/* THE BUS Copyright (C) 2008, 2012, 2017 Leency Menu image from Freepik.com D O N K E Y Copyright (C) 2008 O.Bogomaz */ #ifndef AUTOBUILD #include "lang.h--" #endif #define MEMSIZE 1024 * 60; #include "..\lib\kolibri.h" #include "..\lib\random.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libimg.h" libimg_image menu; libimg_image road; libimg_image objects; int frame_timeout = 1; int lifes=0, level=0, score=0; int don_x, don_y, don_h, don_w=68, don_type, don_image_y, don_step_y, don_step_y_default=3; int don_h_mas[8] = { 36,72,36,74,24,64,48,74 }; int bus_x, bus_w=42, bus_y, bus_h=88, bus_y_default=290; #define SCR_MENU_MAIN 1 #define SCR_GAME 2 #define SCR_PAUSE 3 #define RAND -1 #define WIN_X 516 #define WIN_Y 382 int screen_type=SCR_MENU_MAIN; #define COLOR_ROAD 0x6D879B; int active_menu_item=0; #ifdef LANG_RUS #define THE_BUS_TEXT "Маршрутка" #define CONTROLS_TEXT "'Маршрутка Управление: Влево/Вправо или Пробел Клавиша P ставит на паузу'tI" #define ABOUT_TEXT "'Маршрутка Версия v1.01 Сыграйте за дерзкого маршрутчика, который несется домой после смены. Он уже накатил рюмаху с мужиками и теперь его ничто не остановит! Автор Leency Картинка в меню Freepik.com'tI" #define PAUSE_TEXT "ПАУЗА" #define GAME_OVER_TEXT "Игра окончена" #define FINAL_SCORE_TEXT "Финальный счет" #define LIFES_TEXT "Жизни" #define LEVEL_TEXT "Уровень" #define SCORE_TEXT "Счет" char *MENU_LIST[]={ "Новая игра", "Управление", "Об игре", "Выход", 0}; #else #define THE_BUS_TEXT "THE BUS" #define CONTROLS_TEXT "'The Bus Control keys: Left, Right, Space Press P key for pause'tI" #define ABOUT_TEXT "'The Bus Version v1.01 Author: Leency Menu image from Freepik.com'tI" #define PAUSE_TEXT "PAUSE" #define GAME_OVER_TEXT "GAME OVER" #define FINAL_SCORE_TEXT "Final Score" #define LIFES_TEXT "Lifes" #define LEVEL_TEXT "Level" #define SCORE_TEXT "Score" char *MENU_LIST[]={ "New game", "Control keys", "About", "Exit", 0}; #endif void DrawObstacle(signed int x, y) { int don_offset_y; int image_h; if (y >= 0) { image_h = don_h; don_offset_y = don_image_y; } else { image_h = don_h + y; don_offset_y = don_image_y - y; y = 0; } DrawBar(x, y-don_step_y, don_w, don_step_y, COLOR_ROAD); if (y>0) && (y0) DrawLibImage(objects.image, x, y, don_w, image_h, 0, don_offset_y); } void DrawBus(dword x, y) { DrawLibImage(objects.image, x, y, bus_w, bus_h, 0, 444); } void DrawBoom(dword x, y) { DrawLibImage(objects.image, x, y, 78, 66, 0, 536); } void DrawHighway() { DrawLibImage(road.image, 0,0, WIN_X, WIN_Y, 0, 0); } void DrawMenuBackground() { DrawLibImage(menu.image, 0, 0, WIN_X, WIN_Y, 0, 0); } void main() { randomize(); StartNewGame(); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); menu.load(abspath("menu.png")); road.load(abspath("road.png")); objects.load(abspath("objects.png")); loop() switch(@WaitEventTimeout(frame_timeout)) { case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) { if (screen_type==SCR_GAME) SetScreen(SCR_MENU_MAIN); else if (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) ExitProcess(); } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_DOWN) && (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) { if (active_menu_item<>3) active_menu_item++; ELSE active_menu_item=0; DrawMenuList(); } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_UP) && (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) { if (active_menu_item<>0) active_menu_item--; ELSE active_menu_item=3; DrawMenuList(); } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ENTER) && (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) { if (active_menu_item==0) { StartNewGame(); SetScreen(SCR_GAME); } if (active_menu_item==1) notify(CONTROLS_TEXT); if (active_menu_item==2) notify(ABOUT_TEXT); if (active_menu_item==3) ExitProcess(); } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_SPACE) && (screen_type==SCR_GAME) { DrawBar(bus_x*80+200, bus_y, bus_w, bus_h+1, COLOR_ROAD); if (bus_x==1) bus_x=0; else bus_x=1; } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_LEFT) && (screen_type==SCR_GAME) { if (bus_x==0) break; DrawBar(bus_x*80+200, bus_y, bus_w, bus_h+1, COLOR_ROAD); bus_x=0; } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_RIGHT) && (screen_type==SCR_GAME) { if (bus_x==1) break; DrawBar(bus_x*80+200, bus_y, bus_w, bus_h+1, COLOR_ROAD); bus_x=1; } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_P) { if (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) break; else if (screen_type==SCR_GAME) SetScreen(SCR_PAUSE); else if (screen_type==SCR_PAUSE) SetScreen(SCR_GAME); } break; case evReDraw: DefineAndDrawWindow(250,150,WIN_X-1,WIN_Y-1,0x01,0,THE_BUS_TEXT,0); //0x74 is also possible if you fix bottom border DrawScreen(); break; case evButton: ExitProcess(); break; default: if (screen_type==SCR_GAME) { if ((don_x == bus_x)&&(don_y + don_h > bus_y )&&(don_y < bus_y + don_h )) { lifes--; DrawBus(bus_x*80+200,bus_y); DrawBoom(bus_x*80+180,bus_y+10); pause(150); GetNewObstacle(RAND); DrawScreen(); } if (lifes==0) { DrawGameOverMessage(); break; } don_y += don_step_y; if (don_y - don_step_y >= WIN_Y) { GetNewObstacle(RAND); score++; bus_y -= don_step_y+1; DrawBar(bus_x*80+200, bus_y+bus_h, bus_w, don_step_y+1, COLOR_ROAD); WriteScore(); } if (score) && (score % 15 == 0) { score++; NewLevel(); DrawScreen(); don_step_y++; } DrawRoad(); } } } void NewLevel() { level++; bus_y = bus_y_default; } void StartNewGame() { lifes=3; level=0; score=0; bus_y = bus_y_default; don_step_y = don_step_y_default; GetNewObstacle(RAND); } void WriteScore() { DrawLibImage(road.image, 20, 166, 120, 24, 20, 164); WriteText(20, 140, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, SCORE_TEXT); WriteText(20, 166, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, itoa(score)); } void SetScreen(dword _screen_type) { screen_type = _screen_type; DrawScreen(); } void DrawScreen() { int i; if (screen_type==SCR_MENU_MAIN) { DrawMenuBackground(); WriteTextB(20, 20, 0x83, 0xE8783F, THE_BUS_TEXT); DrawMenuList(); } if (screen_type==SCR_GAME) || (screen_type==SCR_PAUSE) { DrawHighway(); WriteText(20, 20, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, LIFES_TEXT); WriteText(20, 46, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, itoa(lifes)); WriteText(20, 80, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, LEVEL_TEXT); WriteText(20, 106, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, itoa(level)); WriteScore(); DrawRoad(); if (screen_type==SCR_PAUSE) { DrawBar(0,0,140,60,0xFF0000); WriteText(10,14,0x83,0xFFFfff,PAUSE_TEXT); } } } void DrawMenuList() { int j; for (j=0; j<4; j++) DrawMenuItem(j, j); } void DrawMenuItem(int item_n, text_n) { dword color; if (active_menu_item==item_n) color = 0xFF0000; else color = 0xFFffff; WriteText(20+2, item_n*56+116+2, 0x81, 0xAAAaaa, MENU_LIST[text_n]); WriteText(20, item_n*56+116, 0x81, color, MENU_LIST[text_n]); } void DrawGameOverMessage() { DrawBar(0, 0, WIN_X, WIN_Y, 0xF3E1BD); WriteText(40, 40, 0x81, 0xA48C74, GAME_OVER_TEXT); WriteText(40, 75, 0x81, 0xA48C74, FINAL_SCORE_TEXT); WriteTextB(40, 140, 0x85, 0xA48C74, itoa(score)); pause(350); active_menu_item=0; SetScreen(SCR_MENU_MAIN); } void GetNewObstacle(int N) { int i; don_x = random(2); if (N==RAND) don_type = random(7); else don_type = N; don_h = don_h_mas[don_type]; don_y = -don_h; don_image_y = 0; for (i = 0; i < don_type; i++) don_image_y += don_h_mas[i]+2; //calculate image y offset for current obstacle } #define LINE_LENGTH 10 int line_y=0; void DrawLineSeparator() { int y; if (screen_type == SCR_GAME) line_y += don_step_y; //the beginning of the white dashed line between two roadways if (line_y>=20) { line_y=0; } else { DrawBar(258, 0, 2, line_y, COLOR_ROAD); DrawBar(258, 0, 2, line_y-LINE_LENGTH, 0xDDE9F2); } for (y=0; y