txt_zv db '*',0 txt_sp db ' ',0 txt_buf db '1234',0 rd 1 buf_param rb 80 macro cStr dest,txt { local .end_t local .m_txt jmp .end_t align 4 .m_txt db txt,0 align 4 .end_t: if dest eq mov eax,.m_txt else mov dest,.m_txt end if } ;for debug tz1 db 'next_in',13,10,0 tz2 db 'avail_in',13,10,0 tz3 db 'total_in',13,10,0 tz4 db 'next_out',13,10,0 tz5 db 'avail_out',13,10,0 tz6 db 'total_out',13,10,0 tz7 db 'msg',13,10,0 tz8 db 'state',13,10,0 tz9 db 'zalloc',13,10,0 tz10 db 'zfree',13,10,0 tz11 db 'opaque',13,10,0 tz12 db 'data_type',13,10,0 tz13 db 'adler',13,10,0 tz14 db 'reserved',13,10,0 sv_2: dd z_stream.next_in,4,tz1 dd z_stream.avail_in,2,tz2 dd z_stream.total_in,4,tz3 dd z_stream.next_out,4,tz4 dd z_stream.avail_out,2,tz5 dd z_stream.total_out,4,tz6 dd z_stream.msg,4,tz7 dd z_stream.state,4,tz8 dd z_stream.zalloc,4,tz9 dd z_stream.zfree,4,tz10 dd z_stream.opaque,4,tz11 dd z_stream.data_type,2,tz12 dd z_stream.adler,4,tz13 dd z_stream.reserved,4,tz14 dd 0,0 ta1 db 'strm',13,10,0 ta2 db 'status',13,10,0 ta3 db 'pending_buf',13,10,0 ta4 db 'pending_buf_size',13,10,0 ta5 db 'pending_out',13,10,0 ta6 db 'pending',13,10,0 ta7 db 'wrap',13,10,0 ta8 db 'gzhead',13,10,0 ta9 db 'gzindex',13,10,0 ta10 db 'method',13,10,0 ta11 db 'last_flush',13,10,0 ta12 db 'w_size',13,10,0 ta13 db 'w_bits',13,10,0 ta14 db 'w_mask',13,10,0 ta15 db 'window',13,10,0 ta16 db 'window_size',13,10,0 ta17 db 'prev',13,10,0 ta18 db 'head',13,10,0 ta19 db 'ins_h',13,10,0 ta20 db 'hash_size',13,10,0 ta21 db 'hash_bits',13,10,0 ta22 db 'hash_mask',13,10,0 ta23 db 'hash_shift',13,10,0 ta24 db 'block_start',13,10,0 ta25 db 'match_length',13,10,0 ta26 db 'prev_match',13,10,0 ta27 db 'match_available',13,10,0 ta28 db 'strstart',13,10,0 ta29 db 'match_start',13,10,0 ta30 db 'lookahead',13,10,0 ta31 db 'prev_length',13,10,0 ta32 db 'max_chain_length',13,10,0 ta33 db 'max_lazy_match',13,10,0 ta34 db 'level',13,10,0 ta35 db 'strategy',13,10,0 ta36 db 'good_match',13,10,0 ta37 db 'nice_match',13,10,0 ta38 db 'dyn_ltree',13,10,0 ta39 db 'dyn_dtree',13,10,0 ta40 db 'bl_tree',13,10,0 ta41 db 'l_desc',13,10,0 ta42 db 'd_desc',13,10,0 ta43 db 'bl_desc',13,10,0 ta44 db 'bl_count',13,10,0 ta45 db 'heap',13,10,0 ta46 db 'heap_len',13,10,0 ta47 db 'heap_max',13,10,0 ta48 db 'depth',13,10,0 ta49 db 'l_buf',13,10,0 ta50 db 'lit_bufsize',13,10,0 ta51 db 'last_lit',13,10,0 ta52 db 'd_buf',13,10,0 ta53 db 'opt_len',13,10,0 ta54 db 'static_len',13,10,0 ta55 db 'matches',13,10,0 ta56 db 'insert',13,10,0 ; db 'compressed_len',13,10,0 ; db 'bits_sent',13,10,0 ta59 db 'bi_buf',13,10,0 ta60 db 'bi_valid',13,10,0 ta61 db 'high_water',13,10,0 sv_3: dd deflate_state.strm,4,ta1 dd deflate_state.status,4,ta2 dd deflate_state.pending_buf,4,ta3 dd deflate_state.pending_buf_size,4,ta4 dd deflate_state.pending_out,4,ta5 dd deflate_state.pending,4,ta6 dd deflate_state.wrap,4,ta7 dd deflate_state.gzhead,4,ta8 dd deflate_state.gzindex,4,ta9 dd deflate_state.method,1,ta10 dd deflate_state.last_flush,4,ta11 dd deflate_state.w_size,4,ta12 dd deflate_state.w_bits,4,ta13 dd deflate_state.w_mask,4,ta14 dd deflate_state.window,4,ta15 dd deflate_state.window_size,4,ta16 dd deflate_state.prev,4,ta17 dd deflate_state.head,4,ta18 dd deflate_state.ins_h,4,ta19 dd deflate_state.hash_size,4,ta20 dd deflate_state.hash_bits,4,ta21 dd deflate_state.hash_mask,4,ta22 dd deflate_state.hash_shift,4,ta23 dd deflate_state.block_start,4,ta24 dd deflate_state.match_length,4,ta25 dd deflate_state.prev_match,4,ta26 dd deflate_state.match_available,4,ta27 dd deflate_state.strstart,4,ta28 dd deflate_state.match_start,4,ta29 dd deflate_state.lookahead,4,ta30 dd deflate_state.prev_length,4,ta31 dd deflate_state.max_chain_length,4,ta32 dd deflate_state.max_lazy_match,4,ta33 dd deflate_state.level,2,ta34 dd deflate_state.strategy,2,ta35 dd deflate_state.good_match,4,ta36 dd deflate_state.nice_match,4,ta37 dd deflate_state.dyn_ltree,((2*HEAP_SIZE) shl 16)+2,ta38 dd deflate_state.dyn_dtree,((2*(2*D_CODES+1)) shl 16)+2,ta39 dd deflate_state.bl_tree,((2*(2*BL_CODES+1)) shl 16)+2,ta40 dd deflate_state.l_desc,(3 shl 16)+4,ta41 dd deflate_state.d_desc,(3 shl 16)+4,ta42 dd deflate_state.bl_desc,(3 shl 16)+4,ta43 dd deflate_state.bl_count,((MAX_BITS+1) shl 16)+2,ta44 dd deflate_state.heap,((2*L_CODES+1) shl 16)+2,ta45 dd deflate_state.heap_len,4,ta46 dd deflate_state.heap_max,4,ta47 dd deflate_state.depth,((2*L_CODES+1) shl 16)+1,ta48 dd deflate_state.l_buf,4,ta49 dd deflate_state.lit_bufsize,4,ta50 dd deflate_state.last_lit,4,ta51 dd deflate_state.d_buf,4,ta52 dd deflate_state.opt_len,4,ta53 dd deflate_state.static_len,4,ta54 dd deflate_state.matches,4,ta55 dd deflate_state.insert,4,ta56 ;if DEBUG eq 1 ;dd deflate_state.compressed_len ;dd deflate_state.bits_sent ;end if dd deflate_state.bi_buf,2,ta59 dd deflate_state.bi_valid,4,ta60 dd deflate_state.high_water,4,ta61 dd 0,0 align 4 proc dbg_print, fun:dword, mes:dword pushad mov eax,SF_BOARD mov ebx,SSF_DEBUG_WRITE mov esi,[fun] cmp esi,0 je .end0 @@: mov cl,byte[esi] int 0x40 inc esi cmp byte[esi],0 jne @b mov cl,':' int 0x40 mov cl,' ' int 0x40 .end0: mov esi,[mes] cmp esi,0 je .end_f @@: mov cl,byte[esi] cmp cl,0 je .end_f int 0x40 inc esi jmp @b .end_f: popad ret endp ;input: ; zif - 1...8 align 4 proc hex_in_str, buf:dword,val:dword,zif:dword pushad mov edi,dword[buf] mov ecx,dword[zif] add edi,ecx dec edi mov ebx,dword[val] .cycle: mov al,bl and al,0xf cmp al,10 jl @f add al,'a'-'0'-10 @@: add al,'0' mov byte[edi],al dec edi shr ebx,4 loop .cycle popad ret endp ;output: ; eax = strlen align 4 proc strlen, str1:dword mov eax,[str1] @@: cmp byte[eax],0 je @f inc eax jmp @b @@: sub eax,[str1] ret endp align 4 proc str_format_dbg, buf:dword, fmt:dword, p1:dword pushad mov esi,[fmt] mov edi,[buf] mov ecx,80-1 .cycle0: lodsb cmp al,'%' jne .no_param lodsb dec ecx cmp al,0 je .cycle0end cmp al,'d' je @f cmp al,'u' je @f cmp al,'l' je .end1 jmp .end0 .end1: ;%lu %lx lodsb dec ecx cmp al,'u' jne .end0 @@: mov eax,[p1] stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx xor al,al repne scasb dec edi .end0: loop .cycle0 .no_param: stosb cmp al,0 je .cycle0end loop .cycle0 .cycle0end: xor al,al stosb stdcall dbg_print,txt_sp,[buf] popad ret endp align 4 proc debug_fields, saddr:dword, form:dword locals nl_array dd ? endl pushad mov edi,[saddr] cmp edi,0 je .end_f mcall SF_BOARD,SSF_DEBUG_WRITE,13 mcall ,,10 mov eax,[form] align 4 .cycle0: mov ebx,[eax+4] mov ecx,ebx and ebx,0xffff cmp ebx,0 je .end_f mov esi,ebx shl ebx,1 shr ecx,16 cmp ecx,0 je .end0 ;if array stdcall dbg_print,0,[eax+8] mov edx,61 ;size text line mov dword[nl_array],0 .cycle2: inc dword[nl_array] sub edx,ebx sub edx,2 ;': ' cmp edx,3 jg .cycle2 mov edx,edi add edx,[eax] push eax .nl_i: mov eax,[nl_array] mov byte[ebx+txt_buf],0 ;конец числа .cycle1: stdcall hex_in_str,txt_buf,[edx],ebx add edx,esi ;move next value push edi mov edi,txt_buf cmp byte[edi],'0' jne @f inc edi cmp byte[edi],'0' jne @f inc edi cmp byte[edi],'0' jne @f inc edi cmp byte[edi],'0' jne @f inc edi @@: cmp byte[edi],0 jne @f dec edi @@: stdcall dbg_print,edi,0 pop edi ;stdcall dbg_print,txt_buf,0 dec eax jz .nl loop .cycle1 .nl: push ebx ecx mcall SF_BOARD,SSF_DEBUG_WRITE,13 mcall ,,10 pop ecx ebx dec ecx cmp ecx,0 jg .nl_i pop eax add eax,12 jmp .cycle0 .end0: mov edx,edi add edx,[eax] stdcall hex_in_str,txt_buf,[edx],ebx mov byte[ebx+txt_buf],0 ;конец числа stdcall dbg_print,txt_buf,[eax+8] add eax,12 jmp .cycle0 .end_f: mcall SF_BOARD,SSF_DEBUG_WRITE,13 mcall ,,10 popad ret endp ;input: ; eax - число ; edi - буфер для строки ; len - длинна буфера ;output: align 4 proc convert_int_to_str, len:dword pushad mov esi,[len] add esi,edi dec esi call .str popad ret endp align 4 .str: mov ecx,0x0a cmp eax,ecx jb @f xor edx,edx div ecx push edx call .str pop eax @@: cmp edi,esi jge @f or al,0x30 stosb mov byte[edi],0 @@: ret