;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Hot Angles Config ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Compile with FASM ; Version 0.3.9: Apr 11, 2020 ; Copyright (c) 2018, Efremenkov Sergey aka TheOnlyMirage ; All rights reserved. ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, ; are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ; list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or ; other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may ; be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without ; specific prior written permission. ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ; INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A ; PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION ; OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;P.S. (. ) format binary as "" ; Binary file format without extension use32 ; Tell compiler to use 32 bit instructions org 0 ; the base address of code, always 0x0 ; db 'MENUET01' dd 1 dd START dd I_END dd MEM dd STACKTOP dd 0, 0 ; include 'lang.inc' ; include '../../macros.inc' include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../dll.inc' include '../../KOSfuncs.inc' include '../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' ; checkBox editBox include '../../load_lib.mac' ; @use_library KMENUITEM_NORMAL equ 0 KMENUITEM_SUBMENU equ 1 KMENUITEM_SEPARATOR equ 2 Otstup = 30 START: call copyKill ; mcall 68, 11 ; ;mcall 48,3,sc,sizeof.system_colors ; mov eax,48 ; mov ebx,3 mov ecx, sc mov edx, sizeof.system_colors mcall stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT or eax, eax jnz exit mov eax,40 ; mov ebx,0x27 ; , , , (- - ; ) mcall load_libraries l_libs_start,load_lib_end ; () stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data ; ;mode menu stdcall [kmenu_init], sc ;kmenu initialisation stdcall [ksubmenu_new] mov [modeMenu], eax stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, valueModeMenu0, 110 stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [modeMenu], eax stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, valueModeMenu1, 111 stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [modeMenu], eax stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, valueModeMenu2, 112 stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [modeMenu], eax stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, valueModeMenu3, 113 stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [modeMenu], eax stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_SUBMENU, valueModeMenu1, [modeMenu] call loadConfig ; , - call draw_window ; ; event_wait: mov eax, 10 ; function 10 : wait until event mcall ; event type is returned in eax cmp eax, 1 ; Event redraw request ? je red ; Expl.: there has been activity on screen and ; parts of the applications has to be redrawn. cmp eax, 2 ; Event key in buffer ? je key ; Expl.: User has pressed a key while the ; app is at the top of the window stack. cmp eax, 3 ; Event button in buffer ? je button ; Expl.: User has pressed one of the ; applications buttons. invoke edit_box_mouse, editLU ; editBox' invoke edit_box_mouse, editLD invoke edit_box_mouse, editRU invoke edit_box_mouse, editRD ;stdcall [kmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent], [modeMenu] ; invoke edit_box_mouse, editRadius jmp event_wait red: ; call draw_window jmp event_wait key: ; Keypress event handler mov eax, 2 ; The key is returned in ah. The key must be mcall ; read and cleared from the system queue. invoke edit_box_key, editLU invoke edit_box_key, editLD invoke edit_box_key, editRU invoke edit_box_key, editRD invoke edit_box_key, editRadius cmp eax, 1 je event_wait cmp word[hkSymbol], 0 jne event_wait cmp al, 0 jne .next mov byte[hkSymbol], ah push eax ecx esi ; shr eax, 16 mov byte[keyscan], al mov ecx, 0 mov cl, al ;byte[keyscan] mov esi, keystr.data call IntToStr ; xor ecx, ecx mov esi, keystr.data @@: cmp byte[esi], 0 je @f inc esi inc ecx ;cmp ecx, 4 ;je @f jmp @b @@: ; mov dword[keystr.size], ecx pop esi ecx eax jmp red .next: ;cmp al, 2 ;jne @f ;cmp ah, 0 ;jne @f ; ;shr eax, 16 ;bt eax, 0 ;left shift ;jne @f ;mov byte[hkSymbol], 2 ;jmp red @@: jmp event_wait ; Just read the key, ignore it and jump to event_wait. button: ; Buttonpress event handler mov eax,17 ; The button number defined in window_draw mcall ; is returned to ah. cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne noclose exit: mov eax,-1 ; Function -1 : close this program mcall noclose: cmp ah, 2 ; "" jne @f ;butend call applyButton ; jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 4 jne @f mov byte[editID], 4 call but_open_dlg jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 5 jne @f mov byte[editID], 5 call but_open_dlg jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 6 jne @f mov byte[editID], 6 call but_open_dlg jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 7 jne @f mov byte[editID], 7 call but_open_dlg jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 8 jne @f push eax ebx ecx mcall 9, pi, -1 ;get window coord mov eax, dword[pi+34] add eax, buttonModeX ;+ 5 mov word[coordModeMenu.x], ax mov eax, dword[pi+38] add eax, buttonModeY + 20 ;20 - mov word[coordModeMenu.y], ax stdcall [ksubmenu_draw], [modeMenu], coordModeMenu pop ecx ebx eax jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 9 jne @f mov word[hkSymbol], 0 jmp red ;event_wait @@: cmp ah, 110 jne @f mov byte[mode], 48 ;'0' jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 111 jne @f mov byte[mode], 49 ;'1' jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 112 jne @f mov byte[mode], 50 ;'2' jmp event_wait @@: cmp ah, 113 jne @f mov byte[mode], 51 ;'3' jmp event_wait @@: butend: jmp event_wait ;this is for ignored events, useful at development ; fileName: db 'SETTINGS/HOTANGLES.CFG', 0 ; / createFile: .func dd 2 ; .re dd 0, 0 ; .size dd 0 ; .data_adr dd 0 ; .path db 0 .path_adr dd fileName ; ; defaultDataForConfig db 121,13,10,'/rd/1/HACONFIG',13,10,'/rd/1/HACONFIG',13,10,'/rd/1/HACONFIG',13,10,'/rd/1/HACONFIG',13,10,'Space',13,10,'57',13,10,'10',13,10,'s',13,10 defaultDataSize = 85 ;48+19+4 copyParam: ; ( ) (. ) push esi ebx ecx mov ecx, dword[ebx] ; cmp ecx, 0 ; ? jne copyParam.copy ; , ( ) mov byte[eax], '-' ; , '-' inc eax ;jmp copyParam.copyEnd ; ; .copy: ; cmp ecx, 0 je copyParam.copyEnd mov bl, byte[esi] mov byte[eax], bl dec ecx inc eax inc esi jmp copyParam.copy .copyEnd: pop ecx ebx esi ret addPerenos: ; mov byte[eax], 13 inc eax mov byte[eax], 10 inc eax ret ; "" applyButton: push eax ebx ecx ;mov dword[createFile.data_adr], defaultDataForConfig ;mov dword[createFile.size], defaultDataSize ; mov ecx, 9*2+1 ;1 9 ( 13, 10) add ecx, dword[editLU.size] ; add ecx, dword[editLD.size] add ecx, dword[editRU.size] add ecx, dword[editRD.size] ;dataBuffer.size4] add ecx, dword[editRadius.size] add ecx, dword[hkSize] ; add ecx, dword[keystr.size] ; inc ecx ; 1 ;cmp dword[keystr.size], 3 ;jbe @f ;mcall -1 ;@@: ; , , +1 cmp dword[editLU.size], 0 jne @f inc ecx @@: cmp dword[editLD.size], 0 jne @f inc ecx @@: cmp dword[editRU.size], 0 jne @f inc ecx @@: cmp dword[editRD.size], 0 jne @f inc ecx @@: ; ecx mov dword[createFile.size], ecx ; / mcall 68, 12, ecx ; mov dword[createFile.data_adr], eax ; ; : push ebx ; mov bl, byte[mode] mov byte[eax], bl pop ebx inc eax call addPerenos push esi ebx call UpdateEditsSizes ; edit' mov esi, dataBuffer.1 ;editLU.text mov ebx, dataBuffer.size1 ;editLU.size call copyParam call addPerenos ; mov esi, dataBuffer.2 mov ebx, dataBuffer.size2 call copyParam call addPerenos ; mov esi, dataBuffer.3 mov ebx, dataBuffer.size3 call copyParam call addPerenos ; mov esi, dataBuffer.4 mov ebx, dataBuffer.size4 call copyParam call addPerenos ; ; call saveKey call addPerenos ; mov esi, keystr.data ; keystr xor ebx, ebx @@: cmp byte[esi], 0 je @f mov bl, byte[esi] mov byte[eax], bl inc eax inc esi cmp esi, keystr.size-1 jae @f jmp @b @@: call addPerenos ; ;!!! , ( '-') mov esi, radiusBuffer.data mov ebx, editRadius.size ;radiusBuffer.size call copyParam call addPerenos ; push ebx ; mov bl, byte[sizeStyle] mov byte[eax], bl pop ebx inc eax call addPerenos pop ebx esi mov ebx, createFile mcall 70 cmp eax, 0 je .end ; !!! .end: mcall 68, 13, dword[createFile.data_adr] ; call finishHotAnglesApp ; @HOTANGLES call loadConfig ; call draw_window ; call startHotAnglesApp ; @HOTANGLES pop ecx ebx eax ret compareBytes2: push edi esi ecx ebx xor eax, eax mov ecx, 10 ;max 11 @@: mov bl, byte[edi] cmp bl, byte[esi] jne compareBytes.no inc edi inc esi cmp ecx, 0 je @f dec ecx jmp @b .no: mov eax, 1 @@: pop ebx ecx esi edi ret finishHotAnglesApp: ; push eax ebx ecx esi edi ;, : mov esi, startAppData.file_name ; - mov edi, buf ; - add edi, 10 mov ecx, 1 @@: mcall 9, buf, ecx ; mov dword[slotMax], eax call compareBytes2 ; cmp eax, 0 jne finishHotAnglesApp.next ; , mcall 18, 2, ecx ; .next: inc ecx cmp ecx, dword[slotMax] ja @f jmp @b @@: pop edi esi ecx ebx eax ret startHotAnglesApp: ; push eax ebx mcall 70, startAppData cmp eax, 0 ja @f ; eax>0, ;!!! @@: pop ebx eax ret startAppData: .subfunction dd 7 .flags dd 0 .param dd 0 .rezerv dd 0, 0 .full_name db '/rd/1/' .file_name db '@HOTANGLES', 0 UpdateEditsSizes: push eax mov eax, dword[editLU.size] mov dword[dataBuffer.size1], eax mov eax, dword[editLD.size] mov dword[dataBuffer.size2], eax mov eax, dword[editRU.size] mov dword[dataBuffer.size3], eax mov eax, dword[editRD.size] mov dword[dataBuffer.size4], eax mov eax, dword[editRadius.size] mov dword[radiusBuffer.size], eax pop eax ret fileAdr dd 0 loadConfig: push eax ebx ecx edx mcall 68, 27, fileName ; mov dword[fileAdr], eax ; cmp eax, 0 je loadConfig.default ; , ; , edx cmp edx, 0 ; , , je loadConfig.default .start: add edx, eax ; edx - . .chStart: push ebx mov bl, byte[eax] cmp bl, 48 ; , 'n' ( ) jb loadConfig.checkN cmp bl, 51 ja loadConfig.checkN mov byte[mode], bl ; jmp loadConfig.modeEnd ; .checkN: cmp bl, 'n' ; n - "" jne @f mov byte[mode], 48 ;'0' jmp loadConfig.modeEnd @@: cmp bl, 'y' ; y - jne @f mov byte[mode], 49 ;'1' jmp loadConfig.modeEnd @@: mov byte[mode], 48 ;'0' ;mov byte[mode], 49 ;'1' .modeEnd: pop ebx ;jmp loadConfig.end ; ; push edi esi ecx ebx eax ; mov edi, dataBuffer.1 mov esi, dataBuffer.size1 ;ecx - .block: xor ecx, ecx ; inc eax cmp byte[eax], 10 ; 10 13, je loadConfig.block ; cmp byte[eax], 13 je loadConfig.block ; - mov bl, byte[eax] mov byte[edi], bl inc edi inc eax inc ecx ; ; : 10, 13, 0 file end .while: ; cmp eax, edx ; , !!! ja loadConfig.ura cmp byte[eax], 10 je loadConfig.ura cmp byte[eax], 0 je loadConfig.ura cmp byte[eax], 13 je loadConfig.ura mov bl, byte[eax] mov byte[edi], bl inc edi inc eax inc ecx cmp ecx, 511 jae loadConfig.ura jmp loadConfig.while .ura: mov byte[edi], 0 ; 0 mov dword[esi], ecx ; add esi, 4 ; sub edi, ecx ; add edi, 512 ;xor ecx, ecx ; cmp edi, dataBuffer.size1 ; ( ), jb loadConfig.block call readOptKey ; call gotoEndString ; call readScanKey call gotoEndString call readOptRadius ; mode 3 call gotoEndString call readOptSize ; call gotoEndString pop eax ebx ecx esi edi jmp loadConfig.end .default: mov eax, defaultDataForConfig mov edx, defaultDataSize jmp loadConfig.start .end: mov ecx, dword[fileAdr] ; , cmp ecx, 0 je @f mcall 68, 13, ecx ; @@: call updateParams ; call setMySize ; pop edx ecx ebx eax ret setMySize: push eax ; mysize sizeStyle cmp byte[sizeStyle], '0' jb @f cmp byte[sizeStyle], '7' ja @f mov eax, 0 ; , mov al, byte[sizeStyle] sub al, '0' jmp .end @@: cmp byte[sizeStyle], 'a' je .auto ;cmp byte[sizeStyle], 's' ;je .system .system: ; : s - ; push ebx ecx ;!!! ; mov eax, 9 ; mcall 48, 11 ; ;eax - ; mov ecx, eax ; push eax ; mcall 48, 12, ecx ; ; pop eax ; pop ecx ebx ;temp fix - and -1 ; push ebx edx ; mov ebx, 9 ;div ebx ; pop edx ebx ;cmp eax, 0 ;je .end ;dec eax mov eax, 0 ;xor eax, eax ;test temp jmp .end .auto: ;a - ;!!! mcall 14 push ebx xor ebx, ebx mov bx, ax shr eax, 16 cmp ax, bx ; jae .a mov ax, bx .a: pop ebx cmp ax, 1919 ; 0 1 jb .size0 cmp ax, 2047 jb .size1 cmp ax, 4095 jb .size2 cmp ax, 8191 jb .size3 jmp .size4 .size0: mov eax, 0 jmp .end .size1: mov eax, 1 jmp .end .size2: mov eax, 2 jmp .end .size3: mov eax, 3 jmp .end .size4: mov eax, 4 jmp .end .size5: mov eax, 5 jmp .end .size6: mov eax, 6 jmp .end .size7: mov eax, 7 jmp .end ;.default: ; mov eax, 1 .end: mov byte[mysize], al ;mov dword[mysize], eax pop eax ret readScanKey: ; cmp eax, edx ; , ja .default ; cmp byte[eax], 10 je @f cmp byte[eax], 0 je @f cmp byte[eax], 13 je @f push ecx ebx esi mov ecx, 0 ;xor ecx, ecx mov esi, keystr.data .copy: mov bl, byte[eax] cmp bl, 0 je .copyEnd cmp bl, 10 je .copyEnd cmp bl, 13 je .copyEnd cmp esi, keystr.size-1 jae .copyEnd mov byte[esi], bl inc esi inc eax inc ecx jmp .copy .copyEnd: mov byte[esi], 0 mov dword[keystr.size], ecx pop esi ebx ecx jmp .end @@: inc eax jmp readScanKey .default: mov byte[keyscan], 57 mov word[keystr.data], '57' mov byte[keystr.data+2], 0 mov dword[keystr.size], 2 .end: ret readOptKey: ;1;3;4;5 - space or shift ; cmp eax, edx ; , ja .default ; cmp byte[eax], 10 je @f cmp byte[eax], 0 je @f cmp byte[eax], 13 je @f ; cmp dword[eax], 'Ctrl' jne .notCtrl mov byte[hkSymbol], 3 mov dword[hkSize], 4 jmp .end .notCtrl: cmp dword[eax], 'Shif' jne .notShift mov byte[hkSymbol], 2 mov dword[hkSize], 5 jmp .end .notShift: cmp dword[eax], 'Spac' jne .notSpace mov byte[hkSymbol], 32 mov dword[hkSize], 5 jmp .end .notSpace: cmp word[eax], 'Al' jne .notAlt mov byte[hkSymbol], 1 mov dword[hkSize], 3 jmp .end .notAlt: ;, 1 , cmp byte[eax+1], 10 je .oneSymb cmp byte[eax+1], 0 je .oneSymb cmp byte[eax+1], 13 je .oneSymb jmp .default .oneSymb: ;, !!! ; push ebx ;xor ebx, ebx mov bl, byte[eax] mov byte[hkSymbol], bl mov dword[hkSize], 1 pop ebx jmp .end @@: inc eax jmp readOptKey .default: mov byte[hkSymbol], 32 mov dword[hkSize], 5 .end: mov byte[hkSymbol+1], 0 ret ; gotoEndString: cmp eax, edx ; , ja @f ; cmp byte[eax], 10 je @f cmp byte[eax], 0 je @f cmp byte[eax], 13 je @f ; inc eax jmp gotoEndString @@: ret readOptRadius: ; cmp eax, edx ; , ja .default ; cmp byte[eax], 10 je @f cmp byte[eax], 0 je @f cmp byte[eax], 13 je @f ; push ebx ecx xor ecx, ecx .readValue: mov bl, byte[eax] mov byte[radiusBuffer.data+ecx], bl inc ecx inc eax cmp eax, edx ; , ja .readEnd cmp byte[eax], 10 je .readEnd cmp byte[eax], 0 je .readEnd cmp byte[eax], 13 je .readEnd cmp ecx, 6 jae .readEnd jmp .readValue .readEnd: mov byte[radiusBuffer.data+ecx], 0 mov dword[radiusBuffer.size], ecx pop ecx ebx jmp .end @@: inc eax jmp readOptRadius .default: mov byte[radiusBuffer.data], '0' mov byte[radiusBuffer.data+1], 0 mov dword[radiusBuffer.size], 1 .end: ret readOptSize: ; cmp eax, edx ; , ja .default ; cmp byte[eax], 10 je @f cmp byte[eax], 0 je @f cmp byte[eax], 13 je @f ;, : 1-7, a, s cmp byte[eax], 'a' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], 's' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '0' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '1' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '2' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '3' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '4' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '5' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '6' je .setValue cmp byte[eax], '7' je .setValue jmp .default ; .setValue: push ebx mov bl, byte[eax] mov byte[sizeStyle], bl pop ebx jmp .end @@: inc eax jmp readOptSize .default: mov byte[sizeStyle], 's' ; .end: ret updateParams: ;max, size, pos push eax mov eax, dword[dataBuffer.size1] mov dword[editLU.size], eax mov dword[editLU.pos], eax mov eax, dword[dataBuffer.size2] mov dword[editLD.size], eax mov dword[editLD.pos], eax mov eax, dword[dataBuffer.size3] mov dword[editRU.size], eax mov dword[editRU.pos], eax mov eax, dword[dataBuffer.size4] mov dword[editRD.size], eax mov dword[editRD.pos], eax mov eax, dword[radiusBuffer.size] mov dword[editRadius.size], eax mov dword[editRadius.pos], eax pop eax ret selfName db 'HACONFIG', 0 selfNameSize = 8 ; 11 byte ; compareBytes: push edi esi ecx ebx mov eax, 0 ;xor eax, eax mov ecx, selfNameSize ;max 11 @@: mov bl, byte[edi] cmp bl, byte[esi] jne compareBytes.no inc edi inc esi cmp ecx, 0 je @f dec ecx jmp @b .no: mov eax, 1 @@: pop ebx ecx esi edi ret ; slotMax dd 0 selfPID dd 0 buf db 1024 dup(0) copyKill: push eax ebx ecx esi edi ; mcall 9, buf, -1 mov eax, dword[buf+30] mov dword[selfPID], eax ;, : mov esi, selfName ; - mov edi, buf ; - add edi, 10 mov ecx, 1 @@: mcall 9, buf, ecx mov dword[slotMax], eax ; , mov eax, dword[buf+30] cmp eax, dword[selfPID] je copyKill.propusk call compareBytes ; 11 , eax cmp eax, 0 je copyKill.selfKill .propusk: inc ecx cmp ecx, dword[slotMax] ja @f jmp @b .selfKill: pop edi esi ecx ebx eax mcall -1 ret @@: pop edi esi ecx ebx eax ret WindowsWidth = 550 WindowsHeight = 235 coord: ; .y dw 0 .x dw 0 draw_window: mcall 12, 1 ; Start window redraw ; : mcall 14 ; mov dword[coord], eax ; shr word[coord.x], 1 ; shr word[coord.y], 1 ; , sub word[coord.x], WindowsWidth/2 sub word[coord.y], WindowsHeight/2 mov eax, 0 ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx, 0 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov bx, word[coord.x] shl ebx, 16 mov bx, WindowsWidth mov ecx, 0 mov cx, word[coord.y] ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] shl ecx, 16 mov cx, WindowsHeight mov edx, 0x14ffffff ; color of work area RRGGBB ; 0x02000000 = window type 4 (fixed size, skinned window) mov esi, 0x808899ff ; color of grab bar RRGGBB ; 0x80000000 = color glide mov edi, title mcall invoke edit_box_draw, editLU ; edit box' invoke edit_box_draw, editLD invoke edit_box_draw, editRU invoke edit_box_draw, editRD ; buttonAppleY = WindowsHeight-40 mcall 8, , , 2, 0x00AABBCC mcall 4, , 0x10FFFFFF, buttonText, buttonTextSize ; 4 ; 4,5,6 7 buttonW = 30 buttonH = 21 ; mcall 8, , <85,buttonH>, 4, 0x00AABBCC ; mcall 8, , <120,buttonH>, 5 ; mcall 8, , <85,buttonH>, 6 ; mcall 8, , <120,buttonH>, 7 ; 4 mov ecx, 0xFFFFFF ; mov edx, commonButtonText ; mov esi, commonButtonTextSize ; ; (x, y) deltaCommonTextX = 7 deltaCommonTextY = 6 mcall 4, mcall 4, mcall 4, mcall 4, ;delete mode button, if it exist mov edx, 0x80000008 mcall 8 ;draw button Mode buttonModeX = 30 ;433 buttonModeY = 160 ;50 buttonModeWidth = 300 buttonModeHeight = 20 buttonModeTextYoffset = 3 buttonModeTextXoffset = 5 mcall 8, , , 8, 0x00FFFFFF mcall 13, , , 0xAABBCC ;draw text for button Mode mov ebx, (buttonModeX+buttonModeTextXoffset) * 65536 + (buttonModeY+buttonModeTextYoffset) ;(x, y) mov ecx, 0x10000000 call setTextModeMenu mov esi, valueModeMenuSize mcall 4 mov ebx, (buttonModeX+buttonModeWidth-12) * 65536 + (buttonModeY+buttonModeTextYoffset+3) mov ecx, 0x80FFFFFF mov edx, symbolDownArrow mcall 4 ; buttonHotKeyX = 350-10 buttonHotKeyWidth = 90 mov edx, 0x80000009 ; mcall 8 cmp byte[mode], 49 ; , mode > 1 jbe @f ; push eax ebx ecx edx esi mov ebx, buttonHotKeyX*65536 + buttonHotKeyWidth ;X + Width mov ecx, buttonModeY*65536 + buttonModeHeight ;Y + Height mov edx, 0x00000009 ;button id mov esi, 0x00FFFFFF ;color button mcall 8 pop esi edx ecx ebx eax ; mov ebx, (buttonHotKeyX+buttonModeTextXoffset) * 65536 + (buttonModeY+buttonModeTextYoffset) ;(x, y) mov ecx, 0x90224466 call setTextForHotKey mov esi, valueModeMenuSize mcall 4 ; push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi mov ebx, buttonHotKeyX * 65536 + (buttonModeY-11) mov ecx, 0x80224466 mov edx, hkCaption mov esi, 3 mcall 4 pop esi edi edx ecx ebx eax @@: ; , 3 cmp byte[mode], 51 jne @f ; push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi mov ebx, (buttonHotKeyX + buttonHotKeyWidth + 20) * 65536 + (buttonModeY-11) mov ecx, 0x80224466 mov edx, radiusCaption mov esi, 3 mcall 4 pop esi edi edx ecx ebx eax invoke edit_box_draw, editRadius @@: call draw_super_text LineLength = 62 mov ebx, Otstup * 65536 + 32 ; draw info text with function 4 (x, y) ;xor ecx, ecx ;mov cl, 1 ;byte[mysize] ;shl ecx, 24 ;add ecx, 0x224466 ;or ecx, 0x00224466 ;80224466 mov ecx, 0x10224466 mov edx, text mov esi, LineLength mov eax, 4 .newline: ; text from the DATA AREA mcall add ebx, 15 add edx, LineLength cmp byte[edx], 0 jne .newline mcall 12, 2 ; End window redraw ret hkSymbol: db 0, 0 setTextForHotKey: push eax mov al, byte[hkSymbol] cmp al, 0 jne @f mov edx, hkHint mov dword[hkSize], 5 ; SPACE ;shift jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 1 jne @f mov edx, hkAlt mov dword[hkSize], 3 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 2 jne @f mov edx, hkShift mov dword[hkSize], 5 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 3 jne @f mov edx, hkCtrl mov dword[hkSize], 4 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 32 jne @f mov edx, hkSpace mov dword[hkSize], 5 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 96 ;'`' je setTextForHotKey.symb cmp al, 126 ;'~' je setTextForHotKey.symb cmp al, 48 ;'0' jb @f cmp al, 57 ;'9' ja @f .symb: mov edx, hkSymbol mov dword[hkSize], 1 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 97 ;'a' jb @f cmp al, 122 ;'z' ja @f ;jmp setTextForHotKey.symb mov edx, hkSymbol mov dword[hkSize], 1 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: cmp al, 65 ;'A' jb @f cmp al, 90 ;'Z' ja @f ;jmp setTextForHotKey.symb mov edx, hkSymbol mov dword[hkSize], 1 jmp setTextForHotKey.end @@: mov word[hkSymbol], 0 ; - , mov edx, hkHint mov dword[hkSize], 5 ;shift or space - .end: pop eax ret setTextModeMenu: cmp byte[mode], 48 jne @f mov edx, valueModeMenu0 ret @@: cmp byte[mode], 49 jne @f mov edx, valueModeMenu1 ret @@: cmp byte[mode], 50 jne @f mov edx, valueModeMenu2 ret @@: cmp byte[mode], 51 jne @f mov edx, valueModeMenu3 ret @@: mov edx, valueModeMenu1 ret saveKey: cmp word[hkSymbol], 0 je .default cmp byte[hkSymbol], 1 je .alt cmp byte[hkSymbol], 2 je .shift cmp byte[hkSymbol], 3 je .ctrl cmp byte[hkSymbol], 32 je .space .other: mov esi, hkSymbol mov byte[esi+1], 0 mov dword[hkSize], 1 jmp .end .space: mov esi, hkSpace mov dword[hkSize], 5 jmp .end .ctrl: mov esi, hkCtrl mov dword[hkSize], 4 jmp .end .alt: mov esi, hkAlt mov dword[hkSize], 3 jmp .end .default: .shift: mov esi, hkShift mov dword[hkSize], 5 .end: mov ebx, hkSize ; dword[hkSize] call copyParam ret align 16 @IMPORT: library box_lib, 'box_lib.obj' import box_lib,\ edit_box_draw, 'edit_box',\ edit_box_key, 'edit_box_key',\ edit_box_mouse, 'edit_box_mouse',\ init_checkbox, 'init_checkbox2',\ check_box_draw, 'check_box_draw2',\ check_box_mouse, 'check_box_mouse2',\ option_box_draw, 'option_box_draw',\ option_box_mouse, 'option_box_mouse' commonButtonText db '...', 0 ; OpenDial commonButtonTextSize = 3 if lang eq ru ; text db "䨣 Hot Angles ⢥砥 ன ⨢ 㣫. " db "ன ࠬ ᥡ ⪫ . " db " ", 0 hed: title db "䨣 ⨫ Hot Angles", 0 buttonText db "ਬ", 0 buttonTextSize = 9 ch_text db '/⨢஢ "Hot Angles"', 0 superText: .lu db ' 孥 㣫: ', 0 .ld db ' 㣫: ', 0 .ru db ' ࠢ 孥 㣫:', 0 .rd db ' ࠢ 㣫: ', 0 superTextSize = 30 valueModeMenuSize = 32 ModeMenu db ' ࠡ:',0 valueModeMenu0 db '⪫祭 ',0 valueModeMenu1 db '᪨ ० ',0 valueModeMenu2 db '० 祩 ',0 valueModeMenu3 db '० ⨢樨',0 hkCaption: db ':',0 ;hkHint: db ' ',0 radiusCaption: db ':',0 else ; text db "This is a Hot Angles Configurator. " db "Set the parameters bellow for yourself or disable this option." db " ", 0 hed: title db "Hot Angles Configurator", 0 buttonText db " Apply ", 0 buttonTextSize = 9 ch_text db 'Activate "Hot Angles"',0 ; superText: .lu db 'Left up angle command: ', 0 .ld db 'Left down angle command: ', 0 .ru db 'Right up angle command: ', 0 .rd db 'Right down angle command:', 0 superTextSize = 25 valueModeMenuSize = 32 ModeMenu db 'Mode:',0 valueModeMenu0 db 'disabled ',0 valueModeMenu1 db 'classic mode ',0 valueModeMenu2 db 'hot key mode ',0 valueModeMenu3 db 'activation key gesture mode ',0 hkCaption: db 'Key:',0 ;hkHint: db 'press any key',0 radiusCaption: db 'Radius:',0 end if hkAlt: db 'Alt',0 hkShift: db 'Shift',0 hkCtrl: db 'Ctrl',0 hkSpace: db 'Space',0 hkHint: db '?',0 hkSize: rd 1 ; draw_super_text: push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi mov ecx, 0 mov ch, byte[mysize] shl ecx, 16 add ecx, 0x224466 mcall 4, ,,superText.lu,superTextSize mcall 4, ,,superText.ld,superTextSize mcall 4, <290,74> ,,superText.ru,superTextSize mcall 4, <290,109> ,,superText.rd,superTextSize mov ebx, Otstup * 65536 + (buttonModeY-11) or ecx, 0x80000000 mov edx, ModeMenu mov esi, 3 mcall 4 ; mov ebx, buttonHotKeyX * 65536 + (buttonModeY-11) ; or ecx, 0x80000000 ; mov edx, hkCaption ; mov esi, 3 ; mcall 4 pop esi edi edx ecx ebx eax ret editID db 0 initEBX: cmp byte[editID], 4 jne @f mov ebx, dataBuffer.1 ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 5 jne @f mov ebx, dataBuffer.2 ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 6 jne @f mov ebx, dataBuffer.3 ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 7 jne @f mov ebx, dataBuffer.4 ret @@: ret setRESULT: cmp byte[editID], 4 jne @f mov dword[dataBuffer.size1], ecx mov dword[editLU.size], ecx mov dword[editLU.pos], ecx ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 5 jne @f mov dword[dataBuffer.size2], ecx mov dword[editLD.size], ecx mov dword[editLD.pos], ecx ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 6 jne @f mov dword[dataBuffer.size3], ecx mov dword[editRU.size], ecx mov dword[editRU.pos], ecx ret @@: cmp byte[editID], 7 jne @f mov dword[dataBuffer.size4], ecx mov dword[editRD.size], ecx mov dword[editRD.pos], ecx ret @@: ret copyPath: push eax ebx ecx edx ;copy file name path mov eax, openfile_path ;dword[OpenDialog_data.openfile_path] call initEBX ;mov ebx, dataBuffer.1 ;.data mov ecx, 0 @@: mov dl, byte[eax] cmp dl, 0 ;byte[eax], 0 je @f mov byte[ebx], dl inc eax inc ebx inc ecx jmp @b @@: mov byte[ebx], 0 call setRESULT pop edx ecx ebx eax ret IntToStr: ;in esi - ; ex - push eax ecx edx esi cmp ecx, 0 jne @f mov byte[esi], 48 ; '0' inc esi jmp .end @@: mov eax, ecx mov ecx, 10 .next: mov edx, 0 div ecx add edx, 48 mov byte[esi], dl inc esi cmp eax, 0 je .end jmp .next .end: mov byte[esi], 0 ; pop esi edx ecx eax call reverseString ; ret ;: esi - reverseString: push eax esi edi mov al, byte[esi] ; cmp al, 0 je reverseString.end mov edi, esi ; edi .go_last_symbol: mov al, byte[edi+1] cmp al, 0 je @f inc edi jmp reverseString.go_last_symbol @@: push ebx .rev: cmp esi, edi jae @f ; mov al, byte[edi] mov bl, byte[esi] mov byte[edi], bl mov byte[esi], al inc esi dec edi jmp reverseString.rev @@: pop ebx .end: pop edi esi eax ret align 4 but_open_dlg: pushad copy_path open_dialog_name,communication_area_default_path,file_name,0 mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0 stdcall[OpenDialog_Start], OpenDialog_data cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],2 je @f cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],0 ; Cancel? je .end_open ; call copyPath jmp .end_open @@: ; ;... .end_open: popad ret ; align 4 OpenDialog_data: .type dd 0 ;0 - , 1 - , 2 - .procinfo dd procinfo .com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8 .com_area dd 0 ;+12 .opendir_path dd plugin_path ;+16 .dir_default_path dd default_dir ;+20 .start_path dd file_name ;+24 .draw_window dd draw_window ;+28 .status dd 0 ;+32 .openfile_path dd openfile_path ;+36 .filename_area dd filename_area ;+40 .filter_area dd Filter .x: .x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size .x_start dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position .y: .y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size .y_start dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position default_dir db '/rd/1',0 ; communication_area_name: db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0 open_dialog_name: db 'opendial',0 communication_area_default_path: db '/rd/1/File managers/',0 Filter: dd Filter.end - Filter.1 .1: ;db 'KEX',0 .end: db 0 mode db 49 ;'1' modeMenu dd 0 coordModeMenu: .x dw 100 .y dw 200 system_dir0 db '/sys/lib/' lib0_name db 'proc_lib.obj',0 system_dir1 db '/sys/lib/' lib1_name db 'kmenu.obj',0 symbolDownArrow db 25,0 ;library structures l_libs_start: lib0 l_libs lib0_name, file_name, system_dir0, import_proclib lib1 l_libs lib1_name, file_name, system_dir1, import_libkmenu load_lib_end: edMaxSize = 510 ; 511 edMax = 0 ;max, size, pos align 4 editLU edit_box 230-buttonW,Otstup+buttonW,85, 0xffffff, 0x6a9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0x10000000, edMaxSize, dataBuffer.1, mouse_dd, 0, edMax, edMax ;ed_focus editLD edit_box 230-buttonW,Otstup+buttonW,120, 0xffffff, 0x6a9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0x10000000, edMaxSize, dataBuffer.2, mouse_dd, 0, edMax, edMax editRU edit_box 230-buttonW,290,85, 0xffffff, 0x6a9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0x10000000, edMaxSize, dataBuffer.3, mouse_dd, 0, edMax, edMax editRD edit_box 230-buttonW,290,120, 0xffffff, 0x6a9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0x10000000, edMaxSize, dataBuffer.4, mouse_dd, 0, edMax, edMax editRadius edit_box 40,(buttonHotKeyX + buttonHotKeyWidth + 20),buttonModeY, 0xffffff, 0x6a9480, 0, 0xAABBCC, 0x10000000, 4, radiusBuffer.data, mouse_dd, ed_figure_only, edMax, edMax align 4 import_proclib: OpenDialog_Init dd aOpenDialog_Init OpenDialog_Start dd aOpenDialog_Start dd 0,0 aOpenDialog_Init db 'OpenDialog_init',0 aOpenDialog_Start db 'OpenDialog_start',0 align 4 import_libkmenu: kmenu_init dd akmenu_init kmainmenu_draw dd akmainmenu_draw kmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent dd akmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent ksubmenu_new dd aksubmenu_new ksubmenu_delete dd aksubmenu_delete ksubmenu_draw dd aksubmenu_draw ksubmenu_add dd aksubmenu_add kmenuitem_new dd akmenuitem_new kmenuitem_delete dd akmenuitem_delete kmenuitem_draw dd akmenuitem_draw dd 0,0 akmenu_init db 'kmenu_init',0 akmainmenu_draw db 'kmainmenu_draw',0 akmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent db 'kmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent',0 aksubmenu_new db 'ksubmenu_new',0 aksubmenu_delete db 'ksubmenu_delete',0 aksubmenu_draw db 'ksubmenu_draw',0 aksubmenu_add db 'ksubmenu_add',0 akmenuitem_new db 'kmenuitem_new',0 akmenuitem_delete db 'kmenuitem_delete',0 akmenuitem_draw db 'kmenuitem_draw',0 sc system_colors mouse_dd rd 1 sizeStyle: rb 1 ; mysize: rb 1 ;rd 1 radiusBuffer: ; .data: rb 6 .size: rd 1 radiusBufferEnd: button_press rd 0 ;for kmenu sys_path: rb 4096 file_name: rb 4096 plugin_path: rb 4096 openfile_path: rb 4096 filename_area: rb 256 rb 1024 procinfo process_information pi rb 1024 keyscan: rb 1 keystr: .data: rb 4 ; .size: rd 1 ; dataBuffer: .1: rb 512 .2: rb 512 .3: rb 512 .4: rb 512 .size1: rd 1 .size2: rd 1 .size3: rd 1 .size4: rd 1 ;255+255+2 = 512 ; , 0 dataBufferEnd: I_END: rb 4096 align 16 STACKTOP: MEM: