;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; flat assembler source ;; ;; Copyright (c) 1999-2012, Tomasz Grysztar ;; ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; ;; ;; KolibriOS port by KolibriOS Team ;; ;; Menuet port by VT ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NORMAL_MODE = 8 CONSOLE_MODE = 32 MAGIC1 = 6*(text.line_size-1)+14 MAX_PATH = 100 DEFAULT_WIN_W = 450 DEFAULT_WIN_H = 350 LINE_H = 25 RIGHT_BTN_W = 80 APP_MEMORY = 0x00800000 ;; Menuet header appname equ "flat assembler " ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; program start dd program_end ; program image size dd stacktop ; required amount of memory dd stacktop ; stack dd params,cur_dir_path ; parameters,icon ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'lang.inc' include '../../../macros.inc' purge add,sub ; macros.inc does incorrect substitution include 'fasm.inc' include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac' @use_library center fix true ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- START: ; Start of execution mov edi, fileinfos mov ecx, (fileinfos_end-fileinfos)/4 or eax, -1 rep stosd push 68 pop eax push 11 pop ebx mcall cmp [params],0 jz start_1 ;---------GerdtR or ecx,-1 mov esi,params cmp byte[esi],' ' jne @f mov edi,esi mov al,' ' repe scasb mov esi,edi dec esi @@: mov edi,dbgWord @@: lodsb scasb jne NoOutDebugInfo cmp byte[edi],0 jnz @b cmp byte[esi],' ' jne NoOutDebugInfo mov edi,esi mov al,' ' repe scasb mov esi,edi dec esi mov edi,params @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @b ; mov [bGenerateDebugInfo], 1 or dword[ch1_dbg.flags],10b NoOutDebugInfo: ;---------/GerdtR mov ecx,10 mov eax,' ' mov edi,infile push ecx cld rep stosd mov ecx,[esp] mov edi,outfile rep stosd pop ecx mov edi,path rep stosd mov esi,params ; DEBUGF "params: %s\n",esi mov edi,infile call mov_param_str ; mov edi,infile ; DEBUGF " input: %s\n",edi mov edi,outfile call mov_param_str ; mov edi,outfile ; DEBUGF "output: %s\n",edi mov edi,path call mov_param_str ; mov edi,path ; DEBUGF " path: %s\n",edi dec esi cmp [esi], dword ',run' jne @f mov [_run_outfile],1 @@: cmp [esi], dword ',dbg' jne @f mov [_run_outfile],2 @@: mov [_mode],CONSOLE_MODE jmp start ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- start_1: ;sys_ load_libraries l_libs_start,load_lib_end cmp eax,-1 jne @f mcall -1 ;exit if not open box_lib.obj @@: mcall 40,0x80000027 ;маска системных событий ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- init_checkboxes2 ch1_dbg,ch1_dbg+ch_struc_size ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OpenDialog initialisation push dword OpenDialog_data call dword [OpenDialog_Init] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- red: ; Redraw call draw_window still: mcall 10 ; Wait here for event cmp al,6 je call_mouse dec eax je red ; Redraw request dec eax jne button ; Button in buffer key: ; Key mcall 2 ; Read it and ignore push dword edit1 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_key] jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- call_mouse: call mouse jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- button: ; Button in Window mcall 17 cmp ah,1 jne noclose or eax,-1 mcall ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- noclose: cmp ah,5 ;press button for OpenDialog jne @f call fun_opn_dlg @@: cmp ah,2 ; Start compiling je start cmp ah,3 ; Start compiled file jnz norunout mov edx,outfile call make_fullpaths mcall 70,file_info_start ; xor ecx,ecx jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- norunout: cmp ah,4 jnz norundebug mov edx,outfile call make_fullpaths mcall 70,file_info_debug jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- norundebug: jmp still ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mouse: push dword edit1 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword ch1_dbg call [check_box_mouse] ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_window: pusha mcall 12,1 ; Start of draw get_sys_colors 1,0 edit_boxes_set_sys_color edit1,editboxes_end,sc ;check_boxes_set_sys_color2 ch1_dbg,ch1_dbg+ch_struc_size,sc mov eax,[sc.work_text] or eax, 0x90000000 mov [ch1_dbg.text_color], eax m2m [ch1_dbg.border_color], [sc.work_graph] mov edx,[sc.work] or edx,0x33000000 xor eax,eax xor esi,esi mcall ,<150,DEFAULT_WIN_W>,<150,DEFAULT_WIN_H>,edx,,title mcall 9,PROCESSINFO,-1 mov eax,[PROCESSINFO+70] ;get status of window test eax,100b jne .end WIN_MIN_W = 350 WIN_MIN_H = 300 cmp dword[pinfo.client_box.width],WIN_MIN_W jge @f mcall 67,-1,-1,WIN_MIN_W+20,-1 jmp .end @@: cmp dword[pinfo.client_box.height],WIN_MIN_H jge @f mcall 67,-1,-1,-1,WIN_MIN_H+50 jmp .end @@: mpack ebx,[pinfo.client_box.width],RIGHT_BTN_W msub ebx,RIGHT_BTN_W+1,0 mcall 8,ebx,,ID_COMPILE_BTN,[sc.work_button] mcall ,ebx,,ID_EXECUTE_BTN mcall ,ebx,,ID_EXECDBG_BTN mcall ,<5,62>,,ID_OPENDLG_BTN mov ecx, [sc.work_text] or ecx, $10000000 mcall 4,<6,LINE_H*0+6>,,text+text.line_size*0,text.line_size ;InFile mcall ,<6,LINE_H*1+6>,,text+text.line_size*1,esi ;OutFile mov ecx, [sc.work_button_text] or ecx, $10000000 mcall ,<0,LINE_H*2+6>,,text+text.line_size*2,esi ;Path mov ebx,[pinfo.client_box.width] sub ebx,RIGHT_BTN_W-12 shl ebx,16 add ebx,LINE_H/2-6 mov ecx, [sc.work_button_text] or ecx, $10000000 mcall ,ebx,ecx,s_compile,7 add ebx,LINE_H mcall ,ebx,ecx,s_run add ebx,LINE_H mcall ,ebx,ecx,s_debug mpack ebx,MAGIC1+6,1+ 14/2-3+ 14*0 mov esi,[pinfo.client_box.width] sub esi,MAGIC1*2+6+3 mov eax,esi mov cl,6 div cl cmp al,MAX_PATH jbe @f mov al,MAX_PATH @@: movzx esi,al call draw_messages mov eax,dword [pinfo.client_box.width] sub eax,[edit1.left] sub eax,RIGHT_BTN_W+6 mov dword[edit1.width],eax ; єёЄрэртыштрхь °шЁшэє ЄхъёЄют√ї яюыхщ mov dword[edit2.width],eax mov dword[edit3.width],eax push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_draw] push dword ch1_dbg call [check_box_draw] .end: mcall 12,2 ; End of Draw popa ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- bottom_right dd ? align 4 fun_opn_dlg: ;функция для вызова OpenFile диалога pushad copy_path open_dialog_name,communication_area_default_path,library_path,0 mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0 xor al,al mov edi,dword [edit3.text] mov ecx,dword [edit3.max] cld repne scasb cmp byte[edi-2],'/' jne @f mov byte[edi-2],0 ;если в конце пути есть слеш, то путь укорачиваем на 1 символ @@: push dword OpenDialog_data call dword [OpenDialog_Start] cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],2 je @f xor al,al mov edi,dword [edit3.text] mov ebx,edi ;copy text pointer mov ecx,dword [edit3.max] cld repne scasb cmp byte[edi-2],'/' jne .no_slash dec edi ;если в конце пути есть слеш, то путь укорачиваем на 1 символ .no_slash: mov byte[edi-1],'/' ;ставим в конце пути слеш mov byte[edi],0 ;отрезаем имя найденного файла sub edi,ebx ;edi = strlen(edit3.text) mov [edit3.size],edi mov [edit3.pos],edi push dword [OpenDialog_data.filename_area] push dword edit1 call dword [edit_box_set_text] push dword [OpenDialog_data.filename_area] push dword edit2 call dword [edit_box_set_text] mov esi,[edit2.text] xor eax,eax cld .cycle: lodsb test eax,eax jnz .cycle sub esi,5 cmp esi,[edit2.text] jle .short_fn mov byte[esi],0 sub dword [edit2.size],4 sub dword [edit2.pos],4 .short_fn: push dword edit1 call dword [edit_box_draw] push dword edit2 call dword [edit_box_draw] push dword edit3 call dword [edit_box_draw] @@: popad ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_messages: mpack ebx,5,[pinfo.client_box.width] sub ebx,9 mpack ecx,0,[pinfo.client_box.height] madd ecx, LINE_H*4,-( LINE_H*4+5) mov word[bottom_right+2],bx mov word[bottom_right],cx msub [bottom_right],7,11 add [bottom_right],7 shl 16 + 53 mcall 13,,,0xFeFefe ; clear work area ; draw top shadow push ecx mov cx,1 mov edx,0xDADEDA mcall ; draw left shadow pop ecx push ebx mov bx,1 mcall pop ebx _cy = 0 _sy = 2 _cx = 4 _sx = 6 push ebx ecx mpack ebx,4,5 add bx,[esp+_cx] mov ecx,[esp+_sy-2] mov cx,[esp+_sy] msub ecx,1,1 mcall 38,,,[sc.work_graph] mov si,[esp+_cy] add cx,si shl esi,16 add ecx,esi madd ecx,1,1 mcall mpack ebx,4,4 mov esi,[esp+_sy-2] mov si,cx mov ecx,esi mcall mov si,[esp+_cx] add bx,si shl esi,16 add ebx,esi madd ebx,1,1 mcall pop ecx ebx ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- if lang eq ru text: db ' ВхФайл:' .line_size = $-text db 'ВыхФайл:' db ' Путь:' ;db 'x' s_compile db 'Компил.' s_run db ' Пуск ' s_debug db 'Отладка' s_dbgdescr db 'Создавать отладочную информацию',0 err_message_found_lib0 db 'Не найдена библиотека box_lib.obj',0 ;строка, которая будет в сформированном окне, если библиотека не будет найдена err_message_import0 db 'Ошибка при импорте библиотеки box_lib.obj',0 err_message_found_lib1 db 'Не найдена библиотека proc_lib.obj',0 err_message_import1 db 'Ошибка при импорте библиотеки proc_lib.obj',0 head_f_i: head_f_l db 'Системная ошибка',0 ;заголовок окна, при возникновении ошибки else text: db ' InFile:' .line_size = $-text db 'OutFile:' db ' Path:' ;db 'x' s_compile db 'COMPILE' s_run db ' RUN ' s_debug db ' DEBUG ' s_dbgdescr db 'Generate debug information',0 err_message_found_lib0 db 'Sorry I cannot found library box_lib.obj',0 err_message_import0 db 'Error on load import library box_lib.obj',0 err_message_found_lib1 db 'Sorry I cannot found library proc_lib.obj',0 err_message_import1 db 'Error on load import library proc_lib.obj',0 head_f_i: head_f_l db 'System error',0 ;заголовок окна, при возникновении ошибки end if system_dir0 db '/sys/lib/' lib0_name db 'box_lib.obj',0 system_dir1 db '/sys/lib/' lib1_name db 'proc_lib.obj',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 import_box_lib: edit_box_draw dd aEdit_box_draw edit_box_key dd aEdit_box_key edit_box_mouse dd aEdit_box_mouse edit_box_set_text dd aEdit_box_set_text ;version_ed dd aVersion_ed init_checkbox dd aInit_checkbox check_box_draw dd aCheck_box_draw check_box_mouse dd aCheck_box_mouse ;version_ch dd aVersion_ch dd 0,0 aEdit_box_draw db 'edit_box',0 aEdit_box_key db 'edit_box_key',0 aEdit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0 aEdit_box_set_text db 'edit_box_set_text',0 ;aVersion_ed db 'version_ed',0 aInit_checkbox db 'init_checkbox2',0 aCheck_box_draw db 'check_box_draw2',0 aCheck_box_mouse db 'check_box_mouse2',0 ;aVersion_ch db 'version_ch2',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 import_proc_lib: OpenDialog_Init dd aOpenDialog_Init OpenDialog_Start dd aOpenDialog_Start dd 0,0 aOpenDialog_Init db 'OpenDialog_init',0 aOpenDialog_Start db 'OpenDialog_start',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;library structures l_libs_start: lib0 l_libs lib0_name, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_dir0, err_message_found_lib0, head_f_l, import_box_lib, err_message_import0, head_f_i lib1 l_libs lib1_name, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_dir1, err_message_found_lib1, head_f_l, import_proc_lib,err_message_import1, head_f_i load_lib_end: edit1 edit_box 153, 72, 3, 0xffffff, 0xA4C4E4, 0x80ff, 0, 0x10000000,(outfile-infile-1), infile, mouse_dd, 0, 11,11 edit2 edit_box 153, 72, LINE_H+3, 0xffffff, 0xA4C4E4, 0x80ff, 0, 0x10000000,(path-outfile-1), outfile, mouse_dd, 0, 7,7 edit3 edit_box 153, 72, LINE_H*2+3, 0xffffff, 0xA4C4E4, 0x80ff, 0, 0x10000000,(path_end-path-1), path, mouse_dd, 0, 6,6 editboxes_end: ch1_dbg check_box2 (5 shl 16)+15, ((LINE_H*3+3) shl 16)+15, 6, 0xffffff, 0x80ff, 0x10000000, s_dbgdescr,ch_flag_top ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 OpenDialog_data: .type dd 0 .procinfo dd pinfo ;+4 .com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8 .com_area dd 0 ;+12 .opendir_path dd path ;+16 .dir_default_path dd default_dir ;+20 .start_path dd library_path ;+24 путь к диалогу открытия файлов .draw_window dd draw_window ;+28 .status dd 0 ;+32 .openfile_path dd path ;+36 путь к открываемому файлу .filename_area dd filename_area ;+40 .filter_area dd Filter .x: .x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size .x_start dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position .y: .y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size .y_start dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position default_dir db '/rd/1',0 ;директория по умолчанию communication_area_name: db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0 open_dialog_name: db 'opendial',0 communication_area_default_path: db '/rd/1/File managers/',0 Filter: dd Filter.end - Filter .1: db 'ASM',0 .end: db 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mouse_dd dd 0 ;эєцэю фы  Shift-р т editbox ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- infile db 'example.asm' times MAX_PATH-$+infile db 0 outfile db 'example' times MAX_PATH-$+outfile db 0 path db '/rd/1//' ;OpenDialog при запуске убирает последний слеш, но диалог может использоваться не всегда, потому слеша 2 times MAX_PATH-$+path db 0 path_end: lf db 13,10,0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mov_param_str: cld @@: lodsb cmp al,',' je @f stosb test al,al jnz @b @@: xor al,al stosb ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- start: cmp [_mode],NORMAL_MODE jne @f call draw_messages mov [textxy],8 shl 16 + LINE_H*4+4 @@: mov esi,_logo call display_string ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Fasm native code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- mov [input_file],infile mov [output_file],outfile call init_memory call make_timestamp mov [start_time],eax call preprocessor call parser call assembler bt dword[ch1_dbg.flags],1 ;cmp [bGenerateDebugInfo], 0 jae @f ;jz @f call symbol_dump @@: call formatter call display_user_messages movzx eax,[current_pass] inc eax call display_number mov esi,_passes_suffix call display_string call make_timestamp sub eax,[start_time] xor edx,edx mov ebx,100 div ebx or eax,eax jz display_bytes_count xor edx,edx mov ebx,10 div ebx push edx call display_number mov dl,'.' call display_character pop eax call display_number mov esi,_seconds_suffix call display_string display_bytes_count: mov eax,[written_size] call display_number mov esi,_bytes_suffix call display_string xor al,al cmp [_run_outfile],0 je @f mov edx,outfile call make_fullpaths xor ecx,ecx cmp [_run_outfile],2 ; param is ',dbg' jne run mcall 70,file_info_debug jmp @f run: mcall 70,file_info_start @@: jmp exit_program ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'system.inc' include 'version.inc' include 'errors.inc' include 'symbdump.inc' include 'preproce.inc' include 'parser.inc' include 'exprpars.inc' include 'assemble.inc' include 'exprcalc.inc' include 'formats.inc' include 'x86_64.inc' include 'avx.inc' include 'tables.inc' include 'messages.inc' ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- title db appname,VERSION_STRING,0 _logo db 'flat assembler version ',VERSION_STRING,13,10,0 _passes_suffix db ' passes, ',0 _seconds_suffix db ' seconds, ',0 _bytes_suffix db ' bytes.',13,10,0 _include db 'INCLUDE',0 _counter db 4,'0000' _mode dd NORMAL_MODE _run_outfile dd 0 ;bGenerateDebugInfo db 0 dbgWord db '-d',0 sub_table: times $41 db $00 times $1A db $20 times $25 db $00 times $10 db $20 times $30 db $00 times $10 db $50 times $04 db $00,$01 times $08 db $00 ;include_debug_strings program_end: ; params db 0 ; 'TINYPAD.ASM,TINYPAD,/HD/1/TPAD4/', params rb 4096 cur_dir_path rb 4096 library_path rb 4096 filename_area rb 256 align 4 include 'variable.inc' program_base dd ? buffer_address dd ? memory_setting dd ? start_time dd ? memblock dd ? predefinitions rb 1000h dbgfilename rb MAX_PATH+4 sc system_colors max_handles = 8 fileinfos rb (4+20+MAX_PATH)*max_handles fileinfos_end: pinfo process_information align 1000h rb 1000h stacktop: