; ; MyKey. Version 0.2. ; ; Author: Asper ; Date of issue: 29.12.2009 ; Compiler: FASM ; Target: KolibriOS ; use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 38 ; required os dd STARTAPP ; program start dd I_END ; program image size dd 0x1000000 ; required amount of memory dd 0x1000000 ; stack heap dd 0x0 dd app_path include 'lang.inc' ;language support include 'ASPAPI.INC' include 'string.inc' include 'macros.inc' include 'editbox_ex.mac' include 'load_lib.mac' include '../../../dll.inc' include 'debug.inc' DEBUG equ 0;1 N_KEYCOLOR equ 0x00EEEEEE ; Normal button color C_KEYCOLOR equ 0x00CBE1E1 ; Control button color A_KEYCOLOR equ 0x00FF6400;258778 ; Active button color C_TEXTCOLOR equ 0x80000000 ; Button caption color CA_TEXTCOLOR equ 0x80FFFFFF ; Active button caption color A_TEXTCOLOR equ 0x00FFFFFF ; Active text color WIN_X equ 265 WIN_Y equ 50;175 WIN_W equ 595 WIN_H equ 415 ;570 WIN_COLOR equ 0x040099BB;0x04EEEEEE ITEM_BUTTON_W equ 192;100 ITEM_BUTTON_H equ 23 ITEM_BUTTON_SPACE equ 0 FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID equ 7 BUT_W equ 80 BUT_H equ 20 MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM equ 15 ; Bad bounding :/. Until we have normal listbox control. PATH_MAX_CHARS equ 255 @use_library STARTAPP: ; Initialize memory mcall 68, 11 or eax,eax jz close_app ; Import libraries sys_load_library boxlib_name, sys_path, boxlib_name, system_dir0, err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, myimport,err_message_import, head_f_i cmp eax,-1 jz close_app stdcall dll.Load,importTable test eax, eax jnz close_app mcall 68, 12, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*PATH_MAX_CHARS ; Get memory for editboxes text mov dword [buf_cmd_line], eax mov dword [edit1.text], eax mcall 68, 12, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*PATH_MAX_CHARS mov dword [buf_cmd_params], eax mov dword [edit2.text], eax mcall 68, 12, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*32 mov dword [it_buf_cmd_line], eax mov dword [it_edit.text], eax call Load_HotkeyList mcall 66, 1, 1 ; Set keyboard mode to get scancodes. mcall 26, 2, 1, ascii_keymap get_mykey_window_slot_number: call draw_window mcall 18, 7 mov [mykey_window], eax set_event_mask: mcall 40, 39 red: .test_slot: mcall 18, 7 mov ebx, [mykey_window] cmp eax, ebx jne @f mov ecx, [it_window] cmp ebx, ecx je @f .activate_it_window: mov al, byte [it_alive] test al, al jz @f mov byte [it_alive], 0 mcall 18, 3 ; Activate input thread window @@: call draw_window still: call reset_modifiers mcall 10 ; Wait for an event in the queue. cmp al,1 ; redraw request ? jz red cmp al,2 ; key in buffer ? jz key cmp al,3 ; button in buffer ? jz button cmp al,6 jz mouse jmp still key: mcall 2 push eax mcall 66, 3 ;mov edx, eax ;and edx, 0x00000FF;F mov dword [modifiers], eax;edx pop eax test word [edit1.flags], 10b jnz .editbox_input test word [edit2.flags], 10b jz @f .editbox_input: cmp ah, 0x80 ;if key up ja still cmp ah, 42 ;LShift je still cmp ah, 54 ;RShift je still cmp ah, 56 ;Alt je still cmp ah, 29 ;Ctrl je still cmp ah, 69 ;Pause/Break je still mov esi, ascii_keymap call Scan2ASCII push dword edit1 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_key] jmp still @@: ;------------------------ mov cl, byte [hotkeys_num] .test_next_hotkey: dec cl mov bl, cl and ebx, 0xFF shl ebx, 2;5 ; mov esi, ebx add ebx, dword Hotkeys.codes mov edx, dword [ebx] cmp ah, dl jne @f shr edx, 8 cmp edx, dword [modifiers] jne @f push eax mov eax, PATH_MAX_CHARS mul cl mov edx, eax add edx, dword [buf_cmd_params] add eax, dword [buf_cmd_line] mov esi, eax pop eax call RunProgram jmp .end_test @@: or cl, cl jnz .test_next_hotkey .end_test: ;------------------------ jmp still button: mcall 17 ; Get pressed button code cmp ah, 1 ; Test x button je close_app cmp ah, 2 jne @f call AddHotKey jmp red @@: cmp ah, 5 jne @f call Load_HotkeyList jmp red @@: cmp ah, 6 jne @f call WriteIni xor edx, edx mov esi, aRamSaver call RunProgram @@: cmp ah, FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID ; Test if pressed buttons jb still ; is a HotKey button... mov al, ah sub al, FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID cmp al, byte [hotkeys_num] jnb still ; ...so, if not then still, mov byte [butt], ah ; if yes then save pressed button ID and eax, 0xFF mov cl, byte PATH_MAX_CHARS mul cl mov ebx, eax add ebx, dword [buf_cmd_params] add eax, dword [buf_cmd_line] mov dword [edit1.text], eax mov dword [edit2.text], ebx mov esi, eax call strlen mov dword [edit1.size], ecx mov dword [edit1.pos], ecx mov esi, ebx call strlen mov dword [edit2.size], ecx mov dword [edit2.pos], ecx jmp red mouse: push dword edit1 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_mouse] jmp still close_app: mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 draw_window: start_draw_window WIN_X,WIN_Y,WIN_W,WIN_H,WIN_COLOR,labelt, 11;labellen-labelt ;bar 5, 24, 585, 385, 0x800000 or 0x90D2 ;rectangle2 6, 25, 585, 385, 0xFFFFFF, 0 ;bar 5, 24, BUT_W+4, 350, 0x008C00D2;0x800000 or A_KEYCOLOR ;rectangle2 6, 25, BUT_W+4, 350, 0xFFFFFF, 0 push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_draw] stdcall draw_button, 7,WIN_H-BUT_H-10,BUT_W,BUT_H,2,0x0050D250,AddKeyText, 0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Add Hotkey. if 0 stdcall draw_button, 90,WIN_H-BUT_H-10,BUT_W,BUT_H,3,C_KEYCOLOR,DeleteKeyText,0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Delete Hotkey. stdcall draw_button, 173,WIN_H-BUT_H-10,BUT_W,BUT_H,4,C_KEYCOLOR,ManageKeyText,0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Manage Hotkey. end if stdcall draw_button, WIN_W-BUT_W*2-14,WIN_H-BUT_H-10,BUT_W,BUT_H,5,0x0050D250,ReloadKeyText, 0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Save Hotkeys list. stdcall draw_button, WIN_W-BUT_W-7,WIN_H-BUT_H-10,BUT_W,BUT_H,6,0x0050D250,SaveKeyText, 0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Save Hotkeys list. movzx ecx, byte [hotkeys_num] cmp ecx, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM jng @f mov ecx, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM @@: mov eax, 30 mov ebx, FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID @@: or cl, cl jz @f mov edx, ebx sub edx, FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID shl edx, 5; edx=edx*32 add edx, dword Hotkeys cmp bl, byte [butt] jne .l1 stdcall draw_button, 7,eax,ITEM_BUTTON_W,ITEM_BUTTON_H,ebx,A_KEYCOLOR ,edx,0,CA_TEXTCOLOR bar 220, 70, 350, 30, 0x00C8E1F0 ;0x800000 or A_KEYCOLOR rectangle2 221, 71, 350, 30, 0xFFFFFF, 0 mov esi, Hotkeys.code_names sub edx, dword Hotkeys shl edx, 1 add esi, edx stdcall outtextxy, 225, 80, esi, 64, C_TEXTCOLOR jmp .l2 .l1: stdcall draw_button, 7,eax,ITEM_BUTTON_W,ITEM_BUTTON_H,ebx,N_KEYCOLOR,edx,0,C_TEXTCOLOR .l2: add eax, ITEM_BUTTON_H+ITEM_BUTTON_SPACE inc ebx dec cl jmp @b @@: end_draw_window ret AddHotKey: mov al, byte [hotkeys_num] cmp al, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM jge .end inc al mov byte [hotkeys_num], al mcall 51, 1, dword start_input_thread, dword input_thread_stack_top .end: ret Load_HotkeyList: call ReadIni mov al, byte [butt] and eax, 0xFF sub al, FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID mov cl, byte PATH_MAX_CHARS mul cl mov ebx, eax add eax, dword [buf_cmd_line] add ebx, dword [buf_cmd_params] ;mov [butt], FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID mov esi, eax call strlen mov dword [edit1.size], ecx mov dword [edit1.pos], ecx mov esi, ebx call strlen mov dword [edit2.size], ecx mov dword [edit2.pos], ecx ret reset_modifiers: pusha mov esi, dword [it_hotkey_addr] test esi, esi jz .end_set_mods lodsd ; Set new hotkey for the main thread mov cl, al shr eax, 8 xor edx, edx push cx mov cl, 3 .next_pair: shl edx, 4 mov bl, al and bl, 3 or bl, bl jz .l1 cmp bl, 3 ; both? jne @f or dl, 2 jmp .l1 @@: add bl, 2 or dl, bl .l1: shr eax, 2 dec cl test cl, cl jnz .next_pair mov bx, dx and bx, 0xF0F xchg bl, bh and dx, 0x0F0 or dx, bx pop cx mcall 66, 4 mov dword [it_hotkey_addr], 0 .end_set_mods: popa ret ;######################## Input Thread code start ########################## start_input_thread: mov ecx, 1 ; to get scancodes. mcall 26, 2, 1, it_ascii_keymap mcall 66, 1 ; Set keyboard mode mov dword [it_hotkey_addr], 0 it_set_editbox: mov al, byte [hotkeys_num] sub al, 1 and eax, 0xFF shl eax, 5 add eax, dword Hotkeys.names mov dword [it_edit.text], eax mov esi, eax call strlen mov dword [it_edit.size], ecx mov dword [it_edit.pos], ecx get_it_window_slot_number: call it_draw_window mcall 18, 7 mov [it_window], eax it_set_event_mask: mcall 40, 39 it_red: call it_draw_window it_still: mcall 10 ; Wait for an event in the queue. cmp al,1 ; redraw request ? jz it_red cmp al,2 ; key in buffer ? jz it_key cmp al,3 ; button in buffer ? jz it_button cmp al,6 jz it_mouse jmp it_still it_key: mcall 2 mov byte [it_keycode], 0 stdcall outtextxy, 10, 100, ctrl_key_names, 35, 0 cmp ah, 1 ;Esc jne @f dec byte [hotkeys_num] jmp close_app @@: cmp ah, 0x80 ;if key up ja .end cmp ah, 42 ;[Shift] (left) je .end cmp ah, 54 ;[Shift] (right) je .end cmp ah, 56 ;[Alt] je .end cmp ah, 29 ;[Ctrl] je .end cmp ah, 69 ;[Pause Break] je .end mov byte [it_keycode], ah mov esi, it_ascii_keymap call Scan2ASCII test word [it_edit.flags], 10b jz .end push dword it_edit call [edit_box_key] jmp it_still .end: mcall 26, 2, 1, it_ascii_keymap call it_test_key_modifiers test dl, 3 jz @f push edx mcall 26, 2, 2, it_ascii_keymap pop edx @@: mov al, byte [it_keycode] test al, al jz @f shl edx, 8 mov dl, al mov eax, dword [it_hotkey_addr] test eax, eax jnz @f call it_set_keycode_name mov al, byte [hotkeys_num] dec al and eax, 0xFF shl eax, 2;5 add eax, dword Hotkeys.codes mov dword [eax], edx mov dword [it_hotkey_addr], eax mov cl, dl ; finally set hotkey shr edx, 8 mcall 66, 4 @@: jmp it_still it_test_key_modifiers: push eax mcall 66, 3 ;get control keys state mov edx, eax ;and edx, 0x00000FFF .lshift: test al, 1 ; LShift ? jz .rshift stdcall outtextxy, 10, 100, ctrl_key_names, 6, A_TEXTCOLOR .rshift: test al, 2 ; RShift ? jz .lctrl stdcall outtextxy, 184, 100, ctrl_key_names+29, 6, A_TEXTCOLOR .lctrl: test al, 4 ; LCtrl ? jz .rctrl stdcall outtextxy, 52, 100, ctrl_key_names+7, 5, A_TEXTCOLOR .rctrl: test al, 8 ; RCtrl ? jz .lalt stdcall outtextxy, 148, 100, ctrl_key_names+23, 5, A_TEXTCOLOR .lalt: test al, 0x10 ; LAlt ? jz .ralt stdcall outtextxy, 88, 100, ctrl_key_names+13, 4, A_TEXTCOLOR .ralt: test al, 0x20 ; RAlt ? jz @f stdcall outtextxy, 118, 100, ctrl_key_names+18, 4, A_TEXTCOLOR @@: pop eax ret it_set_keycode_name: pusha mov al, byte [hotkeys_num] dec al and eax, 0xFF shl eax, 6 mov edi, Hotkeys.code_names add edi, eax mov ecx, 64 xor ax, ax call strnset mcall 66, 3 ;get control keys state .lshift: test al, 1 ; LShift ? jz .rshift mov esi, ctrl_key_names mov ecx, 6 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 10, 100, ctrl_key_names, 6, 0x00FF0000 .rshift: test al, 2 ; RShift ? jz .lctrl mov esi, ctrl_key_names+29 mov ecx, 6 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 184, 100, ctrl_key_names+29, 6, 0x00FF0000 .lctrl: test al, 4 ; LCtrl ? jz .rctrl mov esi, ctrl_key_names+7 mov ecx, 5 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 52, 100, ctrl_key_names+7, 5, 0x00FF0000 .rctrl: test al, 8 ; RCtrl ? jz .lalt mov esi, ctrl_key_names+23 mov ecx, 5 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 148, 100, ctrl_key_names+23, 5, 0x00FF0000 .lalt: test al, 0x10 ; LAlt ? jz .ralt mov esi, ctrl_key_names+13 mov ecx, 4 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 88, 100, ctrl_key_names+13, 4, 0x00FF0000 .ralt: test al, 0x20 ; RAlt ? jz @f mov esi, ctrl_key_names+18 mov ecx, 4 call strncat mov esi, aPlus mov ecx, 3 call strncat ;stdcall outtextxy, 118, 100, ctrl_key_names+18, 4, 0x00FF0000 @@: mov esi, it_ascii_keymap and edx, 0xFF add esi, edx mov ecx, 1 call strncat if 1;DEBUG mov esi, edi;Hotkeys.code_names call SysMsgBoardStr newline end if popa ret it_button: mcall 17 ; Get pressed button code cmp ah, 1 ; Test x button jne @f jmp close_app @@: jmp it_still it_mouse: push dword it_edit call [edit_box_mouse] jmp it_still it_draw_window: start_draw_window 450,WIN_Y+250,225,70,WIN_COLOR,it_labelt, 26;labellen-labelt push dword it_edit call [edit_box_draw] stdcall outtextxy, 43, 50, it_hint, 0, 0x323232 stdcall outtextxy, 10, 100, ctrl_key_names, 0, 0 ;stdcall draw_button, 7,WIN_H-30,80,20,2,C_KEYCOLOR,AddKeyText, 0,C_TEXTCOLOR ; Add Hot key. end_draw_window mov byte [it_alive], 1 ret ;######################## Input Thread code end ########################## ; Read configuration file ReadIni: ; Get path mov edi, ini_path mov esi, app_path call strlen .get_path: cmp byte [app_path+ecx-1], '/' je @f loop .get_path @@: call strncpy mov byte [ini_path+ecx], 0 mov esi, aIni call strlen call strncat ; Get hotkey number invoke ini_get_int, ini_path, aMain, aKeynum, 0 and eax, 0xFF test al, al jz .end cmp al, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM jle @f mov al, MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM @@: mov byte [hotkeys_num], al mov ecx, eax xor eax, eax .get_next_hotkey_values: call set_next_hotkey_section_name ; Get hotkey name mov edi, eax shl edi, 5 ; edi=eax*32 add edi, dword Hotkeys push eax ecx invoke ini_get_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aName, edi, 32, 0 pop ecx eax ; Get hotkey code mov edi, eax shl edi, 2 ; edi=eax*4 add edi, dword Hotkeys.codes push eax ecx edx invoke ini_get_int, ini_path, aHotkey, aKeycode, 0 mov dword [it_hotkey_addr], edi stosd ; set hotkey call reset_modifiers pop edx ecx eax ; Get hotkey code_name mov edi, eax shl edi, 6 ; edi=eax*64 add edi, dword Hotkeys.code_names push eax ecx invoke ini_get_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aKeycodeName, edi, 64, 0 pop ecx eax ; Get hotkey path and param push eax ecx mov cl, byte PATH_MAX_CHARS mul cl mov edi, eax push edi add edi, dword [buf_cmd_line] invoke ini_get_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aPath, edi, 32, 0 pop edi add edi, dword [buf_cmd_params] invoke ini_get_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aParam, edi, 32, 0 pop ecx eax inc al dec ecx test ecx, ecx jnz .get_next_hotkey_values .end: ret ; Write configuration file WriteIni: mov edi, ini_path ; Set hotkey number movzx ecx, byte [hotkeys_num] invoke ini_set_int, ini_path, aMain, aKeynum, ecx xor eax, eax .get_next_hotkey_values: call set_next_hotkey_section_name ; Set hotkey name push eax ecx mov esi, eax shl esi, 5 ; edi=eax*32 add esi, dword Hotkeys call strlen invoke ini_set_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aName, esi, ecx pop ecx eax ; Set hotkey code mov esi, eax shl esi, 2 ; edi=eax*4 add esi, dword Hotkeys.codes push eax ecx edx invoke ini_set_int, ini_path, aHotkey, aKeycode, dword [esi] pop edx ecx eax ; Set hotkey code_name mov esi, eax shl esi, 6 ; edi=eax*64 add esi, dword Hotkeys.code_names push eax ecx call strlen invoke ini_set_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aKeycodeName, esi, ecx pop ecx eax ; Set hotkey path and param push eax ecx ;inc al mov cl, byte PATH_MAX_CHARS mul cl mov esi, eax push esi add esi, dword [buf_cmd_line] call strlen invoke ini_set_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aPath, esi, ecx pop esi add esi, dword [buf_cmd_params] call strlen invoke ini_set_str, ini_path, aHotkey, aParam, esi, ecx pop ecx eax inc al dec ecx test ecx, ecx jnz .get_next_hotkey_values .end: ret set_next_hotkey_section_name: ;(eax - num) ; this code mainly from debug.inc push eax ecx edi mov edi, aHotkey add edi, 6 ; + strlen("hotkey") mov ecx, 10 push -'0' .l0: xor edx, edx div ecx push edx test eax, eax jnz .l0 .l1: pop eax add al, '0' ;call debug_outchar stosb jnz .l1 pop edi ecx eax ret ;**************************************** ;* input: esi = pointer to keymap * ;* ah = scan code * ;* output: ah = ascii code * ;**************************************** Scan2ASCII: push esi shr eax, 8 add esi, eax lodsb shl eax, 8 pop esi ret ;******************************************** ;* input: esi = pointer to the file name * ;* edx = pointer to the parametrs * ;******************************************** RunProgram: pusha mov dword [InfoStructure], 7 ; run program mov dword [InfoStructure+4], 0 ; flags mov dword [InfoStructure+8], edx ; pointer to the parametrs mov dword [InfoStructure+12], 0 ; reserved mov dword [InfoStructure+16], 0 ; reserved mov dword [InfoStructure+20], 0 ; reserved mov dword [InfoStructure+21], esi ; pointer to the file name mcall 70, InfoStructure cmp eax, 0 jl .err_out .out: popa clc ret .err_out: if lang eq it print "Impossibile caricare il programma" else print "Can't load program" end if popa stc ret ; DATA AREA ; Application Title labelt db 'MyKey v.0.2' mykey_window dd 0 ; Slot number of MyKey ;########### Input Thread data start ############ ; Input Thread Title if lang eq it it_labelt db "Inserisci hotkey e nome " else it_labelt db "Input hotkey and it's name" end if ;labellen: it_edit edit_box 180, 20, 30, 0xffffff, 0xAA80, 0x0000ff, 0x0, 0x0, 31, it_buf_cmd_line, 0, 0 it_buf_cmd_line dd 0 ;db MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*32 dup(0) ; !Make it dynamic!!! it_window dd 0 ; Slot number of the input thread it_alive db 0 ; Flag of the input thread existance it_keycode db 0 it_hotkey_addr dd 0 if lang eq it it_hint db 'o premi Esc per cancellare',0 else it_hint db 'or press Esc to cancel',0 end if ;########### Input Thread data end ############ ;Button names if lang eq it AddKeyText db 'Aggiungi',0 ReloadKeyText db 'Ricarica',0 SaveKeyText db 'Salva',0 ;DeleteKeyText db 'Delete',0 ;ManageKeyText db 'Manage',0 else AddKeyText db 'Add',0 ReloadKeyText db 'Reload',0 SaveKeyText db 'Save',0 ;DeleteKeyText db 'Delete',0 ;ManageKeyText db 'Manage',0 end if hotkeys_num db 0;15 ;keyboard_mode db 0 ; Scan or ASCII keys to send ? 0 - ASCII , 1 - Scan butt db FIRST_ITEM_BUTTON_ID ; Pressed button ID modifiers dd 0 ;Data structures for loadlib.mac and editbox_ex.mac [ edit1 edit_box 350, 220, 30, 0xffffff, 0xAA80, 0x0000ff, 0x0, 0x0, PATH_MAX_CHARS+1, buf_cmd_line, 0, 0 edit2 edit_box 350, 220, 50, 0xffffff, 0xAA80, 0x0000ff, 0x0, 0x0, PATH_MAX_CHARS+1, buf_cmd_params, 0, 0 buf_cmd_line dd 0 ;db MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*PATH_MAX_CHARS dup(0) ; !Make it dynamic!!! buf_cmd_params dd 0 ;db MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*PATH_MAX_CHARS dup(0) ; !Make it dynamic!!! sys_path: system_dir0 db '/sys/lib/' boxlib_name db 'box_lib.obj',0 if lang eq it err_message_found_lib db "Non trovo box_lib.obj",0 head_f_i: head_f_l db 'Errore di sistema',0 err_message_import db 'Error di importazione di box_lib.obj',0 else err_message_found_lib db "Can't find box_lib.obj",0 head_f_i: head_f_l db 'System error',0 err_message_import db 'Error on import box_lib.obj',0 end if align 4 myimport: edit_box_draw dd aEdit_box_draw edit_box_key dd aEdit_box_key edit_box_mouse dd aEdit_box_mouse version_ed dd aVersion_ed dd 0,0 aEdit_box_draw db 'edit_box',0 aEdit_box_key db 'edit_box_key',0 aEdit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0 aVersion_ed db 'version_ed',0 align 16 importTable: library \ libini, 'libini.obj';, \ ; boxlib, 'boxlib.obj', \ ; libio, 'libio.obj', \ ;import boxlib, \ ;edit_box_draw , 'edit_box', \ ;edit_box_key , 'edit_box_key', \ ;edit_box_mouse , 'edit_box_mouse', \ ;version_ed , 'version_ed' import libini, \ ini_get_str ,'ini_get_str', \ ini_set_str ,'ini_set_str', \ ini_get_int ,'ini_get_int', \ ini_set_int ,'ini_set_int';, \ ; ini_get_color,'ini_get_color', \ ; ini_set_color,'ini_set_color' ;] Data structures for loadlib.mac and editbox_ex.mac InfoStructure: dd 0x0 ; subfunction number dd 0x0 ; position in the file in bytes dd 0x0 ; upper part of the position address dd 0x0 ; number of bytes to read dd 0x0 ; pointer to the buffer to write data db 0 dd 0 ; pointer to the filename I_END: ; End of application code and data marker rb 300 ;input thread stack size input_thread_stack_top: ascii_keymap: db 128 dup(?) ctrl_key_names db 'LShift LCtrl LAlt RAlt RCtrl RShift',0 aPlus db ' + ',0 aIni db 'mykey.ini',0 aMain db 'main',0 aKeynum db 'keynum',0 aHotkey db 'hotkey',0,0,0 aName db 'name',0 aKeycode db 'keycode',0 aKeycodeName db 'keycode_name',0 aPath db 'path',0 aParam db 'param',0 aRamSaver db '/sys/rdsave',0 app_path rb 255 ini_path rb 255 Hotkeys: ;(name = 32 b) + (modifiers = 3 b) + (keycode = 1 b) = 36 byte for 1 hotkey .names: db 'My1',0 rb 28 db 'My2',0 rb 28 db 'My3',0 rb 28 rb MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*32-3 .codes: dd MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM dup (0) .code_names: rb MAX_HOTKEYS_NUM*64 it_ascii_keymap: