proc @Kolibri@StrLen$qpxc uses edi cld mov edi,[esp+8] mov ecx,-1 xor al,al repnz scas byte [edi] not ecx lea eax,[ecx-1] ret endp proc @Kolibri@StrCopy$qpcpxc uses esi edi cld mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,-1 mov esi,edi xor al,al repnz scas byte [edi] not ecx mov edi,[esp+12] mov edx,ecx mov eax,edi shr ecx,2 rep movs dword [edi],[esi] mov ecx,edx and ecx,3 rep movs byte [edi],[esi] ret endp proc @Kolibri@MemCopy$qpvpxvui uses esi edi cld mov edi,[esp+12] mov eax,edi mov ecx,[esp+20] mov esi,[esp+16] mov edx,ecx shr ecx,2 rep movs dword [edi],[esi] mov ecx,edx and ecx,3 rep movs byte [edi],[esi] ret endp proc @Kolibri@MemSet$qpvcui uses edi cld mov edi,[esp+8] mov al,[esp+12] mov ah,al mov dx,ax shl eax,16 mov ax,dx mov ecx,[esp+16] mov edx,ecx shr ecx,2 rep stos dword [edi] mov ecx,edx and ecx,3 rep stos byte [edi] mov eax,[esp+4] ret endp proc __ftol sub esp,12 wait fstcw word [esp+8] wait mov al,[esp+9] or byte [esp+9],0x0c fldcw word [esp+8] fistp qword [esp] mov [esp+9],al fldcw word [esp+8] mov eax,[esp] mov edx,[esp+4] add esp,12 ret endp proc @Kolibri@Floor$qd fld qword [esp+4] mov ax,[esp+10] shl ax,1 cmp ax,0x8680 ja Kolibri_floor_end mov ch,4 sub esp,2 wait fstcw word [esp] mov ax,0xf3ff wait mov dx,[esp] and ax,dx or ah,ch mov [esp],ax fldcw word [esp] frndint mov [esp],dx fldcw word [esp] add esp,2 Kolibri_floor_end: ret endp