;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2018. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; ftpc.asm - FTP client for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; Modified by nisargshah323@gmail.com (2016) ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format binary as "" TIMEOUT = 3 ; seconds BUFFERSIZE = 4096 STATUS_CONNECTING = 0 STATUS_CONNECTED = 1 STATUS_NEEDPASSWORD = 2 STATUS_LOGGED_IN = 3 OPERATION_NONE = 0 OPERATION_LIST = 1 OPERATION_RETR = 2 OPERATION_STOR = 3 OPERATION_RDIR = 4 use32 ; standard header db 'MENUET01' ; signature dd 1 ; header version dd start ; entry point dd i_end ; initialized size dd mem+0x1000 ; required memory dd mem+0x1000 ; stack pointer dd buf_cmd ; parameters dd path ; path include '../../macros.inc' macro ijmp reg, addr, method { mov reg, [addr] add reg, [method] jmp dword[reg] } macro icall reg, addr, method, [arg] { mov reg, [addr] add reg, [method] if ~ arg eq pushd arg end if call dword[reg] } purge mov,add,sub include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../network.inc' include '../../KOSfuncs.inc' include 'console.inc' include 'gui.inc' include 'login_gui.inc' include 'usercommands.inc' include 'servercommands.inc' include 'parser.inc' ; TODO: Add Pasta support to FTPC ;;================================================================================================;; start: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Program entry point - initialize heap, load libraries and settings ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ; initialize heap for using dynamic blocks mcall 68, 11 test eax, eax je exit2 ; disable all events except network event mcall 40, EV_STACK ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz exit ; find path to main settings file (ftpc.ini) mov edi, path ; Calculate the length of zero-terminated string xor al, al mov ecx, 1024 repne scasb dec edi mov esi, str_ini ; append it with '.ini', 0 movsd movsb ; get settings from ini invoke ini.get_str, path, str_active, str_ip, str_active_ip, 16, 0 mov esi, str_active_ip .ip_loop: lodsb test al, al jz .ip_ok cmp al, ' ' je .ip_ok cmp al, '.' jne .ip_loop mov byte[esi-1], ',' jmp .ip_loop .ip_ok: mov byte[esi-1], 0 invoke ini.get_int, path, str_active, str_port_start, 64000 mov [acti_port_start], ax invoke ini.get_int, path, str_active, str_port_stop, 65000 mov [acti_port_stop], ax invoke ini.get_str, path, str_general, str_dir, buf_buffer1, BUFFERSIZE, 0 mcall 30, 1, buf_buffer1 ; set working directory ; initialize log file invoke ini.get_str, path, str_general, str_logfile, log_file, 512, 0 mov [filestruct2.subfn], 2 mov [filestruct2.offset], 0 mov [filestruct2.size], 0 mov [filestruct2.ptr], 0 mov [filestruct2.name], log_file mcall 70, filestruct2 ; Usage: ftpc [-cli] [ftp://username:password@server:port/path] ; mov dword[buf_cmd], '-cli' ;;;; to test CLI ;;;;; cmp byte[buf_cmd], 0 jne @f mov [interface_addr], gui jmp .args_ok @@: cmp dword[buf_cmd], '-cli' jne .error mov [interface_addr], console jmp .args_ok .args_ok: icall eax, interface_addr, interface.init ; check for ftp://username:pass@server:port/path urls cmp dword[buf_cmd], 'ftp:' je parse_args cmp dword[buf_cmd+5], 'ftp:' je parse_args ijmp eax, interface_addr, interface.server_addr .error: call console.init invoke con_write_asciiz, str_args_err invoke con_getch2 call console.exit jmp exit ;;================================================================================================;; arg_handler: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Passes initial connection info from console/GUI to FTP core and the other way around ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> esp+4 = pointer to the argument passed to the function ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; .get_username: ; request username ijmp eax, interface_addr, interface.get_username .copy_user: mov dword[buf_cmd], "USER" mov byte[buf_cmd+4], " " ; copy user name to buf_cmd (for command line args) mov edi, buf_cmd+5 mov esi, param_user @@: movsb cmp byte [esi-1], 0 jne @b mov word[edi-1], 0x0a0d lea esi, [edi+1-buf_cmd] jmp server_connect.send .get_pass: mov dword[buf_cmd], "PASS" mov byte[buf_cmd+4], " " ; copy password to buf_cmd (for command line args) mov edi, buf_cmd+5 mov esi, param_password @@: movsb cmp byte[esi-1], 0 jne @b mov word[edi-1], 0x0a0d lea esi, [edi+1-buf_cmd] jmp server_connect.send .get_path: ; copy path from param_path to buf_cmd mov dword[buf_cmd], "CWD " mov edi, buf_cmd+4 mov esi, param_path @@: lodsb stosb cmp al, 0x20 ja @b mov word[edi-1], 0x0a0d lea esi, [edi+1-buf_cmd] jmp server_connect.send .connect: ; copy server address to buf_cmd mov esi, param_server_addr mov edi, buf_cmd @@: lodsb stosb cmp al, 0x20 ja @r mov byte[edi-1], 0 ; delete terminating '\n' cmp [param_port], 0x20 jbe server_connect.default_port mov esi, param_port jmp server_connect.do_port ;;================================================================================================;; server_connect: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Establishes a connection to the FTP server (common block for all interfaces) ;; ;? .do_port - Port is specified by the user and needs to be converted from ASCII ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> esi = pointer to port no. ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; .send: ; send username/password/path to the server mcall send, [controlsocket], buf_cmd, , 0 icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_newline icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x07 ; reset color jmp wait_for_servercommand ; resolve port if specified .do_port: xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx .portloop: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jbe .port_done sub al, '0' jnb @f mov eax, str_err_host jmp error @@: cmp al, 9 jna @f mov eax, str_err_host jmp error @@: lea ebx, [ebx*4 + ebx] shl ebx, 1 add ebx, eax jmp .portloop .port_done: xchg bl, bh mov [sockaddr1.port], bx jmp .done .default_port: mov [sockaddr1.port], 21 shl 8 .done: ; Say to the user that we're resolving icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x07 ; reset color icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_resolve, buf_cmd ; resolve name push esp ; reserve stack place invoke getaddrinfo, buf_cmd, 0, 0, esp pop esi ; test for error test eax, eax jz @f mov eax, str_err_resolve jmp error @@: ; write results icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str8 ; ' (',0 mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr] ; convert IP address to decimal notation mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr] ; mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax ; invoke inet_ntoa, eax ; icall ebx, interface_addr, interface.print, eax, str9 ; ,')',10,0 invoke freeaddrinfo, esi ; free allocated memory ; open the socket mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_socket jmp error @@: mov [controlsocket], eax ; connect to the server icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_connect mcall connect, [controlsocket], sockaddr1, 18 cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_connect jmp error @@: mov [status], STATUS_CONNECTING ; Tell the user we're waiting for the server now. icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_waiting ; Reset 'offset' variable, it's used by the data receiver mov [offset], 0 ;;================================================================================================;; wait_for_servercommand: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Checks if any data received from the server is present in buffer. ;; ;? If not, receives and processes it ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ; Any commands still in our buffer? cmp [offset], 0 je .receive ; nope, receive some more mov esi, [offset] mov edi, buf_cmd mov ecx, [size] add ecx, esi jmp .byteloop ; receive socket data .receive: mcall 26, 9 add eax, TIMEOUT*100 mov [timeout], eax .receive_loop: mcall 23, 50 ; Wait for event with timeout mcall 26, 9 cmp eax, [timeout] jl @f mov eax, str_err_timeout jmp error @@: mcall recv, [controlsocket], buf_buffer1, BUFFERSIZE, MSG_DONTWAIT test eax, eax jnz .got_data cmp ebx, EWOULDBLOCK je @f mov eax, str_err_recv jmp error @@: jmp .receive_loop .got_data: mov [offset], 0 ; extract commands, copy them to "buf_cmd" buffer lea ecx, [eax + buf_buffer1] ; ecx = end pointer mov esi, buf_buffer1 ; esi = current pointer mov edi, buf_cmd .byteloop: cmp esi, ecx jae wait_for_servercommand lodsb cmp al, 10 ; excellent, we might have a command je .got_command cmp al, 13 ; just ignore this byte je .byteloop stosb jmp .byteloop .got_command: ; we have a newline check if its a command cmp esi, ecx je .no_more_data mov [offset], esi sub ecx, esi mov [size], ecx jmp .go_cmd .no_more_data: mov [offset], 0 .go_cmd: lea ecx, [edi - buf_cmd] ; length of command xor al, al stosb icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x03 ; change color icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, buf_cmd, str_newline icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x07 ; reset color jmp server_parser ; parse command ;;================================================================================================;; wait_for_usercommand: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Reads the FTP command entered by the user and compares it with valid FTP commands. ;; ;? Jumps to appropriate handling routine in usercommands.inc ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> status = socket connection status ;; ;> buf_cmd = command entered by the user ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ; Are there any files in the transfer queue? cmp [queued], 0 ja transfer_queued ; Yes, transfer those first. ; change color to green for user input icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x0a ; If we are not yet connected, request username/password cmp [status], STATUS_CONNECTED je arg_handler.get_username cmp [status], STATUS_NEEDPASSWORD je arg_handler.get_pass ijmp eax, interface_addr, interface.get_cmd .parse_cmd: cmp dword[buf_cmd], "cwd " je cmd_cwd cmp dword[buf_cmd], "mkd " je cmd_mkd cmp dword[buf_cmd], "rmd " je cmd_rmd cmp dword[buf_cmd], "pwd" + 10 shl 24 je cmd_pwd cmp dword[buf_cmd], "bye" + 10 shl 24 je cmd_bye cmp dword[buf_cmd], "rdir" je cmd_rdir cmp byte[buf_cmd+4], " " jne @f cmp dword[buf_cmd], "lcwd" je cmd_lcwd cmp dword[buf_cmd], "retr" je cmd_retr cmp dword[buf_cmd], "stor" je cmd_stor cmp dword[buf_cmd], "dele" je cmd_dele @@: cmp byte[buf_cmd+4], 10 jne @f cmp dword[buf_cmd], "list" je cmd_list cmp dword[buf_cmd], "help" je cmd_help cmp dword[buf_cmd], "cdup" je cmd_cdup cmp dword[buf_cmd], "abor" je cmd_abor @@: ; Uh oh.. unknown command, tell the user and wait for new input icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_unknown jmp wait_for_usercommand ; files for rdir operation are queued transfer_queued: mov esi, [ptr_queue] ; always pointing to current part of ptr_fname_start mov edi, buf_cmd+5 ; always point to filename for retr command .build_filename: lodsb stosb cmp al, 10 je .get_file ; filename ends with character 10 test al, al jnz .build_filename ; Error occured, we reached the end of the buffer before [queued] reached 0 mov [queued], 0 mcall 68, 13, [ptr_fname] ; free buffer test eax, eax jz error_heap jmp wait_for_usercommand .get_file: mov byte[edi], 0 ; end filename with 0 byte mov [ptr_queue], esi dec [queued] jnz cmd_retr mcall 68, 13, [ptr_fname] ; free buffer test eax, eax jz error_heap jmp cmd_retr open_dataconnection: test [mode], 1 jnz .active mcall send, [controlsocket], str_PASV, str_PASV.length, 0 ret .active: mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_socket jmp error @@: mov [datasocket], eax mov ax, [acti_port_start] xchg al, ah mov [sockaddr2.port], ax mcall bind, [datasocket], sockaddr2, 18 cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_bind jmp error @@: mcall listen, [datasocket], 1 cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_listen jmp error @@: mov dword[buf_buffer1], 'PORT' mov byte[buf_buffer1+4], ' ' mov edi, buf_buffer1+5 mov esi, str_active_ip .loop: lodsb test al, al jz .ip_ok stosb jmp .loop .ip_ok: mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte[sockaddr2.port+0] call dword_ascii mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte[sockaddr2.port+1] call dword_ascii mov ax, 0x0a0d stosw lea esi, [edi - buf_buffer1] mcall send, [controlsocket], buf_buffer1, , 0 mcall accept, [datasocket], sockaddr2, 18 ; time to accept the awaiting connection.. cmp eax, -1 jne @f mov eax, str_err_accept jmp error @@: push eax mcall close, [datasocket] pop [datasocket] mcall recv, [controlsocket], buf_buffer1, BUFFERSIZE, 0 ret ; eax = input ; edi = ptr where to write dword_ascii: push edx ebx ecx mov ebx, 10 xor ecx, ecx @@: xor edx, edx div ebx add edx, '0' push dx inc ecx test eax, eax jnz @r @@: pop ax stosb dec ecx jnz @r pop ecx ebx edx ret ;;================================================================================================;; write_to_file: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Writes input buffer to log file ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> eax = pointer to buffer ;; ;> ecx = size of buffer ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = status of SF 70.3 ;; ;;================================================================================================;; cmp [logfile_offset], -1 ; if offset == -1 => logging disabled jne @f mov eax, 0 ret @@: mov [filestruct2.subfn], 3 m2m [filestruct2.offset], [logfile_offset] mov [filestruct2.size], ecx mov [filestruct2.ptr], eax mov [filestruct2.name], log_file mcall 70, filestruct2 test eax, eax jz @f mov [logfile_offset], -1 ; disable logging call error_fs icall ebx, interface_addr, interface.print, str_no_logging ret @@: mov eax, [logfile_offset] add eax, ecx mov [logfile_offset], eax ret ;;================================================================================================;; error: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Generic error routine. Prints the error string passed to it. ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> eax = pointer to the error string ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< none ;; ;;================================================================================================;; push eax icall ebx, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x0c ; print errors in red pop eax icall ebx, interface_addr, interface.print, eax jmp wait_for_keypress ; Error handling block for filesystem errors error_fs: cmp eax, 12 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_12 @@: cmp eax, 11 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_11 @@: cmp eax, 10 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_10 @@: cmp eax, 9 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_9 @@: cmp eax, 8 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_8 @@: cmp eax, 7 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_7 @@: cmp eax, 6 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_6 @@: cmp eax, 5 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_5 @@: cmp eax, 3 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_3 @@: cmp eax, 2 jne @f mov ebx, str_fs_err_2 @@: mov edi, fs_error_code call dword_ascii ; convert error code in eax to ascii icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x0c ; print errors in red icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_err_fs, fs_error_code, ebx mov word[fs_error_code], ' ' ; clear error code for next time icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x0a ret error_heap: icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x0c ; print errors in red icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_err_heap wait_for_keypress: mcall close, [controlsocket] icall eax, interface_addr, interface.set_flags, 0x07 ; reset color to grey icall eax, interface_addr, interface.print, str_push ijmp eax, interface_addr, interface.error exit: mcall close, [controlsocket] exit2: mcall -1 ; data str_title db 'FTP client for KolibriOS',0 str_welcome db 'FTP client for KolibriOS v0.15b',10 db 10,0 str_srv_addr db 'Please enter ftp server address.',10,0 str_prompt db '> ',0 str_resolve db 'Resolving ',0 str_newline db 10,0 str_err_resolve db 10,'Name resolution failed.',10,0 str_err_socket db 10,'[75,0 socket]: Error creating a socket',10,0 str_err_bind db 10,'[75,2 bind]: Error binding to socket',10,0 str_err_listen db 10,'[75,3 listen]: Cannot accept incoming connections',10,0 str_err_accept db 10,'[75,5 accept]: Error accepting a connection',10,0 str_err_recv db 10,'[75,7 recv]: Error receiving data from server',10,0 str_err_heap db 10,'Cannot allocate memory from heap.',10,0 str_err_timeout db 10,'Timeout - no response from server.',10,0 str_err_connect db 10,'[75,4 connect]: Cannot connect to the server.',10,0 str_err_host db 10,'Invalid hostname.',10,0 str_err_params db 10,'Invalid parameters',10,0 str_err_fs db 10,'File system error: code ',0 fs_error_code db ' ',0 ; file system error code str_fs_err_2 db ' [Function is not supported for the given file system]',10,0 str_fs_err_3 db ' [Unknown file system]',10,0 str_fs_err_5 db ' [File/Folder not found]',10,0 str_fs_err_6 db ' [End of file, EOF]',10,0 str_fs_err_7 db ' [Pointer lies outside of application memory]',10,0 str_fs_err_8 db ' [Disk is full]',10,0 str_fs_err_9 db ' [File system error]',10,0 str_fs_err_10 db ' [Access denied]',10,0 str_fs_err_11 db ' [Device error]',10,0 str_fs_err_12 db ' [File system requires more memory]',10,0 str8 db ' (',0 str9 db ')',10,0 str_push db 'Push any key to continue.',0 str_connect db 'Connecting...',10,0 str_waiting db 'Waiting for welcome message.',10,0 str_user db "username: ",0 str_pass db "password: ",0 str_port db "port (default 21): ",0 str_path db "path (optional): ",0 str_unknown db "Unknown command or insufficient parameters - type help for more information.",10,0 str_lcwd db "Local working directory is now: ",0 str_bytes_done db ' ',0 str_downloaded db 'Downloaded ',0 str_bytes db ' bytes',13,0 str_args_err db 'Invalid arguments. USAGE: ftpc [-cli] [ftp://username:password@server:port/path]',10,0 str_open db "opening data socket",10,0 str_close db 10,"closing data socket",10,0 str_dot db '.',0 str_help db "available commands:",10 db 10 db "bye - close the connection",10 db "cdup - change to parent of current directory on the server",10 db "cwd - change working directoy on the server",10 db "dele - delete file from the server",10 db "list - list files and folders in current server directory",10 db "lcwd - change local working directory",10 db "mkd - make directory on the server",10 db "pwd - print server working directory",10 db "retr - retreive file from the server",10 db "rmd - remove directory from the server",10 db "stor - store file on the server",10 db "rdir - retreive all files from current server dir",10 db 10,0 str_ini db '.ini', 0 str_active db 'active', 0 str_port_start db 'port_start', 0 str_port_stop db 'port_stop', 0 str_ip db 'ip', 0 str_dir db 'dir', 0 str_general db 'general', 0 str_logfile db 'logfile',0 str_no_logging db 'Error writing to log file. Logging disabled',0 queued dd 0 mode db 0 ; passive = 0, active = 1 ; FTP strings str_PASV db 'PASV',13,10 .length = $ - str_PASV sockaddr1: dw AF_INET4 .port dw ? .ip dd ? rb 10 sockaddr2: dw AF_INET4 .port dw ? .ip dd ? rb 10 struc interface { .init dd 0 .server_addr dd 4 .get_username dd 8 .get_cmd dd 12 .print dd 16 .set_flags dd 20 .list dd 24 .progress dd 28 .error dd 32 } interface interface ; import align 4 @IMPORT: library network, 'network.obj', libini, 'libini.obj' import network, \ getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \ freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo', \ inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa' import libini, \ ini.get_str, 'ini_get_str', \ ini.get_int, 'ini_get_int' i_end: ; uninitialised data interface_addr rd 1 status db ? file_size dd ? controlsocket dd ? datasocket dd ? offset dd ? size dd ? operation dd ? timeout dd ? ptr_fname dd ? size_fname dd ? ptr_queue dd ? acti_port_start dw ? acti_port_stop dw ? acti_port dw ? str_active_ip rb 16 filestruct: .subfn dd ? .offset dd ? dd ? .size dd ? .ptr dd ? .name rb 1024 filestruct2: .subfn dd ? .offset dd ? dd 0 .size dd ? .ptr dd ? db 0 .name dd ? folder_buf rb 40 buf_buffer1 rb BUFFERSIZE+1 buf_buffer2 rb BUFFERSIZE+1 buf_cmd rb 1024 ; buffer for holding command string log_file rb 512 ; holds log file path logfile_offset rd 1 path rb 1024 initial_login rb 1 param_user: db 'anonymous',0 rb 60 param_password rb 1024 param_server_addr db 'kolibrios.org' rb 1024 param_path rb 1024 param_port rb 6 sc system_colors rb 1024 mem: