//BOX_LIB - Asper #ifndef INCLUDE_BOX_LIB_H #define INCLUDE_BOX_LIB_H #ifndef INCLUDE_KOLIBRI_H #include "../lib/kolibri.h" #endif #ifndef INCLUDE_DLL_H #include "../lib/dll.h" #endif dword boxlib = #aEdit_box_lib; char aEdit_box_lib[]="/sys/lib/box_lib.obj"; dword box_lib_init = #aboxlib_init; dword edit_box_draw = #aEdit_box_draw; dword edit_box_key = #aEdit_box_key; dword edit_box_mouse = #aEdit_box_mouse; dword edit_box_set_text = #aEdit_box_set_text; dword scrollbar_v_draw = #aScrollbar_v_draw; dword scrollbar_v_mouse = #aScrollbar_v_mouse; dword scrollbar_h_draw = #aScrollbar_h_draw; dword scrollbar_h_mouse = #aScrollbar_h_mouse; dword PathShow_prepare = #aPathShow_prepare; dword PathShow_draw = #aPathShow_draw; dword progressbar_draw = #aProgressbar_draw; dword progressbar_progress = #aProgressbar_progress; dword frame_draw = #aFrame_draw; $DD 2 dup 0 char aEdit_box_draw [] = "edit_box"; char aEdit_box_key [] = "edit_box_key"; char aEdit_box_mouse[] = "edit_box_mouse"; char aEdit_box_set_text[] = "edit_box_set_text"; char aboxlib_init[] = "lib_init"; char aScrollbar_v_draw [] = "scrollbar_v_draw"; char aScrollbar_v_mouse[] = "scrollbar_v_mouse"; char aScrollbar_h_draw [] = "scrollbar_h_draw"; char aScrollbar_h_mouse[] = "scrollbar_h_mouse"; char aPathShow_prepare [] = "PathShow_prepare"; char aPathShow_draw [] = "PathShow_draw"; char aProgressbar_draw [] = "progressbar_draw"; char aProgressbar_progress[] = "progressbar_progress"; char aFrame_draw[] = "frame_draw"; struct PathShow_data { dword type; word start_y, start_x, font_w, // 6 - for font 0, 8 - for font 1 area_size_x; dword font_number, // 0 - monospace, 1 - variable background_flag, font_color, background_color, text_pointer, work_area_pointer, temp_text_length; }; /* char temp[128]; PathShow_data PathShow = {0, 100,20, 6, 200, 0, 1, 0x0, 0xFFFfff, #email_text, #temp, 0}; PathShow_prepare stdcall(#PathShow); PathShow_draw stdcall(#PathShow); */ //editbox flags #define ed_pass 1b #define ed_focus 10b //focused #define ed_shift 100b //flag is set when Shift is pressed #define ed_shift_on 1000b #define ed_shift_bac 10000b //bit for Shift reset, if set the smth is selected #define ed_left_fl 100000b #define ed_offset_fl 1000000b #define ed_insert 10000000b #define ed_mouse_on 100000000b #define ed_mouse_adn_b 100011000b #define ed_disabled 100000000000b #define ed_always_focus 100000000000000b #define ed_figure_only 1000000000000000b //numbers only #define ed_shift_cl 1111111111100011b #define ed_shift_mcl 1111111111111011b #define ed_shift_off 1111111111111011b #define ed_shift_on_off 1111111111110111b #define ed_shift_bac_cl 1111111111101111b #define ed_right_fl 1111111111011111b #define ed_offset_cl 1111111110111111b #define ed_insert_cl 1111111101111111b #define ed_mouse_on_off 1111111011111111b struct edit_box{ dword width, left, top, color, shift_color, focus_border_color, blur_border_color, text_color, max, text, mouse_variable, flags, size, pos, offset, cl_curs_x, cl_curs_y, shift, shift_old, height, char_width; }; :void EditBox_UpdateText(dword ed, _flags) { dword ed_text; ESI = ed; //ESI.edit_box.offset = ESI.edit_box.shift = ESI.edit_box.shift_old = 0; //no need because of 7904 ESI.edit_box.flags = _flags; ed_text = ESI.edit_box.text; //ESI.edit_box.pos = //no need because of 7904 ESI.edit_box.size = strlen(ed_text); } struct scroll_bar { word size_x, start_x, size_y, start_y; dword btn_height, type, max_area, cur_area, position, bckg_col, frnt_col, line_col, redraw; word delta, delta2, r_size_x, r_start_x, r_size_y, r_start_y; dword m_pos, m_pos_2, m_keys, run_size, position2, work_size, all_redraw, ar_offset; }; struct progress_bar { dword value, left, top, width, height, style, min, max, back_color, progress_color, frame_color; }; struct frame { dword type; word size_x; //start_x, size_x => Mario, WTF? Is this so complex to use x/y/w/h ? word start_x; word size_y; word start_y; dword ext_col; dword int_col; dword flags; // see FR_FLAGS dword text_pointer; dword text_position; // 0-up,1-bottom dword font_number; // 0-monospace,1-variable dword font_size_y; dword font_color; dword font_backgr_color; }; // FR_FLAGS = [x][yyy][z] // z - Caption // yyy - BorderStyle // x - BackStyle #define FR_CAPTION 00001b // [z] #define FR_DOUBLE 00000b // [yyy] #define FR_RAISED 00010b // [yyy] #define FR_SUNKEN 00100b // [yyy] #define FR_ETCHED 00110b // [yyy] #define FR_RIDGED 01000b // [yyy] #define FR_FILLED 10000b // [x] :frame frame123 = { 0, 260, 10, 60, 16, NULL, 0xFFFfff, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 12, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc }; :void DrawFrame(dword x,y,w,h,text) { frame123.font_color = sc.work_text; frame123.ext_col = sc.work_graph; frame123.int_col = sc.work_light; frame123.font_backgr_color = sc.work; frame123.start_x = x; frame123.start_y = y; frame123.size_x = w; frame123.size_y = h; frame123.text_pointer = text; if (!text) frame123.flags=0; else frame123.flags=FR_CAPTION; frame_draw stdcall (#frame123); } #endif