; ; application : Caritas - flat shading, Gouraud shading, ; enviornament mapping, bump mapping ; compiler : FASM ; system : KolibriOS ; author : macgub alias Maciej Guba ; email : macgub3@wp.pl ; web : www.menuet.xt.pl ; Fell free to use this intro in your own distribution of KolibriOS. ; Special greetings to all MenuetOS maniax in the world. ; I hope because my intros Christian Belive will be near to each of You. ; Some adjustments made by Madis Kalme ; madis.kalme@mail.ee ; I tried optimizing it a bit, but don't know if it was successful. The objects ; can be: ; 1) Read from a file (*.3DS standard) ; 2) Written in manually (at the end of the code) SIZE_X equ 350 SIZE_Y equ 350 TIMEOUT equ 4 ROUND equ 10 TEX_X equ 512 ; texture width TEX_Y equ 512 ; height TEX_SHIFT equ 9 ; texture width shifting TEXTURE_SIZE EQU (TEX_X * TEX_Y)-1 TEX equ SHIFTING ; TEX={SHIFTING | FLUENTLY} FLUENTLY = 0 SHIFTING = 1 CATMULL_SHIFT equ 8 NON = 0 MMX = 1 Ext = MMX ;Ext={ NON | MMX} use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd I_END ; memory for app dd I_END ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon START: ; start of execution cld ; call alloc_buffer_mem call read_from_file call init_triangles_normals call init_point_normals call init_envmap mov edi,bumpmap call calc_bumpmap call calc_bumpmap_coords call draw_window still: mov eax,23 ; wait here for event with timeout mov ebx,TIMEOUT cmp [speed_flag],1 jne .skip mov eax,11 .skip: int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? je red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button jmp noclose red: ; redraw call draw_window jmp noclose key: ; key mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore int 0x40 jmp noclose button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne .ch_another mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 .ch_another: cmp ah,2 jne .ch_another1 inc [r_flag] cmp [r_flag],3 jne noclose mov [r_flag],0 .ch_another1: cmp ah,3 jne .ch_another2 inc [dr_flag] cmp [dr_flag],4 jne noclose mov [dr_flag],0 .ch_another2: cmp ah,4 ; toggle speed jne @f inc [speed_flag] cmp [speed_flag],2 jne noclose mov [speed_flag],0 @@: cmp ah,5 jne @f ;scale- mov [scale],0.7 fninit fld [sscale] fmul [scale] fstp [sscale] call read_from_file mov ax,[vect_x] ;-- last change mov bx,[vect_y] mov cx,[vect_z] call add_vector ; call do_scale @@: cmp ah,6 jne @f ; scale+ mov [scale],1.3 fninit fld [sscale] fmul [scale] fstp [sscale] call read_from_file mov ax,[vect_x] mov bx,[vect_y] mov cx,[vect_z] call add_vector call init_triangles_normals call init_point_normals @@: cmp ah,7 jne @f xor ax,ax ;add vector to object and rotary point mov bx,-10 xor cx,cx call add_vector sub [vect_y],10 sub [yo],10 @@: cmp ah,8 jne @f xor ax,ax xor bx,bx mov cx,10 call add_vector add [vect_z],10 add [zo],10 @@: cmp ah,9 jne @f mov ax,-10 xor bx,bx xor cx,cx call add_vector sub [vect_x],10 sub [xo],10 @@: cmp ah,10 jne @f mov ax,10 xor bx,bx xor cx,cx call add_vector add [vect_x],10 add [xo],10 @@: cmp ah,11 jne @f xor ax,ax xor bx,bx mov cx,-10 call add_vector sub [vect_z],10 sub [zo],10 @@: cmp ah,12 jne @f xor ax,ax mov bx,10 xor cx,cx call add_vector add [vect_y],10 add [yo],10 @@: cmp ah,13 ; change main color - jne @f ; - lead color setting cmp [max_color_r],245 jge @f add [max_color_r],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,14 jne @f cmp [max_color_g],245 jge @f add [max_color_g],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,15 jne @f cmp [max_color_b],245 jge @f add [max_color_b],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,16 ; change main color jne @f cmp [max_color_r],10 jle @f sub [max_color_r],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,17 jne @f cmp [max_color_g],10 jle @f sub [max_color_g],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,18 jne @f cmp [max_color_b],10 jle @f sub [max_color_b],10 call init_envmap @@: cmp ah,19 jne @f inc [catmull_flag] cmp [catmull_flag],2 jne @f mov [catmull_flag],0 @@: noclose: call calculate_angle ; calculates sinus and cosinus call copy_point_normals ; copy normals and rotate the copy using sin/cosbeta - best way call rotate_point_normals cmp [dr_flag],2 jge @f call calculate_colors @@: call copy_points call rotate_points call translate_perspective_points; translate from 3d to 2d call clrscr ; clear the screen cmp [catmull_flag],1 ;non sort if Catmull je .no_sort call sort_triangles .no_sort: call fill_Z_buffer ; make background RDTSC push eax call draw_triangles ; draw all triangles from the list RDTSC sub eax,[esp] sub eax,41 ; lea esi,[debug_points] ; lea edi,[debug_points+6] ; lea ebx,[debug_vector1] ; call make_vector ; fninit ; fld [sinbeta_one] ; fimul [debug_dwd] ; fistp [debug_dd] ; movzx eax,[debug_dd] mov ecx,10 .dc: pop eax macro show { mov eax,7 ; put image mov ebx,screen mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y xor edx,edx int 0x40 } show jmp still ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------PROCEDURES--------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- include "tex3.asm" include "flat_cat.asm" include "grd_cat.asm" include "tex_cat.asm" include "bump_cat.asm" include "3dmath.asm" include "grd3.asm" include "flat3.asm" include "bump3.asm" include "b_procs.asm" ;alloc_buffer_mem: ; mov eax,68 ; mov ebx,5 ; mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3 ; int 0x40 ; mov [screen],eax ;ret calc_bumpmap_coords: ; fninit mov esi,points mov edi,tex_points ; @@: ; add esi,2 ; fild word[esi] ; fmul [bump_scale] ; fistp word[edi] ; fild word[esi+2] ; fmul [bump_scale] ; fistp word[edi+2] ; add esi,4 ; add edi,4 ; cmp [esi],dword -1 ; jnz @b @@: add esi,2 movsd ; add esi,2 cmp dword[esi],dword -1 jne @b ret ;bump_scale dd 1.4 ;TEX_X/SIZE_X init_envmap: .temp equ word [ebp-2] push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,2 mov edi,envmap fninit mov dx,-256 .ie_ver: mov cx,-256 .ie_hor: mov .temp,cx fild .temp fmul st,st0 mov .temp,dx fild .temp fmul st,st0 faddp fsqrt mov .temp,254 fisubr .temp fmul [env_const] fistp .temp mov ax,.temp or ax,ax jge .ie_ok1 xor ax,ax jmp .ie_ok2 .ie_ok1: cmp ax,254 jle .ie_ok2 mov ax,254 .ie_ok2: push dx mov bx,ax mul [max_color_b] shr ax,8 stosb mov ax,bx mul [max_color_g] shr ax,8 stosb mov ax,bx mul [max_color_r] shr ax,8 stosb pop dx inc cx cmp cx,256 jne .ie_hor inc dx cmp dx,256 jne .ie_ver mov esp,ebp pop ebp macro debug { mov edi,envmap mov ecx,512*512*3/4 mov eax,0xffffffff rep stosd } ret calculate_colors: fninit xor ebx,ebx movzx ecx,[points_count_var] lea ecx,[ecx*3] add ecx,ecx .cc_again: mov esi,light_vector lea edi,[point_normals_rotated+ebx*2] call dot_product fcom [dot_min] fstsw ax sahf ja .cc_ok1 ffree st mov dword[points_color+ebx],0 mov word[points_color+ebx+4],0 add ebx,6 cmp ebx,ecx jne .cc_again jmp .cc_done .cc_ok1: fcom [dot_max] fstsw ax sahf jb .cc_ok2 ffree st mov dword[points_color+ebx],0 ; clear r,g,b mov word[points_color+ebx+4],0 add ebx,6 cmp ebx,ecx jne .cc_again jmp .cc_done .cc_ok2: fld st fld st fimul [max_color_r] fistp word[points_color+ebx] ;each color as word fimul [max_color_g] fistp word[points_color+ebx+2] fimul [max_color_b] fistp word[points_color+ebx+4] add ebx,6 cmp ebx,ecx jne .cc_again .cc_done: ret copy_point_normals: movzx ecx,[points_count_var] shl ecx,2 inc ecx mov esi,point_normals mov edi,point_normals_rotated rep movsd ret rotate_point_normals: movzx ecx,[points_count_var] mov ebx,point_normals_rotated fninit ; for now only rotate around Z axle .again_r: cmp [r_flag],1 je .z_rot cmp [r_flag],2 je .x_rot .y_rot: fld dword[ebx] ; x fld [sinbeta] fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * sinbeta fchs fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx] ; x * cosbeta faddp fstp dword[ebx] ; new x fmul [sinbeta] ; old x * sinbeta fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx+8] ; z * cosbeta faddp fstp dword[ebx+8] ; new z add ebx,12 loop .y_rot jmp .end_rot .z_rot: fld dword[ebx] ;x fld [sinbeta] fmul dword[ebx+4] ;y fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx] ;x faddp fstp dword[ebx] ;new x fmul [sinbeta] ; sinbeta * old x fchs fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx+4] ; cosbeta * y faddp fstp dword[ebx+4] ; new y add ebx,12 loop .z_rot jmp .end_rot .x_rot: fld dword[ebx+4] ;y fld [sinbeta] fmul dword[ebx+8] ;z fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx+4] ;y faddp fstp dword[ebx+4] ; new y fmul [sinbeta] ; sinbeta * old y fchs fld [cosbeta] fmul dword[ebx+8] faddp fstp dword[ebx+8] add ebx,12 loop .x_rot .end_rot: ret init_triangles_normals: mov ebx,triangles_normals mov ebp,triangles @@: push ebx mov ebx,vectors movzx esi,word[ebp] ; first point index lea esi,[esi*3] lea esi,[points+esi*2] ; esi - pointer to 1st 3d point movzx edi,word[ebp+2] ; second point index lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points+edi*2] ; edi - pointer to 2nd 3d point call make_vector add ebx,12 mov esi,edi movzx edi,word[ebp+4] ; third point index lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points+edi*2] call make_vector mov edi,ebx ; edi - pointer to 2nd vector mov esi,ebx sub esi,12 ; esi - pointer to 1st vector pop ebx call cross_product mov edi,ebx call normalize_vector add ebp,6 add ebx,12 cmp dword[ebp],-1 jne @b ret init_point_normals: .x equ dword [ebp-4] .y equ dword [ebp-8] .z equ dword [ebp-12] .point_number equ word [ebp-26] .hit_faces equ word [ebp-28] fninit mov ebp,esp sub esp,28 mov edi,point_normals mov .point_number,0 .ipn_loop: mov .hit_faces,0 mov .x,0 mov .y,0 mov .z,0 mov esi,triangles xor ecx,ecx ; ecx - triangle number .ipn_check_face: xor ebx,ebx ; ebx - 'position' in one triangle .ipn_check_vertex: movzx eax,word[esi+ebx] ; eax - point_number cmp ax,.point_number jne .ipn_next_vertex push esi mov esi,ecx lea esi,[esi*3] lea esi,[triangles_normals+esi*4] ; shl esi,2 ; add esi,triangles_normals fld .x fadd dword[esi+vec_x] fstp .x fld .y fadd dword[esi+vec_y] fstp .y fld .z fadd dword[esi+vec_z] fstp .z pop esi inc .hit_faces jmp .ipn_next_face .ipn_next_vertex: add ebx,2 cmp ebx,6 jne .ipn_check_vertex .ipn_next_face: add esi,6 inc ecx cmp cx,[triangles_count_var] jne .ipn_check_face fld .x fidiv .hit_faces fstp dword[edi+vec_x] fld .y fidiv .hit_faces fstp dword[edi+vec_y] fld .z fidiv .hit_faces fstp dword[edi+vec_z] call normalize_vector add edi,12 ;type vector 3d inc .point_number mov dx,.point_number cmp dx,[points_count_var] jne .ipn_loop mov esp,ebp ret add_vector: mov ebp,points @@: add word[ebp],ax add word[ebp+2],bx add word[ebp+4],cx add ebp,6 cmp dword[ebp],-1 jne @b ret ;do_scale: ; fninit ; mov ebp,points ; .next_sc: ; fld1 ; fsub [scale] ; fld st ; fimul [xo] ; fld [scale] ; fimul word[ebp] ;x ; faddp ; fistp word[ebp] ; fld st ; fimul [yo] ; fld [scale] ; fimul word[ebp+2] ; faddp ; fistp word[ebp+2] ; fimul [zo] ; fld [scale] ; fimul word[ebp+4] ; faddp ; fistp word[ebp+4] ; add ebp,6 ; cmp dword[ebp],-1 ; jne .next_sc ;ret sort_triangles: mov esi,triangles mov edi,triangles_with_z mov ebp,points_rotated make_triangle_with_z: ;makes list with triangles and z position movzx eax,word[esi] lea eax,[eax*3] movzx ecx,word[ebp+eax*2+4] movzx eax,word[esi+2] lea eax,[eax*3] add cx,word[ebp+eax*2+4] movzx eax,word[esi+4] lea eax,[eax*3] add cx,word[ebp+eax*2+4] mov ax,cx ; cwd ; idiv word[i3] movsd ; store vertex coordinates movsw stosw ; middle vertex coordinate 'z' in triangles_with_z list cmp dword[esi],-1 jne make_triangle_with_z movsd ; copy end mark mov eax,4 lea edx,[edi-8-trizdd] mov [high],edx call quicksort mov eax,4 mov edx,[high] call insertsort jmp end_sort quicksort: mov ecx,edx sub ecx,eax cmp ecx,32 jc .exit lea ecx,[eax+edx] shr ecx,4 lea ecx,[ecx*8-4]; i mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]; trizdd[l] mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]; trizdd[i] mov edi,[trizdd+edx]; trizdd[h] cmp ebx,esi jg @f ; direction NB! you need to negate these to invert the order if Ext=NON mov [trizdd+eax],esi mov [trizdd+ecx],ebx mov ebx,[trizdd+eax-4] mov esi,[trizdd+ecx-4] mov [trizdd+eax-4],esi mov [trizdd+ecx-4],ebx mov ebx,[trizdd+eax] mov esi,[trizdd+ecx] else movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4] movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm0 movq [trizdq+eax-4],mm1 xchg ebx,esi end if @@: cmp ebx,edi jg @f ; direction if Ext=NON mov [trizdd+eax],edi mov [trizdd+edx],ebx mov ebx,[trizdd+eax-4] mov edi,[trizdd+edx-4] mov [trizdd+eax-4],edi mov [trizdd+edx-4],ebx mov ebx,[trizdd+eax] mov edi,[trizdd+edx] else movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4] movq [trizdq+edx-4],mm0 movq [trizdq+eax-4],mm1 xchg ebx,edi end if @@: cmp esi,edi jg @f ; direction if Ext=NON mov [trizdd+ecx],edi mov [trizdd+edx],esi mov esi,[trizdd+ecx-4] mov edi,[trizdd+edx-4] mov [trizdd+ecx-4],edi mov [trizdd+edx-4],esi else movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4] movq [trizdq+edx-4],mm0 movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1 ; xchg ebx,esi end if @@: mov ebp,eax ; direction add ebp,8 ; j if Ext=NON mov esi,[trizdd+ebp] mov edi,[trizdd+ecx] mov [trizdd+ebp],edi mov [trizdd+ecx],esi mov esi,[trizdd+ebp-4] mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4] mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi else movq mm0,[trizdq+ebp-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4] movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm0 movq [trizdq+ebp-4],mm1 end if mov ecx,edx ; i; direction mov ebx,[trizdd+ebp]; trizdd[j] .loop: sub ecx,8 ; direction cmp [trizdd+ecx],ebx jl .loop ; direction @@: add ebp,8 ; direction cmp [trizdd+ebp],ebx jg @b ; direction cmp ebp,ecx jge @f ; direction if Ext=NON mov esi,[trizdd+ecx] mov edi,[trizdd+ebp] mov [trizdd+ebp],esi mov [trizdd+ecx],edi mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4] mov esi,[trizdd+ebp-4] mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi else movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+ebp-4] movq [trizdq+ebp-4],mm0 movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1 end if jmp .loop @@: if Ext=NON mov esi,[trizdd+ecx] mov edi,[trizdd+eax+8] mov [trizdd+eax+8],esi mov [trizdd+ecx],edi mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4] mov esi,[trizdd+eax+4] mov [trizdd+eax+4],edi mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi else movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4] movq mm1,[trizdq+eax+4]; dir movq [trizdq+eax+4],mm0; dir movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1 end if add ecx,8 push ecx edx mov edx,ebp call quicksort pop edx eax call quicksort .exit: ret insertsort: mov esi,eax .start: add esi,8 cmp esi,edx ja .exit mov ebx,[trizdd+esi] if Ext=NON mov ecx,[trizdd+esi-4] else movq mm1,[trizdq+esi-4] end if mov edi,esi @@: cmp edi,eax jna @f cmp [trizdd+edi-8],ebx jg @f ; direction if Ext=NON mov ebp,[trizdd+edi-8] mov [trizdd+edi],ebp mov ebp,[trizdd+edi-12] mov [trizdd+edi-4],ebp else movq mm0,[trizdq+edi-12] movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm0 end if sub edi,8 jmp @b @@: if Ext=NON mov [trizdd+edi],ebx mov [trizdd+edi-4],ecx else movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm1 end if jmp .start .exit: ret end_sort: ; translate triangles_with_z to sorted_triangles mov esi,triangles_with_z ; mov edi,sorted_triangles mov edi,triangles again_copy: if Ext=NON movsd movsw add esi,2 else movq mm0,[esi] movq [edi],mm0 add esi,8 add edi,6 end if cmp dword[esi],-1 jne again_copy ; if Ext=MMX ; emms ; end if movsd ; copy end mark too ret clrscr: mov edi,screen mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4 xor eax,eax if Ext=NON rep stosd else pxor mm0,mm0 @@: movq [edi+00],mm0 movq [edi+08],mm0 movq [edi+16],mm0 movq [edi+24],mm0 add edi,32 sub ecx,8 jnc @b end if ret calculate_angle: fninit ; fldpi ; fidiv [i180] fld [piD180] fimul [angle_counter] fsincos fstp [sinbeta] fstp [cosbeta] inc [angle_counter] cmp [angle_counter],360 jne end_calc_angle mov [angle_counter],0 end_calc_angle: ret rotate_points: fninit mov ebx,points_rotated again_r: cmp [r_flag],1 je .z_rot cmp [r_flag],2 je .x_rot .y_rot: mov eax,[ebx+2] ;z mov ax,word[ebx] ;x sub eax,dword[xo] mov dword[xsub],eax fld [sinbeta] fimul [zsub] fchs fld [cosbeta] fimul [xsub] faddp fiadd [xo] fistp word[ebx] ;x fld [sinbeta] fimul [xsub] fld [cosbeta] fimul [zsub] faddp fiadd [zo] fistp word[ebx+4] ;z jmp .end_rot .z_rot: mov ax,word[ebx] sub ax,word[xo] ;need optimization mov [xsub],ax mov ax,word[ebx+2] sub ax,word[yo] mov [ysub],ax fld [sinbeta] fimul [ysub] fld [cosbeta] fimul [xsub] faddp fiadd [xo] fistp word[ebx] fld [cosbeta] fimul [ysub] fld [sinbeta] fimul [xsub] fchs faddp fiadd [yo] fistp word[ebx+2] jmp .end_rot .x_rot: mov ax,word[ebx+2] sub ax,[yo] mov [ysub],ax mov ax,word[ebx+4] sub ax,word[zo] mov [zsub],ax fld [sinbeta] fimul [zsub] fld [cosbeta] fimul [ysub] faddp fiadd [yo] fistp word[ebx+2];y fld [cosbeta] fimul [zsub] fld [sinbeta] fimul [ysub] fchs faddp fiadd [zo] fistp word[ebx+4] .end_rot: add ebx,6 cmp dword[ebx],-1 jne again_r ret draw_triangles: mov esi,triangles .again_dts: mov ebp,points_rotated if Ext=NON movzx eax,word[esi] mov [point_index1],ax lea eax,[eax*3] add eax,eax push ebp add ebp,eax mov eax,[ebp] mov dword[xx1],eax mov eax,[ebp+4] mov [zz1],ax pop ebp movzx eax,word[esi+2] mov [point_index2],ax lea eax,[eax*3] add eax,eax push ebp add ebp,eax mov eax,[ebp] mov dword[xx2],eax mov eax,[ebp+4] mov [zz2],ax pop ebp movzx eax,word[esi+4] ; xyz3 = [ebp+[esi+4]*6] mov [point_index3],ax lea eax,[eax*3] add eax,eax ; push ebp add ebp,eax mov eax,[ebp] mov dword[xx3],eax mov eax,[ebp+4] mov [zz3],ax else mov eax,dword[esi] ; don't know MMX mov dword[point_index1],eax ; shr eax,16 ; mov [point_index2],ax mov ax,word[esi+4] mov [point_index3],ax movq mm0,[esi] pmullw mm0,qword[const6] movd eax,mm0 psrlq mm0,16 movd ebx,mm0 psrlq mm0,16 movd ecx,mm0 and eax,0FFFFh and ebx,0FFFFh and ecx,0FFFFh movq mm0,[ebp+eax] movq mm1,[ebp+ebx] movq mm2,[ebp+ecx] movq qword[xx1],mm0 movq qword[xx2],mm1 movq qword[xx3],mm2 ; emms end if push esi ; culling fninit mov esi,point_index1 mov ecx,3 @@: movzx eax,word[esi] lea eax,[eax*3] shl eax,2 lea eax,[eax+point_normals_rotated] fld dword[eax+8] ; I check Z element of normal vector ftst fstsw ax sahf jb @f ffree st loop @b jmp .end_draw @@: ffree st ;is visable cmp [dr_flag],0 ; draw type flag je .flat_draw cmp [dr_flag],2 je .env_mapping cmp [dr_flag],3 je .bump_mapping cmp [catmull_flag],1 je @f movzx edi,[point_index3] ; do gouraud shading catmull off lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index2] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index1] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] jmp .both_draw @@: movzx edi,[point_index3] ; do gouraud shading catmull on lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push [zz3] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index2] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push [zz2] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index1] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] push [zz1] push word[edi] push word[edi+2] push word[edi+4] ; movzx edi,[point_index3] ;gouraud shading according to light vector ; lea edi,[edi*3] ; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal ; mov esi,light_vector ; call dot_product ; fabs ; fimul [max_color_r] ; fistp [temp_col] ; and [temp_col],0x00ff ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; movzx edi,[point_index2] ; lea edi,[edi*3] ; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal ; mov esi,light_vector ; call dot_product ; fabs ; fimul [max_color_r] ; fistp [temp_col] ; and [temp_col],0x00ff ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; movzx edi,[point_index1] ; lea edi,[edi*3] ; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal ; mov esi,light_vector ; call dot_product ; fabs ; fimul [max_color_r] ; fistp [temp_col] ; and [temp_col],0x00ff ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; push [temp_col] ; xor edx,edx ; draw acording to position ; mov ax,[zz3] ; add ax,128 ; neg al ; and ax,0x00ff ; push ax ; neg al ; push ax ; mov dx,[yy3] ; and dx,0x00ff ; push dx ; mov ax,[zz2] ; add ax,128 ; neg al ; and ax,0x00ff ; push ax ; neg al ; push ax ; mov dx,[yy2] ; and dx,0x00ff ; push dx ; mov ax,[zz1] ; add ax,128 ; neg al ; and ax,0x00ff ; push ax ; neg al ; push ax ; mov dx,[yy1] ; and dx,0x00ff ; push dx .both_draw: mov eax,dword[xx1] ror eax,16 mov ebx,dword[xx2] ror ebx,16 mov ecx,dword[xx3] ror ecx,16 lea edi,[screen] cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f lea esi,[Z_buffer] call gouraud_triangle_z jmp .end_draw @@: call gouraud_triangle jmp .end_draw .flat_draw: movzx edi,[point_index3] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] movzx eax,word[edi] movzx ebx,word[edi+2] movzx ecx,word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index2] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] add ax,word[edi] add bx,word[edi+2] add cx,word[edi+4] movzx edi,[point_index1] lea edi,[edi*3] lea edi,[points_color+edi*2] add ax,word[edi] add bx,word[edi+2] add cx,word[edi+4] cwd idiv [i3] mov di,ax shl edi,16 mov ax,bx cwd idiv [i3] mov di,ax shl di,8 mov ax,cx cwd idiv [i3] mov edx,edi mov dl,al and edx,0x00ffffff ; mov ax,[zz1] ; z position depend draw ; add ax,[zz2] ; add ax,[zz3] ; cwd ; idiv [i3] ; = -((a+b+c)/3+130) ; add ax,130 ; neg al ; xor edx,edx ; mov ah,al ;set color according to z position ; shl eax,8 ; mov edx,eax mov eax,dword[xx1] ror eax,16 mov ebx,dword[xx2] ror ebx,16 mov ecx,dword[xx3] ror ecx,16 ; mov edi,screen lea edi,[screen] cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f lea esi,[Z_buffer] push word[zz3] push word[zz2] push word[zz1] call flat_triangle_z jmp .end_draw @@: call draw_triangle jmp .end_draw .env_mapping: ; fninit cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f push [zz3] push [zz2] push [zz1] @@: mov esi,point_index1 sub esp,12 mov edi,esp mov ecx,3 @@: movzx eax,word[esi] lea eax,[eax*3] shl eax,2 add eax,point_normals_rotated ; texture x=(rotated point normal -> x * 255)+255 fld dword[eax] fimul [correct_tex] fiadd [correct_tex] fistp word[edi] ; texture y=(rotated point normal -> y * 255)+255 fld dword[eax+4] fimul [correct_tex] fiadd [correct_tex] fistp word[edi+2] add edi,4 add esi,2 loop @b mov eax,dword[xx1] ror eax,16 mov ebx,dword[xx2] ror ebx,16 mov ecx,dword[xx3] ror ecx,16 mov edi,screen mov esi,envmap cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f mov edx,Z_buffer call tex_triangle_z jmp .end_draw @@: call tex_triangle jmp .end_draw .bump_mapping: ; fninit cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f push Z_buffer push [zz3] push [zz2] push [zz1] @@: mov esi,point_index1 sub esp,12 mov edi,esp mov ecx,3 @@: movzx eax,word[esi] lea eax,[eax*3] shl eax,2 add eax,point_normals_rotated ; texture x=(rotated point normal -> x * 255)+255 fld dword[eax] fimul [correct_tex] fiadd [correct_tex] fistp word[edi] ; texture y=(rotated point normal -> y * 255)+255 fld dword[eax+4] fimul [correct_tex] fiadd [correct_tex] fistp word[edi+2] add edi,4 add esi,2 loop @b movzx esi,[point_index3] shl esi,2 add esi,tex_points push dword[esi] movzx esi,[point_index2] shl esi,2 add esi,tex_points ; lea esi,[esi*3] ; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2] push dword[esi] ; push dword[xx2] movzx esi,[point_index1] shl esi,2 add esi,tex_points ; lea esi,[esi*3] ; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2] push dword[esi] ; push dword[xx1] mov eax,dword[xx1] ror eax,16 mov ebx,dword[xx2] ror ebx,16 mov ecx,dword[xx3] ror ecx,16 mov edi,screen mov esi,envmap mov edx,bumpmap ;BUMP_MAPPING cmp [catmull_flag],0 je @f call bump_triangle_z jmp .end_draw @@: call bump_triangle .end_draw: pop esi add esi,6 cmp dword[esi],-1 jne .again_dts ret translate_points: ; fninit ; mov ebx,points_rotated ; again_trans: ; fild word[ebx+4] ;z1 ; fmul [sq] ; fld st ; fiadd word[ebx] ;x1 ; fistp word[ebx] ; fchs ; fiadd word[ebx+2] ;y1 ; fistp word[ebx+2] ;y1 ; add ebx,6 ; cmp dword[ebx],-1 ; jne again_trans ;ret translate_perspective_points: ;translate points from 3d to 2d using fninit ;perspective equations mov ebx,points_rotated .again_trans: fild word[ebx] fisub [xobs] fimul [zobs] fild word[ebx+4] fisub [zobs] fdivp fiadd [xobs] fistp word[ebx] fild word[ebx+2] fisub [yobs] fimul [zobs] fild word[ebx+4] fisub [zobs] fdivp fchs fiadd [yobs] fistp word[ebx+2] add ebx,6 cmp dword[ebx],-1 jne .again_trans ret copy_points: mov esi,points mov edi,points_rotated mov ecx,points_count*3+2 rep movsw ret read_from_file: mov edi,triangles xor ebx,ebx xor ebp,ebp mov esi,SourceFile cmp [esi],word 4D4Dh jne .exit ;Must be legal .3DS file cmp dword[esi+2],EndFile-SourceFile jne .exit ;This must tell the length add esi,6 @@: cmp [esi],word 3D3Dh je @f add esi,[esi+2] jmp @b @@: add esi,6 .find4k: cmp [esi],word 4000h je @f add esi,[esi+2] cmp esi,EndFile jc .find4k jmp .exit @@: add esi,6 @@: cmp [esi],byte 0 je @f inc esi jmp @b @@: inc esi @@: cmp [esi],word 4100h je @f add esi,[esi+2] jmp @b @@: add esi,6 @@: cmp [esi],word 4110h je @f add esi,[esi+2] jmp @b @@: movzx ecx,word[esi+6] mov [points_count_var],cx mov edx,ecx add esi,8 @@: fld dword[esi+4] fmul [sscale] fadd [xoffset] fld dword[esi+8] fchs fmul [sscale] fadd [yoffset] fld dword[esi+0] fchs fmul [sscale] fistp word[points+ebx+4] fistp word[points+ebx+2] fistp word[points+ebx+0] add ebx,6 add esi,12 dec ecx jnz @b @@: mov dword[points+ebx],-1 @@: cmp [esi],word 4120h je @f add esi,[esi+2] jmp @b @@: movzx ecx,word[esi+6] mov [triangles_count_var],cx add esi,8 ;mov edi,triangles @@: movsd movsw add word[edi-6],bp add word[edi-4],bp add word[edi-2],bp add esi,2 dec ecx jnz @b add ebp,edx jmp .find4k .exit: mov dword[edi],-1 ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw int 0x40 ; SKIN WIDTH mov eax,48 mov ebx,4 int 0x40 mov esi, eax ; DRAW WINDOW mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx,100*65536+SIZE_X+9+80 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,100*65536+SIZE_Y+4 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] add ecx, esi mov edx,0x74000000 ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl mov edi,labelt int 0x40 ; BLACK BAR mov eax,13 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,SIZE_X*65536+80 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,0*65536+SIZE_Y ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,0 ; color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; ROTARY BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,25*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,2 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; ROTARY LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelrot ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelrotend-labelrot ; text length int 0x40 ; DRAW MODE BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,3 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; DRAW MODE LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+28+15 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labeldrmod ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labeldrmodend-labeldrmod ; text length int 0x40 ; SPEED BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*2)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,4 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; SPEED MODE LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*2) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelspeedmod ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelspeedmodend-labelspeedmod ; text length int 0x40 ; SCALE- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*3)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,5 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; SCALE- MODE LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*3) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelzoomout ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelzoomoutend-labelzoomout ; text length int 0x40 ; SCALE+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*4)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,6 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; SCALE+ MODE LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*4) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelzoomin ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelzoominend-labelzoomin ; text length int 0x40 ; ADD VECTOR LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*5) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelvector ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelvectorend-labelvector ; text length int 0x40 ; VECTOR Y- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+20)*65536+62-42 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*6)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,7 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR Y- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+20)*65536+(28+15*6) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelyminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelyminusend-labelyminus ; text length int 0x40 ; VECTOR Z+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+41)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*6)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,8 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR Z+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+41)*65536+(28+15*6) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelzplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelzplusend-labelzplus ; text length int 0x40 ; VECTOR x- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*7)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,9 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR x- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*7) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelxminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelxminusend-labelxminus ; text length int 0x40 ; VECTOR x+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+41)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*7)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,10 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR x+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+41)*65536+(28+15*7) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelxplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelxplusend-labelxplus ; text length int 0x40 ; VECTOR z- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*8)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,11 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR z- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*8) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelzminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelzminusend-labelzminus ; text length int 0x40 ;VECTOR Y+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+20)*65536+62-42 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*8)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,12 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;VECTOR Y+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+20)*65536+(28+15*8) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelyplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelyplusend-labelyplus ; text length int 0x40 ; LEAD COLOR LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*9) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelmaincolor ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelmaincolorend-labelmaincolor ; text length int 0x40 ;RED+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*10)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,13 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;RED+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*10) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelredplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelredplusend-labelredplus ; text length int 0x40 ;GREEN+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+20)*65536+62-42 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*10)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,14 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;GREEN+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+20)*65536+(28+15*10) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelgreenplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelgreenplusend-labelgreenplus ; text length int 0x40 ;BLUE+ BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+41)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*10)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,15 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;BLUE+ LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+41)*65536+(28+15*10) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelblueplus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelblueplusend-labelblueplus ; text length int 0x40 ;RED- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*11)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,16 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;RED- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*11) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelredminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelredminusend-labelredminus ; text length int 0x40 ;GREEN- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+20)*65536+62-42 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*11)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,17 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;GREEN- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+20)*65536+(28+15*11) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelgreenminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelgreenminusend-labelgreenminus ; text length int 0x40 ;BLUE- BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+41)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*11)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,18 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ;BLUE- LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+41)*65536+(28+15*11) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelblueminus ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelblueminusend-labelblueminus ; text length int 0x40 ; Catmull LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*12) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelcatmullmod ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelcatmullmodend-labelcatmullmod ; text length int 0x40 ; on/off BUTTON mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,(25+15*13)*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,19 ; button id mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; on/off LABEL mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(28+15*13) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,0x20ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB ) mov edx,labelonoff ; pointer to text beginning mov esi,labelonoffend-labelonoff ; text length int 0x40 mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw int 0x40 ret ; DATA AREA i3 dw 3 light_vector dd 0.0,0.0,-1.0 ; debug_vector dd 0.0,2.0,2.0 ;--debug ; debug_vector1 dd 0.0,0.0,0.0 ; debug_points dw 1,1,1,3,4,20 ; debug_dd dw ? ; debug_dwd dd 65535 ; debug_counter dw 0 dot_max dd 1.0 ; dot product max and min dot_min dd 0.0 env_const dd 1.2 correct_tex dw 255 max_color_r dw 255 max_color_g dw 25 max_color_b dw 35 xobs dw SIZE_X / 2 ;200 ;observer yobs dw SIZE_Y / 2 ;200 ;coordinates zobs dw -500 angle_counter dw 0 piD180 dd 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 ; sq dd 0.70710678118654752440084436210485 const6 dw 6,6,6,6 xo dw 150;87 ; rotary point coodinates zo dw 0 yo dw 100 xoffset dd 150.0 yoffset dd 170.0 sscale dd 8.0 ; real scale vect_x dw 0 vect_y dw 0 vect_z dw 0 r_flag db 0 ; rotary flag dr_flag db 2 ; drawing mode flag speed_flag db 0 catmull_flag db 1 SourceFile file 'hrt.3ds' EndFile: labelrot: db 'rotary' labelrotend: labeldrmod: db 'shd. mode' labeldrmodend: labelspeedmod: db 'speed' labelspeedmodend: labelzoomout: db 'zoom out' labelzoomoutend: labelzoomin: db 'zoom in' labelzoominend: labelvector: db 'add vector' labelvectorend: labelyminus: db 'y -' labelyminusend: labelzplus: db 'z +' labelzplusend: labelxminus: db 'x -' labelxminusend: labelxplus: db 'x +' labelxplusend: labelzminus: db 'z -' labelzminusend: labelyplus: db 'y +' labelyplusend: labelmaincolor: db 'main color' labelmaincolorend: labelredplus: db 'r +' labelredplusend: labelgreenplus: db 'g +' labelgreenplusend: labelblueplus: db 'b +' labelblueplusend: labelredminus: db 'r -' labelredminusend: labelgreenminus: db 'g -' labelgreenminusend: labelblueminus: db 'b -' labelblueminusend: labelcatmullmod: db 'catmull' labelcatmullmodend: labelonoff: db 'on/off' labelonoffend: labelt: db '3D Heart',0 align 8 @col dd ? @y1 dw ? @x1 dw ?;+8 @y2 dw ? @x2 dw ? @y3 dw ? @x3 dw ?;+16 @dx12 dd ? @dx13 dd ?;+24 @dx23 dd ? sinbeta dd ?;+32 cosbeta dd ? xsub dw ? zsub dw ?;+40 ysub dw ? xx1 dw ? yy1 dw ? zz1 dw ?;+48 xx2 dw ? yy2 dw ? zz2 dw ? xx3 dw ?;+56 yy3 dw ? zz3 dw ? scale dd ? ; help scale variable ;screen dd ? ;pointer to screen buffer triangles_count_var dw ? points_count_var dw ? point_index1 dw ? ;-\ point_index2 dw ? ; } don't change order point_index3 dw ? ;-/ temp_col dw ? high dd ? align 8 buffer dq ? ;err dd ? drr dd ? xx dd ? yy dd ? xst dd ? yst dd ? align 16 points: rw (EndFile-SourceFile)/12*3 points_count = ($-points)/6 triangles: rw (EndFile-SourceFile)/12*3 triangles_count = ($-triangles)/6 align 16 points_rotated rw points_count*3 + 2 align 16 label trizdd dword label trizdq qword triangles_with_z rw triangles_count*4 + 2 ; triangles triple dw + z position align 16 triangles_normals rb triangles_count * 12 ; point_normals rb points_count * 12 ;one 3dvector - triple float dword x,y,z align 16 point_normals_rotated rb points_count * 12 align 16 vectors rb 24 points_color rb 6*points_count ; each color as word ; sorted_triangles rw triangles_count*3 + 2 ;align 16 bumpmap rb TEXTURE_SIZE + 1 envmap rb (TEXTURE_SIZE +1) * 3 tex_points rb points_count * 4 ; bump_map points ; each point word x, word y screen rb SIZE_X * SIZE_Y * 3 ; screen buffer Z_buffer rb SIZE_X * SIZE_Y * 4 memStack rb 1000 ;memory area for stack I_END: