;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Synhronization for MenuetOS. ;; ;; Author: Halyavin Andrey, halyavin@land.ru ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ align 4 ;struct futex* __fastcall create_futex(int *ptr) create_futex: push ecx mov ecx, sizeof.FUTEX call create_object pop ecx test eax, eax jz .fail mov [eax+FUTEX.magic], 'FUTX' mov [eax+FUTEX.destroy], 0 mov [eax+FUTEX.pointer], ecx lea ecx, [eax+FUTEX.wait_list] list_init ecx mov [eax+FUTEX.flags], 0 .fail: ret align 4 ;int __fastcall destroy_futex(struct futex *futex) destroy_futex: push esi mov esi, [current_process] mov edx, [ecx+FUTEX.handle] pushfd cli lea eax, [ecx+FUTEX.wait_list] cmp eax, [eax+LHEAD.next] jne .fail mov eax, [esi+PROC.ht_next] mov [esi+PROC.htab+edx*4], eax mov [esi+PROC.ht_next], edx inc [esi+PROC.ht_free] popfd pop esi mov eax, ecx call free xor eax, eax ret .fail: popfd pop esi mov eax, -1 ret iglobal align 4 f77call: dd f77.futex_init ;0 dd f77.futex_destroy ;1 dd f77.futex_wait ;2 dd f77.futex_wake ;3 .end: endg align 4 sys_synchronization: f77: test ebx, ebx jz .futex_init cmp ebx, (f77call.end-f77call)/4 jae .fail cmp ecx, STDERR_FILENO jbe .fail cmp ecx, (PROC.pdt_0 - PROC.htab)/4 jae .fail mov edi, [current_process] mov ebp, [edi+PROC.htab+ecx*4] cmp [ebp+FUTEX.magic], 'FUTX' jne .fail cmp [ebp+FUTEX.handle], ecx jne .fail jmp dword [f77call+ebx*4] .fail: mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], -1 ret align 4 .futex_init: call create_futex test eax, eax jz @F mov eax, [eax+FUTEX.handle] @@: mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], eax ret align 4 ;ecx futex handle ;edi current process ;ebp futex object .futex_destroy: mov ecx, ebp call destroy_futex mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], eax ret align 4 ;ecx futex handle ;edx control value ;esi timeout ;edi current process ;ebp futex object .futex_wait: test esi, esi jnz .futex_wait_timeout mov ecx, [ebp+FUTEX.pointer] mov eax, edx lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx ;wait until old_value == new_value jz .wait_slow mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], 0 ret .wait_slow: pushfd cli sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER mov ebx, [TASK_BASE] mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], ebx lea esi, [ebp+FUTEX.wait_list] list_add_tail esp, esi ;esp= new waiter, esi= list head .again: mov [ebx+TASKDATA.state], 1 call change_task lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx jz .again list_del esp add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], 0 ret align 4 ;ecx futex handle ;edx control value ;esi timeout ;edi current process ;ebp futex object .futex_wait_timeout: mov ecx, [ebp+FUTEX.pointer] mov eax, edx lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx ;wait until old_value == new_value jz .wait_slow_timeout mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], 0 ret align 4 .wait_test: xor eax, eax ret .wait_slow_timeout: pushfd cli sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER mov ebx, [current_slot] mov [ebx+APPDATA.wait_test], f77.wait_test mov [ebx+APPDATA.wait_timeout], esi mov [ebx+APPDATA.wait_param], ebp mov eax, [timer_ticks] mov [ebx+APPDATA.wait_begin], eax mov eax, [TASK_BASE] mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 5 mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], eax lea esi, [ebp+FUTEX.wait_list] list_add_tail esp, esi ;esp= new waiter, esi= list head .again_timeout: call change_task mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.wait_param] test eax, eax jz .timeout lock cmpxchg [ecx], edx jz .again_timeout @@: list_del esp add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], 0 ret .timeout: list_del esp add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], -1 ret align 4 ;ecx futex handle ;edx numder of threads ;edi current process ;ebp futex object .futex_wake: xor ecx, ecx pushfd cli lea ebx, [ebp+FUTEX.wait_list] mov esi, [ebx+LHEAD.next] .wake: cmp esi, ebx je .done mov eax, [esi+MUTEX_WAITER.task] mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 0 mov esi, [esi+MUTEX_WAITER.list.next] inc ecx cmp ecx, edx jb .wake .done: popfd mov [esp+SYSCALL_STACK._eax], ecx ret RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_WRITE equ 0 RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_READ equ 1 ;void __fastcall mutex_init(struct mutex *lock) align 4 mutex_init: mov [ecx+MUTEX.wait_list.next], ecx mov [ecx+MUTEX.wait_list.prev], ecx mov [ecx+MUTEX.count], 1 ret ;void __fastcall mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock) align 4 mutex_lock: dec [ecx+MUTEX.count] jns .done pushfd cli sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER list_add_tail esp, ecx ;esp= new waiter, ecx= list head mov edx, [TASK_BASE] mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], edx .forever: mov eax, -1 xchg eax, [ecx+MUTEX.count] dec eax jz @F mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1 call change_task jmp .forever @@: mov eax, ecx list_del esp cmp [eax+MUTEX.wait_list.next], eax jne @F mov [eax+MUTEX.count], 0 @@: add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd .done: ret ;void __fastcall mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock) align 4 mutex_unlock: pushfd cli mov eax, [ecx+MUTEX.wait_list.next] cmp eax, ecx mov [ecx+MUTEX.count], 1 je @F mov eax, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.task] mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 0 @@: popfd ret ;void __fastcall init_rwsem(struct rw_semaphore *sem) align 4 init_rwsem: mov [ecx+RWSEM.wait_list.next], ecx mov [ecx+RWSEM.wait_list.prev], ecx mov [ecx+RWSEM.count], 0 ret ;void __fastcall down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem) align 4 down_read: pushfd cli mov eax, [ecx+RWSEM.count] test eax, eax js @F cmp ecx, [ecx+RWSEM.wait_list.next] je .ok @@: sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER mov eax, [TASK_BASE] mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], eax mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.type], RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_READ mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 1 list_add_tail esp, ecx ;esp= new waiter, ecx= list head call change_task add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd ret .ok: inc eax mov [ecx+RWSEM.count], eax popfd ret ;void __fastcall down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem) align 4 down_write: pushfd cli sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER mov edx, [TASK_BASE] mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], edx mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.type], RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_WRITE mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1 list_add_tail esp, ecx ;esp= new waiter, ecx= list head xor eax, eax not eax .forever: test eax, [ecx+RWSEM.count] jz @F mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1 call change_task jmp .forever @@: mov [ecx+RWSEM.count], eax list_del esp add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER popfd ret ;void __fastcall up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem) align 4 up_read: pushfd cli dec [ecx+RWSEM.count] jnz @F mov eax, [ecx+RWSEM.wait_list.next] cmp eax, ecx je @F mov eax, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.task] mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 0 @@: popfd ret ;void __fastcall up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem) align 4 up_write: pushfd cli mov eax, [ecx+RWSEM.wait_list.next] mov [ecx+RWSEM.count], 0 cmp ecx, eax je .done mov edx, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.type] test edx, edx jnz .wake mov eax, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.task] mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 0 .done: popfd ret .wake: push ebx push esi push edi xor esi, esi mov edi, ecx .wake_list: mov ebx, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.list.next] list_del eax mov edx, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.task] mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], 0 inc esi cmp edi, ebx je .wake_done mov ecx, [ebx+MUTEX_WAITER.type] test ecx, ecx jz .wake_done mov eax, ebx jmp .wake_list .wake_done: add [edi+RWSEM.count], esi pop edi pop esi pop ebx popfd ret purge RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_WRITE purge RWSEM_WAITING_FOR_READ if ~defined sync_inc sync_inc_fix: sync_inc fix sync_inc_fix ;simplest mutex. macro SimpleMutex name { ; iglobal name dd 0 name#.type = 1 ; endg } macro WaitSimpleMutex name { local start_wait,ok start_wait=$ cli cmp [name], dword 0 jz ok sti call change_task jmp start_wait ok=$ push eax mov eax, dword [TASK_BASE+second_base_address] mov eax, [eax+TASKDATA.pid] mov [name], eax pop eax sti } macro ReleaseSimpleMutex name { mov [name], dword 0 } macro TryWaitSimpleMutex name ;result in eax and in flags { local ok,try_end cmp [name], dword 0 jz ok xor eax, eax jmp try_end ok=$ xor eax, eax inc eax try_end=$ } macro SimpleCriticalSection name { ; iglobal name dd 0 dd 0 name#.type=2 ; endg } macro WaitSimpleCriticalSection name { local start_wait,first_wait,inc_counter,end_wait push eax mov eax, [TASK_BASE+second_base_address] mov eax, [eax+TASKDATA.pid] start_wait=$ cli cmp [name], dword 0 jz first_wait cmp [name], eax jz inc_counter sti call change_task jmp start_wait first_wait=$ mov [name], eax mov [name+4], dword 1 jmp end_wait inc_counter=$ inc dword [name+4] end_wait=$ sti pop eax } macro ReleaseSimpleCriticalSection name { local release_end dec dword [name+4] jnz release_end mov [name], dword 0 release_end=$ } macro TryWaitSimpleCriticalSection name ;result in eax and in flags { local ok,try_end mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK+second_base_address] mov eax, [eax+TASKDATA.pid] cmp [name], eax jz ok cmp [name], 0 jz ok xor eax, eax jmp try_end ok=$ xor eax, eax inc eax try_end=$ } _cli equ call MEM_HeapLock _sti equ call MEM_HeapUnLock end if