;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2009. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ image_of_eax EQU esp+36 image_of_ebx EQU esp+24 ; System function 70 - files with long names (LFN) ; diamond, 2006 iglobal ; in this table names must be in lowercase rootdirs: db 2,'rd' dd fs_OnRamdisk dd fs_NextRamdisk db 7,'ramdisk' dd fs_OnRamdisk dd fs_NextRamdisk db 2,'fd' dd fs_OnFloppy dd fs_NextFloppy db 10,'floppydisk' dd fs_OnFloppy dd fs_NextFloppy db 3,'hd0' dd fs_OnHd0 dd fs_NextHd0 db 3,'hd1' dd fs_OnHd1 dd fs_NextHd1 db 3,'hd2' dd fs_OnHd2 dd fs_NextHd2 db 3,'hd3' dd fs_OnHd3 dd fs_NextHd3 ;********************************************** db 3,'cd0' dd fs_OnCd0 dd fs_NextCd db 3,'cd1' dd fs_OnCd1 dd fs_NextCd db 3,'cd2' dd fs_OnCd2 dd fs_NextCd db 3,'cd3' dd fs_OnCd3 dd fs_NextCd ;*********************************************** db 0 virtual_root_query: dd fs_HasRamdisk db 'rd',0 dd fs_HasFloppy db 'fd',0 dd fs_HasHd0 db 'hd0',0 dd fs_HasHd1 db 'hd1',0 dd fs_HasHd2 db 'hd2',0 dd fs_HasHd3 db 'hd3',0 ;********************************************** dd fs_HasCd0 db 'cd0',0 dd fs_HasCd1 db 'cd1',0 dd fs_HasCd2 db 'cd2',0 dd fs_HasCd3 db 'cd3',0 ;********************************************** dd 0 fs_additional_handlers: dd biosdisk_handler, biosdisk_enum_root ; add new handlers here dd 0 endg file_system_lfn: ; in: eax->fileinfo block ; operation codes: ; 0 : read file ; 1 : read folder ; 2 : create/rewrite file ; 3 : write/append to file ; 4 : set end of file ; 5 : get file/directory attributes structure ; 6 : set file/directory attributes structure ; 7 : start application ; 8 : delete file ; 9 : create directory ; parse file name cmp dword [eax], 1 jne @F ;xchg bx,bx @@: ;up to file_system_lfn - TEMP!!! xchg ebx, eax lea esi, [ebx+20] lodsb test al, al jnz @f mov esi, [esi] lodsb @@: cmp al, '/' jz .notcurdir dec esi mov ebp, esi test al, al jnz @f xor ebp, ebp @@: mov esi, [current_slot] mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir] jmp .parse_normal .notcurdir: cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .rootdir call process_replace_file_name .parse_normal: cmp dword [ebx], 7 jne @F mov edx, [ebx+4] mov ebx, [ebx+8] call fs_execute ; esi+ebp, ebx, edx mov [image_of_eax], eax ret @@: mov edi, rootdirs-8 xor ecx, ecx push esi .scan1: pop esi add edi, ecx scasd scasd mov cl, byte [edi] test cl, cl jz .notfound_try inc edi push esi @@: lodsb or al, 20h scasb loopz @b jnz .scan1 lodsb cmp al, '/' jz .found1 test al, al jnz .scan1 pop eax ; directory /xxx .maindir: mov esi, [edi+4] .maindir_noesi: cmp dword [ebx], 1 jnz .access_denied xor eax, eax mov ebp, [ebx+12] ;количество блоков для считывания mov edx, [ebx+16] ;куда записывать рузельтат ; add edx, std_application_base_address push dword [ebx+4] ; first block mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags ; ebx=flags, [esp]=first block, ebp=number of blocks, edx=return area, esi='Next' handler mov edi, edx push ecx mov ecx, 32/4 rep stosd pop ecx mov byte [edx], 1 ; version .maindir_loop: call esi ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jc .maindir_done inc dword [edx+8] dec dword [esp] jns .maindir_loop dec ebp js .maindir_loop inc dword [edx+4] mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder mov dword [edi+4], 1 ; name type: UNICODE push eax xor eax, eax add edi, 8 push ecx mov ecx, 40/4-2 rep stosd pop ecx pop eax push eax edx ; convert number in eax to decimal UNICODE string push edi push ecx push -'0' mov ecx, 10 @@: xor edx, edx div ecx push edx test eax, eax jnz @b @@: pop eax add al, '0' stosb test bl, 1 ; UNICODE name? jz .ansi2 mov byte [edi], 0 inc edi .ansi2: test al, al jnz @b mov byte [edi-1], 0 pop ecx pop edi ; UNICODE name length is 520 bytes, ANSI - 264 add edi, 520 test bl, 1 jnz @f sub edi, 520-264 @@: pop edx eax jmp .maindir_loop .maindir_done: pop eax mov ebx, [edx+4] xor eax, eax dec ebp js @f mov al, ERROR_END_OF_FILE @@: mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret ; directory / .rootdir: cmp dword [ebx], 1 ; read folder? jz .readroot .access_denied: mov dword [image_of_eax], 10 ; access denied ret .readroot: ; virtual root folder - special handler mov esi, virtual_root_query mov ebp, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] ; add edx, std_application_base_address push dword [ebx+4] ; first block mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags xor eax, eax ; eax=0, [esp]=first block, ebx=flags, ebp=number of blocks, edx=return area mov edi, edx mov ecx, 32/4 rep stosd mov byte [edx], 1 ; version .readroot_loop: cmp dword [esi], eax jz .readroot_done_static call dword [esi] add esi, 4 test eax, eax jnz @f .readroot_next: or ecx, -1 xchg esi, edi repnz scasb xchg esi, edi jmp .readroot_loop @@: xor eax, eax inc dword [edx+8] dec dword [esp] jns .readroot_next dec ebp js .readroot_next inc dword [edx+4] mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder mov dword [edi+4], ebx ; name type: UNICODE add edi, 8 mov ecx, 40/4-2 rep stosd push edi @@: lodsb stosb test bl, 1 jz .ansi mov byte [edi], 0 inc edi .ansi: test eax, eax jnz @b pop edi add edi, 520 test bl, 1 jnz .readroot_loop sub edi, 520-264 jmp .readroot_loop .readroot_done_static: mov esi, fs_additional_handlers-8 sub esp, 16 .readroot_ah_loop: add esi, 8 cmp dword [esi], 0 jz .readroot_done xor eax, eax .readroot_ah_loop2: push edi lea edi, [esp+4] call dword [esi+4] pop edi test eax, eax jz .readroot_ah_loop inc dword [edx+8] dec dword [esp+16] jns .readroot_ah_loop2 dec ebp js .readroot_ah_loop2 push eax xor eax, eax inc dword [edx+4] mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder mov dword [edi+4], ebx add edi, 8 mov ecx, 40/4-2 rep stosd push esi edi lea esi, [esp+12] @@: lodsb stosb test bl, 1 jz .ansi3 mov byte [edi], 0 inc edi .ansi3: test al, al jnz @b pop edi esi eax add edi, 520 test bl, 1 jnz .readroot_ah_loop2 sub edi, 520-264 jmp .readroot_ah_loop2 .readroot_done: add esp, 16 pop eax mov ebx, [edx+4] xor eax, eax dec ebp js @f mov al, ERROR_END_OF_FILE @@: mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret .notfound_try: mov edi, fs_additional_handlers @@: cmp dword [edi], 0 jz .notfound call dword [edi] scasd scasd jmp @b .notfound: mov dword [image_of_eax], ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and dword [image_of_ebx], 0 ret .notfounda: cmp edi, esp jnz .notfound add esp, 8 jmp .notfound .found1: pop eax cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .maindir .found2: ; read partition number xor ecx, ecx xor eax, eax @@: lodsb cmp al, '/' jz .done1 test al, al jz .done1 sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .notfounda lea ecx, [ecx*5] lea ecx, [ecx*2+eax] jmp @b .done1: jecxz .notfounda test al, al jnz @f dec esi @@: cmp byte [esi], 0 jnz @f test ebp, ebp jz @f mov esi, ebp xor ebp, ebp @@: ; now [edi] contains handler address, ecx - partition number, ; esi points to ASCIIZ string - rest of name jmp dword [edi] ; handlers for devices ; in: ecx = 0 => query virtual directory /xxx ; in: ecx = partition number ; esi -> relative (for device) name ; ebx -> fileinfo ; ebp = 0 or pointer to rest of name from folder addressed by esi ; out: [image_of_eax]=image of eax, [image_of_ebx]=image of ebx fs_OnRamdisk: cmp ecx, 1 jnz file_system_lfn.notfound mov eax, [ebx] cmp eax, fs_NumRamdiskServices jae .not_impl mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] ; add edx, std_application_base_address add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_RamdiskServices + eax*4] mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret .not_impl: mov dword [image_of_eax], 2 ; not implemented ret fs_NotImplemented: mov eax, 2 ret fs_RamdiskServices: dd fs_RamdiskRead dd fs_RamdiskReadFolder dd fs_RamdiskRewrite dd fs_RamdiskWrite dd fs_RamdiskSetFileEnd dd fs_RamdiskGetFileInfo dd fs_RamdiskSetFileInfo dd 0 dd fs_RamdiskDelete dd fs_RamdiskCreateFolder fs_NumRamdiskServices = ($ - fs_RamdiskServices)/4 fs_OnFloppy: cmp ecx, 2 ja file_system_lfn.notfound mov eax, [ebx] cmp eax, fs_NumFloppyServices jae fs_OnRamdisk.not_impl call reserve_flp mov [flp_number], cl mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] ; add edx, std_application_base_address add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_FloppyServices + eax*4] and [flp_status], 0 mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret fs_FloppyServices: dd fs_FloppyRead dd fs_FloppyReadFolder dd fs_FloppyRewrite dd fs_FloppyWrite dd fs_FloppySetFileEnd dd fs_FloppyGetFileInfo dd fs_FloppySetFileInfo dd 0 dd fs_FloppyDelete dd fs_FloppyCreateFolder fs_NumFloppyServices = ($ - fs_FloppyServices)/4 fs_OnHd0: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x1F0 mov [hdid], 0 push 1 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd1: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x1F0 mov [hdid], 0x10 push 2 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd2: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x170 mov [hdid], 0 push 3 jmp fs_OnHd fs_OnHd3: call reserve_hd1 mov [hdbase], 0x170 mov [hdid], 0x10 push 4 fs_OnHd: call reserve_hd_channel pop eax mov [hdpos], eax cmp ecx, 0x100 jae fs_OnHdAndBd.nf cmp cl, [DRIVE_DATA+1+eax] fs_OnHdAndBd: jbe @f .nf: call free_hd_channel and [hd1_status], 0 mov dword [image_of_eax], 5 ; not found ret @@: mov [known_part], ecx ; mov [fat32part], ecx push ebx esi call choice_necessity_partition_1 pop esi ebx mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] ; add edx, std_application_base_address mov eax, [ebx] cmp eax, fs_NumHdServices jae .not_impl add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_HdServices + eax*4] call free_hd_channel and [hd1_status], 0 mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret .not_impl: call free_hd_channel and [hd1_status], 0 mov dword [image_of_eax], 2 ; not implemented ret fs_HdServices: dd fs_HdRead dd fs_HdReadFolder dd fs_HdRewrite dd fs_HdWrite dd fs_HdSetFileEnd dd fs_HdGetFileInfo dd fs_HdSetFileInfo dd 0 dd fs_HdDelete dd fs_HdCreateFolder fs_NumHdServices = ($ - fs_HdServices)/4 ;******************************************************* fs_OnCd0: call reserve_cd mov [ChannelNumber],1 mov [DiskNumber],0 push 6 push 1 jmp fs_OnCd fs_OnCd1: call reserve_cd mov [ChannelNumber],1 mov [DiskNumber],1 push 4 push 2 jmp fs_OnCd fs_OnCd2: call reserve_cd mov [ChannelNumber],2 mov [DiskNumber],0 push 2 push 3 jmp fs_OnCd fs_OnCd3: call reserve_cd mov [ChannelNumber],2 mov [DiskNumber],1 push 0 push 4 fs_OnCd: call reserve_cd_channel pop eax mov [cdpos], eax pop eax cmp ecx, 0x100 jae .nf push ecx ebx mov cl,al mov bl,[DRIVE_DATA+1] shr bl,cl test bl,2 pop ebx ecx jnz @f .nf: call free_cd_channel and [cd_status], 0 mov dword [image_of_eax], 5 ; not found ret @@: mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] ; add edx, std_application_base_address mov eax, [ebx] cmp eax,fs_NumCdServices jae .not_impl add ebx, 4 call dword [fs_CdServices + eax*4] call free_cd_channel and [cd_status], 0 mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret .not_impl: call free_cd_channel and [cd_status], 0 mov dword [image_of_eax], 2 ; not implemented ret fs_CdServices: dd fs_CdRead dd fs_CdReadFolder dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_CdGetFileInfo dd fs_NotImplemented dd 0 dd fs_NotImplemented dd fs_NotImplemented fs_NumCdServices = ($ - fs_CdServices)/4 ;******************************************************* fs_HasRamdisk: mov al, 1 ; we always have ramdisk ret fs_HasFloppy: cmp byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0 setnz al ret fs_HasHd0: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 11000000b cmp al, 01000000b setz al ret fs_HasHd1: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00110000b cmp al, 00010000b setz al ret fs_HasHd2: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00001100b cmp al, 00000100b setz al ret fs_HasHd3: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00000011b cmp al, 00000001b setz al ret ;******************************************************* fs_HasCd0: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 11000000b cmp al, 10000000b setz al ret fs_HasCd1: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00110000b cmp al, 00100000b setz al ret fs_HasCd2: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00001100b cmp al, 00001000b setz al ret fs_HasCd3: mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1] and al, 00000011b cmp al, 00000010b setz al ret ;******************************************************* ; fs_NextXXX functions: ; in: eax = partition number, from which start to scan ; out: CF=1 => no more partitions ; CF=0 => eax=next partition number fs_NextRamdisk: ; we always have /rd/1 test eax, eax stc jnz @f mov al, 1 clc @@: ret fs_NextFloppy: ; we have /fd/1 iff (([DRIVE_DATA] and 0xF0) != 0) and /fd/2 iff (([DRIVE_DATA] and 0x0F) != 0) test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0xF0 jz .no1 test eax, eax jnz .no1 inc eax ret ; CF cleared .no1: test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0x0F jz .no2 cmp al, 2 jae .no2 mov al, 2 clc ret .no2: stc ret ; on hdx, we have partitions from 1 to [0x40002+x] fs_NextHd0: push 0 jmp fs_NextHd fs_NextHd1: push 1 jmp fs_NextHd fs_NextHd2: push 2 jmp fs_NextHd fs_NextHd3: push 3 fs_NextHd: pop ecx movzx ecx, byte [DRIVE_DATA+2+ecx] cmp eax, ecx jae fs_NextFloppy.no2 inc eax clc ret ;******************************************************* fs_NextCd: ; we always have /cdX/1 test eax, eax stc jnz @f mov al, 1 clc @@: ret ;******************************************************* ; Additional FS handlers. ; This handler gets the control each time when fn 70 is called ; with unknown item of root subdirectory. ; in: esi -> name ; ebp = 0 or rest of name relative to esi ; out: if the handler processes path, he must not return in file_system_lfn, ; but instead pop return address and return directly to the caller ; otherwise simply return ; here we test for /bd/... - BIOS disks biosdisk_handler: cmp [NumBiosDisks], 0 jz .ret mov al, [esi] or al, 20h cmp al, 'b' jnz .ret mov al, [esi+1] or al, 20h cmp al, 'd' jnz .ret push esi inc esi inc esi cmp byte [esi], '0' jb .ret2 cmp byte [esi], '9' ja .ret2 xor edx, edx @@: lodsb test al, al jz .ok cmp al, '/' jz .ok sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .ret2 lea edx, [edx*5] lea edx, [edx*2+eax] jmp @b .ret2: pop esi .ret: ret .ok: cmp al, '/' jz @f dec esi @@: add dl, 80h xor ecx, ecx @@: cmp dl, [BiosDisksData+ecx*4] jz .ok2 inc ecx cmp ecx, [NumBiosDisks] jb @b jmp .ret2 .ok2: add esp, 8 test al, al jnz @f mov esi, fs_BdNext jmp file_system_lfn.maindir_noesi @@: push ecx push fs_OnBd mov edi, esp jmp file_system_lfn.found2 fs_BdNext: cmp eax, [BiosDiskPartitions+ecx*4] inc eax cmc ret fs_OnBd: pop edx edx ; edx = disk number, ecx = partition number ; esi+ebp = name call reserve_hd1 add edx, 0x80 mov [hdpos], edx cmp ecx, [BiosDiskPartitions+(edx-0x80)*4] jmp fs_OnHdAndBd ; This handler is called when virtual root is enumerated ; and must return all items which can be handled by this. ; It is called several times, first time with eax=0 ; in: eax = 0 for first call, previously returned value for subsequent calls ; out: eax = 0 => no more items ; eax != 0 => buffer pointed to by edi contains name of item ; here we enumerate existing BIOS disks /bd biosdisk_enum_root: cmp eax, [NumBiosDisks] jae .end push eax movzx eax, byte [BiosDisksData+eax*4] sub al, 80h push eax mov al, 'b' stosb mov al, 'd' stosb pop eax cmp al, 10 jae .big add al, '0' stosb mov byte [edi], 0 pop eax inc eax ret .end: xor eax, eax ret .big: push ecx push -'0' mov ecx, 10 @@: xor edx, edx div ecx push edx test eax, eax jnz @b xchg eax, edx @@: pop eax add al, '0' stosb jnz @b pop ecx pop eax inc eax ret process_replace_file_name: mov ebp, [full_file_name_table] mov edi, [full_file_name_table.size] dec edi shl edi, 7 add edi, ebp .loop: cmp edi, ebp jb .notfound push esi edi @@: cmp byte [edi], 0 jz .dest_done lodsb test al, al jz .cont or al, 20h scasb jz @b jmp .cont .dest_done: cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .found cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz .cont inc esi jmp .found .cont: pop edi esi sub edi, 128 jmp .loop .found: pop edi eax mov ebp, esi cmp byte [esi], 0 lea esi, [edi+64] jnz .ret .notfound: xor ebp, ebp .ret: ret sys_current_directory: ; mov esi, [current_slot] ; mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir] ; mov edx, esi ;get length string of appdata.cur_dir mov eax, [current_slot] mov edi, [eax+APPDATA.cur_dir] dec ebx jz .set dec ebx jz .get ret .get: ; sysfunction 30.2: [for app] eax=30,ebx=2,ecx->buffer,edx=len ; for our code: ebx->buffer,ecx=len max_cur_dir equ 0x1000 mov ebx,edi push ecx push edi xor eax,eax mov ecx,max_cur_dir repne scasb ;find zerro at and string jnz .error ; no zero in cur_dir: internal error, should not happen sub edi,ebx ;lenght for copy inc edi mov [esp+32+8],edi ;return in eax cmp edx, edi jbe @f mov edx, edi @@: ;source string pop esi ;destination string pop edi cmp edx, 1 jbe .ret mov al,'/' ;start string with '/' stosb mov ecx,edx rep movsb ;copy string .ret: ret .error: add esp,8 or dword [esp+32],-1 ;error not found zerro at string ->[eax+APPDATA.cur_dir] ret .set: ; sysfunction 30.1: [for app] eax=30,ebx=1,ecx->string ; for our code: ebx->string to set ; use generic resolver with APPDATA.cur_dir as destination push max_cur_dir ;0x1000 push edi ;destination mov ebx,ecx call get_full_file_name ret ; in: ebx = file name, [esp+4] = destination, [esp+8] = sizeof destination ; destroys all registers except ebp,esp get_full_file_name: push ebp mov esi, [current_slot] mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir] mov edx, esi @@: inc esi cmp byte [esi-1], 0 jnz @b dec esi cmp byte [ebx], '/' jz .set_absolute ; string gives relative path mov edi, [esp+8] ; destination .relative: cmp byte [ebx], 0 jz .set_ok cmp word [ebx], '.' jz .set_ok cmp word [ebx], './' jnz @f add ebx, 2 jmp .relative @@: cmp word [ebx], '..' jnz .doset_relative cmp byte [ebx+2], 0 jz @f cmp byte [ebx+2], '/' jnz .doset_relative @@: dec esi cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz @b add ebx, 3 jmp .relative .set_ok: cmp edx, edi ; is destination equal to APPDATA.cur_dir? jz .set_ok.cur_dir sub esi, edx cmp esi, [esp+12] jb .set_ok.copy .fail: mov byte [edi], 0 xor eax, eax ; fail pop ebp ret 8 .set_ok.copy: mov ecx, esi mov esi, edx rep movsb mov byte [edi], 0 .ret.ok: mov al, 1 ; ok pop ebp ret 8 .set_ok.cur_dir: mov byte [esi], 0 jmp .ret.ok .doset_relative: cmp edx, edi jz .doset_relative.cur_dir sub esi, edx cmp esi, [esp+12] jae .fail mov ecx, esi mov esi, edx mov edx, edi rep movsb jmp .doset_relative.copy .doset_relative.cur_dir: mov edi, esi .doset_relative.copy: add edx, [esp+12] mov byte [edi], '/' inc edi cmp edi, edx jae .overflow @@: mov al, [ebx] inc ebx stosb test al, al jz .ret.ok cmp edi, edx jb @b .overflow: dec edi jmp .fail .set_absolute: lea esi, [ebx+1] call process_replace_file_name mov edi, [esp+8] mov edx, [esp+12] add edx, edi .set_copy: lodsb stosb test al, al jz .set_part2 .set_copy_cont: cmp edi, edx jb .set_copy jmp .overflow .set_part2: mov esi, ebp xor ebp, ebp test esi, esi jz .ret.ok mov byte [edi-1], '/' jmp .set_copy_cont