#define MEMSIZE 1024 * 100 //Copyright 2020 by Leency #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/random.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/http.h" #include "const.h" bool exit_param = false; _http http; checkbox autoclose = { T_AUTOCLOSE, false }; char uEdit[URL_SIZE]; char filepath[URL_SIZE+96]; progress_bar pb = {0, GAPX, 58, 315, 17, 0, NULL, NULL, 0xFFFfff, 0x74DA00, NULL}; edit_box ed = {WIN_W-GAPX-GAPX,GAPX,20,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff, 0x10000000, sizeof(uEdit)-2,#uEdit,0,ed_focus,19,19}; void main() { dword shared_url; load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1); if (!dir_exists(#save_dir)) CreateDir(#save_dir); SetCurDir(#save_dir); if (param) { if (!strncmp(#param, "-exit ", 6)) { exit_param = true; param += 6; } if (!strncmp(#param, "-mem", 5)) { //shared_url = memopen(#dl_shared, URL_SIZE+1, SHM_OPEN + SHM_WRITE); strcpy(#uEdit, shared_url); } else { strcpy(#uEdit, #param); } } if (uEdit[0]) StartDownloading(); else { edit_box_set_text stdcall (#ed, "http://"); } @SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER + EVM_STACK); @SetWindowLayerBehaviour(-1, ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP); loop() switch(@WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: edit_box_mouse stdcall (#ed); break; case evButton: ProcessButtonClick(); break; case evKey: ProcessKeyPress(); break; case evReDraw: DrawWindow(); break; default: MonitorProgress(); } } void ProcessButtonClick() { int id = @GetButtonID(); autoclose.click(id); if (id==BTN_EXIT) { StopDownloading(); ExitProcess(); } if (id==BTN_START) StartDownloading(); if (id==BTN_STOP) StopDownloading(); if (id==BTN_DIR) RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", #filepath); if (id==BTN_RUN) RunProgram("/sys/@open", #filepath); } void ProcessKeyPress() { @GetKey(); edit_box_key stdcall(#ed); EAX >>= 16; if (AL == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) StartDownloading(); if (AL == SCAN_CODE_ESC) StopDownloading(); } void DrawWindow() { sc.get(); pb.frame_color = sc.work_dark; DefineAndDrawWindow(110 + random(300), 100 + random(300), WIN_W+9, WIN_H + 5 + skin_height, 0x34, sc.work, DL_WINDOW_HEADER, 0); #define BUT_Y 58; //autoclose.draw(WIN_W-135, BUT_Y+6); if (!http.transfer) { DrawStandartCaptButton(GAPX, BUT_Y, BTN_START, T_DOWNLOAD); if (filepath) { DrawStandartCaptButton(GAPX+102, BUT_Y, BTN_DIR, T_OPEN_DIR); DrawStandartCaptButton(GAPX+276, BUT_Y, BTN_RUN, T_RUN); } } else { DrawStandartCaptButton(WIN_W - 240, BUT_Y, BTN_STOP, T_CANCEL); DrawDownloadingProgress(); } //ed.offset=0; //DEL? DrawEditBox(#ed); } void StartDownloading() { char get_url[URL_SIZE+33]; if (http.transfer > 0) return; filepath = '\0'; if (!strncmp(#uEdit,"https:",6)) { miniprintf(#get_url, "http://gate.aspero.pro/?site=%s", #uEdit); //notify("'HTTPS for download is not supported, trying to download the file via HTTP' -W"); //miniprintf(#http_url, "http://%s", #uEdit+8); //if (!downloader.Start(#http_url)) { // notify("'Download failed.' -E"); // StopDownloading(); //} } else { strcpy(#get_url, #uEdit); } if (http.get(#get_url)) { ed.blur_border_color = 0xCACACA; EditBox_UpdateText(#ed, ed_disabled); pb.value = 0; DrawWindow(); } else { notify(T_ERROR_STARTING_DOWNLOAD); StopDownloading(); if (exit_param) ExitProcess(); } } void DrawDownloadingProgress() { char bytes_received[70]; EDI = http.content_received / 100; if (pb.value == EDI) return; pb.value = EDI; pb.max = http.content_length / 100; progressbar_draw stdcall(#pb); miniprintf(#bytes_received, KB_RECEIVED, ConvertSizeToKb(http.content_received) ); WriteTextWithBg(GAPX, pb.top + 22, 0xD0, sc.work_text, #bytes_received, sc.work); //CalculateSpeed(); } void StopDownloading() { http.stop(); if (http.content_pointer) http.content_pointer = free(http.content_pointer); http.content_received = http.content_length = 0; ed.blur_border_color = 0xFFFfff; EditBox_UpdateText(#ed, ed_focus); DrawWindow(); } void MonitorProgress() { char redirect_url[URL_SIZE]; if (http.transfer <= 0) return; http.receive(); if (!http.content_length) http.content_length = http.content_received * 20; //MOVE? if (http.receive_result) { DrawDownloadingProgress(); } else { if (http.status_code >= 300) && (http.status_code < 400) { http.header_field("location", #redirect_url, URL_SIZE); get_absolute_url(#redirect_url, #uEdit); edit_box_set_text stdcall (#ed, #redirect_url); StopDownloading(); StartDownloading(); return; } SaveFile(); if (exit_param) ExitProcess(); StopDownloading(); DrawWindow(); } } void SaveFile() { int i; char notify_message[4296]; char file_name[URL_SIZE+96]; strcpy(#filepath, #save_dir); chrcat(#filepath, '/'); //Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RealFootball_2018_Nokia_5800_EN_IGP_EU_TS_101.zip" if (http.header_field("content-disposition", #file_name, sizeof(file_name))) { if (EDX = strstr(#file_name,"filename=\"")) { strcat(#filepath, EDX+10); ESBYTE[strchr(#filepath,'\"')] = '\0'; } } else { // Clean all slashes at the end strcpy(#file_name, #uEdit); while (file_name[strlen(#file_name)-1] == '/') { file_name[strlen(#file_name)-1] = 0; } strcat(#filepath, #file_name+strrchr(#file_name, '/')); } for (i=0; i 200) { speed = http.content_received - netdata_received / time.gone * 100; debugval("speed", speed); debugln(ConvertSizeToKb(speed) ); time.old = time.cur; netdata_received = http.content_received; } } else time.old = time.cur; } */