//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // strspn(dword text1,text2) --- example: strspn("12 year","1234567890") -> return 2 // strpbrk(dword text1,text2) --- example: strpbrk("this test", " ckfi") -> return "is test" // strcmp( ESI, EDI) // strlen( EDI) // strcpy( EDI, ESI) --- 0 if == // strncpy(dword text1,text2,signed length) // strcat( EDI, ESI) // strncat(dword text1,text2,signed length) --- pasting the text of a certain length // strchr( ESI,BL) --- find first BL // strrchr( ESI,BL) --- find last BL // strstr( EBX, EDX) // itoa(signed long number) --- convert the number as a string // atoi(dword text) --- convert a string as a number // strupr( ESI) // strlwr( ESI) --- kyrillic symbols may not work // strttl( EDX) // strtok( ESI) // strltrim(dword text) --- removes "blank" characters on the left (\r, \n and space) // strrtrim(dword text) --- removes "blank" characters on the right (\r, \n and space) // strtrim(dword text) --- delete "empty" characters (\ r \ n and space) on both sides // chrnum(dword searchin, char symbol) // strcpyb(dword searchin, copyin, startstr, endstr) --- copy string between strings // strnumb(dword searchin, startstr, endstr) --- get number between strings // strdup(dword text) --- allocation under the text //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* inline fastcall signed int strcmp( ESI, EDI) { loop() { IF (DSBYTE[ESI]DSBYTE[EDI]) RETURN 1; IF (DSBYTE[ESI]=='\0') RETURN 0; ESI++; EDI++; } } */ int strspn(dword text1,text2) { dword beg; char s1,s2; int ret; ret = 0; beg = text2; do { s1 = ESBYTE[text1]; text2 = beg; do { s2 = ESBYTE[text2]; if(s1==s2) { if(!s2)break; $inc ret break; } else $inc text2 } while(s2); $inc text1 } while(s1); return ret; } dword strpbrk(dword text1,text2) { char s,ss; dword beg; beg = text2; do { s = ESBYTE[text1]; text2 = beg; do { ss = ESBYTE[text2]; if(ss==s) return text1; $inc text2 } while(ss); $inc text1 } while(s); return text1; } inline fastcall signed int strncmp( ESI, EDI, ECX) { asm { MOV EBX, EDI XOR EAX, EAX MOV EDX, ECX OR ECX, ECX JE L1 REPNE SCASB SUB EDX, ECX MOV ECX, EDX MOV EDI, EBX XOR EBX, EBX REPE CMPSB MOV AL, DSBYTE[ ESI-1] MOV BL, DSBYTE[ EDI-1] SUB EAX, EBX L1: } } inline fastcall unsigned int strlen( EDI) { $xor eax, eax $mov ecx, -1 $REPNE $SCASB EAX-=2+ECX; } signed int strcmp(dword text1, text2) { char s1,s2; dword p1,p2; p1 = text1; p2 = text2; loop() { s1 = DSBYTE[text1]; s2 = DSBYTE[text2]; if(s1==s2) { if(s1==0) return 0; } else { return s1-s2; } $inc text1 $inc text2 } return 0; } inline fastcall void strcpy( EDI, ESI) { $cld L2: $lodsb $stosb $test al,al $jnz L2 } void strncpy(dword text1, text2, signed len) signed o1,o2; { o1 = len/4; o2 = len-4*o1; while(o1){ ESDWORD[text1] = ESDWORD[text2]; text1 += 4; text2 += 4; $dec o1 } while(o2){ ESBYTE[text1] = ESBYTE[text2]; $inc text1 $inc text2 $dec o2 } } inline fastcall int strlcpy(dword ESI, EDI, EBX) { if (EBX<0) return -1; EDX=0; do { DSBYTE[ESI]=DSBYTE[EDI]; ESI++; EDI++; EDX++; if (EDX==EBX) { DSBYTE[ESI]='\0'; return -1;} } while(DSBYTE[EDI-1]!='\0'); return 0; } /* inline fastcall void strtrim( ESI) { EDI = ESI; do{ AL=DSBYTE[EDI]; if (AL != '\32') && (AL != '\13') && (AL != '\10') { DSBYTE[ESI]=AL; $inc ESI } $inc EDI }while(AL!=0); DSBYTE[ESI] = '\0'; } */ byte __isWhite(int s){ if (s==13)||(s==32)||(s==10)||(s==9) return true; return false; } void strltrim(dword text){ int s; dword back_text; back_text = text; s = ESBYTE[text]; while(__isWhite(s)) { $inc text s = ESBYTE[text]; } loop() { ESBYTE[back_text] = s; $inc back_text if(!s) break; $inc text s = ESBYTE[text]; }; } void strrtrim(dword text) { int s; dword p; do { s = ESBYTE[text]; if(__isWhite(s)) { p = text; while(__isWhite(s)) { $inc text; s = ESBYTE[text]; } } else $inc text } while(s); $dec text s = ESBYTE[text]; if(__isWhite(s)) ESBYTE[p] = 0; } void strtrim(dword text){ int s; dword p,back_text; back_text = text; s = ESBYTE[text]; while(__isWhite(s)) { $inc text s = ESBYTE[text]; } do { s = ESBYTE[text]; if(__isWhite(s)) { p = back_text; while(__isWhite(s)) { ESBYTE[back_text] = s; $inc back_text $inc text; s = ESBYTE[text]; } } else { ESBYTE[back_text] = s; $inc back_text $inc text } } while(s); $dec text s = ESBYTE[text]; if(__isWhite(s)) ESBYTE[p] = 0; } inline fastcall void strcat( EDI, ESI) { asm { mov ebx, edi xor ecx, ecx xor eax, eax dec ecx repne scasb dec edi mov edx, edi mov edi, esi xor ecx, ecx xor eax, eax dec ecx repne scasb xor ecx, 0ffffffffh mov edi, edx mov edx, ecx mov eax, edi shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, edx and ecx, 3 rep movsb mov eax, ebx } } void strncat(dword text1, text2, signed len) signed o1,o2; char s; { s = ESBYTE[text1]; while(s){ $inc text1 s = ESBYTE[text1]; } o1 = len/4; o2 = len-4*o1; while(o1){ ESDWORD[text1] = ESDWORD[text2]; text1 += 4; text2 += 4; $dec o1 } while(o2){ ESBYTE[text1] = ESBYTE[text2]; $inc text1 $inc text2 $dec o2 } } inline fastcall void chrcat(ESI, BL) { EDI = strlen(ESI); ESBYTE[ESI+EDI] = BL; ESBYTE[ESI+EDI+1] = 0; } inline fastcall signed int strchr( ESI,BL) { int jj=0; do{ jj++; $lodsb IF(AL==BL) return jj; } while(AL!=0); return 0; } inline fastcall signed int strrchr( ESI,BL) { int jj=0, last=0; do{ jj++; $lodsb IF(AL==BL) last=jj; } while(AL!=0); return last; } int chrnum(dword searchin, char symbol) { int num = 0; while(DSBYTE[searchin]) { if (DSBYTE[searchin] == symbol) num++; searchin++; } return num; } inline fastcall signed int strstr( EBX, EDX) { asm { MOV EDI, EDX XOR ECX, ECX XOR EAX, EAX DEC ECX REPNE SCASB NOT ECX DEC ECX JE LS2 MOV ESI, ECX XOR ECX, ECX MOV EDI, EBX DEC ECX REPNE SCASB NOT ECX SUB ECX, ESI JBE LS2 MOV EDI, EBX LEA EBX, DSDWORD[ ESI-1] LS1: MOV ESI, EDX LODSB REPNE SCASB JNE LS2 MOV EAX, ECX PUSH EDI MOV ECX, EBX REPE CMPSB POP EDI MOV ECX, EAX JNE LS1 LEA EAX, DSDWORD[ EDI-1] JMP SHORT LS3 LS2: XOR EAX, EAX LS3: } } dword strcmpi(dword cmp1, cmp2) { char si, ue; loop() { si = DSBYTE[cmp1]; ue = DSBYTE[cmp2]; if (si>='A') && (si<='Z') si +=32; if (ue>='A') && (ue<='Z') ue +=32; if (si != ue) return -1; cmp1++; cmp2++; if ((DSBYTE[cmp1]=='\0') && (DSBYTE[cmp2]=='\0')) return 0; if (DSBYTE[cmp1]=='\0') return -1; if (DSBYTE[cmp2]=='\0') return 1; } } dword strstri(dword searchin, usestr_s) { dword usestr_e = usestr_s; char si, ue; while(DSBYTE[searchin]) { si = DSBYTE[searchin]; ue = DSBYTE[usestr_e]; if (si>='A') && (si<='Z') si +=32; if (ue>='A') && (ue<='Z') ue +=32; if (si == ue) usestr_e++; else usestr_e = usestr_s; searchin++; if (DSBYTE[usestr_e]=='\0') return searchin; } return 0; } unsigned int strcpyb(dword search_in, copyin, startstr, endstr) { dword startp, endp; dword copyin_start_off = copyin; if (startstr==0) startp = search_in; else startp = strstr(search_in, startstr) + strlen(startstr); endp = strstri(startp, endstr); if (endp==0) endp = startp+strlen(search_in); //if (startp==endp) return 0; do { DSBYTE[copyin] = DSBYTE[startp]; copyin++; startp++; } while (startp='0') && (DSBYTE[ESI]<='9') { $xor ebx, ebx EBX = DSBYTE[ESI]-'0'; EAX *= 10; EAX += EBX; ESI++; } IF (DSBYTE[EDI]=='-') -EAX; $pop esi $pop ebx } inline fastcall strupr( ESI) { do{ AL=DSBYTE[ESI]; IF(AL>='a')IF(AL<='z')DSBYTE[ESI]=AL&0x5f; IF (AL>=160) && (AL<=175) DSBYTE[ESI] = AL - 32; //à-ï IF (AL>=224) && (AL<=239) DSBYTE[ESI] = AL - 80; //à-ï ESI++; }while(AL!=0); } inline fastcall strlwr( ESI) { do{ $LODSB IF(AL>='A')&&(AL<='Z'){ AL+=0x20; DSBYTE[ESI-1]=AL; CONTINUE; } }while(AL!=0); } inline fastcall strttl( EDX) { AL=DSBYTE[EDX]; IF(AL>='a')&&(AL<='z')DSBYTE[EDX]=AL&0x5f; IF (AL>=160) && (AL<=175) DSBYTE[EDX] = AL - 32; //à-ï IF (AL>=224) && (AL<=239) DSBYTE[EDX] = AL - 80; //à-ï do{ EDX++; AL=DSBYTE[EDX]; IF(AL>='A')&&(AL<='Z'){DSBYTE[EDX]=AL|0x20; CONTINUE;} IF(AL>='€')&&(AL<='')DSBYTE[EDX]=AL|0x20; // -¯ IF (AL>=144) && (AL<=159) DSBYTE[EDX] = AL + 80; //à-ï }while(AL!=0); } /* dword itoa( ESI) { unsigned char buffer[11]; $pusha EDI = #buffer; ECX = 10; if (ESI < 0) { $mov al, '-' $stosb $neg esi } $mov eax, esi $push -'0' F2: $xor edx, edx $div ecx $push edx $test eax, eax $jnz F2 F3: $pop eax $add al, '0' $stosb $jnz F3 $mov al, '\0' $stosb $popa return #buffer; } */ dword itoa(signed long number) { unsigned char buf[11]; dword ret; byte cmd; long mask,tmp; mask = 1000000000; cmd = true; if(!number){ ESBYTE[buf] = '0'; ESBYTE[buf+1] = 0; return buf; } ret = buf; if(number<0) { $neg number ESBYTE[buf] = '-'; $inc buf } while(mask) { tmp = number / mask; tmp = tmp%10; if(cmd){ if(tmp){ ESBYTE[buf] = tmp + '0'; $inc buf cmd = false; } } else { ESBYTE[buf] = tmp + '0'; $inc buf } mask /= 10; } ESBYTE[buf] = 0; return ret; } inline fastcall itoa_(signed int EDI, ESI) { $pusha EBX = EDI; ECX = 10; if (ESI > 90073741824) { $mov al, '-' $stosb $neg esi } $mov eax, esi $push -'0' F2: $xor edx, edx $div ecx $push edx $test eax, eax $jnz F2 F3: $pop eax $add al, '0' $stosb $jnz F3 $mov al, '\0' $stosb $popa return EBX; } dword strdup(dword text) { dword l = strlen(text); dword ret = malloc(l+1); strncpy(ret,text,l); return ret; } void debugi(dword d_int) { char tmpch[12]; itoa_(#tmpch, d_int); debugln(#tmpch); } //#define strncpy strcpyn #define strnmov strmovn #define stricmp strcmpi #define strcmpn strncmp