/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Daniel Morales * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Kolibri port by Siemargl 2018 and update by maxcodehack 2020 * my fixes mostly commented with triple comment /// */ /*** Include section ***/ // We add them above our includes, because the header // files we are including use the macros to decide what // features to expose. These macros remove some compilation // warnings. See // https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Feature-Test-Macros.html // for more info. #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include ///#include ///#include #include #include #include #include ///#include ///#include ///#include #include ///#include #include /// Notify #include "notify.h" /*** Define section ***/ // This mimics the Ctrl + whatever behavior, setting the // 3 upper bits of the character pressed to 0. ///#define CTRL_KEY(k) ((k) & 0x1f) // Siemargl - set top 4 bits #define CTRL_KEY(k) ((k) | 0xf000) // Empty buffer #define ABUF_INIT {NULL, 0} // Version code #define TTE_VERSION "0.0.5" // Length of a tab stop #define TTE_TAB_STOP 4 // Times to press Ctrl-Q before exiting #define TTE_QUIT_TIMES 2 // Highlight flags #define HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS (1 << 0) #define HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS (1 << 1) /*** Data section ***/ // Kolibri defaults int con_def_wnd_width = 80; int con_def_wnd_height = 25; /// winFile support int fileIsOd0a; typedef struct editor_row { int idx; // Row own index within the file. int size; // Size of the content (excluding NULL term) int render_size; // Size of the rendered content char* chars; // Row content char* render; // Row content "rendered" for screen (for TABs). unsigned char* highlight; // This will tell you if a character is part of a string, comment, number... int hl_open_comment; // True if the line is part of a ML comment. } editor_row; struct editor_syntax { // file_type field is the name of the filetype that will be displayed // to the user in the status bar. char* file_type; // file_match is an array of strings, where each string contains a // pattern to match a filename against. If the filename matches, // then the file will be recognized as having that filetype. char** file_match; // This will be a NULL-terminated array of strings, each string containing // a keyword. To differentiate between the two types of keywords, // we'll terminate the second type of keywords with a pipe (|) // character (also known as a vertical bar). char** keywords; // We let each language specify its own single-line comment pattern. char* singleline_comment_start; // flags is a bit field that will contain flags for whether to // highlight numbers and whether to highlight strings for that // filetype. char* multiline_comment_start; char* multiline_comment_end; int flags; }; struct editor_config { int cursor_x; int cursor_y; int render_x; int row_offset; // Offset of row displayed. int col_offset; // Offset of col displayed. int screen_rows; // Number of rows that we can show int screen_cols; // Number of cols that we can show int num_rows; // Number of rows editor_row* row; int dirty; // To know if a file has been modified since opening. char* file_name; char status_msg[80]; time_t status_msg_time; char* copied_char_buffer; struct editor_syntax* syntax; /// struct termios orig_termios; } ec; // Having a dynamic buffer will allow us to write only one // time once the screen is refreshing, instead of doing // a lot of write's. struct a_buf { char* buf; int len; }; enum editor_key { /// BACKSPACE = 0x7f, // 127 BACKSPACE = 0x3e7, // fixed russian letter ARROW_LEFT = 0x3e8, // 1000, large value out of the range of a char. ARROW_RIGHT, ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, HOME_KEY, END_KEY, DEL_KEY }; enum editor_highlight { HL_NORMAL = 0, HL_SL_COMMENT, HL_ML_COMMENT, HL_KEYWORD_1, HL_KEYWORD_2, HL_STRING, HL_NUMBER, HL_MATCH }; /*** Filetypes ***/ char* C_HL_extensions[] = {".c", ".h", ".cpp", ".hpp", ".cc", NULL}; // Array must be terminated with NULL. char* JAVA_HL_extensions[] = {".java", NULL}; char* PYTHON_HL_extensions[] = {".py", NULL}; char* BASH_HL_extensions[] = {".sh", NULL}; char* JS_HL_extensions[] = {".js", ".jsx", NULL}; char* PHP_HL_extensions[] = {".php", NULL}; char* JSON_HL_extensions[] = {".json", ".jsonp", NULL}; char* XML_HL_extensions[] = {".xml", NULL}; char* SQL_HL_extensions[] = {".sql", NULL}; char* RUBY_HL_extensions[] = {".rb", NULL}; char* C_HL_keywords[] = { "switch", "if", "while", "for", "break", "continue", "return", "else", "struct", "union", "typedef", "static", "enum", "class", "case", "#include", "volatile", "register", "sizeof", "typedef", "union", "goto", "const", "auto", "#define", "#if", "#endif", "#error", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#undef", "int|", "long|", "double|", "float|", "char|", "unsigned|", "signed|", "void|", "bool|", NULL }; char* JAVA_HL_keywords[] = { "switch", "if", "while", "for", "break", "continue", "return", "else", "in", "public", "private", "protected", "static", "final", "abstract", "enum", "class", "case", "try", "catch", "do", "extends", "implements", "finally", "import", "instanceof", "interface", "new", "package", "super", "native", "strictfp", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "volatile", "byte|", "char|", "double|", "float|", "int|", "long|", "short|", "boolean|", NULL }; char* PYTHON_HL_keywords[] = { "and", "as", "assert", "break", "class", "continue", "def", "del", "elif", "else", "except", "exec", "finally", "for", "from", "global", "if", "import", "in", "is", "lambda", "not", "or", "pass", "print", "raise", "return", "try", "while", "with", "yield", "buffer|", "bytearray|", "complex|", "False|", "float|", "frozenset|", "int|", "list|", "long|", "None|", "set|", "str|", "tuple|", "True|", "type|", "unicode|", "xrange|", NULL }; char* BASH_HL_keywords[] = { "case", "do", "done", "elif", "else", "esac", "fi", "for", "function", "if", "in", "select", "then", "time", "until", "while", "alias", "bg", "bind", "break", "builtin", "cd", "command", "continue", "declare", "dirs", "disown", "echo", "enable", "eval", "exec", "exit", "export", "fc", "fg", "getopts", "hash", "help", "history", "jobs", "kill", "let", "local", "logout", "popd", "pushd", "pwd", "read", "readonly", "return", "set", "shift", "suspend", "test", "times", "trap", "type", "typeset", "ulimit", "umask", "unalias", "unset", "wait", "printf", NULL }; char* JS_HL_keywords[] = { "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements", "import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", "true", "false", "null", "NaN", "global", "window", "prototype", "constructor", "document", "isNaN", "arguments", "undefined", "Infinity|", "Array|", "Object|", "Number|", "String|", "Boolean|", "Function|", "ArrayBuffer|", "DataView|", "Float32Array|", "Float64Array|", "Int8Array|", "Int16Array|", "Int32Array|", "Uint8Array|", "Uint8ClampedArray|", "Uint32Array|", "Date|", "Error|", "Map|", "RegExp|", "Symbol|", "WeakMap|", "WeakSet|", "Set|", NULL }; char* PHP_HL_keywords[] = { "__halt_compiler", "break", "clone", "die", "empty", "endswitch", "final", "global", "include_once", "list", "private", "return", "try", "xor", "abstract", "callable", "const", "do", "enddeclare", "endwhile", "finally", "goto", "instanceof", "namespace", "protected", "static", "unset", "yield", "and", "case", "continue", "echo", "endfor", "eval", "for", "if", "insteadof", "new", "public", "switch", "use", "array", "catch", "declare", "else", "endforeach", "exit", "foreach", "implements", "interface", "or", "require", "throw", "var", "as", "class", "default", "elseif", "endif", "extends", "function", "include", "isset", "print", "require_once", "trait", "while", NULL }; char* JSON_HL_keywords[] = { NULL }; char* XML_HL_keywords[] = { NULL }; char* SQL_HL_keywords[] = { "SELECT", "FROM", "DROP", "CREATE", "TABLE", "DEFAULT", "FOREIGN", "UPDATE", "LOCK", "INSERT", "INTO", "VALUES", "LOCK", "UNLOCK", "WHERE", "DINSTINCT", "BETWEEN", "NOT", "NULL", "TO", "ON", "ORDER", "GROUP", "IF", "BY", "HAVING", "USING", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "AUTO_INCREMENT", "LIKE", "WITH", "INNER", "OUTER", "JOIN", "COLUMN", "DATABASE", "EXISTS", "NATURAL", "LIMIT", "UNSIGNED", "MAX", "MIN", "PRECISION", "ALTER", "DELETE", "CASCADE", "PRIMARY", "KEY", "CONSTRAINT", "ENGINE", "CHARSET", "REFERENCES", "WRITE", "BIT|", "TINYINT|", "BOOL|", "BOOLEAN|", "SMALLINT|", "MEDIUMINT|", "INT|", "INTEGER|", "BIGINT|", "DOUBLE|", "DECIMAL|", "DEC|" "FLOAT|", "DATE|", "DATETIME|", "TIMESTAMP|", "TIME|", "YEAR|", "CHAR|", "VARCHAR|", "TEXT|", "ENUM|", "SET|", "BLOB|", "VARBINARY|", "TINYBLOB|", "TINYTEXT|", "MEDIUMBLOB|", "MEDIUMTEXT|", "LONGTEXT|", "select", "from", "drop", "create", "table", "default", "foreign", "update", "lock", "insert", "into", "values", "lock", "unlock", "where", "dinstinct", "between", "not", "null", "to", "on", "order", "group", "if", "by", "having", "using", "union", "unique", "auto_increment", "like", "with", "inner", "outer", "join", "column", "database", "exists", "natural", "limit", "unsigned", "max", "min", "precision", "alter", "delete", "cascade", "primary", "key", "constraint", "engine", "charset", "references", "write", "bit|", "tinyint|", "bool|", "boolean|", "smallint|", "mediumint|", "int|", "integer|", "bigint|", "double|", "decimal|", "dec|" "float|", "date|", "datetime|", "timestamp|", "time|", "year|", "char|", "varchar|", "text|", "enum|", "set|", "blob|", "varbinary|", "tinyblob|", "tinytext|", "mediumblob|", "mediumtext|", "longtext|", NULL }; char* RUBY_HL_keywords[] = { "__ENCODING__", "__LINE__", "__FILE__", "BEGIN", "END", "alias", "and", "begin", "break", "case", "class", "def", "defined?", "do", "else", "elsif", "end", "ensure", "for", "if", "in", "module", "next", "not", "or", "redo", "rescue", "retry", "return", "self", "super", "then", "undef", "unless", "until", "when", "while", "yield", NULL }; struct editor_syntax HL_DB[] = { { "c", C_HL_extensions, C_HL_keywords, "//", "/*", "*/", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "java", JAVA_HL_extensions, JAVA_HL_keywords, "//", "/*", "*/", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "python", PYTHON_HL_extensions, PYTHON_HL_keywords, "#", "'''", "'''", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "bash", BASH_HL_extensions, BASH_HL_keywords, "#", NULL, NULL, HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "js", JS_HL_extensions, JS_HL_keywords, "//", "/*", "*/", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "php", PHP_HL_extensions, PHP_HL_keywords, "//", "/*", "*/", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "json", JSON_HL_extensions, JSON_HL_keywords, NULL, NULL, NULL, HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "xml", XML_HL_extensions, XML_HL_keywords, NULL, NULL, NULL, HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "sql", SQL_HL_extensions, SQL_HL_keywords, "--", "/*", "*/", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS }, { "ruby", RUBY_HL_extensions, RUBY_HL_keywords, "#", "=begin", "=end", HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS | HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS } }; // Size of the "Hightlight Database" (HL_DB). #define HL_DB_ENTRIES (sizeof(HL_DB) / sizeof(HL_DB[0])) /*** Declarations section ***/ void editorClearScreen(); void editorRefreshScreen(); void editorSetStatusMessage(const char* msg, ...); void consoleBufferOpen(); void abufFree(); void abufAppend(); char *editorPrompt(char* prompt, void (*callback)(char*, int)); void editorRowAppendString(editor_row* row, char* s, size_t len); void editorInsertNewline(); /*** Terminal section ***/ void die(const char* s) { editorClearScreen(); // perror looks for global errno variable and then prints // a descriptive error mesage for it. perror(s); printf("\r\n"); con_exit(0); /// KOS console exit(1); } void disableRawMode() { /// if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &ec.orig_termios) == -1) /// die("Failed to disable raw mode"); } void enableRawMode() { // Save original terminal state into orig_termios. /// if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ec.orig_termios) == -1) /// die("Failed to get current terminal state"); // At exit, restore the original state. /// atexit(disableRawMode); /// /* // Modify the original state to enter in raw mode. struct termios raw = ec.orig_termios; // This disables Ctrl-M, Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q commands. // (BRKINT, INPCK and ISTRIP are not estrictly mandatory, // but it is recommended to turn them off in case any // system needs it). raw.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); // Turning off all output processing (\r\n). raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); // Setting character size to 8 bits per byte (it should be // like that on most systems, but whatever). raw.c_cflag |= (CS8); // Using NOT operator on ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG and // then bitwise-AND them with flags field in order to // force c_lflag 4th bit to become 0. This disables // chars being printed (ECHO) and let us turn off // canonical mode in order to read input byte-by-byte // instead of line-by-line (ICANON), ISIG disables // Ctrl-C command and IEXTEN the Ctrl-V one. raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG); // read() function now returns as soon as there is any // input to be read. raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // Forcing read() function to return every 1/10 of a // second if there is nothing to read. raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; */ consoleBufferOpen(); /// if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw) == -1) /// die("Failed to set raw mode"); } /// by Siemargl rewritten, still Ctrl+ combination works only in english locale, so need analyze scancode int editorReadKey() { int key = con_getch2(); if (key == 0) die("Window closed by moused X-button"); if (0 != (key & 0xff)) { key &= 0xff; switch (key) { case 27: // ESC return '\x1b'; case 13: // ENTER return '\r'; case 8: // BACKSPACE return BACKSPACE; case 9: // TAB return key; case 22: // Ctrl+V return CTRL_KEY('v'); case 3: // Ctrl+C return CTRL_KEY('c'); case 12: // Ctrl+L return CTRL_KEY('l'); case 17: // Ctrl+Q case 26: // Ctrl+Z return CTRL_KEY('q'); case 19: // Ctrl+S return CTRL_KEY('s'); case 5: // Ctrl+E return CTRL_KEY('e'); case 4: // Ctrl+D return CTRL_KEY('d'); case 6: // Ctrl+F return CTRL_KEY('f'); case 8: // Ctrl+H return CTRL_KEY('h'); case 24: // Ctrl+X return CTRL_KEY('x'); default: return key; } } else { key = (key >> 8) & 0xff; switch (key) { case 83: // Del return DEL_KEY; case 75: // Left return ARROW_LEFT; case 77: // Right return ARROW_RIGHT; case 72: // Up return ARROW_UP; case 80: // Down return ARROW_DOWN; case 81: // PgDn return PAGE_DOWN; case 73: // PgUp return PAGE_UP; case 71: // Home return HOME_KEY; case 79: // End return END_KEY; default: return 0; } } return 0; } int getWindowSize(int* screen_rows, int* screen_cols) { /// struct winsize ws; // Getting window size thanks to ioctl into the given // winsize struct. /* if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1 || ws.ws_col == 0) { return -1; } else { *screen_cols = ws.ws_col; *screen_rows = ws.ws_row; return 0; } */ *screen_cols = con_def_wnd_width; *screen_rows = con_def_wnd_height; } void editorUpdateWindowSize() { if (getWindowSize(&ec.screen_rows, &ec.screen_cols) == -1) die("Failed to get window size"); ec.screen_rows -= 2; // Room for the status bar. } void editorHandleSigwinch() { editorUpdateWindowSize(); if (ec.cursor_y > ec.screen_rows) ec.cursor_y = ec.screen_rows - 1; if (ec.cursor_x > ec.screen_cols) ec.cursor_x = ec.screen_cols - 1; editorRefreshScreen(); } void editorHandleSigcont() { disableRawMode(); consoleBufferOpen(); enableRawMode(); editorRefreshScreen(); } void consoleBufferOpen() { // Switch to another terminal buffer in order to be able to restore state at exit // by calling consoleBufferClose(). /// if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[?47h", 6) == -1) /// die("Error changing terminal buffer"); } void consoleBufferClose() { // Restore console to the state tte opened. /// if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[?9l", 5) == -1 || /// write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[?47l", 6) == -1) /// die("Error restoring buffer state"); /*struct a_buf ab = {.buf = NULL, .len = 0}; char* buf = NULL; if (asprintf(&buf, "\x1b[%d;%dH\r\n", ec.screen_rows + 1, 1) == -1) die("Error restoring buffer state"); abufAppend(&ab, buf, strlen(buf)); free(buf); if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, ab.buf, ab.len) == -1) die("Error restoring buffer state"); abufFree(&ab);*/ editorClearScreen(); } /*** Syntax highlighting ***/ int isSeparator(int c) { // strchr() looks to see if any one of the characters in the first string // appear in the second string. If so, it returns a pointer to the // character in the second string that matched. Otherwise, it // returns NULL. return isspace(c) || c == '\0' || strchr(",.()+-/*=~%<>[]:;", c) != NULL; } int isAlsoNumber(int c) { return c == '.' || c == 'x' || c == 'a' || c == 'b' || c == 'c' || c == 'd' || c == 'e' || c == 'f'; } void editorUpdateSyntax(editor_row* row) { row -> highlight = realloc(row -> highlight, row -> render_size); // void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num ); // Sets the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr to // the specified value. With this we set all characters to HL_NORMAL. memset(row -> highlight, HL_NORMAL, row -> render_size); if (ec.syntax == NULL) return; char** keywords = ec.syntax -> keywords; char* scs = ec.syntax -> singleline_comment_start; char* mcs = ec.syntax -> multiline_comment_start; char* mce = ec.syntax -> multiline_comment_end; int scs_len = scs ? strlen(scs) : 0; int mcs_len = mcs ? strlen(mcs) : 0; int mce_len = mce ? strlen(mce) : 0; int prev_sep = 1; // True (1) if the previous char is a separator, false otherwise. int in_string = 0; // If != 0, inside a string. We also keep track if it's ' or " int in_comment = (row -> idx > 0 && ec.row[row -> idx - 1].hl_open_comment); // This is ONLY used on ML comments. int i = 0; while (i < row -> render_size) { char c = row -> render[i]; // Highlight type of the previous character. unsigned char prev_highlight = (i > 0) ? row -> highlight[i - 1] : HL_NORMAL; if (scs_len && !in_string && !in_comment) { // int strncmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2, size_t num ); // Compares up to num characters of the C string str1 to those of the C string str2. // This function starts comparing the first character of each string. If they are // equal to each other, it continues with the following pairs until the characters // differ, until a terminating null-character is reached, or until num characters // match in both strings, whichever happens first. if (!strncmp(&row -> render[i], scs, scs_len)) { memset(&row -> highlight[i], HL_SL_COMMENT, row -> render_size - i); break; } } if (mcs_len && mce_len && !in_string) { if (in_comment) { row -> highlight[i] = HL_ML_COMMENT; if (!strncmp(&row -> render[i], mce, mce_len)) { memset(&row -> highlight[i], HL_ML_COMMENT, mce_len); i += mce_len; in_comment = 0; prev_sep = 1; continue; } else { i++; continue; } } else if (!strncmp(&row -> render[i], mcs, mcs_len)) { memset(&row -> highlight[i], HL_ML_COMMENT, mcs_len); i += mcs_len; in_comment = 1; continue; } } if (ec.syntax -> flags & HL_HIGHLIGHT_STRINGS) { if (in_string) { row -> highlight[i] = HL_STRING; // If we’re in a string and the current character is a backslash (\), // and there’s at least one more character in that line that comes // after the backslash, then we highlight the character that comes // after the backslash with HL_STRING and consume it. We increment // i by 2 to consume both characters at once. if (c == '\\' && i + 1 < row -> render_size) { row -> highlight[i + 1] = HL_STRING; i += 2; continue; } if (c == in_string) in_string = 0; i++; prev_sep = 1; continue; } else { if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { in_string = c; row -> highlight[i] = HL_STRING; i++; continue; } } } if (ec.syntax -> flags & HL_HIGHLIGHT_NUMBERS) { if ((isdigit(c) && (prev_sep || prev_highlight == HL_NUMBER)) || (isAlsoNumber(c) && prev_highlight == HL_NUMBER)) { row -> highlight[i] = HL_NUMBER; i++; prev_sep = 0; continue; } } if (prev_sep) { int j; for (j = 0; keywords[j]; j++) { int kw_len = strlen(keywords[j]); int kw_2 = keywords[j][kw_len - 1] == '|'; if (kw_2) kw_len--; // Keywords require a separator both before and after the keyword. if (!strncmp(&row -> render[i], keywords[j], kw_len) && isSeparator(row -> render[i + kw_len])) { memset(&row -> highlight[i], kw_2 ? HL_KEYWORD_2 : HL_KEYWORD_1, kw_len); i += kw_len; break; } } if (keywords[j] != NULL) { prev_sep = 0; continue; } } prev_sep = isSeparator(c); i++; } int changed = (row -> hl_open_comment != in_comment); // This tells us whether the row ended as an unclosed multi-line // comment or not. row -> hl_open_comment = in_comment; // A user could comment out an entire file just by changing one line. // So it seems like we need to update the syntax of all the lines // following the current line. However, we know the highlighting // of the next line will not change if the value of this line’s // // // hl_open_comment did not change. So we check if it changed, and // // only call editorUpdateSyntax() on the next line if // hl_open_comment changed (and if there is a next line in the file). // Because editorUpdateSyntax() keeps calling itself with the next // line, the change will continue to propagate to more and more lines // until one of them is unchanged, at which point we know that all // the lines after that one must be unchanged as well. if (changed && row -> idx + 1 < ec.num_rows) editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[row -> idx + 1]); } int editorSyntaxToColor(int highlight) { // We return ANSI codes for colors. // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors // for a list of them. switch (highlight) { case HL_SL_COMMENT: case HL_ML_COMMENT: return 36; case HL_KEYWORD_1: return 31; case HL_KEYWORD_2: return 32; case HL_STRING: return 33; case HL_NUMBER: return 35; case HL_MATCH: return 34; default: return 37; } } void editorSelectSyntaxHighlight() { ec.syntax = NULL; if (ec.file_name == NULL) return; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < HL_DB_ENTRIES; j++) { struct editor_syntax* es = &HL_DB[j]; unsigned int i = 0; while (es -> file_match[i]) { char* p = strstr(ec.file_name, es -> file_match[i]); if (p != NULL) { // Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of str2 in str1, // or a null pointer if str2 is not part of str1. int pat_len = strlen(es -> file_match[i]); if (es -> file_match[i][0] != '.' || p[pat_len] == '\0') { ec.syntax = es; int file_row; for (file_row = 0; file_row < ec.num_rows; file_row++) { editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[file_row]); } return; } } i++; } } } /*** Row operations ***/ int editorRowCursorXToRenderX(editor_row* row, int cursor_x) { int render_x = 0; int j; // For each character, if its a tab we use rx % TTE_TAB_STOP // to find out how many columns we are to the right of the last // tab stop, and then subtract that from TTE_TAB_STOP - 1 to // find out how many columns we are to the left of the next tab // stop. We add that amount to rx to get just to the left of the // next tab stop, and then the unconditional rx++ statement gets // us right on the next tab stop. Notice how this works even if // we are currently on a tab stop. for (j = 0; j < cursor_x; j++) { if (row -> chars[j] == '\t') render_x += (TTE_TAB_STOP - 1) - (render_x % TTE_TAB_STOP); render_x++; } return render_x; } int editorRowRenderXToCursorX(editor_row* row, int render_x) { int cur_render_x = 0; int cursor_x; for (cursor_x = 0; cursor_x < row -> size; cursor_x++) { if (row -> chars[cursor_x] == '\t') cur_render_x += (TTE_TAB_STOP - 1) - (cur_render_x % TTE_TAB_STOP); cur_render_x++; if (cur_render_x > render_x) return cursor_x; } return cursor_x; } void editorUpdateRow(editor_row* row) { // First, we have to loop through the chars of the row // and count the tabs in order to know how much memory // to allocate for render. The maximum number of characters // needed for each tab is 8. row->size already counts 1 for // each tab, so we multiply the number of tabs by 7 and add // that to row->size to get the maximum amount of memory we'll // need for the rendered row. int tabs = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < row -> size; j++) { if (row -> chars[j] == '\t') tabs++; } free(row -> render); row -> render = malloc(row -> size + tabs * (TTE_TAB_STOP - 1) + 1); // After allocating the memory, we check whether the current character // is a tab. If it is, we append one space (because each tab must // advance the cursor forward at least one column), and then append // spaces until we get to a tab stop, which is a column that is // divisible by 8 int idx = 0; for (j = 0; j < row -> size; j++) { if (row -> chars[j] == '\t') { row -> render[idx++] = ' '; while (idx % TTE_TAB_STOP != 0) row -> render[idx++] = ' '; } else row -> render[idx++] = row -> chars[j]; } row -> render[idx] = '\0'; row -> render_size = idx; editorUpdateSyntax(row); } void editorInsertRow(int at, char* s, size_t line_len) { if (at < 0 || at > ec.num_rows) return; ec.row = realloc(ec.row, sizeof(editor_row) * (ec.num_rows + 1)); memmove(&ec.row[at + 1], &ec.row[at], sizeof(editor_row) * (ec.num_rows - at)); for (int j = at + 1; j <= ec.num_rows; j++) { ec.row[j].idx++; } ec.row[at].idx = at; ec.row[at].size = line_len; ec.row[at].chars = malloc(line_len + 1); // We want to add terminator char '\0' at the end memcpy(ec.row[at].chars, s, line_len); ec.row[at].chars[line_len] = '\0'; ec.row[at].render_size = 0; ec.row[at].render = NULL; ec.row[at].highlight = NULL; ec.row[at].hl_open_comment = 0; editorUpdateRow(&ec.row[at]); ec.num_rows++; ec.dirty++; } void editorFreeRow(editor_row* row) { free(row -> render); free(row -> chars); free(row -> highlight); } void editorDelRow(int at) { if (at < 0 || at >= ec.num_rows) return; editorFreeRow(&ec.row[at]); memmove(&ec.row[at], &ec.row[at + 1], sizeof(editor_row) * (ec.num_rows - at - 1)); for (int j = at; j < ec.num_rows - 1; j++) { ec.row[j].idx--; } ec.num_rows--; ec.dirty++; } // -1 down, 1 up void editorFlipRow(int dir) { editor_row c_row = ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; ec.row[ec.cursor_y] = ec.row[ec.cursor_y - dir]; ec.row[ec.cursor_y - dir] = c_row; ec.row[ec.cursor_y].idx += dir; ec.row[ec.cursor_y - dir].idx -= dir; int first = (dir == 1) ? ec.cursor_y - 1 : ec.cursor_y; editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[first]); editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[first] + 1); if (ec.num_rows - ec.cursor_y > 2) editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[first] + 2); ec.cursor_y -= dir; ec.dirty++; } void editorCopy(int cut) { ec.copied_char_buffer = realloc(ec.copied_char_buffer, strlen(ec.row[ec.cursor_y].chars) + 1); strcpy(ec.copied_char_buffer, ec.row[ec.cursor_y].chars); editorSetStatusMessage(cut ? "Content cut" : "Content copied"); } void editorCut() { editorCopy(-1); editorDelRow(ec.cursor_y); if (ec.num_rows - ec.cursor_y > 0) editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y]); if (ec.num_rows - ec.cursor_y > 1) editorUpdateSyntax(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y + 1]); ec.cursor_x = ec.cursor_y == ec.num_rows ? 0 : ec.row[ec.cursor_y].size; } void editorPaste() { if (ec.copied_char_buffer == NULL) return; if (ec.cursor_y == ec.num_rows) editorInsertRow(ec.cursor_y, ec.copied_char_buffer, strlen(ec.copied_char_buffer)); else editorRowAppendString(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y], ec.copied_char_buffer, strlen(ec.copied_char_buffer)); ec.cursor_x += strlen(ec.copied_char_buffer); } void editorRowInsertChar(editor_row* row, int at, int c) { if (at < 0 || at > row -> size) at = row -> size; // We need to allocate 2 bytes because we also have to make room for // the null byte. row -> chars = realloc(row -> chars, row -> size + 2); // memmove it's like memcpy(), but is safe to use when the source and // destination arrays overlap memmove(&row -> chars[at + 1], &row -> chars[at], row -> size - at + 1); row -> size++; row -> chars[at] = c; editorUpdateRow(row); ec.dirty++; // This way we can see "how dirty" a file is. } void editorInsertNewline() { // If we're at the beginning of a line, all we have to do is insert // a new blank row before the line we're on. if (ec.cursor_x == 0) { editorInsertRow(ec.cursor_y, "", 0); // Otherwise, we have to split the line we're on into two rows. } else { editor_row* row = &ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; editorInsertRow(ec.cursor_y + 1, &row -> chars[ec.cursor_x], row -> size - ec.cursor_x); row = &ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; row -> size = ec.cursor_x; row -> chars[row -> size] = '\0'; editorUpdateRow(row); } ec.cursor_y++; ec.cursor_x = 0; } void editorRowAppendString(editor_row* row, char* s, size_t len) { row -> chars = realloc(row -> chars, row -> size + len + 1); memcpy(&row -> chars[row -> size], s, len); row -> size += len; row -> chars[row -> size] = '\0'; editorUpdateRow(row); ec.dirty++; } void editorRowDelChar(editor_row* row, int at) { if (at < 0 || at >= row -> size) return; // Overwriting the deleted character with the characters that come // after it. memmove(&row -> chars[at], &row -> chars[at + 1], row -> size - at); row -> size--; editorUpdateRow(row); ec.dirty++; } /*** Editor operations ***/ void editorInsertChar(int c) { // If this is true, the cursor is on the tilde line after the end of // the file, so we need to append a new row to the file before inserting // a character there. if (ec.cursor_y == ec.num_rows) editorInsertRow(ec.num_rows, "", 0); editorRowInsertChar(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y], ec.cursor_x, c); ec.cursor_x++; // This way we can see "how dirty" a file is. } void editorDelChar() { // If the cursor is past the end of the file, there's nothing to delete. if (ec.cursor_y == ec.num_rows) return; // Cursor is at the beginning of a file, there's nothing to delete. if (ec.cursor_x == 0 && ec.cursor_y == 0) return; editor_row* row = &ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; if (ec.cursor_x > 0) { editorRowDelChar(row, ec.cursor_x - 1); ec.cursor_x--; // Deleting a line and moving up all the content. } else { ec.cursor_x = ec.row[ec.cursor_y - 1].size; editorRowAppendString(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y -1], row -> chars, row -> size); editorDelRow(ec.cursor_y); ec.cursor_y--; } } /*** File I/O ***/ char* editorRowsToString(int* buf_len) { int total_len = 0; int j; // Adding up the lengths of each row of text, adding 1 // to each one for the newline character we'll add to // the end of each line. for (j = 0; j < ec.num_rows; j++) { total_len += ec.row[j].size + 1 + (fileIsOd0a ? 1:0); /// winFile suppor } *buf_len = total_len; char* buf = malloc(total_len); char* p = buf; // Copying the contents of each row to the end of the // buffer, appending a newline character after each // row. for (j = 0; j < ec.num_rows; j++) { memcpy(p, ec.row[j].chars, ec.row[j].size); p += ec.row[j].size; /// winFile support if (fileIsOd0a) *p++ = '\r'; *p = '\n'; p++; } return buf; } extern int getline(char **buf, size_t *bufsiz, FILE *fp); void editorOpen(char* file_name) { free(ec.file_name); ec.file_name = strdup(file_name); editorSelectSyntaxHighlight(); FILE* file = fopen(file_name, "r+"); if (!file) die("Failed to open the file"); char* line = NULL; // Unsigned int of at least 16 bit. size_t line_cap = 0; // Bigger than int int line_len; ///was ssize_t fileIsOd0a = 0; /// winFile support while ((line_len = getline(&line, &line_cap, file)) != -1) { // We already know each row represents one line of text, there's no need // to keep carriage return and newline characters. if (line_len > 0 && (line[line_len - 1] == '\n' || line[line_len - 1] == '\r')) line_len--; /// Siemargl fix 0d0a windows file, save format flag if (line_len > 0 && line[line_len - 1] == '\r') { line_len--; fileIsOd0a = 1; } editorInsertRow(ec.num_rows, line, line_len); } free(line); fclose(file); ec.dirty = 0; } void editorSave() { if (ec.file_name == NULL) { ec.file_name = editorPrompt("Save as: %s (ESC to cancel)", NULL); if (ec.file_name == NULL) { editorSetStatusMessage("Save aborted"); return; } editorSelectSyntaxHighlight(); } int len; char* buf = editorRowsToString(&len); /// siemargl rewrite using standard FILE stream FILE *fd = fopen(ec.file_name,"w+b"); int rc = -1; if (fd) { if ((rc = fwrite(buf, 1, len, fd)) == len) { fclose(fd); free(buf); ec.dirty = 0; editorSetStatusMessage("%d bytes written to disk", len); return; } fclose(fd); } free(buf); editorSetStatusMessage("Cant's save file. Error occurred: %s", strerror(errno)); } /*** Search section ***/ void editorSearchCallback(char* query, int key) { // Index of the row that the last match was on, -1 if there was // no last match. static int last_match = -1; // 1 for searching forward and -1 for searching backwards. static int direction = 1; static int saved_highlight_line; static char* saved_hightlight = NULL; if (saved_hightlight) { memcpy(ec.row[saved_highlight_line].highlight, saved_hightlight, ec.row[saved_highlight_line].render_size); free(saved_hightlight); saved_hightlight = NULL; } // Checking if the user pressed Enter or Escape, in which case // they are leaving search mode so we return immediately. if (key == '\r' || key == '\x1b') { last_match = -1; direction = 1; return; } else if (key == ARROW_RIGHT || key == ARROW_DOWN) { direction = 1; } else if (key == ARROW_LEFT || key == ARROW_UP) { if (last_match == -1) { // If nothing matched and the left or up arrow key was pressed return; } direction = -1; } else { last_match = -1; direction = 1; } int current = last_match; int i; for (i = 0; i < ec.num_rows; i++) { current += direction; if (current == -1) current = ec.num_rows - 1; else if (current == ec.num_rows) current = 0; editor_row* row = &ec.row[current]; // We use strstr to check if query is a substring of the // current row. It returns NULL if there is no match, // oterwhise it returns a pointer to the matching substring. char* match = strstr(row -> render, query); if (match) { last_match = current; ec.cursor_y = current; ec.cursor_x = editorRowRenderXToCursorX(row, match - row -> render); // We set this like so to scroll to the bottom of the file so // that the next screen refresh will cause the matching line to // be at the very top of the screen. ec.row_offset = ec.num_rows; saved_highlight_line = current; saved_hightlight = malloc(row -> render_size); memcpy(saved_hightlight, row -> highlight, row -> render_size); memset(&row -> highlight[match - row -> render], HL_MATCH, strlen(query)); break; } } } void editorSearch() { int saved_cursor_x = ec.cursor_x; int saved_cursor_y = ec.cursor_y; int saved_col_offset = ec.col_offset; int saved_row_offset = ec.row_offset; char* query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (Use ESC / Enter / Arrows)", editorSearchCallback); if (query) { free(query); // If query is NULL, that means they pressed Escape, so in that case we // restore the cursor previous position. } else { ec.cursor_x = saved_cursor_x; ec.cursor_y = saved_cursor_y; ec.col_offset = saved_col_offset; ec.row_offset = saved_row_offset; } } /*** Append buffer section **/ void abufAppend(struct a_buf* ab, const char* s, int len) { // Using realloc to get a block of free memory that is // the size of the current string + the size of the string // to be appended. char* new = realloc(ab -> buf, ab -> len + len); if (new == NULL) return; // Copying the string s at the end of the current data in // the buffer. memcpy(&new[ab -> len], s, len); ab -> buf = new; ab -> len += len; } void abufFree(struct a_buf* ab) { // Deallocating buffer. free(ab -> buf); } /*** Output section ***/ void editorScroll() { ec.render_x = 0; if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows) ec.render_x = editorRowCursorXToRenderX(&ec.row[ec.cursor_y], ec.cursor_x); // The first if statement checks if the cursor is above the visible window, // and if so, scrolls up to where the cursor is. The second if statement checks // if the cursor is past the bottom of the visible window, and contains slightly // more complicated arithmetic because ec.row_offset refers to what's at the top // of the screen, and we have to get ec.screen_rows involved to talk about what's // at the bottom of the screen. if (ec.cursor_y < ec.row_offset) ec.row_offset = ec.cursor_y; if (ec.cursor_y >= ec.row_offset + ec.screen_rows) ec.row_offset = ec.cursor_y - ec.screen_rows + 1; if (ec.render_x < ec.col_offset) ec.col_offset = ec.render_x; if (ec.render_x >= ec.col_offset + ec.screen_cols) ec.col_offset = ec.render_x - ec.screen_cols + 1; } void editorDrawStatusBar(struct a_buf* ab) { // This switches to inverted colors. // NOTE: // The m command (Select Graphic Rendition) causes the text printed // after it to be printed with various possible attributes including // bold (1), underscore (4), blink (5), and inverted colors (7). An // argument of 0 clears all attributes (the default one). See // http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#SGR for more info. abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[7m", 4); char status[80], r_status[80]; // Showing up to 20 characters of the filename, followed by the number of lines. int len = snprintf(status, sizeof(status), " Editing: %.20s %s", ec.file_name ? ec.file_name : "New file", ec.dirty ? "(modified)" : ""); int col_size = ec.row && ec.cursor_y <= ec.num_rows - 1 ? col_size = ec.row[ec.cursor_y].size : 0; int r_len = snprintf(r_status, sizeof(r_status), "%d/%d lines %d/%d cols ", ec.cursor_y + 1 > ec.num_rows ? ec.num_rows : ec.cursor_y + 1, ec.num_rows, ec.cursor_x + 1 > col_size ? col_size : ec.cursor_x + 1, col_size); if (len > ec.screen_cols) len = ec.screen_cols; abufAppend(ab, status, len); while (len < ec.screen_cols) { if (ec.screen_cols - len == r_len) { abufAppend(ab, r_status, r_len); break; } else { abufAppend(ab, " ", 1); len++; } } // This switches back to normal colors. abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[m", 3); abufAppend(ab, "\r\n", 2); } void editorDrawMessageBar(struct a_buf *ab) { // Clearing the message bar. /// abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[K", 3); /// not work in Kolibri int msg_len = strlen(ec.status_msg); if (msg_len > ec.screen_cols) msg_len = ec.screen_cols; // We only show the message if its less than 5 secons old, but // remember the screen is only being refreshed after each keypress. if (msg_len && time(NULL) - ec.status_msg_time < 5) abufAppend(ab, ec.status_msg, msg_len); } void editorDrawWelcomeMessage(struct a_buf* ab) { char welcome[80]; // Using snprintf to truncate message in case the terminal // is too tiny to handle the entire string. int welcome_len = snprintf(welcome, sizeof(welcome), "TinyTextEditor %s", TTE_VERSION); if (welcome_len > ec.screen_cols) welcome_len = ec.screen_cols; // Centering the message. int padding = (ec.screen_cols - welcome_len) / 2; // Remember that everything != 0 is true. if (padding) { abufAppend(ab, "~", 1); padding--; } while (padding--) abufAppend(ab, " ", 1); abufAppend(ab, welcome, welcome_len); } // The ... argument makes editorSetStatusMessage() a variadic function, // meaning it can take any number of arguments. C's way of dealing with // these arguments is by having you call va_start() and va_end() on a // // value of type va_list. The last argument before the ... (in this // case, msg) must be passed to va_start(), so that the address of // the next arguments is known. Then, between the va_start() and // va_end() calls, you would call va_arg() and pass it the type of // the next argument (which you usually get from the given format // string) and it would return the value of that argument. In // this case, we pass msg and args to vsnprintf() and it takes care // of reading the format string and calling va_arg() to get each // argument. void editorSetStatusMessage(const char* msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vsnprintf(ec.status_msg, sizeof(ec.status_msg), msg, args); va_end(args); ec.status_msg_time = time(NULL); } void editorDrawRows(struct a_buf* ab) { int y; for (y = 0; y < ec.screen_rows; y++) { int file_row = y + ec.row_offset; if(file_row >= ec.num_rows) { if (ec.num_rows == 0 && y == ec.screen_rows / 3) editorDrawWelcomeMessage(ab); else abufAppend(ab, "~", 1); } else { int len = ec.row[file_row].render_size - ec.col_offset; // len can be a negative number, meaning the user scrolled // horizontally past the end of the line. In that case, we set // len to 0 so that nothing is displayed on that line. if (len < 0) len = 0; if (len > ec.screen_cols) len = ec.screen_cols; char* c = &ec.row[file_row].render[ec.col_offset]; unsigned char* highlight = &ec.row[file_row].highlight[ec.col_offset]; int current_color = -1; int j; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { // Displaying nonprintable characters as (A-Z, @, and ?). if (iscntrl(c[j])) { char sym = (c[j] <= 26) ? '@' + c[j] : '?'; abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[7m", 4); abufAppend(ab, &sym, 1); abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[m", 3); if (current_color != -1) { char buf[16]; int c_len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%dm", current_color); abufAppend(ab, buf, c_len); } } else if (highlight[j] == HL_NORMAL) { if (current_color != -1) { abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[m", 3); /// was [39, 5 current_color = -1; } abufAppend(ab, &c[j], 1); } else { int color = editorSyntaxToColor(highlight[j]); // We only use escape sequence if the new color is different // from the last character's color. if (color != current_color) { current_color = color; char buf[16]; int c_len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%dm", color); abufAppend(ab, buf, c_len); } abufAppend(ab, &c[j], 1); } } abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[m", 3); /// was [39, 5 } // Redrawing each line instead of the whole screen. /// abufAppend(ab, "\x1b[K", 3); /// not work in Kolibri // Addind a new line abufAppend(ab, "\r\n", 2); } } void editorRefreshScreen() { editorScroll(); struct a_buf ab = ABUF_INIT; // Hiding the cursor while the screen is refreshing. // See http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#S3.3.4 // for more info. /// abufAppend(&ab, "\x1b[?25l", 6); abufAppend(&ab, "\x1b[H", 3); /// full clear because "\x1b[K" not work in Kolibri abufAppend(&ab, "\x1b[2J", 4); editorDrawRows(&ab); editorDrawStatusBar(&ab); editorDrawMessageBar(&ab); // Moving the cursor where it should be. char buf[32]; /// snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%d;%dH", (ec.cursor_y - ec.row_offset) + 1, (ec.render_x - ec.col_offset) + 1); /// a bit different in Kolibri snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%d;%dH", (ec.render_x - ec.col_offset), (ec.cursor_y - ec.row_offset)); abufAppend(&ab, buf, strlen(buf)); // Showing again the cursor. /// abufAppend(&ab, "\x1b[?25h", 6); // Writing all content at once /// write(STDOUT_FILENO, ab.buf, ab.len); con_write_string(ab.buf, ab.len); abufFree(&ab); } void editorClearScreen() { // Writing 4 bytes out to the terminal: // - (1 byte) \x1b : escape character // - (3 bytes) [2J : Clears the entire screen, see // http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#ED // for more info. /// write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[2J", 4); con_write_string("\x1b[2J", 4); // Writing 3 bytes to reposition the cursor back at // the top-left corner, see // http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#CUP // for more info. /// write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[H", 3); con_write_string("\x1b[H", 3); } /*** Input section ***/ char* editorPrompt(char* prompt, void (*callback)(char*, int)) { size_t buf_size = 128; char* buf = malloc(buf_size); size_t buf_len = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; while (1) { editorSetStatusMessage(prompt, buf); editorRefreshScreen(); int c = editorReadKey(); if (c == DEL_KEY || c == CTRL_KEY('h') || c == BACKSPACE) { if (buf_len != 0) buf[--buf_len] = '\0'; } else if (c == '\x1b') { editorSetStatusMessage(""); if (callback) callback(buf, c); free(buf); return NULL; } else if (c == '\r') { if (buf_len != 0) { editorSetStatusMessage(""); if (callback) callback(buf, c); return buf; } } else if (!iscntrl(c) && isprint(c)) { if (buf_len == buf_size - 1) { buf_size *= 2; buf = realloc(buf, buf_size); } buf[buf_len++] = c; buf[buf_len] = '\0'; } if (callback) callback(buf, c); } } void editorMoveCursor(int key) { editor_row* row = (ec.cursor_y >= ec.num_rows) ? NULL : &ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; switch (key) { case ARROW_LEFT: if (ec.cursor_x != 0) ec.cursor_x--; // If <- is pressed, move to the end of the previous line else if (ec.cursor_y > 0) { ec.cursor_y--; ec.cursor_x = ec.row[ec.cursor_y].size; } break; case ARROW_RIGHT: if (row && ec.cursor_x < row -> size) ec.cursor_x++; // If -> is pressed, move to the start of the next line else if (row && ec.cursor_x == row -> size) { ec.cursor_y++; ec.cursor_x = 0; } break; case ARROW_UP: if (ec.cursor_y != 0) ec.cursor_y--; break; case ARROW_DOWN: if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows) ec.cursor_y++; break; } // Move cursor_x if it ends up past the end of the line it's on row = (ec.cursor_y >= ec.num_rows) ? NULL : &ec.row[ec.cursor_y]; int row_len = row ? row -> size : 0; if (ec.cursor_x > row_len) ec.cursor_x = row_len; } void editorProcessKeypress() { static int quit_times = TTE_QUIT_TIMES; int c = editorReadKey(); switch (c) { case '\r': // Enter key editorInsertNewline(); break; case CTRL_KEY('q'): if (ec.dirty && quit_times > 0) { editorSetStatusMessage("Warning! File has unsaved changes. Press Ctrl-Q or ^Z %d more time%s to quit", quit_times, quit_times > 1 ? "s" : ""); quit_times--; return; } editorClearScreen(); consoleBufferClose(); con_exit(1); /// KOS console exit(0); break; case CTRL_KEY('s'): editorSave(); break; case CTRL_KEY('e'): if (ec.cursor_y > 0 && ec.cursor_y <= ec.num_rows - 1) editorFlipRow(1); break; case CTRL_KEY('d'): if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows - 1) editorFlipRow(-1); break; case CTRL_KEY('x'): if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows) editorCut(); break; case CTRL_KEY('c'): if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows) editorCopy(0); break; case CTRL_KEY('v'): editorPaste(); break; /// case CTRL_KEY('p'): /// consoleBufferClose(); /// kill(0, SIGTSTP); case ARROW_UP: case ARROW_DOWN: case ARROW_LEFT: case ARROW_RIGHT: editorMoveCursor(c); break; case PAGE_UP: case PAGE_DOWN: { // You can't declare variables directly inside a switch statement. if (c == PAGE_UP) ec.cursor_y = ec.row_offset; else if (c == PAGE_DOWN) ec.cursor_y = ec.row_offset + ec.screen_rows - 1; int times = ec.screen_rows; while (times--) editorMoveCursor(c == PAGE_UP ? ARROW_UP : ARROW_DOWN); } break; case HOME_KEY: ec.cursor_x = 0; break; case END_KEY: if (ec.cursor_y < ec.num_rows) ec.cursor_x = ec.row[ec.cursor_y].size; break; case CTRL_KEY('f'): editorSearch(); break; case BACKSPACE: case CTRL_KEY('h'): case DEL_KEY: if (c == DEL_KEY) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDelChar(); break; case CTRL_KEY('l'): case '\x1b': // Escape key break; default: editorInsertChar(c); break; } quit_times = TTE_QUIT_TIMES; } /*** Init section ***/ void initEditor() { ec.cursor_x = 0; ec.cursor_y = 0; ec.render_x = 0; ec.row_offset = 0; ec.col_offset = 0; ec.num_rows = 0; ec.row = NULL; ec.dirty = 0; ec.file_name = NULL; ec.status_msg[0] = '\0'; ec.status_msg_time = 0; ec.copied_char_buffer = NULL; ec.syntax = NULL; editorUpdateWindowSize(); // The SIGWINCH signal is sent to a process when its controlling // terminal changes its size (a window change). /// signal(SIGWINCH, editorHandleSigwinch); // The SIGCONT signal instructs the operating system to continue // (restart) a process previously paused by the SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP // signal. /// signal(SIGCONT, editorHandleSigcont); } void printHelp() { /* printf("Usage: tte [OPTIONS] [FILE]\n\n"); printf("\nKEYBINDINGS\n-----------\n\n"); printf("Keybinding\t\tAction\n\n"); printf("Ctrl-Q,^Z \t\tExit\n"); printf("Ctrl-S \t\tSave\n"); printf("Ctrl-F \t\tSearch. Esc, enter and arrows to interact once searching\n"); printf("Ctrl-E \t\tFlip line upwards\n"); printf("Ctrl-D \t\tFlip line downwards\n"); printf("Ctrl-C \t\tCopy line\n"); printf("Ctrl-X \t\tCut line\n"); printf("Ctrl-V \t\tPaste line\n"); /// printf("Ctrl-P \t\tPause tte (type \"fg\" to resume)\n"); printf("\n\nOPTIONS\n-------\n\n"); printf("Option \t\tAction\n\n"); printf("-h | --help \t\tPrints the help\n"); printf("-v | --version\t\tPrints the version of tte\n"); printf("\n\nFor now, usage of ISO 8859-1 is recommended.\n"); */ /// NOTIFY HOTKEYS char* __help__ = "'Hotkeys: \n\ ^Q, ^Z Exit \n\ Ctrl-S Save \n\ Ctrl-F Search. Esc, \n\ enter and arrows to interact once searching \n\ Ctrl-E Flip line upwards \n\ Ctrl-D Flip line downwards \n\ Ctrl-C Copy line \n\ Ctrl-X Cut line \n\ Ctrl-V Paste line' -t -I"; notify(__help__); /// NOTIFY OPTIONS __help__ = "'Options:\n\ -h, --help Prints the help \n\ -v, --version Prints the version of tte \n\ For now, usage of ISO 8859-1 is recommended.\n' -t -I"; notify(__help__); } // 1 if editor should open, 0 otherwise, -1 if the program should exit int handleArgs(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) return 0; if (argc >= 2) { if (strncmp("-h", argv[1], 2) == 0 || strncmp("--help", argv[1], 6) == 0) { printHelp(); return -1; } else if(strncmp("-v", argv[1], 2) == 0 || strncmp("--version", argv[1], 9) == 0) { char* _notify_version = "'Version:\n"; strcat(_notify_version, TTE_VERSION); strcat(_notify_version, "' -t -I"); /// printf("tte - version %s\n", TTE_VERSION); notify(_notify_version); return -1; } } return 1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { con_init_console_dll_param(con_def_wnd_width, con_def_wnd_height, con_def_wnd_width, con_def_wnd_height, "TinyTextEditor"); initEditor(); int arg_response = handleArgs(argc, argv); if (arg_response == 1) { char* filename = argv[1]; // tolower for (int i = 0; i < strlen(filename); i++) filename[i] = tolower(filename[i]); editorOpen(filename); char* title = argv[1]; strcat(title, " - TinyTextEditor"); con_set_title(title); } else if (arg_response == -1) return 0; enableRawMode(); editorSetStatusMessage(" Ctrl-Q, ^Z to quit | Ctrl-S to save | (tte -h | --help for more info)"); while (1) { editorRefreshScreen(); editorProcessKeypress(); } con_exit(1); return 0; }