp pre_mem ;mem_64_z: mov si,memokz64-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov eax,3 ; jmp pre_mem ;mem_32_z: mov si,memokz32-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov eax,2 ; jmp pre_mem ;mem_16_z: mov si,memokz16-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov eax,1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; pre_mem: ; push word 0x0000 ; pop es ; mov [es:0x9030],al ; push word 0x1000 ; pop es ; mov si,linef-0x10000 ; call printplain ; DIRECT WRITE TO LFB, PAGING DISABLED ; movzx eax,byte [es:preboot_lfb-0x10000] ; mov eax,1 ; paging disabled ; cmp eax,0 ; jne pre_lfb ; mov si,gr_direct-0x10000 ; call printplain ; mov ebx,'12' ; call getkey ; pre_lfb: ; push word 0x0000 ; pop es ; mov [es:0x901E],al ; mov ax,0x1000 ; mov es,ax ; mov si,linef-0x10000 ; call printplain mov [es:0x901E],byte 1 ; BOOT DEVICE mov al, [preboot_device-0x10000] dec al mov [boot_dev-0x10000],al ; READ DISKETTE TO MEMORY ; cmp [boot_dev-0x10000],0 jne no_sys_on_floppy mov si,diskload-0x10000 call print xor ax, ax ; reset drive xor dx, dx int 0x13 ; now load floppy image to memory ; at first load boot sector and first FAT table mov cx, 0x0001 ; startcyl,startsector xor dx, dx ; starthead,drive mov al, 1+9 ; no of sectors to read mov bx, 0xB000 ; es:bx -> data area call boot_read_floppy ; and copy them to extended memory mov si, movedesc-0x10000 mov [si+8*2+3], bh push es push ds pop es mov cx, 256*10 mov ah, 0x87 int 0x15 test ah, ah jz @f sayerr_floppy: mov dx, 0x3f2 mov al, 0 out dx, al mov si, memmovefailed-0x10000 jmp sayerr_plain @@: add dword [si+8*3+2], 512*10 ; copy FAT to second copy mov byte [si+8*2+3], 0xB2 mov cx, 256*9 mov ah, 0x87 int 0x15 pop es test ah, ah jnz sayerr_floppy add dword [si+8*3+2], 512*9 ; calculate total number of sectors to read mov ax, 1+9+14 ; boot+FAT+root mov di, 0xB203 .calc_loop: test word [es:di], 0xFFF jz @f inc ax @@: test word [es:di+1], 0xFFF0 jz @f inc ax @@: add di, 3 cmp di, 0xB200+1440*3 jb .calc_loop push ax mov bp, 1+9 ; already read sectors ; now read rest mov byte [si+8*2+3], 0xA0 mov di, 2-14 ; absolute sector-31 mov cx, 0x0002 ; cylinder=0, sector=2 mov dx, 0x0100 ; head=1, disk=0 .read_loop: ; determine whether sector must be read cmp di, 2 jl .read mov bx, di shr bx, 1 jnc .even test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF0 jmp @f .even: test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF @@: jz .skip .read: mov bx, 0xA000 mov al, 1 ; 1 sector call boot_read_floppy inc bp push es push ds pop es pusha mov cx, 256 mov ah, 0x87 int 0x15 test ah, ah popa pop es jnz sayerr_floppy .skip: add dword [si+8*3+2], 512 inc cx cmp cl, 19 jnz @f mov cl, 1 inc dh cmp dh, 2 jnz @f mov dh, 0 inc ch @@: pop ax push ax pusha ; draw percentage ; total sectors: ax ; read sectors: bp xchg ax, bp mov cx, 100 mul cx div bp aam xchg al, ah add ax, '00' mov si, pros-0x10000 cmp [si], ax jz @f mov [si], ax call printplain @@: popa inc di cmp di, 2880-31 jnz .read_loop ; mov cx, 0x0001 ; startcyl,startsector ; xor dx, dx ; starthead,drive ; push word 80*2 ; read no of sect ; reads: ; pusha ; xor si,si ; newread: ; mov bx,0xa000 ; es:bx -> data area ; mov ax,0x0200+18 ; read, no of sectors to read ; int 0x13 ; test ah, ah ; jz goodread ; inc si ; cmp si,10 ; jnz newread ; mov si,badsect-0x10000 ;sayerr_plain: ; call printplain ; jmp $ ; goodread: ; ; move -> 1mb ; mov si,movedesc-0x10000 ; push es ; push ds ; pop es ; mov cx,256*18 ; mov ah,0x87 ; int 0x15 ; pop es ; ; test ah,ah ; was the move successfull ? ; je goodmove ; mov dx,0x3f2 ; floppy motor off ; mov al,0 ; out dx,al ; mov si,memmovefailed-0x10000 ; jmp sayerr_plain ; goodmove: ; ; add dword [movedesc-0x10000+0x18+2], 512*18 ; popa ; inc dh ; cmp dh,2 ; jnz bb2 ; mov dh,0 ; inc ch ; pusha ; print prosentage ; mov si,pros-0x10000 ; shr ch, 2 ; mov al, '5' ; test ch, 1 ; jnz @f ; mov al, '0' ;@@: ; mov [si+1], al ; shr ch, 1 ; add ch, '0' ; mov [si], ch ; call printplain ; popa ; bb2: ; pop ax ; dec ax ; push ax ; jnz reads ; readdone: ; pop ax mov si,backspace2-0x10000 call printplain mov si,okt-0x10000 call printplain no_sys_on_floppy: xor ax, ax ; reset drive xor dx, dx int 0x13 mov dx,0x3f2 ; floppy motor off mov al,0 out dx,al push es ; PAGE TABLE push dword [es:0x9018] ; ; mmap_mem equ 64 ; amount of memory to map ; push 0x6000 pop es ; es:di = 6000:0 ; xor di,di ; mov cx,256*mmap_mem ; Map (mapmem) M ;; initialize as identity mapping ; xor eax, eax ; call pagetable_set ; ; ; 4 KB PAGE DIRECTORY ; push 0x7F00 pop es ; es:di = 7F00:0 ; xor di, di ; mov cx, 64 / 4 ; mov eax, 0x60007 ; for 0 M ; call pagetable_set ; xor si,si ; mov di,second_base_address shr 20 ; mov cx,64/2 ; rep movs word [es:di], [es:si] ; mov eax, 0x7F000 +8+16 ; Page directory and enable caches ; mov cr3, eax ; SET GRAPHICS pop es xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ax,[es:0x9008] ; vga & 320x200 mov bx, ax cmp ax,0x13 je setgr cmp ax,0x12 je setgr mov ax,0x4f02 ; Vesa setgr: int 0x10 test ah,ah mov si, fatalsel-0x10000 jnz sayerr ; set mode 0x12 graphics registers: cmp bx,0x12 jne gmok2 mov al,0x05 mov dx,0x03ce push dx out dx,al ; select GDC mode register mov al,0x02 inc dx out dx,al ; set write mode 2 mov al,0x02 mov dx,0x03c4 out dx,al ; select VGA sequencer map mask register mov al,0x0f inc dx out dx,al ; set mask for all planes 0-3 mov al,0x08 pop dx out dx,al ; select GDC bit mask register ; for writes to 0x03cf gmok2: push ds pop es