;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; TASK PANEL for KolibriOS - Compile with fasm ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.25 ; last update: 14/07/2013 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: Reinstall screen work area after change screen resolution ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.24 ; last update: 16/06/2013 ; changed by: hidnplayr ; changes: Changed keymap hotkeys to only use left alt ; (Right alt has special function on some keyboards) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.23 ; last update: 26/04/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: Using new f18.23 - minimize all windows ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.22 ; last update: 20/04/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: Activation mechanism when trying to run an existing appl. ; Forced redrawing the background after the clean desktop (Win+D) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.2 ; last update: 19/04/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: Support PrintScreen for SCRSHOOT. ; Path to run applications from the INI file. ; Algorithm anti-duplication of applications for run with hotkey. ; Added color selection for the Alt+Tab. ; Alt+Ctrl+ArrowLeft - Page list next ; Alt+Ctrl+ArrowRight - Page list previous ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.1 ; last update: 18/04/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: Added color selection for the text. ; Show "change page list" only if the applications ; does not fit in the panel. ; Display file names up to 11 char previously displ. only 8 char. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; version: 2.0 ; last update: 17/04/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: New logic of switching windows (turnoff/restore) ; New logic of button "clear desktop". ; Win+D (restore/clear desktop), Win+R (start RUN application). ; Using the library LibINI to set the parameters. ; New style of panel. Start application Menu with boot options. ; two versions of the location of the panel - ; the bottom of the desktop and on top of the desktop. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; last update: 31/03/2012 ; changed by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario ; changes: The program uses only 20 Kb memory is now. ; Code optimizing and refactoring. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ format binary as "" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; program start dd IM_END ; program image size dd I_END ; reguired amount of memory - 10 Kb dd stack_top ; esp dd 0x0 ; boot parameters dd path ; application pach ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'lang.inc' include '../../../macros.inc' include '../../../proc32.inc' ;include '../../../debug.inc' include 'MOI.INC' ;раскладки клавиатуры include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac' @use_library ;use load lib macros ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ caps_lock_check fix 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ time_bgr_color = 0x66cc ;PANEL_HEIGHT = 18 ML_SIZE = 10 MR_SIZE = 10 if lang eq et MENU_SIZE = 60 else MENU_SIZE = 50 end if CLD_SIZE = 20 TAB_SIZE = 75 ;60 TRAY_SIZE = 140 CLOCK_SIZE = 40 CPU_USAGE_SIZE = 10 CHLANG_SIZE = 20 PAGE_LIST_SIZE = 36 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 handle_key: mcall 18,7 mov [active_process],eax mcall 2 ; dps "panel key: " ; dph eax ; newline cmp al, 2 jnz begin_1.ret mov ebx, exec_fileinfo shr eax, 8 cmp al, 0 je prod mov [key_r],al sub [key_r],2 cmp [key_r],9 jc alter if caps_lock_check cmp al,58 ;CAPS LOCK DOWN jne @f pusha mcall 26,2,9 mov ebx,eax mov eax,2 mov [draw_flag_certainly],1 call draw_flag ; language popa ret @@: end if cmp al, 15 ; Alt+Tab DOWN jz alt_tab_pressed cmp al, 88 ; Ctrl+Alt+F12 jz start_end_application cmp al, 91 ; RWin DOWN jz set_win_key_flag cmp al, 92 ; LWin DOWN jz set_win_key_flag cmp al, 219 ; RWin UP jz cut_win_key_flag ;start_menu_application cmp al, 220 ; LWin UP jz cut_win_key_flag ;start_menu_application cmp al, 62 ; Alt+F4 jz kill_active_application cmp al, 205 jz page_list_next cmp al, 203 jz page_list_prev cmp al, 69 ; Alt+Shift+NumLock jz start_mousemul_application cmp al, 19 ; Win+R jz start_run_application cmp al, 32 ; Win+D jz minimize_all_windows cmp al, 55 ; PrintScreen DOWN jz start_PrintScreen_application ;-------------------------------------- align 4 prod: cmp [current_alt_tab_app], -1 jz @f test ah, 0x30 ; Alt+Tab UP jz alt_tab_released ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: ; this is hotkey LCtrl+LShift ;or LShift+RShift jmp karu ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 set_win_key_flag: mov [win_key_flag],1 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 cut_win_key_flag: xor eax,eax mov [win_key_flag],al xchg [start_menu_flag],al test al,al jz start_menu_application ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 change_key_lang: mov dword [ebx+8], chlang mcall 70 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 begin_1: mov ecx,[active_process] mcall 18, 3 mcall 5, 25 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .ret: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 start_end_application: mov esi,end_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f mcall 18,3,edi ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21],end_name mcall 70 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 start_mousemul_application: mov esi,mousemul_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21],mousemul_name mcall 70 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 kill_active_application: mcall 72,1,3,1 jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 start_menu_application: call menu_handler jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 start_run_application: cmp [win_key_flag],1 je @f ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov [start_menu_flag],1 mov esi,run_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f mcall 18,3,edi ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21], run_name mcall 70 jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 start_PrintScreen_application: mov esi,printscreen_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f mcall 18,3,edi ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21],printscreen_name mov [ebx+8],dword bootparam_printscreen mcall 70 jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 minimize_all_windows: cmp [win_key_flag],1 je @f ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov [start_menu_flag],1 call clean_desktop ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 algorithm_anti_duplication: cld ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: lodsb test al,al jnz @r ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: std lodsb cmp al,'/' jnz @r add esi,2 mov edx,esi mov edi,1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: inc edi mov ecx,edi mcall 9,procinfo_window_tabs cmp edi,eax jg .apply_changes mov esi,edx mov ecx,11 add ebx,9 cld ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .loop: lodsb inc ebx cmp al,[ebx] jne @r loop .loop mov eax,1 ret ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .apply_changes: xor eax,eax ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 page_list_next: cmp [page_list],50 je @f xor eax,eax cmp [page_list_enable],eax je @f inc [page_list] mov [redraw_window_flag],1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 page_list_prev: xor eax,eax cmp [page_list],eax je @f cmp [page_list_enable],eax je @f dec [page_list] mov [redraw_window_flag],1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: jmp begin_1.ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 alt_tab_pressed: ; handle Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab mov ebp, eax cmp [current_alt_tab_app], -1 jnz has_alt_tab_app ; заполняем таблицу приложений, подлежащих переключению xor edx, edx mov ebx, procinfo_window_tabs mov ecx, 1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .fill: inc ecx mcall 9 call need_window_tab jz @f cmp edx, 256 jz @f mov [alt_tab_list+edx*8], ecx movzx esi, word [ebx+4] mov [alt_tab_list+edx*8+4], esi inc edx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: cmp ecx,eax jb .fill mov [alt_tab_list_size], edx test edx, edx jz begin_1.ret mcall 66,4,0,0 ; ловим момент отпускания всех управляющих клавиш test eax, eax jnz begin_1.ret xor edx, edx mov eax, [alt_tab_list+4] xor ecx, ecx inc ecx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .findmax: cmp [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4], eax jb @f mov edx, ecx mov eax, [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4] ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: inc ecx cmp ecx, [alt_tab_list_size] jb .findmax mov [current_alt_tab_app], edx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 has_alt_tab_app: mov eax, [current_alt_tab_app] mov edx, [alt_tab_list+eax*8+4] ; slot xor ecx, ecx or eax, -1 test ebp, 300h jz .notshift or esi, -1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .loop1: cmp [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4], edx jbe @f cmp [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4], esi jae @f mov eax, ecx mov esi, [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4] ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: inc ecx cmp ecx, [alt_tab_list_size] jb .loop1 cmp eax, -1 jnz .found xor edx, edx xor ecx, ecx jmp .loop1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .notshift: xor esi, esi ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .loop2: cmp [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4], edx jae @f cmp [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4], esi jbe @f mov eax, ecx mov esi, [alt_tab_list+ecx*8+4] ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: inc ecx cmp ecx, [alt_tab_list_size] jb .loop2 cmp eax, -1 jnz .found or edx, -1 xor ecx, ecx jmp .loop2 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .found: mov [current_alt_tab_app], eax push eax xor edx, edx div [max_applications] mov [page_list], eax mov edi, app_list push edi mov ecx, 20 or eax, -1 rep stosd pop edi pop ecx sub ecx, edx ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: cmp ecx, [alt_tab_list_size] jae redraw_window_tabs mov eax, [alt_tab_list+ecx*8] stosd inc ecx jmp @b ;-------------------------------------- align 4 alt_tab_released: mcall 66,5,0,0 ; уже поймали, хватит :) or eax, -1 xchg eax, [current_alt_tab_app] mov ecx, [alt_tab_list+eax*8] mcall 18,3 jmp redraw_window_tabs ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 active_process dd 0 exit: mcall -1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ START: mcall 68,11 mcall 66,1,1 mcall 9,process_info_buffer,-1 mov ecx,[ebx+30] ; PID mcall 18,21 mov [my_active_slot],eax ; WINDOW SLOT load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs test eax,eax jnz exit call Get_ini mcall 48,1,[button_style] mcall 66,4,0,2 ; LShift+RShift mcall 66,,,33h ; LCtrl+LShift mcall 66,,88,110h ; Alt+Ctrl+F12 mcall 66,,91,0h ; RWin DOWN mcall 66,,92 ; LWin DOWN mcall 66,,219 ; RWin UP mcall 66,,220 ; LWin UP mcall 66,,19,0h ; Win+R DOWN mcall 66,,32,0h ; Win+D DOWN mcall 66,,55,10h ; Ctrl+PrintScreen DOWN mcall 66,,62,300h ; Alt+F4 mcall 66,,2 ; Alt+1 mcall 66,,3 ; Alt+2 mcall 66,,4 ; Alt+3 mcall 66,,5 ; Alt+4 mcall 66,,6 ; Alt+5 mcall 66,,7 ; Alt+6 mcall 66,,8 ; Alt+7 mcall 66,,9 ; Alt+8 mcall 66,,10 ; Alt+9 mcall 66,,15 ; Alt+Tab DOWN mcall 66,,15,301h ; Alt+Shift+Tab DOWN mcall 66,,69 ; Alt+Shift+NumLock if caps_lock_check xor edx,edx mcall 66,4,58 end if mcall 14 mov [screen_size],eax call set_work_ares_pf_screen mcall 9,process_info_buffer,-1 mov ecx,[process_info_buffer+30] mcall 18,21 mov [this_slot],eax mov [max_slot],255 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 start_after_minimize: call draw_window call draw_running_applications mcall 23,30 call load_ini ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 still: call draw_time call draw_cpu_usage call draw_running_applications mcall 18,7 ; check if active window changed cmp eax, [last_active_window] jz @f ; need_window_tab: ; in: ebx->process info ; out: ZF set <=> do not draw mov ebx,[last_active_window] mov [prev_active_window], ebx mov [last_active_window], eax mov ecx, eax mcall 9,process_info_buffer call need_window_tab jnz .need_repaint mcall 9,process_info_buffer,[prev_active_window] call need_window_tab jz @f ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .need_repaint: mov dword [active_window_changed], 1 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mcall 23,20 push eax mcall 18,7 cmp [my_active_slot],eax je @f mov [current_active_slot],eax ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: pop eax cmp eax,1 ; redraw ? jz red push eax mov eax,[redraw_window_flag] test eax,eax jz @f call draw_window ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: pop eax cmp eax,2 jnz @f call handle_key jmp .key ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: cmp eax,3 ; button ? jz button ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .key: cmp dword [active_window_changed], 0 jnz red_active call draw_flag ; language jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 set_work_ares_pf_screen: ;eax = [xsize]*65536 + [ysize] mov ecx,eax shr ecx,16 and eax,0xFFFF cmp [place_attachment],1 je @f ror eax,16 add eax,[height] rol eax,16 mov edx,eax jmp .selected ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: sub eax,[height] mov edx, eax ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .selected: mcall 48,6 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 red_active: red: mov dword [active_window_changed], 0 mcall 14 movzx ecx,ax mov edx,eax shr edx,16 cmp [screen_size.height],ax jne @f rol eax,16 cmp [screen_size.width],ax je .lp1 rol eax,16 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov [screen_size],eax push ecx edx call set_work_ares_pf_screen pop edx ecx sub ecx,[height] mcall 67,0,,,[height] ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .lp1: call draw_window jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 button: mcall 17 test eax,0xfffffe00 ; is it close button? (signal from @taskbar) jz still ; if so - wait for another event, because @taskbar shouldn't be closed cmp al, 0 jnz right_mouse cmp ah,50 jb no_activate cmp ah,70 jg no_activate movzx ecx,byte ah sub ecx,52 shl ecx,2 mov ecx,[app_list+ecx] mcall 9,process_info_buffer test [ebx+70],dword 10b ; window is minimized to panel jnz @f cmp ecx,[current_active_slot] je .turn_off ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mcall 18,3, jmp .task_switching ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .turn_off: mov edx,ecx mcall 18,22,0 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .task_switching: mcall 68,1 jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 right_mouse: cmp ah,50 jb still cmp ah,70 jg still movzx ecx,byte ah sub ecx,52 cmp ecx, [app_tab_count] jge still shl ecx,2 mcall 37,0 mov ebx, eax shr eax, 16 mov [x_coord], ax and ebx, 0xFFFF mov [y_coord], bx mov ecx,[app_list+ecx] ; ecx->selected app.slot mov [n_slot], ecx mcall 9,procinfo_for_detect mcall 51,1,context_menu_start,ctx_menu_stack mov [ctx_menu_PID], eax jmp still ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 no_activate: cmp ah,101 ; minimize to left je left_button cmp ah,102 ; minimize to right je right_button cmp ah, 103 je clean_desktop_1 ; minimize all windows cmp ah,byte 1 ; start/terminate menu jnz noselect call menu_handler jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 clean_desktop_1: call clean_desktop jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 noselect: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo cmp ah,byte 2 ; start calendar jnz noid15 ;noclock mov esi,calendar_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f mcall 18,2,edi jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21], calendar_name mcall 70 jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 noid15: cmp ah,16 jne noid16 call karu call draw_flag ; language jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 noid16: cmp ah,18 jne noid18 mov esi,sysmeter_name call algorithm_anti_duplication test eax,eax jz @f mcall 18,2,edi jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov dword [ebx+21], sysmeter_name mcall 70 jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 noid18: cmp ah,21 jnz noid21 cmp [page_list],50 jnc still inc [page_list] jmp red ;-------------------------------------- align 4 noid21: cmp ah,22 jnz still cmp [page_list],0 je still dec [page_list] jmp red ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 restore_desktop: mcall 9,process_info_buffer,-1 mov [max_slot], eax mov ecx, 2 mov edx, 2 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: mcall 18, 22 inc edx cmp edx, [max_slot] jbe @b ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 clean_desktop: mcall 18,23 test eax,eax jnz @f call restore_desktop ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 conversion_HEX_to_ASCII: ror eax,12 mov ecx,4 ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .loop: mov bl,al rol eax,4 and bl,0xf cmp bl,0xA ; check for ABCDEF jae @f add bl,0x30 ; 0-9 jmp .store ;-------------------------------------- align 4 @@: add bl,0x57 ; A-F ;-------------------------------------- align 4 .store: ; dps "param_store: " mov [edi],bl inc edi dec ecx jnz .loop ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 menu_handler: mov edi,bootparam mov eax,[menu_button_x.start] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII mov eax,[menu_button_x.size] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII mov eax,[menu_button_y.start] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII mov eax,[menu_button_y.size] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII mov eax,[height] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII mov eax,[place_attachment] call conversion_HEX_to_ASCII xor eax,eax ; terminator for boot parameters string stosd mov ebx, exec_fileinfo mov [ebx+21],dword menu_name mov [ebx+8],dword bootparam mcall 70 mov [ebx+8],dword 0 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 draw_small_right: pusha mcall 12,1 xor eax,eax mov edx,[wcolor] mov esi,edx mov edi,edx or edx, 0x01000000 mcall xor ecx,ecx mov cx,[height] mcall 8,<0,10>,,1,[wcolor] mov ebx,2*65536 ;+6 mov bx,[height] shr bx,1 sub bx,3 mov edx,[wcolor] mov eax,COLOR_CHANGE_MAGNITUDE_2 call add_color_change_magnitude mov ecx,edx mcall 4,,,hidetext,1 mcall 12,2 popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 draw_small_left: pusha mcall 12,1 xor eax,eax mov edx,[wcolor] mov esi,edx mov edi,edx or edx, 0x01000000 mcall xor ecx,ecx mov cx,[height] mcall 8,<0,9>,,1,[wcolor] mov ebx,3*65536 ;+6 mov bx,[height] shr bx,1 sub bx,3 mov edx,[wcolor] mov eax,COLOR_CHANGE_MAGNITUDE_2 call add_color_change_magnitude mov ecx,edx mcall 4,,,hidetext+1,1 mcall 12,2 popa ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 right_button: mov [small_draw],dword draw_small_right mcall 14 shr eax, 16 mov ebx, eax mov ecx, -1 mov edx, 9 sub ebx, edx mov esi, -1 mcall 67 call draw_small_right jmp small_wait ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ align 4 left_button: mov [small_draw],dword draw_small_left xor ebx,ebx mcall 67,,-1,9,-1 call draw_small_left ;-------------------------------------- align 4 small_wait: mcall 10 cmp eax,1 jne no_win call [small_draw] jmp small_wait ;-------------------------------------- align 4 no_win: cmp eax,2 jne no_key call handle_key jmp small_wait ;-------------------------------------- align 4 no_key: mcall 17 cmp ah,1 jne no_full mcall 14 ; get screen max x & max y mov edx, eax shr edx, 16 xor ebx, ebx mcall 67,,-1,,-1 ; x0 y0 xs ys jmp still ;-------------------------------------- align 4 no_full: call menu_handler jmp small_wait ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'libini.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include '../../../dll.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'drawappl.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'drawbutt.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'drawwind.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'drawtray.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'ctx_menu.asm' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'i_data.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IM_END: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include 'u_data.inc' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_END: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------