;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ EFL_IF equ 0x0200 EFL_IOPL1 equ 0x1000 EFL_IOPL2 equ 0x2000 EFL_IOPL3 equ 0x3000 struc APP_HEADER_00 { .banner dq ? .version dd ? ;+8 .start dd ? ;+12 .i_end dd ? ;+16 .mem_size dd ? ;+20 .i_param dd ? ;+24 } struc APP_HEADER_01 { .banner dq ? .version dd ? ;+8 .start dd ? ;+12 .i_end dd ? ;+16 .mem_size dd ? ;+20 .stack_top dd ? ;+24 .i_param dd ? ;+28 .i_icon dd ? ;+32 } struc APP_PARAMS { .app_cmdline ;0x00 .app_path ;0x04 .app_eip ;0x08 .app_esp ;0x0C .app_mem ;0x10 } macro _clear_ op { mov ecx, op/4 xor eax, eax cld rep stosd } align 4 test_app_header: virtual at eax APP_HEADER_00 APP_HEADER_00 end virtual virtual at eax APP_HEADER_01 APP_HEADER_01 end virtual cmp dword [eax], 'MENU' jne .fail cmp word [eax+4],'ET' jne .fail cmp [eax+6], word '00' jne .check_01_header mov ecx,[APP_HEADER_00.start] mov [ebx+0x08], ecx ;app_eip mov edx,[APP_HEADER_00.mem_size] mov [ebx+0x10], edx ;app_mem shr edx,1 sub edx,0x10 mov [ebx+0x0C], edx ;app_esp mov ecx,[APP_HEADER_00.i_param] mov [ebx], ecx ;app_cmdline mov [ebx+4], dword 0 ;app_path mov edx, [APP_HEADER_00.i_end] mov [ebx+0x14], edx ret .check_01_header: cmp [eax+6],word '01' jne .fail mov ecx,[APP_HEADER_01.start] mov [ebx+0x08], ecx ;app_eip mov edx,[APP_HEADER_01.mem_size] ; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006] ; sanity check (functions 19,58 load app_i_end bytes and that must ; fit in allocated memory to prevent kernel faults) cmp edx,[APP_HEADER_01.i_end] jb .fail ; \end{diamond}[20.08.2006] mov [ebx+0x10], edx ;app_mem mov ecx,[APP_HEADER_01.stack_top] mov [ebx+0x0C], ecx ;app_esp mov edx,[APP_HEADER_01.i_param] mov [ebx], edx ;app_cmdline mov ecx,[APP_HEADER_01.i_icon] mov [ebx+4], ecx ;app_path mov edx, [APP_HEADER_01.i_end] mov [ebx+0x14], edx ret .fail: xor eax, eax ret align 4 proc mnt_exec stdcall file_base:dword, file_size:dword, \ path:dword, cmd_line:dword, flags:dword locals cmdline rb 256 filename rb 1024 save_cr3 dd ? slot dd ? slot_base dd ? ;app header data hdr_cmdline dd ? ;0x00 hdr_path dd ? ;0x04 hdr_eip dd ? ;0x08 hdr_esp dd ? ;0x0C hdr_mem dd ? ;0x10 hdr_i_end dd ? ;0x14 endl push ebx push edi push esi mov esi, [path] lea edi, [filename] lea ecx, [edi+1024] @@: cmp edi, ecx jae .bigfilename lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b lea edi, [cmdline] mov dword [edi],0 mov esi, [cmd_line] test esi, esi jz .no_cmdline lea ecx, [edi+255] mov [edi+252], dword 0 @@: cmp edi, ecx jae .no_cmdline lodsb stosb test al, al jnz @b .no_cmdline: mov eax, [file_base] lea ebx, [hdr_cmdline] call test_app_header mov ecx, -0x1F test eax, eax jz .err_hdr DEBUGF 1,"%s",new_process_loading lea ebx, [application_table_status] call wait_mutex call set_application_table_status call get_new_process_place test eax, eax mov ecx, -0x20 ; too many processes jz .err mov [slot], eax shl eax, 8 add eax, SLOT_BASE mov [slot_base], eax mov edi, eax _clear_ 256 ;clean extended information about process ; write application name lea eax, [filename] stdcall strrchr, eax, '/' ; now eax points to name without path lea esi, [eax+1] test eax, eax jnz @F lea esi, [filename] @@: mov ecx, 8 ; 8 chars for name mov edi, [slot_base] .copy_process_name_loop: lodsb cmp al, '.' jz .copy_process_name_done test al, al jz .copy_process_name_done stosb loop .copy_process_name_loop .copy_process_name_done: mov ebx, cr3 mov [save_cr3], ebx stdcall create_app_space,[hdr_mem],[file_base],[file_size] mov ecx, -30 ; no memory test eax, eax jz .failed mov ebx,[slot_base] mov [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table],eax mov eax,[hdr_mem] mov [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size],eax mov ecx, [hdr_mem] mov edi, [file_size] ; add edi, 4095 ; and edi, not 4095 sub ecx, edi jna @F xor eax, eax cld rep stosb @@: mov ecx, [file_base] call @mem_free@4 lea eax, [hdr_cmdline] lea ebx, [cmdline] lea ecx, [filename] stdcall set_app_params ,[slot],eax,ebx,ecx,[flags] mov eax, [save_cr3] call set_cr3 mov eax,[process_number] ;set result mov [application_table_status], 0 ;unlock application_table_status mutex pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret .bigfilename: pop edi pop esi pop ebx mov eax, -ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret .failed: mov eax, [save_cr3] call set_cr3 .err: .err_hdr: mov ecx, [file_base] call @mem_free@4 pop edi pop esi pop ebx xor eax, eax mov [application_table_status],eax mov eax, ecx ret endp align 4 proc pe_app_param stdcall path:dword, raw:dword, ex_pg_dir:dword, ex_stack:dword locals slot dd ? slot_base dd ? pl0_stack dd ? endl push ebx push esi push edi lea ebx, [application_table_status] call wait_mutex call set_application_table_status call get_new_process_place test eax, eax mov ecx, -0x20 ; too many processes jz .err mov [slot], eax shl eax, 8 add eax, SLOT_BASE mov [slot_base], eax mov edi, eax _clear_ 256 ;clean extended information about process ; write application name stdcall strrchr, [path], '/' ; now eax points to name without path lea esi, [eax+1] test eax, eax jnz @F lea esi, [path] @@: mov ecx, 8 ; 8 chars for name mov edi, [slot_base] .copy_process_name_loop: lodsb cmp al, '.' jz .copy_process_name_done test al, al jz .copy_process_name_done stosb loop .copy_process_name_loop .copy_process_name_done: mov eax, [ex_pg_dir] mov ebx, [slot_base] mov [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table],eax ;mov eax,[hdr_mem] ;mov [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size],eax mov ecx, 1 call @core_alloc@4 lea edi, [eax+OS_BASE] mov [pl0_stack], edi mov [ebx+APPDATA.pl0_stack], edi add edi, RING0_STACK_SIZE mov [ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp0], edi mov [ebx+APPDATA.fpu_state], edi mov [ebx+APPDATA.fpu_handler], 0 mov [ebx+APPDATA.sse_handler], 0 ;set default io permission map mov [ebx+APPDATA.io_map],\ (tss._io_map_0-OS_BASE+PG_MAP) mov [ebx+APPDATA.io_map+4],\ (tss._io_map_1-OS_BASE+PG_MAP) mov esi, fpu_data mov ecx, 512/4 rep movsd mov eax, [slot] cmp eax,[TASK_COUNT] jle .noinc inc dword [TASK_COUNT] ;update number of processes .noinc: lea edx, [ebx+APP_EV_OFFSET] mov [ebx+APPDATA.fd_ev],edx mov [ebx+APPDATA.bk_ev],edx add edx, APP_OBJ_OFFSET-APP_EV_OFFSET mov [ebx+APPDATA.fd_obj],edx mov [ebx+APPDATA.bk_obj],edx mov ecx, [def_cursor] mov [ebx+APPDATA.cursor],ecx xor ecx, ecx call @core_alloc@4 lea edi, [eax+OS_BASE] ; FIXME mov esi,[current_slot] mov esi,[esi+APPDATA.cur_dir] mov ecx,0x1000/4 mov [ebx+APPDATA.cur_dir],edi rep movsd mov ebx, [slot] mov eax, ebx shl ebx, 5 mov dword [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+0x10], 0 lea ecx,[draw_data+ebx] ;ecx - pointer to draw data ; set window state to 'normal' (non-minimized/maximized/rolled-up) state mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_NORMAL mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_redraw], 1 add ebx,CURRENT_TASK ;ebx - pointer to information about process mov [ebx+TASKDATA.wnd_number],al;set window number on screen = process slot mov [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask],dword 1+2+4 ;set default event flags (see 40 function) inc dword [process_number] mov eax,[process_number] mov [ebx+4],eax ;set PID ;set draw data to full screen mov [ecx+0],dword 0 mov [ecx+4],dword 0 mov eax,[Screen_Max_X] mov [ecx+8],eax mov eax,[Screen_Max_Y] mov [ecx+12],eax mov ebx, [pl0_stack] mov eax, [raw] lea ecx, [ebx+REG_EDI] mov edx, [ex_stack] mov [ebx+REG_ENTRY], dword _sys_app_entry mov [ebx+REG_RESTART], dword _pe_restart mov [ebx+REG_RAW], eax mov [ebx+REG_CSTACK], ecx mov [ebx+REG_USTACK], edx lea ebx, [ebx+REG_ENTRY] mov ecx, [slot] shl ecx, 5 mov [ecx*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp], ebx mov [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+TASKDATA.state], 0 ; DEBUGF 1,"%s",new_process_running .err: mov eax,[process_number] ;set result mov [application_table_status], 0 ;unlock application_table_status mutex pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret endp align 4 _pe_restart: add esp, 12 popad iretd align 4 proc get_new_process_place ;input: ; none ;result: ; eax=[new_process_place]<>0 - ok ; 0 - failed. ;This function find least empty slot. ;It doesn't increase [TASK_COUNT]! mov eax,CURRENT_TASK mov ebx,[TASK_COUNT] inc ebx shl ebx,5 add ebx,eax ;ebx - address of process information for (last+1) slot .newprocessplace: ;eax = address of process information for current slot cmp eax,ebx jz .endnewprocessplace ;empty slot after high boundary add eax,0x20 cmp word [eax+0xa],9 ;check process state, 9 means that process slot is empty jnz .newprocessplace .endnewprocessplace: mov ebx,eax sub eax,CURRENT_TASK shr eax,5 ;calculate slot index cmp eax,256 jge .failed ;it should be <256 mov word [ebx+0xa],9 ;set process state to 9 (for slot after hight boundary) ret .failed: xor eax,eax ret endp align 4 proc create_app_space stdcall, app_size:dword,img_base:dword,img_size:dword locals app_pages dd ? img_pages dd ? dir_addr dd ? app_tabs dd ? endl mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex call wait_mutex ;ebx xor eax, eax mov [dir_addr], eax mov eax, [app_size] add eax, 4095 and eax, not 4095 mov [app_size], eax mov ebx, eax shr eax, 12 mov [app_pages], eax add ebx, 0x3FFFFF and ebx, not 0x3FFFFF shr ebx, 22 mov [app_tabs], ebx mov ecx, [img_size] add ecx, 4095 and ecx, not 4095 mov [img_size], ecx shr ecx, 12 mov [img_pages], ecx call _alloc_page test eax, eax mov [dir_addr], eax jz .fail ;lea edi, [eax + OS_BASE] ;mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4 ;xor eax, eax ;cld ;rep stosd ;mov ecx, 1024-(OS_BASE shr 20)/4 ;mov esi, _sys_pdbr+(OS_BASE shr 20) ;rep movsd lea edi, [eax+OS_BASE] mov ecx, 512 xor eax, eax cld rep stosd mov ecx, 512 mov esi, _sys_pdbr+(HEAP_BASE shr 20) rep movsd mov edi, [dir_addr] lea eax, [edi+PG_SW] mov [edi+OS_BASE+(page_tabs shr 20)], eax mov eax, edi call set_cr3 mov edx, [app_tabs] mov edi, master_tab @@: call _alloc_page test eax, eax jz .fail or eax, PG_UW stosd dec edx jnz @B mov edi, page_tabs mov ecx, [app_tabs] shl ecx, 10 xor eax, eax rep stosd mov ecx, [app_pages] xor ebx, ebx .alloc: xor ecx, ecx call @core_alloc@4 test eax, eax jz .fail stdcall map_page,ebx,eax,dword PG_UW add ebx, 0x1000 dec [app_pages] jnz .alloc mov ecx, [img_size] ; FIXME remap md mov esi, [img_base] xor edi, edi rep movsb .done: dec [pg_data.pg_mutex] mov eax, [dir_addr] ret .fail: dec [pg_data.pg_mutex] cmp [dir_addr], 0 je @f stdcall destroy_app_space, [dir_addr] @@: xor eax, eax ret endp ;addr_t __fastcall pe_app_space(size_t size); align 4 @pe_app_space@4: sub esp, 16 mov [esp+4], ebx mov [esp+8], esi mov [esp+12], edi lea ebx, [ecx+0x3FFFFF] xor ecx, ecx call @core_alloc@4 test eax, eax mov [esp], eax jz .fail mov ecx, 512 lea edi, [eax + OS_BASE] xor eax, eax cld rep stosd mov ecx, 512 mov esi, _sys_pdbr+(HEAP_BASE shr 20) rep movsd mov esi, [esp] shr ebx, 22 .new_ptab: xor ecx, ecx call @core_alloc@4 test eax, eax jz .fail lea edi, [eax+OS_BASE] or eax, PG_UW mov [esi+OS_BASE], eax mov ecx, 1024 xor eax, eax rep stosd add esi, 4 dec ebx jnz .new_ptab xor ecx, ecx call @core_alloc@4 test eax, eax jz .fail lea edi, [eax+OS_BASE] or eax, PG_UW mov ebx, [esp] lea edx, [ebx+PG_SW] mov [ebx+OS_BASE+(0x7FC00000 shr 20)], eax mov [ebx+OS_BASE+(page_tabs shr 20)], edx mov ecx, 1024 xor eax, eax rep stosd mov eax, ebx .fail: mov ebx, [esp+4] mov esi, [esp+8] mov edi, [esp+12] add esp, 16 ret align 4 set_cr3: mov ebx, [current_slot] mov [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table], eax mov cr3, eax ret align 4 proc destroy_page_table stdcall, pg_tab:dword push ebx push esi mov esi, [pg_tab] mov ebx, 1024 .free: mov ecx, [esi] test ecx, 1 jz .next test ecx, 1 shl 9 jnz .next ;skip shared pages call @core_free@4 .next: add esi, 4 dec ebx jnz .free pop esi pop ebx ret endp align 4 proc destroy_app_space stdcall, pg_dir:dword mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex call wait_mutex ;ebx xor edx,edx mov eax,0x2 mov ebx, [pg_dir] .loop: ;eax = current slot of process mov ecx,eax shl ecx,5 cmp byte [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0xa],9 ;if process running? jz @f ;skip empty slots shl ecx,3 cmp [SLOT_BASE+ecx+0xB8],ebx ;compare page directory addresses jnz @f inc edx ;thread found @@: inc eax cmp eax,[TASK_COUNT] ;exit loop if we look through all processes jle .loop ;edx = number of threads ;our process is zombi so it isn't counted cmp edx,1 jg .exit ;if there isn't threads then clear memory. mov eax, [pg_dir] and eax, -4096 add eax, OS_BASE mov [tmp_task_pdir], eax mov esi, eax mov edi, (HEAP_BASE shr 20)/4 .destroy: mov eax, [esi] test eax, 1 jz .next and eax, not 0xFFF add eax, OS_BASE stdcall destroy_page_table, eax mov ecx, [esi] call @core_free@4 .next: add esi, 4 dec edi jnz .destroy mov ecx, [pg_dir] call @core_free@4 .exit: dec [pg_data.pg_mutex] ret endp align 4 get_pid: mov eax, [TASK_BASE] mov eax, [eax+TASKDATA.pid] ret pid_to_slot: ;Input: ; eax - pid of process ;Output: ; eax - slot of process or 0 if process don't exists ;Search process by PID. push ebx push ecx mov ebx,[TASK_COUNT] shl ebx,5 mov ecx,2*32 .loop: ;ecx=offset of current process info entry ;ebx=maximum permitted offset cmp byte [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0xa],9 jz .endloop ;skip empty slots cmp [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0x4],eax ;check PID jz .pid_found .endloop: add ecx,32 cmp ecx,ebx jle .loop pop ecx pop ebx xor eax,eax ret .pid_found: shr ecx,5 mov eax,ecx ;convert offset to index of slot pop ecx pop ebx ret check_region: ;input: ; ebx - start of buffer ; ecx - size of buffer ;result: ; eax = 1 region lays in app memory ; eax = 0 region don't lays in app memory mov eax,[CURRENT_TASK] jmp check_process_region ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_process_region: ;input: ; eax - slot ; ebx - start of buffer ; ecx - size of buffer ;result: ; eax = 1 region lays in app memory ; eax = 0 region don't lays in app memory test ecx,ecx jle .ok shl eax,5 cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+eax+0xa],0 jnz .failed shl eax,3 mov eax,[SLOT_BASE+eax+0xb8] test eax,eax jz .failed mov eax,1 ret ; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address ; push ebx ; push ecx ; push edx ; mov edx,ebx ; and edx,not (4096-1) ; sub ebx,edx ; add ecx,ebx ; mov ebx,edx ; add ecx,(4096-1) ; and ecx,not (4096-1) ;.loop: ;;eax - linear address of page directory ;;ebx - current page ;;ecx - current size ; mov edx,ebx ; shr edx,22 ; mov edx,[eax+4*edx] ; and edx,not (4096-1) ; test edx,edx ; jz .failed1 ; push eax ; mov eax,edx ; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address ; mov edx,ebx ; shr edx,12 ; and edx,(1024-1) ; mov eax,[eax+4*edx] ; and eax,not (4096-1) ; test eax,eax ; pop eax ; jz .failed1 ; add ebx,4096 ; sub ecx,4096 ; jg .loop ; pop edx ; pop ecx ; pop ebx .ok: mov eax,1 ret ; ;.failed1: ; pop edx ; pop ecx ; pop ebx .failed: xor eax,eax ret align 4 proc read_process_memory ;Input: ; eax - process slot ; ebx - buffer address ; ecx - buffer size ; edx - start address in other process ;Output: ; eax - number of bytes read. locals slot dd ? buff dd ? r_count dd ? offset dd ? tmp_r_cnt dd ? endl mov [slot], eax mov [buff], ebx and [r_count], 0 mov [tmp_r_cnt], ecx mov [offset], edx pushad .read_mem: mov edx, [offset] mov ebx, [tmp_r_cnt] mov ecx, 0x400000 and edx, 0x3FFFFF sub ecx, edx cmp ecx, ebx jbe @f mov ecx, ebx @@: cmp ecx, 0x8000 jna @F mov ecx, 0x8000 @@: mov eax, [slot] shl eax,8 mov ebx, [offset] push ecx stdcall map_memEx, [proc_mem_map],\ [SLOT_BASE+eax+0xB8],\ ebx, ecx pop ecx mov esi, [offset] and esi, 0xfff add esi, [proc_mem_map] mov edi, [buff] mov edx, ecx rep movsb add [r_count], edx add [offset], edx sub [tmp_r_cnt], edx jnz .read_mem popad mov eax, [r_count] ret endp align 4 proc write_process_memory ;Input: ; eax - process slot ; ebx - buffer address ; ecx - buffer size ; edx - start address in other process ;Output: ; eax - number of bytes written locals slot dd ? buff dd ? w_count dd ? offset dd ? tmp_w_cnt dd ? endl mov [slot], eax mov [buff], ebx and [w_count], 0 mov [tmp_w_cnt], ecx mov [offset], edx pushad .read_mem: mov edx, [offset] mov ebx, [tmp_w_cnt] mov ecx, 0x400000 and edx, 0x3FFFFF sub ecx, edx cmp ecx, ebx jbe @f mov ecx, ebx @@: cmp ecx, 0x8000 jna @F mov ecx, 0x8000 @@: mov eax, [slot] shl eax,8 mov ebx, [offset] ; add ebx, new_app_base push ecx stdcall map_memEx, [proc_mem_map],\ [SLOT_BASE+eax+0xB8],\ ebx, ecx pop ecx mov edi, [offset] and edi, 0xfff add edi, [proc_mem_map] mov esi, [buff] mov edx, ecx rep movsb add [w_count], edx add [offset], edx sub [tmp_w_cnt], edx jnz .read_mem popad mov eax, [w_count] ret endp align 4 proc new_sys_threads locals slot dd ? app_cmdline dd ? ;0x00 app_path dd ? ;0x04 app_eip dd ? ;0x08 app_esp dd ? ;0x0C app_mem dd ? ;0x10 endl cmp eax,1 jne .failed ;other subfunctions xor eax,eax mov [app_cmdline], eax mov [app_path], eax mov [app_eip], ebx mov [app_esp], ecx ;mov esi,new_process_loading ;call sys_msg_board_str DEBUGF 1,"%s",new_process_loading .wait_lock: cmp [application_table_status],0 je .get_lock call change_task jmp .wait_lock .get_lock: mov eax, 1 xchg eax, [application_table_status] cmp eax, 0 jne .wait_lock call set_application_table_status call get_new_process_place test eax, eax jz .failed mov [slot], eax mov esi,[current_slot] mov ebx,esi ;ebx=esi - pointer to extended information about current thread mov edi, eax shl edi,8 add edi,SLOT_BASE mov edx,edi ;edx=edi - pointer to extended infomation about new thread mov ecx,256/4 xor eax, eax cld rep stosd ;clean extended information about new thread mov esi,ebx mov edi,edx mov ecx,11 rep movsb ;copy process name mov eax,[ebx+APPDATA.heap_base] mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_base], eax mov ecx,[ebx+APPDATA.heap_top] mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_top], ecx mov eax,[ebx+APPDATA.mem_size] mov [edx+APPDATA.mem_size], eax mov ecx,[ebx+APPDATA.dir_table] mov [edx+APPDATA.dir_table],ecx ;copy page directory lea eax, [app_cmdline] stdcall set_app_params ,[slot],eax,dword 0,\ dword 0,dword 0 ;mov esi,new_process_running ;call sys_msg_board_str ;output information about succefull startup DEBUGF 1,"%s",new_process_running mov [application_table_status],0 ;unlock application_table_status mutex mov eax,[process_number] ;set result ret .failed: mov [application_table_status],0 mov eax,-1 ret endp ; param ; ebx=mutex align 4 wait_mutex: push eax push ebx .do_wait: cmp dword [ebx],0 je .get_lock call change_task jmp .do_wait .get_lock: mov eax, 1 xchg eax, [ebx] test eax, eax jnz .do_wait pop ebx pop eax ret align 4 proc set_app_params stdcall,slot:dword, params:dword,\ cmd_line:dword, app_path:dword, flags:dword locals pl0_stack dd ? endl mov ecx, 1 ;(RING0_STACK_SIZE+512) shr 12 call @core_alloc@4 add eax, OS_BASE mov [pl0_stack], eax lea edi, [eax+RING0_STACK_SIZE] mov eax, [slot] mov ebx, eax shl eax, 8 mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state], edi mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_handler], 0 mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.sse_handler], 0 ;set default io permission map mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map],\ (tss._io_map_0-OS_BASE+PG_MAP) mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map+4],\ (tss._io_map_1-OS_BASE+PG_MAP) mov esi, fpu_data mov ecx, 512/4 rep movsd cmp ebx,[TASK_COUNT] jle .noinc inc dword [TASK_COUNT] ;update number of processes .noinc: shl ebx,8 lea edx, [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APP_EV_OFFSET] mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fd_ev+ebx],edx mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.bk_ev+ebx],edx add edx, APP_OBJ_OFFSET-APP_EV_OFFSET mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fd_obj+ebx],edx mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.bk_obj+ebx],edx mov ecx, [def_cursor] mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+ebx],ecx mov eax, [pl0_stack] mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.pl0_stack+ebx],eax add eax, RING0_STACK_SIZE mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp0+ebx], eax call _alloc_page add eax, OS_BASE mov esi,[current_slot] mov esi,[esi+APPDATA.cur_dir] mov ecx,0x1000/4 mov edi,eax mov [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cur_dir],eax rep movsd shr ebx,3 mov dword [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+0x10], 0 .add_command_line: mov edx,[params] mov edx,[edx] ;app_cmdline test edx,edx jz @f ;application doesn't need parameters mov eax, edx add eax, 256 jc @f cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8] ja @f mov byte [edx], 0 ;force empty string if no cmdline given mov eax, [cmd_line] test eax, eax jz @f stdcall strncpy, edx, eax, 256 @@: mov edx,[params] mov edx, [edx+4] ;app_path test edx,edx jz @F ;application don't need path of file mov eax, edx add eax, 1024 jc @f cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8] ja @f stdcall strncpy, edx, [app_path], 1024 @@: mov ebx,[slot] mov eax,ebx shl ebx,5 lea ecx,[draw_data+ebx] ;ecx - pointer to draw data ; set window state to 'normal' (non-minimized/maximized/rolled-up) state mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_NORMAL mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_redraw], 1 add ebx,CURRENT_TASK ;ebx - pointer to information about process mov [ebx+TASKDATA.wnd_number],al;set window number on screen = process slot mov [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask],dword 1+2+4 ;set default event flags (see 40 function) inc dword [process_number] mov eax,[process_number] mov [ebx+4],eax ;set PID ;set draw data to full screen mov [ecx+0],dword 0 mov [ecx+4],dword 0 mov eax,[Screen_Max_X] mov [ecx+8],eax mov eax,[Screen_Max_Y] mov [ecx+12],eax mov ebx, [pl0_stack] mov esi,[params] lea ecx, [ebx+REG_EIP] xor eax, eax mov [ebx+REG_RET], dword irq0.return mov [ebx+REG_EDI], eax mov [ebx+REG_ESI], eax mov [ebx+REG_EBP], eax mov [ebx+REG_ESP], ecx ;ebx+REG_EIP mov [ebx+REG_EBX], eax mov [ebx+REG_EDX], eax mov [ebx+REG_ECX], eax mov [ebx+REG_EAX], eax mov eax, [esi+0x08] ;app_eip mov [ebx+REG_EIP], eax ;app_entry mov [ebx+REG_CS], dword sel_app_code mov [ebx+REG_EFLAGS], dword EFL_IOPL3+EFL_IF mov eax, [esi+0x0C] ;app_esp mov [ebx+REG_APP_ESP], eax ;app_stack mov [ebx+REG_SS], dword sel_app_data lea ecx, [ebx+REG_RET] mov ebx, [slot] shl ebx, 5 mov [ebx*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp], ecx xor ecx, ecx ; process state - running ; set if debuggee test byte [flags], 1 jz .no_debug inc ecx ; process state - suspended mov eax,[CURRENT_TASK] mov [SLOT_BASE+ebx*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot],eax .no_debug: mov [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+TASKDATA.state], cl DEBUGF 1,"%s",new_process_running ret endp include "debug.inc"