; Copyright (C) 2014 Anton_K ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . format binary as 'kex' __DEBUG__ = 1 ; 0 - disable debug output / 1 - enable debug output __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = DEBUG_FINE ; DEBUG_FINE - all debug messages / DEBUG_INFO - info and errors / DEBUG_ERR - only errors DEBUG_FINE = 0 DEBUG_INFO = 1 DEBUG_ERR = 2 include '../../macros.inc' purge mov, add, sub ; ================================= Header =================================== ; MEOS_APP_START store dword StartupPath at $ - 4 ; ================================ Includes ================================== ; include '../../debug-fdo.inc' include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../dll.inc' include 'AKODE/AKODE.inc' include 'datadef.inc' ; =============================== Entry point ================================ ; CODE DEBUGF DEBUG_INFO, 'Started\n' mcall 68, 11 ; initialize heap test eax, eax jz .exit_fail_heap_init stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT ; load libraries test eax, eax jnz .exit_fail_load_libs mcall 40, MAIN_EVENT_MASK ; used events mcall 66, 1, 1 ; use scancodes stdcall draw_window mcall 9, ThreadInfoBuffer, -1 ; get real window size mov eax, [ebx + process_information.client_box.width] inc eax mov [MainWindowWidth], eax mov edx, [ebx + process_information.client_box.height] inc edx mov [MainWindowHeight], edx DEBUGF DEBUG_FINE, 'Window width: %u\nWindow height: %u\n', eax, edx mov ecx, eax shl ecx, 2 imul ecx, edx ; ecx = width * 4 * height sub edx, HUD_PANEL_HEIGHT mov [WorldViewHeight], edx if FSAA shl eax, FSAA shl edx, FSAA end if stdcall akode.init, eax, edx, FIELD_OF_VIEW, BLOCK_BASE_SIZE, BLOCK_HEIGHT test eax, eax jz .exit_fail_akode_init stdcall akode.set_movement_speed, MOVEMENT_SPEED, 90 mcall 68, 12 ; alloc ecx bytes for image buffer test eax, eax jz .exit_fail_alloc mov [ImageBufferPtr], eax push eax stdcall set_startup_path stdcall load_hud_images test eax, eax jnz @f DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'Failed to load HUD images\n' jmp .exit_fail_load_hud @@: cld xor eax, eax mov edi, PressedKeys mov ecx, 128 * 2 rep stosd mov edi, Inventory mov ecx, INVENTORY_SIZE * 2 rep stosd stdcall akode.set_callbacks, level_load_callback, action_callback stdcall akode.load_level, levels.level1 if FULLSCREEN stdcall hide_cursor push eax end if stdcall main_loop if FULLSCREEN pop ecx test ecx, ecx jz @f mcall 37, 6 ; delete cursor @@: end if .exit_fail_load_hud: stdcall free_hud_images pop ecx mcall 68, 13 ; free image buffer jmp .exit .exit_fail_heap_init: DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'Heap initialization failed\n' jmp .exit .exit_fail_load_libs: DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'Failed to load libraries\n' jmp .exit .exit_fail_akode_init: DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'AKODE initialization failed\n' jmp .exit .exit_fail_alloc: DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'Memory allocation for image buffer failed\n' ;jmp .exit .exit: stdcall akode.cleanup DEBUGF DEBUG_INFO, 'Exiting\n' xor eax, eax dec eax mcall ; kill this thread ; ============================================================================ ; proc set_startup_path cld mov esi, StartupPath mov ecx, esi @@: lodsb test al, al jnz @b sub esi, 2 std @@: lodsb cmp al, '/' jne @b mov [esi + 1], byte 0 mcall 30, 1 ; set current directory ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; < eax = 0 - fail ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc load_hud_images mov ebx, [MainWindowWidth] mov ecx, [MainWindowHeight] xor edx, edx stdcall akode.load_and_scale_image, LevelLoadingImageFile, ebx, ecx, edx test eax, eax jz .exit mov [LevelLoadingImagePtr], eax stdcall akode.load_and_scale_image, DeathImageFile, ebx, ecx, edx test eax, eax jz .exit mov [DeathImagePtr], eax stdcall akode.load_and_scale_image, EndImageFile, ebx, ecx, edx test eax, eax jz .exit mov [EndImagePtr], eax stdcall akode.load_and_scale_image, HudPanelImageFile, ebx, HUD_PANEL_HEIGHT, edx test eax, eax jz .exit mov [HudPanelImagePtr], eax .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc free_hud_images xor edx, edx mov ebx, 13 mov ecx, [LevelLoadingImagePtr] test ecx, ecx jz @f mcall 68 ; free mov [LevelLoadingImagePtr], edx @@: mov ecx, [HudPanelImagePtr] test ecx, ecx jz @f mcall 68 mov [HudPanelImagePtr], edx @@: mov ecx, [DeathImagePtr] test ecx, ecx jz @f mcall 68 mov [DeathImagePtr], edx @@: mov ecx, [EndImagePtr] test ecx, ecx jz @f mcall 68 mov [EndImagePtr], edx @@: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; < eax = cursor handle / 0 - fail ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc hide_cursor mcall 68, 12, 32 * 32 * 4 test eax, eax jz .exit mov edi, eax xor ebx, ebx shr ecx, 2 @@: mov [eax], ebx add eax, 4 loop @b mcall 37, 4, edi, 2 ; load cursor mov ecx, eax inc ebx mcall 37 ; set cursor xchg edi, ecx mcall 68, 13 mov eax, edi .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_image uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, image_ptr, x, y, width, height mov ebx, [image_ptr] mpack ecx, [width], [height] mpack edx, [x], [y] mov esi, 32 xor edi, edi xchg edi, ebp mcall 65 mov ebp, edi ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_image_to_buffer uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, image_ptr, x, y, width, height cld mov esi, [image_ptr] mov edi, [ImageBufferPtr] mov ebx, [MainWindowWidth] mov eax, [y] mul ebx add eax, [x] lea edi, [edi + eax * 4] sub ebx, [width] shl ebx, 2 mov edx, [height] @@: mov ecx, [width] rep movsd add edi, ebx sub edx, 1 jnz @b ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_image_with_transparency_to_buffer uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, image_ptr, x, y, width, height mov esi, [image_ptr] mov edi, [ImageBufferPtr] mov ebx, [MainWindowWidth] mov eax, [y] mul ebx add eax, [x] lea edi, [edi + eax * 4] sub ebx, [width] shl ebx, 2 mov edx, [height] .y_draw_loop: mov ecx, [width] .x_draw_loop: mov eax, [esi] cmp eax, 0FF00FFh je @f mov [edi], eax @@: add esi, 4 add edi, 4 sub ecx, 1 jnz .x_draw_loop add edi, ebx sub edx, 1 jnz .y_draw_loop ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_window mcall 12, 1 ; start drawing if FULLSCREEN mov ebx, 0FFFFh mov ecx, 0FFFFh else mcall 48, 4 ; eax - skin height mpack ebx, MAIN_WINDOW_X, MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH + 9 mpack ecx, MAIN_WINDOW_Y, MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT + 4 add ecx, eax end if mov edx, MAIN_WINDOW_STYLE mov esi, MAIN_WINDOW_STYLE2 mov edi, MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE xor eax, eax mcall ; draw window mcall 12, 2 ; end drawing ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_world mov ebx, [ImageBufferPtr] ;test ebx, ebx ;jz @f stdcall akode.render stdcall akode.get_image, ebx, FSAA mpack ecx, [MainWindowWidth], [WorldViewHeight] xor edx, edx mov esi, 32 xor edi, edi xchg edi, ebp mcall 65 mov ebp, edi ;@@: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_hud mov eax, [HudPanelNeedsRedraw] test eax, eax jz .exit xor eax, eax mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], eax stdcall draw_image_to_buffer, [HudPanelImagePtr], eax, [WorldViewHeight], [MainWindowWidth], HUD_PANEL_HEIGHT mov esi, Inventory + 4 mov ebx, INVENTORY_Y add ebx, [WorldViewHeight] mov edx, 2 .y_inventory_loop: mov eax, INVENTORY_X mov ecx, INVENTORY_SIZE / 2 .x_inventory_loop: mov edi, [esi] add esi, 8 test edi, edi jz @f stdcall draw_image_with_transparency_to_buffer, edi, eax, ebx, OBJECT_IMAGE_WIDTH, OBJECT_IMAGE_HEIGHT @@: add eax, OBJECT_IMAGE_WIDTH + INVENTORY_PADDING_X sub ecx, 1 jnz .x_inventory_loop add ebx, OBJECT_IMAGE_HEIGHT + INVENTORY_PADDING_Y sub edx, 1 jnz .y_inventory_loop mpack ecx, [MainWindowWidth], HUD_PANEL_HEIGHT mov edx, [WorldViewHeight] mov ebx, [ImageBufferPtr] mov eax, [MainWindowWidth] imul eax, edx lea ebx, [ebx + eax * 4] mov esi, 32 xor edi, edi xchg edi, ebp mcall 65 mov ebp, edi jmp draw_game_message .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc draw_game_message mov esi, [GameMessage] test esi, esi jz .exit mpack ebx, GAME_MESSAGE_X, GAME_MESSAGE_Y add ebx, [WorldViewHeight] mov ecx, GAME_MESSAGE_COLOR or (80h shl 24) .draw_strings_loop: mov edx, esi @@: mov al, [esi] add esi, 1 test al, al jz .draw_last_string cmp al, 0Ah jne @b mov [esi - 1], byte 0 mcall 4 mov [esi - 1], byte 0Ah add ebx, 10 jmp .draw_strings_loop .draw_last_string: mcall 4 .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc main_loop locals frame_count dd 0 last_timestamp dd 0 endl .main_loop: mcall 26, 9 ; get timestamp mov ebx, eax sub ebx, [last_timestamp] cmp ebx, 100 jb @f mov [last_timestamp], eax imul eax, [frame_count], 100 xor edx, edx mov [frame_count], edx div ebx ; eax - fps DEBUGF DEBUG_FINE, 'FPS: %u\n', eax @@: mcall 11 ; check events test eax, eax jz .idle dec eax jz .redraw dec eax jz .key dec eax jz .button sub eax, 3 jz .mouse jmp .idle .redraw: stdcall draw_window mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], 1 .idle: mov eax, [GameStatus] test eax, eax jnz @f stdcall akode.process mov eax, [GameStatus] test eax, eax jnz @f stdcall draw_hud stdcall draw_world add [frame_count], 1 jmp .main_loop @@: cmp eax, GAME_STATUS.LEVEL_LOAD_FAILED jne @f jmp .exit @@: cmp eax, GAME_STATUS.DEAD jne @f stdcall draw_image, [DeathImagePtr], 0, 0, [MainWindowWidth], [MainWindowHeight] jmp .main_loop @@: cmp eax, GAME_STATUS.END jne @f stdcall draw_image, [EndImagePtr], 0, 0, [MainWindowWidth], [MainWindowHeight] @@: jmp .main_loop .key: stdcall get_key test eax, eax jz .idle cmp eax, 001h ; Esc je .exit cmp eax, 039h ; Space je .space_pressed cmp eax, 002h ; 1 jb @f cmp eax, 00Bh ; 0 ja @f ; 0..9 pressed sub eax, 002h mov eax, dword [Inventory + eax * 8] test eax, eax jz @f shl eax, 16 push eax stdcall check_key, 02Ah ; left Shift test eax, eax jnz .shift_pressed stdcall check_key, 036h ; right Shift test eax, eax jnz .shift_pressed pop eax or eax, ACTION.USE_OBJECT stdcall akode.action, eax jmp @f .shift_pressed: pop eax or eax, ACTION.LOOK_AT_OBJECT stdcall akode.action, eax jmp @f .space_pressed: stdcall check_key, 02Ah ; left Shift test eax, eax jnz .shift_pressed2 stdcall check_key, 036h ; right Shift test eax, eax jnz .shift_pressed2 stdcall akode.action, ACTION.DO_SOMETHING jmp @f .shift_pressed2: stdcall akode.action, ACTION.LOOK_AROUND @@: xor esi, esi dec esi stdcall check_key, 0E048h ; ^ test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.NORTH jmp .set_moving_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 0E050h ; v test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.SOUTH jmp .set_moving_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 011h ; W test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.NORTH jmp .set_moving_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 01Fh ; S test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.SOUTH ;jmp .set_moving_direction @@: .set_moving_direction: test esi, esi js @f stdcall akode.start_moving, esi jmp .turn @@: stdcall akode.stop_moving .turn: xor esi, esi dec esi stdcall check_key, 0E04Bh ; <- test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.WEST jmp .set_turning_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 0E04Dh ; -> test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.EAST jmp .set_turning_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 01Eh ; A test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.WEST jmp .set_turning_direction @@: stdcall check_key, 020h ; D test eax, eax jz @f mov esi, AKODE_DIRECTION.EAST ;jmp .set_turning_direction @@: .set_turning_direction: test esi, esi js @f stdcall akode.start_turning, esi jmp .key @@: stdcall akode.stop_turning jmp .key .mouse: jmp .idle .button: .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; < eax = key scancode / 0 - no keys ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc get_key mcall 2 ; get key scancode test al, al jz @f xor eax, eax jmp .exit @@: shr eax, 8 cmp eax, 0E1h jne @f mcall 2 mcall 2 xor eax, eax jmp .exit @@: xor ebx, ebx mov ecx, eax cmp eax, 0E0h jne @f mcall 2 shr eax, 8 mov ecx, eax or eax, 0E000h mov ebx, 128 @@: test ecx, 80h jnz .key_up ; key down add ebx, ecx lea ebx, [PressedKeys + ebx * 4] mov edx, [ebx] test edx, edx jz @f xor eax, eax jmp .exit @@: inc edx mov [ebx], edx jmp .exit .key_up: and ecx, 7Fh add ebx, ecx xor edx, edx mov [PressedKeys + ebx * 4], edx .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; < eax = 1 - key pressed / 0 - not pressed ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc check_key scancode mov eax, [scancode] mov ecx, eax shr eax, 8 and ecx, 7Fh xor ebx, ebx cmp eax, 0E0h jne @f mov ebx, 128 @@: add ebx, ecx mov eax, [PressedKeys + ebx * 4] ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc level_load_callback uses eax ebx ecx, load_action, action_result mov eax, [load_action] mov ebx, [action_result] xor ecx, ecx cmp eax, AKODE_LEVEL_LOAD.START jne @f stdcall draw_image, [LevelLoadingImagePtr], ecx, ecx, [MainWindowWidth], [MainWindowHeight] cmp ebx, -1 je .level_load_failed mov [GameMessage], ebx inc ecx mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], ecx jmp .exit @@: cmp eax, AKODE_LEVEL_LOAD.END jne @f DEBUGF DEBUG_INFO, 'Level load result: %u\n', ebx test ebx, ebx jnz .exit .level_load_failed: DEBUGF DEBUG_ERR, 'Failed to load level\n' mov [GameStatus], GAME_STATUS.LEVEL_LOAD_FAILED ;jmp .exit @@: .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc action_callback action, cell_x, cell_y, action_result m2m [GameMessage], [action_result] mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], 1 ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc add_object_to_inventory uses eax ecx edi, object_id, object_image_ptr mov edi, Inventory mov ecx, INVENTORY_SIZE .inventory_loop: mov eax, [edi] test eax, eax jnz @f mov eax, [object_id] mov [edi], eax mov eax, [object_image_ptr] mov [edi + 4], eax mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], ecx jmp .exit @@: add edi, 8 sub ecx, 1 jnz .inventory_loop .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc remove_object_from_inventory uses eax ecx esi, object_id mov eax, [object_id] mov esi, Inventory mov ecx, INVENTORY_SIZE .inventory_loop: cmp [esi], eax jne @f xor eax, eax mov [esi], eax mov [esi + 4], eax mov [HudPanelNeedsRedraw], ecx jmp .exit @@: add esi, 8 sub ecx, 1 jnz .inventory_loop .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; < eax = pointer to image data / 0 - fail ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc load_object_image image_path_ptr stdcall akode.load_and_scale_image, [image_path_ptr], OBJECT_IMAGE_WIDTH, OBJECT_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0 ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc free_object_image uses eax ebx ecx, image_ptr mov ecx, [image_ptr] test ecx, ecx jz .exit mcall 68, 13 .exit: ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc player_death mov [GameStatus], GAME_STATUS.DEAD ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================================================================ ; proc game_over mov [GameStatus], GAME_STATUS.END ret endp ; ============================================================================ ; ; ============================ Initialized data ============================== ; DATA include 'data.inc' ; for debug-fdo include_debug_strings align 4 @IMPORT: include 'import.inc' ; =========================== Uninitialized data ============================= ; UDATA include 'udata.inc' ; ================================= The End ================================== ; MEOS_APP_END