#include #include #include #include "lifegen.h" #include "life_bmp.h" #include "kos_cdlg.h" using namespace Kolibri; /*** #define StrLen LibbStrLen #define StrCopy LibbStrCopy #define MemCopy LibbMemCopy #define MemSet LibbMemSet #define Floor LibbFloor unsigned int (*StrLen)(const char *str) = 0; char *(*StrCopy)(char *dest, const char *src) = 0; void *(*MemCopy)(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int n) = 0; void *(*MemSet)(void *s, char c, unsigned int n) = 0; double (*Floor)(double x) = 0; void LibbInit() { HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibrary("Libb.dll"); if (!hLib) { DebugPutString("Can't load the library.\n"); Kolibri::Abort(); } StrLen = (unsigned int(*)(const char *str))GetProcAddress(hLib, "StrLen"); StrCopy = (char *(*)(char *dest, const char *src))GetProcAddress(hLib, "StrCopy"); MemCopy = (void *(*)(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int n))GetProcAddress(hLib, "MemCopy"); MemSet = (void *(*)(void *s, char c, unsigned int n))GetProcAddress(hLib, "MemSet"); Floor = (double (*)(double x))GetProcAddress(hLib, "Floor"); } #pragma startup LibbInit /**/ void __stdcall OneGeneration(int w, int h, void *dest, const void *src, int flag); struct GenerateParam { unsigned int gps; unsigned int paint_time, time, count; bool stop; int paint; double speed; }; struct AxisParam { unsigned int win; int p; double shift; }; struct MouseParam { int hit_x, hit_y, last_x, last_y; int button, hit_type; enum {HitNull = 0, HitLine, HitCircle, HitScroll}; }; struct MenuButtonParam { int left, size, border; bool check; const unsigned char *bitmap; int Left() const {return left;} int Right() const {return left + size;} }; const int MenuDig = 10; struct MenuParam { enum {Size = 20, NButton = 14}; bool draw; int pressed, current, edit; int edit_index, edit_num[2], edit_num_max; MenuButtonParam button[NButton]; const unsigned char *digit[MenuDig]; }; struct TimeGeneration { unsigned int t, g; }; enum MenuItem {MenuIHide, MenuIClear, MenuIOpen, MenuIAbout, MenuIExit, MenuIGenerate, MenuIRandom, MenuIVCircle, MenuIHCircle, MenuILine, MenuIScroll, MenuIWinSize, MenuISize, MenuISpeed}; enum {PaintWNull = 0, PaintWPole = 1, PaintWMenuBorder = 2, PaintWMenu = 6, PaintWSpeed = 8, PaintWAll = 15, PaintWFast = 64, PaintWNow = 128}; enum {TimeGenLength = 500}; unsigned char *life_data = 0, *picture = 0; GenerateParam generate = {0, 0, 0, 0, false, PaintWNull, 0}; AxisParam xpar = {0, 0, 0}; AxisParam ypar = {0, 0, 0}; MouseParam mpar = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MouseParam::HitNull}; MenuParam menu; TOpenFileStruct open_file_str = KOLIBRI_OPEN_FILE_INIT; TimeGeneration timegen[TimeGenLength]; int timegenpos = 0; #ifdef __KOLIBRI__ inline int abs(int i) {return (i >= 0) ? i : (-i);} unsigned int rand_data[4]; void randomize() { rand_data[0] = (unsigned int)Clock(); rand_data[1] = (unsigned int)GetPackedTime(); rand_data[2] = (unsigned int)GetPackedDate(); rand_data[3] = (unsigned int)0xA3901BD2 ^ GetPid(); } unsigned int rand() { rand_data[0] ^= _HashDword(rand_data[3] + 0x2835C013U); rand_data[1] += _HashDword(rand_data[0]); rand_data[2] -= _HashDword(rand_data[1]); rand_data[3] ^= _HashDword(rand_data[2]); return rand_data[3]; } #define random(k) (rand() % (k)) #else #include #endif /*void DebugPutNumber(int x) { char word[12], *w = word, *s, c; int i; if (x < 0) {*(w++) = '-'; x = -x;} s = w; do { *(s++) = char('0' + (unsigned int)x % 10U); (unsigned int&)x /= 10U; } while(x); for (i = 0; w + i < s - 1 - i; i++) { c = w[i]; w[i] = s[-1 - i]; s[-1 - i] = c; } *s = 0; DebugPutString(word); }*/ bool SetPictureSize(int w = -1, int h = -1) { if (w > 32767) w = 32767; if (h > 32767) h = 32767; if (w > 0) xpar.win = (unsigned short)w; if (h > 0) ypar.win = (unsigned short)h; if (picture) {Free(picture); picture = 0;} if (w == 0 || h == 0 || xpar.win == 0 || ypar.win == 0) return true; picture = (unsigned char*)Alloc(3 * xpar.win * ypar.win); return picture != 0; } bool SetPoleSize(int w = -1, int h = -1) { int s; if (w > 32767) w = 32767; if (h > 32767) h = 32767; if (w > 0) xpar.p = (unsigned short)w; if (h > 0) ypar.p = (unsigned short)h; if (xpar.p < 4) xpar.p = 4; if (ypar.p < 4) ypar.p = 4; if (life_data) {Free(life_data); life_data = 0;} if (w == 0 || h == 0) return true; s = GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p); life_data = (unsigned char*)Alloc(2*s + DataMemAdd); if (!life_data) return false; MemSet(GetDataAddress(life_data), 0, s); return true; } int GetMenuHeight(); void GetPaintSize(int &w, int &h, int &xx, int &yy) { int t = GetMenuHeight(); w = xpar.win; h = ypar.win - t; xx = 0; yy = t; } double GetAxisRatio(const AxisParam &par, int s) { int t = par.p - s; if (s <= 0 || t <= 0) return 0; return double(t) / 2; } void GetAxisShift(const AxisParam &par, int &s, int &k, int &kk) { int t = par.p - s; if (t < 0) {kk += (-t) / 2; t = 0; s = par.p;} if (s <= 0 || t <= 0) k = 0; else { double r = double(t) / 2; k = (int)Floor(r * (1 + par.shift)); if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k > t) k = t; } } void GetPaintOrigin(int &w, int &h, int &x, int &y, int &xx, int &yy) { GetPaintSize(w, h, xx, yy); GetAxisShift(xpar, w, x, xx); GetAxisShift(ypar, h, y, yy); } void ApplyScroll(unsigned char *data1 = life_data, unsigned char *data0 = 0) { if (!data0) data0 = data1; data0 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(data0); data1 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(data1); const double min_ratio = 1e-2; double r; int w, h, xx, yy; GetPaintSize(w, h, xx, yy); xx = 0; yy = 0; r = GetAxisRatio(xpar, w); if (menu.button[MenuIHCircle].check) { xx = mpar.hit_x - mpar.last_x + (int)Floor(xpar.shift * r + 0.5); xx %= xpar.p - 2; if (xx < 0) xx += xpar.p - 2; xpar.shift = 0; } else if (r < min_ratio) xpar.shift = 0; else { xpar.shift -= double(mpar.last_x - mpar.hit_x) / r; if (xpar.shift < -1) xpar.shift = -1; else if (xpar.shift > 1) xpar.shift = 1; } r = GetAxisRatio(ypar, h); if (menu.button[MenuIVCircle].check) { yy = mpar.hit_y - mpar.last_y + (int)Floor(ypar.shift * r + 0.5); yy %= ypar.p - 2; if (yy < 0) yy += ypar.p - 2; ypar.shift = 0; } else if (r < min_ratio) ypar.shift = 0; else { ypar.shift -= double(mpar.last_y - mpar.hit_y) / r; if (ypar.shift < -1) ypar.shift = -1; else if (ypar.shift > 1) ypar.shift = 1; } if (xx == 0 && yy == 0) { if (data0 != data1) MemCopy(data0, data1, GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p)); } else { int i, j; i = GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p); if (data0 == data1) { data1 += i; MemCopy(data1, data0, i); } MemSet(data0, 0, i); APosPixel pixel0(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0); APosPixel pixel1(xpar.p, ypar.p, data1); for (i = 0; i < xpar.p; i++) { pixel0.SetTo(i, 0); pixel1.SetTo(xx, yy); j = ypar.p - yy; for (;;) { if (pixel1.GetPixel()) pixel0.Set1Pixel(); if (--j == 0) break; pixel0.AddY1(); pixel1.AddY1(); } if (yy) { pixel0.AddY1(); pixel1.SetTo(xx, 2); j = yy; for (;;) { if (pixel1.GetPixel()) pixel0.Set1Pixel(); if (--j == 0) break; pixel0.AddY1(); pixel1.AddY1(); } } xx++; if (xx >= xpar.p) xx = 2; } } } void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool c, unsigned char *data0 = life_data) { int i; if (y0 == y1) { if (x0 > x1) {i = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = i;} if (x1 < 0 || x0 >= xpar.p || y1 < 0 || y0 >= ypar.p) return; if (x0 < 0) x0 = 0; if (x1 >= xpar.p) x1 = xpar.p - 1; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0, x0, y0); for (i = x1 - x0; i >= 0; pixel.AddX1(), i--) pixel.SetPixel(c); } else if (x0 == x1) { if (y0 > y1) {i = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = i;} if (x1 < 0 || x0 >= xpar.p || y1 < 0 || y0 >= ypar.p) return; if (y0 < 0) y0 = 0; if (y1 >= ypar.p) y1 = ypar.p - 1; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0, x0, y0); for (i = y1 - y0; i >= 0; pixel.AddY1(), i--) pixel.SetPixel(c); } else { long dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0; int i; if (abs(dx) >= abs(dy)) { if (dx < 0) { i = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = i; dx = -dx; y0 = y1; dy = -dy; } long vy = 0, b_x = dx / 2; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0, x0, y0); for (i = x0;; i++, pixel.AddX1()) { pixel.SetPixel(c); if (i >= x1) break; vy += dy; if (vy > b_x) { vy -= dx; pixel.AddY1(); } else if (vy < -b_x) { vy += dx; pixel.SubY1(); } } } else { if (dy < 0) { i = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = i; dy = -dy; x0 = x1; dx = -dx; } long vx = 0, b_y = dy / 2; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0, x0, y0); for (i = y0;; i++, pixel.AddY1()) { pixel.SetPixel(c); if (i >= y1) break; vx += dx; if (vx > b_y) { vx -= dy; pixel.AddX1(); } else if (vx < -b_y) { vx += dy; pixel.SubX1(); } } } } } void FillCircle(int x0, int y0, int r, bool c, unsigned char *data0 = life_data) { int x = 0, y = r, v = 0; while (x <= y) { DrawLine(x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, c, data0); if (y) DrawLine(x0 - x, y0 - y, x0 + x, y0 - y, c, data0); if (x < y) { DrawLine(x0 - y, y0 + x, x0 + y, y0 + x, c, data0); DrawLine(x0 - y, y0 - x, x0 + y, y0 - x, c, data0); } v += 2 * (x++) + 1; if (v >= y) v -= 2 * (y--) - 1; } } void RandomDraw(unsigned char *data0 = life_data) { if (!data0 || random(300) >= 1) return; int d = xpar.p; if (d > ypar.p) d = ypar.p; data0 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(data0); d = random((d * 3) / 4); int x = random(xpar.p - d), y = random(ypar.p - d); if (random(10) < 1) { int NBusy, NTest = 4096; NBusy = 5 * xpar.p * ypar.p; if (NTest > NBusy) NTest = NBusy; NBusy = 0; for (int k = 0; k < NTest; k++) { if (GetDataBit(GetDataWidth(xpar.p), GetDataHeight(ypar.p), data0, random(xpar.p), random(ypar.p))) NBusy++; } if (NBusy * 100 < NTest) { if (random(3) == 0) { DrawLine(x, y, x + d, y + d, true, data0); DrawLine(x, y + d, x + d, y, true, data0); } else { DrawLine(x + d/2, y, x + d/2, y + d, true, data0); DrawLine(x, y + d/2, x + d, y + d/2, true, data0); } return; } } if (2*d < xpar.p && 2*d < ypar.p && random(10) < 3) { FillCircle(x + d/2, y + d/2, d/2, false, data0); } else if (random(2)) DrawLine(x, y, x + d, y + d, true, data0); else DrawLine(x, y + d, x + d, y, true, data0); } void LineInScreen(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, bool c, unsigned char *data0 = life_data) { int mul = 1, sbeg, send, t0, t1; if (ax != bx) mul *= abs(ax - bx); if (ay != by) mul *= abs(ay - by); sbeg = 0; send = mul; if (ax != bx) { t0 = ax * (mul / (ax - bx)); t1 = (ax - xpar.p + 1) * (mul / (ax - bx)); if (t0 < t1) { if (sbeg < t0) sbeg = t0; if (send > t1) send = t1; } else { if (sbeg < t1) sbeg = t1; if (send > t0) send = t0; } } else if (ax < 0 || ax >= xpar.p) return; if (ay != by) { t0 = ay * (mul / (ay - by)); t1 = (ay - ypar.p + 1) * (mul / (ay - by)); if (t0 < t1) { if (sbeg < t0) sbeg = t0; if (send > t1) send = t1; } else { if (sbeg < t1) sbeg = t1; if (send > t0) send = t0; } } else if (ay < 0 || ay > ypar.p) return; if (send < sbeg) return; DrawLine(ax + (bx - ax) * sbeg / mul, ay + (by - ay) * sbeg / mul, ax + (bx - ax) * send / mul, ay + (by - ay) * send / mul, c, data0); } int GetRadius(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by) { int s, t0, t1, t, tt; bx -= ax; by -= ay; s = bx*bx + by*by; t0 = 0; t1 = s; while (t0 + 1 < t1) { t = (t0 + t1) / 2; tt = t*t; if (tt / t == t && s > tt + t) t0 = t; else t1 = t; } return t1; } int ReadNumberFromString(const unsigned char *&str) { int x = 0, s = 1; while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t' || *str == '\r') str++; if (*str == '-') {s = -1; str++;} else if (*str == '+') str++; while (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') { x = 10*x + (*str - '0'); str++; } return x*s; } const unsigned char *StringPrefSpace(const unsigned char *pict, int size, const unsigned char *pref) { const unsigned char *pict_end = pict + size; for (;;) { if (!*pref) return pict; else if (*pref == ' ') { if (pict >= pict_end || !(*pict == ' ' || *pict == '\t' || *pict == '\r')) return 0; while (pict < pict_end && (*pict == ' ' || *pict == '\t' || *pict == '\r')) pict++; pref++; } else if (*pref == '\n') { while (pict < pict_end && (*pict == ' ' || *pict == '\t' || *pict == '\r')) pict++; if (pict >= pict_end || *pict != '\n') return 0; pict++; pref++; } else if (pict >= pict_end || *pict != *pref) return 0; else {pict++; pref++;} } } int LifeGetPictureType(const unsigned char *&pict, int size) { const unsigned char *p; p = StringPrefSpace(pict, size, (const unsigned char*)"#LifeBin 2.0\n"); if (p && p + 4 <= pict + size) {pict = p; return 1;} p = StringPrefSpace(pict, size, (const unsigned char*)"#Life 1.05\n"); if (p) {pict = p; return 2;} if (size >= 54 && pict[0] == 'B' && pict[1] == 'M' && *(int*)(pict+6) == 0 && *(int*)(pict+14) == 0x28 && *(short*)(pict+26) == 1 && *(int*)(pict+30) == 0 && *(short*)(pict+28) > 0 && *(short*)(pict+28) <= 32 && *(int*)(pict+18) >= 0 && *(int*)(pict+22) >= 0 && *(int*)(pict+10) >= 54 && *(int*)(pict+10) <= *(int*)(pict+2) && *(int*)(pict+2) <= size && *(int*)(pict+34) >= 0 && *(int*)(pict+34) <= *(int*)(pict+2) - *(int*)(pict+10) && *(int*)(pict+46) <= 256 && *(int*)(pict+50) <= *(int*)(pict+46) && (*(short*)(pict+28) >= 8 || *(int*)(pict+46) <= (1 << *(short*)(pict+28)))) { if (*(int*)(pict+18) == 0 || *(int*)(pict+22) == 0) return 3; int s = *(int*)(pict+34); if (s == 0) { s = ((*(int*)(pict+18) * *(short*)(pict+28) - 1) / 32 + 1) * *(int*)(pict+22) * 4; } if (s > 0 && s <= *(int*)(pict+2) - *(int*)(pict+10)) { s /= *(int*)(pict+22); if (s < (1 << 28) && (s * 8) / *(short*)(pict+28) >= *(int*)(pict+18)) return 3; } } return 0; } void LifeGetPictureSize(int &w, int &h, const unsigned char *pict, int size) { const unsigned char *pict_end = pict + size; int type = LifeGetPictureType(pict, size); w = 0; h = 0; if (type == 1) { w = (int)pict[0] + ((int)pict[1] << 8); h = (int)pict[2] + ((int)pict[3] << 8); } else if (type == 2) { int x = 0, y = 0, xb = x; int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = -1, y1 = -1; while (pict < pict_end && *pict) { while (pict < pict_end && *pict == '\n') pict++; if (pict < pict_end && *pict == '#') { pict++; if (pict < pict_end && (*pict == 'p' || *pict == 'P')) { pict++; x = ReadNumberFromString(pict); y = ReadNumberFromString(pict); xb = x; } while (pict < pict_end && *pict) { if (*pict == '\n') {pict++; break;} pict++; } continue; } for (; pict < pict_end && *pict; pict++) { if (*pict == '\n') { x = xb; y++; if (pict + 1 < pict_end && pict[1] == '#') break; continue; } else if (*pict == '\r') continue; if (*pict == '*') { if (x0 > x) x0 = x; if (x1 < x) x1 = x; if (y0 > y) y0 = y; if (y1 < y) y1 = y; } x++; } } x0 = -2*x0; x1 = 2*x1 + 1; y0 = -2*y0; y1 = 2*y1 + 1; w = (x0 < x1) ? x1 : x0; h = (y0 < y1) ? y1 : y0; } else if (type == 3) { w = *(int*)(pict+18); h = *(int*)(pict+22); if (w == 0) h = 0; else if (h == 0) w = 0; } } void LifePutPicture(int x0, int y0, const unsigned char *pict, int size, unsigned char *data0 = life_data) { const unsigned char *pict_end = pict + size; int type = LifeGetPictureType(pict, size); if (type == 1) { int w = (int)pict[0] + ((int)pict[1] << 8); int h = (int)pict[2] + ((int)pict[3] << 8); if (w && h) { int i, j, x, y; pict += 4; x0 -= w / 2; y0 -= h / 2; x = x0 + w; y = y0 - 1; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0); while (pict < pict_end) { if (x >= x0 + w) { i = (x - x0) / w; x -= i * w; y += i; if (y >= y0 + h) break; j = 0; if (x >= 0 && x < xpar.p) j |= 1; if (y >= 0 && y < ypar.p) j |= 2; if (j == 3) pixel.SetTo(x, y); } i = *(pict++); if (i == 0) { if (j == 3) pixel.Set1Pixel(); i = 1; } x += i; if ((j & 2) && x < x0 + w) { if (x >= 0 && x < xpar.p) { if ((j & 1) && i < 5) { while (i--) pixel.AddX1(); } else { j |= 1; pixel.SetTo(x, y); } } else j &= ~1; } } } } else if (type == 2) { int x = x0, y = y0, xb = x; while (pict < pict_end && *pict) { while (pict < pict_end && *pict == '\n') pict++; if (pict < pict_end && *pict == '#') { pict++; if (pict < pict_end && (*pict == 'p' || *pict == 'P')) { pict++; x = x0 + ReadNumberFromString(pict); y = y0 + ReadNumberFromString(pict); xb = x; } while (pict < pict_end && *pict) { if (*pict == '\n') {pict++; break;} pict++; } continue; } if (y >= ypar.p || x >= xpar.p) { for (; pict < pict_end && *pict; pict++) if (*pict == '\n') { y++; if (pict + 1 < pict_end && pict[1] == '#') break; } continue; } if (y < 0) { for (; pict < pict_end && *pict; pict++) if (*pict == '\n') { y++; if (y >= 0 || (pict + 1 < pict_end && pict[1] == '#')) break; } if (pict + 1 < pict_end && *pict == '\n' && pict[1] == '#') continue; } APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0); if (x >= 0) pixel.SetTo(x, y); for (; pict < pict_end && *pict; pict++) { if (*pict == '\n') { x = xb; y++; if (y >= ypar.p) break; if (x >= 0) pixel.SetTo(x, y); if (pict + 1 < pict_end && pict[1] == '#') break; continue; } else if (*pict == '\r') continue; if (*pict == '*') pixel.Set1Pixel(); x++; if (x < 0) continue; if (x >= xpar.p) { while (pict < pict_end && *pict && *pict != '\n') pict++; if (pict < pict_end && *pict == '\n') pict--; continue; } if (x == 0) pixel.SetTo(0, y); else pixel.AddX1(); } } } else if (type == 3) { int w = *(int*)(pict+18), h = *(int*)(pict+22); if (w && h) { int n, i, j; unsigned char ch; const unsigned char *p = pict + *(int*)(pict+10); short bp = *(short*)(pict+28); int s = *(int*)(pict+34); x0 -= w / 2; y0 -= h / 2; if (x0 < xpar.p && y0 < ypar.p && x0 + w > 0 && y0 + h > 0) { if (s) s /= *(int*)(pict+22); else s = ((*(int*)(pict+18) * *(short*)(pict+28) - 1) / 32 + 1) * 4; n = (*(int*)(pict+10) - 54) / 4; APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0); if (y0 + h <= ypar.p) i = h - 1; else { i = ypar.p - y0 - 1; p += (ypar.p - y0) * s; } for (; i >= 0; i--) { int tj = 0, tl = 0; if (y0 + i < 0) break; if (x0 > 0) pixel.SetTo(x0, y0 + i); for (j = 0; j < 8*s; j += 8) { if (tj >= w || x0 + tj >= xpar.p) {p += (s - j/8); break;} ch = *(p++); while (tj < w && x0 + tj < xpar.p && j + 8 >= (tj+1) * bp) { union { long za; unsigned char z[4]; }; tl |= (unsigned long)(ch) >> ((int)j + 8 - (tj+1) * bp); if (n) { if (tl >= n) za = 0; else { const unsigned char *zp = pict + 54 + 4*tl; z[0] = zp[3]; z[1] = zp[2]; z[2] = zp[1]; z[3] = zp[0]; } } else if (bp == 8) { z[0] = 0; z[1] = z[2] = z[3] = (char)tl; } else if (bp == 32) za = tl; else za = tl << (32 - bp); if (x0 + tj >= 0) { if (x0 + tj == 0) pixel.SetTo(0, y0 + i); else pixel.AddX1(); if ((int)z[1] + (int)z[2] + (int)z[3] >= 384) { pixel.Set1Pixel(); } } tl = 0; ch &= (unsigned char)((1 << ((int)j + 8 - (tj+1) * bp)) - 1); tj++; } tl |= (int)ch << ((tj+1) * bp - (j + 8)); } } } } } } void ApplyHit(unsigned char *data1 = life_data, unsigned char *data0 = 0) { if (!data0) data0 = data1; if (!data0) return; data0 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(data0); data1 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(data1); if (data0 != data1 && mpar.hit_type != MouseParam::HitScroll) { MemCopy(data0, data1, GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p)); } switch (mpar.hit_type) { case MouseParam::HitLine: LineInScreen(mpar.hit_x, mpar.hit_y, mpar.last_x, mpar.last_y, true, data0); break; case MouseParam::HitCircle: FillCircle(mpar.hit_x, mpar.hit_y, GetRadius(mpar.hit_x, mpar.hit_y, mpar.last_x, mpar.last_y), false, data0); break; case MouseParam::HitScroll: ApplyScroll(data1, data0); break; } } void MoveGenerateTime(unsigned int t) { static const unsigned int COUNT_MAX = 1 << 24; if (generate.stop) { if (generate.count > COUNT_MAX) generate.count = COUNT_MAX; } else if (!generate.gps) generate.count = COUNT_MAX; else if (t > 100 || generate.count >= generate.gps) { generate.count = generate.gps; } else if (t) { generate.count += (generate.gps * t - (((generate.time + t) % 100U) * generate.gps) % 100 + ((generate.time % 100U) * generate.gps) % 100) / 100; if (generate.count > generate.gps) generate.count = generate.gps; } generate.time += t; if (timegen[timegenpos].t > (~t)) timegen[timegenpos].t = -1; else timegen[timegenpos].t += t; } void ResetGenerate() { generate.time = Clock(); generate.paint_time = generate.time - 100; generate.count = 0; if (generate.stop) { generate.stop = false; menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = false; } } void InitGenerate() { int i; for (i = 0; i < TimeGenLength; i++) { timegen[timegenpos].t = -1; timegen[timegenpos].g = 0; } ResetGenerate(); } bool AddGenerateCount(int c) { if (c < 0) return false; if (!menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check) { ResetGenerate(); menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = true; generate.paint |= PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWSpeed; generate.stop = true; generate.count += c; } else if (generate.stop) generate.count += c; else return false; return true; } void InitMenuButton() { int i; const unsigned char *p = menu_picture, *p_end = menu_picture + sizeof(menu_picture); const unsigned int separator = 5; for (i = 0; i < MenuParam::NButton; i++) { menu.button[i].left = 0; menu.button[i].size = MenuParam::Size - 2; menu.button[i].border = 2; menu.button[i].check = false; menu.button[i].bitmap = p; if (p && !p[0]) { menu.button[i].bitmap = 0; if (p[1]) p = 0; } if (p) { p += 2 + 3 * (int)p[0] * (int)p[1]; if (p > p_end) menu.button[i].bitmap = 0; if (p >= p_end) p = 0; } } p = digits_picture; p_end = digits_picture + sizeof(digits_picture); for (i = 0; i < MenuDig; i++) { menu.digit[i] = p; if (p && !p[0]) { menu.digit[i] = 0; if (p[1]) p = 0; } if (p) { p += 2 + ((int)p[0] * (int)p[1] + 7) / 8; if (p > p_end) menu.digit[i] = 0; if (p >= p_end) p = 0; } } menu.draw = false; menu.pressed = -1; menu.current = MenuILine; menu.edit = -1; menu.button[menu.current].check = true; menu.button[MenuIHide].size /= 2; menu.button[MenuIGenerate].left += separator; menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = true; menu.button[MenuIRandom].check = true; menu.button[MenuILine].left += separator; menu.button[MenuIWinSize].left += separator; menu.button[MenuISize].size += 80; menu.button[MenuISpeed].left += separator; menu.button[MenuISpeed].size += 60; menu.button[0].left = 1; for (i = 1; i < MenuParam::NButton; i++) { menu.button[i].left += menu.button[i-1].left + menu.button[i-1].size; } } int GetMenuYPos() { return 0; } int GetMenuHeight() { if (!menu.draw) return 0; return (ypar.win <= MenuParam::Size) ? 0 : MenuParam::Size; } int GetMenuNumber(int k, int i) { if (k == menu.edit) return menu.edit_num[i]; switch (k) { case MenuISize: return i ? ypar.p : xpar.p; case MenuISpeed: return menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check ? (int)Floor(generate.speed + 0.5) : 0; default: return 0; } } void WinDrawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const unsigned char *const *color) { unsigned char *p = picture + 3 * (y * xpar.win + x); int j; w--; h--; for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { p[0] = color[0][0]; p[1] = color[0][1]; p[2] = color[0][2]; p += 3; } for (j = h; j > 0; j--) { p[0] = color[1][0]; p[1] = color[1][1]; p[2] = color[1][2]; p += 3 * xpar.win; } for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { p[0] = color[2][0]; p[1] = color[2][1]; p[2] = color[2][2]; p -= 3; } for (j = h; j > 0; j--) { p[0] = color[3][0]; p[1] = color[3][1]; p[2] = color[3][2]; p -= 3 * xpar.win; } } void WinFillRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const unsigned char *color) { if (x >= xpar.win || y >= ypar.win || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; if (w > xpar.win - x) w = xpar.win - x; if (h > ypar.win - y) h = ypar.win - y; unsigned char *p, *pp = picture + 3 * (y * xpar.win + x); int i, j; for (i = h; i > 0; i--) { p = pp; for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { *(p++) = color[0]; *(p++) = color[1]; *(p++) = color[2]; } pp += 3 * xpar.win; } } void WinBitmapRect(int x, int y, const unsigned char *bmp) { if (!bmp || !bmp[0] || !bmp[1]) return; int w = bmp[0], h = bmp[1], strl = 3 * (int)bmp[0]; bmp += 2; x -= w/2; y -= h/2; if (x >= xpar.win || y >= ypar.win) return; if (w > xpar.win - x) w = xpar.win - x; if (h > ypar.win - y) h = ypar.win - y; unsigned char *p, *pp = picture + 3 * (y * xpar.win + x); const unsigned char *b; int i, j; for (i = h; i > 0; i--) { p = pp; b = bmp; for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { *(p++) = *(b++); *(p++) = *(b++); *(p++) = *(b++); } pp += 3 * xpar.win; bmp += strl; } } void WinBitSetRect(int x, int y, const unsigned char *set, const unsigned char *color) { if (!set || !set[0] || !set[1]) return; int w = set[0], h = set[1], strr = (int)set[0]; set += 2; x -= w/2; y -= h/2; if (x >= xpar.win || y >= ypar.win) return; if (w > xpar.win - x) w = xpar.win - x; if (h > ypar.win - y) h = ypar.win - y; strr -= w; unsigned char *p, *pp = picture + 3 * (y * xpar.win + x); int i, j, m = 1; for (i = h; i > 0; i--) { p = pp; for (j = w; j > 0; j--) { if (*set & m) {p[0] = color[0]; p[1] = color[1]; p[2] = color[2];} p += 3; m <<= 1; if (!(m & 255)) {m = 1; set++;} } pp += 3 * xpar.win; m <<= strr % 8; set += strr / 8; if (!(m & 255)) {m >>= 8; set++;} } } void WinNumberRect(int x, int y, unsigned int n, const unsigned char *color) { int w, m, i; w = 0; m = n; do { i = m % MenuDig; m /= MenuDig; if (menu.digit[i]) w += 2 + menu.digit[i][0]; } while(m); if (w <= 2) return; x += w - (w-2) / 2; m = n; do { i = m % MenuDig; m /= MenuDig; if (menu.digit[i]) { x -= 2 + menu.digit[i][0]; WinBitSetRect(x + menu.digit[i][0] / 2, y, menu.digit[i], color); } } while(m); } void WinNumberEditRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int n, const unsigned char *color, const unsigned char *bg_color) { if (bg_color) WinFillRect(x, y, w, h, bg_color); WinNumberRect(x + w/2, y + h/2, n, color); } void MenuPaint(int what) { static const unsigned char color_light0[3] = {255, 255, 255}; static const unsigned char color_light[3] = {208, 208, 208}; static const unsigned char color_face[3] = {192, 192, 192}; static const unsigned char color_shadow[3] = {128, 128, 128}; static const unsigned char color_shadow0[3] = {64, 64, 64}; static const unsigned char color_black[3] = {0, 0, 0}; static const unsigned char (&color_white)[3] = color_light0; if (GetMenuHeight() < MenuParam::Size) return; const unsigned char *color[4]; int menuy = GetMenuYPos(), i, k, x, xx, y, yy; if ((what & PaintWSpeed) && !(what & (PaintWMenu & ~PaintWMenuBorder)) && menu.button[MenuISpeed].Right() < xpar.win) { k = MenuISpeed; i = menu.button[k].border + 1; xx = menu.button[k].Left() + i; yy = menuy + 1 + i; x = menu.button[k].size - 2*i; y = MenuParam::Size - 2 - 2*i; i = 0; if (menu.button[k].bitmap) i += menu.button[k].bitmap[0] + 2; WinNumberEditRect(xx + i, yy, x - i, y, GetMenuNumber(k, 0), color_black, (menu.edit == k && menu.edit_index == 0) ? color_white : color_face); } if (!(what & PaintWMenu)) return; if (what & (PaintWMenu & ~PaintWMenuBorder)) { x = menu.button[MenuParam::NButton - 1].Right(); WinFillRect(0, menuy, x, 1, color_face); WinFillRect(0, menuy + MenuParam::Size - 1, x, 1, color_face); WinFillRect(x, menuy, xpar.win - x, MenuParam::Size, color_face); } for (k = 0; k < MenuParam::NButton; k++) { xx = menu.button[k].Left(); yy = menuy + 1; x = menu.button[k].size; y = MenuParam::Size - 2; if (xx + x >= xpar.win) { if (what & (PaintWMenu & ~PaintWMenuBorder)) { i = (k >= 1) ? menu.button[k-1].Right() : 0; WinFillRect(i, yy, xpar.win - i, y, color_face); } break; } if (what & (PaintWMenu & ~PaintWMenuBorder)) { i = (k >= 1) ? menu.button[k-1].Right() : 0; WinFillRect(i, yy, xx - i, y, color_face); } for (i = 0; i < menu.button[k].border; i++) { if (i <= 1) { if (menu.button[k].check) { color[0] = color[3] = i ? color_shadow : color_shadow0; color[1] = color[2] = i ? color_light : color_light0; } else { color[0] = color[3] = i ? color_light : color_light0; color[1] = color[2] = i ? color_shadow : color_shadow0; } } WinDrawRect(xx, yy, x, y, color); xx++; yy++; x -= 2; y -= 2; } if (what & (PaintWMenu & ~PaintWMenuBorder)) { WinFillRect(xx, yy, x, y, color_face); if (menu.button[k].bitmap) { i = (k == MenuISpeed) ? (1 + menu.button[k].bitmap[0] / 2) : (x / 2); WinBitmapRect(xx + i, yy + y/2, menu.button[k].bitmap); } if (k == MenuISize) { xx++; yy++; x -= 2; y -= 2; i = x - 4; if (menu.button[k].bitmap) i -= menu.button[k].bitmap[0]; i /= 2; WinNumberEditRect(xx, yy, i, y, GetMenuNumber(k, 0), color_black, (menu.edit == k && menu.edit_index == 0) ? color_white : 0); WinNumberEditRect(xx + x - i, yy, i, y, GetMenuNumber(k, 1), color_black, (menu.edit == k && menu.edit_index == 1) ? color_white : 0); } else if (k == MenuISpeed) { xx++; yy++; x -= 2; y -= 2; i = 0; if (menu.button[k].bitmap) i += menu.button[k].bitmap[0] + 2; WinNumberEditRect(xx + i, yy, x - i, y, GetMenuNumber(k, 0), color_black, (menu.edit == k && menu.edit_index == 0) ? color_white : 0); } } } } void Paint(int what, TThreadData th); void SetMenuDraw(bool draw, TThreadData th) { if (draw == menu.draw) return; if (menu.pressed >= 0) menu.button[menu.pressed].check = false; menu.pressed = -1; menu.draw = draw; Paint(PaintWAll | PaintWFast, th); } void SetMenuPressed(int k, TThreadData th) { if (menu.pressed == k) return; if (menu.pressed >= 0) menu.button[menu.pressed].check = false; if (k >= 0) menu.button[k].check = true; menu.pressed = k; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); } void SetMenuCurrent(int k, TThreadData th) { if (menu.current == k) return; if (menu.current >= 0) menu.button[menu.current].check = false; if (k >= 0) menu.button[k].check = true; menu.current = k; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); } void SetMenuEdit(int k, int i, TThreadData th) { if (menu.edit != k) { if (menu.edit >= 0) menu.button[menu.edit].check = false; if (k >= 0) menu.button[k].check = true; if (k == MenuISize) {menu.edit_num[0] = xpar.p; menu.edit_num[1] = ypar.p;} else if (k == MenuISpeed) menu.edit_num[0] = generate.gps; } else if (menu.edit_index == i) return; if (k == MenuISize) menu.edit_num_max = 32767; else if (k == MenuISpeed) menu.edit_num_max = 9999999; menu.edit = k; menu.edit_index = i; Paint(PaintWMenu | PaintWFast, th); } void ApplyMenuEdit(TThreadData th) { if (menu.edit < 0) return; if (menu.edit == MenuISize) { int w = menu.edit_num[0], h = menu.edit_num[1]; ResetGenerate(); if (xpar.p != w || ypar.p != h) { if (w <= 0) w = 1; if (h <= 0) h = 1; SetPoleSize(w, h); generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWMenu | PaintWFast; } } else if (menu.edit == MenuISpeed) { generate.gps = menu.edit_num[0]; } SetMenuEdit(-1, -1, th); } int GetMenuEditIndex(int k, int x) { if (k == MenuISize) return x >= menu.button[k].left + menu.button[k].size / 2; else return 0; } void LifeScreenPutPicture(const unsigned char *pict, int size, TThreadData th) { int w, h; ResetGenerate(); LifeGetPictureSize(w, h, pict, size); w += 10; h += 10; if (!life_data || xpar.p < w || ypar.p < h) { if (xpar.p >= w) w = xpar.p; if (ypar.p >= h) h = ypar.p; SetPoleSize(w, h); if (!life_data) { Paint(PaintWMenu | PaintWFast, th); return; } } MemSet(GetDataAddress(life_data), 0, GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p)); LifePutPicture(xpar.p / 2, ypar.p / 2, pict, size, life_data); menu.button[MenuIRandom].check = false; xpar.shift = 0; ypar.shift = 0; generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWMenu | PaintWFast; // SetMenuCurrent(MenuIScroll, th); Paint(PaintWNull, th); } void MenuOpenDialogEnd(TThreadData th) { int state = OpenFileGetState(open_file_str); if (state <= 0) return; OpenFileSetState(open_file_str, 0); if (state != 2) return; char *name = OpenFileGetName(open_file_str); if (!name) return; TFileData file = FileOpen(name); if (!file) return; int k = FileGetLength(file); unsigned char *pict = 0; if (k > 0 && k < (1 << 24)) { pict = (unsigned char*)Alloc(k+1); if (pict) { if (FileRead(file, pict, k) == k) pict[k] = 0; else {Free(pict); pict = 0;} } } FileClose(file); if (!pict) return; LifeScreenPutPicture(pict, k, th); Free(pict); } void MenuWinSizeClick(TThreadData th) { int w = xpar.win, h = ypar.win - GetMenuHeight(); ResetGenerate(); if (w > 0 && h > 0 && (xpar.p != w || ypar.p != h)) { SetPoleSize(w, h); Paint(PaintWPole | PaintWMenu | PaintWFast, th); } } void MenuGenerateClick(TThreadData th) { generate.stop = false; ResetGenerate(); menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = !menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWSpeed | PaintWFast, th); } void MenuClearClick(TThreadData th) { ResetGenerate(); if (life_data) MemSet(GetDataAddress(life_data), 0, GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p)); Paint(PaintWPole | PaintWFast, th); } void MenuAboutClick(TThreadData th) { generate.stop = false; menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = true; generate.paint |= PaintWSpeed; LifeScreenPutPicture(about_picture, sizeof(about_picture), th); } void MenuMouseClick(int x, int y, int m, TThreadData th) { int k, i, j = GetMenuYPos(); if (menu.edit >= 0) { k = menu.edit; j = GetMenuYPos(); if (GetMenuHeight() < MenuParam::Size || y < j + 1 || y >= j + MenuParam::Size - 1 || x < menu.button[k].Left() || x >= menu.button[k].Right()) { if (m == 1) ApplyMenuEdit(th); else SetMenuEdit(-1, -1, th); } else SetMenuEdit(k, GetMenuEditIndex(k, x), th); return; } if (GetMenuHeight() < MenuParam::Size || y < j + 1 || y >= j + MenuParam::Size - 1) { if (m < 0) x = -1; else return; } if (m < 0) { if (menu.pressed < 0) return; k = menu.pressed; if (x < menu.button[k].Left() || x >= menu.button[k].Right()) { if (menu.button[k].check) { menu.button[k].check = false; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); } } else if (!menu.button[k].check) { menu.button[k].check = true; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); } return; } if (m == 0) { if (menu.pressed < 0 || !menu.button[menu.pressed].check) return; switch (menu.pressed) { case MenuIHide: SetMenuDraw(false, th); break; case MenuIClear: MenuClearClick(th); break; case MenuIOpen: if (OpenFileGetState(open_file_str) < 0) break; OpenFileDialog(open_file_str); break; case MenuIAbout: MenuAboutClick(th); break; case MenuIExit: CloseWindow(th); break; case MenuIWinSize: MenuWinSizeClick(th); break; } return; } k = -1; i = MenuParam::NButton; while (k + 1 < i) { j = (k + i) / 2; if (x < menu.button[j].Left()) i = j; else k = j; } i = menu.button[k].Right(); if (k < 0 || x >= i || i >= xpar.win) return; switch (k) { case MenuIHide: case MenuIClear: case MenuIOpen: case MenuIAbout: case MenuIExit: case MenuIWinSize: SetMenuPressed(k, th); break; case MenuIGenerate: MenuGenerateClick(th); break; case MenuIRandom: case MenuIVCircle: case MenuIHCircle: menu.button[k].check = !menu.button[k].check; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); break; case MenuILine: case MenuIScroll: SetMenuCurrent(k, th); break; case MenuISize: case MenuISpeed: SetMenuEdit(k, GetMenuEditIndex(k, x), th); break; } } void PoleMouseClick(int m, TThreadData th) { if (m != 1 && m != 2) return; mpar.hit_type = MouseParam::HitNull; switch (menu.current) { case MenuILine: if (menu.draw) { menu.button[MenuIRandom].check = false; generate.paint |= PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast; if (m == 1) mpar.hit_type = MouseParam::HitLine; else mpar.hit_type = MouseParam::HitCircle; } break; case MenuIScroll: if (m == 1) mpar.hit_type = MouseParam::HitScroll; break; } if (mpar.hit_type) Paint(PaintWPole | PaintWFast, th); else if (!menu.draw) SetMenuDraw(true, th); } void MenuEditPressKey(int ch, TThreadData th) { if (menu.edit < 0) return; int &num = menu.edit_num[menu.edit_index]; if (ch == 27) SetMenuEdit(-1, -1, th); else if (ch == '\r') ApplyMenuEdit(th); else if (ch == 8) {num /= 10; Paint(PaintWMenu | PaintWFast, th);} else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { num = 10 * num + (ch - '0'); if (num >= menu.edit_num_max) num = menu.edit_num_max; Paint(PaintWMenu | PaintWFast, th); } else if (menu.edit == MenuISize) { if (ch == '\t') SetMenuEdit(MenuISize, !menu.edit_index, th); else if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') SetMenuEdit(MenuISize, 0, th); else if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') SetMenuEdit(MenuISize, 1, th); } } void CalculateSpeed() { double t = 0, g = 0, dn, n = 0, st = 0, sg = 0, ss = 0, sp = 0; int i = timegenpos; do { if (t >= 500) break; g += timegen[i].g; dn = timegen[i].g; n += dn * (500 - t); st += dn * t; sg += dn * g; ss += dn * t * t; sp += dn * g * t; if (--i < 0) i = TimeGenLength; t += timegen[i].t; } while(i != timegenpos); ss = n * ss - st * st; sp = n * sp - sg * st; if (st < 1e-4 || ss < 1e-4 * st * st) g = 0; else g = sp / ss; generate.speed = 100 * g; } void Paint(int what, TThreadData th) { what |= generate.paint; if (!(what & PaintWAll) || !life_data || xpar.win <= 0 || ypar.win <= 0) return; const unsigned int FAST_PAINT_TIME = 2, WAIT_PAINT_TIME = 8; unsigned int t = Clock() - generate.paint_time; unsigned int wt = (what & PaintWFast) ? FAST_PAINT_TIME : WAIT_PAINT_TIME; if (!(what & PaintWNow) && t >= (unsigned int)(-WAIT_PAINT_TIME)) { if ((unsigned int)(-t) > wt) generate.paint_time += t + wt; generate.paint = what; return; } generate.paint_time += t + wt; generate.paint = PaintWNull; if (!picture) { SetPictureSize(); if (!picture) return; } if (what & PaintWPole) { const unsigned char bgcolor[3] = {128, 128, 0}; int w, h, x, y, xx, yy, i, j; int menu0 = GetMenuYPos(), menu1 = menu0 + GetMenuHeight(); unsigned char *p = picture; unsigned char *data0 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(life_data); int size = GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p); if (xpar.win <= 0 || ypar.win <= 0) return; if (mpar.hit_type > 0) { double shift_x = xpar.shift, shift_y = ypar.shift; ApplyHit(data0, data0 + size); data0 += size; GetPaintOrigin(w, h, x, y, xx, yy); xpar.shift = shift_x; ypar.shift = shift_y; } else GetPaintOrigin(w, h, x, y, xx, yy); APosPixel pixel(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0); j = menu0; if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j > yy) j = yy; for (i = j * xpar.win; i > 0; i--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } i = menu1; if (i < 0) i = 0; else if (i > yy) i = yy; p += 3 * xpar.win * (i - j); for (i = (yy - i) * xpar.win; i > 0; i--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = xx; j > 0; j--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } pixel.SetTo(x, (y + i) % ypar.p); j = xpar.p - x; if (j > w) j = w; for (;;) { if (pixel.GetPixel()) {*(p++) = 255; *(p++) = 255; *(p++) = 255;} else {*(p++) = 0; *(p++) = 0; *(p++) = 0;} if (--j <= 0) break; pixel.AddX1(); } j = w - (xpar.p - x); if (j > 0) { pixel.SetTo(0, (y + i) % ypar.p); for (;;) { if (pixel.GetPixel()) {*(p++) = 255; *(p++) = 255; *(p++) = 255;} else {*(p++) = 0; *(p++) = 0; *(p++) = 0;} if (--j <= 0) break; pixel.AddX1(); } } for (j = xpar.win - xx - w; j > 0; j--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } } j = menu0; if (j < yy + h) j = yy + h; else if (j > ypar.win) j = ypar.win; for (i = (j - yy - h) * xpar.win; i > 0; i--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } i = menu1; if (i < yy + h) i = yy + h; else if (i > ypar.win) i = ypar.win; p += 3 * xpar.win * (i - j); for (i = (ypar.win - i) * xpar.win; i > 0; i--) { *(p++) = bgcolor[0]; *(p++) = bgcolor[1]; *(p++) = bgcolor[2]; } } if (what & PaintWSpeed) CalculateSpeed(); MenuPaint(what); SetPicture(picture, (unsigned short)xpar.win, (unsigned short)ypar.win, th); } bool KolibriOnStart(TStartData &me_start, TThreadData th) { randomize(); me_start.WinData.Title = "Black and white Life"; me_start.Width = 500; me_start.Height = 400; InitGenerate(); InitMenuButton(); if (CommandLine[0]) { open_file_str.state = 2; OpenFileSetName(open_file_str, CommandLine); } return true; } bool KolibriOnClose(TThreadData) { SetPictureSize(0, 0); SetPoleSize(0, 0); return true; } int KolibriOnIdle(TThreadData th) { static const unsigned int WAIT_TIME = 2, GEN_TIME = 1; int res = -1; if (OpenFileGetState(open_file_str) > 0) { MenuOpenDialogEnd(th); res = 0; } else { if (life_data && menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check) { unsigned int t = Clock() - generate.time; if (t >= (unsigned int)(-WAIT_TIME)) res = -t; else { MoveGenerateTime(t); if (generate.count > 0) { unsigned char *data0 = (unsigned char*)GetDataAddress(life_data); int size = GetDataSize(xpar.p, ypar.p); int flag = (menu.button[MenuIHCircle].check ? 4 : 1) + (menu.button[MenuIVCircle].check ? 8 : 2); if (++timegenpos >= TimeGenLength) timegenpos = 0; timegen[timegenpos].t = 0; timegen[timegenpos].g = 0; for (;;) { OneGeneration(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0 + size, data0, flag); if (menu.button[MenuIRandom].check) RandomDraw(data0 + size); timegen[timegenpos].g++; if (--generate.count == 0 || (unsigned int)(Clock() - generate.time) >= GEN_TIME) { MemCopy(data0, data0 + size, size); break; } OneGeneration(xpar.p, ypar.p, data0, data0 + size, flag); if (menu.button[MenuIRandom].check) RandomDraw(data0); timegen[timegenpos].g++; if (--generate.count == 0 || (unsigned int)(Clock() - generate.time) >= GEN_TIME) break; } generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWSpeed; } if (generate.stop && generate.count == 0) { ResetGenerate(); menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = false; generate.paint |= PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWSpeed; res = -1; } else { MoveGenerateTime(Clock() - generate.time); res = (generate.count <= generate.gps / 100) ? WAIT_TIME : 0; MoveGenerateTime(res); } } } } if (generate.paint) { Paint((res < 0 || res > WAIT_TIME) ? (PaintWNull | PaintWNow) : PaintWNull, th); } return res; } void KolibriOnSize(int window_rect[], Kolibri::TThreadData th) { unsigned short w, h; GetClientSize(w, h, window_rect[2], window_rect[3], th); SetPictureSize(w, h); generate.paint |= PaintWAll | PaintWFast; if (!life_data) MenuWinSizeClick(th); Paint(PaintWNull | PaintWNow, th); } void KolibriOnKeyPress(TThreadData th) { int ch; while ((ch = GetKey()) >= 0) { if (mpar.hit_type > 0) { mpar.hit_type = 0; generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWFast; SetMenuPressed(-1, th); if (generate.paint) Paint(PaintWNull, th); } else if (menu.pressed >= 0) SetMenuPressed(-1, th); else if (menu.edit >= 0) MenuEditPressKey(ch, th); else { switch (ch) { case 'm': case 'M': SetMenuDraw(!menu.draw, th); break; case 'c': case 'C': MenuClearClick(th); break; case 'o': case 'O': if (OpenFileGetState(open_file_str) < 0) break; OpenFileDialog(open_file_str); break; case 'a': case 'A': MenuAboutClick(th); break; case 'q': case 'Q': CloseWindow(th); break; case 'w': case 'W': MenuWinSizeClick(th); break; case 'g': case 'G': MenuGenerateClick(th); break; case 'r': case 'R': menu.button[MenuIRandom].check = !menu.button[MenuIRandom].check; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); break; case 'v': case 'V': menu.button[MenuIVCircle].check = !menu.button[MenuIVCircle].check; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); break; case 'h': case 'H': menu.button[MenuIHCircle].check = !menu.button[MenuIHCircle].check; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWFast, th); break; case 'l': case 'L': SetMenuCurrent(MenuILine, th); break; case 's': case 'S': SetMenuCurrent(MenuIScroll, th); break; case 'x': case 'X': if (!menu.draw) SetMenuDraw(true, th); SetMenuEdit(MenuISize, 0, th); break; case 'y': case 'Y': if (!menu.draw) SetMenuDraw(true, th); SetMenuEdit(MenuISize, 1, th); break; case 'f': case 'F': if (!menu.draw) SetMenuDraw(true, th); SetMenuEdit(MenuISpeed, 0, th); break; case ' ': case '\\': case '|': if (menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check && !generate.stop) { menu.button[MenuIGenerate].check = false; Paint(PaintWMenuBorder | PaintWSpeed | PaintWFast, th); } else AddGenerateCount((ch == ' ') ? 1 : 15); break; } } } } void KolibriOnMouse(TThreadData th) { short xp = 0, yp = 0; int w, h, x, y, xx, yy, m; GetMousePosPicture(xp, yp); m = GetMouseButton(); GetPaintOrigin(w, h, x, y, xx, yy); x += xp - xx; y += yp - yy; if (mpar.hit_type > 0) { if (mpar.last_x != x || mpar.last_y != y) { mpar.last_x = x; mpar.last_y = y; generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWFast; } if (m != mpar.button) { if ((m & ~mpar.button) == 0) ApplyHit(); mpar.hit_type = 0; generate.paint |= PaintWPole | PaintWFast; SetMenuPressed(-1, th); if (generate.paint) Paint(PaintWNull, th); } } else if (menu.pressed >= 0) { if (mpar.last_x != x || mpar.last_y != y) { MenuMouseClick(xp, yp, -1, th); } if (m != mpar.button) { if ((m & ~mpar.button) == 0) MenuMouseClick(xp, yp, 0, th); SetMenuPressed(-1, th); } } else if (mpar.button == 0 && (m == 1 || m == 2)) { if (xp >= 0 && xp < xpar.win && yp >= 0 && yp < ypar.win) { mpar.hit_x = x; mpar.hit_y = y; mpar.last_x = x; mpar.last_y = y; yy = GetMenuYPos(); if (menu.edit >= 0 || (yp >= yy && yp < yy + GetMenuHeight())) { MenuMouseClick(xp, yp, m, th); } else PoleMouseClick(m, th); } } mpar.button = m; }