; mpint.inc - Multi precision integer procedures ; ; Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Jeffrey Amelynck ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . MPINT_MAX_LEN = MAX_BITS/8 ; TODO: make procedures use real number length instead of hardcoded maximum length (MPINT_MAX_LEN) mpint_to_little_endian: ; Load length dword lodsd ; Convert to little endian bswap eax stosd test eax, eax jz .zero ; Copy data, convert to little endian meanwhile push eax add esi, eax push esi dec esi mov ecx, eax std @@: lodsb mov byte[edi], al inc edi dec ecx jnz @r cld pop esi eax ; Fill the rest of the buffer with zeros. .zero: mov ecx, MAX_BITS/8 sub ecx, eax xor al, al rep stosb ret mpint_to_big_endian: ; Load length dword lodsd test eax, eax jz .zero mov ecx, eax add esi, ecx dec esi test byte[esi], 0x80 ; Is the highest bit set? jz @f inc eax @@: push eax bswap eax stosd ; Copy data, convert to big endian meanwhile std ; Append zero byte if highest bit is 0 test byte[esi], 0x80 jz @f mov byte[edi], 0 inc edi @@: lodsb mov byte[edi], al inc edi dec ecx jnz @r cld pop eax ret .zero: stosd ret proc mpint_length uses edi eax ecx, mpint mov edi, [mpint] mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN push edi lea edi, [edi + ecx + 4 - 1] xor al, al std repe scasb cld je @f inc ecx @@: pop edi mov [edi], ecx ret endp proc mpint_print uses ecx esi eax, src DEBUGF 1, "0x" mov esi, [src] mov ecx, [esi] test ecx, ecx jz .zero lea esi, [esi + ecx + 4 - 1] pushf std .loop: lodsb DEBUGF 1, "%x", eax:2 dec ecx jnz .loop DEBUGF 1, "\n" popf ret .zero: DEBUGF 1, "00\n" ret endp proc mpint_zero uses edi ecx eax, dst mov edi, [dst] xor eax, eax mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4+1 rep stosd ret endp proc mpint_zero? uses edi ecx eax, dst mov edi, [dst] add edi, 4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4 xor eax, eax repe scasd ret endp ; return an index number giving the position of the highest order bit proc mpint_hob uses edi ecx, dst mov edi, [dst] ; start from the high order byte add edi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-1 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN xor eax, eax ; scan byte by byte for the first non-zero byte std repe scasb cld je .zero ; calculate how many bits this is, plus 7 lea eax, [ecx*8-1] ; load this high order byte into cl mov cl, [edi+1] ; shift bits of this byte right, until the byte reaches zero, counting bits meanwhile @@: inc eax shr cl, 1 jnz @r .zero: ret endp proc mpint_cmp uses esi edi ecx, dst, src mov esi, [src] mov edi, [dst] ; start from the high order byte add esi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 add edi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4 std repe cmpsd cld ret endp proc mpint_mov uses esi edi ecx, dst, src mov esi, [src] mov edi, [dst] mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4+1 rep movsd ret endp proc mpint_mov0 uses esi edi ecx eax, dst, src mov esi, [src] mov edi, [dst] mov ecx, [esi] mov eax, ecx neg eax add esi, 4 add edi, 4 rep movsb add eax, MPINT_MAX_LEN jz @f mov ecx, eax xor eax, eax rep stosb @@: ret endp proc mpint_shl1 uses edi ecx eax, dst mov edi, [dst] add edi, 4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4-1 shl dword[edi], 1 lahf @@: add edi, 4 sahf rcl dword[edi], 1 lahf dec ecx jnz @r sahf ret endp proc mpint_shr1 uses edi ecx eax, dst mov edi, [dst] add edi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4-1 shr dword[edi], 1 lahf @@: sub edi, 4 sahf rcr dword[edi], 1 lahf dec ecx jnz @r sahf ret endp proc mpint_shl uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, dst, shift mov ecx, [shift] shr ecx, 3 ; 8 bits in one byte cmp ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN jge .zero mov esi, [dst] add esi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 mov edi, esi and ecx, not 11b sub esi, ecx mov edx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4-1 shr ecx, 2 ; 4 bytes in one dword push ecx sub edx, ecx mov ecx, [shift] and ecx, 11111b std .loop: lodsd mov ebx, [esi] shld eax, ebx, cl stosd dec edx jnz .loop lodsd shl eax, cl stosd ; fill the lsb bytes with zeros pop ecx test ecx, ecx jz @f xor eax, eax rep stosd @@: cld ret .zero: stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] ret endp ; Left shift and copy proc mpint_shlmov uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi, dst, src, shift mov ecx, [shift] shr ecx, 3 ; 8 bits in one byte cmp ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN jge .zero mov esi, [src] add esi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 mov edi, [dst] add edi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-4 and ecx, not 11b sub esi, ecx mov edx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4-1 shr ecx, 2 ; 4 bytes in one dword push ecx sub edx, ecx mov ecx, [shift] and ecx, 11111b std .loop: lodsd mov ebx, [esi] shld eax, ebx, cl stosd dec edx jnz .loop lodsd shl eax, cl stosd ; fill the lsb bytes with zeros pop ecx test ecx, ecx jz @f xor eax, eax rep stosd @@: cld ret .zero: stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] ret endp proc mpint_add uses esi edi ecx eax, dst, src mov esi, [src] add esi, 4 mov edi, [dst] add edi, 4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4 xor ah, ah ; clear flags (Carry flag most importantly) @@: sahf lodsd adc [edi], eax lahf add edi, 4 dec ecx jnz @r sahf ret endp proc mpint_sub uses eax esi edi ecx, dst, src mov esi, [src] add esi, 4 mov edi, [dst] add edi, 4 mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN/4 .loop: lodsd sub [edi], eax jnc @f dec dword [edi+4] @@: add edi, 4 dec ecx jnz .loop ret endp proc mpint_mul uses esi edi ecx ebx eax, dst, A, B stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] ; first, find the byte in A containing the highest order bit mov ecx, MPINT_MAX_LEN mov edi, [A] add edi, MPINT_MAX_LEN+4-1 std xor al, al repe scasb cld je .zero inc ecx mov al, [edi+1] mov esi, edi mov bl, 8 @@: shl al, 1 jc .first_hit dec bl jnz @r ; Then, starting from this byte, iterate through the bits in A, ; starting from the highest order bit down to the lowest order bit. .next_byte: mov al, [edi] dec edi mov bl, 8 .next_bit: stdcall mpint_shl1, [dst] shl al, 1 jnc .zero_bit .first_hit: stdcall mpint_add, [dst], [B] .zero_bit: dec bl jnz .next_bit dec ecx jnz .next_byte .zero: ret endp proc mpint_mod uses eax ecx, dst, mod ; if mod is zero, return stdcall mpint_zero?, [mod] jz .zero stdcall mpint_cmp, [mod], [dst] jb .done ; if dst < mod, dst = dst je .zero ; if dst == mod, dst = 0 ; left shift mod until the high order bits of mod and dst are aligned stdcall mpint_hob, [dst] mov ecx, eax stdcall mpint_hob, [mod] sub ecx, eax stdcall mpint_shlmov, mpint_tmp, [mod], ecx inc ecx ; For every bit in dst (starting from the high order bit): .loop: ; determine if dst is bigger than mpint_tmp stdcall mpint_cmp, [dst], mpint_tmp ja @f ; if so, subtract mpint_tmp from dst stdcall mpint_sub, [dst], mpint_tmp @@: dec ecx jz .done ; shift mpint_tmp right by 1 stdcall mpint_shr1, mpint_tmp jmp .loop .zero: stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] .done: ret endp proc mpint_modexp uses edi eax ebx ecx, dst, base, exp, mod ; If mod is zero, return stdcall mpint_zero?, [mod] jz .mod_zero ; Find the highest order byte in exponent mov edi, [exp] mov ecx, [edi] lea edi, [edi + 4 + ecx - 1] ; Find the highest order bit in this byte mov al, [edi] test al, al jz .invalid mov bl, 9 @@: dec bl shl al, 1 jnc @r ; Initialise result to base, to take care of the highest order bit stdcall mpint_mov0, [dst], [base] dec bl jz .next_byte .bit_loop: ; For each bit, square result stdcall mpint_mov, mpint_tmp, [dst] stdcall mpint_mul, [dst], mpint_tmp, mpint_tmp stdcall mpint_mod, [dst], [mod] ; If the bit is set, multiply result by the base shl al, 1 jnc .next_bit stdcall mpint_mov, mpint_tmp, [dst] stdcall mpint_mul, [dst], [base], mpint_tmp stdcall mpint_mod, [dst], [mod] .next_bit: dec bl jnz .bit_loop .next_byte: dec ecx jz .done dec edi mov al, [edi] mov bl, 8 jmp .bit_loop .done: ret .mod_zero: DEBUGF 1, "modexp with modulo 0\n" ; if mod is zero, result = 0 stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] ret .exp_zero: DEBUGF 1, "modexp with exponent 0\n" ; if exponent is zero, result = 1 stdcall mpint_zero, [dst] mov eax, [dst] mov byte[eax], 1 mov byte[eax+4], 1 ret .invalid: DEBUGF 1, "modexp: Invalid input!\n" ret endp