; Copyright (c) 2008-2009, diamond ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of the nor the ; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Alexey Teplov aka ''AS IS'' AND ANY ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ; ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;***************************************************************************** org 0x7E00 ; the KordOS FAT12/FAT16 bootsector loads first cluster of this file to 0:7E00 and transfers control to here ; ss:bp = 0:7C00 virtual at bp rb 3 ; BS_jmpBoot rb 8 ; BS_OEMName, ignored dw ? ; BPB_BytsPerSec BPB_SecsPerClus db ? BPB_RsvdSecCnt dw ? BPB_NumFATs db ? BPB_RootEntCnt dw ? BPB_TotSec16 dw ? db ? ; BPB_Media BPB_FATSz16 dw ? BPB_SecPerTrk dw ? BPB_NumHeads dw ? BPB_HiddSec dd ? BPB_TotSec32 dd ? BS_DrvNum db ? fat_type db ? ; this is BS_Reserved1, ; we use it to save FS type: 0=FAT12, 1=FAT16 db ? ; BS_BootSig num_sectors dd ? ; BS_VolID ; rb 11 ; BS_VolLab ; rb 3 ; BS_FilSysType, first 3 bytes read_sectors dw ? read_sectors2 dw ? lookup_in_root_dir dw ? scan_for_filename dw ? err_ dw ? noloader dw ? cachelimit dw ? filesize: ; will be used to save file size rb 5 ; BS_FilSysType, last 5 bytes ; following variables are located in the place of starting code; ; starting code is no more used at this point sect_per_clus dw ? cur_cluster dw ? next_cluster dw ? flags dw ? cur_delta dd ? end virtual ; procedures from boot sector ; LBA version lba_read_sectors = 7CE2h lba_read_sectors2 = 7CDCh lba_lookup_in_root_dir = 7D4Fh lba_scan_for_filename = 7D2Dh lba_err = 7CB5h lba_noloader = 7CB2h ; CHS version chs_read_sectors = 7CDEh chs_read_sectors2 = 7CD8h chs_lookup_in_root_dir = 7D70h chs_scan_for_filename = 7D4Eh chs_err = 7CB1h chs_noloader = 7CAEh push ax cx ; save our position on disk push ss pop es ; determine version of bootsector (LBA vs CHS) ; mov [read_sectors], chs_read_sectors ; mov [read_sectors2], chs_read_sectors2 ; mov [lookup_in_root_dir], chs_lookup_in_root_dir ; mov [scan_for_filename], chs_scan_for_filename ; mov [err], chs_err ; mov [noloader], chs_noloader lea di, [read_sectors] mov si, chs_proc_addresses mov cx, 6*2 cmp word [chs_scan_for_filename], 0xFF31 ; 'xor di,di' jz @f add si, cx ; mov [read_sectors], lba_read_sectors ; mov [read_sectors2], lba_read_sectors2 ; mov [lookup_in_root_dir], lba_lookup_in_root_dir ; mov [scan_for_filename], lba_scan_for_filename ; mov [err], lba_err ; mov [noloader], lba_noloader @@: rep movsb mov cl, [BPB_SecsPerClus] mov [sect_per_clus], cx xor bx, bx ; determine size of cache for folders int 12h ; ax = size of available base memory in Kb sub ax, 94000h / 1024 jae @f nomem: mov si, nomem_str jmp [err_] @@: shr ax, 3 mov [cachelimit], ax ; size of cache - 1 ; get type of file system - FAT12 or FAT16? ; calculate number of clusters mov ax, [BPB_TotSec16] xor dx, dx test ax, ax jnz @f mov ax, word [BPB_TotSec32] mov dx, word [BPB_TotSec32+2] @@: sub ax, [bp-8] ; dword [bp-8] = first data sector sbb dx, [bp-6] jb j_noloader div [sect_per_clus] ; ax = number of clusters ; note: this is loader for FAT12/FAT16, so 'div' does not overflow on correct volumes mov [fat_type], ch cmp ax, 0xFF5 jb init_fat12 inc [fat_type] init_fat16: ; no sectors loaded mov di, 0x8200 xor ax, ax mov cx, 0x100/2 rep stosw jmp init_fat_done init_fat12: ; read FAT push 0x6000 pop es mov ax, [BPB_RsvdSecCnt] mov cx, [BPB_FATSz16] cmp cx, 12 jb @f mov cx, 12 @@: xor dx, dx call [read_sectors] init_fat_done: ; if cluster = sector, we need to read second part of our file ; (bootsector loads only first cluster of kordldr.f1x) pop cx ax ; restore our position on disk cmp cx, 1 ja kordldr_full sub ax, [bp-8] inc ax inc ax ; ax = first cluster of kordldr.f12 call get_next_cluster jc @f j_noloader: jmp [noloader] @@: dec ax dec ax push 0x800 pop es call [read_sectors2] kordldr_full: ; ...continue loading... mov di, secondary_loader_info call load_file test bx, bx mov bx, [err_] jz @f mov si, aKernelNotFound jmp bx @@: ; for subsequent calls to callback function, hook error handler ; mov byte [bx], 0xE9 ; 'jmp' opcode ; mov ax, hooked_err - 3 ; sub ax, bx ; mov word [bx+1], ax ; push hooked_err / ret mov word [bx], 0x68 + ((hooked_err and 0xFF) shl 8) mov word [bx+2], (hooked_err shr 8) + (0xC3 shl 8) ; set registers for secondary loader mov ah, [BS_DrvNum] mov al, 'f' test ah, ah jns @f sub ah, 80h mov al, 'h' @@: mov bx, '12' cmp [fat_type], 0 jz @f mov bh, '6' @@: mov si, callback ; ds:si = far pointer to callback procedure jmp far [si-callback+secondary_loader_info] ; jump to 1000:0000 nomem_str db 'No memory',0 chs_proc_addresses: dw chs_read_sectors dw chs_read_sectors2 dw chs_lookup_in_root_dir dw chs_scan_for_filename dw chs_err dw chs_noloader lba_proc_addresses: dw lba_read_sectors dw lba_read_sectors2 dw lba_lookup_in_root_dir dw lba_scan_for_filename dw lba_err dw lba_noloader get_next_cluster: ; in: ax = cluster ; out: if there is next cluster: CF=1, ax = next cluster ; out: if there is no next cluster: CF=0 push si cmp [fat_type], 0 jnz gnc16 ; for FAT12 push ds push 0x6000 pop ds mov si, ax shr si, 1 add si, ax test al, 1 lodsw jz @f shr ax, 4 @@: and ax, 0xFFF cmp ax, 0xFF7 pop ds si ret ; for FAT16 gnc16: ; each sector contains 200h bytes = 100h FAT entries ; so ah = # of sector, al = offset in sector mov si, ax mov ah, 0 shr si, 8 ; calculate segment for this sector of FAT table ; base for FAT table is 6000:0000, so the sector #si has to be loaded to (60000 + 200*si) ; segment = 6000 + 20*si, offset = 0 push es push si shl si, 5 add si, 0x6000 mov es, si pop si cmp byte [ss:0x8200+si], ah ; sector already loaded? jnz @f ; load corresponding sector pusha push es xor bx, bx mov ax, [BPB_RsvdSecCnt] xor dx, dx add ax, si adc dx, bx mov cx, 1 ; read 1 sector call [read_sectors] pop es popa @@: mov si, ax add si, si ; mov ax, [es:si] lods word [es:si] pop es cmp ax, 0xFFF7 pop si ret if $ > 0x8000 error 'get_next_cluster must fit in first sector of kordldr.f1x!' end if load_file: ; in: ss:bp = 0:7C00 ; in: ds:di -> information structure ; dw:dw address ; dw limit in 4Kb blocks (0x1000 bytes) (must be non-zero and not greater than 0x100) ; ASCIIZ name ; out: bx = status: bx=0 - ok, bx=1 - file is too big, only part of file was loaded, bx=2 - file not found ; out: dx:ax = file size (0xFFFFFFFF if file not found) xor ax, ax ; start from root directory mov dx, -1 mov word [filesize], dx mov word [filesize+2], dx ; initialize file size with invalid value lea si, [di+6] parse_dir_loop: ; convert name to FAT name push di push ax push ss pop es ; convert ASCIIZ filename to FAT name mov di, filename push di mov cx, 8+3 mov al, ' ' rep stosb pop di mov cl, 8 ; 8 symbols per name mov bl, 1 nameloop: lodsb test al, al jz namedone cmp al, '/' jz namedone cmp al, '.' jz namedot dec cx js badname cmp al, 'a' jb @f cmp al, 'z' ja @f sub al, 'a'-'A' @@: stosb jmp nameloop namedot: inc bx jp badname add di, cx mov cl, 3 jmp nameloop badname: ; do not make direct js/jp to notfound_pop: ; this generates long forms of conditional jumps and results in longer code jmp notfound_pop namedone: ; scan directory pop ax ; ax = cluster of directory or 0 for root push ds push si push es pop ds mov si, filename ; ds:si -> filename in FAT style test ax, ax jnz lookup_in_notroot_dir ; for root directory, use the subroutine from bootsector call [lookup_in_root_dir] jmp lookup_done lookup_in_notroot_dir: ; for other directories, read a folder sector-by-sector and scan ; first, try to use the cache push ds push cs pop ds mov bx, [cachelimit] add bx, bx mov di, foldcache_mark @@: mov dx, [foldcache_clus+di-foldcache_mark+bx] cmp dx, ax jz cacheok test dx, dx jz cacheadd ; the cache has place for new entry dec bx dec bx jns @b ; the folder is not present in the cache, so add it ; the cache is full; find the oldest entry and replace it with the new one mov dx, [cachelimit] @@: inc bx inc bx cmp word [di+bx], dx ; marks have values 0 through [cachelimit] jnz @b cacheadd: or word [di+bx], 0xFFFF ; very big value, it will be changed soon mov [foldcache_clus+di-foldcache_mark+bx], ax and [foldcache_size+di-foldcache_mark+bx], 0 ; no folder items yet cacheok: ; update cache marks mov dx, [di+bx] mov cx, [foldcache_size+di-foldcache_mark+bx] mov di, [cachelimit] add di, di cacheupdate: cmp [foldcache_mark+di], dx adc [foldcache_mark+di], 0 dec di dec di jns cacheupdate and [foldcache_mark+bx], 0 ; done, bx contains (position in cache)*2 pop ds ; mov dx, bx ; shl dx, 8 ; dx = (position in cache)*0x2000/0x10 ; add dx, 0x9200 lea dx, [bx+0x92] xchg dl, dh mov es, dx jcxz not_in_cache call [scan_for_filename] jz lookup_done not_in_cache: ; cache miss, read folder data from disk mov bx, cx shr bx, 4 shl cx, 5 mov di, cx ; es:di -> free space in cache entry ; external loop: scan clusters folder_next_cluster: ; internal loop: scan sectors in cluster mov cx, [sect_per_clus] push ax dec ax dec ax mul cx add ax, [bp-8] adc dx, [bp-6] ; dx:ax = absolute sector folder_next_sector: ; skip first bx sectors dec bx jns folder_skip_sector push cx push es di push 0x8000 pop es xor bx, bx mov cx, 1 push es call [read_sectors] ; copy data to the cache... pop ds pop di es cmp di, 0x2000 ; ...if there is free space, of course jae @f push si di mov cx, 0x100 xor si, si rep movsw mov di, es shr di, 8 add [ss:foldcache_size+di-0x92], 0x10 ; 0x10 new entries in the cache pop di si @@: push es push 0x8000 pop es push cs pop ds mov cx, 0x10 call [scan_for_filename] pop es pop cx jz lookup_done_pop folder_skip_sector: inc ax jnz @f inc dx @@: loop folder_next_sector pop ax ; ax = current cluster call get_next_cluster jc folder_next_cluster stc push ax lookup_done_pop: pop ax lookup_done: pop si pop ds ; CF=1 <=> failed jnc found notfound: pop di mov bx, 2 ; file not found mov ax, 0xFFFF mov dx, ax ; invalid file size ret notfound_pop: pop ax jmp notfound found: mov ax, [es:di+26] ; get cluster test byte [es:di+11], 10h ; directory? jz regular_file cmp byte [si-1], 0 jz notfound ; don't read directories as a regular files ; ok, we have found a directory and the caller requested a file into it pop di jmp parse_dir_loop ; restart with new cluster in ax regular_file: cmp byte [si-1], 0 jnz notfound ; file does not contain another files ; ok, we have found a regular file and the caller requested it ; save file size mov dx, [es:di+28] mov [filesize], dx mov dx, [es:di+30] mov [filesize+2], dx pop di mov si, [di+4] shl si, 3 push si ; [ds:di+4] = limit in 4K blocks les bx, [di] ; es:bx -> buffer clusloop: ; ax = first cluster, top of stack contains limit in sectors mov si, ax ; remember current cluster xor cx, cx ; cx will contain number of consecutive clusters mov word [cur_delta], cx mov word [cur_delta+2], cx mov di, ax clusfind: inc di inc cx call get_next_cluster jnc clusread cmp ax, di jz clusfind stc clusread: pop di ; limit in sectors push ax ; save next cluster pushf ; save flags ; read cx clusters, starting from si ; calculate number of sectors xchg ax, cx mul [sect_per_clus] ; dx:ax = number of sectors; compare with limit mov word [num_sectors], ax mov word [num_sectors+2], dx jmp @f continue_load_file: les bx, [di] ; es:bx -> buffer mov di, [di+4] ; ds:di = limit in 4K blocks shl di, 3 ; now di = limit in sectors mov ax, word [num_sectors] mov dx, word [num_sectors+2] mov si, [cur_cluster] push [next_cluster] push [flags] or ax, dx jz nextclus @@: test dx, dx jnz clusdecrease push dx ; limit was not exceeded cmp ax, di jbe @f pop ax clusdecrease: push 1 ; limit was exceeded mov ax, di @@: sub di, ax ; calculate new limit sub word [num_sectors], ax sbb word [num_sectors+2], 0 ; calculate starting sector xchg ax, cx lea ax, [si-2] mul [sect_per_clus] add ax, word [cur_delta] adc dx, word [cur_delta+2] add word [cur_delta], cx adc word [cur_delta+2], 0 ; read call [read_sectors2] pop dx ; next cluster? nextclus: popf pop ax mov [cur_cluster], si mov [next_cluster], ax pushf pop [flags] jnc @f ; no next cluster => return mov dl, 1 ; dh=0 in any case test di, di jz @f ; if there is next cluster but current limit is 0 => return: limit exceeded push di jmp clusloop ; all is ok, continue hooked_err: mov sp, 7C00h-12-2 ; restore stack mov dx, 3 ; return: read error @@: mov bx, dx mov ax, [filesize] mov dx, [filesize+2] ret ; Callback function for secondary loader callback: ; in: ax = function number; only functions 1 and 2 are defined for now ; save caller's stack mov dx, ss mov cx, sp ; set our stack (required because we need ss=0) xor si, si mov ss, si mov sp, 7C00h-8 mov bp, 7C00h push dx push cx ; call our function stc ; unsupported function dec ax jz callback_readfile dec ax jnz callback_ret ; function 2: continue loading file ; can be called only after function 1 returned value bx=1 (only part of file was loaded) ; in: ds:di -> information structure ; dw:dw address ; dw limit in 4Kb blocks (0x1000 bytes) (must be non-zero and not greater than 0x100) ; out: bx=0 - ok, bx=1 - still only part of file was loaded, bx=3 - read error ; out: dx:ax = file size call continue_load_file jmp callback_ret_succ callback_readfile: ; function 1: read file ; in: ds:di -> information structure ; dw:dw address ; dw limit in 4Kb blocks (0x1000 bytes) (must be non-zero and not greater than 0x100) ; ASCIIZ name ; out: bx=0 - ok, bx=1 - file is too big, only part of file was loaded, bx=2 - file not found, bx=3 - read error ; out: dx:ax = file size (0xFFFFFFFF if file was not found) call load_file callback_ret_succ: clc ; function is supported callback_ret: ; restore caller's stack pop cx pop ss mov sp, cx ; return to caller retf secondary_loader_info: dw 0, 0x1000 dw 0x30000 / 0x1000 db 'kord/loader',0 aKernelNotFound db 'Fatal error: cannot load the secondary loader',0 foldcache_clus dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; start with no folders in cache foldcache_mark rw 7 foldcache_size rw 7 filename rb 11 if $ > 0x8200 error: table overwritten end if