idbChange equ 2 idbCreate equ 3 idbLeft equ 4 idbRight equ 5 idbCancel equ 1 DlgAdd: DlgProp: mov eax,[SelIcon] mov [DlgSelIcon],eax cmp eax,-1 jne SetProp m2m dword[AddX],dword[MouseX] m2m dword[AddY],dword[MouseY] mov ecx,NAME_LENGTH mov edi,DAreaName xor al,al rep stosb mov dword[edtName.size],0 mov dword[edtName.pos],0 mov ecx,256 mov edi,DAreaPath rep stosb mov dword[edtExePath.size],0 mov dword[edtExePath.pos],0 mov ecx,256 mov edi,DAreaParams rep stosb mov dword[edtParams.size],0 mov dword[edtParams.pos],0 mov ecx,256 mov edi,DAreaIcon rep stosb mov dword[edtIcon.size],0 mov dword[edtIcon.pos],0 jmp startDlg ;-------- SetProp: mov esi,[IconsOffs+eax*4] mov edi,DAreaName xor ecx,ecx @@: lodsb stosb inc ecx test al,al jnz @b dec ecx mov dword[edtName.size],ecx mov dword[edtName.pos],ecx xor ecx,ecx mov edi,DAreaPath @@: lodsb stosb inc ecx test al,al jnz @b dec ecx mov dword[edtExePath.size],ecx mov dword[edtExePath.pos],ecx xor ecx,ecx mov edi,DAreaParams @@: lodsb stosb inc ecx test al,al jnz @b dec ecx mov dword[edtParams.size],ecx mov dword[edtParams.pos],ecx xor ecx,ecx mov edi,DAreaIcon @@: lodsb stosb inc ecx test al,al jnz @b dec ecx mov dword[edtIcon.size],ecx mov dword[edtIcon.pos],ecx startDlg: mcall 9,RBProcInfo,-1 mcall 18,21,dword[RBProcInfo+30] mov [slotDlgAdd],eax or [edtName.flags],ed_focus mcall 40,100111b ;SetMaskMessage 100111b xor eax,eax mov dword[MaxPage],0 @@: add eax,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTW inc dword[MaxPage] cmp eax,[icon_count] jb @b dec dword[MaxPage] cmp dword[MaxPage],0 jne @f mov dword[MaxPage],1 @@: DReDraw: mcall 48,3,sc,40 mov eax,[] rol eax,16 add al,9 jnc @f mov al,0FFh @@: rol eax,16 add al,9 jnc @f mov al,0FFh @@: add ah,9 jnc @f mov ah,0FFh @@: mov [sbIcons.bckg_col],eax m2m [sbIcons.frnt_col],[] m2m [sbIcons.line_col],[sc.work_graph] edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtName,edtExePath,sc edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtExePath,edtParams,sc edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtParams,edtIcon,sc edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtIcon,endEdits,sc call DRedraw DMessages: mcall 10 ;WaitMessage dec eax jz DReDraw dec eax jz DKey dec eax jz DButton sub eax,3 jz DMouse jmp DMessages ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- DKey: mcall 2 ;GetKeyPressed cmp ah,1Bh je DExit cmp ah,9 ;Tab je DNextEdit stdcall [edit_box_key],edtName stdcall [edit_box_key],edtExePath stdcall [edit_box_key],edtParams stdcall [edit_box_key],edtIcon jmp DMessages DNextEdit: test [edtName.flags],ed_focus jne .DNE1 test [edtExePath.flags],ed_focus jne .DNE2 test [edtParams.flags],ed_focus jne .DNE3 test [edtIcon.flags],ed_focus jne .DNE4 jmp DMessages .DNE1: and [edtName.flags],not ed_focus or [edtExePath.flags],ed_focus stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtName stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtExePath jmp DMessages .DNE2: and [edtExePath.flags],not ed_focus or [edtParams.flags],ed_focus stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtExePath stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtParams jmp DMessages .DNE3: and [edtParams.flags],not ed_focus or [edtIcon.flags],ed_focus stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtParams stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtIcon jmp DMessages .DNE4: and [edtIcon.flags],not ed_focus or [edtName.flags],ed_focus stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtName stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtIcon jmp DMessages ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- DButton: mcall 17 ;GetButtonPressed cmp ah, idbCancel je DExit cmp ah,idbChange je DSetExePath cmp ah,idbCreate je DSaveIcon jmp DMessages ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DMouse: stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtName stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtExePath stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtParams stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtIcon push [sbIcons.position] stdcall [scrollbar_h_mouse],sbIcons pop eax cmp eax,[sbIcons.position] je @f call DrawStdIcons @@: mcall 37,2 ;GetMouseKey test eax,1 jz DMessages mcall 37,1 ;GetMouseWinPos test eax,10001000h jne DMessages xor edx,edx mov dx,ax ;y shr eax,16 ;x sub eax,ICONSX js DMessages sub edx,ICONSY js DMessages cmp eax,(IMG_SIZE+SPCW)*ICONS_DRAW_COUNTW-SPCW ja DMessages cmp edx,(IMG_SIZE+SPCH)*ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH-SPCH ja DMessages xor ebx,ebx mov ecx,[sbIcons.position] test ecx,ecx jz .DM @@: add ebx,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH loop @b .DM: sub eax,IMG_SIZE+SPCW js .DM1 @@: add ebx,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH sub eax,IMG_SIZE+SPCW jns @b .DM1: sub edx,IMG_SIZE+SPCH js .DM2 @@: inc ebx sub edx,IMG_SIZE+SPCH jns @b .DM2: mov eax,ebx cmp eax,[icon_count] jae DMessages mov bl,10 div bl add ah,30h test al,al jz @f add al,30h mov byte[DAreaIcon],al mov byte[DAreaIcon+1],ah mov byte[DAreaIcon+2],0 mov dword[edtIcon.size],2 jmp .RedrawNum @@: mov byte[DAreaIcon],ah mov byte[DAreaIcon+1],0 mov dword[edtIcon.size],1 jmp .RedrawNum .RedrawNum: stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtIcon call DrawSelIcon jmp DReDraw;DMessages; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSetExePath: stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data mov edi,DAreaPath xor al,al or ecx,-1 repne scasb sub edi,DAreaPath dec edi mov dword[edtExePath+12*4],edi jmp DMessages;DReDraw; DSaveIcon: mov dword[fiRunProg+8],WarningSave mov dword[fiRunProg+21],pthNotify mcall 70,fiRunProg cmp [DlgSelIcon],-1 je @f ;удаляем из ini старую иконку mov ebx,[DlgSelIcon] mov eax,[IconsOffs+ebx*4] stdcall [ini_del_section],IconIni,eax stdcall EditIcon,[DlgSelIcon],DAreaIcon,DAreaName,DAreaPath,DAreaParams jmp DExitAndSave @@: stdcall AddIcon,[AddX],[AddY],DAreaIcon,DAreaName,DAreaPath,DAreaParams ;jmp DExitAndSave ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DExitAndSave: stdcall [ini_set_str],IconIni,DAreaName,keyPath,DAreaPath,dword[edtExePath.size] stdcall [ini_set_str],IconIni,DAreaName,keyParams,DAreaParams,dword[edtParams.size] stdcall [ini_set_str],IconIni,DAreaName,keyIco,DAreaIcon,dword[edtIcon.size] stdcall [ini_set_int],IconIni,DAreaName,keyX,[MouseX] stdcall [ini_set_int],IconIni,DAreaName,keyY,[MouseY] DExit: mov [DlgAddActiv],0 mov [slotDlgAdd],0 mcall -1 ;ExitThread ;################################################################## proc DRedraw mcall 12,1 ;RedrawWinBeg mov edx,[] or edx,33000000h mcall 0,<100,400>,<100,(IMG_SIZE+SPCH)*ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH+185>,,,DTitle stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtName stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtExePath stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtParams stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtIcon call DrawStdIcons stdcall [scrollbar_h_draw],sbIcons mcall 38,,\ ,\ [sc.work_graph] mcall ,,\ ,\ [sc.work_graph] mcall ,,\ ,\ [sc.work_graph] mcall ,,\ ,\ [sc.work_graph] ;BUTTONS mcall 8,<250,49>,<30+END_ICONS_AREAH,16>,idbCreate,[sc.work_button] mcall ,<305,54>, ,idbCancel mcall ,<351,14>,<26,14> ,idbChange ;CAPTIONS mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,80000000h mcall 4,<30+IMG_SIZE,10>,,DCaptName mcall ,<30+IMG_SIZE,30>,,DCaptPath mcall ,<30+IMG_SIZE,50>,,DCaptParams mcall ,<30+IMG_SIZE,70>,,DCaptIcon if lang eq ru mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text] or ecx,80000000h mcall ,<309,35+END_ICONS_AREAH>,,DCaptCancel cmp [DlgSelIcon],-1 jne @f mpack ebx,255,35+END_ICONS_AREAH mov edx,DCaptCreate jmp .DRD1 @@: mpack ebx,252,35+END_ICONS_AREAH mov edx,DCaptProperties .DRD1: else mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text] or ecx,80000000h mcall ,<315,35+END_ICONS_AREAH>,,DCaptCancel cmp [DlgSelIcon],-1 jne @f mpack ebx,257,35+END_ICONS_AREAH mov edx,DCaptCreate jmp .DRD1 @@: mpack ebx,257,35+END_ICONS_AREAH mov edx,DCaptProperties .DRD1: end if mcall mcall 1,351+4 ,26+10,[sc.work_button_text] mcall ,351+4+3,26+10, mcall ,351+4+6,26+10, call DrawSelIcon mcall 12,2 ;RedrawWinEnd ret endp proc DrawStdIcons local IcoX:DWORD,\ IcoY:DWORD,\ iIcon:DWORD mov ecx,[sbIcons.position] xor eax,eax m2m dword[iIcon],0 test ecx,ecx jz .DST1 @@: add [iIcon],ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH add eax,IMG_SIZE*IMG_SIZE*4*ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH loop @b .DST1: lea esi,[eax+44] add esi,[raw_pointer] mov [IcoX],ICONSX mov ecx,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTW .DrawIcons: push ecx mov [IcoY],ICONSY mov ecx,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH .DrawIcoStolb: push ecx mov edi,IconArea mov edx,IMG_SIZE .DrawLine: mov ecx,IMG_SIZE .DrawPix: lodsd test eax,0FF000000h jnz @f mov eax,[] @@: mov word[edi],ax shr eax,16 mov [edi+2],al add edi,3 loop .DrawPix dec edx jnz .DrawLine mov edx,[IcoX] shl edx,16 mov dx,word[IcoY] mcall 7,IconArea, inc [iIcon] mov eax,[iIcon] cmp eax,[icon_count] jae .endDrawIcon add dword[IcoY],IMG_SIZE+SPCH pop ecx loop .DrawIcoStolb add dword[IcoX],IMG_SIZE+SPCW pop ecx loop .DrawIcons jmp .endProc .endDrawIcon: mov ecx,IMG_SIZE*IMG_SIZE mov edi,IconArea mov eax,[] mov ebx,eax shr ebx,16 @@: mov word[edi],ax mov [edi+2],bl add edi,3 loop @b ;затирание не использованых мест jmp .Dalee .DrawIcons2: push ecx mov [IcoY],ICONSY mov ecx,ICONS_DRAW_COUNTH .DrawIcoStolb2: push ecx mov edx,[IcoX] shl edx,16 mov dx,word[IcoY] mcall 7,IconArea, .Dalee: add dword[IcoY],IMG_SIZE+SPCH pop ecx loop .DrawIcoStolb2 add dword[IcoX],IMG_SIZE+SPCW pop ecx loop .DrawIcons2 .endProc: ret endp proc DrawSelIcon mov edi,DAreaIcon cmp byte[edi],0 jne @f ret @@: mov al,[edi] cmp al,'9' ja .PathToIcon cmp al,'/' jne .GetIconInd .PathToIcon: mov al,30h ;заглушка!!!!!!!!!!!!! mov byte[edi+1],0 .GetIconInd: ;int3 sub al,30h cmp byte[edi+1],0 je @f shl eax,1 lea eax,[eax*4+eax] xor edx,edx mov dl,[edi+1] sub dl,30h add eax,edx @@: ;eax=num icon cmp eax,[icon_count] jb @f xor eax,eax @@: test eax,eax je .DI1 mov ecx,eax xor eax,eax @@: add eax,IMG_SIZE*IMG_SIZE*4 loop @b .DI1: mov esi,eax add esi,[raw_pointer] add esi,44 mov edi,IconArea mov edx,IMG_SIZE .DrawLine: mov ecx,IMG_SIZE .DrawPix: lodsd test eax,0FF000000h jnz @f mov eax,[] @@: mov word[edi],ax shr eax,16 mov [edi+2],al add edi,3 loop .DrawPix dec edx jnz .DrawLine mcall 7,IconArea,,<15,25> ret endp